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Chinese Guilin is both an interesting city and an amazing natural monument. It is located in southern China, in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, on the banks of the Lijiang River. The beauty of Guilin inspired people to give unusually poetic names to the surrounding places: Seven Stars Park, Reed Flute Cave, Brocade Hill or Green Lotus Peak - this is not a complete list of attractions in Guilin.

The history of the city of Guilin exceeds 2000 years, and here natural monuments alternate with man-made masterpieces. In the center of Guilin rises the 152-meter-high Mountain of Unusual Beauty (“Dusiufeng”), to the top of which there is a staircase of 300 steps. Here are also the ruins of the imperial residence of the Ming era, and to the south is Elephant Trunk Mountain, so named for its resemblance to an elephant drinking water.

The Lijiang River, which flows through the entire city, is exceptionally clean and transparent. In the middle of the river stands Mount Crushing Wave, on which a Buddhist temple is built. It has such unique items as a bell weighing 2.5 tons and a cauldron in which food can be cooked for a thousand people.

"Guilin" is translated from Chinese as "forest of cassia trees." The limestone pillars actually resemble a huge stone forest in appearance.

The layers of limestone that make up the rocks were once deposited at the bottom of an ancient sea. Several million years later, this section of the earth's crust rose after strong earthquakes. Subsequently, terrible rains and snow fell on this area, gradually eroding the rock, already weakened by cracks and faults. Later, the upper layers of limestone fell away, revealing spire-shaped calcareous trunks, which for modern scientists have become an example of karst rocks of ancient origin. Currently, the limestone pillars of the Chinese mountains stretch from the southern regions of Central China to the northern regions of Vietnam. Sheer cliffs, the height of which often reaches 100 m, stand pressed against each other, almost vertically. The strict ridges of Guilin's peaks are visible many kilometers away.

It would seem that nothing can grow on bare rock. However, the Guilin Mountains are among the most picturesque on the planet. Almost the entire mountain range is covered with vines and small trees clinging to the rocky slopes. When the orchids bloom, colorful islands of flowers light up on the slopes. The mountains, often shrouded in a soft mist, and the calm waters of the River Li have a mystical aura that has inspired artists and poets for centuries.

The unusual and, literally, unearthly landscape of Guilin made it one of the filming locations for the film “Star Wars. Episode III. Revenge of the Sith."

And now we give the floor to Stanislav Sedov, who will tell you about his impressions of the trip

The first serious test awaited us even before arriving in Guilin. The fact is that according to the new air transportation rules, it is prohibited to transport lithium batteries in luggage in China. After checking in for the flight, our suitcases were checked and we were forced to put out all our batteries. Dima and I collected all the batteries and, putting them in one bag, went through pre-flight inspection. As expected, questions arose during the inspection - according to the rules, it was impossible to carry even one battery of such power as ours, and in the bag there were no less than 16 of them.

Our guide, Katerina, turned on her powers of persuasion at full capacity, I took out my phone with recent photographs of China from the air, and together we somehow managed to persuade the guys at the control to let us on board with all the batteries. Katya just asked me to pack everything quickly before one of the senior bosses saw our “goods”...

The first flights in the mountains were made directly from the road, assembling the helicopter on the knee. The photographs turned out to be very interesting “hedgehogs”. During these test flights, Dima and I came to the conclusion that we would have to fly high in Guilin, much higher than usual, since from low altitudes it would not be possible to interestingly show the beauty around us.

The next day we arrived at the boat station. According to a long-standing routine, they tried to “double” the cost of chartering a boat for us, white tourists. Our driver, a local girl, offered through her friends to rent a cheaper boat, but what happened here... The granny, offering boat charter as an agent, turned from a sweet old woman into a real hag: curses were used on the poor girl’s head, with her hands, it seemed, Now he's going to grab her in the face. Something from such an intrusive service made us feel a little uneasy, and so we decided to go to the girl’s friends, although the old woman at the end of her “speech” shouted out the price with clearly zero profitability for herself. Apparently from principle...

