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Between the capital of Russia and the town of Nha Trang in central Vietnam there is a distance of at least 7734 kilometers! Agree, even by the standards of our country, such a distance is impressive! Not without changing several time zones: since we live in the rhythm of UTC +3, and Nha Trang follows the rules of UTC +7, the time difference between the two cities is +4 hours. This means that when it’s only 5 o’clock in the morning in Moscow and it’s just getting light, in Nha Trang tourists stretch lazily and go to the beach. :)

This relatively small time difference is explained by the fact that Nha Trang is located much south of Moscow and the route runs diagonally. However, this is to our advantage, because a 4-hour difference is much easier to endure than 6-7!

By the way, as it turned out, on vacation such a time difference is not felt as acutely as on business trips. I really didn’t want to say goodbye to the sea, so my husband and I sat on the shore until late in the evening local time (and in Moscow - until the morning!). :)

If you find it difficult to tolerate such time changes, but still want not to lose the evening hours on the shores of the South China Sea, I recommend following these tips:

  • try to get enough sleep during the flight;
  • on the first day in Nha Trang, try to overcome your body and fall asleep only late in the evening local time;
  • avoid fatty and spicy foods;
  • reduce the amount of alcohol;
  • Think about how a cool shower and a cup of coffee invigorate you at home. ;)

Nowadays, you can sit at home on the couch and find out what time it is at the moment in another country in the world or in a certain city. Moreover, this can be done using the network, or rather, through regular online services. They provide complete information not only about time in different countries, but also about time zones, time in UTC, GMT and other zones in a particular city.

How long it is in Vietnam or in individual cities of the country is one of the most common questions asked by everyone who plans to go on a business or tourist trip to this exotic country.

Timezone. Vietnam

The territory of Vietnam is divided into several regions, and they all predominate in the same time zone. There is no change of clocks from summer time to winter time and vice versa. Vietnam's time zone is UTC+07:00. It shares this time zone with the following countries and states:

  • Cambodia,
  • Thailand,
  • Malaysia,
  • Laos,
  • western parts of Mongolia and Indonesia,
  • as well as Altai and the entire Altai region,
  • Omsk and Tomsk, Novosibirsk and Kemerovo regions.

You can find out how much time it is in Vietnam by focusing specifically on these countries and some regions of Russia. UTC is Coordinated Universal Time, the basis of civil time. UTC is based on atomic time and is currently used instead of GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), which is now obsolete. UTC does not provide for the conversion of clocks to summer time from winter time and vice versa.

In those countries where the transition from summer to winter time is still relevant, the offset changes relative to UTC. Signals about the exact time are transmitted through various communication sources - the Internet, television, radio.

In Russia, for example, in most regions, time zones are slightly shifted from natural ones forward by one hour. In addition, the boundaries of time zones are sometimes significantly deviated from the meridians. On maps with time zones, it is not immediately possible to determine how different the time in Vietnam is from the time in Russia.

Previously, it was possible to find out what time it is in Vietnam only from maps - no one could say for sure. Often there are numbers on the maps indicating how many hours it differs from Greenwich Mean Time. For example, this number is +8. It becomes clear that time in this time zone runs ahead of Vietnamese by an hour. If the number looks like +4, then it is clear that the time in this zone, on the contrary, is 3 hours behind the exotic one.

Time difference between Vietnam and Russia

The central region of Russia is 3 hours behind Vietnam. For example, if in Russia it is 5 am, then in Vietnam it is already 8 am. Since time is different in different cities of Russia, the difference between their time and Vietnamese time will also be different. Novosibirsk and Krasnoyarsk are in the same time zone as Vietnam, so there is no time difference between them.

Omsk, located nearby, has a time difference of 1 hour with Vietnam - Omsk lags behind. In Yekaterinburg, in order to find out Vietnamese time, you need to add 2 hours to the local one. Samara differs from Vietnam in time by 3 hours, the same difference exists between Vietnam and Vladivostok. But, for example, Kamchatka, on the contrary, is 5 hours ahead of Vietnamese time.

What time is it in Vietnam now if it is 10 am in Moscow? Finding out is very simple: you just need to add 3 hours to Moscow time. That is, in Vietnam it will be 13 o'clock in the afternoon.

By the way, at present, residents of the Novosibirsk region are vigorously voting for the desire to live according to Kemerovo time. More than half, or more specifically, 60% of the region have already cast their votes in favor of changing local time by 1 hour. In this case, the difference with Moscow will be 4 hours.

Today, Siberians living in MSK+3 hours see many disadvantages when living in this zone. They complain about the short daylight hours, the inability to have time to do all the planned tasks, rapid fatigue, little time for rest and sleep, etc. At the end of March 2016, the time in Barnaul was changed by an hour - now there is a difference between this city and Moscow is also 4 hours. And Transbaikalia on the same day changed the difference from the capital of 5 hours to 6.

