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Every day, Muscovites and guests of the capital forget a lot of different things in public transport. And if the loss is small - an umbrella, gloves, a book - then most often they don’t even think about searching for them. But if the thing forgotten in transport is more significant, expensive, or simply memorable, then the question arises - how to try to return things forgotten in transport?

Forgotten in the subway

For items forgotten in the Moscow metro, there is a special warehouse at Kotelniki station, where found items are stored for 6 months. The warehouse is open from 8:00 to 20:00 daily.

The telephone number for the information service for things forgotten in the Moscow metro is 7 495 539-54-54 (3210 from a mobile phone).

Documents - passports, driver's licenses, student cards, etc. are not stored in the warehouse. They are immediately handed over to the police. A separate group of the 7th department of the Department of Special Investigations of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow works with the found documents (the lost and found desk) is located at the address: 2nd Kolobovsky Lane, 8.

Tel.: 7 495 694-86-20.

Reception hours for citizens:
Mon-Thu from 10:00 to 17:00, break from 13:00 to 14:00;
Fri, Sat, Sun - closed.

Forgotten on a bus, trolleybus, tram

If an item is left on a bus, trolleybus, or tram, then, first of all, you should contact the dispatch service of this route.

The telephone numbers of all dispatch services, trolleybus depots and depots are posted on the website of the State Unitary Enterprise Mosgortrans.

The second option for detecting a loss is to call the Moscow Transport service contact center at 8 495 539-54-54 or 3210 (from a mobile phone).

Items found in the city ground transport Mosgortrans, are stored at the Central Warehouse of Lost Items. You can contact them by phone 8 915 293-06-25 or 8 495 950-40-64.

Forgotten on the minibus

Things forgotten in minibus It’s worth searching with the help of the dispatch service, but, in addition to the route number in which the item was forgotten, it’s worth knowing which company serves this route. Large carriers usually have their own lost items service.

If things were stopped in an Autoline vehicle, you should call 8 495 662-99-00

Forgotten on the train

You should start looking for things forgotten on trains at the station, with the help of the station duty officer. Telephone number of the Unified Information and Service Center of Russian Railways: 8 800 775-00-00.

Items found in Aeroexpress can be searched for by calling the hotline 8 800 700-33-77. Information about items found in Aeroexpress carriages is published in in social networks on the company pages.

In order to pick up lost item You must have an identification document with you and write a statement about the loss. Be prepared to compose oral and written detailed description items, approximate time and place where they were lost.

Information about forgotten things in the metro:+7 495 622-20-85. The warehouse for forgotten things is located at the Kotelniki station (eastern vestibule - the first car from the center).

Opening hours of the Lost and Found Warehouse: daily from 8:00 to 20:00.

All items found at metro stations, in lobbies or in electric train cars are transferred to a warehouse for forgotten items. When a forgotten item is discovered, the station duty officer, in the presence of an air traffic police officer, conducts an inventory of the contents; the data is entered into a special form. Next, the forgotten item, along with the form, is transferred to the warehouse for forgotten items, where the contents are checked again in accordance with the list. Items are stored for six months. When receiving your item, the passenger must present an identification document and fill out an application.

About forgotten documents

Personal documents (passport, policy, driver's license, student card, etc.) to the warehouse don't arrive, and immediately transferred to the police.
The group for working with found documents of the ZIC of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow (lost and found desk) is located at the address: 2nd Kolobovsky Lane, 8, tel.: +7 495 694-86-20. Reception hours for citizens: Mon-Thu from 10:00 to 17:00, Fri from 10:00 to 16:00, Sat and Sun - closed.

Since the beginning of the year, passengers have forgotten their belongings in buses, trolleybuses and trams 323 times. Some of the most common finds include bags and bags containing personal items, school backpacks, umbrellas, hats and gloves.

Forgotten items are a common cause of public transport delays. To check them, they call operational services that ensure security. This year, buses, trolleybuses and trams stopped for a total of more than 27 hours due to items left behind by passengers.

Mosgortrans regularly instructs drivers on how to behave in emergency situations, including when an ownerless item is found in the car. “At the same time, we ask all users of urban transport to be attentive to their property while traveling, and if you find abandoned items on a bus, tram or trolleybus, immediately notify the driver,” said Mosgortrans General Director Evgeny Mikhailov.

How and where to findthings lost in transport?

On a bus, trolleybus, tram

If you have lost something in ground transport, you need to contact the park manager or route depot. The driver returns forgotten items at the final station. As a rule, every other day they are sent from the control room of the park or depot to the central warehouse of forgotten items of Mosgortrans. They charge a fee for storage here - 12 rubles 46 kopecks per day for one place.