After some time we were already floating on a raft up the river. It’s worth telling in a few words about these rafts. The vessel consists of large-diameter sewer pipes tied together in a bundle, which are slightly bent upward at both ends. There is a canopy with benches for passengers in the center. At the stern there is a motor unit, which is a lawn mower engine with a long shaft ending in a propeller.

The vibrations and noise when this vessel moves through the water are very high, and the speed, on the contrary, is snail's pace. However, the rafts were quite suitable for our purposes, since there was enough space on the bow for a helicopter to take off and land.

Slowly moving along the river, we landed on the banks or islands in key places. The Chinese gave each mountain its own name, which usually more or less accurately reflects its shape. At times, when there was nowhere to land, we took off directly from the raft. The technique worked great, and thanks to this I was able to repeatedly break my personal record for flight altitude with a camera. Stopped at 524 meters. We didn't go any higher, because... the haze in the valleys began to obscure the details of the landscape too much.

Our filming of Guilin ended in the provincial capital of the same name. There, in the center of the city, there are two pagodas that are symbols of this place: the Sun Pagoda and the Moon Pagoda. One of them can be approached via a bridge, the other is reached by an underground tunnel. Unfortunately, we were not able to see the tunnel from the helicopter, but you can see the pagodas themselves in great detail.

We thank Yuri Pustovoy for the photographs provided.

In the heart of Yangshuo Village is the pedestrianized West Street. It stretches from the bus station to the very bank of the Lijiang River. Most of the houses on the street are made in the Southern Chinese style. Their snow-white walls are decorated with carved roofs.

A walk along the entire street takes 15 minutes, but the many souvenir shops that attract you like a magnet will definitely drag your walk for a couple of hours. And this is not surprising, because local souvenir shops can boast the most interesting handmade items such as Tibetan silver, felt toys, flannelette tablecloths, embroidered pillowcases, designer bags, clothing of national minorities, beautiful porcelain dolls and much more.

If you don’t see a sign that says “no bargain,” you can safely bargain with the seller, because the price will definitely be 5-10 times higher.

West Street is also home to several clubs, restaurants and bars.

Bamboo Flute Cave

Not far from the city of Guilin is the Bamboo Flute Cave. It got its unusual name due to the fact that bamboo grows around it, from which the best flutes in China are made. The cave itself is not very large - its total length hardly exceeds 500 meters. The cave amazes with the abundance of multi-colored stalactites and stalagmites, creating absolutely amazing pictures.

There is a beautiful legend that once a poet arrived in the Bamboo Flute Cave and wanted to write poems about the greatness of this place. He wandered through the halls of the cave for a long time, but managed to write only 2 lines: “The Cave of the Bamboo Flute is a real masterpiece of nature. I want to describe her beauty, but I can’t find the words.” The poet was never able to complete the verse - he turned into stone.

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Mount Laoshan

The highest mountain on the country's coast. The height of its highest peak, Gigant, is 1133 meters. There are many legends associated with Mount Laoshan. According to one of them, “supernatural spirits” live on the mountain. The first emperor of the Qing Dynasty, Qin Shi Huang, climbed the mountain in search of these very creatures. Li Longji, Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, also climbed this mountain. He looked for the source of eternal life on it.

Laoshan is one of the sacred mountains of China. During the heyday of Taoism, there were about 72 monasteries, 8 temples and 9 palaces. However, subsequently many temples and monasteries were destroyed. Only the Taoist monastery of Taiqing has survived to this day.

Another attraction of the mountain is its mineral springs, which are considered the cleanest in all of China. They are often endowed with healing and even magical properties.

At the top of the mountain there is an observation deck from which a magnificent view of the surrounding landscapes opens. You can get to the top by cable car.

