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44°41′00″ n. w. 37°50′00″ E. d. HGIOL

Tsemes Bay(Also Novorossiysk Bay) - an ice-free bay in the northern part of the Russian Black Sea coast. The second most important bay in the Russian waters of the Black Sea basin after Sevastopol Bay. The bay became part of the Russian Empire in 1829, after another Russian-Turkish war. Since then, it has been actively used for military, trade and passenger needs of the region and primarily the city of Novorossiysk. In good weather (from March to November) it is suitable for anchoring ships of all classes. In winter, the territory adjacent to the bay is characterized by a rather severe wind regime with a maximum wind pressure force of the VI category for North Kazakhstan.


It got its name from the Tsemes River flowing into it. The western wing of the bay forms the low-mountain Abrau Peninsula. On the right it is framed by the higher Markotkhsky ridge. Coastline length - 15 km, extends into the land for 7 km, width at the entrance - 9 km, in the middle part - 4.6 km, fairway - 11.0 - 12.4 m, anchorage depth - 9.4 - 10 .9 m, maximum depth - 27 m, which allows any ocean-going ships to enter the bay. The shores in the southwest are lowland, in the northeast they are elevated and poorly indented. The entrance to the bay is limited from the northwest by Sudzhuk Island, and from the southeast by Cape Doob. In the middle of the bay, opposite Cape Penai, there are the Penai Banks with a minimum depth of 5-6 m. In the northwestern part of the bay is the hero city of Novorossiysk and the seaport; in the east - the village of Kabardinka, which is subordinate to the city administration of Gelendzhik. In autumn and winter, hurricane-force winds - nor'easter (bora) - pose a great danger to navigation. The force of wind pressure of the VI category on the territory adjacent to the bay is maximum for the North Ossetia region.

Navigation terms

Tsemes Bay is not easy to navigate for a number of reasons. Although the entrance to the bay is quite wide, the rather extensive Penai Banks lie right in the middle of it. Sunken ships, their parts and other underwater obstacles also pose a certain danger. In addition, the shores of the bay are fringed by reefs that run parallel to the coastline at a distance of 1.5 - 2.0 cable lengths from it. Pilotage is mandatory. The depths of the bay increase gradually; near the shore they are sharply reduced, which forces port operations to be transferred to less protected areas of the open coast. The size of the harbor itself is small; the type of harbor is coastal with breakwaters; the slipway in the port is small, and there is no dry dock at all. The collapse of the USSR led to an increase in transport crowding in Tsemes Bay: civil, military and merchant fleets were forced to coexist here. The annexation of Crimea to the Russian Federation made it possible to solve the problem of the location of the military fleet. The branched and deeper Sevastopol Bay took on naval specialization while assigning Tsemes a reserve role with a main focus on trade operations.


The amount of precipitation over the bay during the cold period, as in the Mediterranean, exceeds its amount during the warm period. The slopes of the bay are dry in summer and covered with xerophytic vegetation. The duration of sunshine over Novorossiysk Bay reaches 2,300 hours a year, and the temperature of its water, even in the coldest month - February - usually does not fall below +6 °C. As a result of heat transfer from the sea that has warmed up over the summer, even in the winter months, the air temperature above the bay during the day is +5 °C and above, and at night it fluctuates around 0 °C. Being located in the regime of dry subtropics of the Mediterranean type, the waters of the bay practically do not freeze. However, the roadsteads of Tsemes Bay do not provide shelter from the northeast, southeast and south winds. From November to March, strong northeast winds reach the strength of a hurricane (or severe storm) with wind speeds exceeding 29 m/sec. and sea waves up to 12 points. For comparison: in Sevastopol, even at the most unfavorable times, the wind over the bay does not rise above the “strong” category (8-12 m/sec), which corresponds to a sea state of 5-6 points. Bora can last for several days a year and is accompanied by the “soaring” of the sea and the “graying” of the mountain tops. The air temperature can drop by 10-15 degrees in a couple of hours. Bora in general is difficult to predict and dramatically complicates the work of the port in general and the problem of ensuring the safety of ships and people in particular. During the bora, ships are covered with a thick crust of ice dust on the windward side and capsize under the force of gravity.

