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Italians know a lot about good and strong alcoholic drinks. When in the 90s. In the last century, the world opened up to a former Soviet man; he was amazed by the abundance of beautiful things that he had previously had no idea about.

In particular, the Russians became acquainted with the divine drink - Italian liqueur "Amaretto", the unique taste of which conquered even convinced abstainers. But it was possible to afford a glass of Amaretto di Saronno only on major holidays: the prices for the luxurious drink were appropriate, and besides, it rarely appeared on sale.

What solution did our resourceful compatriots come up with? That’s right, we learned how to prepare the Italian liqueur “Amaretto” at home using alcohol (either vodka or moonshine). Let's try it too!

In order to make an almost real “DiSaronno”, you don’t need to spend a lot of time in the kitchen, boiling handfuls of mysterious herbs in a vat and whispering spells. Amaretto liqueur is prepared at home from the following ingredients:

  • roasted almonds;
  • apricot kernels;
  • vodka (moonshine);
  • sugar;
  • spices.

The most difficult part of all recipes for making Amaretto at home is process of extracting kernels from apricot kernels. The seeds must be cracked with a hammer, which requires some patience and dexterity.

So, let's start preparing Amaretto at home. We take:

  • vodka (or moonshine or alcohol diluted to 400) – 0.5 l;
  • apricot kernels (50 g);
  • almonds (50 g nuts);
  • brown or white sugar (one and a half cups);
  • several buds of cloves;
  • several cinnamon sticks;
  • 3-4 black peppercorns;
  • vanilla sugar (a couple of teaspoons);
  • instant coffee (to fit on the tip of a knife).

You will also need water - “by eye”: it will need to be added to the sugar to make syrup, and also to clean the almonds.

Stage one of preparing homemade DiSaronno: pour almonds into a saucepan, add water (boiling water) and wait half an hour. Then we clean it. Next, put the nuts in a frying pan and fry until they acquire a golden hue. When there is a minute or two left before the end of the frying process, add cloves and peppercorns.

Next steps: place the nuts with spices in a container (a bottle from under will do). Pour apricot kernels in there.

Now mix sugar with water and heat it up. You should get a brown mass - sugar syrup. Mix vanilla sugar with syrup. Add another half glass of water and pour the syrup into the bottle, which already contains nuts and apricot kernels. We also place cloves there.

After the mixture reaches room temperature, pour it (moonshine). We put the future home in a dark place for a month. Shake once every 2 days.

These are the composition and method of preparation of “DiSaronno”, the taste of which is almost no different from that produced in sunny Italy. By the way, do you know where the name “DiSaronno” comes from? This is the name of the city in which industrial production of this wonderful strong drink was first started.

Note: Do not store Amaretto made according to this recipe for more than 1 year: its taste will deteriorate.

Original variations of Amaretto

A Russian person is not interested in preparing even the most delicious liqueur according to the same recipe every time. We are looking for ways to diversify the composition (and reduce the cost of preparation) using ingredients that can be easily found here. Did you know that Amaretto liqueur can be “brewed” from bird cherry?

From bird cherry

How to prepare a drink reminiscent of the famous Italian “Amaretto”, but at the same time containing neither apricot kernels nor almonds?

Bird cherry makes more of a tincture, but you can safely offer it to friends during get-togethers: let them try it and say which drink resembles the treat offered to them. Mix:

  • 3 tablespoons of bird cherry;
  • half a liter of moonshine (or vodka).

We insist, after tightly closing the lid, for 30 days in a dark place. After the specified period, strain the liqueur. You can drink it!

But be careful: if you overdrink the drink or take too many berries, you can get food poisoning: bird cherry contains a toxic substance - benzoaldehyde.

From cherry pits

How to make Amaretto with cherry pits? We prepare:

  • cherry pits (100 g);
  • liter of vodka;
  • a packet of vanillin.

Plus we cook sugar syrup from water and granulated sugar to make 400 g. We crush the seed kernels, pour them into a glass bottle and fill them with vodka. The infusion is kept for 2 hours. Then add sugar syrup to it.

Add the contents of the vanillin packet. We seal the mixture, wait 10 days, filter. Bottle and leave for another couple of weeks.

Is drinking homemade Amaretto beneficial for everyone?

