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This page provides a small guide to the main attractions of Beijing. Of course, here is only a small part of what can be seen in the city itself and its suburbs. I tried to list here the main, in my opinion, attractions of Beijing, those places - temples and monasteries, museums, historical sites, streets, etc., that are worth visiting first. Preference was given to places that are easily accessible by public transport. Among the listed attractions of Beijing you will find both very popular tourist places and those that are known only to Beijing residents and those visitors who are in love with this city.

Next to the names of Beijing attractions, their Chinese names are written in Russian. If, for example, you are taking a taxi, show the name and address to the taxi driver, he will take you to the right place. Where possible, I tried to indicate the address and the nearest metro station. But perhaps it will be more convenient for you to travel by bus or taxi. In addition, you can order.

The division into sections is conditional, for example, a temple can be a museum, and a palace can essentially be a huge park. I would like to hope that my guide to the sights of Beijing will give you the answer to the question of what to see in Beijing.

Since the 13th century, Beijing has been the capital of China. At the beginning of the 15th century, a huge construction of palaces and temples began here, many of which still exist today. Many palaces in Beijing are now given over to museums, with beautiful gardens and parks located on their territory.

A luxurious Buddhist monastery, originally the residence of the heir to the throne (hence the yellow roof tiles). Located next to the Confucius Temple and the Imperial Academy, as well as the Altar of the Earth.

Address: 12 Yonghegong St, Dongcheng, Beijing. Yonghegong 雍和宫 Subway Station (Lama Temple, lines 2 and 5).

The monastery bears the title of “The First Temple under Heaven” and is one of the Three Patriarchal Courts of the Taoist School of Perfect Truth. On the premises there is a Taoist medical center, a wall with carvings of animals of the 12-year cycle and scenes from life. Not far from it is the Tianning Monastery (look for the pipe).

Address: 9 Baiyunguan St, Xicheng, Beijing. The nearest metro station is Muxidi 木樨地 (line 1), then walk along or take the bus.

A Taoist temple restored from ruins, on part of its territory there is folklore exhibition. Interesting statues of deities of the Taoist pantheon. The Oceanarium near the Workers' Stadium is located relatively nearby.

Address: 141 Chaoyangmen Outer St, Chaoyang, Beijing The nearest subway station is Chaoyangmen 朝阳门 (Line 2,6) or Dongdaqiao 东大桥 (Line 6).

Niujie Street Mosque 牛街礼拜寺

The oldest mosque in Beijing, built in 996, was subsequently reconstructed and renovated several times. Muslims have long lived on and around Niujie Street ( hui回). Not far from it is the Fayuan Buddhist Monastery.

Address: 18 Niujie zhonglu, Xicheng, Beijing. The nearest subway station is Guang'anmen Inner广安门内 (Line 7).

Monastery of the Reclining Buddha

An ancient monastery in a picturesque corner of the Beijing Botanical Garden. If you are in the Botanical Garden, be sure to check out the monastery.

Address: 北京植物园, 香山南路, Haidian Qu, Beijing Shi. Directions: bus or taxi, then walk through the territory of the Botanical Garden.

Tianning Monastery

It is famous for its 58-meter 13-tier pagoda, built at the beginning of the 12th century during the Liao Dynasty, the base of which is decorated with carved bas-reliefs. Located near the Temple of White Clouds. If you get to the monastery on foot, be guided by a high chimney, which somewhat spoils the view.

Address: 3 Tianningsi Front St, Xicheng, Beijing. Nearest metro station: Daguanying 达官营 (Line 7), then walk.


Catholic church in neo-Gothic style on Wangfujing Street. If you're lucky, it will be open.

Address: 74 Wangfujing St, Dongcheng, Beijing. Subway: Wangfujing 王府井 (Line 1), Dengshikou 灯市口 (Line 5).

Fayuan Monastery (Dharma Source Monastery)法源寺

It was founded in 645 by Emperor Taizong and restored in the 15th century. On the territory there is a Chinese Buddhist Academy. Located near the mosque on Niujie Street.

Address: 7 Fayuansi Front St,Xicheng, Beijing. Subway: Taoranting 陶然亭 (Line 4) or Caishikou 菜市口 (Lines 4.7).

White Pagoda Temple Bytas

Famous for its white pagoda, which is the same shape as the White Dagobah in Beihai Park, but 15 meters higher. Built in 1275 in the very center of Khanbalik, as Beijing was then called. Opposite is the temple of Emperors of all dynasties. Very often closed, the white stupa can only be admired from afar.

Address: 171 Fuchengmen Inner St, Xicheng Qu, Beijing. Nearest metro station: Xisi 西四 (Line 4).

Great Bell Temple dazhongs

Buddhist monastery, on whose territory there is Great Bell Museum. An interesting collection of bells, there are even bells from Russia. Located nearby.

Address: 31 N 3rd Ring Rd W, Haidian, Beijing. The nearest metro station is Dazhongsi 大钟寺 (line 13).

Ancient streets south of Qianmen Gate. Vintage shops and stalls, interesting bronze statues of traditional Beijingers, delicious food. Popular tourist spot. An old tram runs along Qianmen Street. Too bright, but worth a visit.

The nearest subway stations are Qianmen 前门 (Line 2) and Zhushikou 珠市口 (Line 7).

Hutongs of Beijing

In Beijing, in some areas of the city, traditional buildings have been preserved - narrow streets called hutongs and siheyuan houses. Here you can fully feel the spirit of old Beijing and see the real life of the Chinese. Read about some hutongs and houses in the articles:

Universities in Beijing

Beijing has many universities, many of which are among the world's leading universities. Some of them were founded more than a century ago. Ancient buildings in the classical Chinese style have been preserved on their territory. Even if you graduated from university a long time ago or have never been a student at all, it’s worth taking a walk through their territory if only for the interesting sights and beautiful views.

Peking University 北京大学, 北大

One of the oldest in China, founded in 1898. It’s worth a visit if only for the beautiful buildings and well-groomed grounds. The ruins of buildings and the canal system of the Old Summer Palace have been preserved. There is also a 13-story Boyata Pagoda built in 1924. It is one of the G9 universities in China.

Address: 5 Yiheyuan Rd, Haidian, Beijing. The nearest metro station is East Gate of Peking University 北京大学东门 (Line 4).

Tsinghua University

It is located east of Peking University and also includes part of the territory of the former Old Summer Palace. Founded in 1911. It is one of the G9 universities in China.

Address: 30 Shuangqing Rd, Haidian, Beijing. The nearest metro station is Qinghua East Road West Crossing 清华东路西口 (Line 15).

The great Wall of China

Steeper climbs and more difficult to get to by public transport. Therefore there are fewer people.

Hotels in Beijing

Beijing hotels can be booked on or

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If you don’t want to buy air tickets yourself, book a hotel, or worry about transfer from the airport to the hotel, you can buy.

Excursions in Beijing

Getting around Beijing is easy using public transport and taxis. However, sometimes it’s worth going on an excursion: it will free you from the need to get to your destination yourself, buy tickets and figure out routes.

© Maria Anashina, website

Friends! I spent a lot of time and effort on writing the text of the guide to the sights of Beijing, taking photographs, and arranging everything. Therefore, we kindly ask you not to copy this post to your blogs and websites and not to reprint it. If you liked it, better share a link to it on social networks.

There is no more amazing, mysterious and paradoxical country in the world than China. Chinese philosophers, scientists, and inventors have done a lot to develop the technical and cultural progress of the planet. Silk, paper, tea, porcelain, spices, etc. came to us from the Chinese. Its ancient history, captured in the architectural and religious monuments of the Chinese capital, Beijing, keeps many secrets. This article introduces the main sacred sights for the Chinese and interesting for tourists in Beijing, which has experienced many upheavals over the past centuries, but has managed to preserve the heritage of history.

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Gate of Heavenly Peace

Not only the gate leading to the Forbidden City, but also the large area (440 thousand sq. m) in front of it received such a peaceful name. In Chinese it sounds like Tiananmen - a word denoting a sacred place for the Chinese. Here is the Mausoleum of Mao Zedong, where thousands of people come to bow to the leader. The Gate of Heavenly Peace is known for sad events for the country: the shooting of students in 1989, the mass self-immolation of Falun Gong sectarians.

Various celebrations took place there: the coronation of emperors and empresses, the fateful speech of Mao Zedong announcing the creation of the People's Republic of China (1949), the annual celebration of the Republic Day, etc. The buildings of the House of the People and the National Opera House adjacent to the square are striking examples of the unique Chinese architecture, enchanting with its originality.

Mausoleum of Mao Zedong

If you ask any Chinese what is the most sacred place in Beijing for him, he will probably answer without hesitation - the Mausoleum of Mao Zedong. The daily pilgrimage to the place where the body of the ruler of the destinies of the people rests clearly confirms this. Thousands of people line up to the sacred site at dawn. Some are driven by pure curiosity and a sense of duty, others by a sincere desire to pay tribute to a person who has chosen the course of the country’s development towards a better life.