Not far from the city of Guilin there is a picturesque place created by nature itself - the amazing Guilin Mountains. Over the centuries, wind and water washed away particles from the limestone rocks that were once the bottom of the sea - and as a result, rocks appeared that looked like towers and pillars. Nature has given them the most bizarre forms. The cliffs reach an average height of 100 m, some are covered with small trees, vines and orchids. In the mountains you can find caves, also created over many centuries by rainwater. One of the most famous is the Reed Piper Cave, in which fragile stalactites really resemble pipes. The mountains were opened to foreign tourists only in 1973.

Mount Moon Hill

In the southeastern part of China, in the vicinity of the city of Guilin, you can find an amazing attraction: a triangular-shaped mountain with an almost round hole at the top, which makes you think of the moon - it’s not for nothing that the name of the mountain is literally translated as Moon Hill.

You can admire this miracle of nature from afar, or you can make a half-hour climb up the mountain and look at the surrounding plain through a natural arch.

Longji Village

Longji Village is one of the most picturesque places in China. The local hills are occupied by terraced rice fields, with the highest plantations located at 880 meters above sea level. The spectacle of sunset and sunrise in this place is absolutely fantastic - the sky and sunlight are reflected in the water of the rice fields, creating a truly fabulous picture.

The method used by Chinese farmers to build terraces allows the natural space to be converted to the greatest advantage for cultivation to grow rice. Water supply in these places is extremely scarce, which is why this system has gained immense popularity. Since the Middle Ages it has spread over 66 square kilometers of hilly terrain.

Ursa Major Park (Seven Stars Park)

Seven Stars Park is the largest in Guilin. On its territory of 137 hectares, seven peaks rise, the location of which bizarrely resembles the constellation Ursa Major.

The park is located on the banks of the Li River. Since ancient times, it has been popular among high-ranking officials of China, who loved to relax here. During the Song Dynasty, a covered bridge was built in the park, which has survived to this day.

One of the main attractions of the park is the Cave of the Seven Stars. Consisting of three levels, the cave invariably attracts many tourists who want to see the local beauty - stalactites and stalagmites, which are illuminated by the bright rays of installed spotlights.

Reed Flute Cave

Guilin is a picturesque ancient city located in southern China. For its beautiful landscapes and nature, the Chinese often call Guilin "the most beautiful city in the Middle Kingdom." The main attraction of the city is the Reed Flute Cave - the largest karst cave with magnificent stalactites. It is impossible to remain indifferent after seeing the beauty of these underground halls. The cave goes 240 meters deep, and man first set foot here 1300 years ago!

The cave was discovered during the Tang Dynasty, when the power of the Great Chinese Empire reached its highest degree. Legend has it that the cave was discovered thanks to a simple peasant who was wandering in the surrounding area and suddenly fell through the ground. This crevice turned out to be the entrance to the cave.

The famous karst cave was formed more than 180 million years ago. Many thousands of years ago, there was an ocean in this place. Then, as a result of natural disasters, the water disappeared, and fantastic mountains with amazing gorges, strange crevices, deep grottoes and caves rose to the surface. And the name “Cave of the Reed Flute” appeared due to the fact that local residents made flutes from reeds growing nearby.

The most popular attractions in Guilin with descriptions and photographs for every taste. Choose the best places to visit famous places in Guilin on our website.

Guilin is a modern large city located in southern China, in the Guangxi Zhuang region. For many decades, thanks to its picturesque karst landscapes, it has attracted a huge number of travelers, being the second most popular tourist destination in the country after Beijing. The settlement, founded more than 2,000 years ago, is located in a basin surrounded by limestone mountains that jut out from the water and land like the teeth of a giant dragon. Some of them are located in a row, almost vertically pressing against each other, and some stand apart. Most of these bizarre rock formations have caves and sometimes even holes. The name of the city means “forest of osmanthus,” a cinnamon tree grown in the area since ancient times.

  • Area: 28 km²;
  • Time zone: UTC+8;
  • Population: 5,046,000.


