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Official name: Joint-Stock Company"Vnukovo Airport"
The airport is located 28 km from the center of Moscow.
The senior aviation manager of the airfield is the General Director of Vnukovo International Airport JSC.

  • The airport is open 24 hours a day.
    Schedule coordination
  • Has two intersecting runways:
    • IVPP-1 / MK village 238-58 / 3500 m × 60 m.
      Reinforced shoulders 10 m on each side, total width of the airstrip 180 m, free zones 400 m on each side, PCN 72/R/B/W/T. The top layer of the coating is cement concrete.
    • IVPP-2 / MK village 194-14 / 3060 m × 45 m.
      The total width of the airstrip is 180 m, the free zone adjacent to MK-196 is 150 m, to MK-16 - 200 m. PCN 60/F/D/X/T. The top layer of the coating is asphalt concrete.
  • Bandwidth:
    • when working with one of the runways (1 or 2) - 42 runways/hour;
    • when working simultaneously with 2 runways - 56 VPO/hour (in the future - 85 VPO/hour).
  • The total area of ​​the apron is 55 hectares.
    The apron of the airfield complex is designed to accommodate more than 100 aircraft of various types - from aircraft business aviation to airliners such as Boeing - 747 and An −124 - 100 "Ruslan".
  • The Vnukovo-2 airport complex, serving the President and Government of the Russian Federation, uses the runways of Vnukovo Airport.
  • The installed radio and lighting equipment, air traffic control equipment, ensures aircraft landing in minimum meteorological conditions according to ICAO category 2.
  • Aircraft are brought into the parking lot by an escort vehicle.
  • Rescue measures are carried out by the airport service.
  • The level of fire safety requirements corresponds to category 9 of the Regulations on Fire Protection of Airports.
  • There are no restrictions on takeoff/landing regarding noise levels at night.
  • Language used by the control panel - Russian and English

Aircraft refueling is carried out by Vnukovo Fuel Refueling Company CJSC, fuel type is TS-(RS), tank capacity is 17 thousand tons, refueling is carried out by tankers. Fuel with N.P.Z. supplied by rail and pipeline transport. The price of fuel is at the level of prices at Moscow airports.

There are several operators at the airport providing airlines with in-flight catering. The leading one is CJSC Restaurant-Vnukovo.

Commercial cargo services are provided by Vnukovo-Terminal CJSC. The qualifications of the personnel are confirmed by a certificate for the transportation of dangerous goods by air.

In the Ekipazh Hotel located on the territory of the airport, airline flight crews are given the opportunity to have a good rest.

Aerodrome technical characteristics

Airfield class

Moscow (Vnukovo) airfield is a civil airfield, jointly based. It belongs to the Federal State Property and is under the economic control of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Administration of Civil Airports (Airdromes)”.

Opening hours: 24 hours a day.

The airfield is suitable for aircraft operation, according to the Certificate of State Registration and Airfield Fitness for Operation dated January 25, 1995 No. 10 (extended until July 7, 2016), day and night, all year round.

Based on Certificate No. 015A-M dated November 14, 2012 (valid until January 15, 2015), the airfield complies with the certification requirements of the Standards of Fitness for Operation of Civil Airfields (NGEA).

Runway 06/24 is equipped with:

with MK POS = 058° for precision approach of I, II, IIIA categories;

with MK POS = 238° for precision approach of I, II, IIIA categories.

Runway 01/19 is equipped with:

with MK POS = 013° for precision approach to landing category I;

with MK POS = 193° for precision approach of I, II categories.

The airfield is suitable for international flights.

Airfield location indicator

Moscow (Vnukovo) - УУВВ/UUWW (in the Russian Federation/ICAO), IATA code - VNK/VKO.