The mausoleum was erected in a short time a year after Mao’s death, although he himself signed an order for the posthumous cremation of leaders back in 1956. Despite this, the government decided to preserve the embalmed body of the Great Helmsman, as he was called during his lifetime. Visitors are not allowed to carry bags, liquids, photo-video equipment and cell phones - only money and a passport, the rest is left in a storage room. A 3.5-meter marble statue of Mao sitting in a chair “greets” everyone at the entrance. Many come with flowers, many cry, quickly passing by the sarcophagus with the body of the leader.

Monument to People's Heroes

A 40-meter-tall monumental structure located in the center of Tiananmen, the People's Heroes Monument is the history of China's revolutionary movement captured in marble. The pedestal is decorated with 8 bas-reliefs, each of which depicts a specific episode of this story: “Burning Opium” (1939), uprising in the village of Jingtian (1850), Wuchang Uprising (1911), May 4th Movement (1911) ), Crossing the Yangtze (1949), etc.

The creation of the grandiose monument took 17 thousand marble and granite blocks, fastened together in such a way that the monument can stand for a thousand years. Along with the Mao Mausoleum, the majestic monument is the most visited site in Beijing, where those Chinese whose great-grandfathers participated in the revolutionary events, those who are not indifferent to the history of their homeland, and foreign tourists come.

Sky Temple

The ancient temple complex, together with the adjacent landscaped garden, symbolizing the connection between heaven (divine powers) and Earth (Chinese emperors), was erected under Emperor Zhuli in 1420. It was intended for the prayers of emperors asking for good weather and harvests. The architecture of the Temple of Heaven is based on the philosophy of numbers - numerology. The temple altar is covered with a number of marble slabs, a multiple of 9, considered the most powerful; 28 columns (Hall of prayers for the harvest) are arranged in 4 groups - symbols of 4 seasons, that is, there are columns, symbols of “months”, columns-hours.

Today, the huge park surrounding the amazing structure, included in the UNESCO list, is accessible to ordinary citizens, which was not the case in imperial Beijing. Everyone can come here to see the unique architectural monument and walk around the park as much as they like. Most Beijingers practice various types of gymnastics here.

Yonghegong Temple

Of great interest to tourists is the ancient Buddhist temple of the 17th century, the name of which is translated as Temple of Harmony. Under the emperors who owned the temple, an annual ceremony was held here to commemorate deceased ancestors. In fact, this is a monastery that is still active today, where 100 monks live, performing various rituals. One cannot help but admire the original oriental architecture and numerous decorations outside and inside.

The gate leading to the Temple of Harmony is “guarded” by sculptures of mighty lions installed on both sides. To get to the monastery itself, you need to go through 2 more gates: Zhaotaimen and Yonghemen. The entire area of ​​the temple is divided into 3 pavilions isolated from each other, each of which has a symbolic name. The main shrine of the Lamaist monastery is a high (18 m) statue of Buddha, carved from sandalwood, dug into the ground 8 m.

Temple of Confucius

The temple, built in 1306 in honor of the great philosopher-scientist, has undergone repeated reconstructions, but a fair portion of the buildings have been preserved in their authentic form. All external and internal decoration of the huge structure is aimed at glorifying scientists and teachings. At the entrance you can read wise sayings and poems inscribed on numerous drum stones.

The central one is the Pavilion of Learning, surrounded by slender cypress trees. Its walls are decorated with a continuous pattern of hieroglyphs that form philosophical sayings telling about the brilliant Confucius and his students, about the progressive rulers of China. Out of 50 thousand sq. m of area 30 thousand square meters. m is the inner courtyard of the Temple, and the rest of the territory is the Imperial Academy “Concentration of the Wise,” which today has a symbolic status.

Temple of the Great Bell

Under Emperor Yongla, the creator of the Forbidden City, the Great Bell, unique in its dimensions, was cast (height 5.5 m, weight 46 tons). A tower was built for it, onto which the bell was raised in winter, when a heavy machine was rolled into the tower on an ice skating rink. The temple around the Great Bell was erected already in 1773, and it became the place of imperial prayers for the well-being of the people, for rain, etc.

The ringing of the bells could be heard for 15 km, its sound varied from the most gentle chimes to deafeningly loud and rolling overtones. The entire surface of the silver bell is covered with inscriptions of Buddhist sutras. On the temple grounds there is a museum (1985), which displays hundreds of all kinds of bells cast not only in different provinces of China, but also in other countries. A visit to the Temple of the Great Bell leaves a deep impression.

CCTV Headquarters

In Beijing, along with ancient monuments, there are symbols of avant-garde architecture - modern skyscrapers, striking with their height and unusual design. These high-rise buildings include the headquarters of China Central Television (CCTV), located in the main modern landmark of the Chinese capital. The building, built in the deconstructivist style, looks like 2 giant L letters connected at the top. Beijingers nicknamed such an extraordinary design “pants,” which they are still proud of.

The bold project of the Dutchman Rem Koolhaas is an example of a 21st century building that can withstand any earthquake. A whole team of engineers worked on the seismological stability of a 54-story skyscraper with a height of 234 m. Two rectangular towers, deviated from the vertical axis by 6 degrees, are rotated so that they support each other. A reliable foundation consists of many interconnected cells that form a monolithic grid. The system for evacuating people in emergencies has also been carefully thought out.

Waning Sono

There is also the Wanjing district in Beijing, where high-tech architectural structures rise, the futuristic appearance of which cannot leave anyone indifferent. 3 extraordinary buildings were erected to meet the needs for offices of various international companies. The project of high-rise buildings in the deconstructivist style was developed by the architect Z. Hadid (she is called the “queen of curves”).

Indeed, in the erected aluminum-glass buildings there is not a single right angle. Looking from a distance at these fantastic buildings, in which no traditional windows are visible, it is difficult to imagine the internal layout. Lighting is regulated by changing the width of aluminum panels, all communications are subordinated to a single control system, which provides significant savings in electricity, water and heat. The Chinese compare buildings to pond carps - they associate these fish with wealth and good luck.

National Museum of China

Opened in 1959 in a 4-story building with 11 columns, the National Museum shared it with the Museum of the Revolution, but after many years of restoration of the building, the museums merged. Now there are spacious exhibition halls housing more than a million exhibits, fully reflecting the history of the most ancient state on the planet - China. The exhibitions feature objects from a variety of eras, from the Neolithic to the present.

It’s hard to believe, but the museum houses a unique rarity, an ancient exhibit that is over 1.5 million years old. years - the remains of Yuanmou man. The pride of the establishment is a bronze tripod that belonged to the emperors of the Ding dynasty 3 thousand years ago. Its weight is 800 kg; no museum owns such a large bronze item from antiquity. Exhibitions of contemporary Chinese art, scientific achievements, and national currency are of undoubted interest. There's a lot to see here.


The beautiful palace and park complex, which once belonged to Prince Gong, is located among the remains of the old city in the western part of Beijing. The palace, built in 1777 for an influential nobleman, the emperor's favorite, Heshen, is a real architectural pearl of Beijing. Given in 1851 by the then emperor as a gift to his brother, who bore the high title of “Gong,” the palace became known as Gongwangfu. The fate of the palace before 1982 was sad, but after it was recognized as a cultural heritage site, intensive restoration, collection of looted property, and restoration of the garden began. Today, hundreds of tourists walk among the landscape splendor, admiring the amazing decorations of the facades, the interiors of the palace halls, admiring the talent and skill of Chinese craftsmen.

National Beijing Stadium

The stadium, built for the 2008 Olympics, is shaped like a bird's nest, which is why it is unofficially called that. World famous architects took part in the development of the project, such as the winners of the competition - Swiss designers Herzog and Meron. The National Stadium is a synthesis of architectural minimalism, steel and concrete, surprising with its originality and grandeur of a structure built to last.

The structure, capable of accommodating 80 thousand spectators, required 45 thousand tons of rolled steel with a length of 36 km. Located next to the swimming complex, the stadium looks like some kind of fantastic giant ship reflected in the waters of the lake. It looks especially enchanting at night, illuminated from the inside by electric lighting. Against the backdrop of fashionable skyscrapers, the National Stadium successfully fits into the modern image of Beijing.

Summer Imperial Palace

To call this amazing world of mysterious and colorful beauty a palace is too modest. In fact, this is a respectable imperial residence, in the space of which there are 3 thousand different buildings: unique bridges, palaces, temples against the backdrop of incredibly beautiful landscape paintings. Everything that has been created here is the most valuable cultural heritage of the world, delighting everyone who comes to this fabulous kingdom.

On the slope of Mount Wanshoushan (longevity) is the most visited site - the Great Retribution for the Grace of Longevity Temple. The local gallery-corridor is amazing, with almost 8 thousand paintings on the walls, and marble sculptures of dragons and lions installed. Here is also the symbol of the power of the imperial family - the Marble Boat. Crowds of people come to Kunming Artificial Lake, especially when the divine lotuses are in bloom. You can walk around the residence, which is essentially a huge museum, for long hours, admiring the masterpieces of Asian art.

