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Mineral water is a very interesting, relatively small and cozy city with its original attractions, the photos of which are often simply amazing. Despite the name, there are no healing springs in the city; they are all located outside of it. The city has become, so to speak, a gateway for visiting tourists who want to relax at the resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters. However, this is not just a transit point. Thanks to the warm and mild climate, stunning nature and mountains towering on all sides, the city attracts a considerable number of travelers every year.

Today I will try to tell you what is remarkable about Mineralnye Vody and what interesting things you can see in the city.

Cultural and historical sights

Mineralnye Vody is a town in the Stavropol Territory that I advise everyone to visit. I was impressed by its sights - both natural and man-made, including historical ones. The history of the city goes back to the second half of the 19th century, when the construction of the railway junction was completed. A special charm, an atmosphere of calm and comfort is what attracts the city. I will try to introduce you to the sights of Mineralnye Vody and the surrounding area, as well as interesting places where you can go with children.

City architecture

One of the impressive architectural solutions of Mineralnye Vody is Train Station, which holds attention with its original construction. Although there have been railroad tracks in this area since 1875, the town was only a stopover for many routes. The majestic station building was erected in 1955 and opened two years later on the next anniversary of the October Revolution. Since that time, it has become a real architectural monument, made in the Baroque style. The main building is surrounded by several columns, which creates a certain monumentality to the structure. As for the interior, it amazed me with its scale, because about one and a half thousand people can fit in it at the same time, and all this with the station’s infrastructure thought out to the smallest detail. The central entrance attracts with comfortable benches and blue spruce trees planted along a beautiful alley leading to it.

Monuments of Mineralnye Vody

Near the building of the Railway Station on its square, my attention was attracted by sculpture Eagle, which, according to local residents, is considered the best decoration of the village. The bronze monument, a visiting card, erected in the 20th century, is credited with embodying spirit and invincible strength. And indeed, to be convinced of this, you just need to see the sculpture.

Did you know? You can find a sculpture of an eagle in every KMS resort, since this bird is used as a symbol of health, and the snake in its claws is used as a symbol of illness. Monuments of this kind imply the victory of health over various kinds of diseases and illnesses.

I found it in a small park in the city monument to General Ermolov. This historical figure, who made a huge contribution to the development of the Caucasus, managed to build many defensive structures, the length of which was quite long, starting from Grozny and ending with Krasnograd, to ensure the progressive growth of large-scale trade and industrial enterprises, and most importantly, Ermolov was the leader of the Caucasian troops . On the anniversary of the city, the local government presented residents with this monument, represented by a bronze silhouette of the commander-in-chief standing on a 3-meter stone pedestal. The authorship of the monument belongs to the sculptor G. Myasnitsky.
It turned out to be very tragic for me Memorial "Fire of Eternal Glory", opened on the 31st anniversary of the Great Victory in 1976. An examination of the memorial showed that each of its elements has some meaning. The fire pit is visible in its outline from the side and a regular pentagon from above. You can see around the territory 13 urns with soil from other hero cities of the country. The memorial is represented by five high pylons with five bas-reliefs on them, where you can see symbolic images. Each pylon has a pair of concrete pillars with a stone sandwiched between them, which successfully symbolizes inaccessibility. To the left and right of the memorial are two mass graves with marked tombstones.

monument to General Ermolov

If possible, try to find one in the city sculpture of Peter and Fevronia at the entrance to the local registry office, as well as the following monuments:

  • V. I. Lenin;
  • tank crews on the Dzhemukha River;
  • Venerable Sergius of Radonezh.

Religious buildings of the city

  • As for me, the main religious building of Mineralnye Vody became, the construction of which lasted only 5 years and already in 1997 the cathedral began to shine with golden domes. The author of this building was the Vladikavkaz architect M.K. Mikhailovich, and the rector Fr. Ilya Ageev. The cathedral complex is represented by a church, an administrative building, service premises, a cell building and a wall. The temple is equipped with nine domes, and the belfry has eight bells. The cathedral was made in an eclectic style, in the decorations and design of which elements of the architecture of ancient Rus' can be traced. In the interior decoration, the academic style of paintings created by skilled artists is noticeable.
  • And here is the temple Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary I was amazed by both its history and the decoration outside and inside. It turns out that the construction of the temple was erected at the end of the 19th century, the reason for which was the rescue of Emperor Alexander III and his family. However, like many other shrines, it was destroyed under Soviet rule and only in 2012 it was solemnly consecrated. I cannot help but note the 32-meter height of this structure, its beautiful six domes and bell towers with a gilded dome. The brick structure of the church displays the picturesque Old Russian style, which was successfully conveyed to the famous architect Mikhail Lesovoy. The interior painting of the temple is made in the traditional Orthodox canonical style.

Cathedral of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary

I advise you to take time to visit these churches in the city:

  • St. Nicholas the Wonderworker;
  • Iveron Icon of the Mother of God;
  • Michael the Archangel in the village of Leninsky.

Museums of Mineralnye Vody

I was very glad to visit Mineralovodsk Museum of Local Lore, created in 1998, based on the previously existing folk museum of local lore. Today, about 20 thousand exhibits belong to the museum’s funds. The museum's objects are devoted to the following topics:

  • archeology;
  • paleontology;
  • ethnography;
  • painting;
  • numismatics.

Among the documentary fund, I would highlight materials from the years of revolution and war, as well as those providing information about the development of public education and culture of the town.

I was also lucky enough to visit museum dedicated to the famous writer Alexei Pavlovich Babik, located in a house that he himself was involved in the construction of in the middle of the 20th century. The writer lived in this house for more than 20 years. The museum is rich in such exhibits: a typewriter, an inkstand, notebooks, a writer’s travel bag, hand-made furniture, books from different years, starting from 1928, photographs, paintings by the famous Russian artist P. M. Grechishkin.
In addition, I advise you to look into Aviation Museum.

What you can see in the vicinity of Mineralnye Vody

Traveling around Mineralnye Vody, I was impressed by two incredible places that I recommend visiting.

  • Tersky stud farm. Construction began at the end of the 19th century under Count S. A. Stroganov, who brought Arabian horses to the country. However, horse breeding activities were soon suspended, and only in the first half of the 20th century did Budyonny take up the development of stud farms for use by the Russian cavalry. And a few years later, a new breed of horses began to be bred here, nicknamed Tersk. Now here you can rent horses, ride them and take a tour of the factory.
  • Mount Snake. The flora and fauna of this mountain can be the envy of everyone nearby. The slopes are shrouded in forest with 60 different tree species, where you can find lilies, ash and euonymus. The upper part of the mountain is formed from beshtaunite, which is actively used in the production of crushed stone. The base of the lower part is predominantly slate. The mountain surprised us with two interesting monuments dedicated to the Second World War and two holy springs, one of which with an arch and a pool-like drain.

Tersky stud farm

What can a tourist see in Mineralnye Vody in 1 day?

  • Railway station building with the symbol of the Kavminvod - an eagle tormenting a snake.
  • Cathedral of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary with gilded domes.
  • Monument to Alexey Petrovich Ermolov, money for which was collected by local Cossacks.
  • Park with the “Fire of Eternal Glory” memorial, created entirely with symbolic meaning.
  • Original monument, installed at the site of a 2001 terrorist attack that killed 21 people and injured 100.

