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one of the smallest states in the world. Located in southern Europe, on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. includes the merged arrondissement cities of Monaco, Monte Carlo, La Condamine and Fontvieille.

State of Monaco it is not only a resort pearl of the Mediterranean Sea, but also a well-known tourist center. It should be noted that the country is one of the smallest states in the world in terms of area (Monaco is second only to the Vatican). The territory occupied by the principality is 1.95 square meters. km., translated into hectares equals 200 of which a fifth was reclaimed from the sea. But soon, thanks to the project being developed, the territory of the principality will increase by almost 300 thousand square meters. m due to the construction of an artificial peninsula.

The Principality borders on countries such as,. The border between France and Monaco is virtual, as border posts and outposts give way to flower tubs and road signs (sometimes they only point to a nominal border).


The appearance of the first settlements in this area dates back to 3000 years ago. This is where the name of the country comes from. According to one version, this area was then called Monoikos, which comes from “Portus Monoeci”, mentioned in various legends of the port. According to another version, the area got its name from the temple built by the Greeks in honor of Hercules - “Heraklos Monoikos”, which translated means “The only Hercules”.

In these places in 43 BC. the great Caesar gathered his fleet awaiting the arrival of Pompey from Illyria.

Modern Principality of Monaco

Modern Monaco is a merged city-district: Monaco-Ville (the old city, also has the second name “Le Rocher” (“the rock”)) is the business part of the country, Monte Carlo, La Codamine (city and port), Fontvielle (industrial area).

The capital is the city of Monaco with a population of only 3 thousand people, it is located on the Monaco cliff, dominating the bay and port. According to 2000 data. Monaco's population was about 31.9 thousand people, of which indigenous people - Monegasques– about 6 thousand or 16%. people, the French - about 13 thousand or 47%, the Italians - about 5 thousand or about 15%, the British - over 1 thousand. And if Monaco ranks second to last in terms of territory, then in terms of population density it ranks first in the world.

A high standard of living and favorable climatic conditions provide a fairly high level of life expectancy (for men about 75 years, for women 83 years). A significant part of the country's population is over 65 years of age (25%). However, with such a high level of life expectancy, Monaco has very little population growth. This is due to the low birth rate. The slight population growth is offset by an influx of immigrants.

Official language is French, but Monegasque, Italian, and English are also common. 95% of believers are Catholics.

Traditional Monegasque housing– Mediterranean type (two-story small stone houses with tiled roofs).

National clothes- pants, leggings, shirt, vest and jacket, neckerchief for men, black wide gathered skirt, white jacket with long sleeves, lilac or blue bodice, colored scarf and white cap for women, it is worn only during festivals and celebrations.


Monaco is a constitutional hereditary monarchy(principality, in 1997 the 700th anniversary of the ruling Grimaldi dynasty was celebrated). Legislative power belongs to the prince and the National Council (parliament) consisting of 18 deputies. Parliamentary elections are held on the basis of universal suffrage (which is vested in all citizens over 21 years of age) by direct voting under a system of proportional representation for a period of five years. A deputy of the National Council can only be a Monegasque, born in Monaco and at least 25 years old.

Executive power belongs to the Government Council, headed by the Minister of State (this post, according to tradition, which dates back to 1918, is occupied by a French diplomat, a citizen of France). The Government Council, consisting of seven members, meets at least twice a year. At its meetings, with the participation of the prince, international agreements, applications for citizenship and other state affairs are discussed. According to the 1962 constitution, the prince retains the right to take legislative initiatives, but cannot suspend the operation of the constitution.

All laws are adopted by the National Council; Amendments to the constitution require 2/3 approval. The National Council may be dissolved by the head of state with the consent of the Government Council, but new elections must be called without delay. In accordance with the treaty concluded with France in 1918, Monaco becomes an autonomous state under the protectorate of France in the event that the throne is unoccupied due to the absence of an heir. Officially, there are no political parties in Monaco; the main political organization is the National Democratic Union.

The legal system is based on the French legal code. It consists of courts of first instance, magistrates and appellate courts. There is also a Supreme Court, consisting of five members and two assessors, appointed by the prince for a term of four years on the proposal of the National Council. Monaco has a police force, but no army of its own, other than the 65-member Royal Guard. Defense matters are the responsibility of France.