Yuanmingyuan Park

Just east of the Summer Residence is a landmark that serves as an example of how man-made wonders created by one hand and mind can be destroyed by another hand and mind. Only by the majestic remains of its former luxury and beauty can one now judge how magnificent Yuanmingyuan Park (the garden of perfect clarity) was during the reign of the Emperor Kangxi of the Qin Dynasty. The most luxurious palaces, comparable in the perfection of their decoration to the best works of art, were surrounded by a huge park with artificial ponds, picturesque alleys, and many sculptures.

But under the next emperor, the territory of the garden increased 5 times compared to the area of ​​the Forbidden City; its cultural and artistic content surpassed even the Vatican. The prosperity of Yuanmingyuan Park ceased in the fall of 1860, when the Vandal invasion of the French-English army caused irreparable damage to it. Today, only separately preserved ruins of palaces and park buildings remind of its former splendor.

Beihai Park

West of the Forbidden City there are 3 lakes, which were once called seas: Northern , Central and Southern. Here, around them, beautiful imperial gardens were laid out - witnesses to how Chinese rulers loved to pamper themselves, surrounding their life with unprecedented luxury. Now Beihai Park is a popular place to visit and an interesting attraction, viewing which you mentally forgive those in power for their narcissism and thank you for creating such grace. The long-suffering history of the park began back in the 10th century.

Having survived ruin and decline, Beihai Park acquired a new face in 1925; after a grandiose restoration in 1949, it became the most beautiful and beloved place in the Chinese capital. The most visited sites are the Jade Island, with unique religious buildings; Chshizhan Bridge leading to the island; White Dagoba (Buddhist church) with sacred rarities stored in it; Shanyindian Pavilion; Temple of Eternal Peace, etc. Everything that is here is worthy of admiration!

Peace Park

An entertaining and educational place called Peace Park gives an unforgettable experience to visitors of any age. No one leaves here disappointed, because here you can not only see the world’s famous buildings in smaller copies, but also get the thrill of exotic entertainment such as feeding an elephant. Among the mini-objects are the native Red Square with a temple complex in miniature, the Eiffel Tower, Egyptian pyramids, Niagara Falls, English and French medieval castles, the Great Wall of China, etc.

The central “patch” of the park is very beautifully decorated with green lawns with landscape “drawings” and thematic sculptures along the edges, and picturesque fountains. On the wonderful large pond, through which a wonderful bridge is laid, you can ride on mini-boats, river buses and catamarans. Everyone gets great pleasure from interacting with rare animals, for example, riding a red deer. After the excursion, you have the opportunity to relax under the canopy of trees on comfortable benches in the floristic part of the park, which is charming with its well-groomed and cleanliness.

Botanical Garden

At the foot of the Xianshan Mountains, near Yiheyuan Park, the Beijing Botanical Garden stretches on 130 hectares, the area of ​​which includes mountain slopes and plains. The main part of the entire territory of the garden is planted with trees and shrubs (more than 100 thousand), several hundred herbs. A narrow river flows along the garden, with rocky rapids and banks. The cascades made of stone make it very picturesque. The flower beds, skillfully decorated by landscape designers, are mesmerizing with their beauty: a stunning rose garden, a large collection of magnolias, lawns of peonies, various themed gardens are presented, the garden grows 60 varieties of delicate fruits, for example, peach.

The garden of miniature trees – bonsai – is touching. Despite the small height of some specimens, their age is 1300 years. Interesting structures made of stones on trays – suiseki, sculptural compositions – are impressive. There are special paths for walking, winding throughout the territory, and there are restaurants and cafes for visitors.

Beijing TV Tower

Those who would like to see Beijing from a bird's eye view should visit the Beijing TV Tower, which is not only a service and broadcasting institution, but also a kind of entertainment facility. Inside the high-rise (405 m) there are museums whose exhibitions introduce the history of the development of TV in China. Here you are allowed to test yourself as a presenter, taking a chair in front of the camera. It has become a tradition to hold speed races where participants complete 2 laps around the base and then climb up 1,500 thousand steps.

Tourists experience real delight when viewing the stunning panorama of Beijing from the observation deck (238 m), shouting into the hole of a huge pipe so that all residents of the capital can hear them (as the electronic loudspeaker guide claims). An equally interesting spectacle awaits visitors in the underground center “Underwater World of the Pacific Ocean”, where everyone passes through a tunnel with transparent walls, behind which the exotic world of the ocean opens from the sides and above. Green algae, red corals, fantastic looking fish, jellyfish.

Marco Polo Bridge

On this pedestrian bridge, thrown across the river. Yundinghe, tourists and Chinese are attracted by numerous stone lions and lionesses, on which the “gray hair” of the Middle Ages is visible. A 10-span stone bridge was erected in 1698 to replace the granite crossing that was washed away by a flood. The construction was hosted by Emperor Kangxi, marked by a stone stele at the western end of the bridge. In some sections of the pavement (length 266.5 m) authentic marble slabs have been preserved, imprinting traces of past centuries.

Of the 482 surviving carved lion statues, not a single image is repeated, so they can be viewed endlessly. The width of the bridge is almost 10 m, allowing it to accommodate hundreds of people. And although there is no river water under the bridge, it has not lost its popularity. The Chinese call it Lugoqiao, and the Europeans call it the Marco Polo Bridge, believing that it was mentioned in the travel notes of the great navigator.

National Center for the Performing Arts

It took 6 years to build a truly outlandish structure, now considered a modern wonder of the world - the National Center for the Performing Arts. In 2001, it was decided to build an opera house, but when the grandiose project came to fruition in 2007, its futuristic incarnation required a broader purpose and name. The French architect P. Andre imagined the building in the form of a drop floating on the surface of water, so the egg-shaped building is surrounded by an artificial lake.

The architectural masterpiece consists of a main elliptical building, underwater and underground corridors. The ellipse is 212 m long, 144 m wide, 48 m high, made of 18 thousand titanium plates and 1200 glass sheets. The structure goes down 32.5 m (10 floors) - the scale of the project is amazing! The opening of the Center was marked by the Mariinsky Theater’s performance of Borodin’s opera “Prince Igor” (conductor V. Gergiev).

Beijing Zoo

Occupying 86 hectares of land, the Beijing Zoo is famous throughout the world as the only owner of a giant panda. The entire territory of the zoo is divided into thematic groups: Monkey Hill, Bear Mountain, Water Bird Lake, etc. They are home to more than 5 thousand animals of 450 species. The sections are laid out according to the principle of Chinese gardens, with ponds, streams, bridges, rocks, willows bending over the water, which makes the area very picturesque.

One of the most visited sites is the Giant Panda Pavilion, which thousands of visitors come to see every day. They look not only at the panda, but also at the interesting sculptural compositions decorating the pavilion, depicting a funny bear family. Predators living in spacious enclosures in the natural environment are also not deprived of attention. Walking around the Beijing Zoo is not only an acquaintance with representatives of the fauna, but also a contemplative enjoyment of the surrounding beauty of the landscape.

Shijingshan Amusement Park

A grandiose leisure center occupying a colossal area of ​​35 million square meters. m, Shijingshan Amusement Park is the center of modern dizzying attractions, beautifully designed territory and a truly fabulous atmosphere with the presence of characters familiar to everyone. A visit to this amazing park, opened in 1987, is a pleasure for children and adults. All entertainment and educational objects are divided into thematic sectors.

For example, the Eastern Sector - artificial gorges, a rapid mountain stream for rafting, caves with treasures, etc. Adventure Land - Mayan labyrinths, a pirate ship, a Jurassic Park with dinosaurs. Fantasy world - all kinds of attractions for preschoolers. There is a Gothic castle where Cinderella lives, a 4-D theater, a roller coaster, a 50-meter Ferris Wheel and much more that will capture the imagination.

Happy Valley Park

Could the ubiquitous Chinese do without an analogue of American Disneyland!? The Happy Valley amusement park they created outdid the famous American facility in its own way, adding Asian mystery and oriental motifs to the design of the huge area of ​​its park. Now it has more than 120 different attractions to suit every taste. All of them are located in 6 thematic zones, the central of which is “Atlantis” - a fantastic embodiment of an ancient civilization.

There is no limit to children's delight from “immersion” in the mysterious world of antiquity, fairy-tale plots and characters. They will happily recognize their favorite cartoon characters, presented here in a wide variety. Adults test their courage on extreme roller coasters, water slides, and giant swings with an incredible range of flight. Costume performances, processions, and theatrical shows are organized in the park.

Houhai Lake

The Great Wall of China is China's calling card in the tourism business, but in reality this marvelous structure was intended to protect Chinese territories from the north. The first Chinese Wall was built back in the 3rd century. BC. Since then, its construction continued until the 17th century, not only different rulers of China, but also different dynasties contributed to the Great Wall.

The Great Wall of China still shows the majesty and power of the Celestial Empire. Its length is almost 9 thousand km. In addition, its width allowed cavalry to pass through it. The Chinese rulers value it extremely and have still carried out restoration, which is why the Great Wall of China is still in excellent condition and amazes tourists with its historical and cultural value.

In 1987, the Great Wall of China was included in the UNESCO heritage list, and it is difficult to imagine a visit to China without a walk through the incredible structure, which amazes with its scale.