Caucasian Mineral Waters (MOVIE)

In this video you will learn many interesting facts, stories, legends about the city of Mineralnye Vody. Enjoy watching!

Where to go in Mineralnye Vody with children

  • Mineralnye Vody City Park.
  • Amusement park 56 km from the city, in .
  • Shopping center "Vershina" with an ice skating rink, bowling alley, cozy cafes and fast food restaurants, as well as children's playgrounds.
  • Museum of Local Lore with interesting exhibitions and exciting excursions.

The town of Mineralnye Vody turned out to be quite interesting due to its unique and historical sites, a visit to which made a very pleasant impression.

What else do you think is worth visiting in Mineralnye Vody, where can you take your children and what interesting things to see? I look forward to your suggestions in the comments.

Here they removed 12 chairs and killed Lermontov. The climate here is mild, and mineral water flows from the tap. Here you can run through the mountains and stroll through the tennis parks. You can send your parents here to a sanatorium for a vacation, or bring a romantic young lady for a weekend. I spent two wonderful days here with my son. I tell you what you need to see and how to do everything as inexpensively as possible.

How to get here?

The city of Mineralnye Vody is the logistics center of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody.
There is an airport and a railway station, from which it is convenient to travel by train to all cities of the KMV.
You can see the train schedule. The cost of a ticket, depending on the distance, is from 50 to 250 rubles. You can buy them at the station or directly on the train from the controllers

Quarrel for quality, found it on the Internet

We arrived by plane. There are a lot of flights here and there are often dated tickets. I found it on Skyscanner for the May weekend from Moscow and back for 5280! (current as of May 4) It’s cheaper than in a compartment carriage

Where to live?
We stopped in Pyatigorsk. This is the largest city in the center of the CMV; from the railway station you can get to any city within an hour. Kislovodsk is also a good option, it also has a lot of interesting things. (More on that a little later)
Taxi is the most convenient RED taxi. Telephone 8-919-733-33-33, metered
At the entrance to the station square, near the barrier, there is an inexpensive canteen where you can eat tasty and cheap food.

During my trip to Crimea, I discovered the wonderful Twill service.
On this site, you can find very budget, but quite decent accommodation - all kinds of mini-hotels, guest houses, hostels, etc.
I needed housing near the station and very inexpensive. I found it 2 minutes walk from the Railway Station.

Here is a guest house in Bystroy Lane 6 with budget prices. There is a room with a fireplace (!) for three for 1800 rubles. In the courtyard behind the fence you can grill kebabs) Link to the house on the Twill website

My son and I took a very modest room for 1200 per night. However, everything was clean inside.

There was even a small kitchenette where you could drink tea and heat up food.
By the way, I noticed that in the south all budget options include a kitchen so you can cook yourself.

We threw our things and went for a walk around Pyatigorsk.
On the streets there are living heroes from the scenes of the famous KVN team and Zhorik Vartanov from Our Russia.

Ossetian Pies
The best Ossetian pies in Pyatigorsk are prepared in a modest eatery with the name (who would have thought!) “Ossetian Pies” on Karl Marx 4. They have neither a website, nor a VK group, they are not even in the Double GIS.

And there is nothing there except Ossetian pies. But they are incredibly tasty and quite cheap.
We were able to eat half of this huge pie with potatoes for 350 rubles, and took the rest home.

Take a walk along Kirov Avenue to Tsvetnik Park. From there you can climb to the Eagle sculpture on Mount Goryachaya - the symbol of Pyatigorsk and all the Caucasian Mineral Waters.

The novel and filming of the film 12 Chairs took place in Pyatigorsk

Mineral springs and healing springs are everywhere.
Near the Tarkhany sanatorium there is a pump room where you can get free mineral water.

Gagarin Avenue

You should definitely go to the famous Proval. Of course it's free))

Lifehack. If you climb up from the Proval along an inconspicuous path among the trees, you can see it from above)

Lermontov is also our everything!

Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov served in Pyatigorsk.
He was shot by Lieutenant Martynov in a duel at the foot of Mount Mashuk. Right on this spot.
Do you remember the chapter about Princess Mary from Hero of Our Time? The events also took place on the waters, in Pyatigorsk.

In general, I highly advise you to climb Mount Mashuk, there is a funicular going there or you can climb on foot.

From the place of Lermontov's duel, Mount Beshtau (five heads) is visible, which actually gave the name to Pyatigorsk.


You can climb Mount Beshtau (1400 meters) from Zheleznovodsk, Lermontov or Pyatigorsk.
I rise from the rock “God Bless”, near the Beshtauta Monastery. Taxi from the railway station to the monastery 180 rubles
The slopes of the mountain are unusually picturesque

View of the summit from the saddle

After an hour and a half (for ordinary people 2-2.5 hours) I am at the top of Beshtau.
From here you can see almost the entire CMS, and in good weather the majestic caps of Elbrus
View of Inozemtsevo

Zheleznovodsk and Minvody. On the right is Mount Zmeyka, you can see it when you fly from an airplane to Minvody


The top is always full of people. Even a child can climb here

city ​​of Lermontov

The whole day was dedicated to him. If you want to relax in the silence of the resort and have a whole week, then it is better to live in Kislovodsk. This is a city of quiet bliss, where pensioners and children walk.
Here you can walk around the park all day and not miss it.

Resort Boulevard
This place reminds of the best days of the Russian Empire, which wanted to make its own Baden-Baden.

At the beginning of the resort boulevard there is the Narzan Gallery, where you can drink unlimited mineral waters for different tastes

My favorite place in Kislovodsk is Resort Park. It is huge, a city within a city.

Stelny stream


Pensioners take mini-bikes and ride around the park. Send your parents here!
Unlike abroad, here everything will be familiar to them and there will be someone to chat with.

red stones

Askar and I are for active recreation. We rest only after climbing the next hill.

Air Temple
There is an open library near the funicular in Pakr. Anyone can take a book from here, read it and bring it back.

And of course, my favorite childhood books are waiting for me here.

Mineralnye Vody is a relatively small cozy town in the Stavropol Territory. Despite the name, there are no healing springs in the administrative center of the Mineralovodsk District; all of them are located in neighboring Zheleznovodsk, Lermontov, Pyatigorsk, Essentuki and Kislovodsk. The city serves as a kind of gateway, annually allowing hundreds of thousands of tourists to the resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters. It is here that the largest transport hub in the region is located - an international airport, a railway interchange and a federal highway.

Although many consider Mineralnye Vody as a transit point, the city itself is also of interest from a tourist point of view. Warm and mild climate, stunning nature and mountains towering on all sides - why not a place for rest and relaxation? In addition, you don’t have to travel far for health treatments - in the surrounding area there are many sanatoriums with healing water from mineral springs.

How to get to Mineralnye Vody

The city of Mineralnye Vody grew up around the Sultanovskaya railway station, which later became a major interchange. Then a large international airport and bus station were built nearby, so in terms of transport accessibility there are no problems here - it is easy to get here from almost any corner of Russia and neighboring countries.