This liqueur, if drunk in moderate doses, has a positive effect on health:

  • reduces the likelihood of cholesterol plaques;
  • helps increase hemoglobin;
  • relieves the symptoms of hypertension.

You may have a question: doesn’t all the benefits “outweigh” the fact that Amaretto contains apricot kernels - after all, they contain hydrocyanic acid? We hasten to reassure you: there will be no harm. After all, industrial “Amaretto” is prepared from already “neutralized” seeds, keeping them for a long time in grape syrup, which neutralizes the acid.

A homemade drink with apricot kernels is also not harmful, since its shelf life does not exceed a year. During this time, the acid simply will not have time to transfer into the drink.

Of course, you should remember the potential harm of Amaretto in any variation of its production for anyone who has:

  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • tendency to allergies.

But these warnings can be applied to everyone.

What do you drink Amaretto with?

So, you have decorated the holiday table with your own homemade liqueur. What do you drink it with? As a snack, offer your guests:

  • fresh fruits;
  • dried fruits;
  • bitter or milk chocolate;
  • candies;
  • pastries or cake;

Great cocktails are made with liqueur. It is drunk from glasses filled to half:

  • ice cubes;
  • orange juice;
  • cherry juice;
  • Coca-Cola.

There is also a way to try a delicious drink: add a couple of spoons to black tea, hot chocolate or coffee. A familiar drink will take on new interesting notes.

Have you ever experienced making Amaretto at home? Perhaps you know the secrets to making the drink indistinguishable from the Italian original? Open them to us!

Prices in stores for high-quality alcohol are rising by leaps and bounds, and yet sometimes you want to throw a party for yourself and your friends. Prepare almost Italian liqueur yourself using our or your own recipes. Let it take pride of place on the festive table. Good luck with your experiments - and share your recipes!

Amaretto is a dark brown almond liqueur. Produced by infusing brandy with apricot kernels and herbs. It has a pleasant, pronounced almond aroma. Amaretto is consumed with ice, as part of cocktails, or added to tea or coffee (a mixture of coffee, Amaretto and cream is also called “Amaretto”). In addition, it is used in the confectionery industry - for soaking cakes, and is also added to baked goods and desserts.

The origin of this liqueur is connected with a romantic love story))
The origin of this liqueur goes back to a very romantic love story. This happened around the beginning of the 16th century. The Italian painter Bernardino Luini painted the walls of a temple in the city of Saronno, in the province of Varese, in Lombardy. He had to depict a scene of the adoration of the Magi and, as a model for the image of Mary, he invited a very beautiful woman who was the owner of the hotel where he lived. Bernardino fell in love with this beautiful woman. When the work was finished, the bitter moment of parting came. And this woman gave him a liqueur with a bitter aroma, which she herself prepared from almonds and brandy - Italian cognac. This is such a wonderful legend about this liqueur. Now Amaretto liqueurs are prepared in different regions of Italy according to different recipes.
This liqueur can be prepared at home. Of course this is a simplified version. But the liqueur turns out to be very fragrant, with a slight bitterness. We prepared amaretto with plum kernels. You can also use apricot and apple seeds. This liqueur is very tasty and strong. And besides, it is very good for health. After all, as it turned out, according to the latest data, the seeds contain vitamin B17, which has the strongest anoxidant and antitumor properties. It’s not for nothing that some peoples have been eating them since ancient times. But you need to drink this liqueur in small quantities.

Here is such an interesting legend about this liqueur.
Now Amaretto liqueurs are prepared in different regions of Italy according to different recipes.

Recipe 1. Homemade Amaretto liqueur

100 g almonds
100 g apricot kernels
pits (can be peach)
0.5 l vodka
(if you have it, it’s better to take Italian grappa)
0.5 l water
350 g sugar

Let's prepare the Homemade Amaretto recipe at home.

Does making the legendary and beloved Amaretto liqueur at home sound unrealistic? Not at all! It is not difficult!

