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The UAE is a country located in the Persian Gulf. The full name is the United Arab Emirates, the place is popular among Russian tourists. For everyone, the UAE evokes different associations, for some it’s mosques and minarets, for others it’s gorgeous beaches, and for others it’s a bunch of chic boutiques and shops.


The United Arab Emirates is one of the countries of the Middle East, occupying a certain part of the Arabian Peninsula. In the east, Oman is adjacent to the UAE, Saudi Arabia is adjacent to the south and west, and Iran is to the north. The area of ​​the United Arab Emirates is 83.6 thousand square meters. km., it is comparable to the size of the Czech Republic, Serbia or Austria.

Much territory goes under the Arabian Desert. Only five percent of the territory is used for human life, and agriculture accounts for only 1.2 percent.

Population statistics for 2017: 10 million people.

Division into Emirates

Abu Dhabi is considered the largest emirate; its area is 67,320 square meters. km, this is 80.5 percent of the territory of all emirates. Dubai ranks second with 3,880 sq. km, almost 17 times inferior to Abu Dhabi. The smallest is Ajman, its area is 259 square meters. km.

Dubai is recognized as the most convenient and populated emirate. Dubai is home to 2.5 million people. The least number of people live in Umm al-Quwain, only 75 thousand. The sheikh is given full power, it is determined by the constitution.

Climate conditions in the UAE

Summer in the Emirates is unbearably hot; daytime temperatures can approach 40-44 degrees. In the Arabian Desert, the thermometer scale can show up to 51-53 degrees. In the Persian Gulf, the water temperature often reaches 36-38 degrees, which can be dangerous during prolonged swimming. Also, at the maximum air temperature in the summer season, the sand becomes very hot, it literally becomes “scalding.”

Tourism sector

Tourism statistics for the Emirates are difficult to track as all Emirates maintain their own visitor statistics. It often happens that the same tourist flies to Dubai airport, but wants to live in Abu Dhabi, then this tourist can be counted more than once.

In 2017, according to statistics, about 19 million tourists visited the Emirates.

The tourism industry is growing rapidly in the Emirates. In 2015, the country was visited by 14.2 million people, in 2016 - 17 million people, but by 2030 the UAE wants to receive 30 million visitors.

Due to tourism in the country over the year, there is an increase of approximately 68.6 billion dirhams, which is as much as 18.3 billion dollars. The Emirate of Dubai's GDP from tourism is twice as large as its oil revenues.

The country's tourism industry employs 3 percent of the population, a figure that increases every year. One of the main tourist destinations is Dubai. In 2017, out of 19 million people who visited the country, 15.2 million people ended up in Dubai.

Dubai will soon overtake London in retail sales and become the main shopping mecca.

However, in 2018 the growth rate of tourism and retail will most likely decline. In the emirates there are no taxes such as sales tax or VAT, which gives the minimum price on the shelves. In 2018, it is planned to introduce VAT at a rate of 5 percent, then prices will begin to rise. The United Arab Emirates wants to significantly increase tourism flows. By 2020, many more hotels are planned to be built, with a capacity of up to 57,000 rooms.

In addition to shopping, many tourists are interested in visiting sandy beaches, as well as world-famous ones: the Dubai Mall, the Sheikh Zayed Mosque, the famous Dubai fountains, and Ferrari World parks. Dubai is home to 200 different nations, so there are chic restaurants serving a variety of cuisines.

Politic system

The UAE is 7 emirates, each with its own ruler, whose power is limited.

Now federal structures regulate the banking sector, territorial waters, labor relations, and the extradition of people who have committed crimes. Other issues can be decided by the emirs. The highest representatives of the state are the president and the prime minister. The main authorities are considered:

  • The Supreme Council;
  • Council of Ministers;
  • Federal Supreme Court;
  • Federal National Council

The highest body representing the executive and legislative powers is the Supreme Council, which contains 7 emirs. The Supreme Council can elect/remove the president, as well as the prime minister, and reserves significant decisions. For a decision to be made, the consent of 5 emirates is required, and two of them are required - Dubai and Abu Dhabi. This interesting form of democracy takes place in the United Arab Emirates. The Supreme Council meets 4 times a year, and also in cases of urgent need.

Council of Ministers. When the Prime Minister is appointed by the Supreme Council, he makes a proposal for the composition of ministers to the President. With the approval of the President, the work of the cabinet begins. The Council of Ministers resolves important issues currently in the country; it consists of 22 members.

The Federal Council is the parliament of the Emirates and has 40 deputies. Dubai and Abu Dhabi each present 8 of their candidates, Sharjah and Ras al-Khaimah nominate 6 candidates each, Umm al-Quwain, Ajman and Fujairah nominate 4 candidates each.

The Federal National Council can discuss laws and make constitutional changes. The Federal National Council is an advisory body, it has no power and can propose ideas to the government.

The Federal Supreme Court is the highest body representing the judicial branch.

History of the UAE

About 8 thousand years ago, on the site of the current United Arab Emirates, a civilization arose - Umm an-Nar. At that time, the climate was milder and agriculture was developing. Then came the era of deserts, and the centers of culture began to fade away.

Before the onset of the 12th century, there were no large settlements in the territory; the territory was inhabited by nomads and inhabitants from oases.

The year 632 was remembered for an important battle for the emirate of Ras al-Khaimah.

The 12th century is characterized by the flourishing of ports, the establishment of trade across the Indian Ocean, trade turnover is developing, and cultures are being exchanged.

The 16th century is remembered for the arrival of the Portuguese in the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf, and the partial capture of ports.

17th century The Dutch replace the Portuguese and take control of the Persian Gulf.

18th century - the displacement of the Dutch by the British, then the emirates fell under British rule.

1971 - Great Britain leaves the Persian Gulf, 7 emirates form the state - the UAE.

Who lives in the Emirates

The Emirates has a difficult legal system. Each emirate has a choice - having its own judicial system or joining the federal one. The UAE often relies on “Sharia” prohibitions. Sharia courts can resolve issues related to guardianship, divorce, and family disputes. Secular courts are responsible for the criminal and administrative parts. The UAE is home to Islamic punishments. For example, dozens of people receive lashes as punishment. In this country, the death penalty, stoning to death, is legalized, but it is used extremely rarely.

In the UAE, many things are prohibited and punishable. For apostasy from Islam - execution. Abortion is not respected in the country - it is punishable by 1 year in prison or a fine of 10,000 dirhams. For non-traditional orientation there is a risk of getting up to 12 years in prison. Verbal humiliation with sexual overtones is punishable by flogging. Driving drunk can also land you in jail and receive a hefty fine. Drinking alcoholic beverages in public places is also punishable by fines. An interesting feature is that 40 percent of all violations occur among minors.


