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Today, Marvel Comics publishes about a hundred comics a month, either regular or mini-series, and Wolverine appears in 80% of them. Whether he plays the lead role or settles for a cameo for a couple of pages, his appearance is always accompanied by an increase in sales of the comic he visits and a stir among readers.

Considering that most Marvel series take place in the same universe and in more or less the same period of time, there is often reason to wonder how Wolverine can be in several places at once (not to mention participating in two or three teams at the same time). This quality makes James Howlett a unique character, whose popularity goes beyond all reasonable limits, irritates many, but continues to grow. The first solo film in the X-Men universe was dedicated to him, and in the previous trilogy, for that matter, he was always at the center of the plot.

In May 2008, the authoritative American magazine Wizard ranked him first in the list of the two hundred best comic book characters of all time. Why did this particular character become one of the leading heroes of the world's largest comic book publishing house? What is the secret of his popularity?

James Howlett, known by his nicknames Logan and Wolverine, has superpowers obtained naturally and artificially. The genetic mutation gave him powerful vision, hearing and smell, claws popping out of his hands and a healing factor that allowed him to endure the most severe injuries (he was once able to recover from a naked skeleton), as well as granting immunity to alcohol, drugs and toxins. And, no less important, it slows down the aging process. So the real age of the hero was a big question until a certain time. Dramatic changes in genes also affected Wolverine’s consciousness, bringing his bestial nature to the fore. Over time, Logan learned to suppress it, but he still has attacks of aggression, during which he goes into berserker mode, mindlessly destroying everything in his path. The Weapon X program covered James's skeleton with the strongest metal on Earth - adamantium, turning his bone claws into sharp blades and enhancing his natural abilities and physical endurance several times. Thus, Logan became a perfect killing machine, but with a kind and sensitive heart.

Wolverine's first appearance was on the last page of issue 180 of the series. Incredible Hulk, released in October 1974, and in 181 he acted as a full-fledged hero. It was created by screenwriter Len Wein and legendary artist John Romita Sr. The latter's participation, however, was limited only to the design of the yellow and blue suit (it was this suit that actually became the main symbol of the hero), and the comic book itself was drawn by Herb Trimpe. Logan was introduced as an agent of the Canadian government, sent to deal with the giant Hulk who had invaded his country. Since then, these two have met repeatedly for a rematch, with one or the other emerging victorious, but it was never possible to find out who was stronger in the end. Recently, the story of their acquaintance was reproduced in a cartoon.

At first, some writers planned to explain Logan's origins in a very wild way - as if he had mutated into a humanoid creature from a real wolverine cub. Even the famous claws were intended to be nothing more than blades attached to gloves. But both ideas, fortunately, were abandoned, otherwise anyone who put on these gloves could become Wolverine.

New heroes appeared in comics almost every month, and after his high-profile debut, Logan was forgotten for some time. Only when the original X-Men team (Angel, Beast, Cyclops, Iceman and Jean Gray) decided to add new members did the writers remember the existence of the clawed hero. They decided to make him a mutant, and starting in 1975, Wolverine began to appear regularly in X-Men comics.

It must be said that for all his natural quarrelsomeness, the Canadian fit perfectly into the team and became one of its irreplaceable members. At that early period, he had not yet gone beyond the scope of a hero of the second or third plan, but even then, in his relationships with other mutants, Logan’s character began to manifest itself. He has shown himself to be rude, tough and uncompromising, but at the same time follows a code of honor, has extensive knowledge of the languages ​​and cultures of the world (which he owes to his age) and is a reliable partner. It is not surprising that such a contrast immediately gave Wolverine many fans.

Wolverine (English) Wolverine), also a fictional character from a comic book series, real name James Logan Howlett, who is a member of a large number of super teams. He first appeared in comics in 1974.

Wolverine- this is a person who somehow mutated and received superhuman abilities, the first Wolverine's superpower is the ability to regenerate, thanks to which he went through a large number of wars, starting from the First World War, then the Second World War, the war in Vietnam and Spain.