Video “Admiral Nakhimov”uploaded by UNDERWATERSTUDIO

Notoriety did not frighten Russian sailors

The whole world knows about the Bermuda Triangle - a “lost place” in the Atlantic Ocean, where mysterious disappearances of ships and aircraft regularly occur. But few people know that a similar anomaly exists in Russia, on the Black Sea.

Novorossiysk port is the largest in Russia, Dozens of ships moor here every day, large and small ships scurry around Tsemes Bay, travelers and yachtsmen seem to have entered and left the bay hundreds of times on ships of varying capacity and prestige. Sailing regattas are even held here. Life is in full swing.

But, from time to time, something wakes up in the bay that makes the city lose another ship, its crew and passengers.

The notoriety of Tsemes Bay has been haunting the minds of local residents and experienced sailors for several centuries, whom fate brings to these parts.

For the first time, the Russians heard about the “mysterious bay” in the shape of a horseshoe from the Turks who lived in the Sudzhuk-Kale fortress, located on the site of present-day Novorossiysk. The boats of the warlike Janissaries sank in the bay, as if someone with frantic force was pulling them to the bottom.

In broad daylight and without the slightest hint of wind or storm. It happened that experienced swimmers who decided to swim away from the shore unexpectedly went under water.

According to legends, it was here that Odysseus went for the golden fleece, here Hercules performed the exploits, and here Prometheus was chained to a rock. Do you remember the myth about the island of sirens, who drove brave sailors crazy with their wondrous singing and eventually the ships and their people sank?

According to one version of modern researchers, this “island” was located somewhere in the area of ​​​​present-day Novorossiysk.

Maybe the curse of Tsemes Bay and ancient sirens are somehow connected?

It is noteworthy that the shipwreck itself, in all cases, without exception, occurred in a matter of minutes. Regardless of the size of the ship in distress.

However, the Russians, who decided to settle in the sunny and seemingly calm bay, were not frightened by these stories. And as a result, a base for the Russian Black Sea Fleet was built here. The geographical location of Tsemes Bay and local weather conditions were too suitable.

But the change in the name and national composition of those living on the shores of the Black Sea “Bermuda Triangle” did not in any way affect the unusual qualities of the bay - attracting ships to the bottom.

Ship Graveyard

Throughout the year, many merchant and passenger ships enter and leave the harbor, but not all of them reach their destination safely. The bottom of the bay is dotted with the remains of ships from different times, sank for unknown reasons.

Numerous divers, not afraid of the “curse of Tsemes Bay,” have repeatedly brought to the surface many ancient coins, pieces of amphorae and other finds that testify to the long-standing shipwrecks that occurred in these places.

It is interesting that some of the ships lost in the bay already in the 20th century have not yet been found by underwater researchers. Although there is reliable evidence of their death.

Even the statistics of local shipwrecks itself suggests that the bay is “abnormal.”

Only in the 20th century the following events (the loudest) took place here:

In 1918, in order to avoid surrender to the Germans, on the orders of Lenin, the entire Russian Black Sea Fleet was scuttled in the bay.

During the Great Patriotic War, several dozen large and small ships perished in the bay, many of which have not yet been found.

On August 31, 1986, here, as a result of a collision with a dry cargo ship, the legendary passenger steamer Admiral Nakhimov died, taking 423 people with it to the bottom of the bay.

In 1973, in winter, the ship standing at the pier suddenly became very icy due to a squally wind and sank to the bottom in a matter of minutes. Only half of the crew managed to escape.

In 2010, searchers discovered a sunken warship of the Sea Hunter type near Novorossiysk. Historians believe that he took part in the battles for Malaya Zemlya during the Great Patriotic War.

It would be logical to assume that the ship was sunk in battle, for example, under fire from German bombers. But if this were actually the case, then the shells should have exploded and destroyed the ship.

However, the ship's ammunition was fully preserved, according to the ship's researchers. For some strange reason, detonation did not occur.

By the way, during the battles for Novorossiysk, many similar oddities occurred. But due to the seriousness of the situation and the severity of the fighting, practically no one paid attention to them.