The fashion for cooking has long passed the stages of soups, meat dishes, salads and desserts. Now it is considered good manners to treat guests even to alcohol prepared at home according to special recipes. Therefore, we can give lovers of strong liqueurs an interesting recipe: how to make homemade amaretto almond liqueur. It is prepared using almond kernels and apricot or peach kernels. For the sake of experiment, you can try making half the dose with apricot kernels and half with peach kernels - you’ll have something to compare when the drink ripens. A classic of the genre, of course, is cherry pit kernels. So if you suddenly managed to get them, you have the cards in your hands. Amaretto is traditionally served at the end of a meal, in small glasses, well chilled. Or it is used to make sweet cocktails.


1. If possible, peel almonds and apricot kernels from the top dark film and chop finely.

2. Combine vodka and nuts in a hermetically sealed container, close and leave to soak for a month in a dark, cool place.

3. When the tincture has stood for the specified period, bring water and sugar to a boil in a saucepan. Then turn off the heat and let cool.

4. Strain the almond-apricot tincture and add to the cooled sugar syrup. Pour into bottle(s) and leave to mature for at least 3 months. Yes, it won't be soon. But be patient, or better yet, try to forget about the ripening drink, but after months you will discover real homemade amaretto, with a distinct smell and taste of almonds. A glass of this drink on a winter evening will perfectly warm you up and put you in a cozy mood.

Recipe 2. Amaretto liqueur is an Italian liqueur made from bitter almonds, apricot or plum kernels, sugar and alcohol, sometimes adding herbs.


Pure alcohol: 90-96%: 500 ml.
Filtered water, boiled: 500 ml.
Plum seed kernels: 100 g.
Sugar: 350 gr.


Sugar must be dissolved in warm water.
Heat two or three tablespoons of sugar in a metal bowl until brown.
Then quickly add boiling brown sugar to the sugar syrup and stir.
Now you need to take the kernels of the seeds and crush them, but do not turn them into mush, but only press them down.
Then we put the kernels in a glass bottle and fill them with alcohol.
We wait an hour, then pour the prepared sugar syrup.
Mix everything well, close tightly and place in a dark place.
After 10-15 days, the liqueur needs to be filtered and it is ready for use.

Recipe 3. Amaretto liqueur is an Italian liqueur made from bitter almonds, apricot or plum kernels, sugar and alcohol. Sometimes spicy herbs are added.

This liqueur can be prepared at home. Of course this is a simplified version. But the liqueur turns out to be very fragrant, with a slight bitterness


Ingredients: 500 ml of pure alcohol 90-96%, 500 ml of boiled water, 100 g of almond (apricot, plum) kernels, 350 g of sugar.


Sugar needs to be dissolved in warm water: heat 2-3 tablespoons of sugar in a metal bowl until brown. Then place the rapidly boiling brown sugar into the sugar syrup and stir.

Take the kernels of the seeds and crush them, but do not turn them into mush, just press them down.
Place the kernels in a glass bottle and fill with alcohol. Let stand for 1 hour, then pour in the prepared sugar syrup. Mix everything well, close tightly and place in a dark place.

After 10-15 days, filter the liqueur and it is ready for use.

Amaretto is a very popular and tasty liqueur. It is added to coffee, tea, it goes well in cocktails, and goes well with fruits and sweets. What modern chefs haven’t come up with based on it.

The drink has an ancient complex recipe that originated in the city of Saronno more than 500 years ago. The liqueur has a dark brown color and a strength of 21–28˚. It is made from apricot kernels, almonds and spices. It tastes like marzipan, with a slight bitterness. Liquor is stored in square bottles with a cap of the same shape. According to legend, this is so that a person can always find his favorite treat even in the dark.


Liquor improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, helps with hypertension, lack of hemoglobin, reduces the amount of cholesterol, and removes salts from the body.

One of the main ingredients is almonds, which help preserve antioxidants in the body, but can cause severe allergies, dizziness, nausea (if in large quantities); unripe almonds should not be consumed.

The liqueur itself, be it the original drink or homemade Amaretto, is alcoholic and therefore should not be given to children and pregnant women, and excessive consumption should also be avoided.

Classic recipe

Amaretto can be prepared at home only by knowing the proportions, ingredients and processing methods. It does not require rare, difficult to obtain products or impossible technologies, but you will have to make an effort, or even better, a piece of your soul, to make the drink very tasty.