Types of serviced (operated) aircraft:

Airbus: A-300, A-310, A-318, A-319, A-320, A-321, A-330, A-340, A-350, A-380 and their modifications;

ATR-42, ATR-72 and their modifications;

Boeing: B-707, B-727, B-737, B-747, B-747-8, B-757, B-767, B-777 and their modifications;

Bombardier: Challenger-300, Challenger-601, Challenger-604, Challenger-605, Challenger-850 and their modifications;

Bombardier: CRJ-100, CRJ-200 and their modifications;

Bombardier: BD-700 Global Express, Global-5000 and its modifications;

Bombardier: DHC-8 Q200, DHC-8 Q300, DHC-8 Q400;

Bombardier: Learjet-31, Learjet-35, Learjet-40, Learjet-45, Learjet-55, Learjet-60 and their modifications;

Cessna-421, Cessna −525, Cessna −550, Cessna −560, Cessna −650, Cessna −680, Cessna −750;

Embraer: EMB-120, Embraer ERJ-135, Embraer ERJ −145, Embraer-195 and their modifications;

Falcon: Falcon-10, Falcon-20, Falcon-50, Falcon-900, Falcon-2000, Falcon-7X and their modifications;

Fokker: Fokker-70, Fokker-100 and their modifications;

Gulfstream: Gulfstream-IV, Gulfstream-V, Gulfstream G100, Gulfstream G200, Gulfstream G350, Gulfstream G450, Gulfstream G500, Gulfstream G550;

Hawker: Hawker HS125 (BAe125), Hawker 400 (HS-125-400), Hawker 700 (HS-125-700), Hawker 750, Hawker 800ХР (BAe-125-800), Hawker 1000, Hawker Premier I and their modifications;

McDonnell Douglas: DC-9, MD-11, MD-82, MD-83, MD-88 and their modifications;

SAAB: SAAB-340 , SAAB-2000, and their modifications;

Since July 2017, specialists of Aerodorstroy LLC began carrying out work on the comprehensive repair of the runway at the Bryansk international airport. The work of the Bryansk airport is under the personal control of the regional governor, so the employees of our organization had to show high professionalism and ensure high quality work performed.

Video report on runway repairs at Bryansk airport

Comprehensive renovation of the runway at the BRYANSK airport

The first thing that had to be done was to bring the expansion joints (compression and expansion) on the strip in accordance with the technical requirements. As a result, during the period of work, old expansion joints were repaired and new expansion joints were cut. total number about 30 km. This made it possible to prevent further destruction of the strip and extend its service life. During the work, modern powerful high-performance seam cutters and autonomous self-propelled boiler-fillers were used, which made it possible to achieve strict compliance with the production schedule and operating regulations of the existing airport.

The next stage of the comprehensive repair was to carry out patching work on the runway and taxiway. Since the airport is operational, the work required efficiency and strict adherence to the technological process.

The repair material was chosen to be high-strength fiber-reinforced concrete of a special composition using the addition of microsilica, which made it possible to speed up the hardening process and also increase the strength characteristics of the composition. A team of workers completed more than 200 m2 of pothole repairs, despite the fact that the work was carried out through “technological windows”, which made it possible not to disrupt the airport’s air traffic.

Thus, the repair work carried out by the Aerodorstroy company helped extend the service life of the canvas for several years and became the basis for a larger-scale reconstruction of the airport’s flat infrastructure in the foreseeable future.

It is no secret that a fairly large amount of forces and resources are used to ensure the flight of each aircraft.
Airports are an important part of air transportation - from the smallest to the largest international hubs.
And in each of them, life is like an anthill. It’s just that the anthills are also different in size and the number of worker ants in them.

Such working ants at each airport are a huge fleet of equipment - plane buses, tractors, ramps, deicers, snow blowers, fuel tankers, fire trucks, etc. All of them scurry around the clock on runways and in hangars to ensure the speed of aircraft service and ensure safe flight for passengers.
My story will be about some of the working ants who are on duty at the airport today.