How many people think that the United Arab Emirates does nothing but pump oil. In fact, this is completely false. Not all emirates are engaged in oil; its reserves are concentrated in two emirates: Abu Dhabi and Dubai. Umm al-Quwain has small oil reserves, but these do not need to be taken into account. If you look at the statistics for 2017, you will notice that only 4 percent of the GDP of the emirate of Dubai is allocated to oil. The main oil rigs are concentrated in Abu Dhabi. The GDP in this emirate reaches 60 percent.

All emirates are rapidly promoting their economies, and agricultural growth is noticeable. Date cultivation is widespread in the Emirates. The Emirates are engaged in the development of the financial sector, insurance business, and service sector. One of the most profitable industries for the UAE is tourism. Transport plays an important role in the country's GDP.


The biggest successes of the UAE are the widely developing air and water transport. In the UAE you will meet many leading airlines that are famous all over the world. This:

  • Emirates;
  • Etihad;
  • Air Arabia;
  • Fly Dubai

Emirates is often used over long distances with transfers.

Dubai International is a huge air hub between the European and Asian parts; it ranks 3rd in the world in terms of passenger traffic. In 2016 alone, the airport in Dubai welcomed 83,600,000 people.

Dubai is famous for its giant harbour. There are luxury aircraft carriers belonging to the US Navy flotilla.

Transport within the country is not lagging behind either; a metro was built in Dubai; besides, automation is widely developed here; you will not find drivers in the metro. Buses and a taxi network are widely used in the Emirates; there is also a place for trams.

Armament in the UAE

The UAE has its own small army, numbering 65 thousand people. This is explained by the fact that only their own citizens are recruited into the army, there is no recruitment of Indians or Pakistanis into the army, and there are not so many indigenous people in the Emirates.

The Emirates Air Force has 100 F-16 fighters, 30 transport aircraft, 2 reconnaissance aircraft, 13 helicopters, and 2 AWACS aircraft.

As for ground weapons, here you can find powerful tanks from France, there are 388 of them, there are armored vehicles, tanks from England in the amount of 76, and a lot of armored vehicles. The biggest disadvantage of the UAE army is the lack of experience.

In the region where the United Arab Emirates is located, after the fall of the Ottoman Empire, monarchies became widespread. This also applies to the Emirates themselves, which is a federal state that includes seven absolute monarchical countries.

Natural resources of the Middle East

The modern influence of political leaders in the Middle East is based on the huge reserves of hydrocarbons and the money that their production brings. The United Arab Emirates, along with Saudi Arabia, have significant oil fields that are controlled by companies with strong ties to the ruling families of each emirate.

The emirates of Abu Dhabi and Dubai are the richest in oil, which gives their rulers special political weight both within the state and on the world stage. At the same time, natural gas, the UAE's reserves of which rank sixth in the world, is produced in the emirates of Ras Al Khaimah, Sharjah and Dubai. More than half of all gas produced is consumed in the country, and the rest is exported.

Geography of the UAE

Answering the question of where and on what continent the United Arab Emirates are located, it is worth starting with the fact that the state occupies the northeastern part of the Arabian Peninsula. The country's neighbors on the peninsula include states such as Oman, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Qatar, located just fifty kilometers away. The Emirates is separated from Iran by the Persian Gulf.

Of the seven emirates, Abu Dhabi is the largest in terms of territory and volume of oil deposits, and Ajman is considered the smallest, occupying only two hundred and fifty square kilometers.

In terms of the area of ​​its territory, the country can be compared with Portugal, but most of the region where the United Arab Emirates is located is occupied by desert, which makes large areas unsuitable for life and economic activity. In the summer months, the air temperature fluctuates around 40-45 degrees, but can often rise to fifty.

It is not surprising that in such a hot climate there is practically no vegetation. Natural green areas are found only in not too extensive mountainous areas, and all the plantings found outside them are the result of a government program for artificial landscaping.

History of the country's culture

Despite the fact that the United Arab Emirates, where Dubai is located, has existed as an independent state only since 1971, when the British Empire withdrew its troops from the peninsula, the culture of the people inhabiting the Emirates is rooted in ancient times.

People have been living on the territory of the state since ancient times, because the Arabian Peninsula was one of the main points on the route of human migration from Africa. It is also in close proximity to the Fertile Crescent, where agriculture originated and the first religious buildings in human history were built.

Thus, we can conclude that the region where the United Arab Emirates is located was culturally developed long before the advent of Islam. However, the Islamic conquest and the creation of the Arab Caliphate irrevocably changed the fate of all the peoples living in the Middle East by the beginning of the seventh century.

Population and religion

Today, the country is home to more than nine million people, but no more than eleven percent of the inhabitants of the United Arab Emirates, where the largest financial and industrial center of the entire Middle East is located, are indigenous.

The rapid economic growth of the state required the attraction of a significant amount of labor. Most residents of the Emirates are not citizens of the country, but came there to work from countries such as India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and the Philippines. The number of foreign workers in the country reaches 89% of the total population.

However, despite the large number of migrants, the country remains quite homogeneous in religious terms, since most of the visiting workers practice Islam, like the local residents. But there are also representatives of other faiths in the country, primarily Hindus and Buddhists. As for Muslims, 85% of them profess Sunni Islam, and the rest are Shiites.

Economy of the UAE

The country's economy began to experience rapid growth in the fifties of the twentieth century, when significant oil and gas deposits were discovered in the country. It is worth noting that before the declaration of independence and the withdrawal of British troops from the peninsula, the distribution of concessions and rights to extract and transport resources was under the strict control of the military administration.

However, after 1971, local authorities took control of all financial flows. For almost forty years, the economy of the emirates was entirely dependent on fluctuations in oil prices, but after the oil crisis in the nineties, a fundamental decision was made on the need to diversify the economy.

After this decision, the country actively began to develop tourism, trade and invest money in high-tech research related to renewable energy sources. Today the country has one of the most developed tourist markets, but not only beach tourism, but also cultural tourism deserves attention, since a branch of the Louvre was built in Abu Dhabi and centers for contemporary art and historical museums were opened, exhibiting objects of material culture of antiquity.

Agriculture also plays an important role in the country's economy, which is at the highest level, despite the lack of natural fresh water. To compensate for the shortage of water resources, several large desalination plants have been built in the country.

In addition, the United Arab Emirates, where one of the largest international airports is located, is an important transport hub not only for the Middle East, but throughout Asia. The largest cargo ports are located in the Emirates.

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is the real personification of an oriental fairy tale, which contains all the cliches associated with luxury, wealth, magical nature, oriental wisdom and the wonders of technology.