Ingredients for liqueur:

  • half a liter of moonshine, vodka;
  • 50 g apricot kernels;
  • 50 g almonds;
  • 1/3 glass of water;
  • 350 g sugar;
  • 2 tsp. vanilla;
  • a handful of cinnamon;
  • 3 g instant coffee;
  • 2 clove buds;
  • 3-4 peas of allspice.

Step-by-step algorithm of actions:

  1. Soak the nuts for 5–6 minutes in hot water and peel.
  2. Toast in a dry frying pan until golden brown. In 1–2 minutes. add cloves and pepper until the end of frying.
  3. Caramel syrup: add sugar and water (50 ml), heat until brownish. Then add vanilla, remaining water and stir.
  4. Place previously peeled and washed almonds, apricot kernels, and cinnamon into a common container. Pour hot caramel syrup over.
  5. When the liquid has cooled, add coffee and alcohol.
  6. Close everything tightly, shake, and place in a dark place for a month (30–35 days). 3-4 times a week, it is recommended to shake the tincture.
  7. Filter and bottle.

Liquor can be stored for several years, the main thing is that the place is dark and cool.

It should be noted that you will have to collect apricot kernels for the drink yourself, because there are almost none in stores. They also recommend using brown sugar instead of regular sugar.

Complex "richer" recipe

The next Amaretto recipe is more complex, but will taste even better.


  • 750 ml homemade vodka;
  • a glass of cognac or brandy;
  • 1/4 cup each of apricot kernels, unroasted almonds, anise;
  • 3 table. l fennel seeds;
  • 5 pieces of cherries, boned;
  • 1/4 cup each chopped peach or apricot, chopped dried apricots;
  • 2 tsp. chopped mint leaves;
  • a couple of black peppercorns;
  • a couple of carnations;
  • allspice pea;
  • half a glass of water;
  • 0.5 cm cinnamon (finely chopped);
  • vanilla extract;
  • sugar – 350 g, water – 150 ml.


First stage:

  1. Soak dried apricots in 0.5 tbsp. water (3-4 hours), you need the berries to swell.
  2. Cut the peaches into pieces and soak with dried apricots and berries. Pour 375 ml of vodka and all the cognac.
  3. Chop spices, nuts, apricot kernels and fennel, mint. Put everything in one container and put it in the closet.
  4. Leave for 4 weeks, shaking occasionally. In the middle of the term, crush the fruit. Remaining 4–5 days. do not pull.
  5. When the sediment has separated, carefully drain the tincture and filter.

Second phase:

  1. Prepare the caramelized sweet syrup that you made for the classic recipe.
  2. Plus equal parts simple syrup, water and sugar.
  3. Mix the ingredients: 3 parts tincture, 3 parts vodka; 2 tsp sugar syrup; 1 tsp caramel liquid, a third vanilla extract.
  4. Let it sit for 3-4 days, drain the sediment, and filter thoroughly.

Bird cherry infusion

You can try making Amaretto from bird cherry or cherry; the taste of the final result can be changed using the spices of the first recipes. Here is one version of this liqueur:


  • half a liter of vodka;
  • bird cherry berries - 2-3 tbsp. l.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Mix everything in one container, close it tightly and put it in a closet or basement for a month.
  2. After the expiration date, strain thoroughly.

Cherry infusion

You can also prepare cherry infusion. You don't need a lot of ingredients:

  • liter of homemade vodka;
  • 100 g cherry pits;
  • sugar syrup – 400 g;
  • vanilla 1 sachet.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Caramelize a couple of spoons of sugar, place it in the sugar syrup and mix well.
  2. Chop the seed kernels, but not too finely. Goal: crush the shell.
  3. Pour into a glass container and fill with vodka. Cork.
  4. Leave for a couple of hours, pour in sweet syrup, add vanilla.
  5. Mix everything, close it tightly and put it in the cupboard.
  6. After 7-10 days, filter and bottle.

All presented types of Amaretto are ready for use at home. You can serve them in a traditional square bottle, or try making some interesting cocktails, there are many recipes for them. You can't imagine a more versatile drink than this.


The liqueur can be drunk neat with ice. It goes well with coffee, tea, chocolate, milkshake. It also adds a cherry flavor to the popular Coca-Cola drink. It is consumed in combination with alcoholic drinks. Such as Baileys, rum, tequila, champagne, brandy, whiskey, etc. What’s even more surprising is that the liqueur is combined with orange and cherry juices.