And, perhaps, a more attentive attitude to the investigation of shipwrecks in Tsemes Bay could save a certain number of quite normal ships.

The curse of “Nakhimov” or Tsemes Bay?

One of the most terrible and logically absurd tragedies in Russian shipping happened on the night of August 31, 1986.

"Admiral Nakhimov" was a Soviet passenger steamer, which for 29 years made sea cruises along the Crimean-Caucasian line.

On August 31, 1986, the steamer "Admiral Nakhimov" arrived from the port of Yalta and, in accordance with its cruise schedule, at 14:00 moored at the 34th passenger berth of the port of Novorossiysk. In accordance with the schedule, “Admiral Nakhimov” was supposed to remain in Novorossiysk until the evening.

At 22:00, when all the passengers were already on board, the ship gave up and slowly set sail from the quay wall. The tugboats “Fearless” and “Immaculate” slowly moved the brightly lit “Admiral Nakhimov” away from the pier, turned it around in the water area and led it out of the port.

At that moment, according to the official version, there were 1,243 people on board the Nakhimov. There were 346 crew members and, taking into account the cruise vouchers issued, 897 passengers.

So the ship left the port for the last time in its 60-year life, having 1234 victims on board.

The Admiral Nakhimov and the huge cargo ship Pyotr Vasev collided at the exit from Tsemes Bay.

The ship sank in just 8 minutes, of the 1234 passengers on board, 423 went under water with the liner.

The investigation almost immediately found those responsible for the tragedy - according to prosecutors, they turned out to be the captains of both ships. For “negligent attitude towards their duties” they received several years in prison.

However, the majority of Novorossiysk residents, relatives of the dead and surviving passengers of the Nakhimov, as well as numerous researchers do not believe in such an overly simple explanation of the circumstances of the accident.

After all, both captains were experienced “sea wolves”, they passed through the sea gates of Novorossiysk more than once, and showed their best side in the most difficult situations on the high seas. And here is such an “oversight”?

Nobody still can understand how could two ships collide in a large bay with complete calm and beautiful summer weather, if the ships were in direct visibility, the teams were experienced, there was more than enough space and time for divergence.

For comparison, let's give a clear example: imagine an ordinary empty stadium. There are two cars on it that for some reason collided. Although there was plenty of room for the most difficult maneuvers.

Actions of the captain of the dry cargo ship "Peter Vasev" the last few minutes before the collision still seem more than strange: he calmly continued to guide the cargo ship using instruments, despite his assistant’s persistent requests to look out the window where the approaching lights of a huge liner flickered.

Why did the experienced sailor trust only the instrument readings, which this time erroneously indicated a successful departure from the liner? When the captain woke up from a sudden “oblivion”, he realized that it was impossible to prevent the shipwreck. A “reverse move” was urgently given. But due to inertia, the ship continued to approach the Nakhimov.

P According to one of the versions, the instruments of the dry cargo ship showed a certain third vessel in the waters of Tsemes Bay. But why is nothing known about him? And why didn’t smart electronics recognize such a huge liner as the Admiral Nakhimov?

Due to the damage received, the passenger liner sank in a matter of seconds. More than 400 people went under water, pulled into a huge funnel. The bodies of 60 people have not yet been found.

It is noteworthy that strange things continued to happen to the ship after the crash. During search operations on board the Nakhimov, two experienced divers once died.

It seemed like they didn't have enough air. People who visited the “Russian Titanic” noted the sudden feeling of panic and horror that arose in them at a depth of more than 40 meters.

After a series of strange incidents and coincidences, it was decided to stop the search work and cover the body itself with a special rubber cover. The masts were cut down, the pipes were removed.

So the steamer “Admiral Nakhimov” still lies in Tsemes Bay at a depth of 47 meters. The vessel does not pose any navigational or environmental hazard.

In addition, at present, not a single project for its rise has been developed. And the area with a radius of 500 meters, which is the site of the sinking of the ship "Admiral Nakhimov", is considered the official burial place of the victims of the disaster.

In this area, diving of divers and submersibles, anchoring, and in general any actions that disturb the peace of the burial site are prohibited.

