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Last week, foreigners received another “hello” from the Russian military: the English-language presented in vivid colors the concept of a future super-heavy military transport aircraft that will be able to “deliver up to 200 tons of cargo at supersonic speed to anywhere in the world.”

By 2024, a whole family of such aircraft should be created. If the idea succeeds, then in 10 years the Russian Air Force will be able to transport a full-fledged armored army to any continent in just 7 hours! In fact, such a large-scale task has been set for the first time, which will allow Russia to “give a global military response,” the site emphasizes.

The illustrations used are 3D graphics and video from the graduation project of Stroganovka graduate Alexey Komarov, who now works for the international group of air transportation companies Volga-Dnepr.

The promising aviation complex for transport aviation (PAK TA) will be capable of flying 7 thousand km without refueling with a load of 5 heavy tanks armed with medium-range missile systems, along with additional ammunition and personnel.

Some aircraft of the family will be designed specifically to transport the latest tanks and combat vehicles on the Armata platform and will significantly surpass the heavy long-range transport An-124 Ruslan in their parameters.

In just 5 years, 80 aircraft will be built, which will simultaneously be able to deliver an entire army of 400 Armata tanks or an armored group of more than 900 light tanks to either America or Australia in 7-8 hours, a source told Expert Online, who attended the closed collegium of the Military-Industrial Commission.

And here is the video set to upbeat electronic music:

How did foreigners react? Oddly enough, the news that should have frightened them caused a sea of ​​ridicule.

“While some countries are creating swarms of small combat drones capable of conducting reconnaissance and delivering cargo, Russia has set a course for a supersonic hulk that in the future will be able to strike terror into the soul of any enemy,” the Daily Mail ironically says. And he adds: “True, some commentators doubt that such a heavyweight will be able to get off the ground.”

“Feast your eyes on this ridiculous concept for a Russian supersonic transport plane,” urges Popular Science. “She is as ambitious as she is incredible. This speed (2000 km/h) is unheard of for transport. The type of engine – hybrid-electric – raises even more doubts. More like a flight of fancy than a fantastic flight!”

“Russia is convincing the whole world that it is building an absurd and massive super-transporter. This is just a monster of aviation, which is not yet guaranteed to take off,” Business Insider quips and lists the main disadvantages.

“A plane of this size with this payload will only be able to land on very long high-strength strips - they may even have to be specially built. In addition, PAK TA will require such a huge supply of fuel that not every airport will be able to provide it. And finally, with such a wingspan, it will become an easy target for enemy forces.”

Perhaps Russia is not serious, concludes BI: “Tell me, who in their right mind would entrust 200 tons of valuable cargo to such an outlandish experimental carrier?”

Many media did not believe in the reality of Russian plans. “Aviation industry experts doubt that in 10 years it will be possible to create such a powerful electric motor to lift this colossus into the air. Most likely, the publication is simply propaganda,” says Die Welt.

However, sometimes serious concerns can be seen behind the doubts and irony. Thus, talking about “Putin’s secret supersonic plane,” the Italian Blog di Motori concluded that Russia’s goal is “to have its own army in every corner of the planet.”

“In a diplomatic sense, Russia has been at the center of all the major conflicts that have taken place in recent years. In some cases, it came to sending a limited military contingent to foreign territories, the site recalls. “President Vladimir Putin is also known to place great importance on his country’s armed forces, promoting and funding projects to enhance the security and prestige of the government he represents.”

To summarize, it turns out that people abroad are afraid of Russia’s military ambitions, but especially formidable futuristic projects like PAK TA so far only cause laughter. “Only the Cylons (a cybernetic civilization hostile to humans from the science fiction series Battlestar Galactica) would like such a view,” the foreigners are amused.

Aviation technology in the latest concepts regularly demonstrates advanced technological developments in various aspects of operation. This concerns not just the modernization of current models, but also a broader view of the future of the segment. Designers are focusing on the potential for development based on technologies that were considered innovative until recently. Of course, not all projects by which the aircraft of the future can be assessed will actually be implemented, but from many developments it is quite possible to get an overall idea of ​​the trends in aviation development.