In the sphere of economy and production, Monaco is developing in such industries as electronics, electrical engineering, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, precision instrumentation, production of building materials, earthenware, ceramics and majolica. A separate item can be highlighted in trade, the tourism sector and the production of souvenirs. State power is very closely connected with business and exercises strict control over the latter. The government holds monopolies on a number of economic sectors: the sale of tobacco products, the operation of the telephone network and postal services, etc. The government maintains strict control over production. Perhaps there is not a single environmentally polluting production facility in this country. It is not surprising that “Green Peace” movement was born here.

The Principality issues its own postage stamps, which are highly valued by philatelists around the world.

The preferential tax regime attracts hundreds of international companies to Monaco. Several dozen banks use the territory of Monaco to conduct financial transactions. The budget of the principality is replenished by taxes from banking, tourism, entertainment activities, as well as the sale of stamps. And if you have the idea that the main profit comes from gaming establishments, you are mistaken. Casinos provide the treasury with only 3-4% of all revenues of the principality.

Monegasques are the richest people, almost no one works, because... becomes a millionaire even before birth. Reason: on the territory of Monaco, the head of any representative office of any global company must be a citizen of Monaco, i.e. Monegasque, therefore, for every newborn Monegasque there is a queue of hundreds of companies wanting to have him as their director! Can you imagine how much they unfasten for them?! And it’s profitable for the company, because the number of millionaires, billionaires and just tourists here is off the charts! Of course, the reader has a question: who works in production and in the service sector. The answer is simple: more than 70% of those working in these industries are from neighboring regions of France and Italy.


Being a world center of tourism, Monaco is famous for the abundance of exhibitions and other events held here, both European and international. Moreover, every month is significant for some event. For example, in January the International Circus Festival and the Monte Carlo Motor Rally take place, and February in Monaco is known for the International Television Festival. The Rose Ball, the Festival of Contemporary Sculpture, the International Floriculture Competition and much more - all this awaits you in Monaco.

It is also famous for its medical and health centers – thalassotherapy centers. Among the most famous establishments are Le Monte Carlo Sporting Club. The health centers use the latest methods using sea water, the sea climate in combination with original products of marine origin. offer a wide range of wellness treatments: relaxation and hydromassage, aromatherapy and aqua aerobics.

The activities of the crowned family are not limited to financial management. In addition, members of the princely family are active in other areas, such as the patron of the Monte Carlo rally, tennis tournaments, and annual circus and magic festivals. Princess Caroline solemnly opens exhibitions and festivals and organizes charity balls. Largely thanks to her efforts, it was possible to revive the famous ballet seasons of Monte Carlo, at the origins of which Diaghilev himself stood. Her younger sister Stephanie is a patron of the stage and modeling business.

In Europe there are six dwarf states that remain as relics of former feudal fragmentation. They survived thanks to skillful maneuvering between the interests of the great powers and carried their independence through the centuries. These are Luxembourg, Andorra, Liechtenstein, San Marino, Monaco, Vatican. Of these, San Marino is the oldest state in Europe.

Monaco, or heaven on Earth

Today I want to talk about the smallest sovereign state in the world - Monaco.
They say see Paris and die. I would paraphrase this expression a little - visit Monaco and die.
At least once in your life you need to see Monaco with your own eyes... This fabulous Principality, located between the last lacy ledges of the Alps and the azure blue of the Mediterranean Sea seems like a waking dream.

Monaco and Monte Carlo: these two magic words send our imagination into the world of luxury and luxury.
Monaco is designed for relaxation, a principality that exists for the idle pastime of the rich and famous.

The Principality of Monaco is a unique country. A country of aristocrats and celebrities. The country of casinos and Formula 1 racing.
Monaco is a symbol of wealth and prestige. No other address is as prestigious and elite as Monte Carlo. Because living in Monaco means being involved in the closed world of Europe's high society. At least in the eyes of outside observers.

Monaco, the world's smallest constitutional monarchy, is unique in its atmosphere of luxury and elegance. Two square kilometers is a dream country, the memory of your stay in which will remain with you for life
Principality of Monaco
Monaco is one of the smallest, most exotic and most famous countries in Europe. It has existed since 1215, when the Genoese Republic decided to establish a fortress here. In essence, it is a city-state, since there is no difference between the city of Monaco and the principality. This is not surprising: after all, the area of ​​this one of the smallest states in the world is less than two square kilometers!

However, 32,000 people manage to live in this territory, making Monaco one of the most densely populated areas in the world. It is said that it would take a pedestrian less than an hour to walk from one end of Monaco to the other!