2. Standing in the terminal of almost any airport waiting to board our flight, we often observe the operation of certain machines on the runways or taxi pads. Most often this is the movement of various passenger vehicles of technical services, as well as clearing the strip from snow or ice.
Any weather precipitation for an airport is a potentially dangerous factor that must be eliminated as quickly and effectively as possible.
That is why during a snowfall, as well as after it, snow removal equipment on the runway works almost non-stop.
Whatever the weather, the asphalt surface must be clean and provide sufficient traction during takeoff, landing and taxiing of the airliner.

3. To remove large amounts of snow during heavy snowfalls, an auger machine is used. Its device allows, without damaging the concrete surface, to quickly and effectively remove large masses of snow in a short period of time. Special support wheels and a lower ski position the auger rotor as close to the ground as possible.

4. Snow is ejected from the side snail at a distance of about 50 meters. In this way, the snow is quickly removed from the strip, and then graders (as in photo No. 2) sweep away the snow, and trucks take it out.

5. Another extremely important worker ant in winter time is a deicer - an anti-icing machine that applies a special alcohol-based anti-icing liquid to the aircraft fuselage. Anti-icing treatment is needed to prevent the flaps and other moving elements of the fuselage from freezing during takeoff, landing and flight. The process is carried out in a semi-automatic mode - near the fire injectors there are ultrasonic radars that control the distance to the fuselage and at a critical moment stop the rod with the nozzle. First, remove any remaining ice, and then apply anti-icing fluid.

6. The deicer, despite its apparent “ordinariness,” is actually a computer monster—five different embedded computer systems are responsible for its operation.
To treat one Boeing 737-500 type airliner, 400 to 700 liters of anti-icing fluid are typically required.
The cost of one such machine, according to a representative of the technical service of the Surgut International Airport, is about 20 million rubles (approximately 650 thousand dollars)

7. The runway must be kept in perfect condition not only in winter, but also at any other time of the year. For these purposes, there is a machine that combines the functions of a washer, floor polisher and sweeper

8. None today international Airport cannot do without an airfield tractor. This short, but powerful and angry gnome is capable of towing aircraft weighing 60 tons or more.

9. White plates on the stern of the towing vehicle are weighting materials.

10. Firefighting equipment at the airport is always on alert, because in the event of a fire, seconds count.

11. Please note that in the cabin of the fire truck there are people ready for immediate response. All cars are necessarily equipped with powerful water cannons

12. Filling of fuel into the aircraft is carried out by special vehicles - fuel tankers. It is known that during flight, an aircraft consumes a fairly large amount of fuel - from 700-800 liters per hour for small models to several thousand liters per hour for large airliners. In addition, there must be a sufficiently large supply of fuel on board the aircraft in case of various unforeseen situations - a flight to another airport in the event of the destination airport refusing to accept the board for various force majeure reasons (weather conditions, accidents, etc.), additional stay in the air awaiting a command to landing, etc.
Modern tankers have a fuel tank capacity of 10 thousand liters or more and provide an accurate dosage of the fuel being poured.

13. The filling of fuel tankers takes place at a special fuel warehouse, where the quality of the fuel is monitored, as well as the introduction of special additives into it depending on various current needs.

14. To transport passengers from the terminal to the aircraft (if it is impossible to deliver the aircraft to the jet bridge), special buses are used, called platform buses.
As a rule, these are low-floor buses with high capacity - more than 100 people

15. Various types of self-propelled ladders are used to deliver passengers directly to the aircraft cabin. One of the world's largest manufacturers of drains is the French company Sovam. Self-propelled ladders are equipped with Perkins, Deutz or VW engines. The minimum docking height is 2.2 m (Boeing 737), the maximum is 5.8 m (Airbus A340). The gangway can support up to 102 people.