The fastest way for Moscow and St. Petersburg is by plane, although residents of the Northern capital have fewer flights and tickets are more expensive. Trains regularly depart from both capitals to Mineralnye Vody, but in reality this option turns out to be not much more economical, and you will have to spend much more time on the way. Buses from Moscow and many southern cities of Russia arrive at the local bus station.

Search for flights to Mineralnye Vody


The main public transport is buses and minibuses. Most of them depart from the railway station; the route network covers all areas of the city and nearby villages. The fare is relatively small - about 16 RUB.

The only drawback is that the transport runs until 19:00-20:00. So, if you plan to stay somewhere late, be prepared to use a taxi. The latter in Mineralnye Vody are represented by several local companies, the tariffs are low compared to Moscow - travel around the city will cost 50-150 RUB, transfer from the airport - from 150 RUB. There is also an international transfer booking service, but prices are much higher - from 600 RUB. Prices on the page are as of November 2018.

Maps of Mineralnye Vody

Rent a Car

If you come to Mineralnye Vody for a short time and don’t plan to leave the city, then there’s probably no point in renting a car. The public transport network covers the entire territory including its suburbs, buses run frequently, and the fare is low. In case of late walks, there are taxis with fairly low tariffs. If you want to explore the surrounding area and other cities in the resort region, it would be more advisable to take a car and not depend on the schedule of trains and intercity buses.

Mineralnye Vody is a small city, and there is no such car traffic as in Moscow or St. Petersburg. The traffic is calm, but sometimes there are traffic jams. There shouldn't be any problems with parking - there are several 24-hour parking lots, paid and free. The cost per day in the open area is 100 RUB, in the parking lot at the airport - 500 RUB.

Most companies providing car rental services operate throughout the region, which allows you to rent a car in Mineralnye Vody and return it in Pyatigorsk or Essentuki. This opportunity is provided by Urentcar and Autorent-KMV. Most companies, including Avant Car and Avto Dar, accept bank cards for payment. The cost of car rental, depending on the class and rental period, varies from 1000 RUB per day.

Treatment in Mineralnye Vody

The Caucasian Mineral Waters region has long been famous for its healing climate and healing natural springs. The first information about them appeared in the 17th century, and in Soviet times this resort was one of the most popular among the residents of our country. And although the springs themselves are located in neighboring cities, there are also many sanatoriums in the vicinity of Mineralnye Vody, offering vacationers various health treatments.

It’s worth coming here even if you don’t have any specific diseases. Mineral and foam-licorice baths, healing mud and the healing climate of this region cleanse the body of waste and toxins.

Various health resorts provide treatment for ulcers and gastritis, diabetes and obesity, liver, kidney and nervous system diseases. This is not a complete list of ailments that water from underground sources can help cope with. Depending on the indications and contraindications, different methods are used - drinking treatment, beneficial mineral water baths and mud therapy.

Hotels in Mineralnye Vody

When choosing a hotel in Mineralnye Vody, the first thing you need to do is decide on the purpose of the trip. The city has both regular hotels and guest houses, as well as sanatoriums offering various medical procedures. The price per day in the latter is much higher. The cost of accommodation does not greatly depend on the location of the hotel, in the center or on the outskirts, however, it is worth looking for budget options closer to the suburbs.

Those who want to save money should pay attention to inexpensive guest houses. A night in a shared female or male room for several people will cost only 500 RUB. Prices for accommodation in a double room start from 1000 RUB.

There are three- and four-star hotels in the city, most of them are concentrated in the central part. For a day in a comfortable room with a designer interior and satellite TV you will have to pay from 2500 to 3000 RUB. Guests can enjoy bars, restaurants and karaoke, as well as an entertainment program with animators in the evening.

What to bring

Since holidays in Mineralnye Vody are usually associated with treatment, something with healing properties is usually taken from here as souvenirs. First of all, you should grab a few bottles of healing mineral water from nearby springs. There are none in the city itself, but “Narzans” and “Essentuki” can be found in many stores.

Any water that has a therapeutic effect should be drunk with extreme caution. When choosing a gift, be sure to familiarize yourself with the composition and properties of different varieties.

Another useful souvenir is Tambukan mud, which is actively used in the treatment of skin diseases and cosmetology. Its source, Lake Tambukan, is located 30 km from the city, so you can collect some silt yourself. If this is not possible, the collected and packaged dirt, as well as cosmetics based on it, are sold in pharmacies and stores in Mineralnye Vody.

In these places there is also a souvenir that heals not the body, but the soul. The famous Praskovey cognacs are produced at the winery of the same name, located 100 km from the city, and are considered one of the calling cards of the city.

Cafes and restaurants in Mineralnye Vody

The choice of cafes in Mineralnye Vody is not as wide as in larger tourist regions, but here you can find somewhere to have a snack or a delicious dinner. There are several excellent restaurants in the city with luxurious interiors and quality service; the menu includes dishes of Russian, European and Caucasian cuisine. The average bill is from 1000 to 2000 RUB.

Among tourists and local residents, the most famous restaurant is the Holburg restaurant, located in the building of the castle of the same name. Its main advantages are excellent cuisine, friendly staff and a medieval atmosphere.

For a quick and satisfying snack, numerous cafes are perfect, where breakfast will cost 300-500 RUB. For lovers of pizza and sushi, there are restaurants serving Italian and Japanese cuisine. Kebab cafes occupy a special place among the establishments of Mineralnye Vody. It is impossible to imagine Caucasian cuisine without this hot and aromatic dish. They serve real shish kebab at very reasonable prices - the cost of lunch in most cafes and restaurants in the city does not exceed 700-1000 RUB.

Guides in Mineralnye Vody

Entertainment and attractions of Mineralnye Vody

The city should not be perceived solely as a transfer station on the way to the resorts of the North Caucasus. Quiet and cozy, it is perfect for rest and relaxation after the frantic rhythm of big cities. In addition, there are interesting natural, historical and architectural attractions, not to mention the sanatoriums and hospitals, for which many people travel to these regions.

They say that the only thing missing in Mineralnye Vody is the sea: sights, entertainment and even mountains already exist.

Those arriving in Mineralnye Vody by train can begin exploring the sights without leaving the ticket office. The railway station is one of the most interesting and beautiful historical buildings in the city. It was built in the late 50s. last century on the site of an old building.

In front of a semicircle of white columns stands a sculpture of an eagle clutching a snake in its talons. The monument illustrates a local legend about how a proud bird managed to heal from a poisonous bite with the help of water from local healing springs.

One of the most interesting natural attractions is the magmatic mountain Zmeyka. It attracts tourists not only with its beautiful mountain landscapes and unique flora and fauna. On the slopes there are several holy springs and monuments to the Second World War, as well as adits and quarries. You can often meet outdoor enthusiasts with climbing equipment.

There are several temples and cathedrals in Mineralnye Vody that will be of interest to believers and those who want to get acquainted with the history, culture and architecture of the city. The main religious attraction is the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Among its shrines are the relics of St. Theodosius of the Caucasus, the patron saint of these places.

Of the city's museums, the most interesting is the Museum of Aviation Technology, which displays military and civilian vessels. Those wishing to learn more about the history of Mineralnye Vody should look into the Museum of Local Lore.