Monte Carlo is the capital of Monaco. Monte Carlo is located on the rocky coast of the Mediterranean Sea

Monte Carlo is one of the districts of Monaco.

Main attractions of Monte Carlo

Casino Monte Carlo. The first gambling house in Europe, one of the oldest and most respectable casinos in the world has a rich history and cultural traditions.

The first casino building was opened in 1862, but soon almost completely burned down in a fire, leaving only the gaming room, which after restoration was turned into a lobby through which every visitor must pass. The architect of the second Casino building was Charles Garnier, the author of the Opera building in Paris. In 1878, Garnier built a magnificent palace, which housed a casino and an opera house. The casino consists of several halls that are immersed in luxury. The walls of all salons are hung with paintings. The Opera House, called the Salle Garnier, is the most beautiful of all the halls of the Casino. It is second only in size to the Paris Opera.

The area around the casino is called the “golden mile” not only because gold flows like a river there, but also because of the huge concentration of luxury stores of the most famous companies: Hermes, Chanel, Dior, Cartier.

Napoleon Museum and the collection of the historical archive of the Prince's Palace

Located in the southern wing of the palace, the first floor of the museum houses more than a thousand objects and documents dating back to the First Empire, as well as the personal belongings of Napoleon I. Prince Louis II began amassing this collection in 1919. The museum displays objects that belonged to the Russian Emperor Alexander II. The second floor is dedicated to the history of Monaco. Here you can see the complete collection of postage stamps and coins of the Principality.

Princely Palace

The palace was built on the site of a fortress erected by the Genoese in 1215, on the top of a cliff that falls steeply to the sea. The palace is the residence of the ruling family of Monaco - the Grimaldi.

Palace in Monte Carlo

Monaco Cathedral

Interior of Monaco Cathedral
The main cathedral of the Principality of Monaco was built in 1875 from white stone brought from La Turbie. The cathedral stands on the site of an older church from the 13th century. The princes of Monaco are buried in the Cathedral. Paintings by the famous painter Louis Brea are used in the interior of the Cathedral. Services are held on religious holidays and National Day. During religious music concerts and holiday services, the organ, installed in 1976, is played.

Oceanographic Museum and Aquarium

The monumental building, built on an almost vertical cliff, is a masterpiece of modern architecture. The museum was founded in 1910 by Prince Albert I and became a scientific and cultural center.

Oceanographic Museum.

The museum's collections contain samples of marine flora, stuffed animals and skeletons of sea creatures, as well as a variety of seafood products. On the underground floor, within the walls of a dimly lit room, there are numerous aquariums containing underwater inhabitants.

The Oceanographic Museum of Monaco is also famous for its collections of apparatus and navigational instruments designed for exploring the depths of the sea, as well as fishing gear and samples of seafaring equipment.
The museum's collection includes about 180 models of famous sea vessels, from transatlantic liners to warships. The museum's exhibition traces the history of the development of shipbuilding.

In front of the museum, as an open-air exhibit, stands a yellow bathyscaphe, which was repeatedly used in the expeditions of Jean-Jacques Cousteau.
Today, the museum is also actively involved in popularizing the ideas of protecting the environment from various pollution and the release of radioactive waste. Thus, the modern Oceanographic Museum of Monaco is a unique symbol of the unity of man and the nature that surrounds him.

Japanese garden

A stay in Monaco gradually proves that this tiny country has...everything. Walking east from the Monte Carlo Opera towards the sea, you can find yourself in the wonderful Japanese Gardens. They were developed by order of Prince Rainier III, who fulfilled the request of his late wife Grace, who during her lifetime dreamed of such a garden.

Japanese landscape architect Yasuo Beppu turned this idea into a fabulous reality on 7000 square meters. meters. On Princess Grace Avenue, the garden was opened to everyone in May 1994. To the delight of residents and tourists, densely populated Monaco has created a quiet green corner in which visitors lose sight of each other along winding paths and in the thickets of a well-designed garden.

It is planted with rich, varied vegetation from the Mediterranean, Australia, Africa, South America and, of course, there is a wealth of Asian flora. In strict accordance with Japanese tradition, olive and cherry trees, rhododendrons, camellias and azaleas, and various conifers are located in the garden.
Olive trees and pine trees are trimmed in Japanese style. Waterfalls and ponds are decorated with artificial islands. Natural stones are selected according to shape, color and size.

Walking through the Japanese Garden, you can feel the full power of harmony contained in oriental symbolism. The narrow arched red bridge is the path of happiness to the divine islands, which are a symbol of complementarity - the Crane and the Turtle. Traditional bamboo fencing, ceremonial main gate, stone lanterns, stone fountain and paper lanterns.