Wolverine can withstand the effects of various poisons that cannot harm him; regeneration is so strong that even after receiving a large dose of tranquilizers, his muscles fight the substance, helping him remain conscious. He also has increased agility, reaction and endurance. Plus, the structure of his skeleton has 6 claws, three on each hand, which appear between the hero’s fingers during battle. In one of the comics about Wolverine, there is a plot where he falls under the influence of the special services and their Weapon X program, where his skeleton and all the bones are covered with a very strong alloy of adamantium.

In comics Wolverines He has a very sharp character, he is fearless and untamable, and has great willpower.

The peculiarity of the adamantium alloy is its extraordinary hardness; after a government experiment in which Logan’s skeleton was coated with this alloy, his claws can now cut any metal. Also, such a weighted skeleton allows you to deliver more serious and heavy blows with your fists. But the downside of the fact that it is still metal is that it is vulnerable to electrical or magnetic attacks, which is what the villain Magneto takes advantage of.

Wolverine, as is known from the comic book series about him, visited many countries of the world, where he studied a large number of martial arts, and is also fluent in all types of weapons that exist on earth. In some episodes, he showed his fighting qualities in fights with Shang-chi and Captain America, where he performed with each one on one.

During close combat, Wolverine can fly into a rage, thereby striking with very high speed and cruelty. It is said that he does not like such manifestations of himself, but once such a state saved his life.
Wolverine can speak many languages, and regeneration has given him the ability to slowly age. Throughout his life, he visited many countries, where he gained knowledge.

In comics Wolverine manifests himself as a loner, he does not like company, and often leaves the X-Men team of super heroes. 5.0 out of 5 based on 3 ratings

Contains an innumerable number of unique characters. One of them is nicknamed Wolverine - a Marvel comics hero with a difficult character and a more than stupid hairstyle. He is the owner of many, they do not harm him, but are popularized (unfortunately) among ordinary people. Our entertainment portal will tell you about this and much more today. In general, Wolverine in all his glory. Meet:

At the very beginning, our entertainment portal wants to note that we will not build on the film version, just like we did with the unfortunate one. We will tell you the truth, present you with the information that is in the primary sources - comics.

Wolverine is a member of a group of mutants called the X-Men. The main features of this super hero: regeneration and an adamantium skeleton (the hardest but non-existent metal). Killing him is as easy as spitting on the moon while on our(?) planet. But, unlike other good comic book heroes, Wolverine is by no means a restrained and reasonable guy. On the contrary, it is an aggressive animal that rushes into battle at the first opportunity. Actually, because of his bad character, he received the nickname, because he is the most vicious animal on the planet. Moreover, it’s not even about his ability to regenerate, because of which you don’t have to be afraid of anything, Logan loves to fight and kill, because he just loves it. But if there really is a reason...

Facts about Wolverine:

1. Wolverine's real name James Howlett is usually just Logan.

2. Wolverine's super abilities include: healing/regeneration, enormous physical strength and willpower, an aggressive nature, an adamantium skeleton, and adamantium claws (there are no holes for them, they tear his flesh every time they appear).

3. Prone to recklessness. He often gets into trouble in situations that would kill anyone but Wolverine. He allows himself to be hurt if someone needs it - to intimidate him, to free himself from prison, or simply because he wanted it.

4. Despite his evil nature, he is very smart, but not because he is a nerd by nature, but because of his long life. He’s been to a lot of places, seen a lot of things, knows a lot of foreign languages.

5. There are two children: Erista and Daken, and also a female clone named Laura Kiney (Wolverine wants to adopt her). Plus 5 more cubs, but before Wolverine found out that these were his offspring, he killed them a little.

6. In close combat, he can fall into a “berserker rage”, and then fights with doubled aggression and is less weak before a psionic attack. He hates this condition, but he personally says that it has saved his anus many times.

7. Other Marvel comics heroes are not so popular among readers. Simply because they are not Wolverine.

Origin of Wolverine. James Howlett was born into a more than wealthy family. His parents' names were John and Elizabeth, and it seems like the folks at Marvel have a knack for giving memorable names to their characters. According to legend, the family lived in Canada at the end of the 19th century.

James was a weak child and spent most of his time on his estate. His parents decided to bring a girl named Rose to their estate to become James's friend. Maybe, just maybe, it's all about the family interests of the future favorite of Marvel comics readers. By the way, everyone who lived in that house either disappeared or died. Sorry for the spoiler!