Guilin is located in the subtropical monsoon climate zone. In summer it is hot and humid, in winter it is damp and cold, in spring and autumn there is comfortable warm weather. The rainy season begins in May and lasts almost until the end of June. From November to March there is dry weather with little precipitation in the form of snow. The most favorable time to travel to this amazing corner of nature is from April to October.

How to get there

The most convenient way to get to Guilin is by plane. The local airport, located 30 kilometers from the city, serves mainly domestic flights, with only a few international destinations connecting Guilin with Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea and Thailand. From Russia you can get to the Chinese miracle of nature with transfers in Guangzhou, Beijing or Shanghai.

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What to see

One of Guilin's most scenic attractions is the pristine Li or Lijiang River, which is included in the list of the 10 most attractive sites in the world, according to the popular magazine National Geographic. The river originates at the Lonely Beauty mountain peak 2141 meters above sea level, and its path from north to south continues through the entire city. A trip to Lijiang will allow you to enjoy the beauty of karst landscapes and remember it for a long time.

In the vicinity of Guilin there is another place of amazing beauty - rice fields created by cascades on the slopes of the mountains. This is probably the only such engineering structure, striking not only with its picturesqueness, but also with its scale: the area of ​​the fields is about 60 square kilometers. It took local residents more than 500 years to create such huge terraces for growing cereals.

On the left bank of the Leigh is the city's largest park, Seven Stars, so named because it is surrounded by mountains located in the shape of the Big Dipper constellation. The park's middle name is Ursa Major. It is home to the city zoo, the Flower Bridge, built in the 10th-12th centuries, the Guihai “forest of stone slabs”, which is about 218 stone formations with ancient Chinese texts from the early 7th century, and the Seven Stars Cave, which reaches a length of 1100 meters.

However, the most popular cave in Guilin is the Reed Flute Cave, so named because of the abundance of reeds growing at its entrance. This natural material has been used to make many musical instruments. The road to the cave also passes through the park of the same name. The huge halls contain illuminated stalactites and stalagmites, the beauty of which is amazing, but the real pearl is the underground lake located at the end of the route, at a depth of 200 meters.

The main object of Guilin is the mountains, of which there are a lot, and almost each has its own name. Thus, in the center of the city there is Duxiu Feng - the Mountain of Solitary Beauty; you can climb it by stairs that end in an observation deck and a temple. An interesting mountain that conquers the waves is Fuboshan. There is also a park of the same name with a huge bell and a dinner cauldron for a thousand people and the Cave of a Thousand Buddhas, and from the top of the mountain you can see a panorama of most of the city. The most popular photo object of tourists is the Elephant Trunk massif, located on the banks of the Li, and received its name for its resemblance to a drinking elephant.

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China is one of the largest countries in the world. It has many interesting cities that are visited by tourists from other countries. This article will talk about the city of Guilin in China: attractions, what to see.

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As a destination for travelers, Guilin is rich in its amazing mountains and plains, rivers and many other natural wonders. This is a regional-scale town within the Guangxi Zhuan autonomy, which the Chinese call the most beautiful in the Celestial Empire. Because in Guilin there are attractions of different sizes and in sufficient quantity.

You can book a tour of the places you like using websites and.

The full name of such beauty of nature is Li Jiang. The waters of the river spread throughout the city. But it originates from the cat mountain. If you sail along it as part of an excursion group or on your own, you can explore many interesting local places, including the Elephant Trunk, Fuboshan and Folded Brocade mountains.

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Farms and orchards line the banks of the river, providing permanent employment for local and city residents. The boat trip lasts 1 hour 30 minutes. During this time, the boat covers 80 kilometers from Guilin to the village of Yangshuo. Therefore, there is enough time to not only enjoy the landscapes, but also take photographs against their background.

Reed Flute Cave

Perhaps one of the most important attractions of Guilin is the huge cave containing stalactites. When you get inside, you get the impression that this is a completely different dimension, because the bright and rich shimmer of colors will not leave anyone indifferent. The depth of the cave reaches 240 meters.