16. But modern airports they are gradually switching to the maximum possible use of special boarding bridges, allowing passengers to immediately get from the terminal to the plane without going through the street

17. Convenience and safety on your face

18. Another interesting ant is a car that provides the aircraft with drinking water, as well as its drainage after the flight.
There are two containers in the car - one with fresh water, the second for stale water. When the plane arrives, the drinking water on board is already considered stale and must be drained. Even if the plane is scheduled to take off in a short time on a return or another flight, the water on it is still replaced with fresh

19. Having finished inspecting the technical park of Surgut airport, we returned to the runway again, where snow removal equipment continued to work, removing slowly falling snow from the surface...

20. But no matter how powerful a technical park modern airports are equipped with, the main functions are still performed ordinary people– management of this equipment, logistics, communications, dispatching, etc...

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal state budget educational institution higher professional education

Samara State Aerospace University named after Academician S.P. Queen

National Research University

Faculty of Air Transport Engineers

Department of Organization and Management of Transport Transportation

Explanatory note for course work

in the discipline: “Airlines, airports, airfields”

Determining the capacity of an airfield runway when servicing two types of aircraft

Completed by: Ogina O.V.

student of group 3307

Head Romanenko V.A.

Samara - 2013

Explanatory note: 50 pages, 2 figures, 5 tables, 1 source, 3 appendices

Aerodrome, runway, auxiliary airstrip, wind load factor, airstrip, conventional and high-speed connecting taxiways, instrument flight rules, runway capacity, taxiway, average terrain slope, approach angle

In this work, the object is the runway of an airfield. The purpose of the course work is to determine the required length of the runway, its capacity (theoretical and calculated) when servicing two types of aircraft. It is also necessary to find the direction of the airfield runway corresponding to the highest value of the wind load factor. As a result of this work, a conclusion will be drawn about whether the construction of an auxiliary airstrip is necessary and its direction.


1. Determination of the required runway length

1.1 Design conditions for determining the required runway length

1.2 Calculation of the required length during takeoff

1.2.1 For B-727 aircraft

1.2.2 For B-737 aircraft

1.3 Calculation of the required length when planting

1.3.1 For B-727 aircraft

1.3.2 For B-737 aircraft

1.4 General conclusion

2. Determining the amount of throughput

2.1 Runway occupancy time during takeoff

2.1.1 For B-727 aircraft

2.1.2 For B-737 aircraft

2.2.1 For B-727 aircraft

2.2.2 For B-737 aircraft

2.3.1 For B-727 aircraft

2.3.2 For B-737 aircraft

2.4.1 For B-727 aircraft

2.4.2 For B-737 aircraft

3. Determining the direction of the airstrip


List of sources used



In the first part of this course work, the main characteristics of the airfield are calculated, namely: the required runway length, the theoretical and calculated values ​​of the airfield runway capacity when servicing two types of aircraft, taking into account the share of traffic intensity of each of them.

For each type of aircraft, the possibility of taxiing from the runway to a conventional connecting taxiway and to an express taxiway is considered. To obtain the necessary data, there are characteristics of the types of aircraft (AC) accepted at a given aerodrome (AD). The characteristics of the airfield necessary for calculations are also given.

In the second part of the work, you need to find the direction of the runway of a class E airfield, corresponding to the highest wind load factor. Determine whether the construction of an auxiliary airstrip is necessary, and, if necessary, determine its direction. Data on the frequency of winds in the airfield area are given in Table 1:


1.1 Design conditions for determining the required runway length

The required runway length depends on flight performance airplane; runway surface type; atmospheric conditions in the airfield area (temperature and air pressure); runway surface conditions.

The listed factors vary depending on local conditions, therefore, when determining the required runway length for given types of aircraft, it is necessary to calculate data on the state of the atmosphere and the runway surface, i.e. determine the design conditions of a given airfield.