It is better to go on vacation to Mineralnye Vody in the second half of summer or autumn. Although the city's climate is temperate continental and quite mild at any time of the year, in winter and spring there is a high risk of falling into the rainy season. Summer here begins early, in mid-May, and ends only in September, giving way to a cool, but sunny and dry autumn, but in June short but intense showers are not uncommon.

Winter in Mineralnye Vody is warm and rainy; severe frosts practically never occur. During the period of early and short spring, which comes to these regions already at the end of February - beginning of March, there is a high probability of precipitation.

Caucasus. How much of this word! Majestic mountains, healing waters, colorful nature and such friendly people.

Having visited the Caucasus once, you leave a piece of your soul there forever.

My love for the Caucasus began as a light holiday romance, but grew into a real reverent feeling.


Caucasian Mineralnye Vody (or abbreviated as KMV) is the name of an area in the Stavropol Territory, which includes such cities as Mineralnye Vody, Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk, Essentuki, Kislovodsk.


The airport closest to the CMV is located in the city of Mineralnye Vody.

Despite its name, Mineralnye Vody does not have its own mineral water sources, so vacationers do not stay in the city for long.

There are several ways to get to the Resort Cities from the airport. But first you need to take a taxi or minibus No. 10 or No. 11 get to the Mineralnye Vody railway station.

THE CITIES OF ESSENTUKI, PYATIGORSK, KISLOVODSK can be reached by train. This is a very convenient type of transport for the KMV, because... The route runs through large resort towns. There is enough space in the carriages, travel is not expensive, and trains run frequently.

The city of ZHELEZNOVODSK the train passes by. You can get there take the train to Beshtau station and then take a taxi (about 100 rubles) to Zheleznovodsk. Or take the train to Pyatigorsk and then transfer to minibus No. 213.

You can use minibus services.

From the Airport stop, route No. 11 to the Oktyabr Cinema stop (Mineralnye Vody), where you need to change to minibus No. 107 (to the Zheleznovodsk railway station stop)

From the railway station, go to the Dom Torgovli stop, take route No. 133, get to the 11th km stop, where change to minibus No. 107 (to the Zheleznovodsk railway station stop)

From the Airport, get to the Mineralnye Vody railway station (minibuses No. 10,11), take the train to the Pyatigorsk station and then take minibus No. 213 to the Zheleznovodsk railway station.

The most convenient way to get to Zheleznovodsk is by taxi. For example, in the airport building there are reception desks of several taxi companies, which for 200-300 rubles will take you straight to the doors of the sanatorium. In this case, you will be given a business card with an individual number, which will give you a discount on your return trip.


Each city of the Caucasian mineral waters is unique, has its own spirit, atmosphere, climate. Yes, yes, the climate in cities is completely different.

I suggest taking a mini-tour of each of the cities.

************************ZHELEZNOVODSK ******************************** *

A city called Caucasian Switzerland. And this name is completely justified. Zheleznovodsk has a unique nature: mountains surrounded by green trees, the aromas of herbs and flowers are in the air, and birdsong can be heard.

The city is divided into two parts: a residential town and a resort part. The residential town is located on a flatter area and consists of multi-storey buildings and a private sector. There are shops, a city park (though abandoned), a market, and the Western mineral pump room (near the Dubrava sanatorium).

The resort part is located in mountainous and mountainous areas. Some of the sanatoriums are located right on Mount Zheleznaya.

In the Resort part of Zheleznovodsk there are three open sources of mineral water, which are available to every vacationer who wants to drink the water.

Sources Slavyanovsky, Smirnovsky and Lermontovsky.

In the Resort part there is a medical park located on the town of Zheleznaya (853 m above sea level) and several health paths (along Mount Zheleznaya, near Mount Razvalka).

Zheleznovodsk, despite the fact that it is the smallest resort town of the KMS, is rich in sanatoriums (of varying comfort and size).

The sanatoriums are multidisciplinary, but the main profile is digestive and gastrointestinal diseases.

Indications for treatment in Zheleznovodsk:

diseases of the digestive system:
Reflux esophagitis. Chronic gastritis with secretory insufficiency, with preserved and increased secretion. Gastroduodenitis. Peptic ulcer of the stomach and 12-humus intestines in the phase of remission or fading exacerbation. Diseases of the operated stomach (after surgery for gastric and duodenal ulcers). Chronic colitis and enterocolitis. Residual effects of viral hepatitis in the inactive phase. Chronic hepatitis of various etiologies in the inactive phase. Chronic cholecystitis and cholangitis of various etiologies. Dyskinesia of the biliary tract and gallbladder. Gallstone disease without attacks of hepatic colic. Chronic pancreatitis. Adhesive disease of the abdominal organs

Diabetes mellitus (insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent), its complications - polyneuropathy and angiopathy. Nutritional obesity

Chronic pyelonephritis during remission, residual effects of acute pyelonephritis (not earlier than 3 months after relief of the acute process). Chronic cystitis (non-tuberculous), trigonitis. Chronic prostatitis (non-tuberculous vesiculitis without stricture and without residual urine). Infertility of the established nest. Chronic oroepididemitis (non-tuberculous). Sexual disorders in men. Urolithiasis without stones requiring surgical treatment.

Chronic inflammation of the uterine appendages during remission, but not earlier than 2 months after the last exacerbation. Chronic parametritis during the period of remission, no earlier than 6 weeks after the end of the acute process of stabilization of palpable signs of infiltration, without an increase in body temperature, ESR, or leukocyte count. Pelvic peritoxal adhesions. Incorrect position of the uterus. Infantilism (genital). Hypoplasia of the uterus. Ovarian dysfunction as a consequence of an inflammatory process with insufficiency of both phases of the cycle. Infertility caused by obstruction of the fallopian tubes due to the inflammatory process due to depletion of the hormonal function of the ovaries or failure of both phases of the cycle.

Cons of Zheleznovodsk:

Transport distance from other cities of the CMS. The easiest way is to take a minibus to Pyatigorsk, and then to other cities.

It is extremely difficult to take a minibus to Essentuki (it runs rarely, seats are allocated even before the minibus arrives at the stop).

Poor street lighting.

A small number of entertainment places, catering establishments, shops.

Mountain terrain is not for everyone. A lot of uphill, a lot of steps.

In the summer there is a lot of humidity in Zheleznovodsk, which causes a lot of mosquitoes and midges.

The climate in the city is unpredictable. For example, in the spring, after a hot day, snow may fall, and the next morning it will melt and the twenty-degree heat will return.

Zheleznovodsk captivated me with its nature, being there, it seems that you are in the illustration of some good old fairy tale. The resort town is very cozy, but is not suitable for people with mobility problems.

The next city is Pyatigorsk, you can get to it from Zheleznovodsk by minibus No. 113 (to the final stop “Upper Market”, Pyatigorsk).

From the Upper Market it is literally a 7-10 minute leisurely walk along Krainiy Street to the main walking street of Pyatigorsk - Kirov Avenue.

Or at the “Railway Station” stop in Zheleznovodsk you can take minibus No. 213 and get to the Pyatigorsk Railway Station, where in 5 minutes you can be at the end Kirov Avenue.

************************PYATIGORSK******************************** *

The largest city of the Caucasian mineral waters. The resort area is located on the slope of Mount Mashuk, near the Proval, famous thanks to the movie “12 Chairs”.

