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Books enlighten the soul, elevate and strengthen a person, awaken in him the best aspirations, sharpen his mind and soften his heart.

William Thackeray, English satirist

A book is a huge force.

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, Soviet revolutionary

Without books, we can now neither live, nor fight, nor suffer, nor rejoice and win, nor confidently move towards that reasonable and beautiful future in which we unshakably believe.

Many thousands of years ago, the book, in the hands of the best representatives of humanity, became one of the main weapons in their struggle for truth and justice, and it was this weapon that gave these people terrible strength.

Nikolai Rubakin, Russian bibliologist, bibliographer.

A book is a working tool. But not only that. It introduces people to the lives and struggles of other people, makes it possible to understand their experiences, their thoughts, their aspirations; it makes it possible to compare, understand the environment and transform it.

Stanislav Strumilin, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences

There is no better way to refresh the mind than to read the ancient classics; As soon as you take one of them in your hands, even for half an hour, you immediately feel refreshed, lightened and cleansed, lifted and strengthened, as if you had refreshed yourself by bathing in a clean spring.

Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher

Anyone who was not familiar with the creations of the ancients lived without knowing beauty.

Georg Hegel, German philosopher

No failures of history and blind spaces of time are able to destroy human thought, enshrined in hundreds, thousands and millions of manuscripts and books.

Konstantin Paustovsky, Russian Soviet writer

The book is a magician. The book transformed the world. It contains the memory of the human race, it is the mouthpiece of human thought. A world without a book is a world of savages.

Nikolai Morozov, creator of modern scientific chronology

Books are a spiritual testament from one generation to another, advice from a dying old man to a young man beginning to live, an order passed on to a sentry going on vacation to a sentry taking his place.

Without books, human life is empty. The book is not only our friend, but also our constant, eternal companion.

Demyan Bedny, Russian Soviet writer, poet, publicist

A book is a powerful tool of communication, labor, and struggle. It equips a person with the experience of life and struggle of humanity, expands his horizon, gives him knowledge with the help of which he can force the forces of nature to serve him.

Nadezhda Krupskaya, Russian revolutionary, Soviet party, public and cultural figure.

Reading good books is a conversation with the most the best people past times, and, moreover, such a conversation when they tell us only their best thoughts.

René Descartes, French philosopher, mathematician, physicist and physiologist

Reading is one of the sources of thinking and mental development.

Vasily Sukhomlinsky, an outstanding Soviet teacher-innovator.

Reading is for the mind what physical exercise is for the body.

Joseph Addison, English poet and satirist

A good book is like a conversation with an intelligent person. The reader receives from her knowledge and a generalization of reality, the ability to understand life.

Alexei Tolstoy, Russian Soviet writer and public figure

Do not forget that the most colossal weapon of multifaceted education is reading.

Alexander Herzen, Russian publicist, writer, philosopher

Without reading there is no real education, there is and cannot be any taste, no speech, no multifaceted breadth of understanding; Goethe and Shakespeare are equal to a whole university. By reading a person survives centuries.

Alexander Herzen, Russian publicist, writer, philosopher

Here you will find audiobooks by Russian, Soviet, Russian and foreign writers on various topics! We have collected for you masterpieces of literature from and. Also on the site are audiobooks with poems and poets; lovers of detective stories, action films, and audiobooks will find interesting audiobooks. We can offer women, and for women, we will periodically offer fairy tales and audiobooks from the school curriculum. Children will also be interested in audiobooks about. We also have something to offer to fans: audiobooks from the “Stalker” series, “Metro 2033”..., and much more from . Who wants to tickle their nerves: go to the section


Black chicken, or Underground inhabitants (Antony Pogorelsky)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 160kbps
Anthony Pogorelsky
Year of manufacture: 2009
Genre: Children's literature
Publisher: Radio Russia, Radio Culture
Performer: Vladimir Andreev
Duration: 01:29:47
Description: A well-known fairy tale about the friendship of a teenage boy with an ordinary... chicken. The boy, who accidentally discovered a real secret, almost killed his mysterious friends, and the Black Hen remained a symbol of fidelity and the promise of a miracle. The author sensitively and delicately conveys to little listeners the idea that one must be hardworking and diligent in learning. The main character was taught a good lesson: he suddenly realized how bad it is to live thoughtlessly and want to get everything for nothing.
The story was written in 1829. This is the first author's work of literature for children in Russian. It was written for Pogorelsky’s little pupil, the future famous writer Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy. Subsequently, it entered the golden fund of Russian children's literature, having gone through dozens of reprints in many languages ​​of the world.