New ideas in passenger aircraft construction

Among the most realistic developments in the near future we can note the Boeing 777X. Fundamentally innovative and striking innovations are not expected, but the designers of this model promise a serious redesign of the controls and the shape of the wings. For example, the 777X will combine ailerons and flaps to minimize overall structural weight. As for the special design of the wings, it will be sectional - the length of each will be 3.5 m, and the developers will also provide the possibility of vertical lifting for parking during taxiing. Like many other passenger aircraft of the future, this airliner is planned to be converted to more efficient fuel sources. The power plant will be provided by a twin-engine complex capable of being controlled with a wingspan of about 72 m. Presumably, the aircraft will enter service in 2020.

The Japanese development of Mitsubishi Regional Jet (MRJ) is also interesting. This vessel is a jet passenger airliner with 76 seats. In addition, in 2020, the creators plan to release several modifications, one of which will be 90-seater. According to many experts, Mitsubishi will offer safer aircraft of the future than the Brazilian company Embraer and versions of the famous Superjet. This will be achieved through an updated fuselage design and more functional on-board systems.

Trends in military aviation

Military equipment traditionally displays more technologically advanced and functionally developed models. This partly applies to aviation. It's worth starting with communications support - massive antennas, sensors and radars may appear on the surfaces of future combat aircraft, which will allow them to capture and transmit electromagnetic waves. In practice, this will provide the ability to accurately “scan” objects within a 360-degree radius, regardless of weather conditions. Nanotechnologies will also bring new opportunities. In particular, some developments will provide coatings with a thermometer function, which will alert them to damage. Already this decade, future military aircraft will most likely also receive lasers. Moreover, their use will be narrowly oriented. The first concepts are planned to be used as a means of destroying enemy missiles and air defense sensors. Microwave weapons will be used to destroy electronic devices. Special engines will be provided both to equip aircraft with lasers and for electromagnetic installations. The appearance of new bombers is also expected, but in this area the principles of destruction will remain the same, and changes will occur only in terms of design optimization.

Supersonic aircraft

This class remains one of the most promising and rich. For example, NASA plans to release a supersonic QueSST by 2020, which will be almost silent. This is an important feature, since high noise levels are to this day the main reason for the ban on supersonic aircraft for the transport of passengers. With the help of new technologies, NASA plans to eliminate noise pollution during the transition to ultra-high speed. An interesting project is also supported by Virgin Galactic. This is a startup called Boom, which, according to some calculations, can reduce flight time over the Atlantic by 2.5 times compared to modern supersonic models. The fighter aircraft of the future, which in the sixth generation will go to supersonic speed, are also not being ignored. These are distant plans for now, but it is possible that similar developments will appear on the RQ-4 and Boeing F-X UAV platforms. According to some reports, the latest modifications will be able to achieve hypersonic speeds of 6 thousand km/h. But, again, operation of the sixth generation models will begin no earlier than 2050.

Flying cars

Cinematic images of flying personal cars seem like distant fantasy even today. Nevertheless, the Terrafugia company expects, if not to implement this concept in the near future, then to bring it closer. Not so long ago, the company's developers already presented a private car aircraft, but with one caveat - it was more of an airplane, since it required a runway with a flat surface 500 m long. And this is not to mention the difficulties of control, which only a professional could cope with pilot. However, in new versions, Terrafugia's future aircraft should at least eliminate the need to use a runway. This achievement has already been demonstrated by the latest modification TF-X, capable of reaching about 350 km/h. The flight range is 805 km.

Hybrid aircraft

The ideas of environmentally friendly and energy-efficient power have long been applied in traditional cars. It is quite logical that aircraft designers began to master them. In particular, engineers from Boeing have created a conceptual model of SUGAR, which should provide airlines with up to 70% savings compared to devices running on conventional fuel. Such a high percentage of energy savings was made possible thanks to electric batteries. While waiting for passengers, SUGAR will be simultaneously filled with traditional fuel and charged from the airport's energy terminal. Conventional fuel materials are intended only for take-off, and the flight itself is carried out by electric motors. And this is not the only development of this type. Today, future aircraft designs are designed with the possibility of a complete transition to electricity. The most ambitious ideas also concern the accumulation of solar energy, which could make energy supply 100% free.