The waters of Pyatigorsk are quite unique and require getting used to.

There are several types of mineral water: Hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide-hydrogen sulfide, salt-alkaline waters.

There are 2 drinking galleries and about a dozen pump rooms.

In the Academic Gallery Carbon dioxide-hydrogen sulfide water from well No. 16 is released.

In the Central Drinking Gallery, in its 3 pavilions there is carbonated water of the Krasnoarmeysky new spring, carbonic-hydrogen sulfide water of the Lermontovsky spring No. 2 and mineral water of the Essentuki type of springs No. 17 and 30.

In addition to 2 drinking galleries, the resort has pump rooms:

Lermontovsky– at the sanatorium "Lenin Rocks", which dispenses carbonated water - well No. 19 (hot Narzan) and well No. 35 (Essentuki type No. 4);

pump room of spring No. 7 named after. Pavlova And pump room No. 4- warm narzans;

pump room of spring No. 24– on the territory of the sanatorium "Pyatigorye";

pump room of the Lermontov source No. 2(Park "Flower Garden");

pump room of the spring No. 20 named after Volodkevich And source No. 1(near the sanatorium "Tarkhany");

pump room of spring No. 14 at the Pushkin Baths.

Also used at the Pyatigorsk resort water type Essentuki No. 17 (wells No. 14, 17, 30), Essentuki No. 4 (well No. 35) and carbon dioxide-hydrogen sulfide water from well No. 20 (source named after Volodkevich).

Indications for treatment in Pyatigorsk:

peripheral vascular diseases:
Obliterating atherosclerosis of the vessels of the extremities without ulcers, gangrene, including after reconstructive operations on peripheral vessels (6-8 weeks after surgery). Obliterating endarteritis with circulatory disorders of the lower extremities I and II degrees. during a period of stable remission. Chronic venous insufficiency due to varicose veins. Residual effects after phlebitis, thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities (not earlier than 2-4 months).

diseases of the nervous system:
Osteochondrosis of the spine with reflex and radicular syndromes, conditions after removal of a disc herniation, plexitis, polyneuritis, neuritis of the facial and trigeminal nerves, damage to individual nerves of the extremities, neurofibromyositis outside the acute phase. Diseases of the autonomic nervous system: autonomic polyneuritis, solaritis, sympathoglionitis at the end of the acute period. Nerve injuries are injuries to roots, plexuses, and nerve trunks that do not require surgical intervention. Diseases and consequences of trauma to the central nervous system: residual effects after encephalitis, arachnoiditis, encephalomyelitis at the end of the acute period (not earlier than 3 months after the disease). Cerebrovascular diseases: a consequence of cerebrovascular accidents in the recovery period after 4 - 6 months

gynecological diseases:
Chronic salpingitis, osphoritis 2 months after exacerbation. Chronic metritis, endometritis 4 weeks after exacerbation. Chronic parametritis 4-6 weeks after the end of the acute period. Pelvic adhesions of the peritoneum. Infiltration after surgical interventions for diseases of the uterus, tubes, ovaries at the end of the acute period 6-8 weeks after surgery. Incorrect position of the uterus: fixed or subfixed retroflexion, retroversion after an inflammatory process of the female genital organs or due to pelvic adhesions of the peritoneum. Ovarian dysfunction, infantilism or uterine hypoplasia, including in combination with chronic inflammatory process of the female genital organs. Infertility resulting from inflammatory diseases, menopausal syndrome.

diseases of the musculoskeletal system:
Arthritis and polyarthritis of non-tuberculous origin: rheumatoid arthritis in an inactive phase with minimal and moderate process activity, infectious polyarthritis of a certain etiology with process activity not exceeding degree II, deforming osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis, spondylosis, spondyloarthrosis, ankylosing spondylitis with process activity not exceeding degree II without visceritis . Consequences of fractures of the trunk and limbs with delayed consolidation; chronic synovitis, bursitis of various localizations, tendovaginitis, myositis, fibromyositis, myalgia, epicondylitis, styloiditis; hematogenous osteomyelitis (except tuberculosis), which does not require surgical intervention. Referral of patients with the listed diseases is possible subject to independent movement and care.
skin diseases:
Psoriasis in stationary regressive form. Neurodermatitis - limited and diffuse, chronic stage. Eczema, true and seborrheic in the chronic stage. Scleroderma: plaque limited and widespread, inactive stage, systemic with damage to the musculoskeletal system of the inactive stage in the period between courses of drug therapy. Lichen planus is a limited and common form of the chronic stage.

diseases of the ear, nose and throat:
Chronic pharyngitis (subatrophic, atrophic, hypertrophic without exacerbation (in the summer months). Chronic tonsillitis is uncomplicated, compensated, often exacerbating. Chronic laryngitis - subatrophic, atrophic. Chronic rhinitis hypertrophic, atrophic, subatrophic. Chronic sinusitis and condition after operations of the paranasal sinuses in the absence of complications (not earlier than 2 months). Chronic inflammatory processes in the middle ear and auditory tube in the stages of remission. Otosclerosis, condition after surgery.

urological diseases:
Chronic prostatitis, chronic vesiculitis (non-tuberculous) in remission without urethral structure and without residual urine. Chronic cystitis of a non-tuberculous nature. Urolithiasis, including complicated by pyelonephritis and cystitis. Chronic pyelonephritis in remission, latent form of pyelonephritis. Secondary pyelonephritis without impaired nitrogen excretory function of the kidneys and without severe hypertension. Residual effects of acute pyelonephritis no earlier than 3 months after relief of the acute process.

other diseases:
Primary obesity, nutritional-constitutional, grade 1 - 3. without symptoms of circulatory decompensation. Diathesis; phosphaturic, uraturia, oxaluria with various clinical manifestations. Thyrotoxicosis of primary and secondary origin, mild. Mild hypothyroidism with obesity, dystrophic changes in the joints and spine.

In Pyatigorsk there are a large number of shops, shopping centers, cinemas, a famous operetta theater, a clothing market "Lira" (where you can buy high-quality knitwear, shoes, bed linen, curtains, etc.) and a fur coat market.

The city center is bustling with life, there is a pedestrian street where you can enjoy delicious Pyatigorsk ice cream. This is a gathering place for young people. There is always music here, often performed live.

It should be noted that there are many educational institutions in Pyatigorsk, a whole campus, so the city creates the impression of a city of youth.

There are many attractions in Pyatigorsk: Lake Proval, the city of Mashuk, where a duel took place in which the poet M.Yu. was killed. Lermontov, there are many Lermontov places here: the house-museum, the Lermontov Gallery, the monument “place of the duel” and many others.

Architecture lovers will find something to keep themselves occupied while walking around the central part of Pyatigorsk.

Cons of Pyatigorsk:

  • Big city. Of course, this fact can be perceived as both a positive and negative aspect for relaxation. As a resident of a metropolis, I still want to be outdoors when relaxing, so for me a big city is a minus.
  • The resort area is located on a hill and you have to go down into the city to reach the mineral pump rooms.
  • A kind of traffic movement that requires getting used to. For example, in the center a car can be parked right on the roadway, and cars can drive directly along the tram lines.
  • Pyatigorsk is very hot in summer, but comfortable in spring and winter.