Black chicken, or underground inhabitants (Antony Pogorelsky)

Author: Antony Pogorelsky
Year of release: 1982 (Vinyl Rip)
Genre: Fairy tale
Publisher: Melodiya
Performer: Yuri Yakovlev, Margarita Korabelnikova, Tatyana Shatilova, Anatoly Shchukin, Lev Durov
Duration: 00:50:45
Description: A story about the friendship of a teenage boy with an ordinary... chicken, who turned out to be a magical inhabitant of the underworld. The boy, who accidentally discovered a real secret, almost killed his mysterious friends, and the Black Hen remained a symbol of fidelity and the promise of a miracle. Release presented by group__


Black chicken, or Underground inhabitants (Antony Pogorelsky)

Format: audio play, MP3, 256kbps
Author: Antony Pogorelsky
Year of manufacture: 2008
Genre: Children's literature
Publisher: Eksmo-Sidikom
Performer: A. Lazarev Sr., A. Lenkov and others.
Duration: 01:24:33
Description: The good old Russian classic - Antony Pogorelsky's fairy tale "The Black Hen" staged by Vladimir Shvedov with the participation of wonderful artists from Moscow theaters will not leave young listeners indifferent. Together with little high school student Alyosha, they will experience amazing adventures full of secrets, magical transformations and miracles. And most importantly, they will learn compassion, courage and honor...


Black chicken, or Underground inhabitants. Magician's Visitor (Antony Pogorelsky)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 320kbps
Author: Antony Pogorelsky
Year of manufacture: 2008
Genre: Children's literature
Publisher: Archive of World Literature
Performer: Vladimir Shevyakov
Duration: 01:32:00
Description: The collection contains the story for children “The Black Hen, or the Underground Inhabitants” and the short story “Visitor to the Magician”


Black chicken, or Underground inhabitants (Antony Pogorelsky)

Author: Antony Pogorelsky
Year of manufacture: 2007
Genre: Children's literature
Publisher: IDDK
Performer: Anna Byankina
Duration: 01:00:57
Description: The famous fairy tale of Anthony Pogorelsky, real name Alexey Alekseevich Perovsky (1787-1836), is one of the wisest and kindest fairy tales in world literature. The first Russian author's fairy tale in prose for children, written in an elegant style, in a bright romantic tradition and - most importantly - with great love for children... The fairy tale unusually combines unobtrusive instructiveness and bright naive fiction about...


Mashiro N. - Black medicine: The dark art of death, or How to survive in a world of violence

ISBN: 5-9681-0047-8
Format: DjVu, eBook (originally computer)
Year of manufacture: 2005
Author: Mashiro N.
Genre: Various
Ekaterinburg: Ultra.Culture
Number of pages: 213
Description: Do you know how to use gas weapons and stun guns? Can you shoot a rifle and a pistol when you are being beaten? How to defend yourself if you are being strangled or not allowed to move, how to resist knives and clubs without weapons. Dr. Mashiro's tutorial gives answers to these questions. He also explains psychological tricks with which you can change the attack situation in your favor. This book is a must...


Underground rivers (Continuation of the book "Romance with a Vampire") (Vika Varley)

ISBN: 978-5-91146-532-2
Format: DOC, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Vika Varley
Year of manufacture: 2011
Genre: contemporary women's prose
Publisher: Mask
Language: Russian
Number of pages: 400
Description: “Vika Kolesnikova feels like she has finally found her destiny. The girl dreams of starting a family and is waiting for her man to propose marriage, and her clairvoyant friend Svetlana has long prophesied a happy marriage for them... But there is no proposal. Just like there is no love. Vika is increasingly convinced that money, and not she, plays the main role in the life of her chosen one. Deciding to take a break from another race for survival...