According to historical data, more than a thousand years ago, man first came to this peculiar world. But it was formed 180 million years ago on the site of the ocean, which disappeared due to changes in nature, after which such caves and gorges grew.

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As local legend says, an ordinary peasant was walking in the area and fell underground in the place that later became the entrance to the cave. The name “Reed Flute” was given by local residents who made flutes from the reeds that grew in the nearby valley.

Mountain "Elephant Trunk"

The Guilin Mountains also attract with their unique beauty. One of them is “Elephant Trunk”. The name was coined because of her appearance. If you look from the side, you get the impression that a huge elephant is standing in the river and drinking water. The height of such an “animal” is 100 meters.

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Between the imaginary trunk and body of the elephant, a cave has formed, through which the Li Jiang River runs. If there is a full moon in the sky at night, then its light through the opening of the cave creates the impression of the presence of a second moon.

Local residents say that according to legend, this elephant saw how hard people were working on the land. After that, he decided to offer his help and went down to them. But the Heavenly Emperor became angry at such disobedient behavior and stabbed the elephant with a dagger, after which it turned to stone. At the very top of the mountain, a sword-shaped brick pagoda was built in the 14th century.

In the middle section of the Li Jiang River there is a mountain, part of which is hidden under water, and the second half rises 60 meters from the water level. That is why the name Fuboshan was coined, which translates as “mountain that conquers the waves.” There is an observation deck mounted at the top, from where you can see not only the river itself, but also the surrounding area.

The attraction of the mountain is the temple installed on it. In front of it is a cauldron over 300 years old, designed to cook for 1,000 people. Nearby there is a bell from the Qing era, which weighs two and a half tons.

Several caves have formed in the middle of the mountain, housing Buddha statues, murals and many other memorabilia of the Chinese Republic.

There is also something to see in the northeastern part of Guilin. A hill made up of limestone layers stacked on top of each other is called Folded Brocade. Due to the fact that the massive layers are similar to folds in fabric, a unique name was coined.

Apart from the name, there are a number of attractions on this mountain. As you climb up, there is a stone with an inscription notifying tourists that this is the most suitable platform for a comprehensive exploration of other mountains and the city itself.

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A little higher there is a memorial plaque in honor of 2 Minsk officers. In an unequal battle, they were captured by soldiers of the Qing army. In captivity they were persuaded to betray their homeland and fight on the side of the Qing soldiers. But unconquered, in 1650 they were sentenced to death in the very place where the memorial plaque stands.

The next interesting place is the Wind Cave, in which the air currents do not fade away for a second all year round. It is a museum where you can see ancient sculptures, frescoes with Buddhas, and rock carvings. At the end of the ascent to the top of Bright Moon, tourists find themselves in a pavilion called “Catching Clouds.”

Seven Stars Park

The name of this park is fascinating in itself. But for a reason. It was invented due to the fact that there are seven large hills on an area of ​​120 hectares. Each of them attracts with its grandeur. If you see the entire area of ​​the “star” park from a great height, then the location of these peaks is similar to the constellation “Ursa Major”.

The park is also rich in its lakes with water as clear as a crystal tear, zoos with pandas, museums, gorges and caves. Popular spots among tourists include Flower Bridge and Mount Putuo.

The Flower Bridge is the oldest attraction, founded during the Song Dynasty. To see and feel all the fragrant beauty and play of bright colors, it is best to visit this place in the warm season. It is during this period that the aroma of flowers spreads for many kilometers.

Mount Putuo is located in the central park area. A hill has formed at its base, which in its appearance resembles a camel. That’s why it’s called “Camel Hill”. The mountain is not without its legend, which says that many years ago a hermit lived and grew plums here. A large number of plum trees surround it to this day.

Gudong Waterfall

Gudun Waterfall is of great interest to tourist groups. It is located in a park filled with flora and fauna in full scale. In order to increase demand among travelers, a unique attraction was invented. Those who wish must conquer the waterfall by passing the water wall.