Geographical characteristics

The United Arab Emirates is located on the Arabian Peninsula, in its northeastern part. The vast majority of settlements stretch along the coast of the Persian and Oman Gulfs. The country's territory also includes islands in the Persian Gulf. The UAE includes: Abu Dhabi (the largest of the seven emirates, which has capital status), Dubai (the second in size and influence), Ras al-Khaimah, Umm al-Qaiwain, Fujairah, Sharjah and Ajman (the smallest emirate).

It borders on Saudi Arabia to the west, south and southeast, Qatar to the northwest, and Oman to the southeast and northeast. The country has an area of ​​83,600 square meters. km, but such artificial man-made projects as the Palm Islands and the World and Universe archipelagos significantly expand its area and the length of the coastline.

The internal political structure of the UAE is unique: the country consists of 7 emirates with a federal structure and a monarchical form of government.


Most of the country's territory is occupied by the Rub al-Khali desert (one of the largest, hottest and driest deserts in the world). The desert stretches from southwest to northeast, its area is 650 thousand square meters. km. Rub al-Khali is not limited to the UAE, and partially covers the territories of neighboring Oman, Yemen and Saudi Arabia. Rub al-Khani, as an arid desert, is characterized by negligible precipitation and a high percentage of night evaporation.

Approaching the coast of the Persian Gulf, the desert transforms into clayey plains facing the gulf...

In contrast to the lifelessness of the desert, the coast and water of the Persian and Oman Gulfs are rich in coastal and underwater flora and fauna. The shores of the bays are inhabited by coral reefs.

Both bays have an abundance of commercial fish - for centuries, fishing has been the main activity of the population. Crustaceans and mollusks (including pearl ones) are also found here.

The Gulf of Oman is connected to the Indian Ocean through the Arabian Sea, so the Gulf is considered part of the ocean. The Gulf of Oman is slightly colder than the Persian Gulf, and its coastline is more rocky, unlike the flat Persian Gulf. The bays are connected by the narrow Strait of Hormuz...

The climate of the UAE is desert tropical. The weather is hot at any time of the year. In winter it resembles the heat of the average Russian summer (up to 26 degrees Celsius), in summer the average temperature is 47-49 degrees and often breaks these records. A rare phenomenon for the UAE, precipitation occurs only in winter; it falls only 100 mm per year, and sunny days in the country are 350-355 per year.

In the desert, night temperatures often reach 0 degrees. In addition, sandstorms occur in deserts, bypassing large resort areas.

The UAE's humid air has a low oxygen content, so the country's summer period, which lasts from late September to May, is difficult to endure due to high humidity...


A leap in the country's economic development occurred in the middle of the 20th century, when a large oil field was discovered on the coast. Before this, there was no development of natural resources in the country, and the main activity of the population was fishing.

Rapid economic development led to the fact that in a few decades the country turned into a tourist paradise with an incredible number of skyscrapers forming a futuristic business and cultural center. Oil remains the main natural resource of the country, but today the UAE economy is formed in such a way that even after the depletion of natural resources, the economic situation will not decline...


Ethnically, the indigenous people of the UAE are Arabs. But Arabs are not the largest group of the population, since due to the high need for labor migrants, up to 85% of the non-indigenous population lives in the country. Indians and Pakistanis have the highest numbers in the UAE. There is also a high proportion of Bedouins, Egyptians, Omanis, Iranians and Filipinos.

The official language is Arabic, but due to the large non-indigenous population, all languages ​​of the surrounding countries are spoken here - Urdu and Hindi, Farsi and Tagalog. In addition, English is the unifying language. 85% of the population are Muslims (85% of them are Sunnis, 15% are Shiites), more than half of the non-indigenous population also profess Islam...

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a young state in southwest Asia, located in the eastern part of the Arabian Peninsula. The founding date of the state is considered to be December 2, 1971: it was on this day that six emirates declared the creation of a federation; in 1972, the emirate of Ras al-Khaimah joined the federation.

The UAE includes: Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Dubai, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain, Fujairah and Sharjah. The capital of the emirates is Abu Dhabi.

The country's territory is washed by the waters of the Persian and Oman Gulfs. The state borders on Saudi Arabia in the west and south, and Oman in the southeast and northeast.

The vast majority of the UAE's population are migrant workers from South and Southeast Asia. Representatives of the indigenous population are Sunni Muslims. The basis of the political structure of the UAE is a federation uniting absolute monarchies. The head of state is the Emir of Abu Dhabi, the head of government is the Emir of Dubai.

Current time in Abu Dhabi:
(UTC +4)

The basis of the emirates' economy is oil exports and tourism, for the development of which significant funds are allocated. Time in the UAE coincides with Moscow time. There is no daylight saving time. Coordinated Universal Time UTC +4.

How to get there

Planes from Russia fly mainly to Dubai, but some flights operate to Sharjah. Regular flights from St. Petersburg and Moscow to Dubai are operated by Emirates airlines and some Russian carriers. Fly Dubai airline flies from Yekaterinburg, Samara, Kazan and Ufa. Air Arabia flies from Yekaterinburg to Sharjah. Read more about how to get from various Russian cities to Dubai.


G Since February 2017, citizens of the Russian Federation can receive free visas for a period of 30 days at points of entry into the UAE. This visa can be extended once for another 30 days. HoweverThere are restrictions - they apply to children “inscribed” in the parents’ foreign passport. In addition, to obtain a UAE visa, it is recommended to have a health insurance policy, hotel reservation and insurance against visa risks.

You can read more about the entry document to the country in our special material “Applying for a visa to the UAE”.

Customs regulations

To country import allowed the following goods: two thousand cigarettes, or 400 cigars, or 2 kilograms of tobacco; two liters of wine and two liters of strong alcoholic drinks.

Import prohibited pornographic publications and materials (video tapes and disks may be subject to inspection), as well as firearms and drugs.

Ban on import of medicines into the UAE

Many tourists do not know that codeine is prohibited throughout the country. Accordingly, the importation of medicines containing codeine may result in a serious fine or even imprisonment. The list of prohibited drugs includes not only codeine-containing drugs, but also a number of narcotic and sedatives. Before traveling to the UAE, a tourist should carefully check his first aid kit, and if there are prescription medications, then to enter the Emirates with them it is better to have a translated prescription from a doctor. The import of prescribed narcotic drugs is possible only with a special permit, which must be obtained in advance. Codeine is found in many cough suppressants, antipyretics and pain relievers. Thus, it is an integral part of the tablets “Pentalgin” and “Sedalgin”, which are quite often used by Russians. Checks at the border are carried out randomly, but according to tourists, recently they are being done more and more often.