Underground Robinsons (Anatoly Dementyev)

Format: FB2, Scanned pages
Author: Anatoly Dementyev
Year of manufacture: 1964
Genre: adventure
Publisher: South Ural Book Publishing House
Language: Russian
Number of pages: 101
Description: A small group of tourists goes on a journey through Southern Urals, contrary to expectations, they end up in a cave. Underworld reveals miracles to them. But the guiding thread broke... How it went and how the unusual and dangerous journey V underground labyrinth, and the author tells in this story. Anatoly Ivanovich Dementyev was born in 1921 in Troitsk. After finishing school there was a prize...


Dream Inhabitants (Sergey Strizh)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Author: Sergey Strizh
Year of manufacture: 2016
Genre: Fantasy
Publisher: DIY Audiobook
Artist: Martianin73
Duration: 05:35:42
Description: The story was created based on the notes of a neuronaut, a dream researcher. Many episodes are connected by the author into a single flow of narrative. The main characters have to understand that dates can be arranged not only in reality, that everyone is responsible not only for reality, but also for dreams: meetings in the depths of sleep are fraught with unknown horrors. However, having overcome fears of them, you get a chance to understand the essence of the world...


Heavenly Inhabitants (Leclezio Jean-Marie Gustave)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Author: Leclezio Jean-Marie Gustave
Year of manufacture: 2012
Genre: prose
Publisher: Can't buy it anywhere
Performer: Erisanova Irina
Duration: 02:29:52
Description: The outstanding French writer Jean-Marie Gustave Leclezio - author of the novel "Protocol", awarded the Renaudo Prize in 1964 (the most authoritative after the Goncourt Prize), a brilliant stylist, published more than 30 books - novels, collections of short stories, translations of Mexican myths. One of the main themes of Leclezio is the theme of a person’s confusion in the face of modern world. This is probably why he, like no one else, subtly, thoughtfully...


Like a chicken paw. Cognitive transfer. Issues 1-10 (Ludwig Jerzy Kern, Beatrix Helen Potter, Alvin Brooks White, etc.)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 192kbps
Year of manufacture: 2005
Genre: Children's literature
Publisher: SidiKom
Performer: Boris Plotnikov, Elena Kharitonova
Duration: 04:07:54
Description: Who will tell you about distant lands better than Bibliophilus Bukashkin, the famous professor of fairy tales? Who will confuse everything and end up in another funny story if not Pestrukha, a restless hen who once wandered into his library from a neighboring yard? One day, friends got tired of sitting still, and they went on a trip around the world in a flying hut, which they borrowed from Baba Yaga. Where have they been since then...

Audio tale The Black Chicken or Underground Inhabitants is a work by Anthony Pogorelsky. You can listen to the story online or download it. The audiobook “The Black Hen or the Underground Inhabitants” is presented in mp3 format.

Black chicken or underground inhabitants, content:

The audio tale The Black Hen or the Underground Inhabitants is a story about a ten-year-old pupil of one of the St. Petersburg boarding schools. The boy Alyosha was charming and smart, but he lacked relatives, because they lived far from the Northern capital! So he played with the chickens.

Most of all he liked black chicken. Once he even saved her from a cook’s knife, after which Chernushka came to him, promising to show her something outlandish. They went on a strange journey, after which the chicken asked not to tell anyone anything.

The next day Chernushka called him again, and they went to the underground inhabitants, where Alyosha was given a hemp seed. Thanks to this gift, the boy discovered a wonderful ability - he always knew any lesson, without wasting any time studying it!

Alyosha became a hooligan. It is not known what the end of our online audio fairy tale would have been if the grain had not disappeared and it turned out that the boy did not know the lesson at all!

The next day Chernushka had mercy, returned the magic grain, and the student knew everything again! The teacher was surprised, so Alyosha had to tell everything. How did this unusual adventure end? Listen carefully and you will find out everything!