Also, this drink will be useful to any good housewife. It is added to dough and baked goods to give it a beautiful, rosy hue.

Amaretto is a delicious and refined liqueur that has a very ancient history, a complex recipe, a pleasant unique aroma and an original bitter taste. In terms of its taste, it resembles. Homemade amaretto liqueur is easy to make yourself, you just need to carefully follow all the instructions for preparing it.

The classic composition of the drink always includes apricot kernels. Various spices are also added: mint, vanilla, cloves, cinnamon, licorice and a number of others. Sweet almonds are used to make the drink at home.

Now we will tell you how to make amaretto in two versions - simple and complex. In the first recipe we will get a good imitation of liqueur, and in the second we will get an almost one hundred percent “double”.

Please note that you cannot make homemade amaretto from various parts of the bird cherry - bark, leaves, seeds. They contain a high content of benzaldehyde, a poison that is much stronger than hydrocyanic acid. Therefore, do not be fooled by the many schemes for preparing a drink from bird cherry that are replete with the Internet. It is better to use proven, available ingredients.

Simple Homemade Amaretto Recipe

The most popular proven instructions that will help you get a high-quality imitation of the famous liqueur. It does not require complex technologies and inaccessible products, but only inspiration and patience.


  • Sugar – 350 g;
  • Water – 150 ml;
  • Vodka – 500 ml;
  • Apricot kernels and almonds – 50 g each;
  • Vanilla sugar - 2 small spoons (as a replacement - a pinch of vanillin);
  • Allspice - three peas;
  • Cloves - two buds;
  • High-quality instant coffee – 3 g;
  • Cinnamon - a handful.

Now let’s look at how to prepare amaretto at home step by step and with photos.

  1. Soak the almonds in boiling water, leave for two or three minutes, the skin should then come off easily;
  2. Take a dry frying pan and fry the peeled almonds until a golden hue appears. You also need to add and fry the cloves and allspice for about two minutes until the end of the frying process. They should give their aroma to the tincture;
  3. Caramel syrup is prepared separately. Pour the sugar into a frying pan (preferably with a Teflon surface), add a third of the water, and heat the mixture over a low flame until it turns brownish and has a caramel aroma. Then pour in the rest of the water, add vanillin;
  4. Place pepper, cloves, peeled and washed apricot kernels, almonds, cinnamon in a large jar and pour hot caramel syrup over it;
  5. We wait until the mixture in the container cools down. Then pour in vodka and add coffee. Close tightly, shake thoroughly and place in a dark place for about 35 days (at most, up to six weeks). Shake the tincture periodically;
  6. When this time has passed, we filter our liqueur using gauze folded in several layers or by any available means. The drink can be stored for several years, but in a cool and dark room. Over time, its taste will only improve.

You can make amaretto from moonshine, which must be well cleaned. You need to take the same amount as vodka.

A complex recipe for liqueur with cognac and vodka

The preparation process in this version is longer and more labor-intensive, but the result is a liqueur that is as close as possible to the original.


  • Pitted cherries, apricot kernels, raw almonds, chopped peaches or apricots, anise, finely chopped dried apricots - ¼ cup of each of these ingredients;
  • Cognac (or brandy) – 200 ml;
  • Vodka – 750 ml;
  • Fennel seeds – 3 large spoons;
  • Allspice – 1 pea;
  • Ground mint leaves - two small spoons;
  • Cloves - two buds;
  • Black pepper - two peas;
  • Water – 0.5 cup;
  • Vanillin (or vanilla extract);
  • Cinnamon – cut 0.5 cm from the stick and cut into smaller pieces;
  • Water, sugar (for syrup) - if necessary.

The recipe for homemade amaretto is:

Stage one:

  1. Soak the dried apricots in half a glass of water for 3-4 hours until they swell;
  2. We cut peaches or apricots into small pieces and place them in a bowl, where we put cherries and dried apricots. Immediately pour ½ part of vodka over the fruits and add cognac completely. Let it brew;
  3. Anise, almonds, fennel, apricot kernels and other spices need to be crushed using a mortar or coffee grinder, then poured into a jar and put the ground mint in it;
  4. This mass is infused for four weeks, without forgetting to shake it constantly. When the second week of infusion is over, you need to take a wooden spoon and carefully crush the pieces of fruit. In the last 4-5 days, stop stirring the contents of the container. This must be done to form a sediment;
  5. Take the tincture and carefully pour it away so as not to touch the sediment. We filter several times using cotton wool or any dense filter.