Money and currency exchange in the UAE

Cities and regions

Emirate of Abu Dhabi

Al-Husn Palace is a fort built in the 19th century to protect the fresh water found on the island by the Beni Yaz tribe of Liwa. Enclosed within the outer walls, built by Sheikh Shabut, who made Al-Husn his palace, is an old square fort.

Another important attraction of Abu Dhabi, serving as a gateway to the past, is the cultural and ethnographic village, recreating life from different historical eras. Attractions in Abu Dhabi include wonderful parks, gardens and delightful fountains.

There are also the oases of Liwa, Qattara and Al Ain, Futaisi Island - a water sports center and the Hili amusement park, as well as a zoo. In addition, the interesting Shopping Festival can be a reason to visit, and there are also shopping centers in Abu Dhabi with a large selection of good goods (Abu Dhabi Mall, Marina Mall and Madinat Zayed).

Emirate of Dubai

The central area of ​​modern Dubai is divided into two parts: Bur Dubai (southern) and Deira (northern). Bur Dubai's old Bastakiya neighborhood is home to many traditional Arabic houses with courtyards. There are also wind towers here, which once replaced air conditioners. When you arrive in Dubai, you should definitely visit the Dubai History Museum at Al Fahidi Fort. It was built in the late 80s of the 18th century, and managed to be a palace, a garrison, and even a prison. Nowadays there is a historical museum here, the exhibition of which includes a collection of applied art, household items of the ancient Bedouins and residents of Dubai. There is also a marine part of the exhibition. With the help of audiovisual technology, surround sound and skillfully crafted figures dressed in traditional clothes, the museum creates a stunning impression of being in the past.

Emirate of Sharjah

An amusement park with rides and souvenirs is located in Khalid Lagoon. The third highest fountain in the world (after Geneva and Jeddah) shoots directly from the bay. The coral reefs of the famous diving center located in Korfakan are famous for the richness of flora and fauna of the underwater world.

Emirate of Fujairah

The highlight of Fujairah is its delightful nature, replete with lush greenery, which other emirates cannot boast of. Add to this the beautiful Khojar mountains, waterfalls, hot springs and clear sea - this is Fujairah. Three protected areas are open to the public in the emirate: Al Wurrayah Waterfalls, Ain Al Madhab Gardens and Ain Al Ghamour Hot Springs.

Connoisseurs of beautiful hand-made works of art will also find a lot of interesting things here. Among the attractions of the emirate is one of the oldest mosques in the emirates Al-Bidiya Mosque, located near the village of the same name about 30 km north of the city of Fujairah. Al-Bidiya was built about five centuries ago.

One of the most picturesque stana forts stands among palm trees in the village of Bithna. In 1745, a battle took place here between warring Omani factions, one of which enlisted the support of local tribes. There is another very famous fort in the city of Fujairah, which was bombed by the British in 1925. The modern landmark of the city is the Trade Center tower, located among new modern residential areas. A little further there is a bay, which, together with the port of Khorfakkan, provides the country with direct access to the Indian Ocean. Tourists from different parts of the world come to Fujairah specifically to see the famous bullfights, which are very different from Spanish bullfighting.

For shopping, Fujairah has both traditional markets (such as Souq Al Jumaa) and modern shopping centers such as Safeer Mall.

Emirate of Ajaman

Since ancient times, Ajman has preserved a square watchtower on the shore of the bay, guarding the entrance to the city, and huge fort in the city center. The fort was built and rebuilt many times; the last addition was a wind tower to supply the premises with cold air. Distinctive features of ancient buildings are narrow staircases and passages decorated with carved wooden doors. The main attraction of Ajman is the historical fort museum, which displays objects that are more than 4,000 years old. In the southern part of the city stands a mosque built by the ruling Sheikh in memory of his father, the late Sheikh Rashid bin Humaid Al Nuami. With simple, clean lines and a cream-carved stone façade, the building looks stunning on the stone-paved square. A stepped minaret rises above the mosque.

Construction in the early 60s. The cinema marked the beginning of the development of the film industry in the city. The United Color Film company is located here, where all films shot in the Emirates arrive. The complex includes a laboratory and a film studio that makes television films for the whole country. An equally interesting spectacle for tourists and local residents is the famous camel racing that takes place in the deserts of the emirate. Shopping lovers can recommend the most famous and largest shopping center in the emirate - Ajman City Center.

Emirate of Umm Al Quwain

At the entrance to the city there are three ancient watchtowers, once connected by a wall. Around the old fort, buildings of houses have been preserved, on some of which you can find traces of the once luxurious decoration with pink stone and stucco. To the north of these buildings is the old market area with wind towers and old stone houses. Siniya Island, where remains of early Islamic structures have been discovered, is located across the strait from the old city. In order to enter the natural reserve created on the island, you must obtain a special permit. Not far from Umm Al-Quwain, during international archaeological excavations, two trading cities of 2 and 4 thousand years ago were discovered: Ad Dur and Tel Abrak.

Emirate of Ras Al Khaimah

The ancient city of Yulfar, a thriving pearl trading center in the past, is famous for its Hatta hot springs, which have attracted visitors for centuries. Digdagha is the largest old town in Ras Al Khaimah. The Emirate Museum is located here in a huge military fort, which contains traditional household items, jewelry, and archaeological finds, the oldest of which dates back to the first millennium BC. The architecture of the fort itself is of particular interest: its curved staircases, watchtowers and wind towers, terraces, battlements and a wide courtyard. Twenty years ago, the fort served as the home of the ruling family of Ras Al Khaimah. Also worthy of attention is Fort Falaya, where the signing of a treaty between the British and local sheikhs took place in 1820. It stands east of the inland road running from Al Nakheel to Haran.

What to see


The largest city in the emirates, Dubai, the home of the head of the UAE government, invites tourists to visit a lot of attractions. Tour operators offer sightseeing tours of the city, which cost approximately $20-30. During these excursions, tourists will get acquainted with the following interesting places. You can also visit all these attractions on your own, using the metro or a fairly inexpensive taxi.

Abu Dhabi

The center of the capital of the United Arab Emirates is deservedly called the Arab Manhattan: the business part of the emirate of Abu Dhabi is densely built up with huge skyscrapers, when looking at which a comparison involuntarily comes to mind with the most popular high-rise area in the world - New York Manhattan. It is in Abu Dhabi - a young but fabulously rich capital - that you will enjoy the luxury of colored fountains, magical gardens, the majestic and light architecture of white stone mosques, and also admire and envy the grandiose villas of Arab sheikhs. Here you will see many more interesting attractions listed below.