Historical Museum

One of the central attractions, both in terms of historical significance and architectural value, is the building of the Beijing History Museum near Tiananmen Square. The austere stone building with two rows of tall pillars stretching along the facade accommodates two museums at once. At the Revolution Museum you can learn about the history of the liberation struggle of the Chinese people. And the Historical Museum introduces visitors to the history of China from antiquity to the mid-19th century.

The Historical Museum has been fulfilling its scientific and educational mission for many years. The exhibition is divided into three large sections, in accordance with a specific historical and cultural era. The huge area houses several thousand different exhibits. Numerous display cases and stands contain rare artifacts dating back thousands of years and objects more familiar to the common man. The history of China is told through colorful dioramas and models, replicas of works of art and original creations collected from many places in China. The exhibition is carefully thought out, taking into account all the latest achievements in museum affairs.

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Forbidden City

The Forbidden City is located in the very center of Beijing. Its territory is vast and includes many buildings. This palace complex allows visitors to experience the history and culture of China, typical architectural elements, colors, sculptures.

The Forbidden City was built according to all the rules of Feng Shui science: its entrance faces south, mountains cover it from the north, and a river flows inside. All this contributes to the accumulation of energy, which should have allowed the Chinese rulers to lead the country better and more efficiently. Also, for a long time, all commoners were prohibited from entering the Forbidden City. Only the reigning dynasty and their servants, eunuchs, and concubines could be there. However, not everyone complied with this ban, even under pain of death and painful punishment. Ordinary people were interested in finding out what was behind the ten-meter walls of the Forbidden City, and many risked their lives.

When visiting the Forbidden City, tourists can observe more than a million different sculptures and cultural treasures of China. Enjoy that amazing atmosphere that is so far from the Western world.

The art museum was opened in December 1999. It displays the treasures of ancient China. The museum constantly hosts exhibitions of stone sculpture and bronze items. You can see Shan Dynasty goblets, ancient cooking pots and bells, and forty Buddha carvings dating from the 5th to 8th centuries found in Shandong Province. The entire exhibition of the museum fully reflects the development and unique charm of the ancient civilization of China.

The purpose of the museum is to collect rare and valuable collections, and not to chase the number of all kinds of cultural and historical artifacts.

The Wax Museum

The Wax Museum in Beijing, one of the largest in China, displays the history of the Ming Dynasty. In the museum halls, plots on the most striking episodes from the life of emperors and ordinary residents are reconstructed, each of which allows one to get an idea not only of a particular historical period, but also of the character of the rulers themselves. The wax figures of historical figures are made very realistically, from clothing to the smallest details. The figures here don't just talk to each other, they live here!

The exhibition of the wax museum can be divided into three categories: historical events, episodes of life or death. Looking at them, it becomes clear that life in and around the imperial palace was both cruel and “fun.” Here are emperors and officials, concubines and nobles, tax collectors and the poor - ragged and mired in terrible need and poverty. The country is on the verge of collapse, and the imperial court is drowning in luxury. You see the Mongol raids, devastated villages, battles and assaults, the seething whirlpool of city blocks - and all this seems to have frozen, as if someone pressed the pause button... A real immersion in the atmosphere of that distant time.

Summer Palace

On the northwestern outskirts of Beijing is one of the largest parks in China - the Summer Palace, a country imperial residence. Construction of the park began under the Qing Emperor Qianlong in 1750.

The park consists of several zones - at the Eastern Gate there is a palace ensemble, next to the lake rises the Mountain of Longevity, on which the tallest structure is located - the Fosyange tower - the Tower of Incense in Honor of the Buddha. The park's territory is a labyrinth of canals, artificial lakes and islands. There are many gazebos, palace buildings, and numerous alleys. An amazing painted gallery leads along the lake to Longevity Mountain - it is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as “the world’s longest painted corridor” - 728 meters.

Unfortunately, not all architectural structures have survived to this day, but even the ruins overgrown with greenery look very picturesque. In 1998, the magnificent Summer Palace was included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. This park is considered a masterpiece of Chinese landscape design.

Sky Temple

The Temple of Heaven (Tiantan) is located in the southern part of Beijing. It is known primarily for its round shape, which is unconventional for Chinese temples. The Temple of Heaven is included in the temple complex "Temple of Heaven Park", which is considered one of the largest temple and monastery complexes in the country. It was erected during the Ming Dynasty by Emperor Yong Le in 1420.

At the entrance to the park, you can see a huge altar on which anyone can stand. A 30-meter wide road leads from the altar to the northern part of the complex. In this part of the park is the Temple of Heaven - it is also called the Temple of Prayer for the Harvest. The round shape of the structure, according to Chinese tradition, symbolizes the sky.

The emperor came here every year on the day of the winter solstice to pray to Heaven for a rich harvest and leave generous gifts.

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Tiananmen Square

Tiananmen Square is the world's largest square, located in the center of Beijing, the capital of the People's Republic of China. Tiananmen Square literally translates as “Gate of Heavenly Peace.” The square is named after the Tiananmen Gate, which separates it from the Forbidden City and is located north of the square itself.

Tiananmen Square is the largest square in the whole world. Today the length of the square is 880 meters and the width is 500 meters. Tiananmen Square is so large that it can accommodate more than a million people at one time. There are always a lot of tourists in Tiananmen Square, who can calmly walk and enjoy Beijing. The square gives tourists the opportunity to learn about the past and present of the Celestial Empire.

Tiananmen Square is located in the center of the city and is considered a symbol of the Chinese nation.

Near Tiananmen Square are some of the city's most famous and amazing attractions.

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More Beijing attractions

A trip to China is a great opportunity to get acquainted with the traditions of the East and see exotic architectural monuments. Beijing has many unique places, ancient temples, luxurious palaces, museums with rare exhibits and relics. The sights of Beijing most fully reveal Asian culture in all its diversity. If you came here and don’t know what to see in Beijing, then we have prepared this review of interesting places in the Chinese capital especially for you.

What to see first in Beijing

In this city of contrasts, you can see ancient temples standing next to modern office centers, and Chinese people still walking along the streets in traditional attire. They can be different: for the whole day or for a couple of hours, overview and thematic, etc. – just choose the option that suits you.

1. Forbidden City

Forbidden City in Beijing

A beautiful legend tells about the construction of the Forbidden City, according to which there are 9999 and a half rooms in the world's largest palace complex (in reality 8707). The Forbidden City crowns the attractions of Beijing, as it is a religious building. Popular places in the palace complex:

  • Garden of Kindness and Tranquility, Imperial Garden.
  • Five beautiful gates and several Halls of Harmony.
  • There are watchtowers along the perimeter of the complex.
  • Palaces of Kunninggong, Jiao Taidian, Qianqinggong, Ningshougong.
  • Yangxindian Pavilion – Heart Nurturing Hall.

Currently, the Gugun Museum has been created on the territory of the Forbidden City, which, according to the first inventory, housed more than a million unique exhibits. It is impossible to see all the sights of Beijing in the Forbidden City in one visit. The complex has many interesting places and museum exhibitions that reveal the cultural traditions and history of the Chinese people.

2. the great Wall of China

the great Wall of China

The most visited section of the Great Wall of China, Badaling, is located 80 km northwest of Beijing. It was erected during the reign of the Ming dynasty, and under the rulers of the Qing dynasty it served as the gateway to the capital of China. Even closer to Beijing (50 km) is another section of the Chinese Wall - Juyunguan. Tourists can expect natural attractions in Beijing:

  • Yuntai cloud platform made of white marble.
  • Two-story signal towers are sentinels.
  • Mesmerizing view of the mountains and the wall.
  • Opportunity to ride the funicular.
  • Unique areas of Gubeikou and Symatai.

The Great Wall of China, whose total length exceeds 8,000 km, consists of individual sections that were completed during different reigns. Each section is unique in its own way, there are steep ascents and unexpected descents, so the view that opens to the eye is constantly changing. When looking around, you can’t pass by this place!

3. Beihai Park

Beihai Park in Beijing

Before the Forbidden City, the rulers of the Liao dynasty built a luxurious palace near Lake Taiye Hu. Later, the emperors of the Qing and Yuan dynasties also contributed to architecture. They erected an artificial artificial island, palaces and pavilions. What to see in Beijing in the North Sea Park:

  • Gardens with artificial hills.
  • Jade Flower Island on the lake.
  • The Round City with the Hall of the Found Light.
  • Buddha statue made of white jade.
  • A one-piece bowl with dragons, weighing 3.5 tons.
  • Ancient tree (800 years old) – Marquis of Shadow.

You should definitely visit White Dagobah, located on Jade Flower Island. The pagoda is different from traditional buildings and is a masterpiece of Buddhist art. Beihai Park has the Pearl of Wisdom Hall, the Classics Reading Tower, the Long Corridor, the Haopujiang Garden, the Heart Peace Garden, and the Nine Dragon Setan. Beijing's attractions are varied and unique, and Beihai Park has many of them.