“My soul, what a charm grandma’s cat is! I read the whole story twice and in one breath, now I’m just raving about Trifon Falaleich Murlykin. I perform smoothly, closing my eyes, turning my head and arching my back. Pogorelsky is Perovsky, isn’t it?”

This letter was sent by A. S. Pushkin from Mikhailovsky in March 1825, when in the next book of the St. Petersburg magazine “News of Literature” signed “Antony Pogorelsky” a rather unusual story “Lafertovskaya Poppy” was published, which immediately made people talk about the young author. Actually, the author was not so young in age; he was known in St. Petersburg mainly as a “well-connected” official who occupied a high position in the society of that time, from a noble noble family that rose to prominence at the end of the 18th century.

However, Pogorelsky is a literary pseudonym. The writer spent considerable time on his estate - the village of Pogoreltsy in the Chernihiv region. There he wrote his best story - the one that Pushkin admired so much.

Even now, after more than a century and a half, “Lafert’s Poppy Plant” is read with the same pleasure and enthusiasm that made the society, public and critics of that time start talking about the new writer. Fantastic, full of mischief and sly humor, this seemingly playful attempt at writing attracts today’s readers with its mystery and captivates with the pure charm of its light, almost airy literary style. And “Makovnitsa,” like Pogorelsky’s other works, was written in real, without pretentiousness, Russian, which, it must be said, was not very common in literature in those days.

The last phrase in Pushkin's letter reveals to us the real name of the writer. Yes, Antony Pogorelsky, the author of the famous children's fairy tale “The Black Hen, or the Underground Inhabitants,” which will probably live for hundreds of years, is actually Alexey Alekseevich Perovsky (1787 - 1836). During his lifetime and long after his death, this surname was widely known in Tsarist Russia. It was worn by the descendants of the noble nobleman of Catherine’s time, Count Razumovsky, and who themselves occupied major positions in the government and administration. Alexey Perovsky also held several such major positions.

But the official Perovsky is of no interest to us. We know the writer Antony Pogorelsky, a contemporary and friend of Pushkin, a participant in the Patriotic War of 1812, the author of a wonderful fairy tale about the chicken Chernushka, which the ten-year-old boy Alyosha loved so much and which, for the second century, following Alyosha, children have loved both in our country and in other parts Sveta.

Meanwhile, if you asked Pogorelsky himself what place this children’s fairy tale occupies in his work, he would probably grin and say that he composed it just like that, in passing, to entertain his little nephew. That's how it really happened. The writer devoted a lot of time and creative energy to the upbringing of his nephew Alyosha - the future famous poet, prose writer and playwright Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy, corresponded with him, took him with him to travel abroad and even visited the great German poet Goethe with him.

Perovsky himself in his youth was distinguished by his extraordinary abilities in science, literature and languages. He completed a university course in two years and became a doctor of philosophy and literature at the age of twenty. To defend a doctorate, according to the regulations, it was necessary to give three trial lectures to prove one’s right to teach. Alexey Perovsky read them - in three languages. His lectures on the natural sciences, which he was passionate about, were then even published as a separate book!

Perovsky had, as they said then, a brilliant career. However, while climbing the ladder of official honors, he was also engaged in literature - he translated, wrote stories, and was elected a member of the Free Society of Lovers of Russian Literature. And so, at the beginning of 1829, a small children's book was published. Could its author have thought then that a “magic story for children” written in the spirit of a humorous instruction would eventually become one of the most famous fairy tales, and his literary pseudonym would remain in history precisely thanks to “The Black Hen”?!

However, this is exactly what happened. The generals and officials of the Perovskys have long been forgotten; a small collection of “adult” works by Antony Pogorelsky is read mainly by literary historians. And the “Black Hen” lives on for its second century! Performances have been staged based on this fairy tale, a film has been made, its publications are illustrated by the best artists, and children in many countries read it. Following Alyosha Tolstoy, we are happy and sad, we experience bitter shame and sympathy, we travel through the magical kingdom of little people living underground. And all this is written so vividly, so vividly and touchingly that it doesn’t matter to us at all when the events of the fairy tale took place.