Local airfield conditions:

Airfield height above sea level H = 510m;

Average terrain slope i av = 0.004;

Average monthly temperature of the hottest month at 1300 t 13 = 21.5°C;

Using this data, the following are determined:

Estimated air temperature:

t calculated = 1.07 t 13 - 3° = 1.07 21.5° - 3° = 20.005°

Temperature corresponding to the standard atmosphere when the airfield is located at an altitude (H) above sea level:

t n = 15° - 0.0065 H = 15° - 0.0065 510 = 11.685°

Design air pressure:

P calculated = 760 - 0.0865 H = 760 - 0.0865 510 = 715.885 mm Hg. Art.

1.2 Calculation of the required runway length during takeoff

1.2.1 For B-727 aircraft

The required runway length for takeoff under design conditions is determined as:

where is the required runway length for takeoff under standard conditions;

Correction average coefficients.

For the aircraft in question = 3033 m.

· (20.005 - 11.685) = 1.0832

The B-727 belongs to group 1 aircraft, therefore it is determined by the following formula:

1 + 9 0.004 = 1.036

Substituting the coefficients calculated above into formula (1), we obtain:

1.2.2 For B-737 aircraft

For the aircraft in question, m

From formula (2): 1.04

From formula (3):

The B-737 belongs to the 2nd group of aircraft, therefore, it is determined by the following formula:

1 + 8· 0.004 = 1.032.

Substituting the obtained coefficients into formula (1), we obtain:

1.3 Calculation of the required runway length during landing

1.3.1 For B-727 aircraft

The required runway length for landing under design conditions is determined as:

where is the required runway length for landing under standard conditions.

determined by the formula:

1.67 l pos (7);

where l pos is the landing distance under standard conditions.

For the aircraft in question, l pos = 1494 m.

1.67 · 1494 = 2494.98 m.

Correction average coefficients for landing:

where D is calculated by the formula:

Substituting (9) into (8), we get:

for all types of aircraft it is calculated the same:

Substituting the obtained coefficients into formula (6), we have:

1.3.2 For B-737 aircraft

For of this aircraft l pos = 1347 m. This means that from formula (7) it follows:

1.67 · 1347 = 2249.49 m

From formula (8): ;

From formula (10):

Therefore, according to formula (6) we obtain:

1.4 General conclusion

Let us determine the required runway length for each type of aircraft as:

For the B-727 aircraft:

For B-737 aircraft:

Thus, the required runway length for a given AD:


Runway capacity is the ability of airport elements (AP) to serve a certain number of passengers (AC) per unit of time in compliance with established requirements for flight safety and the level of passenger service.

Runway capacity can be theoretical, actual or calculated. This paper discusses the theoretical and calculated values ​​of throughput.

The theoretical capacity is determined on the assumption that takeoff and landing operations at the aerodrome are carried out continuously and at regular intervals equal to the minimum permissible intervals established from flight safety conditions.

Design capacity - takes into account the uneven movement of aircraft, due to which queues of aircraft waiting for takeoff/landing are formed.

2.1 Runway occupancy time during takeoff

Runway occupancy times are determined taking into account IFR flight rules (instrument flight rules). Busy time consists of:

1) occupying the runway during takeoff - the beginning of taxiing the aircraft to the executive takeoff from the holding position located on the taxiway (taxiway);

2) clearing the runway after takeoff - the moment of climb H takeoff when flying under IFR:

N takeoff = 200 m for aircraft with a circling speed of more than 300 km/h;

N takeoff = 100 m for aircraft with a circling speed of less than 300 km/h;

3) occupying the runway during landing - the moment the aircraft reaches the decision altitude;

4) clearing of the runway after landing - the moment the aircraft taxis to the side border of the runway on the taxiway.

That. runway occupancy time during takeoff is defined as:

where is the taxiing time from the waiting position located on the taxiway to the executive start;

Time for operations performed at the executive start;

Takeoff time;

Time to accelerate and climb to the set altitude.

2.1.1 For B-727 aircraft

The taxiing time to the executive start is calculated using the formula:

where is the length of the aircraft taxiing path from the holding position at the preliminary launch to the executive launch location,

Taxiing speed. For all types of aircraft it is equal to 7 m/s.