A lake with goldfish and a waterfall contrasting with its surface are a symbol of Nature and Man. The tea ceremony house and the Zen garden were all made in Japan and brought here. Apparently, this is why visitors feel as if they have been transported to the Land of the Rising Sun without leaving the Principality of Monaco.

Exotic garden

The garden is one of Monaco's most famous attractions. The garden is located on a mountain slope and contains several thousand species of tropical plants, which, thanks to the microclimate of Monaco, bloom luxuriantly at any time of the year. At the foot of the slope is the entrance to a deep grotto with stalactites, stalagmites and limestone formations, enlivened by skillful lighting.

Monaco train station. Inside the mountain.

Monaco: law and order!

But Monaco has its own police! And what a one - the largest in the world! True, only in per capita terms. There are 515 police officers per 32,000 inhabitants, making it the most police-intensive country in the world. But peace and order are guaranteed here! From the “security forces” there is also a small detachment of guards, which participates in ceremonies and state celebrations.

The country's army consists of 82 guardsmen. This is the only state in the world where the size of the regular army is smaller than the size of the military band, consisting of 85 people.

Monaco - tax haven

The gracious Prince of Monaco does not collect taxes from his subjects. On the contrary, he makes sure that their life goes like a fairy tale. After all, they are all millionaires and celebrities. Do you think this is a Hollywood movie script? No. Simply a real paradise on earth.
The small Principality of Monaco is often called a tax paradise. Individuals are not subject to any taxes here! Thanks to this, large businessmen and celebrities prefer to live in Monaco, which further increases the worldwide fame and wealth of this small corner.

Very often it is called that - the starry Eden... After all, on the evening streets of Monaco - the capital of the principality of the same name - you can easily find representatives of the world elite wandering around or riding in luxury cars.

In the convenient bay of Monaco there is a very picturesque and quite large (with 700 mooring places) port, where the most luxurious yachts from all over the world call.

The cultural life in Monte Carlo is very rich, with magnificent concerts of symphonic and chamber music, solo concerts of singers, opera performances, ballet and theater performances. Sculpture exhibitions, antique exhibitions, and circus festivals are held here.
The Opera House of Monte Carlo is located in the south wing of the Casino of Monte Carlo.

This hall was created according to the design of Charles Garnier, the architect of the Paris Opera, in less than a year. The opera was opened in 1879 by Sarah Bernhardt herself. One is amazed not only by the luxurious decoration, the splendor of enamel painting, marble and bronze sculptures, but also by the perfect acoustics.

Opera de Monte Carlo, Monte Carlo

Famous auto racing is the Monaco Grand Prix (in Monte Carlo) in the Formula 1 class.

In May, one of the stages of Formula 1 racing takes place here - the Grand Prix de Monaco, and in January - the Monte Carlo Rally. The fireworks festival in July-August and the international circus festival at the end of January attract many tourists.

New buildings Monaco

Monaco is a miniature European country, known throughout the world for its wide variety of nightlife and gambling, luxurious yachts moored on the shore and fashionable hotels where you can easily meet a world celebrity.

Map of Monaco in Russian

Finding the miniature state of Monaco on the world map is very difficult, because some small red dot, surrounded by France on all land borders, barely stands out against the background of its giant neighbor.

Where is it located and who does it border with?

The principality is located in the southern part on the coast Ligurian Sea, and in size it is more like a city with a small suburb.

Monaco's modest territory does not prevent travelers from heading to this sophisticated and luxurious country, which is guarded by an army of 82 people.

To have an accurate idea of ​​where the country of Monaco is located, it is enough to mark on the map a small place where the borders of the territory of France come together and along. Almost the same one inconspicuous point, which is located at this junction next to the no less luxurious Nice, will be a principality. For this, it is often called a continuation of the Cote d'Azur.

You can see the detailed location of Monaco on the world map in this video:

Natural resources

The territory of Monaco is a rocky coast with hilly terrain, located on the southern periphery of the Alpes-Maritimes. The highest point of the country is Cape Mont Agel, protruding into the sea and ending up in an open bay.

The country has a typical Mediterranean flora: boxwood, juniper, jasmine, cedar and dwarf palms. In the forest there are laurel, wild strawberry and tree-like erica. Macquis, viburnum and red juniper grow in the mountains. The most common fruit crops here are figs, pomegranates, sweet and bitter almonds, pistachios and grapes, as well as bananas, persimmons, oranges and lemons.