Why know the time in Vietnam?

What time is it in Vietnam right now? useful to know in order to be able to allocate precious hours and minutes for important things. Very often, tourists who have chosen a holiday in this exotic country want to calculate what time will be on the clock when their plane lands, for example, at Nha Trang airport.

The time depends on which city the tourist flies to Vietnam from, or more precisely, what is the time difference between Russian and Vietnamese cities. Plus you need to find out the time that will be spent on the flight. With this information, every traveler can calculate how long it will be in Vietnam when he arrives there.

Knowing the time will help you correctly distribute the rest of the day, plan a certain number of tasks that can be redone and how much free time will be left for rest.

Today you can find out what time it is in Vietnam today without any maps or other calculations. You just need to go to any website that has an online clock showing the time in this country. With the help of such services, you can quickly and accurately find out what time it is in a specific city on planet Earth.

Vietnam: what do we imagine when we hear this word? Time difference with Vietnam quite large, therefore, we can say that our country and Vietnam are like different worlds. That’s right, the cultural differences are so great that when you find yourself in this Asian country for the first time, it seems like you’ve arrived on another planet.

The time difference with Vietnam and Moscow is not only hours and minutes. These are differences between two civilizations, differences between eras occurring simultaneously at different ends of the Eurasian continent. Vietnam has an ancient history. This is a state that has thousands of years of both joyful moments and bloody wars, which ended not so long ago.

Boarding a plane flying to Vietnam from Moscow, the time in which is strikingly different from Vietnamese and remains behind. Ahead of us awaits the enchanting world of oriental culture, thousand-year history, and the bright modernity of one of the Asian dragons. But the flight will take many hours - the time difference with Vietnam dictates its own rules. In addition, we are flying east, which means that as we cross the next time zone, both hours and minutes will increase. The hands on the clock will not keep up with the passage of time. And having arrived at the place, for the first hours you will not leave the feeling of lost time.

But it doesn’t matter, the difference is time Vietnam Moscow, plus the hours spent in the air will be a small price to pay for all the impressions and emotions that await you in this wonderful country. In addition, the “lost” time will be found on the way back, when, when flying from east to west, the clock hands begin to overtake the time. But then you are unlikely to think about the notorious time difference with Vietnam, because, most likely, it will be a little sad return. Simply because parting with everything that can be found here in southern Asia is very difficult.

Of course, it is worth remembering that Vietnam’s reputation in the eyes of the average CIS citizen is not so high. Most people have first associations with Vietnam: noisy traders from the market, star balm, fried herring, all kinds of consumer goods from the market. Yes, there is no question of any time difference with Vietnam, as with another civilization: all romance is killed outright. On the other hand, you need to see it once with your own eyes rather than hear the opinion of people who have never been to Vietnam a hundred times. After all, the real Vietnam is not at all what the majority imagines it to be.

Traveling to Vietnam gives you so many things that it makes your head spin. These include the remains of ancient civilizations, large-scale temple complexes, the beautiful natural beauty of the East, exotic cuisine, delicious, and in some places striking in its unusualness and sometimes even frightening. This is high-quality, and at the same time the cheapest diving in the world, cheap food and souvenirs, a feeling of the Soviet past in the air, and much more. It seems like just a dream when you are in Vietnam, where time relative to Moscow moves several hours ahead, and life is in full swing at a completely different rhythm.

It is worth recalling that Vietnam today is one of the safest countries, and its capital Hanoi is one of the safest cities on the planet. Any tourist here can be calm about their safety. Of course, there are petty thieves everywhere, and Vietnam is no exception, but otherwise you will rarely see such a peace-loving people as here. And by the way, from the very beginning of this little story the words “Vietnam Moscow time” only flash. How much is the actual time difference between Vietnam and Moscow? We answer with absolute accuracy - only three hours, but flying to Vietnam on a direct flight takes more than 9 hours.

Holidays in Vietnam will allow you to be in complete harmony with nature, take exciting excursions, and plunge into the wonderful world of local traditions and centuries-old history.

Book quality tours to Vietnam from Moscow with the authorized travel agency Mil Tour.

Finding out in advance about the difference in time zone, and as a result, the difference in time between your hometown and, is important for any vacationer planning a trip to such an amazing country.

Preparing for acclimatization

Every tourist has at least once experienced that uncomfortable feeling called “acclimatization,” which can sometimes take as long as three days from a long-awaited vacation to overcome. However, you can help yourself quickly adapt to the unusual climatic features of another country by independently changing your “internal” clock shortly before your vacation. For example, change the evening time when you need to go to bed.