  • A masterpiece of world architecture - the residence of the ruling sheikh
  • The Clock Fountain, symbolizing the friendship between Abu Dhabi and Geneva
  • The central square of the capital, on which five Arabic symbols are collected from white stone
  • Observation deck of the tallest skyscraper in Abu Dhabi - the Hilton Bainua Hotel
  • District of the rulers' palaces
  • Night fountains
  • Unique “Transparent Mosque”
  • Grand Mosque
  • Grand stands and officers' club
  • Museum-park “Ethnographic Village”

Al Ain

The fourth most populous city in the UAE, Al Ain, is located 148 km east of the country's capital on the border with Oman. This amazing city will immerse you in the atmosphere of camel caravans, Arab princesses and noble emirs.

  • The largest zoo in the Middle East
  • Ancient forts of Al Hilla and Al Khandaq
  • Camel market
  • Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Palace
  • Residence of the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi
  • Sheikh Khalifa's residence
  • Viewpoint of Mount Hafit


  • Museums (Historical, National Heritage, Art, Archaeological and Scientific)
  • Markets (Gold, Vegetable and Fish)
  • King Faisal Grand Mosque
  • Memorial "Unification"
  • Monument dedicated to the Holy Quran
  • Monument to Progress
  • Khalid Amusement Park


  • Al Wurrayah Waterfalls
  • Ain Al Madhab Gardens
  • Ain Al Ghamour Hot Springs
  • Al-Bidiya Mosque, the oldest mosque in the emirates


  • Sheikh Rashid bin Humaid Mosque

Umm Al Quwain

  • Trading cities of 2 and 4 thousand years ago Ad Dur and Tel Abrak
  • Ancient watchtowers
  • Old market area

Ras Al Khaimah

  • Ancient city of Yulfar
  • Hutt Hot Springs

Where to go in the UAE


Museums and galleries


Parks and Recreation


Shops and markets

Private guides in the UAE

Russian private guides will help you get acquainted with the UAE in more detail.
Registered on the Experts.Tourister.Ru project.

Things to do

Take a speedboat to explore the Indian Ocean and Oman. The excursion program includes a visit to date plantations, the American University (one of the most expensive educational institutions in the country), the Masafi artesian well, the Koran government square, the Sharjah cultural stele, local villages, the oriental carpet market, where carpet products from different countries of the world, the Hajar mountain pass, which offers an amazing panorama of the canyon, a camel farm where racing camels are raised, a fruit market, orange and tangerine groves.

Thrill-seekers can enjoy racing through wild sand dunes in a modern Toyota Land Cruiser 100 jeep equipped with air conditioning. You will admire the sunset in the desert from the height of a huge dune, visit a camel farm, where you will taste camel milk, and ride a sand board along the sand dunes. The program continues in the Bedouin camp: camel riding, hookah smoking, photography in national clothes and hand painting with henna. The end of the holiday will be a hearty dinner of national cuisine: shish kebab, barbecue, exotic fruits, sauces and seasonings.

Especially for the fair sex, the royal salon “Imar Spa”, owned by Princess Ohood Bint Rashid Al Mualla, invites you to take a real Moroccan bath. This amazing procedure, consisting of several stages, will be carried out by an experienced master - a purebred Moroccan. The set of procedures includes: gentle peeling and facial massage, hair mask and hair styling by a professional hairdresser.

Many tour operators also offer an original cruise on a wooden ship built using oriental technology. The ship launches from a pier located on the shores of Dubai Creek. During the trip, you will enjoy a romantic dinner, included in the price of the cruise, and watch costume performances of ancient and modern folk arts. Seats are provided on one of the ship's two decks - a closed lower and an open upper observation deck.

If you want to plunge into the night waves and experience the joy of victory, feel free to arm yourself with a lantern and a trident and go on a night hunt in the crab shallows, which will end with dinner on the seashore, the main delicacy of which will be the crabs you caught, cooked by an experienced chef.

An amazing dance show: a fiery belly dance against the backdrop of a fabulous panorama of the city, performed by a professional dancer. You get an amazing opportunity to take part in dancing with an Arabian beauty and learn the basic movements of oriental dances.

The fourth most populous city in the UAE, Al Ain, is located 148 km east of the country's capital on the border with Oman. This amazing city will immerse you in the atmosphere of camel caravans, Arab princesses and noble emirs. During the tour, you will visit the largest zoo in the Middle East, where you will see animals living in natural conditions, the ancient forts of Al-Hilla and Al-Khandaq, and also visit the camel market, where huge desert ships and small camels are waiting for their buyers. Undoubtedly, the most indelible impression on you will be made by a walk through the palace of the first Supreme Ruler of the country - Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan.

Getting around the country

Between countries

By bus

Bus service is provided with a number of countries: Oman, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt. Given the extremely complex procedure for obtaining a Saudi transit visa, the only real option to visit the UAE by land is Oman. Regular bus services from the capital

Oman Muscat to Dubai and Abu Dhabi is operated by ONTC at least four times a day. The company's fleet is equipped with modern buses that are quite suitable for long trips, the fare for which is $12-15 one way. Travel time is five hours.

On a ferryboat

Constant ferry service is carried out by the state Iranian company IRISL (Islamic republic of Iran shipping company) in the following directions: Bandar Abbas - Sharjah (UAE) and Bandar Abbas - Dubai (UAE). The cost of the cheapest ticket, depending on the season, is $55-60.

Around the country

The main form of transport in the Emirates is a car. Buses are used primarily by workers and service personnel. The easiest and most convenient way to move around cities and between them is to rent a car. If you do not have a license or renting a car is impossible for you for some reason, use a private or municipal taxi. To move around Dubai, you can use the metro, the first stage of which, consisting of 10 stations, was opened on September 9, 2009.

Car rent

You can rent a car from one of the large or small car companies.

In large companies, the cost of renting a car, depending on the brand, ranges from $60 to $300 per day.

In small companies, you can leave your original passport as collateral. The cost of renting a car from such a company is $30-$50, but without insurance.

Car rental period is at least 24 hours. Gasoline is paid separately. The approximate cost of 1 gallon of gasoline (about 4 liters) is $1.

A temporary driving permit is issued for persons over 21 years of age with a passport (sometimes a copy is sufficient), a credit card, a valid international license issued at least a year ago, and two photographs. When you are driving, always have your license and/or a copy of your passport with you.