4. Tiananmen Square

Tiananmen Square in Beijing

The largest area in the world, located in Beijing, Tiananmen, occupies 400 thousand square meters. Solemn national parades are held here, because the square can simultaneously accommodate up to a million people. The Gate of Heavenly Peace conceals many interesting things. The national flag is raised here early in the morning and lowered in the evening.

On the western side is the House of the People, where the Chinese parliament meets. On the eastern side of Tiananmen is the National Museum of China.

Beijing's landmarks include the People's Heroes Monument (38 m high). Tourists must visit the Mausoleum of Mao Zedong, which occupies 20,000 sq.m. The Tiananmen area includes the Main Solar Gate, built in the 15th century. The unique Archer Tower is also located here. The grandiose square is the object of attention of tourists and travelers.

5. Beijing Zoo

Beijing Zoo

Just west of Beijing's Second Ring Road is China's largest zoo. It is home to exotic animals. Ponds, streams, flowers, green lawns and lush vegetation create fertile conditions for the inhabitants of a huge zoo to live here. What is worth seeing in Beijing on the territory of the natural garden are the Giant Panda Hall, Beijing Ocean Hall, Water Bird Lake, Monkey Hill and Giraffe Aviary, Bear Mountain and the African Zone, as well as the Oceanarium with menacing sharks.

The Beijing Zoo is home to lions, tigers, rhinoceroses, snakes, elephants, crocodiles and pythons. The total number is about 7000 individuals. It is noteworthy that the Beijing Zoo is the only natural habitat of giant pandas.

Check out the beautiful places in Beijing in this wonderful video!

6. Temple of Heaven

Temple of Heaven in Beijing

The grandiose religious building of China is the Temple of Heaven. What to visit in Beijing if not this amazing attraction? The shrine has existed for more than five hundred years. The beautiful color of the roof of the temple building, made of glazed tiles, attracts the attention of visitors. The territory of the Temple of Heaven is surrounded by walls in the shape of a circle and a square. The altar in the form of a three-stage terrace is decorated with white marble slabs.

The central slab of the Temple of Heaven amplifies the sound when saying a prayer. The construction is complemented by the Tower, the Music Office, and the Kitchen for the Celestials. In the Temple of Heaven, the number of finishing slabs is a multiple of nine, and this figure is symbolic for the Chinese people.

The iconic building reflects the skill and extraordinary talent of Chinese architects who implemented unique geometric patterns. The structure has been used for prayers and sacrifices for centuries.

7. Beijing National Stadium "Bird's Nest"

Beijing National Stadium "Bird's Nest" davidgordillo

Modern sights of Beijing are no less unique than ancient architectural monuments. These include the Bird's Nest National Stadium. The grandiose structure in the Olympic Village is an unusual structure made of intertwined metal rods.

The completion of the Naochao Stadium coincided with the 2008 Summer Olympics. The majestic building is made of iron and concrete. When the lights come on inside, the stadium appears in all its beauty. The Bird's Nest seats more than 90 thousand spectators. Famous Swiss architects Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meuron took part in the design of the facility. It is noteworthy that no matter what row the viewer sits in, he receives a complete overview of the events taking place on the field. The monumental structure is located next to a huge swimming pool, and the stadium itself is used as the largest ski resort in Beijing.

8. Old Beijing Observatory

Old observatory in Beijing

What unusual things to visit in Beijing? An astronomical observatory, which was founded in times of absence of telescopic instruments and equipment. In the mid-15th century, during the Ming Dynasty, the first observatory instruments were created. The area of ​​the complex is 10 thousand square meters. From the site you can see ancient instruments - Celestial Globe, Altazimuth, Theodolite, Armilla.

Visitors to the observatory can view exhibits in the exhibition halls, which include unique star maps, ancient Chinese calendars, and astronomical instruments.

9. National Museum of China

National Museum of China in Beijing

Based on the number of tourists who visit the National Museum of China every year, this attraction is considered one of the most popular. Numerous exhibits tell the history of the Chinese people, talk about their traditions and customs. What to see in Beijing at the National Museum? The Jade Prince exhibit is of considerable interest to travelers and researchers. The burial was found in Hebei province in the 20th century. During archaeological excavations, the burials of Prince Zhongshan and his wife Dou Wan were discovered. It is noteworthy that they wore clothes woven from tiny pieces of jade fabric connected with gold thread.

Another popular exhibit of the National Museum is the Din ritual tripod, made of bronze. Its weight is 800 kg and its age is about 3000 years. The bronze collection includes a square wine vessel. The highlight of the museum is Chinese porcelain dishes. The exhibits belong to the national heritage of the country.

10. Temple of Confucius in Beijing

Temple of Confucius in Beijing

At the beginning of the 14th century, the Temple of Confucius was built in Beijing. After numerous restorations and improvements, many elements of the ancient building remained intact. The Temple of Confucius is included in the attractions of Beijing as the second largest temple building in China. Unique elements of the complex:

  • Pavilion of Learning, surrounded by cypress trees.
  • State Academy – Academy of the Wise.
  • The extensive courtyard of the complex.
  • Stone tablets with the names of Academy students.
  • Decorated pavilions, drums, bells.

In former times in China it was considered prestigious to receive an education at the Imperial Academy. The emperor himself took exams for her students once every three years. Now the Pavilion of Scholarship houses an exhibition of artifacts and sculptures.

Sights of Beijing: what else to visit while in Beijing

It is impossible to see even a third of all tourist sites in the Chinese capital in one visit, but if you want to make the visit as informative as possible, we are at your service. By hiring a guide, you save your time and nerves, and you can choose the route at your own discretion, choosing from the suggested instructions the most interesting ones for you.

11. National Center for the Performing Arts - "Egg"

National Center for the Performing Arts - "Egg" in Beijing

An amazing building located near Tiananmen Square is the National Center for the Performing Arts. It is one of Beijing's landmarks and has the unusual shape of a giant egg. The structure is made entirely of glass and titanium and is located in an artificial lake. The center contrasts sharply with ancient architectural monuments and stands out effectively against the general background. The structure with a 212-meter dome contains opera, theater and concert halls, air corridors, a gallery, conference rooms, underwater and underground corridors, a library, a cafe, an exhibition hall and an underground parking lot. There is an artificial lake and green spaces around the building.

The overall fantastic impression is enhanced by the transparent glass plates on the surface of the “Egg”. The halls host performances, opera premieres, concerts, dance shows and ballet performances.

12. Beijing National Swimming Complex - “Water Cube”

National Swimming Complex - "Water Cube" in Beijing

Fans of explosive emotions who are looking for what to visit in Beijing can come to the swimming complex. The structure is made in the shape of a parallelepiped. Construction was timed to coincide with the Olympic Games, and now the Water Cube is used as a modern water park. Cube Features:

  • The walls are in the form of transparent water bubbles.
  • Amusement slides with grandiose descents.
  • A river flowing around a water cube.
  • Spa salons, cafes and restaurants on the territory of the cube.

The shape, lighting and design of the swimming complex create a unique picture, especially in the evening. This amazing structure is included in the attractions of Beijing.

13. Gongwangfu, Palace of Prince Gong

Prince Gong Mansion in Beijing

Not far from Lake Qianhai there is a beautiful palace - the residence of Prince Gong. The complex is divided into two parts - luxurious residential buildings and a huge flowering garden. In terms of scale, the Guna Palace is second only to the Imperial Palace. The park and palace ensemble includes a museum and a theater.

Few original items, relics and ancient exhibits have survived in Gongwangfu. To open the museum, antiques and objects were brought to the Palace. Currently, Gongwangfu is one of the attractions of Beijing due to its impressive size and unique architecture.

14. Xiangshan or park fragrant hills

Fragrant Hills Park in Beijing

The ancient Xiangshan Park was founded at the end of the 12th century and is located 10 km from the capital of China. If you look at it in the early morning, the park seems to be shrouded in a foggy haze. Exotic vegetation fills the entire territory of the park, and with the change of seasons it is filled with bright colors - crimson, yellow, red leaves of numerous trees. The highest point of Xiangshan is Incense Peak, which offers picturesque views of the surrounding area.

More than 280 thousand trees grow in the park area. Among them there are ancient plants whose age exceeds the century mark. Xiangshan Park is home to many Buddhist temples. The largest number of visitors to the park comes in the fall during the festival of red leaves falling from thousands of scumpia. You can pick up a unique souvenir - laminated red leaves. They are kept as a souvenir of visiting Xiangshan Park.

15. Capital Museum

Beijing Capital Museum Mark Lyon

In 1981, the Capital Museum of China was officially opened. The structure includes five upper tiers and one underground floor. The museum exhibits display rare and valuable relics. What to see in Beijing at the Capital Museum:

  • Collections of ceramics and porcelain.
  • Many Buddha statues.
  • Elements of applied art.
  • Vintage writing utensils.
  • Jade and bamboo collections.
  • Products made of stone, wood and bronze.

The exhibits presented in the Metropolitan Museum are valuable historical and cultural artifacts preserved from ancient times. They tell the history of China, show the construction of Beijing, its development during the reign of the imperial dynasties.