Innovation in the private sector

Very original developments are also appearing on the private jet market. Thus, the Bombardier Global 8000 model is a business jet designed for 8 seats. It promises to set a record for flying without refueling over a distance of about 15,000 km. The speed will be 950 km/h. Also interesting is the seemingly unusual SkiGull model, which is called an amphibious aircraft. The name is due to the ability of the device to land on the water surface. This is a new development, but in the near future it will be available to everyone who wants to purchase it. Icon specialists also offer combined aircraft of the future for private users. The A5 model represents a two-seat seaplane option that not only allows you to land and take off from the surface of the water, but is also capable of recovering from a spin and, if necessary, ejecting the pilot with a parachute.

Space air travel

The already mentioned company Virgin Galactic is also engaged in tourism in the form of space flights. But in the future, as its representatives note, technology will allow ordinary users of aircraft to perform suborbital flights from one point on the planet to another. That is, there is no talk of flights to the far corners of space, but entering orbit by overcoming the atmospheric layer is possible. Today, an example of the implementation of this idea is the devices of the Space Ship Two family. Such aircraft of the future will be able to rise to a height of more than 15 km and deliver passengers to different parts of the Earth with minimal time.

The future of the Russian aircraft industry

The domestic aircraft industry has been in a state of crisis for a long time, and only in recent years have serious attempts been made to radically change the situation. The prospects for the development of the Russian segment of the industry are associated with two fairly successful developments. Firstly, this is the Sukhoi Superjet SSJ 100, which shows decent technical and operational performance, opening up new opportunities for further advancement of the project. For example, in 2019 it is planned to release a modification with 120 seats. Secondly, Russia’s future aircraft based on the MS-21 also inspire great hope for the development of the complex. This platform should be released in 2020. This is a short-medium-haul airliner, the power plant of which is created entirely using domestic components.


Perhaps the key trend in the development of the industry can be called the elimination of operational restrictions for aircraft of various classes. Moreover, this applies not only to technical indicators, but also to niche barriers. For example, the famous line “airplanes come first” ceases to be relevant. A fighter from the future, a cargo liner, or a passenger ship may well get the appearance of a helicopter. In some segments, promising helicopter models are successfully replacing traditional aircraft. It is possible that this trend will continue in the future. In particular, the Bell 525 family promises to be the first helicopters with a fly-by-wire control system, which minimizes the workload on the crew. And Airbus's Helicopters concepts are set to set records in terms of payload capacity. According to the manufacturer, by 2020 such models will be able to transport loads of up to 10 tons.

NASA has unveiled concepts for environmentally friendly aircraft. The stunning innovative models have been unofficially dubbed the “green” aircraft of 2025.” The concepts were developed by three American companies. The companies' goal is to create aircraft to replace modern aircraft that would consume 50% less fuel compared to modern aircraft, pollute the environment 50% less, and thanks to which noise pollution near airports would be reduced by 83%.

The project is funded by Environmentally Responsible Aviation (NASA), managed by the Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate in Washington.

Introducing three aircraft concepts that were developed during 2011. The selection also includes projects announced in 2010.

Designs of future aircraft models by research teams from Boeing in Huntington Beach, Lockheed Martin in Palmdale and Northrop GrummanNorthrop Grumman in El Segundo. All companies are from California, USA. Researchers, designers, and engineers from companies during 2011 studied the question: what technologies can meet NASA's requirements to create an aircraft by 2025 that consumes 50% less fuel, produces 75% less harmful emissions and produces 83% less noise in the area around airports . All these figures are based on the level of 1998, which is taken as the starting point.
Image source: NASA

Concept from Lockheed Martin. The designers use a closed wing in the new concept. Work on the concept has been going on for three decades, but only today, with the creation of new composite structural materials, new chassis, hybrid laminar flow, etc., the corporation hopes to turn this bold project into a viable design. Lockheed Martin also expects to use the Rolls Royce Liberty Works Ultra Fan Engine in this aircraft. This new turbofan engine claims to have a bypass ratio five times higher than existing products.

Design of a possible model of a civil supersonic aircraft. Its shape should reduce drag.
Image source: NASA/Lockheed Martin

Boeing advanced aircraft concept. It is a flying wing version of the same one found on the X-48, which made its first flight in 2007. The Boeing version has a big difference from the X-48: turbofan engines are located on top of the “flying wing” and are protected on both sides by a vertical tail unit, represented by two developed rudders.