Stage two:

  1. Let's prepare sweet syrup with caramel (it is in the previous simple recipe);
  2. Additionally, we prepare an ordinary sugar syrup, in which sugar and water are in equal proportions;
  3. Mix the components:
  • Pure vodka and tincture - three parts each;
  • Caramel syrup – one part;
  • Sugar syrup - two parts;
  • Vanilla extract – 1/3 part.
  1. Keep almost ready homemade liqueur for another 3-4 days. Then we drain the sediment and filter. Pour into bottles and enjoy the unique taste and aroma.

This drink is very versatile. Based on it, cooks and cooks come up with a lot of interesting and tasty dishes. And the process of preparing it is not too complicated as it might seem.

How to drink amaretto

To reveal the taste of this wonderful liqueur, you need to know how to use it correctly. There are two options.

  1. In its purest form.

True connoisseurs of the taste of this alcohol drink it after finishing a meal from special small glasses, taking a small sip, enjoying every drop. Sometimes they dilute with water or add ice. For a snack, cheese, ice cream, various fruits and desserts are great.

  1. Combination with other drinks.
  • True experts and connoisseurs recommend combining Amaretto with chocolate and coffee. The result is a wonderful combination of a hot, warming drink with notes of spicy bitterness and the aroma of almonds;
  • An interesting refreshing mix is ​​obtained by combining liqueur with cherry or orange juice in a 1:1 ratio;
  • A popular option among young people is a mixture of Amaretto and Cola in a 1:2 ratio. This creates a low-alcohol mixture that tastes like Cherry Cola.

Since liqueur goes well with strong alcohol, it is included in many cocktails. They are mainly used for dessert after main courses. Here are just a few of them:

  • "Flirting Amaretto." Particularly popular among girls. It consists of freshly squeezed orange juice and liqueur mixed in a separate container (2 large spoons each). Then 100 ml of Brut is added to them. This cocktail is drunk through a straw;
  • "Godfather". Ice is placed at the bottom of the glass, then a mixture of scotch and liqueur is poured in a 3:1 ratio. When replacing scotch with vodka, you get another cocktail - “Godmother”;
  • "Hot Gold" Combine 50 ml of liqueur and 150 ml of orange juice in a small saucepan, squeeze the juice from a quarter of a lemon. Place the pan over a low flame and heat the contents, but do not bring to a boil. Pour into a glass or cup. When serving, garnish with a slice of orange;
  • "Quattro". One of the most famous cocktails with amaretto. In addition to it, it also contains blackcurrant liqueur, Dry vermouth and Canadian whiskey. All components are taken in equal quantities and mixed. Ice is poured into the glass and the finished drink is poured on top. The resulting splendor is decorated with a cherry and orange zest;
  • "Rosé with cherry." Place 200 g of ice in a tall glass. Next, 10 ml of liqueur, 150 ml of cherry juice and 50 ml of rose vermouth are poured. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Garnish the finished drink with a cocktail cherry.

As you noticed, the amaretto recipe is not complicated. You just need to be patient and persevering. As a result, you can treat yourself to the amazing almond taste and aroma of the famous liqueur. Don't be afraid to experiment with cocktails. Maybe you'll discover an interesting new mix that a lot of people will enjoy later on.

Video: Homemade Amaretto liqueur recipe

“Amaretto” is an ancient liqueur, dark brown in color, with a pleasant bitter taste of almonds and apricot kernels. The recipe for liqueur has been known for a long time; people began to prepare and drink it for more than 500 years, during which time the composition and recipe of the drink has changed many times. At the end of the last century, many Russians liked the drink. Holidays and feasts would not be complete without a bottle of foreign liqueur; now you rarely see it in store windows, but you can make your own delicious, homemade Amaretto.