16. Hongluo Temple

Holy Land of Buddhism - Hongluo Temple in Beijing Richard Cove

The year of foundation of Hongluo Temple is 348, during the reign of the Jin Dynasty. The oldest building is famous not only for its age, but also for its magnificent landscapes. Next to the Hongluo Temple is the Pearl Spring. Thousands of mollusk shells turn the water red.

Previously, about three hundred monks lived on the territory of the Honglo Temple. Later a pedagogical school was opened here. In 2017, the revered spring holiday was brightly celebrated on the territory of the Temple.

17. P entertainment arc Valley of Happiness

Happy Valley Amusement Park in Beijing

The sights of Beijing include not only religious and historical buildings. There is an amusement park in the capital – the Valley of Happiness. This is a kind of analogue of Disneyland, where you can get a lot of impressions. Visitors to the park can ride a carousel, visit a shopping complex, and watch a movie in a cinema.

In the Valley of Happiness, tourists will find the zone of Ancient Greece, the Country of Ants, the Lost Mayan Civilization, and the zone of wild fjords. The park is designed in the best entertainment traditions. Here, breathtaking slides and carousels are organically combined with islands of wildlife.

Beijing is a grandiose metropolis with distinctive culture and traditions, oriental values ​​and an unusual history. China is a paradise for tourists, and the sights of Beijing amaze the imagination with their mystery and monumentality.

18. Tombs of the Ming Dynasty Emperors

Square pavilion at the entrance to the complex of 13 mausoleums of the Ming dynasty emperors HALUK COMERTEL

If the sights of Shanghai reflect the bustling life of a modern metropolis, then Beijing has a slightly different image - here the historical past is more revered. Ancient imperial palaces, ancient Buddhist temples and other centuries-old buildings that carefully preserve a piece of the past are proof of this. One of the unique structures in China is a complex of tombs located near Beijing, at the very foot of the Tianshoushan Mountain. In the valley of the tombs on an area of ​​40 square meters. km there are 13 luxurious mausoleums where the rulers of the Qing and Ming dynasties are buried. Of the existing tombs, only three were opened and examined by archaeologists; the rest were destined to remain unexplored - in 1989, lack of funding led to the cessation of research work. Today, the mausoleums of Emperors Zhaoling, Changling and Dingling are accessible to visitors.

19. Summer Palace (Yiheyuan)

Imperial Summer Palace of the Qing Dynasty on the outskirts of Beijing

12 km northwest of Beijing is Yiheyuan, or the Garden of Serene Joy - this is the name of the Beijing attraction in Russian. We are talking about the largest preserved imperial park in Beijing, which is located at the foot of the mountain, surrounded by lush greenery, next to a quiet, peaceful lake - such an atmosphere of the park very accurately reflects its name. Dozens of large and small buildings buried in vegetation, openwork bridges, neat pagodas and the calming surface of the lake create a beautiful sight, once created by Chinese masters. And of course, the pearl of all this splendor is the summer palace, once intended for the recreation of high-ranking persons of the Qing dynasty. Throughout the decoration of the complex, the theme of immortality and longevity is used everywhere - it can be seen in symbolism, ornaments and numerous decorative details.

20. Changlan Gallery

Sections of the Changlan Wooden Gallery depicting battle scenes and landscapes at the Kallgan Summer Palace

A stunningly beautiful place is the summer imperial palace surrounded by a grandiose park, on the territory of which there are about 3 thousand different structures - Chinese World Heritage Sites. One of the most significant and large-scale structures is the Changlan Gallery of the mid-18th century - a covered passage 0.73 kilometers long, connecting the most important objects of the Summer Palace. The structure consists entirely of colored wood with carved elements and is divided into almost 300 sections by crossbars. The gallery connects many elements of the complex and is itself an observation deck with an excellent overview. Walking through the gallery, you can come across several hundred different images of cranes, which are a symbol of longevity in China, as well as picturesque hand-drawn scenes of mythological and historical scenes - there are more than 14 thousand of them in total!

21. Gate of Heavenly Peace

The Gate of Heavenly Peace is built along the northern side of Tiananmen Square in Beijing 张瑜

Some interesting places in Beijing are so famous and large-scale that you won’t have to look for them for a long time - for example, in the very center of the city there is the largest square in the world, capable of accommodating up to a million people at a time. This is Tiananmen, or the Gate of Heavenly Peace - such a romantic name was given to the square by the southern gate of the Imperial Palace. This is a true symbol of the Celestial Empire, one of the most recognizable places, which is an ancient complex with 5 passages, stands and a large portrait of Mao Zedong - it was he who proclaimed the creation of the People's Republic on this square in 1949. Near the Gate there are two figures of stone lions, as well as 5-century-old columns topped with guards - mythical creatures at the top. The entire design and decoration of Tiananmen is completely permeated with philosophical and religious principles built around the concepts of wisdom and justice of the emperor.

22. Mausoleum of Mao Zedong

Mausoleum of Mao Zedong in the central part of Tiananmen Square in Beijing Georgio

One of the key buildings in Tiananmen Square is the Mausoleum of Mao Zedong, which became the final resting place of the creator of the modern Chinese state. Now the embalmed remains of the legendary political leader are kept in a crystal coffin, preserving the memory for future generations. It is worth noting that Mao Zedong himself ordered that his body be cremated after his death, but the party, not taking this wish into account, ordered the construction of a tomb, which was completed only a year after Mao’s death. The only decoration of the complex is a red roof in the style of a Chinese pagoda; its main hall is the Memorial Hall, in the center of which stands a crystal coffin with a body covered with a large flag of the Communist Party of China. There is also a 3.5-meter marble sculpture depicting Mao Zedong. The second floor of the mausoleum is a memorial hall with marble statues of other prominent Chinese political figures.

23. Shishiku Cathedral

Red pavilions and stone lions at the entrance to Xishiku Cathedral in Xicheng District in Beijing

Where to go , to see important city shrines? One of the most interesting religious sites in Beijing is the Shishiku Cathedral, which looks completely uncharacteristic for the Japanese capital. Its Gothic architecture gives the impression that the building was transported here straight from medieval Europe. Previously, Christians were not particularly favored here - until the Jesuits managed to heal one of the emperors of the Qing dynasty from a serious illness. Having recovered, the ruler, as a token of gratitude, allocated a plot of land to the Jesuits, on which the cathedral was built. The exterior of Shishiku is a unique blend of European and Chinese architectural traditions, making it one of the most unusual Catholic churches in the world. Services are held here in Chinese, and every Sunday the temple is visited by numerous Christians in Beijing.

24. Yonghegong Temple

Sculpture at the Yonghegong Lamaist Temple in northeastern Beijing
Buildings of the “Palace of Peace and Harmony, Lama Temple” in Beijing

In the northern part of the so-called “Imperial City” is located one of the largest monasteries of Tibetan Buddhism in Beijing - Yonghegong Temple. Its history dates back to the late 17th century, when the country was ruled by Emperor Yong Qingwan - his main motto was “harmony and justice,” which is why the palace acquired the name Yonghegong, which means “Palace of Harmony.” Being a court temple, Yonghegong has always had a special status; ceremonies to commemorate the dead were held here annually by the emperors themselves. A long gallery stretches from the temple in the northern direction - the “imperial road” with successively located Zhaotaimen and Yonghemen gates, behind which the territory of the monastery itself begins with isolated sections and pavilions. The main attraction of the monastery complex is the large Wanfuge structure, with an 18-meter statue of the Buddha of the future stored here.

25. Chaoyang Theater

Popular acrobatic show by Chaoyang Theater artists in Beijing

Chinese acrobatic art is famous throughout the world - its original performances attract sold-out crowds all over the world. In Beijing, this art form is presented at the Chaoyang Theater, located near the China Central Television Tower. It was founded in 1984, and thanks to its spectacular acrobatic shows, within a couple of years it became one of the main and most visited attractions in the capital. The level of training of theater artists is truly virtuoso, and this is not difficult to explain, given that acrobatics has been an important part of Chinese culture for about 2 millennia. It all started back in the Tang Dynasty, when acrobats gave performances right on the streets, using plates, cups, chairs, tables, rings as attributes - all this is used in acrobatic acts today. Today, performances in Chaoyang are held twice a day in the evening.

26. Red Theater

Entrance to the Red Theater in the historical district of Beijing Melinda van den Brink
Photos with monk actors - heroes of the play at the Red Theater in Beijing Andy Miah

One of the exciting evening performances in Beijing can be seen at the Red Theater located in the Chongwen Historical District. Everything here is surprising, from the complex acrobatic performances to the design of the building itself, which is decorated with a complex metal structure in the form of a red lattice. And, perhaps, the most surprising thing is the fact that not professional stunt performers take part in the performances, but real monks of the famous Shaolin Monastery! Along with the game itself, the performances use a number of acrobatic tricks and martial arts elements. It is especially impressive that even the most difficult numbers are performed without any safety equipment. Performances are held in Chinese, but there is parallel accompaniment in English. Foreign guests can also purchase a program where the legend is translated into different world languages.