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For safety, special helmets are provided. If you don’t want to get your clothes wet, but want to see all the delights of the waterfall, you can take the bypass path that will lead to the upper part of Gudun.

Lingqu Channel

But as it turns out, not all beautiful places in Guilin are created by nature. Back in 214 BC, at the behest of the emperor of the Qin dynasty, the construction of an artificial reservoir began. Its creation was necessary to strengthen state borders, and it was also an opportunity to transport food and weapons.

The length of the canal is 75 kilometers. However, its width is only 5 meters. Considering how many years have passed since the reign of the emperor of the Qin dynasty, the Lingqu Canal has not lost its beauty and uniqueness.

The highest point in Guilin is considered to be the peak of Mount Yao. According to legend, it was named after the palace of Emperor Yao. The main feature is the change of landscapes at different times of the year. With the arrival of spring, azaleas begin to grow on the hill, but in the summer, bamboo begins to cover the mountain.

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Near the base of Yao, scientists managed to find the tombs of former rulers. Their remains are hidden in the ground on an area of ​​100 m2. When you get to the very top, you can admire the Yao or White Deer Temple, and there is also a jade soul pond.

Considering that this mountain is the highest point in the city, a funicular was built for the convenience of tourists and local residents. For lovers of extreme recreation, there is a cable car, and for descent there is a slide similar to those in the water park.

Video: China, the path of tea - Guilin.

Mountain "Cat"

There are also plenty of attractions in the vicinity of Guilin. One of them is the highest mountain in the southern part of China, named “Cat”. Its peak is located at a level of 2,141 meters from sea level. If you see it in person, the origin of the name will immediately become clear. Because outwardly the mountain resembles a lying cat with sharp erect ears. Many different plants live on the “cat” slopes.

It is very difficult to climb, so a stone staircase was built. But fastidious tourists should take into account the lack of shops on the mountain and near it, so you need to stock up on some food and water.

The Guilin Mountains are a real pearl of China and one of the most beautiful places on our planet. In Chinese, "Guilin" means "forest of cassia trees." This is very symbolic: the layers of limestone deposits that appeared as a result of erosion processes, formed on the slopes of the local mountains and hills, resemble amazing petrified trees. The city of the same name is located in the mountains, which is also one of the largest airports in the country. Many tourists dream of visiting Guilin. The main attractions of this amazing place will be discussed in this article.

Lijiang River

The Lijiang, sometimes simply called the Li River, encircles Guilin, originating 70 kilometers north of the city in Xinan County and flowing into Xijiang.

A trip to Lijian millet will not leave you indifferent. Winding among the picturesque hills and valleys, like a canvas woven from the purest silk, it will enchant you with its unique beauty, as if straight out of a medieval Asian engraving. The beauty of the local landscapes attracts the attention of not only tourists, but also directors: the famous film “The Painted Veil” was shot on the Lijian River.

While traveling along the Li River, you will definitely see the old city of Dashu, which has not changed its appearance since the Ming era. The stone houses, which are several centuries old, and the magnificent Longevity Bridge will leave you with the most unforgettable impressions: you will feel that you are not just traveling along the river, but that you have found yourself in the distant past.

On the river is Buffalo Gorge, a place with which a beautiful legend is associated. In the gorge there is a stone resembling a human figure. Just below you can see a hill that looks like a woman with a child on her back. According to legend, there once lived a family in China who transported goods along the river. One day, during another trip, the family got tired and decided to spend the night on the shore. As the husband, wife and their child prepared to have dinner, an old man, exhausted from hunger, approached them. The old man asked for some rice for himself and his family. The good couple did not hesitate to give up everything they had, being left without provisions. The husband, hoping that another merchant ship would sail along the Li River, climbed the mountain and began to peer into the foggy distance. Out of anxiety and fear for his family, he turned to stone. Without waiting for her beloved, the woman took the child on her back and went in search of her husband. Seeing that he had become a stone, she herself became petrified from grief. The figures of the unfortunate people still stand on the river bank...