Driving rules in the UAE

  • In the country, traffic is on the right, it is customary to give way to pedestrians and move in the central lanes, leaving the outer lanes for special cases.
  • At intersections it is often customary to move along rings, each of which has its own name; one can navigate by them in the same way as by the names of streets. When driving on a roundabout, those who are already on it have the right of way.
  • Entering an intersection if it is occupied by vehicles ahead is prohibited even with a traffic light and is considered a gross violation.
  • You cannot transport alcohol in a vehicle without the appropriate permit (license issued to residents).
  • A mandatory rule is to wear seat belts; compliance with this rule is strictly monitored by government officials.
  • It is customary to warn cars behind with a turn signal about the presence or absence of obstacles ahead for overtaking.
  • The accepted speed in the city is 60-80 km/h, on the highway - 100-120 km/h. There are radars installed on the roads, and fines are issued and sent directly to the company where you rented the car. The size of the fine depends on speeding, the minimum is 100 dirhams.
  • For violating traffic rules, your license can be confiscated, and for offering a bribe to a police officer, you can be prosecuted.
  • If you, while driving a car, hit a man - a fine of $10,000, a woman or a camel - a fine of $5,000.

The heaviest traffic occurs on Friday, when the UAE has a day off and many people go to the beaches or for shopping. Road signs are also similar to domestic ones; the inscriptions are in English and Arabic. Drivers are required to be constantly vigilant and carefully read road signs.

In the event of an accident, you must call the police by calling 999 and obtain a certificate of the accident, without which you will not be able to obtain insurance or permission to repair the car.

Parking and parking

In cities, almost everywhere there are paid parking lots indicating the price for 1 hour. The parking receipt must be placed under the windshield so that it is visible. Failure to pay for parking is punishable by a fine of 150 dirhams; a notice of this will be placed under the “janitor”. There is no need to pay for parking from 13:00 to 16:00. If you do not find your car where you left it, it could be towed to the traffic police station for failure to comply with parking rules. In this case, you should call 999. A possible fine on the spot is 50-75 dirhams.

When entering a paid parking lot (2 dirhams/hour), you must press the button on the automatic barrier panel. If there are free seats, the barrier will open and you will receive a control card from the slot next to the button. Based on the time stamped on it, payment will be made at the exit. In case of short-term parking, parking is free. If you use a parking lot with a machine, put 2 dirhams into the coin slot and receive a ticket.


There are two types of taxis in the UAE - with a meter (2 dirhams for boarding + 1 dirham for each kilometer) and without a meter (the minimum cost of a trip is 5 dirhams). Stopping a taxi at a hotel is always a few dirhams more expensive than just stopping on the street. Traditionally, women sit in the back seat of the car. It is not customary to leave a tip in a taxi.



The concept of “majlis” (literally, “the place where one sits”) appeared as a result of the development of the ritual of Arab hospitality. For Bedouins, this is part of a tent or even a separate tent; for sedentary residents, it is part of a house or a separate building, designed to adequately receive a guest.

To the extent possible, the Majlis is covered with mats and carpets, oriental pillows, in order to create maximum comfort for visitors. Everyone who is in the Majlis is located along the walls, and in the middle there is a copper tray with coffee pots for treating guests and a brazier for incense. Since the concept of “guest” in Arab society has a broader interpretation, unlike us (for example, the head of a clan who comes to the sheikh of a tribe is also considered primarily not as a subordinate, but as a guest), the Majlis plays a social and public role. The Majlis of any person, regardless of social status, is open to everyone who comes in peace - this tradition is inherited from the times of the tribal structure of society, in which issues of internal democracy were resolved in this way. Therefore, the Majlis of the tribal leader is actually an official place, a council.

Modern institutions and hotels in Dubai support this tradition, so in many places you can see specially constructed majlises in the form of tents with pillows, carpets, hookahs, long-nosed dall coffee pots standing ready on hot coals, in which the strongest coffee is brewed (qahwa arabiya), dishes with dates (the sugary sweetness of dates is designed to emphasize the taste of coffee). Although majlises are almost never used for their intended purpose, they emphasize the hospitality of the place and respect for guests.


  • It is impolite to immediately start talking about business without offering the guest tea, coffee or a soft drink and without asking a few polite questions - about health, how the trip was, etc.
  • If you yourself are a guest, then do not refuse the offered coffee and other drinks and take at least one small sip.
  • It is not customary to ask about your wife and female relatives. Usually they are all united by the word “family”.
  • To avoid being embarrassed, remove your shoes when entering if you see others doing so.
  • During visits and meetings, greet new arrivals while standing; Don’t forget to shake hands with everyone present when you arrive and say goodbye, but don’t shake hands with local women.
  • Don't forget to praise the offered treat.
  • Do not look into the mosque out of idle curiosity.
  • Don't expect your gift to be unwrapped and examined in your presence.
  • Do not discuss the merits of passing women and do not look at their jewelry.
  • Do not appear on the street with alcoholic drinks, do not offer alcoholic drinks to a Muslim.
  • Smoking is prohibited in many public places in Dubai, so before you reach for a cigarette, check whether you will be in an awkward situation.


The United Arab Emirates is a Muslim country, so the rules of behavior and culture are radically different from Western and European ones, but in recent years, due to the large number of tourists, the boundaries of decency are still shifting towards European traditions. This contribution

There is an increasing need for education every year, thanks to which more and more world-class higher education institutions are being created in the UAE and research and training centers are opening for the largest, technically advanced companies in the world.

UAE customs


  • It is not customary to eat while standing or walking
  • Looking into the face of a person eating is considered a violation of etiquette;
  • Bread is usually broken by hand.
  • Do not take or offer food to others with your left hand.
  • You should take food, money and things with your right hand.
  • The soles of your feet should not point in any direction.
  • When shaking hands, you should not look into the eyes of your interlocutor, and you should not keep your other hand in your pocket or vigorously wave it in the air (especially with a cigarette).
  • It is considered impolite to refuse an offer of coffee.
  • To avoid refills of coffee, you should shake the empty cup or say “shukran”.
  • Do not offer pork dishes to a Muslim.


  • You cannot walk around those praying in front.
  • Shoes should be removed when entering mosques and houses.

Keeping it clean

  • The fine for throwing garbage on the street is 500 dirhams, even if you just missed the trash can.

Communication with a woman

  • Excessive attention to a woman (as well as actions that may be considered such) can lead to imprisonment or a fine of up to 60 thousand dirhams.



  • It is strictly prohibited to photograph government institutions, sheikhs' palaces, military installations and structures.
  • You are not allowed to photograph local women.
  • Men should be asked for permission to take photographs.
  • Clothes should be modest.


  • Women should not wear provocative clothing.
  • Men's clothing should also be modest.
  • Sharjah law requires women to wear clothing that covers their arms, neck and knees.
  • Appearing in public places in sportswear or beachwear is considered extremely indecent.
  • Even on the beach it is forbidden to appear naked or topless.
  • In Sharjah, women are prohibited from wearing swimsuits on municipal beaches.