27. Art Zone 798 (798 Art Zone)

Art Zone 798 (798 Art Zone) on the territory of a half-abandoned factory in Beijing Nikolaj Potanin
Old Maoist slogans on the walls of Art Zone 798 in Beijing Leeluv

It is impossible to describe the sights of China without mentioning the Chaoyang district, which is famous throughout the world as the center of the creative industry. All its structures represent buildings of former factories, among which the exhibition complex under the mysterious name “798” especially stands out. This number was inherited from the factory that operated within these walls starting in the 1950s. In the 1980s, changes in the structure of the Chinese economy led to the gradual abandonment of industrial areas. Since the 2000s, the area began to be developed by artists, and empty premises gradually turned into workshops, galleries and art centers. Art Zone 798 occupies an area of ​​1 sq. km, which can be walked around in a matter of minutes, but even a day is not enough to explore the art objects. There are antique shops, designer boutiques, and shops with vintage jewelry and accessories on site.

28. Nanluogu hutong

Ancient shopping street in Beijing Anagoria
Chinese medieval buildings at Nanluogu Hutong in Beijing Fabio Achilli

In ancient China, groups of houses were built opposite each other, forming a narrow alley. Streets of this type were called hutongs, but only in Beijing. They were considered the smallest unit of the territorial division of the city. The local population has lived in hutongs since ancient times, and it is here, like nowhere else, that the spirit of old China has been preserved. One of the surviving quarters of this type is Nanluogu Hutong - a shopping street that was formed here 8 centuries ago. Today it is filled to capacity with inexpensive eateries, souvenir shops and teeming with tourists who curiously explore all this diversity. But Nanluogu has not lost its atmosphere, and in addition to shop windows, here you can see a real picture of the life of the local residents who have inhabited the hutong for many centuries in a row. Housing here is quite cramped, but economical, and the inhabitants, according to the ancient tradition, spend most of their lives on the street.

29. Wangfujing Street

Wangfujing shopping street in the Eastern City of Beijing Nggsc

There are places in Beijing that are best visited at certain times of the year. If you are looking for something to see in Beijing in winter, then be sure to check out Wangfujing - a famous and large shopping street, especially lively in winter around the New Year period, when it is luxuriously decorated and shop windows light up with magical winter lights, creating a festive mood. There is something to admire and something to buy here - with a relatively short length of 0.8 km, Wangfujing has more than two hundred shops where you can buy local food, books, cosmetics, souvenirs, jewelry, household appliances, fashionable clothes - you name it. There is a mobile outpatient clinic in the center of the street - you can check your health right inside a special bus. The highlight of the shopping district is the Donghuamen market, where you can buy the most exotic food.

30. Skyscrapers Wangjing SOHO

Wangjing SOHO skyscrapers in Wangjing Bangabandhu

The modern sights of Beijing surprise and amaze with their scale , including the Wangjing SOHO skyscrapers built in 2014. The ultra-modern high-tech business center was designed to satisfy the need for office space that arose several years ago - it more than coped with this task, providing the business population with almost 400 thousand square meters of office space. The three skyscrapers have an unusual shape and resemble either huge boulders, or smooth rocks, or giant fish. The towers, ranging in height from 118 to 200 meters, have a characteristic curved shape and facades with a layered structure, which provides them with excellent ventilation and protection from the sun. A unified microclimate system smoothly changes the angle of inclination of the aluminum panels, acting on the basis of readings from thousands of special sensors and creating the optimal level of air conditioning, heating, lighting, and water supply.

31. CCTV Headquarters

China Central Television headquarters building in Beijing Morio

The metropolitan metropolis has a countless number of skyscrapers, among which there are real masterpieces of architecture. But even against their background, the CCTV headquarters building, which houses China Central Television, is distinguished by its originality. The author of the project was the Dutch architect Koolhaas, who created a unique 234-meter structure of two inclined towers connected at the top and bottom by corner passages. The gigantic structure, forming a kind of loop, seems to hover over the city. In addition to its creative shape, the Headquarters building stands out for its bright futuristic facade made of glass, as if covered with a metal mesh. Overcoming a specially laid route , Anyone can walk through the entire television center and see with their own eyes how the whole cycle of creating television programs is carried out within these walls, from filming and editing to broadcasting.

32. Peace Park

Attractions from all over the world at Peace Park in Beijing Techyan

Visiting the Peace Park in Beijing is like visiting different parts of the world with the most significant and famous sights, while spending no more than a couple of hours on such a “trip”. Here, on an area of ​​42 hectares, there are miniature copies of world architectural masterpieces, most of which are made on a scale of 1:10. Each creation is carefully crafted with amazing detail, so that the copy is almost indistinguishable from the original. The park also contains reproductions of famous sculptures, natural attractions, and copies of world-famous attractions - for example, here you can even ride a smaller roller coaster. In addition to an exciting walk, you can have fun and have a wonderful rest in the park - stroll among beautiful fountains and picturesque castles, take a boat or catamaran ride in a local pond.


There is a separate category of interesting objects - unknown sights of Beijing , which are not as popular among tourism as the key monuments and symbols of the Celestial Empire. Yuanmingyuan Park can be called one of the most beautiful places in Beijing, but the ruined state of the once luxurious buildings has led this place to partial oblivion. During the Qing Dynasty, the Old Summer Palace of Yuanmingyuan served as the home of the royal family, where the heirs to the throne spent time. The Old Summer Palace was once a thriving architectural complex that could have become a national treasure, but as a result of international conflict, which resulted in an attack and subsequent arson, the complex was not preserved in its original integrity. Some of the buildings have been destroyed, the paths are overgrown, the ponds have dried up, and the complex is currently being reconstructed, which has so far affected only a few parts of it.

Beijing Botanical Garden with the Xishan Mountains in the background in Beijing

Summer in the Chinese capital is characterized by intense heat and humidity - this is not the best time to go to Beijing. What to see in the summer so as not to get into the midst of the summer heat? Outside the city, the heat is much easier to bear - especially if there is a body of water nearby. The Beijing Botanical Garden, which is located at the foot of the Xiangshan Mountains, amazes with plant abundance. A river with rapids flows through the park, giving life-giving coolness in the summer. Its banks are laid with gray stone, and cascades and rapids are laid out of it, from which the water splashes down and soothes with its murmur. Vegetation is rampant along the banks - hundreds of thousands of bushes, flowers and trees amaze with their diversity. From afar you can see the domes of a tropical greenhouse, inside which hundreds of species of orchids are carefully grown. The bonsai garden, featuring miniature dwarf trees, is also noteworthy.

35. Lake Houhai

View from the stone bridge over Houhai Lake in central Beijing

To the northwest and west of the Imperial Palace there are six artificial lakes, founded in the 13th and 14th centuries during the reign of the Yuan dynasty. They have a traditional structure and are divided into 3 Front and 2 Back lakes. And while in the Front there is an atmosphere of political correctness, in the Back People are having fun, relaxing in the countless bars, eateries located there, and going on boats and catamarans. One of the Back Lakes is Lake Houhai, which has become an adornment of the palace and the city as a whole. This is one of the attractive places where tourists flock to learn the history and culture of the development of the local population. The shores of the lake captivate with their charm and serenity; the labyrinths of Beijing streets - hutongs - allow you to feel the spirit of ancient times. In addition to walking and contemplation, here you can visit one of the restaurants, night bars, clubs or souvenir shops.

Hainan Island is the southern island of China and is definitely worth a visit. Read about it and get inspired for your further journey around the Celestial Empire.

Beijing is a diverse and unusual city that has existed for more than three thousand years. This capital is considered one of the oldest, although you can find notes of modernity in it. Beijing is the main cultural, educational and political center of China.

Every traveler gets the opportunity to see national monuments, appreciate unique Chinese architecture, visit interesting museum centers and understand how important Beijing is for Chinese and world culture.

In the 21st century, the Great Wall of China is one of the most worthy tourist sites. However, the structure originally appeared to protect China from the northern side. The first Chinese Wall appeared in the 3rd century BC, and after this event, the improvement of the object continued until the 17th century.

Today, the Great Wall of China continues to amaze with the majesty and power of China. Its length is about 9,000 kilometers. Many people can appreciate the impeccable condition of the wall, because Chinese rulers carried out restoration work many times.

In 1987, the Great Wall of China was added to the official UNESCO heritage list.

The Forbidden City is located in the central part of Beijing and includes numerous buildings. Every tourist gets a wonderful opportunity to better learn the history and culture of China and see typical Chinese buildings. The Forbidden City was created taking into account the rules of Feng Shui science: south is the entrance, north is the mountains, inside is the river. It is believed that this is what contributes to the accumulation of miraculous energy for the successful rule of China.

For a long time, ordinary tourists were prohibited from entering the Forbidden City. Access was granted only to the reigning dynasty and their servants and concubines. However, not all commoners observed the ban, since the interest was still stronger. Nowadays, the Forbidden City is accessible to tourists from around the world.

Location: 4 Jingshan Front Street.

The Temple of Heaven is located in the southern part of Beijing. Its fame is due to its round shape, which is unique among Chinese religious monasteries. The Temple of Heaven officially belongs to the Temple of Heaven Park complex, which is considered one of the largest in China.