To receive a forgotten item, you need to write a statement indicating the date, approximate time of loss and the route number of ground urban transport, as well as brief description item and hand it over to the lost items warehouse employee. You must have an identification document with you. Lost wallets will also be returned at the warehouse, and money will be returned at the cash register. Passports and other documents are transferred according to the inventory to the lost documents desk of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate. During three days a warehouse employee is trying to contact the owner of a passport or other documents that can be used to establish the owner’s contact information.

In a minibus

Items left on the buses of JSC Autoline Group end up in the warehouse of forgotten items. The application can be submitted on the company's website. Upon receipt, you must pay all payments due to the company (for storage, packaging, transportation at the rate of found luggage and publication of an announcement, if any) and issue a receipt for receiving the items. Documents remain in the warehouse for five days, things - for three months. When the storage period for documents expires, they are transferred to the lost and found documents bureau of the Moscow Main Internal Affairs Directorate on Novoslobodskaya Street, building 57/65.

In the underground

Items found in carriages, stations and lobbies are sent to a lost and found property warehouse. They are stored for three months and then transferred to the State Fund. Forgotten personal documents (passport, policy, driver's license, student ID, etc.) are immediately handed over to the police.

The Moscow metro wants to create a search for forgotten things. A search request can be left on the subway portal.

On electric trains and aeroexpress trains

Forgotten items are handed over to the head of the station or terminal of the train's final destination. If lost, contact the station duty officer. Aeroexpress publishes information about things found on trains on Instagram or in the permanent Lost & Found section on the company’s pages.

We all are inattentive at times, especially in the mornings and evenings. And it can be very disappointing if you leave your favorite umbrella or handbag in the carriage. It is doubly offensive if there were documents and other valuables there. Of course, I would like to return it safe and sound.

Nowadays, people are somewhat wary of bags and packages standing alone on the subway, and instead of rummaging through them, they often call the police. This vigilance is commendable, and gives a huge chance that lost things, even if they are quite valuable, will still be returned to the owner. If a passenger reports a discovery, it is immediately checked by police. In the presence of the police and station workers, an inventory of the items found is compiled, and they are sent to the warehouse.

In any case, even if you don’t really believe in human honesty, you should try your luck and go to a warehouse of forgotten things.

Lost and Found Bureau of the Moscow Metro, telephone numbers:

All items found at a station or in subway cars are immediately sent to the “Warehouse of Lost Items in the Subway.” This warehouse is located at the Kotelniki station in the Eastern vestibule. This is where umbrellas, gloves, hats and handbags go.

Of course, if you rushed to look for your loss before you even left the subway, you can try to search right there, in hot pursuit. Write down the number of the train and car you were traveling in and report this to the station duty officer or the Situation Center. The call button for this service is located on the red and blue display.

Describe your loss and leave your contact phone number. Even if the loss is not discovered immediately, all items found in the metro are sent to the Moscow Metro Lost and Found Bureau. This can happen in a day or two. All items in a lost and found warehouse are stored for six months, after which they are destroyed, and the chance of finding anything disappears.

If you have lost your documents in the metro, you should contact the ZIC of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow, at the address: 2nd Kolobovsky Lane, 8.

To get started, you should call: +7 495 694-86-20

Working hours:

  • Mon-Thu from 10:00 to 17:00.
  • Fri from 10:00 to 16:00.
Subway workers immediately hand over the found documents to the police, and they do not end up in the warehouse of forgotten items in the subway.

If your documents and things were not found immediately on the first day, do not despair. Sometimes paperwork delays the registration and entry of lost items into the registry, and it’s worth trying your luck again, in two days.

Lost and Found Bureau of the Moscow Metro, official website where you can clarify all the nuances of returning things:
You can't see the link

You can call the warehouse of forgotten items by phone. +7 495 622-20-85

But still, it is better to show up with your passport at the Kotelniki metro station and look for lost things on the spot. After all, the description drawn up by the metro workers may not correspond to the description of the owner, and there may be misunderstandings about this. "Blue bag" can be spelled blue, or simply "handbag".

Many passengers, having lost something, immediately say goodbye to their property, and absolutely in vain. Only every fifth owner rushes to search for his property, and if you look at a warehouse of forgotten things, you can find many expensive things there. Bicycles, scooters, strollers, and even a small box with expensive mobile phones. After all, such things are not signed, and lost property workers cannot find the owner themselves.

There are more conscientious and honest citizens than we think. So, if you find or lose something, don’t hesitate to contact the metro workers, and they will do everything to help you.


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