B-727 belongs to the 1st group of aircraft, therefore, m.

Substituting the available values ​​into formula (13), we obtain:

For the aircraft in question, p.

The take-off time is calculated using the formula:

where is the take-off run under standard conditions,

Lift-off speed under standard conditions.

For a given aircraft, m, m/s. From formula (3): From formula (2): From formula (4): From formula (9): .

The climb time for IFR flights is determined by the following formula:

where is the runway clearing height,

The vertical component of the speed along the initial climb path.

Since the circular flight speed for the aircraft in question is 375 km/h, which is more than 300 km/h, then m.

The B-727 aircraft belongs to the 1st group of aircraft, which means for it m/s

Substituting the available values ​​into formula (15), we obtain:

2.1.2 For B-737 aircraft

For the aircraft in question, m, m/s.

We have from formula (13):

The B-737 belongs to the 2nd group of aircraft, then p.

For a given aircraft m, m/s, From formula (3): From formula (2): From formula (5): From formula (9): .

Substituting these coefficients into formula (14), we obtain:

Since the circular flight speed for the B-737 is 365 km/h, which is more than 300 km/h, then m

B-737 belongs to the 2nd group of aircraft, then for it m/s. Hence we obtain from formula (15):

As a result, substituting all values ​​into formula (12), we have:

2.2 Time of runway occupancy during landing

The runway occupancy time during landing is determined as:

where is the time of movement of the aircraft from the beginning of gliding from the decision altitude to the moment of landing,

Travel time from the moment of landing to the start of taxiing onto the taxiway,

Taxiing time beyond the side boundary of the runway,

The minimum time interval between successive landings of aircraft, determined from the condition of the minimum permissible distances between aircraft in the glide path descent section.

2.2.1 For B-727 aircraft

Since flights are carried out according to IFR, the minimum time interval between successive landings of aircraft, determined from the conditions of the minimum permissible distances between aircraft on the glide path descent section, is determined by the following formula:

The aircraft's movement time from the start of gliding from the decision altitude to the moment of landing is calculated by the formula:

where is the distance from the near-range radio beacon (LLR) to the end of the runway,

Distance from the end of the runway to the landing point,

Gliding speed

Landing speed.

According to the condition m, m, m/s, m/s.

From this we get that:

The travel time from the moment of landing to the start of taxiing onto the taxiway is calculated by the formula:

The distance from the runway end to the intersection point of the runway and taxiway axes to which the aircraft is taxiing,

Distance from the starting point of the exit trajectory onto the taxiway to the intersection point of the runway and taxiway axes,

Taxiing speed from runway to taxiway.

The distance from the runway end to the intersection point of the runway and taxiway axes to which the aircraft is taxiing is calculated using the formula:

Substituting (20) into (19), we get:

2 cases are considered:

1) the aircraft taxis from the runway to a regular taxiway:

Then m/s, . Based on the required runway length, we determine that the airfield is class A, therefore the runway width is m.

According to formula (22):

Taxi time beyond the runway side boundary is calculated using the following formula:

where is a coefficient taking into account the reduction in speed. For regular RD = 1.

We calculate according to the formula:

According to formula (24):

30·r/2 = 47.124 m

Substituting the obtained data into formula (23), we obtain:

As a result, substituting the data into formula (16), we have:

Then m/s, .

Using formula (22) we obtain:

The taxiway is adjacent to the runway at an angle. According to formula (25):

We have from formula (24):

Using formula (23) we obtain:

2.2.2 For B-737 aircraft

According to the condition m, m, m/s, m/s.

Then using formula (17) we find:

Using formula (18) we get:

Let's consider 2 cases:

1) the plane taxis from the runway to a regular taxiway

Then m/s, . According to the required length of the runway, the airfield belongs to class B, therefore the width of the runway is m. Therefore, using formula (25) we determine:

Using formula (24) we determine:

21 · r/2 = 32.987 m.