WITHAmong the most common versions of the death of the liner is called Nakhimov’s curse.

Once upon a time, Admiral P.S. Nakhimov, defending Sevastopol, ordered the scuttling of ships in order to block the path of enemy ships to the harbor. The city was then defended, but since then the ships, named after the brave and enterprising admiral, inevitably suffer shipwrecks and sink.

According to another version, the death of the ships was influenced by an earthquake, which at the time of the crash occurred in the Black Sea, but hundreds of miles from Novorossiysk. Its powerful electromagnetic radiation from the earthquake influenced the actions of the captains of both ships.

A natural anomaly changes time and the psyche of people

In addition to the sometimes mysterious, causeless shipwrecks, Tsemes Bay has become famous for its ability to change time and the character of the people living nearby.

Sailors testify that more than once in the center of the bay the crew of the ships plying its expanses had their watches stop at once. Electrical appliances broke down. But, as a rule, after an indefinite period of time, time returned again in the usual sense, only the clock had to be adjusted to the desired mark.

In the 2000s, residents of Novorossiysk They began to repeatedly talk about strange coincidences - on some days, strange and terrible road accidents occurred in the vicinity of the city in which people died. In the city, especially sensitive people “went crazy” and hurt themselves and those around them.

Among the descriptions of oddities is the following: two Novorossians were driving a car and admiring the clear surface of Tsemes Bay. Suddenly, huge circles appeared on the surface of the sea - as if someone invisible from above had dropped something into the sea.

Moreover, according to friends, the water seemed to be rotating clockwise and threatened to turn into a funnel. This vision lasted for several minutes, after which it also suddenly disappeared.

At the end of the 2000s, work was carried out in Tsemes Bay to examine deep-water discharges of collectors from wastewater treatment plants. Experienced divers worked at a depth of 40-45 meters.

One of these days during the next dive, one of the experienced divers was about to surface when the air supply was running out. And suddenly he realized with horror that he could not do this. Something seemed to be pulling him into the depths. Panic and horror came.

The man began to move desperately, trying to rise to the surface and eventually surfaced. But at the same time he almost lost consciousness from the shock he experienced. For obvious reasons, he never returned to the terrible place.

Around the same years, a strange incident occurred in the port of Novorossiysk- during loading and unloading operations, 4 workers suddenly became ill with their hearts. All of them were immediately taken to the intensive care unit of a local hospital. But it was still not possible to save one of the men.

Scientists and paranormal investigators claim that magnetic anomalies are the cause of these and many other similar cases.

In their opinion, the effect of these anomalies is not constant and depends on several factors. First of all, all of them are usually associated with the presence of large “reserves” of iron or ore in the anomalous zone (of which there is plenty at the bottom of Tsemes Bay). In addition, the unexplained phenomena are also influenced by electromagnetic emissions associated with the movement of magma, which occurred near the surface of the earth.

And yet, there are still skeptics for whom the above-described phenomena and incidents are not an indicator of the anomalousness of the Tsemes Bay. In their opinion, the high frequency of tragic incidents is justified by the fact that this is the most intense shipping traffic in the Black Sea.

We cannot say for sure who is right and who is wrong. Only one thing is clear - as long as ships continue to sink in Tsemes Bay and people die, the notoriety of the Russian “Bermuda Triangle” will not go away. This means that for many years to come, Novorossiysk and its surroundings will receive close attention from researchers, divers and simply history buffs who are trying to get to the bottom of the “mystery of the “devil’s” bay.”

For the first time, the Russians heard about the “mysterious bay” in the shape of a horseshoe from the Turks who lived in the Sudzhuk-Kale fortress, located on the site...

The whole world knows about the Bermuda Triangle - a “lost place” in the Atlantic Ocean, where mysterious disappearances of ships and aircraft regularly occur. But few people know that a similar anomaly exists in Russia, on the Black Sea.