Pyatigorsk is a city of contradictions. Bustling and trendy in the center, but the further you go from the central streets, the more you realize that the main part of the city is completely different. In essence, this is a village in the city, because... Most of the city consists of private houses with land plots.

A city of youth, students who, having received a diploma, want to leave their homes due to lack of work. All this leaves its mark on the city.

I like to come to Pyatigorsk for a day to walk along its streets, enjoy ice cream and plunge a little into the bustle.

************************ESSENTUKI******************************** *

Perhaps this is the most famous resort city of the Caucasian mineral waters, which gained fame thanks to its waters.

There is hardly a single resident of the former USSR who has not heard about the Essentuki Four.

The city, thanks to the private sector, looks quite large. For vacationers there is a resort park, near which there are sanatoriums.

But you need to know that there are two resort areas in Essentuki: one near the resort park itself, ancient mineral water springs and Theater Square.

The other is located behind Pobeda Park and is simply called “Victoria” by local residents (after the name of the sanatorium of the same name).

The attractions of Essentuki include a mud bath, ancient mineral water pump rooms, churches and monasteries located near the city.

There are shopping centers, boutiques, a concert hall, various cafes and restaurants. Vacationers love to go to the local market to buy fresh vegetables and fruits.

Essentuki is perhaps the flattest city of the Caucasus, so it is ideal for people with musculoskeletal problems or mobility problems.

Holidays in Essentuki are leisurely, vacationers walk around the resort park, sit on benches in shady alleys.

The city itself immerses you in an atmosphere of relaxation and tranquility.

But the main advantage of the resort is its mineral waters. The city has both ancient and modern pump rooms. For example, near the Victoria sanatorium there is a drinking gallery, which amazes with its scope.

Indications for treatment in Essentuki:

Digestive diseases:
Chronic gastritis with secretory insufficiency, with preserved and increased secretion. Gastroduodenitis. Peptic ulcer of the stomach and 12-humus intestines in the phase of remission or fading exacerbation. Diseases of the operated stomach (after surgery for gastric and duodenal ulcers). Chronic colitis and enterocolitis. Residual effects of viral hepatitis in the inactive phase. Chronic hepatitis of various etiologies in the inactive phase. Chronic cholecystitis and cholangitis of various etiologies. Dyskinesia of the biliary tract and gallbladder. Gallstone disease without attacks of hepatic colic. Chronic pancreatitis. Adhesive disease of the abdominal organs.

Nutritional obesity. Diabetes mellitus (insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent), its complications - polyneuropathy and angiopathy.

Chronic pyelonephritis during remission, residual effects of acute pyelonephritis (not earlier than 3 months after relief of the acute process). Chronic cystitis (non-tuberculous), trigonitis. Chronic prostatitis (non-tuberculous vesiculitis without stricture and without residual urine). Infertility of the established nest. Chronic oroepididemitis (non-tuberculous). Sexual disorders in men. Urolithiasis without stones requiring surgical treatment

Chronic inflammation of the uterine appendages during remission, but not earlier than 2 months after the last exacerbation. Chronic parametritis during the period of remission, not earlier than 6 weeks after the end of the acute process of stabilization of palpable signs of infiltration, without an increase in body temperature, ESR, or leukocyte count. Pelvic peritoxal adhesions. Incorrect position of the uterus. Infantilism (genital). Hypoplasia of the uterus. Ovarian dysfunction as a consequence of an inflammatory process with insufficiency of both phases of the cycle. Infertility caused by obstruction of the fallopian tubes due to the inflammatory process due to depletion of the hormonal function of the ovaries or failure of both phases of the cycle.

Chronic nonspecific bronchitis, tracheitis, tracheobronchitis of toxic and dust etiology in remission, with pulmonary heart failure no more than stage 1-B. Chronic pneumonia in remission without attacks of bronchial asthma, brochiectasis accompanied by copious sputum production, without hemoptysis, with cardiopulmonary failure not higher than stages 1-11. Residual effects after acute pleuropneumonia, dry and exudative pleurisy. Bronchial asthma is atopic and infectious allergic, mild to moderate, with rare attacks, without hormone dependence. Chronic asthmatoid bronchitis without pronounced symptoms of pulmonary heart failure, i.e. no more than stage 1-B. Pneumoconiosis (silicosis, initrosis, biriliosis, etc.) with a generally satisfactory condition and pulmonary heart failure of no more than stage 1-B. Bronchiectasis in the stage of stable remission without abundant purulent sputum, with pulmonary heart failure no more than stage 1-B, in the absence of amyloidosis of organs and hemoptysis

Diseases of the ENT organs:
Chronic rhinitis (vasomotor). Chronic adenoiditis. Chronic sinusitis. Chronic pharyngitis. Chronic tonsillitis. Chronic laryngitis hypertrophic and atrophic. Chronic catarrhal and purulent otitis media. Chronic eustacheitis. Chronic labyrinthitis. Acoustic neuritis

Redheads. Vulgar (spherical, conglobate, necrotic, medicinal) acne. Psoriasis. Eczema (acute, chronic). Neurodermatitis. Atonic dermatitis in children. Hives. Dermatitis. Mycosis. Necrobiosis lipoidica. Erythematosis. Scleroderma is focal. Acne-Keloid. Acrodermatitis sclerosis. Anetoderma erythematous Jadasson. Hyperkeratosis. Darier's disease. Demodicosis. Dühring's dermatitis. Zaeda. Itching. Ichthyosis. Skin candidiasis. Keratoderma of the palms and milking. Red grain, nose. Paronychia. Perioral dermatitis. Pyoderma. Seborrhea. Sjögren's syndrome. Nodularity is periarticular. Folliculitis (atrophic, occipital region). Varicose leg ulcer

Nervous diseases:
Spondylosis and related conditions. Neurological manifestations and syndromes of osteochondrosis of the spine: cervical, thoracic and lumbosacral. Diseases of the peripheral nervous system, facial nerve and nerve root diseases and lesions of the vascular system. Diseases of the central nervous system after the end of the acute period (meningo-encephalitis, arachnoiditis, encephalomyelitis, diencephalitis). Consequences of neuroinfections in the form of asthenoneurotic and moderate hypertension syndromes. Consequences of a traumatic brain injury, including traumatic encephalopathy (non-convulsive form). Consequences of acute cerebrovascular accident. Vascular diseases of the nervous system, including various forms of migraine, Raynaud's disease, obliterating endarteritis, atherosclerotic plexuses (neuritis, plexitis, polyneuropathy), including trigeminal neuralgia, neuritis. Neuroses, neurosis-like conditions, various neurological syndromes; accentuations of character, pathocharacterological changes in personality. Psychosomatic diseases (peptic ulcer, bronchial asthma), diseases of the digestive tract, obesity, sexual disorders

Cons of Essentuki:

  • Limited space for movement of vacationers. Most of the city is private sector. A resort area has been allocated for vacationers, and in general there is no point in going beyond it.
  • There are no mountains in the city, which distinguishes it from other resort towns. But there is a gorgeous view of Elbrus and from some points of the city of Beshtau.

For me there is no better water than Essentuki-4. Because of the water, you can turn a blind eye to the shortcomings of the city, due to the lack of a large number of attractions or space for long walks.