The seaside coast does not have a lot of fish and other marine inhabitants.

Fauna Monaco is very modest - there are no large animals left here, only small mammals: rodents, hedgehogs, shrews, bats and a rare species of Mediterranean pipistrelle. Reptiles and various insects are found everywhere.

What is the climate?

The Principality is distinguished by its typical coastal climate with sunny and also soft. The number of sunny days per year is 300, and drizzling rains do not cause inconvenience, falling mainly in autumn and lasting up to a maximum of three days.

How to get there from Russia?

Most easy way to get to Monaco - take a direct flight from Nice, and from there take a bus (45 minutes) or train (half an hour).

The train station platform, which is located on the hills of Monte Carlo, offers a picturesque view.

Alternative option– go by plane to, and from there by train directly to Monaco (about 950 km). Regular flights to Nice or Paris are operated by Aeroflot and Air France. The flight time will take about 4 hours.

You can purchase a ticket right now using this air ticket search form. Enter cities of departure and arrival, date And number of passengers.

State structure

In Monaco - a constitutional monarchy, where the head of state is the prince, who transfers control rights to the heir.


Monaco's colorful history began when Francois Grimaldi, disguised as a monk, tricked himself into the Genoese fortress, and at night opened the gates to the soldiers so that they would capture it. Since then, the Grimaldi dynasty has ruled this country for more than 700 years. It is for this reason that the family coat of arms of the princely family is a knight in a cassock.

Throughout its existence, Monaco was losing independence and bought it again. , the Kingdom of Sardinia and France - the country fell under the protectorate of these states.

In 1848, thanks to Charles III, the country received recognition of sovereignty from France.

The prince is right there allowed to open there is a casino and several hotels here, which ensured the principality's success and popularity, since at that time gambling was banned in many neighboring countries, including France.

Since then, Monaco began to steadily attract royalty, bourgeois and aristocrats, which provided the country with a decent income.

Politics and economics

Monaco's foreign and domestic policies are inextricably linked associated with. Since the principality is under the protectorate of this state, Monaco carries out its actions in accordance with its interests.

Monaco's main profit is gambling business And tourism, the construction of new residences, as well as through the media covering the social life of the ruling family.


To visit Monaco you will need to, since this country is a member of the European Union. There is no princely representation in Moscow, so documents are submitted to French visa centers in Moscow, Yekaterinburg and Nizhny Novgorod.

In the country you can hear Monegasque, English and Italian speech, but French is considered the official language.

Culture and religion

The national characteristics of Monaco are such that only about 20% of the country’s inhabitants are indigenous – Monegasques.

They have special privileges don't pay taxes And live in the old town, but they also lay the foundations of culture. Thanks to them, family values ​​are respected in Monaco, meaning the opportunity to celebrate holidays with family.

90% Monaco – Catholics, about 6% – Protestants.


Getting around Monaco will not cause problems at any time of the day. They walk here Shuttle Buses in six directions, water and land transport is available around the clock, as well as a small tourist steam train and free escalators.

Business and currency

Freely used in Monaco Euro, equal to 100 cents.

The tourism, banking, financial and electronic spheres are well developed here, for this reason the country is considered great place for business, but the taxes levied on local firms are very high.

Wi-Fi hotspots are available everywhere, and the only Internet and mobile service provider is Monaco Telecom.

Real estate

The small size of the country does not allow for new developments, but Monaco real estate valuable acquisition with a high cost, because real estate on the territory of the principality makes it possible to obtain a residence permit.

Holidays in Monaco

Over the entire history of the country, the principality has acquired important sights and places worthy of the attention of travelers.

Main resort towns

Officially in Monaco four cities merging into one large central city:

  1. Monaco-Ville– the oldest part, located on a hill where the ruling family lives;
  2. Monte Carlo– the largest area in which the legendary casino is located;
  3. La Condamine– the main port of the country and the place where major transactions are carried out;
  4. Fontvieille– this place arose thanks to the construction of a dam.

Other areas of Monaco are Lavrotto– a place where luxurious beaches are located, as well as La Colle, Moneghetti, Saint-Roman, Saint Michel, which are considered attractive residential areas.


The most striking attraction of Monaco is luxury casino in Monte Carlo, entrance to which is available around the clock. It was its construction that was the first reason why the country became so popular.