The Muslim calendar (Hijri) is based on the lunar calendar, which has 354/355 days. The Hijri year is 11 days shorter, and events in the lunar calendar occur approximately 11 days earlier each year relative to the Gregorian calendar.


The most common cuisines in the Emirates are Italian, French, Lebanese, Chinese, Mediterranean, Indian, Pakistani, Japanese, Thai, Korean, Filipino, Indonesian, Polynesian, Mexican, Irish, Iranian and, of course, the local Arabic. Recently, Russian cuisine has also become relevant. All world fast food systems are also widely represented.

Arabic cuisine

Main dishes

  • Biryani - specially prepared rice with a large piece of meat, chicken or fish
  • Haris - lamb boiled for several hours in water with grain
  • Machbus - roast lamb or chicken with rice
  • Homos - a kind of mashed pea puree with lemon
  • Shawarma - pieces of lamb or chicken cooked on a spit and wrapped in a flatbread with seasonings
  • Mezza - a set of traditional snacks
  • Kebab mushekel - assorted lamb or chicken fried on skewers
  • Stewed chicken with tomato
  • Steamed chicken “al-mandi” with honey
  • Casserole with chicken or veal “haris”
  • Rice with pieces of biryani ajaj chicken stew
  • Chicken tikka dajaj skewers
  • Spicy chicken "jaj tannuri"
  • Quail meat "samman"
  • Coarse wheat flour pies with kubbe meat
  • Small triangular sambusa pies with vegetables - "khudar", cheese - "jabna", meat - "lyakhma" or spinach - "sabenekh"
  • Dishes made from fish, seafood, and dairy products are widely consumed; vegetables and herbs form the basis of sauces and seasonings


  • Umm Ali milk pudding with raisins and nuts
  • Sweet cheese pie with acai cream
  • Mehallabiya pistachio pudding
  • Baklava
  • Donuts with honey “ligemat”
  • Sherbet
  • Arabic dessert "asida"

Tips in restaurants are usually included in the price of meals, and this is indicated on the menu. If tips are not discussed separately, then it is customary to give 10% of the bill amount if the service was truly high-quality.

When choosing dishes in restaurants and cafes, be careful and better ask the waiter about the ingredients of the dishes you will order: not all Europeans can boast of a love for fiery and spicy dishes. Be especially picky about the food your children will eat.

Alcohol in the UAE

The Koran prohibits Muslims from drinking alcohol, so in Arab countries there are restrictions on alcohol consumption. If you want not only to have a snack, but also to drink, you need to go to an establishment at the hotel. In Dubai, alcohol is served in hotel restaurants and bars. Non-Muslim residents can purchase alcoholic beverages in specialized stores if they have the appropriate liquor license.

It is prohibited for a Muslim to be in a public place or in a car with alcohol, or to offer or sell alcoholic beverages. There is a prohibition law in the emirate of Sharjah. Bringing alcohol into this emirate is a criminal offense. Showing up on the street while drunk can result in a fine or even imprisonment. If you do drink a little more alcohol, try to stop a taxi and get to your hotel, do not disturb other guests, as well as the hotel staff.


Opening hours of shopping establishments

Retail establishments and markets are open from 9:30 to 13:00, followed by a siesta, after which they reopen from 16:00 to 22:00.

Shopping centers from 10:00 to 22:00 without a break, on Friday from 16:00 to 22:00.

Most supermarkets are open 7 days a week, some are open 24 hours a day. On Fridays, all shops are closed during the midday prayer: from 11:30 to 12:30, but then many work without a break, and in the evening - until late.

During the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan, shops open as usual in the morning, close in the evening for iftar (evening breaking of the fast), and then continue to open until midnight and beyond.

Shopping in the UAE

It is the opportunity to make profitable purchases in the United Arab Emirates that makes this country especially attractive to tourists. A distinctive feature of the UAE is the absence of income taxes, which sometimes makes prices for goods lower than even in producing countries. The main trading city of the Emirates is Dubai. It is rightly called “a paradise for shoppers.” Shopping lovers will have great pleasure traveling through countless shops, stores, shopping centers and markets, where you definitely need to bargain in order to fully experience the flavor of the oriental bazaar. Shopping festivals are held in spring and summer, famous for discounts and lotteries.

Buying gold

Dubai is a major international gold trading center. There are markets where they sell gold products not only in Dubai, but also in any major city in the Emirates. You will find countless stores that stock gold jewelry of every design and grade. The most common hallmarks are 18 and 22 carats; you can buy items of 24 carats. If you wish, you can purchase kilo bars, 10 tola bars (1800 grams), small coin bars and gold plates. The price of gold is set daily - prices are published in local newspapers every day. Make sure the price you ask does not include “alterations,” which vary by store and style of jewelry.

Most items in the UAE can be even more expensive compared to similar items in Europe - however, hold the item in your hands and you will understand why the price is what it is: most jewelry that is made and sold here is made of pure gold, without impurities, so you literally get more gold for your money. You can also buy precious stones, pearls and a variety of jewelry for clothing.

Dubai Shopping Festival

The Dubai Shopping Festival takes place annually from mid-January to mid-February. This is a kind of huge fair in which more than 2,500 shops and trading companies participate. Discounts during this period reach 40% or more. The festival holds lotteries: gold bars, cars, etc. are raffled off. As part of the festival, an entertainment program is held: pigeon competitions, a competition for the best cooking, an ice show, dolphin performances, a competition for the largest bicycle, a parachutist show, crawling competitions on all fours , performances by Chinese acrobats, fire shows, bullfights and other amazing things. The program includes business conferences and sports competitions. During the shopping festival, hotels and airlines reduce prices for their services.

More detailed information about shopping in Dubai can be found in our special material.


The international code for the United Arab Emirates is 971.

When calling from the UAE to Russia via an automatic line, the dialing code is 007 + area code + phone number. An international call to Russia will cost about 25 dirhams per minute.

When calling from Russia, the dialing code is 8-10-971-(emirate code) - the subscriber's number.

Cellular communication - 050 (when calling from Russia to Dubai cell number 8-10-971-50 + subscriber number).

Emirates internal codes

  • Abu Dhabi - 02
  • Al Ain - 03
  • Dubai - 04
  • Sharjah, Ajman, Um Al Quwain, Ras Al Khaimah - 07
  • Hatta - 085
  • Fujairah - 09

Useful phone numbers

All types of telephone communications in the UAE are paid. It is easier and cheaper to make calls from street pay phones. There are also special meeting points. The most expensive type of communication is a call from a hotel room. The cost of telephone conversations with Russia via automatic communication is 9 dirhams/min., during preferential times (from 0.00 to 7.00) - 7 dirhams/min., through an operator - 12.5 dirhams/min. You can call abroad from any street pay phone.

