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I was really captivated by the idea of \u200b\u200beverything free in this world and especially such opportunities in travel! Only if recently I myself "ate free cheese", now I decided to return the favor to the dear Universe and do something good, of course, for free!

Get approval from above and beyond by email follow the news in a group where announcements of applications for gritters periodically appear;

The first "Catch" an interesting foreigner for you (not forgetting to correlate your language and other possibilities with the wishes of the guest) and declare your desire to become a grinder for him on certain days and hours;

From the project coordinator get guest contacts, promptly write to him and arrange a meeting, not forgetting about the feedback from the coordinator, so that he is aware of what is happening;

meet the guest, take a walk-chat-enjoy mutual acquaintance, as well as take a joint photo (even a selfie) and ask for feedback about the trip on the Tripadvisor website: link for St. Petersburg and for Moscow;

continue hunting for new foreign guests in your city!

Directly about your experience of participating in this project I can tell you a little for now, as my gritting debut took place quite recently. I was going to show Dostoevsky's Petersburg to an aspiring Italian photographer, but in the end we walked around, it seems, the entire historical center of the city, since the weather and free time allowed it. In addition to traditional conversations about Russian culture (vodka-girls-bears), during the walk I took my new acquaintance to the famous Pyshechnaya on Bolshaya Konyushennaya, and the end of the excursion was a delicious dinner, which I got as a "thank you" for the hospitality. Frankly, it was nice)

She shared with me a much richer experience of "hospitality" one of the most active Moscow gritters Vera Kukoleva

Vera, tell us, please, what curious cases happened to your excursionists in Russia?

It is very touching to observe how foreigners are diligently trying to learn to read in Russian and memorize basic expressions. Instead of a long and terribly difficult “hello”, sometimes we get a familiar “hello!”, Which tourists intend to demonstrate their politeness in shops and hotels. Well, and "Pestopach" instead of "Restaurant" - everyone knows the story.

Once, sightseers from America asked "where do I usually buy nesting dolls." Immediately I imagined how every weekend I go to the sales of Russian folk toys at a student discount. I had to tell that almost only tourists buy nesting dolls.

What negative emotions can you get from grilling?

Negative impressions from excursions are extremely rare. Rather, they are the exceptions, confirming the rule that gritting always brings only joy. Sometimes it is a shame when guests are not at all interested in anything related to the history of the city, its architecture. Such people just want to "chat for life", and the preparation of the excursion turns out to be useless. And for each walk, I carefully prepare in advance: I select material, try to find something new and interesting.

The project is free, but it's always nice to get a "thank you" for your work. In what ways did foreign guests thank you?

It is very pleasant when guests bring me souvenirs from their country. Once a group from Brussels presented a box of real Belgian chocolate (delicious, tasty!), And tourists from Italy brought a traditional Neapolitan pendant for luck. Some foreigners, knowing that the program is free, want to express their gratitude with a tip and pay for the excursion, but I never take money: for me it spoils the beauty of the walk.

Greter's meeting with tourists is like meeting good friends. We communicate at ease, exchange stories about life in Russia and abroad. I give my guests advice on how best to spend time in Moscow, where to go, how not to get lost in the subway. Often we stay in touch after a walk and really stay friends for a long time. Who would think of taking money from friends? Therefore, I refuse on principle to "pay".

I thank Vera for a piece of her experience, which she shared with us, and I hasten to torment you with questions. the creator of the Moscow gritting community Alexei Sotskov

Alexey, please tell us about how the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating such a project was born?

Several years ago I was going to go to New York and was looking there free excursionsconducted by the residents themselves. Stumbled upon the Big Apple Greeter community, created to combat the stereotype that New York is a gang city. Local volunteers showed the guests not famous sights, but the real life of the American metropolis, which turned out to be not so dangerous.

I really liked the idea of \u200b\u200bthis project and decided to organize something similar in Moscow. The focus was on linguistic students who lack language practice. There are many speaking clubs and thematic lectures in foreign languages, but you usually have to pay to participate in them. And excursions for foreign guests are free conversational practice, and even in an extremely informal atmosphere. In many cities, gritters are mostly aged people who have a lot of free time, while in Russia, on the contrary, there are more young people.

To what extent is this an official organization and does it have some kind of "head unit" in charge of all regional ones?

So far, everything is run by the virtual Global Greeter Network, which, however, has its own real president and even several departments responsible for marketing, admitting new members, etc. Meetings of the worldwide guitar community are held annually in various cities. There are plans to transfer the activities of the organization to the "official channel", but so far this is all at the design stage. It's funny, but some members of the Global Greeter Network, for example, all the same Big Apple Greeter exist in a completely official form and are even sponsored by the city hall.

