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Sailing training ship "Khersones". Built in Poland at the Gdansk Lenin Shipyard in 1989. Initially named “Alexander Green”, but upon completion of construction, in honor of the 1000th anniversary of the baptism of Rus', it was renamed “Chersones”.

A modern three-masted frigate is a ship with a full straight sailing equipment. It is one of a series of six ships of the same type (sisterships): “Dar Mlodziorzy”, “Friendship”, “Peace”, “Pallada” and “Nadezhda”. The vessels of this series are the fastest training sailboats according to the STI (Sail Training International) classification.

In 1997, the sailboat gained fame by becoming the last ship to circumnavigate Cape Horn under sail with the engines turned off. The previous sailing ship of the same class passed Cape Horn in 1949. It was the barque "Pamir". Since then, no one has been able to repeat the feat of “Chersonese”. All other large sailing ships were forced to turn on their engines to pass Cape Horn.

The Chilean Association presented the ship with a certificate of passage of Cape Horn; the captain of the Chersonese, Mikhail Ivanovich Sukhin, was awarded honorary title"Albatross".

In 2003, the ship's hull was painted dark red, decorated with a stripe of sandy-golden ocher along the side and an ornament of the same color on the stern.

From 2006 to 2015, the ship was in a long and forced stay in the port of Kerch; over such a long period, due to lack of funding, the technical condition of the sailing ship completely fell into disrepair.

In 2014, the new shipowner of the sailing ship “Khersones” was the Ministry of Transport of Russia, FSUE “Rosmorport”.

On October 9, 2015, the Khersones vessel was towed for repairs to the Sevastopol branch of the Zvezdochka shipbuilding center and was docked on December 10, 2015. In June 2016, the repairs were completed. The ship was returned to its original painting. The shipowner decided that the vessel "Khersones" will be based in the port of Sevastopol.

Since August 2016, the sailing training ship "Khersones" begins to accept on board cadets of the State Maritime University named after Admiral F.F. Ushakov, branches and other maritime universities of Russia for passing the sailing course.

In September 2016, the sailing ship "Khersones", for the first time since 2006, set off on its maiden voyage and took part in the international sailing regatta "SCF Black Sea Tall Ships Regatta - 2016".

From June 2016 to the present, the captain of the vessel is Dmitry Sergeevich Teslenko.

About the shipowner: The Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Rosmorport" promotes the development of the maritime transport infrastructure of Russia and increasing the competitiveness of Russian seaports through the effective operation, maintenance and development of federal property assigned to the enterprise in seaports. Takes an active part in the implementation of federal target programs for the development of maritime transport Russian Federation. Provides services to ensure navigation safety in the waters of seaports and on the approaches to them.

Once upon a time, films about pirates were filmed in the bays of the New World and Sudak. Remember "Treasure Island"? What about Pirates of the 20th Century? So that's it! And not so long ago I had the chance to film a real sailboat in these “pirate” bays, and under sails! The hardest thing was to get to New World by the time the sailing ship "Chersonese" arrived. The fact is that the exact date became known to me when I was in Kaluga, and whether the sailboat will enter the bay and set sails - generally only on the road! But we took a risk.

The plane from Kaluga landed in Simferopol at about half past two in the afternoon, and already at three o’clock my spotting colleague Sergei Vorotnikov and I were driving towards Sudak at our own peril and risk. Only upon arrival in Sudak did I manage to find out that the sailboat would enter the Sudak estuary or, simply, Green Bay in the village of Novy Svet right at dawn, at 6:30 in the morning!
Sergei’s niece took upon herself the entire organization of our life (overnight in a hotel, dinner on the embankment and boats to take us to the sailboat), for which we thank her very much. It was thanks to the coordinated actions of our “team” that we were able to capture as many beautiful things as possible. In this part of the report I will show you the first approach of a sailing ship to the shores of the New World. He came here for a reason, but to celebrate the 140th anniversary of the Champagne Wine Factory, founded, they say, by Prince Galitsin. It is for this reason that inscriptions dedicated to the plant and the bank, the owner of which now owns the Crimean brand, appeared on the frigate’s slanting sails.
And the frigate set sails after lunch, when we made a second approach to board, taking with us the famous Crimean photographer and native Lev Arkhipov.
But for some reason I was babbling. Let's watch it already!

2 This is the first shot I took upon arrival in Sudak. Do you think it's framed incorrectly? Maybe. But there is a reason for this. Do you see?

3 And this is the first shot taken while waiting for the sailboat. Dawn over Meganom


5 Mount Eagle is part of an ancient coral reef

6 And then “Chersonese” came!

7 Isn’t it beautiful?



10 At Mount Sokol





15 At Mount Orel

16 At Cape Kapchik

17 First mate of "Khersones"


19 Of course, we all wanted to be in the background. My friend Sergei Vorotnikov



The most beautiful selfies – “Khersones” is one of the most “Instagrammable” objects. But in addition to its beauty, “Khersones” has many achievements and tasks.