Here you can also visit:

  • The Wax Museum with figures of princely persons;
  • Princely Palace, founded in 1215;
  • Monaco Cathedral– the main cathedral of the principality;
  • Chapel of Mercy– old church on City Hall Square;
  • Church of Saint Devota- patroness of the principality.

Many tourists will be interested in strolling through the Exotic Garden with several thousand species of tropical plants, as well as along the Sculpture Alley with works by world-famous masters.


Excursions to Oceanarium, which was founded with the assistance of Prince Albert I and J. Cousteau. There are about 200 species of marine life in aquariums.

It will be interesting to get acquainted with princely collection of vintage cars, which contains automotive history starting from the 20th century: Bugatti 1929, De Dion Bouton 1903, as well as many other first-class models of prestigious cars.

National cuisine and restaurants

In Monaco, it is not customary to dine at home; instead, it is popular to visit numerous restaurants, the most prestigious of which are considered Le Louis XV And Le Cafe de Paris.

Local chefs prepare gourmet dishes, in which Italian or French cuisine predominates.

Where to stay?

Monaco hotels offer visitors first-class accommodation with impeccable comfort and high prices. In total, the principality has about 15 hotels 3-5 stars.

The most popular holiday destinations:

  1. Hotel Hermitage 5*;
  2. Hotel Metropole 5*;
  3. Port Palace 4*;
  4. Ambassador Monaco 3*;
  5. Novotel Monte-Carlo 3*.

The rooms in them are not always free, so guests of this country try to stay outside its borders.

To select a hotel, use the search form. Enter city, check-in and check-out dates And number of guests.


During the day, travelers visit museums and theaters, relax on the beaches, ride yachts or watch stage races "Formula 1 Grand Prix", since part of the route runs through the city.

The most favorite place for entertainment at night is, of course, the casino. During the day it is available for excursions, and in the evening the gambling public comes here.

One of the entertainments of Monaco is shopping, which takes place in the Golden Square area, where you will find only original products from brand stores.

  • Don't drink tap water– it is better to buy a bottled product;
  • On national holidays, the country organizes colorful ceremonies(January 27, November 19, December 25);
  • Speed ​​by car limited to 50 km/h;
  • During the races, prices in the country are rising twice;
  • Banks are closed on weekends.

Monaco is an incredibly vibrant and attractive destination because it has a convenient geographical location, developed infrastructure and a lot of interesting attractions.

Principality of Monaco (dwarf state)

The Principality of Monaco (Principaute de Monaco) is a dwarf independent state associated with France, located in the south of Europe on the shores of the Ligurian Sea (no larger than London's Hyde Park).

It is one of the smallest and most densely populated countries in the world. The Principality is famous for the casino in Monte Carlo and the Formula 1 stage held here - the Monaco Grand Prix.

It should be noted that over the past 100 years, Monaco has been living off gambling and satisfying the whims of rich people from different countries. In addition, the Principality of Monaco became one of the world's largest sites of property speculation, a kind of low-rise Manhattan-by-the-sea, with an incredible concentration of fin-de-siecle style hotels (late 19th century) instead of skyscrapers.

Since the 13th century, the principality has been owned by the Grimaldi family and, by law, in the event of the end of the dynasty, the principality of Monaco (a dwarf state) must once again become part of France. The present ruler, Prince Rainier, is the only legitimate autocratic ruler in Europe, and all French laws must be approved by him for application in Monaco.

The principality has a parliament, which has a small set of rights and is elected only by Monegasques - subjects of Monaco, who make up only about 16% of the population. However, there is no opposition to the ruling family in Monaco. Monegasque citizens and non-French citizens pay no income tax, but their wealth is protected by strict security forces: Monaco has more police per square meter of territory than any other country in the world.

If you are a true car racing fan, then you should come to Monaco in the last week of May, during which time Formula 1 races for the Monaco Grand Prix take place around the port and casino. At this time, it is impossible to get to any place from where the track is visible without a ticket, which excludes the possibility of inspection attractions .

The oldest part of the principality, 2 kilometers long, Monaco-Ville, is concentrated around the princely palace on a high rocky cape. To the west of it are the new suburb and marina of Fontvieille. On the other side of the cape is the old port quarter of La Condamine, at the eastern border is the seaside resort of Larvotto with artificial beaches and imported sand, and in the middle is Monte Carlo.