Aircraft design developed by NASA with a team of researchers from the aviation industry and universities. This wing shape should significantly reduce fuel consumption.
Image Source: Boxed-Wing Reduces Drag

Boeing advanced aircraft concept. It is a flying wing version of the same one found on the X-48, which made its first flight in 2007. Among the innovations are a directional stability control system and a large wingspan, leading to a reduction in the specific load on the wing and an increase in aerodynamic quality.
Image source: NASA/Boeing

Computer rendering AMELIA (Advanced Extreme Lift with Improved Aeroacoustics) is a model of a subsonic hybrid wing aircraft that requires a short distance for takeoff and landing. The model was developed by NASA in collaboration with California Polytechnic State University. The aircraft's improved performance should reduce noise pollution during landing and takeoff. Testing of the model was planned for autumn 2011.
Image source: NASA/Cal Poly

Part of NASA's supersonic research program, the aircraft, called the Subsonic Ultra Green Aircraft Research (SUGAR) Volt concept (or SUGAR), features a propulsion system that was designed to reduce fuel consumption by more than 70 percent and energy consumption by approximately by 55 percent. Envisioned as the air transport of the future, the new plane from NASA features stretched wings and electric batteries for a gas turbine hybrid propulsion system. The concept was presented in April 2010 to NASA's Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate for research into what aircraft would be like in 2030-2035.
Image source: NASA/The Boeing Company

Double Bubble D8. The concept was developed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Its main idea is that a very wide fuselage provides additional lift, and a thin wing significantly reduces the weight of the vehicle and drag. It is capable of transporting 180 passengers at a speed of Mach 0.74 over a distance of 3 thousand nautical miles. The concept was presented in April 2010 to NASA's Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate for research into what aircraft would be like in 2030-2035.

A classic-configured aircraft from NorthropGrumman, the embodiment of SELECT (Silent Efficient Low Emissions Commercial Transport) technology, designed for medium-haul routes. Designed to fly at Mach 0.55 over a distance of 800 nautical miles. The concept was presented in April 2010 to NASA's Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate for research into what aircraft would be like in 2030-2035.
Image source: NASA/GE Aviation

A supersonic aircraft concept developed by a team led by Lockheed Martin Corporation. The concept was presented in April 2010 to NASA's Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate for research into what aircraft would be like in 2030-2035.
Image source: NASA/Lockheed Martin Corporation

Hybrid Wing Body H-Series is a wide-body wing designed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The aircraft is capable of transporting 354 passengers over a distance of 7,600 nautical miles at a speed of Mach 0.83. The concept was presented in April 2010 to NASA's Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate for research into what aircraft would be like in 2030-2035.
Image source: NASA/MIT/Aurora Flight Science

Whatever the sky of the future is - blue, red or stars-striped, one thing is clear: it will be more crowded than now. Countless constructors, designers, innovators and futurists are haunted by the idea of ​​airplanes accessible to everyone - because the sky is our home. This review contains the 10 most interesting, promising, unusual or crazy private jets in concept and in reality.

1. Supersonic Fly Supersonic Business Jet

This concept supersonic private jet designed so that a narrow circle of management of large firms, diplomats or mediators could negotiate in New York - and five hours later in Moscow. In addition to the pilot and his assistant, the cabin can accommodate 6 people, and even a flight attendant; this is the comfort for businessmen of the future (the concept is still very far from its actual implementation).

Engineers Oyvind Roar Berven and Tomas Brodreskift are preparing to blow our minds in a couple of years with the LSA personal aircraft (however, this is not the name: LSA is a “light sports aircraft”), which will cost the same as an SUV. The wingspan of this Pegasus is 9 meters. The only thing that confuses us in the description of the aircraft is that the creators are counting on its power supply from batteries. What kind of batteries are these that can fly 1200 kilometers is not an easy question.

One of the most famous private jet designs, the Terrafugia Transition is a hybrid car and aircraft. Cumbersome and voracious - but really existing and flying, albeit only as a prototype. The creators are clearly not doing well with the debugging of the aircraft-car, but this year they are going to start sales at an estimated price of 200-250 thousand dollars.

4. Cobalt Sky

Conceptual private plane from the French company Cobalt Aircraft is called Cobalt Co50. He can soar into the sky with the power of 350 horses and a speed of 453 km/h, the maximum flight distance is 1840 kilometers. A special feature of the aircraft is the luxurious interior design. The first batch of these aircraft should leave the assembly line in the very near future.