In addition to the above-mentioned individuals, a caretaker named Thomas Logan lived on the estate. He was such a loving father that he named his son Dog. Raised by an alcoholic father, the teenager decided to try to take young Rose by force. Nothing came of this, but the boy did not leave and killed James' dog (animal).

Father and son were kicked out of the estate. Some time later, Thomas Logan, while intoxicated, broke into the house and tried to kidnap Elizabeth Howlett (they had once had an affair). The husband tried to protect his beloved and Logan shot him.

Little James became enraged, and this caused the appearance of bones to the people, which he stabbed into Logan several times. Seeing what was happening, Elizabeth could not stand it and shot herself. James, realizing that his old life was over, took Rose and they ran away.

Years later, Rose fell in love with someone else, and the Hound tracked James down, wanting to kill him. No, really, how can you name your child that? If I had called him Anton, this article would have been much easier to write. For example, Anton found Wolverine. Much clearer. Maybe.

Most importantly, in the film, James and Dog are brothers. This is wrong. Moreover, even Sabretooth is not the brother of the future mutant named Wolverine. In general, James killed Dog Anton and moved on with his life until he became a US soldier. He was then drafted into the Weapon X program and subjected to a terrible experiment, thanks to which he received a gorgeous adamantium skeleton.

Costumes. Wolverine's costumes have become less and less colorful over the years, and that's for the better. Because it is extremely difficult to decide what to do first: scream in horror or giggle evilly when you see a brutal killing machine in a yellow and blue tights.

Enemies. Wolverine has two enemies that we would like to tell you about. His archenemy is Sabretooth, and his bisexual son Daken.

Sabertooth is a mutant with enhanced physical capabilities and rapid regeneration, like Wolverine. He lacks adamantium claws, but his own nails are really dark and the overall appearance of the mutant is quite scary.

Daken. Daken is Wolverine's son from a Japanese woman named Itsu. Daken has the same super powers as Wolverine, but only two claws, and the third comes from his wrist. For Wolverine, all three grow from fists. Daken also has the ability to manipulate his pheromones, making him undetectable even to Wolverine and Sabretooth's sense of smell. Plus, control over personal odors allows him to influence people, evoking in them: love, fear, hatred, pity, etc. In addition to all these charms, Daken has telepathic immunity. But there is the most interesting news - he once had sex with a man, an employee of the Osborn company, in order to obtain secret files. But was this really necessary?

Let's say you are a secret agent who is trying to get some secret files from secret base. And you are a man. Would you:

A) found ANY woman to fish out the access keys to the room where these files are stored;
B) found a GAY man to do quaken-popen with him and gain access to the same room.
...was this the only man who had access to the location where the files in question were located? Hardly. Is this one man gay? Even less likely.

But wait! Daken could control pheromones, couldn't he? Ha! Maybe he used this power to make the only guy who had access to these files think he was gay! How do you like this? Because, if you follow the logic, you could use your fear-inducing pheromones so that the man would give everything he needed. You see, sodomy was completely unnecessary. But you and I understand that this is just an attempt by Marvel to protect gay rights. Or something like that. It's better not to think about it.

In this article you will learn:

Wolverine is a mutant from Marvel comics from the main Earth 616 universe.


110 years old, 166 cm tall, this guy weighs 136 kg, including the weight of his adamantine skeleton. Eyes – brown. His teeth resemble wolf fangs. Around his neck he wears a US Army badge from the Vietnam War, containing only his nickname, blood type and military number.

He is unsociable and gloomy. An eternal exile who went through pain, loneliness and disappointment. All his life, Logan was a man of action, his actions spoke louder than any words... He is a man of honor, part of a world that has forgotten what honor is. He is a lone warrior in a world drowning in violence. Logan does not like unnecessary companies, he always acts alone and no one can stop him for anything. He knows the value of human life, the vices of people and the trials that sometimes fall on their shoulders. Wolverine is a hunter, he is not interested in the opinion of the law, he is guided only by his own justice and administers his own court, where he determines the punishment himself.


He was born sometime in the 1880s, 1890s in Alberta, Canada. He was the son of Elizabeth Howlett and gardener Thomas Logan.