The sailing training ship "Khersones" was built in 1989 in Poland at the Gdansk Lenin Shipyard. Initially named “Alexander Green”, but upon completion of construction, in honor of the 1000th anniversary of the baptism of Rus', it was renamed “Chersones”.

A modern three-masted frigate is a ship with a full square rig. In 1997, the sailboat gained fame by becoming the last ship to circumnavigate Cape Horn under sail with the engines turned off. Since then, no one has been able to repeat the feat of “Chersonese”. The Chilean Association presented the ship with a certificate of passage of Cape Horn, and the captain of the Chersonese, Mikhail Sukhin, was awarded the honorary title of Albatross.

From 2006 to 2015, the ship was in a long and forced stay in the port of Kerch; over such a long period, due to lack of funding, the technical condition of the sailing ship completely fell into disrepair.

In 2014, the new shipowner of the sailing ship “Khersones” was the Ministry of Transport of Russia, FSUE “Rosmorport”.

On October 9, 2015, the Khersones vessel was towed for repairs to the Sevastopol branch of the Zvezdochka shipbuilding center and was docked on December 10, 2015.

In June 2016, the renovation was completed. The ship has been returned to its original paint job. The shipowner decided that the vessel "Khersones" would be based in the port of Sevastopol.

Since August 2016, the sailing training ship "Khersones" begins to accept on board cadets of the State Maritime University named after Admiral F.F. Ushakov, branches and other maritime universities of Russia for sailing practice.

In September 2016, the sailing ship "Khersones", for the first time since 2006, set off on its maiden voyage and took part in the international sailing regatta "SCF Black Sea Tall Ships Regatta - 2016".

This time, the sailing ship took part in the educational and practical expedition “Crimean Around the World 2018” with famous traveler Fedor Konyukhov.

“Chersonese” appears quite often on the Yalta Embankment. Don't miss the opportunity to listen to a tour on the ship, walk around the deck, admire the main mast and, of course, take a selfie at sunset...

The frigate Khersones, built to familiarize and train cadets in maritime affairs, faced a difficult fate when it left the shipyard in Gdansk, Poland, in the late 1980s. At the end of a quarter of a century, having survived many exciting adventures and tragic events, this magnificent ship was revived and is a training platform for the State Medical University named after. Admiral F.F. Ushakova. The registered address of “Chersonese” is the resort city of Sochi.

The construction of the future "Chersonese" was based on samples of sailing ships of the early 20th century under a ministerial order, as well as a number of sailing ships (sisterships), designed by designer Sigmund Horen. These frigates, fully equipped with sails, are now generally recognized as the fastest ships aimed at training future sailors. The peculiarity of this type of vessels is manual control 26 sails, which give the main movement of the ship.

Remarkable that the frigate initially had a completely different name, “Alexander Green”. The name of the ship “Chersonese” was given a little later and has a religious and political connotation, as it is directly related to the celebration of the thousand-year anniversary of the birth of Christianity on Russian lands. Chersonesus was the city where the Kiev prince Vladimir accepted the Christian faith.

The frigate "Chersonese" is a world-famous ship, which has in its history a huge achievement of our time. "Chersonese" under full sails and with the engines turned off, goes around the South American tip - Cape Horn, in 1997, sailing from Pacific Ocean to Atlantic. A similar result was shown in 1949 by the same-type Pamir. The captain in charge of the round, M.I. Sukhina, has the international naval title “Albatross”. All attempts by other similar ships to follow the path of the Chersonese were unsuccessful; they could not avoid turning on the mechanisms in order to overcome this difficult section.

In a politically difficult time, in 1991, the Chersonese went to Ukraine, and was on the balance sheet of Kerch and for 15 years was used as a cruise ship, leased by the German company Inmaris. The ship went to sea ​​cruises With German tourists and cadets along the European and African coasts. During operation, the German company restored the ship and repainted it in a more striking bright red color with a golden stripe. And since 2006, after disagreements with the Ukrainian authorities and Inmaris, Chersonese stood and rotted in the Kerch sump.

The sailboat was dying, becoming unnecessary scrap metal; all timid attempts to bring the frigate back to life were unsuccessful. Enthusiasts from the ship's crew took care of the ship as best they could, but their strength was not enough. The ship was brutally robbed; not only some parts of the ship and equipment were lost, but also prizes won by the frigate’s crew in many international competitions.

But with the reunification of Crimea with Russia, life returns to the sailboat. After several unsuccessful attempts"Chersonese" was nevertheless towed to the restoration site and revived to even greater grandeur. And now it continues to serve the Motherland as a school for future sailors. The first cadets stepped onto the ship's ramp in August 2016, at which time the ship was consecrated. In the same year, the ship again took part in the international yacht regatta.

Currently, the sailing ship regularly holds “open gangway days” in the cities where the frigate visits. Guests can get acquainted with all the historical vicissitudes, life and structure of the legendary “Chersonese”.