With this kind of support, I suspect the New York Gritters community is the most developed of its international counterparts.

That's right, Big Apple Greeter is the most advanced, because they stood at the origins of the movement, which originated already in 1992, while their "official bosses" of the Global Greeter Network appeared only in 2005. At the moment, the New York Gritters Association has more than 70 people who conduct about 150 excursions a month. True, it should be noted that such a high figure is achieved at the expense of domestic tourists, that is, Americans from other states. We, in contrast to Big Apple Greeter, are more focused on working with guests from abroad.

Then let's just move on to the Russian gritting movement, tell us a little about its performance.

The Moscow community of gritters will soon be 4 years old, and the St. Petersburg community has been operating for only 10 months. 70 participants are registered in the capital, about 40 in the Northern capital. As for the number of excursions, it depends very much on the time of year. During the season in Moscow, about 50 walks are held per month with foreign guests, and in winter - only 20. In St. Petersburg, the numbers are still quite modest: only 40 excursions since the creation of the community. However, it should be noted that the number of interested tourists is increasing every year, so we hope that we will continue to grow and develop!

I can only thank Alexey for the interesting conversation and wish the gritters of both capitals more interesting guests from all over the world!

Standard excursions are becoming a thing of the past, when a crowd of tourists is trying to keep up with the guide at the same time, take a picture, remember at least something from a speech full of numbers, dates, historical references. In the 21st century, an individual approach wins, taking into account the needs of each client, which it can boast of. Clients are offered an exclusive, created by a person who knows everything about his city and is able to captivate and intrigue the traveler.

Who conducts the tour

In places where tourists gather, both in megalopolises and in small towns, there will certainly be people of a creative mind who have a considerable store of knowledge. Among them may be professional historians and local historians, library workers, journalists and architects, teachers and art historians. The main thing is that they are not indifferent, enthusiastic, sociable people with whom it is very interesting to spend time.

The future guide registers on the website, undergoes an interview, introduces a topic, gets help in creating a unique project. The authors set their own prices, but the competition is very high, so it is not in their interests to overcharge the service.

People's comments on excursion trips are full of gratitude and appreciation, and help to better understand the specifics of the project.

Features of the project

Created in 2013, the Tripster project began as a social club, where tourists exchanged experiences and shared valuable advice. As the community grew, it became autonomous, and within a few years it turned into a kind of travel club. Customers who register on the site are offered unusual tours sponsored by local residents.

Indeed, who else will be able to tell about the history, customs, curious facts from the life of the city and its inhabitants so captivatingly, competently? The walk, organized according to the author's script, will show local sights from an unexpected perspective. From local residents a tourist learns information that guides from hotels or tour agencies never tell about.

The first experiences of amateur excursions were successful and brought new clients. In all corners of the world, Russian-speaking guides were sought, well versed in various fields - from wine and coffee to high art. If you have something to tell about your city, you can try your hand and earn extra money.

In addition to standard trips to cult places, tourists:

  • explore the hidden corners of the city;
  • go up to rooftops and sink into the ground;
  • taste different types of coffee and tea;
  • get acquainted with the technology of wine production;
  • try their hand at pottery and painting;
  • attend master classes in national dances;
  • go backstage theatrical.

Family excursions, interesting to all family members, regardless of age, turned out to be in great demand. These are walks for curious why, the wonders of the Moscow Kremlin, the skyscrapers of Moscow City. For children from 14 years old, exciting quests with treasure hunt, riddles and prizes are offered.

The tripster provides the client with new opportunities:

  • non-standard approach;
  • individual programs;
  • an extensive selection of excursions around the world (409 cities);
  • preliminary online booking;
  • payment on the spot;
  • security guarantee.

Service designed for independent travelers... Mass excursions with a large number of people are not provided. Everything is purely individual. The group includes only you and your companions. The guide himself sets the maximum number of wards, as a rule, no more than 10 people.

© evergreenkamal / / CC BY 2.0

How to choose and book an excursion

So you've decided on a trip and want to make it interesting and meaningful. Your actions:

  • go to the official website;
  • enter the selected city or country in the window;
  • read the offers and mark the option you like - look at the number of stars and read the reviews;
  • select a free day in the calendar and set a convenient time;
  • contact the guide and discuss the details;
  • enter your data (last name, first name, phone number, email address);
  • pay 16-20% of the total cost;
  • the rest of the amount you give personally to the guide.

Users highly appreciated the benefits of shopping tours online. You get freedom of action, do not depend on the tour operator, save time and save your nerves. The agreement, which is concluded between the client and the site administration, guarantees security and is legally binding.

Payment details

People don't like to pay in advance for services. The service provides the user with the opportunity to first get acquainted with the future guide and make sure that the excursion program suits him.