Of course, you won’t be able to prepare real Amaretto liqueur at home, but making a drink similar to the original one is quite possible. The ingredients for making homemade liqueur can be found in any market. Below are proven recipes for liqueur that tastes very much like real Italian if you do everything according to the instructions.

Classic Amaretto recipe


  • vodka, moonshine 40° – 1 l;
  • apricot kernels – 100 g;
  • almonds – 1oo gr;
  • water – 300 ml;
  • granulated sugar – 700 grams;
  • vanilla – 1 g;
  • cinnamon – 1/2 pcs;
  • instant coffee – 5 g;
  • cloves – 3 pcs;
  • allspice – 5-6 pcs.


  1. The most difficult moment in the recipe, obtaining kernels from apricots, you will have to work a little, splitting the seeds with a hammer, if you do not find ready-made apricot kernels. They give the spicy bitterness characteristic of Amaretto.
  2. Pour boiling water over the almonds, after five minutes remove the skin with a knife. Place the nuts in a frying pan, fry lightly, add apricot kernels.
  3. Crush the roasted nuts (not finely), place in a two-liter jar, add all the spices.
  4. Make syrup from sugar. Pour sugar into a frying pan, pour in 100 ml of water and heat over low heat, stirring constantly until a caramel color appears. Then add vanilla and carefully pour in the rest of the water, stir the mixture.
  5. Pour the syrup over the nuts, pour in the alcohol base, vodka or well-purified moonshine. Add black instant coffee.
  6. Close the container tightly and leave in a dark place to infuse for a month. Every other day, the infusion must be shaken.
  7. Strain the homemade liqueur through a gauze filter, pour into bottles and let the drink “ripen” for several days before tasting and drinking. The finished liqueur can be stored in a cool place for 2-3 years; over time, its taste will only improve.

Video recipe for making liqueur:

Homemade Amaretto di Saronno recipe

This is the most expensive liqueur recipe, but thanks to the use of additional ingredients in the composition, it most accurately reproduces the taste of the original drink. Preparation is divided into two stages: infusion and adding caramel syrup.


  • Vodka – 750 ml;
  • Cognac – 250 ml;
  • Apricot kernels – 100 g;
  • Almonds – 100 gr;
  • Anise – 1 g;
  • Fennel – 1 g;
  • Cherry – ½ tbsp;
  • Dried apricots – ½ tbsp;
  • Apricot – 3 pcs;
  • Cinnamon – ½ stick;
  • Fresh mint – 1 leaf; Vanillin – 1 g;
  • Allspice – 3 pcs;
  • Black pepper – 2 pcs;
  • Water – 150 ml;
  • Granulated sugar – 300 gr.


  1. First stage. Wash the dried apricots, add water and leave to swell for three hours. Then cut and place in a jar.
  2. Cut peaches and apricots into small pieces and add to dried apricots.
  3. Remove pits from cherries and add to fruit.
  4. Fry almonds and apricot kernels, lightly grind, also grind the spices in a mortar and combine everything, add mint.
  5. Mix cognac and vodka, pour half the alcohol into the jar with all the contents.
  6. Keep the infusion for a month, stirring the contents regularly. A week before the end of infusion, stop stirring, this is necessary for a precipitate to form. After infusion, carefully drain the infusion without touching the sediment and strain through a cotton-gauze filter.
  7. Second phase. Make caramel syrup as described in the previous recipe.
  8. Combine the infusion, chilled syrup and remaining alcohol. Stir everything, let it stand for 5-7 days, filter again, bottle it and after a couple of days you can taste the homemade aromatic drink. Drink in small sips, enjoying the taste.

Cherry pit liqueur recipe


  • Vodka. moonshine – 500 ml;
  • Cherry pits – 50 g;
  • Granulated sugar – 200 gr;
  • Vanillin - on the tip of the knife.
  • Water – 150 ml.

How to cook:

  1. Crush the cherry pits and put them in a container.
  2. Make caramel syrup. Place the sugar in a non-stick frying pan, add 50 ml of water and heat until caramel forms. Add the rest of the water and stir.
  3. Pour crushed cherry pits with cooled syrup, add vanillin, pour in vodka.
  4. Place the container in a dark place for 2-3 weeks. Then strain the drink and bottle it. Leave it for a few days and you can enjoy the taste of amaretto prepared at home.


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