Tourists from Russia are lucky with this amazing country of Southeast Asia - the time difference between Moscow and Vietnam is small. And the residents of the Altai Territory actually share the same time zone with it, which means that tourists from there do not need to change their usual daily routine at all - there is no difference in time.

Time Zones

One rule applies throughout the world - the time reference point begins with the “Greenwich Meridian”, located in the British Isles.

All countries that are located east of it (Russia and Vietnam are among them) add from one to twelve hours to it.

The Russian Federation, for example, with its regions stretching from west to east, adds from 3 to 11 hours to Greenwich.

If you look at Vietnam on the map, you can see that it also has an elongated territory, albeit from north to south. Therefore, it is not surprising that twilight in cities such as Hosh Minh and Nhan Trang occurs at the same time.

Time zone in Vietnam

The resort is located in the UTC+7 time zone. This means that 7 hours will need to be added to Greenwich. Moscow is located in the UTC+4 time zone

Time difference between Moscow and Vietnam

The time difference between the resort near the Russian capital and almost its entire European part is not as great as it might seem at first. Some people mistakenly believe that an exotic country is very far away, but in fact Upon arrival, the clocks will have to be moved forward only 3 hours.

As for the residents of the capital, they easily cope with the three-hour time difference with Vietnam; it is much more difficult to adapt to the climate. But here the place of residence does not play a role.

Change to winter time

It is known that in some countries there is a transition to winter time. There are several reasons, but the most important one is the economic factor. It is believed that moving the arrows back helps reduce energy costs. Neither the capital of Russia nor Hanoi (the capital of Vietnam) make such a transition, which is also a plus for Russian tourists. There is less confusion, and no matter what season of the year it is outside The time difference between Vietnam and Moscow is only +3 hours.

Large cities of Russia: time difference with Vietnam

Among the large cities of Russia the following can be distinguished:

  1. Ufa, Ekaterinburg, Tyumen. Compared to an exotic resort, the clocks in these cities are an hour behind;
  2. Omsk, Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Barnaul. Tourists from these cities are very lucky. There will be no need to change the clock, since there is no time difference;
  3. Irkutsk Time in the city is two hours faster than in Vietnam;
  4. Vladivostok. The clock here is fast by as much as 4 hours.

Flying to a hot country

Airlines operate direct flights to Vietnam from Moscow and Novosibirsk. Tourists from other cities will have to make several transfers. Another option is to get to Novosibirsk, and from there fly straight to your destination. Therefore, in addition to acclimatization and changing time zones, a tourist who goes on such a long trip will have to test his strength once again - to withstand a multi-hour flight.

The flight time Vietnam-Moscow is about 9 hours. In the opposite direction a little less - only 7.

But all these inconveniences will be more than compensated by a good and quality holiday in an amazing country called Vietnam.

Vietnam is an Asian country, and if you look at the map, it is located quite far from Moscow, the capital of Russia.

The question, what is the time difference between Moscow and Vietnam, is probably asked by any tourist who has decided to get acquainted with oriental exotica.

Time zones of Vietnam and Moscow

Located in the South-Eastern part of Asia, more precisely in its extreme western part. It is located on the seventh time zone from Greenwich Mean Time.

The Russian Federation is the largest country in the world. Its territory covers 11 time zones. The capital is located on the 4th meridian, which means plus 4 hours to Greenwich time.

The time difference between Moscow and Vietnam is quite small and is determined by only three hours. In other words, if the time in Vietnam is now 7:00, then in Moscow it is 4:00.

But this is only true if we talk about the point of Vietnam closest to Moscow. If you calculate the difference, for example, between the most popular resort in Vietnam Nha Trang and Moscow, then the difference will be 4 hours, meaning that in Moscow it is 4 hours less.

If you are planning to go on vacation to Vietnam, then it is better to prepare in advance for the upcoming change in time zones. Although the time difference is not so large, a sharp change in the usual rhythm of life can still cause fatigue and drowsiness, or, conversely, insomnia.

Therefore, those wishing to travel to Vietnam are advised to:

  • Before the trip, change the clock for several days so that the body gets used to the new time rhythm;
  • It is better to fly at night to arrive at your destination in the morning;
  • eat right, it will help you feel much better.

Although the time difference between Moscow and Vietnam is small, the flight there is quite long. The flight will take you a whole 9 hours, unless of course this flight is direct.

Another nuance that tourists are usually interested in when traveling abroad is whether they need to change the clocks depending on the time of year. But in this regard, tourists are lucky, since neither Russia nor Vietnam use the transition between summer and winter time. And naturally, travelers do not need to adapt to this either.

So, since the time difference between Moscow and Vietnamese resorts is relatively small, it is very easy for those who decide to go on vacation or on a business trip to Vietnam to adapt to temporary changes. It’s even much easier than for climatic ones, especially if you prepare in advance.


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