There are 2 types of calling cards in Dubai, issued in denominations of 30, 60 and 120 dirhams.

Normal card- a regular telephone card, which can only be used in pay phones that have an appropriate slot for reading information.

Prepaid card- used for calls from any phone, including from a hotel, at a minimum rate, which is significantly lower than the hotel rate.

For local calls to pay phones, cards can be purchased at Itisalat stores and offices.

mobile connection

If you intend to use mobile communications, then it is best to use a local SIM card with a UAE number (Tariff plan - “Al Wasel”). In order to purchase it, you will need a passport or a copy thereof. The SIM card costs AED 165 (this includes the cost of outgoing calls) and is valid for one year. All incoming calls are free.


To surf the Internet, use the “Dial and Surf” service. There are no registration fees or subscription fees in the UAE; you only pay for the time spent online through the phone you used to connect. Traffic cost: 15 fils/minute (9 dirhams/hour).

If problems arise, use the services of a telephone operator (tel. 100) or mobile phone service operators (tel. 101). Operators speak English and Arabic.


Service in the field of sports (especially water sports) in the UAE is at a very high level. Here you can go diving, sailing, and watch motor boat races. Exotic sports include camel racing and safari. Western games such as bowling, tennis, football and golf are also widely played.


Abu Dhabi Tourist Club, near the Marilyn Hotel, bowling alley with 12 lanes. Visiting hours are from 8:00 to 24:00. T.: 02 6723400.

Al Nasr Leizereland, near the American Hospital, Ala Karama open from 9:00 to 24:00. Lanes should be booked in advance as Leisereland is a very popular meeting place. T.: 04 3371234.

The Kalifa International Bowling Center is located near the Skating Rink in the sports town of Zaved. This impressive 40-lane facility is considered one of the most modern bowling alleys in the world. Opening hours are from 12:00 to 24:00 from Saturday to Wednesday, from 10:00 to 24:00 on Thursday and from 14:00 to 24:00 on Friday. T.: 02 4034650.

Camel racing

This may be your only opportunity to experience this unique sport that is an integral part of the UAE culture. Camel racing takes place during the winter period (Thursdays and Fridays from 8 am to 2 pm) from October to March throughout the country. Prize-winning places are rewarded with significant monetary rewards. There is no entrance fee.


Cricket is becoming more and more popular in the UAE. The Abu Dhabi Cricket Board organizes tournaments throughout the year. Among the most popular is the Abu Dhabi tournament.


Of course, football for the Emirates, as for any other world power, has long become a national sport. Many stadiums have been built for training and competitions. Zaved Sports City is the largest sports complex in the Middle East.


There are more than a dozen golf courses in the United Arab Emirates, six of which have lush fairways and elegant green surrounds. Modern club buildings have been built on all main fields, the service and quality of sports equipment are excellent. Usually the dress code is regulated: T-shirts, shorts or trousers; shoes with rubber soles with soft spikes are allowed. It is strictly forbidden to wear jeans on the field or in the club. Golf carts available for hire.

Horseback riding

All Arab countries are famous for their enthusiastic attitude towards horses. You have a wonderful opportunity to ride a purebred Arabian horse across the sultry sands of the Emirates.


If you suddenly get tired of summer entertainment and you want to relax like in winter, there are skating rinks for you.

Abu Dhabi Tourist Club has a large skating rink with television screens and bright lighting. T.: 02 6723400.

Skating rink in the sports town Zaved. T.: 02 4448458.

Powerboat racing

Every year the world powerboat race is organized in the UAE. And the Abu Dhabi International Marine Sports Club organizes powerboat races throughout the year. T.: 02 6815566.

Rock climbing

Anyone can take up rock climbing - beginners and professionals will find absolutely everything related to this sport at the Pharaohs Club in Dubai. T.: 04 3240000.


The opportunity to go sailing can be provided to you directly at the hotel or at the sailing club.


Tennis courts are most often located in hotels and private clubs throughout the UAE. Many courts are open in the evenings to give players the opportunity to enjoy the game in fresh, cool air.


There is practically no crime in the UAE: it is absolutely safe here day and night. The main dangers that tourists expose themselves to are failure to comply with basic rules of protection from sunlight and careless attitude to the strict customs and laws of this Muslim country. In order to save yourself from most of the problems that may arise for you in the Emirates, try to remember thoroughly what is stated in the section »Culture» And "Communication ".

When arriving in the Emirates, women should not wear a hijab, but should refrain from wearing shorts and short T-shirts. The optimal length of the skirt is below the knee. They will be the most picky about your outfit in many areas of the emirate of Dubai, in the resorts of Ajman and Fujairah. The most conservative emirate is Sharjah.

People with a non-traditional sexual orientation should behave extremely carefully in society, since homosexual behavior is punishable by death. However, according to the laws of the Emirates, everything (except serious crimes) that happens behind “closed doors” remains there and does not concern representatives of the law.

It is not considered unnatural for men or women to show physical affection - Emirati men often kiss each other on the nose when greeting each other, while women greet each other with kisses on the cheek and may hold hands or arm in arm. Many Arab and Asian men show physical affection by holding hands as a sign of friendship.

If you are suspected of being under the influence of drugs or alcohol, a blood test may be taken and if this proves the presence of illegal substances in your blood, then you are likely to be sent to prison, even if the substances were taken in another country.

The general level of medical care in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Sharjah is quite high, and there are a large number of clinics providing general and specialized care. These include hospitals that accept patients 24 hours a day. Hospitals are equipped with the necessary equipment to provide medical care in emergency situations. There are ambulance stations in large cities, but the vehicles are designed to transport patients, and not to provide emergency medical care. There is no malaria in the Emirates. The country's water is safe to drink, but you should avoid drinking tap water. Catering establishments comply with sanitary standards that meet Western standards. As in Russia, in order to avoid food poisoning, you should refrain from buying food from street stalls. Before leaving home and while walking, drink as much fluid as possible: this will prevent dehydration.

Transportation of alcohol

It is illegal to transport alcohol from emirate to emirate. True, the punishments for this offense vary: a tourist will simply be reprimanded and, at most, the bottles will be confiscated, but a “bootlegger” with a resident visa will most likely be imprisoned for three months.

Swimming in the sea

Most beaches in the UAE are located on the shores of the Persian Gulf, where coastal currents are often unpredictable. Therefore, you need to swim with caution, and dive only when accompanied by local instructors who are well familiar with the nature of the surrounding waters.


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