As a teenager, Logan lived with wolves for a long time. During World War II, he served in the Canadian Army and even fought side by side with. After the war, Logan lived in Japan, where he learned samurai martial arts. In this country, Logan met his first wife, who was later killed.

Logan was soon kidnapped by government agents from the secret Weapon X project. Doctors erased his memory and implanted a super-strong adamantium skeleton into his body, which made Wolverine practically immortal. Here, in a secret laboratory, Logan met the other participants in the experiment: Sabretooth, Tramp, Mastodon, Silver Fox and Colonel John Wright, the head of the Weapon X project. For many years, Wolverine was an agent of the organization, its main weapon. He carried out secret missions in different corners Earth, until one day he decided to run away.

From the remaining cells, Wolverine tried to make mutants similar to him, but only the girl survived, sample number 23. His healing factor also helped cancer patient Wade Wilson later, who turned into an insane mercenary who met Logan more than once in battle.

Long-term captivity had a bad effect on his psyche. Logan hated all the people who hurt him and bullied him and other mutants. Having escaped, Wolverine took refuge in the depths of the Canadian forests and led a solitary, semi-wild existence there. Here he met a young Hudson couple - Heather and Jason. They did their best to return Wolverine to human life.

Jason Hudson helped Logan become a secret Canadian government agent. In this role, Wolverine traveled all over the world. He fought with the most famous superheroes and Captain America, and led a secret military unit that included superheroes - “Alpha Squad”.

After some time, Logan met Professor X (Charles Xavier), and he agreed to his offer to become part of the X-Men team. Here Wolverine met Jean Gray, fell in love with her, but was rejected, because Jean was already in love with Scott Summers, nicknamed Cyclops. The rivalry for Jean's heart made Wolverine and Cyclops enemies. Despite this, for the first time in a hundred years, Logan found true friends and a new home.

While the X-Men were working in Japan, Wolverine met the daughter of Japanese mafia boss Yashida, named Mariko. Mariko did not approve of her father's activities; she wanted the family to simply run an honest business. The girl liked mutants and helped the X-Men many times during their mission. Logan and Mariko soon became close and realized that they truly loved each other. But her father opposed his daughter’s union with the mutant, because he already had plans to marry Mariko to an influential yakuza. Shingen hired Yukio's killer and ordered Wolverine to be removed from the road. But Yukio unexpectedly sided with the mutants and together they destroyed the bandit group Shingen and her hated fiancé Mariko. The death of her father made Mariko the head of the Yashida clan. But the girl did not have time to restore order in her clan - the Yakuza poisoned her, and she died in the arms of a grief-stricken Wolverine.

Before taking revenge, dig 10 graves - it will save time later.

Some time later, the X-Men returned to Japan, saving the city of Tokyo from the destruction of a terrible dragon. Logan managed to save a wounded woman and her little daughter from a burning house. Without suffering serious injuries, the woman died, but before her death she made a promise from Logan that he would take care of young Amiko. Wolverine kept his word and adopted the girl. But the life of a superhero does not allow for a quiet life and caring for family. Logan had to return to his duties, so he left the girl in the care of his longtime friend Yukio.

In one of the battles with Magneto, Wolverine managed to defeat the monster, but Magneto did not remain in his debt. He extracted the adamantium from Logan's body, which rendered him mute and turned him into a mad creature, acting only on instinct. Only after some time was Wolverine able to get back on his feet. All the X-Men helped him in this, and even the assassin Electra.

I'm afraid to be alone with my thoughts. I'm afraid of my own memories.

One day, Wolverine was kidnapped by the supervillain Apocalypse. He had heard about Wolverine's abilities and planned to make him the Horseman of Death, his fourth servant. The only condition was Wolverine's victory over his old acquaintance Sabretooth. Sabretooth was also once implanted with an adamantium skeleton. After Logan's victory over his opponent, Apocalypse extracted the adamantium from the defeated enemy and returned it to Wolverine's body. For some time, Apocalypse kept Logan's mind under control, and Wolverine carried out his tasks. But the X-Men team did not leave their friend in trouble. They freed Wolverine from the supervillain's power.

After a series of events, Logan’s memory finally returned and he went in search of his relatives. He even remembered that he has a son, Daken, who is on the side of evil.