5. Eco-friendly private jet

This private jet concept- embodiment environmental look at technology: body made of “green” materials (light flax and recyclable polycarbonate), energy saving (wings covered with photovoltaic cells), streamlined natural shapes. The name of the project is Oriens Glider, the designer is Roland Cernat.

Honda Fuzo- This private plane-automobile for our distant descendants, who will already deal with the colonization of the Moon and begin to explore Mars. Or computer games? Even the steering wheel created by designer John Mahieddine is made in the form of a joystick - the project is obviously not too serious, but it looks funny.

7. AvA elite aircraft

This 9.1 ton aircraft project is designed to carry 1-2 people and fly at incredible speeds: up to 3 kilometers per second! In fact, this is a good option for those who have almost saved up a hundred million for a tourist cruise into space - of course, you can’t escape beyond the globe at that speed, but you can fly 8,725 kilometers in two and a half hours. If such monsters with jet engines are produced, it will only be made to order.

The brainchild of Finnish engineer Aki Suokas is almost ready to take off from this mortal coil: its mass is 70 kg and its load capacity is two hundredweight. It's all about lightweight carbon composites. And the best thing about FlyNano is its truly light (for an airplane) price: less than 25,000 euros. The release is expected in August.

Development light sport aircraft- a promising business, so a well-known company got involved in it Cessna with its Cessna 162 project. The seven-meter aircraft has a cruising speed of 207 km/h, is capable of covering 870 km, while carrying a load of up to 222.3 kg. Despite a testing accident in 2009, a production line in China is almost ready for the project. Most likely, this particular aircraft will be the first of those described by us to enter the open sales stage.

This concludes our private jet review. And if not a single concept has impressed you, but you still want to fly, then you can try it.

With a good source of energy, even a rock or an entire house will fly, but there are problems with this because there is little progress in the development of energy production and storage. I can also add that the American Knight Hawk stealth aircraft in general should not fly, but thanks to the on-board computer and electronics, which in real time monitors the critical flight parameters of the aircraft and does not allow and limits the transition of the aircraft to critical flight modes. Electronics did something that lifted a flying iron into the air. All these concepts are designed for new nanotechnology materials and a completely different type of engine. Who knows, maybe these techno fantasies will fly. The dream liner took off because it used carbon, carbon, plastic, carbon fiber, and fiberglass. Thanks to lithium-ion batteries, it has become possible to create a flying motorcycle or quadcopter. The main thing is a powerful and economical source of energy, and in aviation and spacecraft this is a huge problem

Source: © sites With a good source of energy, even a rock or an entire house can fly, but there are problems with this because progress in the development of energy production and storage is weak. I can also add that the American Knight Hawk stealth aircraft in general should not fly, but thanks to the on-board computer and electronics, which in real time monitors the critical flight parameters of the aircraft and does not allow and limits the transition of the aircraft to critical flight modes. Electronics did something that lifted a flying iron into the air. All these concepts are designed for new nanotechnology materials and a completely different type of engine. Who knows, maybe these techno fantasies will fly. The dream liner took off because it used carbon, carbon, plastic, carbon fiber, and fiberglass. Thanks to lithium-ion batteries, it has become possible to create a flying motorcycle or quadcopter. The main thing is a powerful and economical source of energy, and in aviation and spacecraft this is a huge problem

Source: © With a good source of energy, even a rock or an entire house will fly, but there are problems with this because progress in the development of energy production and storage is weak. I can also add that the American Knight Hawk stealth aircraft in general should not fly, but thanks to the on-board computer and electronics, which in real time monitors the critical flight parameters of the aircraft and does not allow and limits the transition of the aircraft to critical flight modes. Electronics did something that lifted a flying iron into the air. All these concepts are designed for new nanotechnology materials and a completely different type of engine. Who knows, maybe these techno fantasies will fly. The dream liner took off because it used carbon, carbon, plastic, carbon fiber, and fiberglass. Thanks to lithium-ion batteries, it has become possible to create a flying motorcycle or quadcopter. The main thing is a powerful and economical source of energy, and in aviation and spacecraft this is a huge problem


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