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Robert Stevenson described the pirates of the 18th century very plausibly. This is an evil, stupid and drunken rabble, devoid of any organization. Alexey Durnovo spoke about real people and facts that were used in the famous novel “Treasure Island”.

Silver, Flint, Billy Bones and Blind Pew are, of course, fictional characters, but they have a lot in common with people who actually existed. Even some of the facts mentioned in the book took place in reality.

Collective image

The famous dialogue at the apple barrel, from which Jim Hawkins learns that a conspiracy is brewing on the ship, is literally filled with references to real events.

“I had it amputated by a learned surgeon - he went to college and knew all Latin by heart. And yet he did not escape the gallows - he was strung up in Corso Castle, like a dog, to dry in the sun... next to others. Yes! These were Roberts' men, and they died because they changed the names of their ships."

John Silver talks about the famous Captain Bart Roberts, who terrorized the seas of the New World and Africa for several years. Black Bart himself died in the battle, but the pirates from his crew were actually hanged in the Corso Castle fortress.

A drunkard, a thug, but a coward - that's the true pirate

As for the name of the ships, changing it was indeed considered a bad omen, not only among superstitious pirates, but even in the English fleet. A little later in the same dialogue, Silver will mention Howell Davis, the same one after whose death Roberts became the captain of the Rover and began his “career.”

There are a lot of such references in the text of the novel. Blind Pugh will say that he lost his sight in the battles for King George. Surviving pirates who returned to land often described themselves as former Royal Navy sailors.

Silver, dreaming of wealth, will mention that he wants to be a lord and ride in a carriage. This is quite consistent with the pirates' ideas about a rich life. Everyone who has money, of course, is a member of parliament and does nothing but ride around in a carriage.

However, the main thing, of course, is the collective image of a pirate. A completely wild, very angry, and also armed to the teeth man who is ready at the first opportunity to get into the throat of his own comrade - this is what a real pirate is like. They have been walking the seas for many years, but they do not know how to control it at all. Silver doesn’t want to kill Captain Smollett and the others right away, because he knows for sure that without them he won’t even get to England, or to the neighboring island. And the pirates, of course, set up camp in the middle of the swamp. Because their heads are not burdened with any unnecessary knowledge. Like the fact that swamps contain insects that are dangerous to health and life.

Captain Flint

Blackbeard is considered to be the prototype of the fictional Flint. We have already written about Blackbeard. He was not a devil in the flesh and a fiend of hell, he was a man who loved to instill fear in others. This is exactly how Flint appears before us, with all the abundance of terrible stories that are told about him. Blackbeard's greatest fear was his own people. In the same way, the pirates who sailed with him on the Walrus are even afraid of Flint’s name.

Blackbeard - the probable prototype of Captain Flint

Flint and Edward Teach are related and another character is Israel Hands. In the book, he is the second boatswain, who, according to Abraham Gray, was Flint's gunner. This seems to be the only time when a real person appears among the characters. Hands was on Teach's team and was either a navigator or a boatswain there. When Blackbeard died in the battle at Ocracoke Island, Hands was not with him. Shortly before that story, Teach shot his officer in the knee during a drinking binge. There were no compelling reasons for such cruelty. Teach explained his action by the need to maintain discipline on board. The mutilated Hands settled in Carolina and escaped death and even the gallows. In Treasure Island, he is killed by Jim Hawkins. At the same time, in the novel Hands appears as the most unpleasant and disgusting of the pirates - cruel, arrogant and treacherous. At the same time, he knows how to operate a ship, which is already an achievement for a pirate without the necessary education.

Billy Bones

Bones is a bit of an atypical pirate. Just a little. He, just like any other sea robber, abuses rum and grabs a knife at the first opportunity, but there are important differences in his image.

First of all, he is a navigator. And this ship position requires special skills and knowledge that you can’t get anywhere. Anyone can be a boatswain or quartermaster; a gunner only needs to know how to handle cannons, and this skill can be acquired through practice. Doctors and navigators were worth their weight in gold on pirate ships. People trained in medicine and navigation. Calculating the course requires knowledge of the starry sky, the ability to use complex instruments to determine the height of bodies, as well as an understanding of the basics of mathematics and geometry. To understand: many pirates did not know where north was and where south was; most did not know how to read or write.

Knowledge of navigation is a huge rarity for a pirate

Bones has no problem with this. Not only is he educated (albeit minimally), he also has a habit of taking notes. Its probable prototype could be a certain Blaise Kennedy, who was a navigator for Captain Edward England and then ran away from him.

John Silver

Silver is distinguished from all other pirates by his enterprise and charm. He doesn't drink away his share like Blind Pew or Ben Gunn, but tries to invest it in business. He has his own tavern and a wife with savings. To put it bluntly, such thrifty and enterprising people were not liked among the pirates. The idea of ​​drinking everything at once came not so much from savagery, but from the thought that you would be hanged anyway, sooner or later. It's a shame to hang around in a noose when your pockets are full of money.

In fact, in the middle of the 18th century the situation was exactly this. Almost all the pirates ended their lives on the gallows; some were lucky enough to die in battle. English laws of those times did not allow pirates not only to spend their loot other than in taverns, but also to return to civilian life. The time for amnesties had already passed by that time.

Silver, with his “Spyglass” and the old woman who is waiting at the appointed place, is undoubtedly different from the gray mass. He looks like pirates in a completely different way. Firstly, for all his intelligence, he is still stupid. He chooses the right strategy for himself, but the wrong one for the common cause. Dr. Livesey will deceive him by exchanging the card for the ship, and Silver will not suspect a trick. A typical trait of an 18th century sea robber is self-confidence based on nothing. Arrogance and lack of critical thinking.