The Novorossiysk port is the largest in Russia, dozens of ships moor here every day, large and small ships scurry around Tsemes Bay, travelers and yachtsmen seem to have entered and left the bay hundreds of times on ships of varying capacity and prestige. Sailing regattas are even held here. Life is in full swing. But, from time to time, something wakes up in the bay that makes the city lose another ship, its crew and passengers. The notoriety of Tsemes Bay has been haunting the minds of local residents and experienced sailors for several centuries, whom fate brings to these lands. For the first time, the Russians heard about the “mysterious bay” in the shape of a horseshoe from the Turks who lived in the Sudzhuk-Kale fortress, located on the site of present-day Novorossiysk. The boats of the warlike Janissaries sank in the bay, as if someone with frantic force was pulling them to the bottom.

In broad daylight and without the slightest hint of wind or storm. It happened that experienced swimmers who decided to swim away from the shore unexpectedly went under water.

According to legends, it was here that Odysseus went for the golden fleece, here Hercules performed the exploits, and here Prometheus was chained to a rock. Do you remember the myth about the island of sirens, who drove brave sailors crazy with their wondrous singing and eventually the ships and their people sank?

According to one version of modern researchers, this “island” was located somewhere in the area of ​​​​present-day Novorossiysk.

Maybe the curse of Tsemes Bay and ancient sirens are somehow connected?

It is noteworthy that the shipwreck itself, in all cases, without exception, occurred in a matter of minutes. Regardless of the size of the ship in distress.

However, the Russians, who decided to settle in the sunny and seemingly calm bay, were not frightened by these stories. And as a result, a base for the Russian Black Sea Fleet was built here. The geographical location of Tsemes Bay and local weather conditions were too suitable.

But the change in the name and national composition of those living on the shores of the Black Sea “Bermuda Triangle” did not in any way affect the unusual qualities of the bay - attracting ships to the bottom.

Ship Graveyard

Throughout the year, many merchant and passenger ships enter and leave the harbor, but not all of them reach their destination safely. The bottom of the bay is dotted with the remains of ships from different times, sank for unknown reasons.

Numerous divers, not afraid of the “curse of Tsemes Bay,” have repeatedly brought to the surface many ancient coins, pieces of amphorae and other finds that testify to the long-standing shipwrecks that occurred in these places.

It is interesting that some of the ships lost in the bay already in the 20th century have not yet been found by underwater researchers. Although there is reliable evidence of their death.

Even the statistics of local shipwrecks itself suggests that the bay is “abnormal.”

Only in the 20th century the following events (the loudest) took place here:

In 1918, in order to avoid surrender to the Germans, on the orders of Lenin, the entire Russian Black Sea Fleet was scuttled in the bay.

During the Great Patriotic War, several dozen large and small ships perished in the bay, many of which have not yet been found.

On August 31, 1986, here, as a result of a collision with a dry cargo ship, the legendary passenger steamer Admiral Nakhimov died, taking 423 people with it to the bottom of the bay.

In 1973, in winter, the ship standing at the pier suddenly became very icy due to a squally wind and sank to the bottom in a matter of minutes. Only half of the crew managed to escape.

In 2010, searchers discovered a sunken warship of the Sea Hunter type near Novorossiysk. Historians believe that he took part in the battles for Malaya Zemlya during the Great Patriotic War.

It would be logical to assume that the ship was sunk in battle, for example, under fire from German bombers. But if this were actually the case, then the shells should have exploded and destroyed the ship.

However, the ship's ammunition was fully preserved, according to the ship's researchers. For some strange reason, detonation did not occur.

By the way, during the battles for Novorossiysk, many similar oddities occurred. But due to the seriousness of the situation and the severity of the fighting, practically no one paid attention to them.

And, perhaps, a more attentive attitude to the investigation of shipwrecks in Tsemes Bay could save a certain number of quite normal ships.

The curse of “Nakhimov” or Tsemes Bay?

One of the most terrible and logically absurd tragedies in Russian shipping happened on the night of August 31, 1986.

"Admiral Nakhimov" was a Soviet passenger steamer, which for 29 years made sea cruises along the Crimean-Caucasian line.

On August 31, 1986, the steamer "Admiral Nakhimov" arrived from the port of Yalta and, in accordance with its cruise schedule, at 14:00 moored at the 34th passenger berth of the port of Novorossiysk. In accordance with the schedule, “Admiral Nakhimov” was supposed to remain in Novorossiysk until the evening.