Logan confronted the X-Men, who wanted to contribute to the revival of the Phoenix, which was considered the salvation of mutants, as part of the Avengers, believing that the Phoenix would destroy the planet.

Afterwards, at the request of Cyclops, Logan led the X-Force team working for the benefit of mutants.

At the request of Nick Fury, while performing one of the tasks, Wolverine was attacked by a virus from another world. The virus was destroyed, but to great disappointment, Logan lost his healing factor. Now Wolverine lives like ordinary person with his girlfriend Storm, with whom he began a relationship, awaiting his end, because enemies do not sleep.

Over the more than 40-year journey traversed by Wolverine and his legacy, the hero has had many adventures and misadventures. He was a member of many teams and received different incarnations on film or television screens. As the hero changed, so did his costumes. So sit back and read the story about all of Wolverine's costumes.

The first version of the black and yellow suit

First appearance:Incredible Hulk #181 (1974)

Appearance: Already during its first appearance, Wolverine's costume resembled the one that many would love in the future. It had all the basics: yellow spandex, black tiger stripes marked on it, a pointy mask, gloves, and seemingly useless coat hangers.

The main difference between this version of the costume was the mask with a mustache. Apparently wolverines are similar to cats. But it was still a good suit that needed a little work.

Black leather

First appearance: New X-Men #114 (2001)

Appearance: As is the case with most comic book movies, the X-Men monthly series began taking cues from the movie. So the mutants have finally traded the flashy spandex for slightly less ostentatious black leather.

The team began wearing leather suits with a bright yellow "X" logo. Was the goal to make the logo as recognizable? How .

For several years, Wolverine wore a T-shirt and leather jacket. And this costume even appeared in the game X2: Wolverine's Revenge.

Source: New X-Men (2001) #114, published July 1, 2001.

Ultimate Wolverine

First appearance: Ultimate X-Men #1 (2001)

Appearance: At the dawn of the new millennium, Marvel realized they needed to try something different to attract new readers. Which will not require them to understand the long and complicated history of the characters. Thus, the Ultimate universe was born. The plots in this universe were modern and accessible to a reader unfamiliar with the universe.

Naturally, the X-Men were one of the first comics in the updated universe. And, of course, Wolverine was among them. This version of Wolverine was angrier and more bloodthirsty than before.

The costume was visually reminiscent of the cinematic version. He was taller, less hairy and generally more attractive. He even wore a goatee for a while. His suit was also a bit like the classic red and brown, but with a muted color scheme and without the pointy mask.

Source: Ultimate X-Men (2001) #1, published February 10, 2001.

Amazing Wolverine

First appearance: Astonishing X-Men #1 (2004)

Appearance: In 2004, black skin fell out of favor with X-Men editors. So with the debut of Astonishing X-Men, the popular mutants received yet another visual makeover. Spandex is back.

As a basis new form Wolverine took on his striped clothing, but changed the garish aspects. So Wolverine became one of the last heroes who stopped wearing underpants over his pants. This costume immediately became very popular due to its mixing of old with new. The suit was present in the main X-line for many years until the death of Wolverine. It has also appeared as an alternate costume in several games and as Wolverine's main costume in the animated series Wolverine and the X-Men.

Source: Astonishing X-Men (2004) #1, published May 26, 2004.


First appearance: House of M #2 (2005)

Appearance: After the Scarlet Witch changed reality, the world began to be ruled by the House of Magneto. The Red Guard squad was created on the orders of Magneto, and in order to quietly enter his palace, Wolverine and other heroes dressed in the uniform of this special unit. A dark military uniform with shoulder straps and the emblem of the House of M, made in the red signature color of Magneto.

Source: House of M (2006) #2, published June 22, 2005.

Zombie Wolverine

First appearance: Ultimate Fantastic Four #21 (2005)

Appearance: In 2005, comics related to zombies began to gain incredible popularity in the comics industry. And Marvel, following the trend, decided to combine zombies and their characters.

In the Marvel Zombies universe, all heroes and villains have been infected by the zombie virus. And when they ate all the people on the planet, they were forced to resort to desperate measures to feed themselves.

Despite his healing factor, Wolverine was vulnerable to the zombie virus just like everyone else. Worst of all, his healing factor was no longer fully functional.


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