During its eventful life, the sailing ship “Chersonese” went through many storms, participated in international yachting and sailing competitions and European festivals, changed its colors to bright red and again regained its former famous appearance. Dying for 10 years, “Chersonese” rose from the ruins and regained its original function as a training base for future sailors. This is the difficult, but ultimately happy story of one of the many legendary ships that Russia owns.

The history of the sailing ship “Chersonese” has many surprising and unexpected turns. The sailing ship survived more than one storm, worked as a tourist ship and changed its color to bright red, and made the legendary circumnavigation of Cape Horn under the same sails. It was supposed to rust in the sump of the Kerch port, but “ Crimean spring" changed his fate.


The three-masted sailing frigate "Chersonese" was designed by the Polish designer Zygmund Horen. Large sailing ships such as Mir, Nadezhda, Pallada and others were designed according to his drawings.

"Khersones" was laid down in 1987 at the Gdansk shipyard named after. Lenin in Poland by order of the USSR Ministry of Fisheries. This was the fourth ship in the series: “Gift of Youth” and “Druzhba” were already in operation, the construction of “Mir” was nearing completion.

The frigate was built according to the prototype sailing ships the beginning of the 20th century and is equipped with full sailing rigs of the “ship” type. 26 sails are controlled exclusively by hand and provide the main movement of the vessel. Two engines driving one adjustable pitch propeller are used for sailing in stormy conditions, as well as when entering and leaving port.

Initially, the ship was planned to be named after Alexander Green. However, upon completion of construction, which coincided with the 1000th anniversary of the baptism of Rus', the sailboat received its name in honor ancient city, in which the Kiev prince Vladimir was baptized in the 10th century.


Since its commissioning in 1989, the ship, under the control of the Black Sea Detachment of Training Ships, has carried out international training voyages with cadets on board. In 1991, the Khersones plant was transferred to the Kerch branch of the Kaliningrad Technological Institute of Fishing Industry and Economy. In 1992, the ship came under the Ukrainian flag and lost foreign currency financing and the opportunity to purchase spare parts for repairing imported equipment.

The management of the Kerch Marine Technological Institute entered into an agreement with the German company Inmaris Perestroyka Sailing, according to which Inmaris bore the majority of the costs of maintaining and operating the vessel in exchange for the possibility of its commercial operation. The ship took part in many maritime festivals Europe and completed many long-distance treks. In 2000, the ship underwent re-equipment. At the same time, relations with Inmaris were severed by the Ukrainian side. In 2003, the ship was repainted red for greater recognition and also for cost savings. Money and labor resources.


With the “orange” coming to power in Ukraine, everything changed. According to the leadership of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine, the ship did not make a profit, although a training ship, by definition, cannot make a profit. In March 2006, when departure for the next flight had already been registered, Minister of Agrarian Policy Baranovsky prohibited departure. This caused protests among KMT students, there were rallies and petitions to all authorities in the country. As a result, the rector of KMTI Kolodyazhny V.V. was fired, and the ship gradually died in the Kerch port. The German side filed a claim against Ukraine, hoping to recover the funds spent on re-equipping the ship. After a process that lasted in the Hague court for about 5 years, Ukraine paid 4.8 million euros. In May 2006, the ship was laid up in the Kerch port with a reduction in crew. Gradually the sailboat began to rust and die.


After Crimea and Sevastopol became part of Russia, the fate of the sailing ship changed. In accordance with the decision of the Crimean Maritime Council dated April 11, 2015, Khersones, by order of the Council of Ministers of Crimea and the order of the Ministry of Property and Land Relations of Crimea, was transferred to federal ownership and assigned to the FSUE Rosmorport with the right of economic management. The vessel was accepted under the transfer act on June 8, 2015 in the port of Kerch.

After receiving the vessel, FSUE "Rosmorport" carried out work to transfer the vessel "Khersones" under Russian flag, preparation of documents confirming ownership and state registration of rights to the vessel. The enterprise towed the vessel in a converted state along the route Kerch - Sevastopol.

The repair of the vessel is carried out under an agreement with JSC CS Zvyozdochka (formerly State Unitary Enterprise Sevastopol Marine Plant named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze) in Sevastopol under the supervision of the Russian river register. The sailboat was returned to its historical white color with a blue stripe along the side and golden ocher decorations. The complete repair and modernization of the vessel must be completed by August 2016. The amount of financing is more than 150 million rubles. Further use of the vessel is planned for its intended purpose - conducting educational swimming practices for cadets and students of maritime educational institutions in Russia.

Since July 2, 2016, the three-masted sailing ship “Khersones” has been officially assigned to the port of Sevastopol. The decision was made, in particular, due to the construction of the Kerch bridge, which in the future would not allow the ship to go to sea, since the height of the masts is about 50 meters. On August 12, the sails were raised on the ship. On August 22, the ship was consecrated by the rector of the Vladimir Cathedral-tomb of admirals, Father Alexey. As of early September, “Khersones” is preparing to participate in the Russian stage of the Black Sea regatta “SCF Black Sea Tall Ships Regatta 2016”.

The publication uses materials from FSUE “Rosmorport” and the TV channel “First Sevastopol”


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