At 22:00, when all the passengers were already on board, the ship gave up and slowly set sail from the quay wall. The tugboats “Fearless” and “Immaculate” slowly moved the brightly lit “Admiral Nakhimov” away from the pier, turned it around in the water area and led it out of the port.

At that moment, according to the official version, there were 1,243 people on board the Nakhimov. There were 346 crew members and, taking into account the cruise vouchers issued, 897 passengers.

So the ship left the port for the last time in its 60-year life, having 1234 victims on board.

The Admiral Nakhimov and the huge cargo ship Pyotr Vasev collided at the exit from Tsemes Bay.

The ship sank in just 8 minutes, of the 1234 passengers on board, 423 went under water with the liner.

The investigation almost immediately found those responsible for the tragedy - according to prosecutors, they turned out to be the captains of both ships. For “negligent attitude towards their duties” they received several years in prison.

However, the majority of Novorossiysk residents, relatives of the dead and surviving passengers of the Nakhimov, as well as numerous researchers do not believe in such an overly simple explanation of the circumstances of the accident.

After all, both captains were experienced “sea wolves”, they passed through the sea gates of Novorossiysk more than once, and showed their best side in the most difficult situations on the high seas. And here is such an “oversight”?

Nobody still can understand how could two ships collide in a large bay with complete calm and beautiful summer weather, if the ships were in direct visibility, the teams were experienced, there was more than enough space and time for divergence.

For comparison, let's give a clear example: imagine an ordinary empty stadium. There are two cars on it that for some reason collided. Although there was plenty of room for the most difficult maneuvers.

Actions of the captain of the dry cargo ship "Peter Vasev" the last few minutes before the collision still seem more than strange: he calmly continued to guide the cargo ship using instruments, despite his assistant’s persistent requests to look out the window where the approaching lights of a huge liner flickered.

Why did the experienced sailor trust only the instrument readings, which this time erroneously indicated a successful departure from the liner? When the captain woke up from a sudden “oblivion”, he realized that it was impossible to prevent the shipwreck. A “reverse move” was urgently given. But due to inertia, the ship continued to approach the Nakhimov.

P According to one of the versions, the instruments of the dry cargo ship showed a certain third vessel in the waters of Tsemes Bay. But why is nothing known about him? And why didn’t smart electronics recognize such a huge liner as the Admiral Nakhimov?

Due to the damage received, the passenger liner sank in a matter of seconds. More than 400 people went under water, pulled into a huge funnel. The bodies of 60 people have not yet been found.

It is noteworthy that strange things continued to happen to the ship after the crash. During search operations on board the Nakhimov, two experienced divers once died.

It seemed like they didn't have enough air. People who visited the “Russian Titanic” noted the sudden feeling of panic and horror that arose in them at a depth of more than 40 meters.

After a series of strange incidents and coincidences, it was decided to stop the search work and cover the body itself with a special rubber cover. The masts were cut down, the pipes were removed.

So the steamer “Admiral Nakhimov” still lies in Tsemes Bay at a depth of 47 meters. The vessel does not pose any navigational or environmental hazard.

In addition, at present, not a single project for its rise has been developed. And the area with a radius of 500 meters, which is the site of the sinking of the ship "Admiral Nakhimov", is considered the official burial place of the victims of the disaster.

In this area, diving of divers and submersibles, anchoring, and in general any actions that disturb the peace of the burial site are prohibited.

WITHAmong the most common versions of the death of the liner is called Nakhimov’s curse.

Once upon a time, Admiral P.S. Nakhimov, defending Sevastopol, ordered the scuttling of ships in order to block the path of enemy ships to the harbor. The city was then defended, but since then the ships, named after the brave and enterprising admiral, inevitably suffer shipwrecks and sink.

According to another version, the death of the ships was influenced by an earthquake, which at the time of the crash occurred in the Black Sea, but hundreds of miles from Novorossiysk. Its powerful electromagnetic radiation from the earthquake influenced the actions of the captains of both ships.