At the first stage, communication takes place in the form of correspondence on the site. Having finally decided, you transfer the advance payment to the guide. This can be done using Visa or Mastercard.

After this operation, you will receive the guide's phone number. He, in turn, opens your number, and you can keep in touch until the appointed time.

The main payment is made immediately before the excursion. If for some reason the meeting does not take place, the money will be returned to the card in full.

© 131789495 @ N07 / / CC BY 2.0

Tripster promotions

To get back some of the money spent on the purchase of the excursion, Authorization on the site allows you to use promotions, discounts, often timed to coincide with any significant date or before the holidays.

The site contains promo codes of both periodic and permanent action.

If you set a goal and track discount information, you can save from 5% to 10%. To use a nice gift:

  • go in;
  • select an excursion by clicking the "Order" button;
  • specify the date and time;
  • enter the current, not currently, promotional code into the box at the bottom of the page.

The decision must be made quickly. Short promotional codes are valid for a short period of time - from 2 days to a week. Long-term promotions are an exception, but the discount percentage will be lower.

The project continues to develop, covering new, unknown corners of the planet. As a result, you will fill your vacation with new experiences and meet smart, passionate people. You won't be bored!

In recent years, startups have been rapidly conquering the travel market: Uber has long won a niche from the traditional taxi, and vacation rentals are replacing the usual hotels. But that's not all - with the help of online platforms, travelers can easily find a guide among the locals who will gladly introduce the country from the inside. We have selected seven of the most interesting online services and applications.

Tours by Locals

Online platform Tours by Locals over the nine years of its existence, it has managed to unite more than 2,000 guides and cover 159 countries. Only very small areas of shallow lagoons remain undeveloped, for example, Crooked Island - an island that is part of the Bahamas.

Here travelers can either suggest their own route to the guide or choose an existing one. For example, for those who prefer quiet and secluded places, the service offers an eight-hour excursion to the picturesque edges of the South Island of New Zealand. The journey begins at Akaroa Cruise Port with a meeting with a local guide. The program includes a tour of almost all the picturesque landscapes of the Canterbury region - in eight hours, tourists will see the Rakaia Gorge, Coleridge Lake, Porter Pass and Crustchurch, the third largest city in New Zealand. In addition to exploring the Southern Region, the program also includes a traditional dinner. The national cuisine of the country is represented by exotic Maori dishes - fried scorpions and larvae, snails and sheep's eyes.

There are also less intricate routes on the online platform - for example, excursions to the main attractions of Western Europe. The site has the opportunity to order both a group tour and an individual one. Accordingly, the price will depend on the choice - usually it does not exceed $ 100 per person.

Show around

The Show Around online platform is considered one of the leading travel startups: the service has gathered more than 80 thousand local residents under its wing and is already available in 204 countries.

Unlike a number of other similar services, Show Around performs only one function - it finds a guide. The route of the excursion is planned after choosing a temporary companion, there are no ready-made options here.

Perhaps the main advantage of the platform is the business cards of local guides. Here you can find literally everything - detailed information about the interests and knowledge of the culture of the region of each registered guide.

The tourist can rate his guide, as well as write a comment. “It keeps the guides on their toes and creates conditions for healthy competition that motivate people to work hard,” says Show Around founder Linas Sablowski.

The average price of a tour is about $ 15 per hour.

Show Around has had an iOS app for a long time, and recently a mobile service has become available for Android users as well.


The approach of the Japanese online service Shiroube is somewhat different from the others - first of all, a tourist chooses a section of interest, for example, “Art and History”, “Nature and Adventure”, “Food and Wine”, and only then starts looking for a guide. Using the site is very simple: there is an advanced search that allows you to select the language, age and even gender of the guide. Each guide has its own profile, where tourists can see photos, main interests and suggestions.

There is no base of ready-made excursions here - the local guide comes up with a personal route for each client. However, the developers of the service still collect some statistics, for example, the website regularly updates lists with the most common locations and recommendations. So, during a trip to Shanghai, locals suggest walking along Nanjing Street and trying dumplings - a dish similar to dumplings, but cooked according to an old Chinese recipe.

The service is focused on a fun pastime with visiting nightclubs, various workshops and non-tourist pubs, and the price of a tour usually does not exceed $ 400 for a group of four.

The creators of have chosen a narrower niche for themselves - the service is suitable for lovers of outdoor activities and extreme sports. As noted by the developers, the platform is more focused on building a community with one common interest - a passion for active travel. As a result, the creators managed to combine business with pleasure - to unite fans of extreme tourism and give an opportunity for non-professional guides to earn money.