City-region of Monte Carlo

Monte-Carlo is a city-district located in the Principality of Monaco, where a lot of money is circulating. Arriving in Monaco, you should definitely see the famous Monte Carlo casino(Casino de Monte-Carlo). Persons under 21 years of age are not allowed into the casino and may have to present a passport. The dress code is strict, shorts and T-shirts are discouraged, and for the most interesting departments a skirt (for women), a formal suit, jacket and tie (for men) are more or less required. Bags and large coats are checked at the entrance.

Amateur players who come for one day, as a rule, do not enter the casino itself, but go to a small slot machine room (one-armed bandits and poker machines) with free entry, located at the main entrance to the casino. You can stroll through the impressive lobby, use the luxurious restrooms, and check out the small theater (which hosts temporary exhibitions) without any obligation.

The first gaming room of the inner sanctuary is the European salons (Salon Europeen, open from 14.00, entrance 10 €). There are other slot machines around the American roulette, craps and blackjack tables, the dealers are trained in Las Vegas, the lighting is dim and very smoky. However, the decoration of the halls above this piece of Nevada is made in the fin-de-siecle rococo style, and the ceiling of the neighboring Pink Salon Bar is painted with images of naked women smoking cigarettes.

The heart of the entire establishment is the Salons Prives (passage through the Tuze Rooms). To get there you must look like a player and not a tourist (no cameras or video cameras), plus you will have to pay 20 € upon entry. These halls are much larger in size than European salons and more richly decorated, and the atmosphere in them, during opening hours or out of season, resembles the atmosphere of a cathedral.

No clinking of coins, just the sliding of chips and the soft talk of the dealer. Elderly players walk quietly, sorting through large banknotes (the maximum non-agreed bet here is 76 thousand €), television cameras under the chandeliers monitor the players sitting at the tables, and no one drinks anything. In the evenings at the height of summer, the halls are filled to capacity, and evil loses its solemn and noble connotation.

Next to the casino is the Opera House, and around the palm-lined Casino Square there are other casinos, palace hotels and grand cafes. The American bar of the Hotel de Paris gathers the “cream of the world society.” If you are dressed appropriately and are not afraid of being judged by others for refusing to order a drink for 30 €, then you can have free fun there, against the backdrop of the decadence of the Belle Epoque times, people watching, of which, most likely, the most interesting aspect is the bank accounts.

Monaco-Ville, Fontvieille and Larvotto

After the casino, polished Monaco-Ville (buses No. 1 and 2), where every second store sells mugs with a portrait of Prince Rainier and similar trinkets, does not make much of an impression on tourists. You can wander around the luxurious Prince's Palace of Monaco(Palais de Monaco).

Admire the wax figures of princes at the Monaco Wax Museum (L’Historial des Princes de Monaco, 27 rue Hasse). View a slideshow about different aspects of the principality in the Monte Carlo Story, underground opposite the Oceanographic Museum, or walk among the tombstones of former princes and Princess Grace in the neo-Romanesque-Byzantine Monaco Cathedral(Cathedrale de Monaco).

What's really interesting in the Old Town is part of Barbara Piasecka-Johnson's collection of religious art at the Museum of the Chapelle of the Ordeal (Musee de la Chapelle de la Visitation) on Place Visitacion. This small but exquisite collection includes works by Zurbaran, Rivera, Rubens and even extremely rare early religious works by Wermeer.

Perhaps the main place to visit in Monaco is the aquarium in the basement of the Oceanographic Museum, where marine life surpasses the most fantastic inventions of Kandinsky and Hieronymus Bosch. Not so exceptional, but still distinctive are the cacti in the Exotic Garden (Jardin Exotic) on the Boulevard Jardin Exotic high above Fontvieille.

The entrance ticket also entitles you to the Museum of Prehistoric Anthropology (Musee d'Anthropologie Prehistorique), which traces the history of the human race from the Neanderthals to Prince Grimaldi, and the prehistoric caves of the Grotte de 1'Observtoire with illuminated stalactites and stalagmites.

In Fontvieille, the part of the city lying slightly south of the Palace, there are other museums, including his lordship's car collection, his coin and stamp collections, his collection of model ships and his zoo with rare wild animals on the Terrasses de Fontvieille; bus number 6) at the port.

Near Larvotto beach there is the National Museum (Musee National, 17 avenue Princesse Grace), dedicated to the history of dolls and robots. It's better than you might expect: some of the dollhouse scenes are very funny and the slow-crawling robots are very surreal.