Alexey Alekseevich Perovsky was a man with a remarkably lively imagination and a wonderful sense of humor. His playful pranks were legendary in his time. However, when it came to serious things, there was no smarter or more significant person. And now, listening to such a seemingly simple story about the miracles that happened to little Alyosha, we will think more than once and ask ourselves the question “why” more than once.

And first of all, why does this story, full of fabulous fiction, seem completely true, completely life-like to us? Of course, because it was composed by a talented person. But is that the only reason? Isn’t it also because - and this is the most important thing - that it talks about something that is very important for all people in life?

And what is the most important thing in life? Does it consist in the ability to “catch luck” in time, to take advantage of some circumstance that is beneficial exclusively for you, as happened in the fairy tale with little Alyosha? The fact of the matter is that when the boy had the opportunity to want something, and his wish would have been fulfilled immediately, he did not have time to think properly and wished for the same thing that, perhaps, everyone would want in his place: without difficulty and worries, without doing anything yourself, to be considered the most intelligent and talented in the world.

But does this really happen - even in a fairy tale? And what could this lead to? Think about any folk tale. What kind of miracles happen in them! What great feats are not performed by beloved fairy-tale heroes, what palaces are not built by invisible servants on their orders, what riddles are they not solving! But in all these miracles there is necessarily their own work, their merit, their ingenuity and intelligence. But Alyosha received his magical hemp seed, in essence, for nothing: for one small good deed. But how he began to use it, this wonderful gift of gratitude! How quickly he turned into a lazy person, a braggart and a troublemaker! And how easily, without thinking for a moment, “just like that”, in order to avoid punishment, the kid betrayed the whole underground people and his friend, the minister...

This is a kind, very sad and wise fairy tale. It does not so much tell about magical deeds, about miracles, but rather makes us look into our own hearts, into our thoughts and think about ourselves, about what we are, who we are. Not who we seem to ourselves, and not who we would like to see ourselves as, but who we really are, whether we are worthy of being considered real people.

But this is exactly what the best works of literature, written by an entire people or by smart, sensitive and deeply thinking writers, make us think about. And the tale of Anthony Pogorelsky is one of these works. It is not for nothing that the great Russian writer L.N. Tolstoy loved and so highly valued the fairy tale about little Alyosha and the Black Hen. He placed this magical story for children next to epics, folk tales and Pushkin's poems in terms of the power of influence and the wisdom contained in it.

Pogorelsky Antony Alekseevich. Black chicken, or underground inhabitants.

list of books / Black chicken, or underground inhabitants

Black chicken, or underground inhabitants

Pogorelsky Antony Alekseevich

M, "Children's literature", 1989

The big fabulous audio story by Alexei Alekseevich Perovsky, who wrote under the pseudonym of Antony Pogorelsky “The Black Chicken, or Underground Inhabitants” about little people, takes us to ancient St. Petersburg, to a boarding house. The underworld revealed its secrets to Alyosha. The miraculous seed freed him from labor - everything began to come to him without effort, and little by little the boy became arrogant and arrogant. The idea of ​​the fairy tale is that only what is gained through labor and diligence is lasting, and most importantly, success should not prevent a person from remaining kind and modest. A fairy tale was written for his nephew, Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy, who later became a famous poet and prose writer. The hero of the audio fairy tale "The Black Hen" is named after him. First publication in 1829. The artistic talent of Anthony Pogorelsky was highly valued by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy wrote that the fairy tale about the black hen had a “very great influence” on him. The tale is reminiscent of the work of the German romantic writer Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann, with whom A. Pogorelsky was personally acquainted from his military service in Saxony. At the same time, the Russian writer Antony Pogorelsky, a master of paintings of Russian life, managed to avoid imitation of Hoffmann.
The audio fairy tale “The Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants” by Antony Pogorelsky is of great pedagogical importance. It should definitely be listened to online and downloaded to the audio library for children aged 6 years and older.


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