Essentuki has an excellent location relative to its fellow resort towns, located between Pyatigorsk and Kislovodsk along the iron line.

And finally, from Essentuki we go to the sunniest city of the KMV - Kislovodsk.

We will travel on an already proven train. Travel time is about 30 minutes.

************************KISLOVODSK******************************** *

I repeat that this is the sunniest and highest mountain city of the Caucasian mineral waters.

stands at an altitude of 600 to 1200 meters above sea level

The city is surrounded by mountains, so it has a special microclimate. There are a lot of sunny, clear days, while the city does not have the stifling heat and humidity as in Zheleznovodsk.

In Kislovodsk there is a large man-made park, they say that it is even the largest in Europe.

Each tree was planted by hand. But walking through the park it’s hard to believe it, because it’s scary to even imagine how much time and effort went into planting such a huge area.

But we must give credit to those who worked on the landscaping; the park turned out magnificent.

It is so pleasant to walk along the shady thuja alleys and sit under a majestic pine tree. Admire the Valley of Roses or count the steps from the Ladies' Caprice bridge to the top of the mountain.

There are a huge number of sanatoriums and boarding houses in Kislovodsk, perhaps a great merit in this is that the city is the birthplace of the water of the Narts (heroes) - Narzan.

Like Essentuki, Narzan is known to many. In every supermarket you can see a green bottle with this name.

But I think that few people know that there are several types of Narzans. They are even divided into groups.

1 group. General Narzan.

2nd group. Dolmitny Narzan.

3rd group. Sulfate narzan

There is a Narzan Gallery in Kislovodsk, where everyone can taste several types of Narzans. Moreover, each Narzan has its own healing properties.

Unlike its counterparts, Kislovodsk is famous for treating people with problems with the cardiovascular system.

And thanks to its climate, athletes from all over the country undergo rehabilitation and train here.

Indications for treatment in Kislovodsk:

diseases of the cardiovascular system:
Coronary heart disease, hypertension stage I-II, cardiopathy, rheumatism, inactive phase, condition after heart valve replacement (after 3-4 months), condition after coronary artery bypass surgery, myocarditis, obliterating atherosclerosis of the vessels of the extremities without ulcers, obliterating with violation blood circulation, chronic venous insufficiency due to varicose veins, residual effects due to varicose veins, residual effects after phlebitis, thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities (not earlier than 2-4 months), post-thromboectomy syndrome.

gynecological diseases:
Chronic salpingitis, sophoritis, endometritis, parametritis, pelvic adhesions of the peritoneum, ovarian dysfunction, infertility resulting from inflammatory diseases, menopausal syndrome.

urological diseases:
Chronic prostatitis, chronic cystitis, non-tuberculous nature, impotence.

respiratory diseases:
Chronic nonspecific lung diseases, bronchial asthma.

diseases of the nervous system:
Cerebrovascular diseases: consequences of cerebrovascular accident (after 4-6). Diseases of the peripheral nervous system: spinal osteochondrosis with radicular syndrome, condition after removal of a herniated disc, polyneuritis, neuritis. Diseases of the autonomic nervous system: polyneuritis, solaritis, sympathoglionitis at the end of the acute period

diseases of the digestive system:
Chronic gastritis, gastroduodenitis outside the acute phase, duodenal ulcer in the phase of remission or fading exacerbation without a tendency to bleeding and penetration, chronic colitis, enterocolitis, chronic hepatitis, pancreatitis, of various etiologies without a tendency to frequent exacerbations in the remission phase.
diseases of the ear, nose and throat: Chronic pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis

Cons of Kislovodsk:

  • Kislovodsk is a big city, and therefore, vacation is accompanied by noise, car exhaust, and crowds of people.
  • Kislovodsk is the most “remote” city of the KMS. The journey to Pyatigorsk will take about an hour by train.

  • Not everyone will like the steep climbs to the Upper Medical Park.

Kislovodsk has a pleasant resort atmosphere. The city invites you to take leisurely walks along the Olkhovka River, stopping at shops and cafes where you can taste legendary local pastries.

It will also satisfy those who love active recreation - there are excellent jogging paths in the Upper Park. In addition to running, you can rent a bike or just take a walk to the tops of the mountains.


I advise you to first decide on the treatment profile. The choice of resort city will largely depend on this.

I also recommend getting acquainted with the topography of the city. For example, Zheleznovodsk is beautiful with its nature, but having difficulties with movement, relaxation will not bring joy. Once, while vacationing in Zheleznovodsk, I managed to twist my ankle and everything became a torment for me: getting to the water in the park (4 km), getting to the medical building in the sanatorium (several hundred steps), even the distance to the dining room seemed like an endless route. Fortunately, my leg healed quickly and I started running again, but this experience was enough to understand that only physically strong people can relax in Zheleznovodsk.

****************TRICKS, INSTRUCTIONS, WISHES***************

Having chosen any of the cities of the Caucasian mineral waters for your holiday, do not be lazy and go to the rest. To do this, you don’t have to buy excursions, just buy a train or minibus ticket. The trip will cost 300-400 rubles there and back, but you will know exactly which city is closer to you in spirit, waters, and natural conditions.

Download the 2GIS map and walking around cities will become easier.

Always have a couple of plastic cups with you so you can taste the waters in the places you visit. It should be remembered that water is medicine and should be drunk carefully. If you have any concerns, it is better to consult your doctor.

Be sure to bring comfortable shoes. Even if you choose passive relaxation, you will still have to walk to the pump rooms.

Mineral water has side effects. Thus, Essentuki causes swelling and many people cannot fit into their shoes in the morning. And the waters of Zheleznovodsk have a diuretic effect.


To visit the Lira market, you need to set aside half a day, preferably the first half of the day.

Market opening hours:

May - September: 5:00 - 17:00

October - April: 6:00 - 16:00

3rd Wednesday - sanitary day!

Be sure to take a notepad to the market or take notes on your phone. In which row and what did you see, because it is very easy to get confused in the rows.

The market has its own website where you can download a map of the market.

You can get to the market by public transport:

There are direct minibuses No. 134, 115 from Zheleznovodsk

From Pyatigorsk from the Upper Market by minibus No. 21A and No. 11

*************************WHAT SHOULD I BRING FROM KMS?*************************

Traditionally, gifts are brought from the Caucasus spices, herbal teas.

But it’s better to bring teas from excursions (Dombay, Elbrus).

They are brought from the Caucasus and knitted things.

There are two good departments in Zheleznovodsk: near the mud baths at the entrance to the Medical Park, and on Lermontov Street (in the area of ​​the Palace of the Emir of Bukhara).

In Essentuki near the new pump room.

In Kislovodsk, a spontaneous market is being organized on Mira Avenue.

At the Lira market you can buy high-quality knitwear.

You can bring back a good fur coat from your vacation, which will be two to three times cheaper than in stores in Russia. To do this, you can go to the fur (coat) market or go shopping or go to factories where free tours are organized.

You can also bring wine, knives, honey, paintings and traditional magnets.


My friends often ask me, knowing my love for the CMS: which city is the best?

And I usually answer:

“Now, if there was an electric train in Zheleznovodsk, and the city was located on the site of Kislovodsk, with the same number of sunny days, while the Essentuki Chetverochka took place in it, and there was a Broadway, like in Pyatigorsk, where you can listen to local musicians and enjoy ice cream "This city would be the very, very best city of the CMS."