A natural anomaly changes time and the psyche of people

In addition to the sometimes mysterious, causeless shipwrecks, Tsemes Bay has become famous for its ability to change time and the character of the people living nearby.

Sailors testify that more than once in the center of the bay the crew of the ships plying its expanses had their watches stop at once. Electrical appliances broke down. But, as a rule, after an indefinite period of time, time returned again in the usual sense, only the clock had to be adjusted to the desired mark.

In the 2000s, residents of Novorossiysk They began to repeatedly talk about strange coincidences - on some days, strange and terrible road accidents occurred in the vicinity of the city in which people died. In the city, especially sensitive people “went crazy” and hurt themselves and those around them.

Among the descriptions of oddities is the following: two Novorossians were driving a car and admiring the clear surface of Tsemes Bay. Suddenly, huge circles appeared on the surface of the sea - as if someone invisible from above had dropped something into the sea.

Moreover, according to friends, the water seemed to be rotating clockwise and threatened to turn into a funnel. This vision lasted for several minutes, after which it also suddenly disappeared.

At the end of the 2000s, work was carried out in Tsemes Bay to examine deep-water discharges of collectors from wastewater treatment plants. Experienced divers worked at a depth of 40-45 meters.

One of these days during the next dive, one of the experienced divers was about to surface when the air supply was running out. And suddenly he realized with horror that he could not do this. Something seemed to be pulling him into the depths. Panic and horror came.

The man began to move desperately, trying to rise to the surface and eventually surfaced. But at the same time he almost lost consciousness from the shock he experienced. For obvious reasons, he never returned to the terrible place.

Around the same years, a strange incident occurred in the port of Novorossiysk- during loading and unloading operations, 4 workers suddenly became ill with their hearts. All of them were immediately taken to the intensive care unit of a local hospital. But it was still not possible to save one of the men.

Scientists and paranormal investigators claim that the cause of these and many other similar cases is magnetic

In their opinion, the effect of these anomalies is not constant and depends on several factors. First of all, all of them are usually associated with the presence of large “reserves” of iron or ore in the anomalous zone (of which there is plenty at the bottom of Tsemes Bay). In addition, the unexplained phenomena are also influenced by electromagnetic emissions associated with the movement of magma, which occurred near the surface of the earth.

And yet, there are still skeptics for whom the above-described phenomena and incidents are not an indicator of the anomalousness of the Tsemes Bay. In their opinion, the high frequency of tragic incidents is justified by the fact that this is the most intense shipping traffic in the Black Sea.

We cannot say for sure who is right and who is wrong. Only one thing is clear - as long as ships continue to sink in Tsemes Bay and people die, the notoriety of the Russian “Bermuda Triangle” will not go away. This means that for many years to come, Novorossiysk and its surroundings will receive close attention from researchers, divers and simply history buffs who are trying to get to the bottom of the “mystery of the “devil’s” bay.”

The mystery of the “curse” of Tsemes Bay

Or Novorossiysk, is located in the northern part of the Russian Black Sea coast and received its name due to the Tsemes River flowing into it. In its northwestern part is the city of Novorossiysk, and in the eastern part is the village of Kabardinka.

Tsemes Bay has a sad history. So, on June 18, 1918, on the orders of Lenin, ships of the Black Sea Fleet along with their crews were scuttled. The sailors preferred to die in the abyss rather than surrender.

The second black date is August 31, 1986, when, at the entrance to the bay, the steamship Admiral Nakhimov collided with the bulk carrier Pyotr Vasev and sank.

Sailors consider Tsemes Bay to be a kind of Bermuda Triangle. The bad reputation about it has been living among the people for many years.

Even the Turks, who once lived in the Sudzhuk-Kale fortress, talked about a mysterious bay shaped like a horseshoe. With horror, they said that in this bay, for some unknown reason, boats were sinking, as if someone was dragging them to the bottom. A lot of people died here, many of whom were skilled swimmers.

During the Second World War, several dozen different ships sank in Tsemes Bay, and some of them have not yet been found.