Down the river there is a famous hill called “Nine Horseshoes”. On the hillside there are boulders whose shape resembles horse tracks. In China, it is believed that only gifted people are able to spot all nine horseshoes. Immediately beyond the hill is the Yellow Canvas section of the river, so named because of the flat underwater rock that is bright yellow in color.

"Elephant trunk"

On the southern outskirts of Guilin city there is a natural park where tourists can see an amazing hill called “Elephant Trunk”. The hill is like a huge elephant that has lowered its trunk into Lijian to drink.

Chinese legend says that the elephant once belonged to the emperor. One day the unfortunate animal became seriously ill, and the ruler threw it onto the bank of the Li River. The peasants did not remain indifferent and cured the elephant. When the emperor found out about this, he demanded that the elephant return to the palace. However, the animal did not want to fulfill the will of the ruler, for which it was turned to stone.

There is an elephant not far from the embankment. True, you can only see it by visiting the Xianbishan desk. It is believed that the view from the embankment is obscured by natural vegetation, but this is not so. The entrepreneurs who own the park decided to plant bamboo on the shore, which would not allow them to enjoy the magnificent view for free. To see an elephant, you will have to buy a ticket to the park.

On top of the elephant is an ancient pagoda, which the Chinese call the Elephant Back Vase.

Reed Flute Cave

This cave is considered one of the most impressive and picturesque caves in the world. And this is not surprising. This natural site, located in Xishan Park, cannot fail to amaze even the most experienced tourists.

The cave got its unusual name because of the reed thickets located around it, from which local residents made flutes. According to legend, the cave was found by a simple peasant who went to the field to work and fell underground.

The uniqueness of the cave is that on its walls, floor and ceiling there are numerous limestone growths of bizarre shapes, which are reflected in the waters of the underground lake. Stalactites and stalagmites are illuminated with multi-colored lamps, which creates a truly mesmerizing effect.

By the way, the first tourists visited this amazing cave more than 13 centuries ago. And on the walls of the underground kingdom you can see inscriptions created in the 10th century AD.

Seven Stars Park

This park is one of the largest in China: its area is as much as 120 hectares! The park is located on the banks of the Lijian River, just two kilometers from the city. The park received its poetic name because of its seven peaks, which form a figure from above that resembles the constellation Ursa Major.

In the park you can see numerous rivers with the purest water, amazing plants unusual to the European eye, mountain ranges, a Buddhist temple and, of course, wild animals. For example, “Seven Stars” is home to numerous monkeys who have virtually no fear of tourists.

One of the oldest bridges in China, the Flower Bridge, is located here. It was built during the Xing Dynasty (X-XIII centuries). The arch of the bridge is reflected in the water, forming a perfect circle. Moreover, this picture never changes: the reflection does not depend on the time of year or the water level in the river.

By the way, there is a zoo in the park where everyone can see a real panda!

Brocade Hill

Brocade Hill is one of the most memorable and unusual sights in Guilin. The hill is interesting because it is covered with thick layers of limestone, overlapping each other. Because of this, the hill looks as if it is covered with a heavy brocade fabric. There are cinnamon trees on the top of the hill.

On the way to the top of the brocade hill you will see a stone that was installed in the 17th century. The inscription on the stone says that it is from here that the best view of the panorama of the city and its surroundings opens. A little higher is the Wind Cave, from where a light draft constantly blows. Inside the cave you can see miraculously preserved frescoes depicting various incarnations of Buddha.

Mount Yao

This mountain is one of the most impressive sights in Guilin. The mountain is unique in that it changes its appearance depending on the season. In spring, the slopes are covered with soft pink thickets of azaleas, in summer they are overgrown with bamboo, in autumn the time comes for multi-colored chrysanthemums and fiery maple leaves, and in winter Yao falls asleep under a blanket of snow.


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