Each resort city is unique, we will not repeat it. It has its advantages and disadvantages.

All the disadvantages I described are, of course, subjective. Whatever city you find yourself in, it deserves to be called a mineral resort.

Mineralnye Vody is a small resort town in the Stavropol Territory, which is located near the Kuma River, at the foot of Mount Zmeyka. It is through this area that the route passes, leading all tourists to the healing sources of the North Caucasus.

There are more than 100 springs with healing water in the region. The dry climate of the area is influenced by the foothill location and nearby steppes. Summer begins in mid-May and lasts 120 days. The driest months: July, August. Autumn begins in October. During this period the sun shines often and precipitation rarely falls. Winters are frosty in January. February is characterized by strong winds and rains. By the end of this month spring comes. Most tourists go to Mineralnye Vody to improve their health, actively relax in the mountains and visit local attractions.

Tourists can get to anywhere in the city by taxi. This is the most convenient form of transport as services operate 24 hours a day. Most vacationers prefer to travel by regular buses, which have a specific schedule and route. Transportation to nearby settlements is carried out by electric trains that depart from the railway station.

The famous place was founded in 1889 by the young naturalist S.A. Stroganov. He brought Arabian horses from the Middle East to Russia, where for a long time he could not find a place for stables. After a long search, Stroganov placed his horses in the vicinity of the city of Mineralnye Vody, since the climate is ideal for the existence of horses.

In the 20th century, Stroganov left Russia forever and went to France for permanent residence. His place was taken by S.M. Budyonny, who organized auctions for the sale of horses. Nowadays excursions and events are held for guests on the territory of the Tersky Stud Farm. Vacationers can rent horses and, accompanied by an instructor, go for a walk.

Location: Novotersky village, Shkolnaya street - 2.

This architectural structure is the most visited place in the Stavropol Territory. Construction of the temple began in 1992. Over the course of 5 years, the church was erected by architects, builders and skilled craftsmen.

The cathedral is made of brick and figured masonry. The architectural complex is equipped with several steel domes. On the territory of the cathedral there are cells for pilgrims, service rooms, and an administrative building. There are flower beds planted in the yard, which are especially beautiful in early spring. The attraction is a monument of Orthodox culture.

Location: Pyatigorskaya street.

It is located in the south of the city of Lermontov, not far from Mineralnye Vody and has a height of 874 meters. The mountain received its unique name because of its appearance: the slopes are covered with rock formations and boulders. Indigenous people say that once in ancient times the mountain had the shape of a pyramid.

Now the mountainside has been cut away since stones were quarried for construction work in 1970. Having climbed to the top, vacationers will have the opportunity to admire the stunning panorama of the resort towns of Pyatigorsk and Lermontov. Tourists can also see butterflies and ladybugs that live on the slopes of the mountain.

The cultural institution has existed since 1998. The museum collection contains more than 20 thousand objects of painting, archeology, numismatics, ethnography, and geology.

The building stores materials and documentation reflecting the development of culture and education in the city. Visitors will be invited to view the personal belongings of the writer and leader A.P. Bibika: notebooks for notes; books published in different years; family photographs; furniture made with your own hands; ink devices; painted pictures.

Location: Proletarskaya street - 137.

The memorial was erected in 2008 in honor of the 130th anniversary of Mineralnye Vody. The statue, cast from bronze, is located in the city park. General Ermolov was the commander-in-chief of the Caucasian troops, was the chief of staff, and served as division commander. The monument stands on a stone pedestal. The author of the construction of the sculpture is G. P. Myasnikov.

Location: Nadezhda Square.

The mountain is considered one of the most majestic attractions in the village. The peak is recognized as a national natural monument and is under state protection. The flora is represented by rare species of trees and shrubs: oriental beech, Caucasian ash, Georgian lily. Animal species include roe deer, frogs, lizards, and snakes.

On the branches of trees you can see a formidable hawk, and on the ground - traces of wild boars' hooves. Vacationers often visit attractions located on the territory of Mount Snake (Dam, Devil's Finger, Holy Spring).

It is located in the city center. On the territory of the museum there is a collection of air transport: a Po-2 biplane, Mi-1 and Mi-2 helicopters, a Li-2 aircraft, An-2, Yak-40, Tu-154. Not far from the equipment there is a stand on which photos of the first flights and important documentation of the airport and air terminal are mounted.

Location: Zavodskaya street - 73.

The international airport is the largest in southern Russia. It receives a huge number of flights every day. The number of passengers per year is about 900 thousand people. In 2011, a large-scale reconstruction was carried out.

The building currently houses domestic and international departments. The waiting room is spacious and spacious. It contains shops, cafes, and kiosks. Passengers can relax on comfortable, soft seats.

The temple is located near the cultural park. The construction of the church complex was completed in 1950 and was consecrated for the first time in the name of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. A few years later, at the insistence of the Metropolitan of Stavropol, the church was renamed in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

The main rarity of the temple is the ancient Athos icon. The holy place has a simplified architecture. In addition to the main building, in the vicinity of the church there is a separate structure - a bell tower. The temple area is enclosed by a red brick wall.

Location: Svobody Street.

The statue is one of the main decorations of the village. It was installed on the station square in the 20th century. It was at this place that the mountain eagle was bitten by a poisonous snake. The bird drank mineral water and did not die. Bronze sculpture is considered the hallmark of the Caucasus. The eagle represents power, strength, and spirit. The silhouette means victory over disease.

The monument to the fallen tankers who fought in the city in 1943 was erected 22 years after the battle on a stone base. The names of the people who fought are indicated on a plaque hanging on one side of the monument. Local residents often visit this place and lay flowers.

The place is located 100 km from Mineralnye Vody on the Chegem mountain river. These areas are full of various waterfalls. For some, water flows down in small drops, for others, it falls in a wide stream with maximum speed. The most powerful waterfall is considered to be the Maiden's Spit.

In winter, ice pillars similar to stalactites line up in the gorge. This is a mesmerizing sight that is worth a look. And in the summer, tourists love to visit the open-air museum in the village of Verkhny Chegem. While walking along the gorge, you should not forget about the wild animals that you may encounter along the way. Among them: lynxes, foxes, wolves. The forests are also home to wildlife: roe deer, deer, martens, hares. It is much more convenient to travel here by car.

In 1976, the opening of the memorial complex “Fire of Eternal Glory” took place. Rallies, processions, and special events are held annually in this place. The monument is presented in the form of a composition of figures protruding above the surface and stone columns.

The memorial consists of pylons, at the foot of which there is a marble depression with stones and a star. From the star comes the Fire of Eternal Glory. On the territory of the complex there is a beautiful square, on both sides of which flowers and trees are planted. Commemorative stands have been installed nearby.

The railway station building has the status of an architectural monument and is a station of the Caucasian Railway. The grand opening of the station took place in 1955, it was timed to coincide with the October Revolution. Inside the premises there are several waiting rooms, a first-aid post, kiosks, pharmacies, cafes and snack bars. The station can accommodate more than 1,500 people. The station area is equipped with cozy benches for relaxation.

Location: Lenin street - 42a.


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