Useful information about the Principality of Monaco

The train station is located at the top end of Boulevard Rainier III and has 4 exits: signs for "Le Rocher-Fontvieille" will take you to the end of Avenue Prince Pierre above Place d'Armes, and signs for "Monte Carlo" - to Place Saint Devote.

The remaining two exits lead to the boulevard Belgique and the pedestrian path in front of the station. Municipal buses run throughout the Principality from 7.00 to 21.00 (single ticket 1.50 euros, card for 4 trips 3.50 euros). Buses traveling along the Lower Corniche stop at the bus station, other routes have stops in different places, but all stop at Monte Carlo.

Local bus no. 4 from the bus station and buses no. 1 and 2 go to the "Casino-Tourisme" stop near the tourist office (2 boulevard des Moulins), which has a conveniently located branch at the train station for those arriving by train (Tuesday-Saturday 9.00-17.00) .

The incredibly clean and efficient free elevator connecting the upper and lower streets (marked on the tourist map) is very convenient. Bicycles are available for rent from Monte-Carlo-Rent (quai des Etats-Units) in the port.

Monaco is a small principality located on the Mediterranean coast, in the southern region of France, the Côte d'Azur, 12 kilometers from the borders of Italy. The long coastline is replete with beautiful sandy beaches with crystal clear sea water, and thanks to the abundance of sun and lack of cold winds, Monaco is one of the most popular resorts in the Mediterranean. Such highly profitable industries as pharmaceuticals, electrical engineering, instrument making, the production of majolica, building materials, ceramics and earthenware, as well as a huge network of the entertainment industry, helped the country become a leader in world tourism.

Trade occupies an important place in the country's economy. The state's income comes from taxes from resort areas, hotels, hotels and casinos. A loyal tax policy has contributed to the fact that many large international companies and banks conduct financial transactions in the territory of the principality.

With an area of ​​only 2 square kilometers and a population of about 35,000 people, the state is one of the smallest and most densely populated in the world. At the same time, there are about 5,000 indigenous people (Monegasques), while the rest of the population is represented by foreigners (Italians, French, Belgians, British), attracted by the preferential tax system.

The geographical position of the principality is very favorable - on a rocky coast, which is a continuation of the southern part of the Maritime Alps, protected by mountain ranges, northern and eastern sides, sheltering the territory from cold air masses and gusty winds.

  • Capital: Monaco;
  • Largest cities: Monaco, Monte Carlo, La Condamine, Fontvieille;
  • Area: 2 km²;
  • Time zone: UTC+1;
  • Currency: euro;
  • Population: 37,900.

Political structure

According to the Constitution adopted in 2002, Monaco is a principality with a form of government - a constitutional hereditary monarchy. The head of state is the prince, who exercises legislative power together with the National Council, 18 members of which are elected every 5 years. The status of a deputy of the National Council can only be obtained by a Monegasque born in Monaco and over 25 years of age.

According to an agreement concluded with France in 1918, Monaco has the status of an autonomous state under the protection of France. The principality has a police service and a royal guard consisting of 65 people. However, it does not have its own army, and all defense issues fall under the competence of France.

The official language in Monaco is French, but the local population often uses the Monegasque dialect, which is a mixture of French and Italian colloquial speech.

Catholicism acts as the state religion. About 5% of residents are Protestant.

To visit Monaco, Russian tourists need a Schengen visa issued by the French Embassy, ​​which has representative offices in major cities of our country. To obtain a visa, a standard package of documents is required, and it is important that the passport contains at least 3 blank pages.

Climatic features

The climate in the region is Mediterranean, characterized by moderate winters and warm, sunny weather in summer. There is little precipitation and most of it occurs in the autumn. Minimum temperatures in January are +7°C; in July-August the air warms up to +25…+28°C. At the height of the beach season, coastal waters warm up to +25°C.

The Maritime Alps provide the region with protection from the gusts of the north wind, and the light sea breeze is wonderfully refreshing and, even at the height of summer, the heat is practically not felt.


The principality does not have its own airport. You can get to Monaco through French air ports. The nearest international airport is located in Nice, 30 kilometers from the state border. Upon arrival, you can get to the principality by direct bus. Trains depart regularly from Nice Station to Monaco from Paris via the cities of Avignon, Toulon, Cannes and Nice.

If you purchased a package tour, then a personal transfer will be sent for you from the hotel where you are staying.

Public transport includes buses and taxis. If you wish, you can rent a car, but it is worth keeping in mind that the areas of the historical center are exclusively a pedestrian zone, and some streets are intended only for the passage of vehicles with French and Monaco license plates.

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