Thus, substituting the obtained data into formula (23), we obtain:

Using formula (22) we calculate:

As a result, we obtain by substituting the data into formula (16):

2) the plane taxis from the runway to a high-speed taxiway

Then m/s, :

Using formula (25) we determine:

Using formula (24) we find:

Substituting the obtained data into formula (23), we have:

Using formula (22) we calculate:

As a result, we obtain from formula (16):

takeoff and landing airfield

2.3 Determination of theoretical throughput

To determine this capacity, it is necessary to know the minimum time interval between adjacent takeoff and landing operations, which is defined as the greatest of the following design conditions:

1) interval between successive takeoffs:

2) interval between successive landings:

3) interval between landing and subsequent takeoff:

4) interval between takeoff and subsequent landing:

Theoretical runway capacity when operating similar aircraft for the following cases:

1) successive takeoffs:

2) successive landings:

3) landing - takeoff:

4) takeoff - landing:

2.3.1 For B-727 aircraft

1) for a regular taxiway

for express taxiways

1) for a regular taxiway

2) for high-speed taxiway

Interval between takeoff and subsequent landing (formula (29)):

2.3.2 For B-737 aircraft

Interval between successive takeoffs (formula (26)):

Interval between successive landings (formula (27)):

1) for a regular taxiway

2) for high-speed taxiway

The interval between landing and subsequent takeoff (formula (28)):

1) for a regular taxiway

2) for high-speed taxiway

Interval between takeoff and subsequent landing (formula 29):

Substituting the obtained data into the appropriate formulas, we get:

1) capacity for the case when takeoff is followed by takeoff (formula (30)):

2) capacity for the case when landing is followed by landing (formula (31)):

3) capacity for the case when landing is followed by takeoff (formula (32)):

4) capacity for the case when takeoff is followed by landing (formula (33)):

2.4 Design capacity

Due to the influence of random factors, time intervals for various operations actually turn out to be longer or shorter than theoretical ones. According to statistics, a number of coefficients have been determined that allow one to move from theoretical to actual time intervals. Expressions for time intervals taking into account the specified coefficients look like this:

1) interval between successive takeoffs

2) interval between successive landings

3) the interval between landing and subsequent takeoff

4) the interval between takeoff and subsequent landing

The coefficient values ​​are accepted:

Due to the uneven movement of aircraft, queues arise for takeoff and landing, which causes costs for airlines. There is some optimal queue length that minimizes costs. It has been proven that this length corresponds to the optimal waiting time c. The design capacity of the runway must support compliance.

Estimated runway capacity when operating similar aircraft for the following cases:

1) successive takeoffs:

2) successive landings:

3) landing - takeoff:

4) takeoff - landing:

Takeoffs and landings occur in a random sequence, then the calculated throughput sequence for the general case is defined as:

where, are coefficients that determine the proportion of different cases of alternating operations.

According to statistics:

If several types of aircraft are operated, then the capacity is equal to:

where is the share of traffic intensity of aircraft type i in the total traffic intensity of aircraft;

Number of aircraft types serviced at the airport.

2.4.1 For B-727 aircraft

Let's calculate the design capacity for the B-727 aircraft. Let us determine the time intervals between successive takeoffs using formula (34):

The time interval between successive landings is determined by formula 35:

1) regular taxiway

2) high-speed taxiway

The time interval between landing and subsequent takeoff is determined by formula (36):

1) regular taxiway

2) high-speed taxiway

The time interval between takeoff and subsequent landing is determined by formula (37):

The values ​​of all time intervals for normal and high-speed taxiways are the same. Therefore, substituting the obtained data into the appropriate formulas, we get:

1) capacity for the case when takeoff is followed by takeoff (formula 38):

2) capacity for the case when landing is followed by landing (formula 39):

3) capacity for the case when landing is followed by takeoff (formula 40):

4) capacity for the case when takeoff is followed by landing (formula 41):

Let's calculate the throughput for the general case using formula (42):

2.4.2 For B-737 aircraft

Let's calculate the design capacity for the B-737 aircraft.