This platform is good because it gives you the opportunity to find a person who organizes you leisure even in the center of a big city. For example, together with a guide, you can try yourself in rock climbing in the Fontainebleau forest, the road to which from Paris will take no more than 40 minutes. Half of all offers are excursions for several days. The service offers extreme activities such as three days rafting in India, kayaking in Croatia and an eight-day hike to the peak on the border of Valle d'Aosta and Piedmont in Italy, all in the company of a local guide who knows his business.

The site also has a blog where travelers share their experiences, which will help you choose from a variety of options what is right for you.

Guide prices start at $ 80 per person per day.

The online platform Vayable, launched just last year, has already earned the attention of The New York Times, CNN and The Wall Street Journal.

The service is focused on the central cities of Western Europe and Great Britain. The developers approached the project thoroughly: local guides will not only tell, but also teach. For example, one of the proposals is a course on photography of Paris at night. The guide will lead tourists around the Latin Quarter and the Seine River, and also tell you how to take good night portraits.

Rent a Guide

Rent a Guide, a German startup, offers guide services for all kinds of holiday activities - from dining in the best national traditions on the 123rd floor of the Burj Khalifa to a hot air balloon ride or jeep safari in the Arabian deserts. For those who love walking, Rent a Guide will prepare tourist excursions to the capital cities of Western and Eastern Europe.

The hot air balloon ride will cost $ 300, and the jeep safari will cost $ 45.

Airbnb, an online rental platform, launched the Trips project relatively recently - last fall. At the moment, the service operates in 12 cities and offers more than 500 excursions. The startup is more focused on recreational activities that locals can talk about. For example, you can visit a violin workshop in Paris, drive vintage cars, and even take part in a marathon in Kenya.

"We want to return to travel an element of magic, in the center of which are people," - said the head of the company Brian Chesky.

In addition, here you can try yourself in charity and take part in socially significant events, such as helping stray dogs and a master class on creating art from garbage.

Unlike other online platforms, Trips has a highly functional app, so with Airbnb and its new service, you can plan your trip from start to finish.

Our turbulent 21st century dictates its own rules. A generation of people is growing before our eyes, which prefers to order everything directly to their homes. Whether it's food from the supermarket or paying for plane or train tickets. Every year there are fewer queues at the ticket offices of airports and railway stations, because all tickets can be ordered and paid for online, the same thing happens with excursions.

At the moment, there are several services with which you can order and pay for excursions online without leaving your home. And in this note, as it is not difficult to guess from the title, we will tell you about one of the most popular excursion services -. - a project that has been conducting individual excursions in 300 cities of the world since 2013. During this time, the site has earned a reliable reputation and literally overgrown with positive reviews from enthusiastic customers. The creators of the project conceived it as a service of unusual excursions with an individual approach to each traveler.

Tripster is ready to offer you:

  • Guides who have eyes on their own tours... Among them are only interesting and enthusiastic people: historians, art historians, architects, journalists. They themselves, "from and to", specially develop their routes so that you will be breathtaking with impressions!
  • Original excursions... “No banal excursions” - this is the motto of the team. Each path contains mystery and adventure. Whether traveling through the rooftops of the city or museums of modern art.
  • Individual approach... The service does not conduct tours for a crowd of tourists with a banal memorized historical background. It's different here. All the attention of the guide is only for you and your companions.

Tripster News: Black Friday with Tripster

From November 23 to 26, 2017, Tripster offers discounts on numerous destinations, including almost all European capitals and beyond!

You can learn more about the promotion.

Official site of the Tripster

Official site ( -. Answers to frequently asked questions and customer reviews -.

The service allows you to:

  • Choose a unique author's excursion on the site, which was invented by the guide himself. Read everything about it and the guide in more detail, get acquainted with the reviews of those who have already visited it.
  • In advance, online, book a date and time convenient for you.
  • Chat with your guide before paying for the tour without leaving your home.
  • Pay not the entire amount at once, but only 16% of the cost of the tour. The rest is paid already on the spot to the guide. Moreover, if your excursion for one reason or another does not take place, the money will be returned to you in full.

As you can see, the terms of the site are transparent and very simple, and the services are designed to provide an individual approach to each customer.

Pros of booking excursions online at

If we talk in a broad sense about the benefits of buying excursions online, we will highlight the following:

  • it gives you freedom, which is very suitable for people who like to plan their trip themselves and not depend on tour operators.
  • it saves you time - you no longer need to surf the Internet for hours collecting information about excursions, the entire list with a description and cost is already on the site in front of your eyes.
  • it keeps your nerves in peace - you no longer need to bargain with local ticket sellers for excursions and worry that you can be deceived (whoever bought a tour from the hands of local residents at least once knows what it is about).

In the case of the Tripster, it is also important to understand one more thing - the site presents a unique product that you simply will not find from tour operators!

More about ordering and paying for excursions on


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