Currently, the entire bottom of the bay is strewn with the wreckage of many ships. Thanks to this, the anomalous zone is a real Mecca for divers who lift numerous artifacts from the bottom, including ancient coins and amphorae. All the more surprising is the fact that no one has yet been able to discover some of the ships that sank in the bay in the 20th century, although there are exact coordinates of the places of their destruction.

Of course, the worst disaster was the sinking of the steamer Admiral Nakhimov. He arrived at the port of Novorossiysk on August 31, 1986 from Yalta and was supposed to remain here until the evening.

At 22:00, exactly on schedule, the liner unmoored and tugs took it away from the pier. At the exit from Tsemes Bay, the ship suddenly collided with a giant dry cargo ship and sank in 8 minutes. There were 1,243 people on board at that time, 423 of whom drowned.

There is still no adequate explanation for what happened. Both captains were experienced sailors, and the collision took place in almost empty waters. There is a version that the cargo ship’s instruments noted the presence of ANOTHER vessel in the bay and did not recognize the Admiral Nakhimov liner.

While carrying out rescue operations in the bay, two experienced divers drowned, who, according to the official version, ran out of air. Other submariners who explored the sunken ship constantly became victims of panic attacks.

All this led to the fact that work on raising the steamer was soon stopped, and the Admiral Nakhimov still rests at a depth of 47 m with sawed-off pipes and masts, covered with special rubber covers.

There is a legend among the people about the curse of Admiral Nakhimov, which caused the crash of the liner.

Thus, Admiral P.S. Nakhimov took part in the defense of Sevastopol and ordered the sinking of ships at the entrance to Tsemes Bay in order to block the path of the enemies. According to legend, since then all ships named after the glorious admiral have been wrecked upon entering this bay.

However, Tsemes Bay is also known for other anomalies. The clock often stops here. According to sailors, this happens to all crew members at once. Various devices often fail. Usually, when leaving the water area, the watch and equipment begin to work properly again.

At the beginning of the 20th century, residents of the vicinity of Tsemes Bay witnessed terrible accidents that occurred with frightening frequency, almost in the same place.

On the surface of the bay itself there are often huge circles in which the water rotates.

Relatively recently, work was carried out at the depths of the bay to examine the sewers of treatment facilities. Divers who had to work at a depth of more than 45 m were involved in them. One day one of them prepared to ascend because the air in his cylinders was running out. To his horror, he discovered that something was holding him at depth and even pulling him down. Only thanks to superhuman efforts did the submariner manage to rise to the surface, but he never returned to work in the bay.

Another strange incident was recorded in the recent past. During loading operations, four port employees simultaneously became ill with heart problems. As a result, one of them died, and doctors never found the cause of what happened.

Scientists explain what is happening in Tsemes Bay by the presence in this area of ​​a magnetic anomaly, the effect of which is inconsistent and depends on many factors.

Tsemes Bay is a water area that is now occupied by one of the largest sea trading ports of the Black Sea and Russia in general. The bay washes the shores of the hero city of Novorossiysk.
If you find yourself in this wonderful town, just come to the embankment and enjoy the grandeur of the port. Also every half hour in the summer, pleasure boats depart from the central embankment. An hour-long trip around the bay is very affordable - 200 rubles. per person, so I advise
Novorossiysk is a port of world significance, which is why you can meet ships from all over the world here. For example, straight from Panama, it is unloaded near the administrative building of the organization

These are the pleasure boats

And this is the edge of a bunna (breakwater) with a lighthouse at the end. They are built in order to protect ships from storms, which are so frequent in these places in the autumn-winter period

Three red and white pipes near the mountain are another cement plant, of which there are more than enough in the Novorossiysk region

As you have probably already noticed, the mountains around these factories have a rather modified topography. There's no escape - the main raw material comes from them

In the lower right corner between the mountains there is the resort village of Kabardinka, administratively belonging to the Novorossiysk region

The oil loading part is also present here and is located at the edge of the port

This is what a floating crane looks like

Warships sail here constantly

Not far from the Sudzhuk Spit there is a panoramic view of the city itself. And this memorial dedicated to the Great Patriotic War is called “Malaya Zemlya”. There is a museum inside, quite a popular place among tourists from neighboring cities.


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