At the entrance to the territory of the religious park you can see a large altar. Then a 30-meter road begins, after which you can see the Temple of Heaven.

Location: 1 Tiantan E Road.

The Square of Heavenly Peace is considered the largest in the world. Its dimensions reach 440 thousand square meters, which turns out to be 20 times larger compared to Red Square. It is not surprising that this particular place is the heart of the entire Chinese nation. In addition, important government rallies have traditionally been held here, but after the bloody dispersal of protesters using military equipment in 1989, everything changed. Nowadays, you can take a leisurely stroll on the Square of Heavenly Peace and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere, because all strikes are a thing of the past.

In the northwestern part of Beijing is the Summer Palace, which is the country residence of the emperors. There is also a park complex divided into several zones.

So, tourists can see the following attractions:

  • East Gate.
  • Palace ensemble.
  • Lake and Mountain of Longevity.
  • Fosyange tower-terem.

The park's territory resembles a labyrinth consisting of canals, islands and artificial lakes. For pleasant walks, gazebos and alleys have been created here. In 1998, the Summer Palace was included in the official list of UNESCO world heritage sites.

Location: 19 - Xinjiangongmen Road.

In 2008, the Olympic Games were held in Beijing. For this significant event, a unique Olympic village was created, which managed to become a real attraction. It is here that unique sports arenas are presented that still exist and delight people. The highlight is the unique Bird's Nest stadium, which resembles a large nest that was supposedly built by a giant bird. You can also see a swimming complex here, where light and music shows are held for vacationers.

The Chinese have a special attitude towards tea. Numerous rituals are associated with the drink, influencing even everyday life. Tea has long ceased to be a common drink in China, so it plays a philosophical role.

The Tea Museum is successfully operating in Beijing. It is here that visitors can learn the history of tea growing, original traditions, important secrets of growing tea and preparing the drink according to various worthy recipes. In addition, the exhibition includes antique and modern sets.

Location: Maliandao South Street.

Peace Park is an amazing park complex where all the famous architectural masterpieces of the planet are presented. Visitors can see not only modern landmarks, but also the mythical Trojan Horse and even the lost Lighthouse of Alexandria. At the same time, China is represented by such magnificent sights as the Great Wall and Suzhou Gardens. Russia is represented by a copy of Red Square.

It is important to note that most of the exhibits are made 8 times smaller than the original objects. However, exceptions do exist. For example, the Egyptian pyramids are made on a smaller scale than other exhibits.

Peace Park is one of the most favorite vacation spots for tourists from around the world. In addition, national holidays are regularly held here in strict accordance with the traditions of different peoples of the world.

Yonghegong is a Tibetan Buddhist temple built at the end of the 17th century. The name of the temple complex can be translated as “Palace of Peace and Harmony, Lama Temple.”

Yonghegong includes 5 pavilions:

  • Lokapala - Buddha.
  • Yangheden - Buddhas of the past, future and present.
  • Yanyuden – Buddha the Mighty and Buddha the Healer.
  • Circular Law - Tunkapa Statue.
  • Wangfu is a Buddha statue 18 meters high.

The unique design of the temple helps to successfully attract many visitors. Everyone can see the luxurious design of the religious monastery, created specifically for Buddhists.

Location: 12 - Yonghegong Street.

The Botanical Garden in Beijing occupies a mountainous and flat area, thanks to which it pleasantly surprises with its design. In addition, the garden is the largest in Northern China. This is where trees, shrubs and flowers grow.

There are also restaurants and cafes here for tourists.

The garden is divided into the following parts:

  • A zone of plants where there are more than 3 thousand species.
  • Cultural monuments.
  • Reserve.
  • Territory of scientific experiments.

Visitors can see a collection of roses, peonies, magnolias, bamboo, peach, and bonsai. The elegant design of the garden only evokes special impressions.

Arts Zone 798 is a large complex that was originally conceived as a factory for the production of electronic equipment. The plant was built in the second half of the 1950s. However, the activity practically did not develop. As a result, in 1995, it was possible to rent out several premises to the Beijing Academy of Fine Arts, which needed workshops.

After 5 years, famous artists began to actively buy and rent premises at the plant in order to locate galleries and offices. Now the 798 Art Zone in Beijing includes galleries, studios, residential apartments, cafes and restaurants, various shops with art objects, souvenirs and valuable antiques. Admirers of creativity should definitely visit Art Zone 798.

Location: 1 - Qixing W Street.

The building of the Beijing Historical Museum houses two small museum centers.

The Revolution Museum is dedicated to the Chinese liberation struggle. The Historical Museum allows you to learn a lot of new and interesting things about the history of China, and the center’s staff still conducts scientific and educational work. Thousands of exhibits are available to visitors, containing familiar objects and rare artifacts. Moreover, here you can see dioramas and models, original creations from different parts of China, and valuable copies of works of art. The exhibition was created taking into account all the principles of museum business, thanks to which historical events and the revolutionary period turn out to be truly important for visitors.

Location: 16 - Fuxingmenwai Main Street.

The Monument to the People's Heroes is a 3-story unique obelisk, recognized as a national monument of China. The monument was erected in memory of the brave fighters who had to die during the revolutionary struggle in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Construction was carried out in 1952 – 1958. At the same time, the data of the monument are truly surprising. To create a monument weighing 10 thousand tons, it was necessary to use 17,000 marble and granite blocks. The pedestal also contains 8 marble bas-reliefs, each of which depicts special events in chronological clockwise order. Such execution immediately makes the Monument to the People's Heroes unique, not only from a historical, but also from an architectural point of view.

Location: Tiananmen Square.

The Wax Museum is one of the largest and most significant museum centers in China. Here visitors can see illustrations of interesting life events of emperors and ordinary Chinese. Special exhibits allow you to get a correct idea of ​​each historical period and the character of the rulers.

It is important to note that the wax figures of each historical figure surprise with their realistic execution, thanks to which the exhibition leaves a special impression. Each visitor gets the opportunity to understand how the Chinese emperors lived and what feelings they experienced in different periods.

The military museum consists of 4 floors and 10 halls. Moreover, the largest hall is dedicated to Weapons.

The exhibition includes the following valuable exhibits:

  • Antique small arms.
  • Modern weapons.
  • Tanks.
  • Guns.
  • Armored personnel carriers.
  • Anti-aircraft installations.
  • Jet fighters.
  • Rockets.

The rich exhibition reveals the features of weapons and allows you to understand how military affairs developed in China and Beijing.

Location: Fuxing street - 9.

Pushou is a Muslim temple in the western part of Beijing. Every visitor to a religious attraction gets the opportunity to learn a lot of interesting and new things about Muslim culture in Beijing.

The mosque is divided into three halls. The main hall, distinguished by truly luxurious decoration, is designed for prayer services.

In 1991, the temple was restored and even expanded. A couple of years later they managed to create a reading room here, and in 2000 - a large library. As a result, the Pushou Mosque contributes not only to approaching religion, but also to enlightenment.

Location: 63 - Shifang Street.

The museum center is located in a large hangar, where numerous old locomotives are collected. The museum has existed since 2003, but in a relatively short time it has managed to create an impeccable exhibition.

The museum displays the following valuable exhibits:

  • Old locomotives.
  • Electric locomotives with real carriages.
  • Diesel locomotives.

Some vehicles are even allowed to be climbed.

The museum has a branch, which is located in the former East Railway Station building in Beijing. The branch displays model railways, trains and documents related to the history of railways in China.

Location: 1 - Jiuxianqiao N Road.

The Beijing Folklore Museum is located in the ancient Dongyue Taoist Temple. The museum center has existed since 1999. It is important to note that the exhibits are located both in the buildings and in the courtyard of the temple complex.

The exhibits reveal the following interesting facets of Chinese life:

  • Culture.
  • Folk beliefs.
  • Holidays.
  • Customs and rituals.

It is important to note that folklore festivals and folk holidays are often held on the territory of the museum. Such events allow everyone to further understand the cultural life of Beijing.

Location: Chaowai - 141.

The National Zoological Museum of China is located on the territory of the Institute of Zoology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The museum center is located in a 3-story large building, one side of which is completely glazed.

The exhibit consists of birds, insects and mammals. Visitors can also see a magnificent collection of butterflies. The total number of exhibits reaches 5 thousand. In the very center of the exhibition is a large whale skeleton.

The presence of a 4D cinema allows visitors to attend educational film shows.

Location: Datun Road.

The Agricultural Museum of China has existed since 1986. The museum center is divided into 5 main sections, the number of exhibits in which exceeds five thousand. You can even see rice seeds and a bone shovel here. Visitors can learn about climate change, available resources and the specifics of farming.

The museum also has a permanent aquatic products exhibition dedicated to the history of freshwater fish farming and fishing in China. Three halls were required to accommodate the exhibition.

Location: Dongsanhuanbei Road - 16.

Beijing is one of the most interesting cities in China, allowing you to visit unusual museums and discover new pages of religion. Every tourist will certainly find exactly those attractions that will radically change his worldview.


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