Let's determine the time intervals between successive takeoffs using formula 34:

Let's determine the time interval between successive landings using formula 35:

1) regular taxiway

2) high-speed taxiway

Let us determine the time interval between landing and subsequent takeoff using formula 36:

1) regular taxiway

2) high-speed taxiway

Let us determine the time interval between takeoff and subsequent landing using formula (37):

The values ​​of all time intervals for normal and high-speed taxiways are the same. Therefore, substituting the obtained data into the appropriate formulas, we get:

1) the capacity for the case when takeoff is followed by takeoff is determined by formula 38:

2) the capacity for the case when landing is followed by landing, we will determine by formula 39:

3) capacity for the case when landing is followed by takeoff, we will determine using formula 40:

4) the capacity for the case when takeoff is followed by landing is determined by formula 41:

Let's calculate the throughput for the general case using formula 42:

2.5 Design capacity for general case

The share of traffic intensity of the B-727 aircraft in the total intensity of air traffic is 38%. And since 2 aircraft are operated at the airfield, the share of the intensity of the B-737 aircraft is 62%.

Let's calculate the capacity for the case of operating two aircraft B-727 and B-737:


The number and direction of flight strips depends on the wind conditions. Wind regime is the frequency of winds of certain directions and strengths. The wind regime in this work is displayed in the form of Table 1.

Table 1

Frequency of winds, %, in direction

The airfield is open for flights when, where is the lateral velocity component.

where is the maximum permissible value of the angle between the direction of the runway and the direction of the wind blowing at speed.

You can fly in any wind. This means that it is necessary to choose the direction of the LP that provides the longest time for its use.

The concept of wind load factor () is introduced - the frequency of winds at which the lateral component of wind speed does not exceed the calculated value for a given class of airfield.

where is the frequency of directional winds blowing at speeds from 0 to;

Recurrence of directional winds blowing at higher speeds.

Based on Table 1 that we have, we will construct a combined table of the wind regime, adding up the frequency of winds in mutually opposite directions:

table 2

repeatability %, in directions

Repeatability by speed, %

by speed, degrees

By directions

Since the airfield is class E, then W Brasch = 6 m/s, and K inc = 90%.

Let's calculate using formula (43) for winds blowing at speeds of 6-8 m/s, 8-12 m/s, 12-15 m/s and 15-18 m/s:

The highest frequency of high speed winds () is in direction E-W, therefore, the LP must be oriented close to this direction.

Let's find it for the E-W direction.

First, we determine the frequency of winds blowing at a speed of 0-6 m/s:

Let us determine the frequency of winds that contribute to K blowing at speed:

Let's find it using formula (44):

K in = 53.65+11.88+7.17+4.759+1.182 = 78.64%.

Since it is less than the normative one (= 80%), it is necessary to build an auxiliary LP in a direction close to the north-south.


In this work, the required length of the runway for the B-727 and B-737 aircraft was found. The airfield capacity values ​​for these aircraft have been determined. The direction near which it is necessary to build an airstrip has been found, and it has also been concluded that it is necessary to build an auxiliary air strip in a direction close to the north-south.

All final values ​​are shown in Table 5.


1. Course of lectures "Airlines, airports, airfields"


Aircraft characteristics

Table 3

Aircraft characteristics

Maximum take-off weight, t

Landing weight, t

Required runway length for takeoff under standard conditions, m

Run length under standard conditions, m

Lift-off speed under standard conditions, km/h

Landing distance under standard conditions, m

Run length under standard conditions, m

Landing speed, km/h

Gliding speed, km/h

Circular flight speed, km/h

Climb speed, km/h

Group VS

Table 4 - Characteristics of aircraft groups


Table 5

Summary table of received data

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