Thrift was not welcomed among pirates

Silver is brutally cruel, which can be seen in the last chapter. Jim experienced this himself at the moment when Silver thought he was about to find the treasure. There was no treasure there, the old pirate again needed Jim, and he again came to his defense. But finishing off a dying comrade who doubted his authority with a shot is quite the trait of a pirate. And Silver does just that.

Finally, there are external attributes. A wooden leg, a parrot, nautical words - this all adds up to the classic image of a pirate. You can also add Silver's nickname to it. He, if you forgot, is “Ham”. The origin of the nickname is not explained anywhere; it apparently has to do with skin color. Over the years of wandering in the tropics and subtropics, she became weathered, roughened and brownish, just like chicken roasted over an open fire.

Valery Chiglyaev
Evgeniy Paperny
Georgy Kishko
Vladimir Zadneprovsky
Grigory Tolchinsky Composer Vladimir Bystryakov Studio "Kievnauchfilm".
Creative association of artistic animation
A country USSR USSR Distributor Kievnauchfilm Language Russian Duration 106 minutes Premiere IMDb ID 0465041 ID 6756

"Treasure Island" is a Soviet full-length animated feature film created at the Kievnauchfilm studio by director David Cherkassky based on the novel of the same name by Robert Lewis Stevenson. Consists of two parts: "Captain Flint's Map" (1986) and "Captain Flint's Treasure" (1988).

Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 5

    ✪ Treasure Island. Film 2. The Treasures of Captain Flint (1988) Soviet cartoon | Golden Collection

    ✪ About the cartoon “Treasure Island” (USSR, 1988)

    ✪ The best film adaptation of Robert Stevenson's novel "Treasure Island" / 1971

    ✪ Treasure Island. "I don't want to be the captain of such fools..."

    ✪ Song not included in the cartoon "Treasure Island" (part 2)


    Now the bells will ring at midnight, the Moon, like a copper penny, flickers in the distance. It is safer to store your capital in a bank than, like Flint, in some chest. It seemed to us that we were at the goal, Having sent many many souls to the next world along the way. And everyone who survived until the finals will receive their due jackpot! (SONG): - "Treasure Island"! I once wrote a book about pirates. "Treasure Island" - Robert Louis Stevenson! "Treasure Island" - Every page here - all the faces are gloomy. The Louis and piastres are ringing! - I dreamed of living in abundance all my life, But among pirates, honor is a slow-moving commodity! They hand you a check in the form of a black mark, Six grams of lead - that's your entire fee! It’s all because of money, money, all the evil from it - I wouldn’t see it again for a lifetime! They came for me. Thank you for your attention. Now they must be killing! - "Treasure Island"! I once wrote a book about pirates. "Island of Treasures" - Robert Louis Stevenson! "Island of Treasures"! Every page here - all the faces are gloomy. Louidors and piastres are ringing! - ...Tell me, Ham, how long will we continue to wag like a sutler's boat? I'm dying I'm tired of the captain, stop bossing him around! I want to live in his cabin! And... - Bens! Your head is very inexpensive, because it never had a brain. Take your time! - But, Silver, I... - Okay ! I'll tell you. After the squire and the doctor find the treasure... ...and help us load it onto the ship... - What do we do with it? - I vote - kill! - Earth-i-i-i- me! - Come on, come on, Jim! What did you want to tell us? - There is treason on the ship! Just now, by chance, I overheard a conversation. It turns out that Silver was the main assistant to Flint himself. He knows about the treasures, but doesn’t know where they are buried. As soon as we dig up the treasure, they will slaughter us all. - Captain! John Silver outwitted us. He is a wonderful man! - He would be even more wonderful if he was hanging from a yardarm! - Yes, captain, you were right! I admit that I am an ass and await your orders. I'm just as much of an ass as you, sir, for the crew to outwit me. Me! Captain Smollett! But all this talk is now useless. I have an idea, gentlemen! I suggest not showing that we know about their plans for now. Let's be alert, let's wait! - Sir, they know everything! We're lost! - How many people on the ship are loyal to us? - There are seven of us, together with Jim! - Ha ha ha, against nineteen! - I will fight for two! No! For four! For twelve, for three... May I go, sir? Do your duty! Yes, sir! All around! Step march! At-two, at-two, at-two! At-two, at-two, at-two! ... At-two, at-two, at-two! At-two, at-two, at-two! Hey guys! Have any of you seen this land before? A? - I saw it, sir! We got fresh water here when I served as a cook on a merchant ship. - Didn't understand! Oh yes! It seems that the most convenient way to anchor is from the south - over there, behind that island. A? - Yes, yes, sir. This island is called "Skeleton Island". One sailor from our ship knew all the names. That mountain is called the Spyglass. The pirates had an observation post there. - Guys, you did a great job! Now, whoever wants to, let him go ashore! - Hurray for Captain Smollett! Well, now everyone is off to the island. - Hooray! - Hurray for Captain Smollett! - Listen, Hanks! Stay with the guys on the ship and keep an eye on the captain. You will answer me for them with your life. Clear? - I wonder what the pirates will do on the island? I have to follow them. - Is it really Jim? - We need to catch up with him, guys! - He can ruin everything! - Jim! Where are you? Look for him, guys! - Well, where did this worthless boy go? - Shh-sh-h. Went! - Excuse me, who are you? - My name is Ben Gunn! “I haven’t spoken to a single person for three years!” -Are you wrecked? - No, they left me here. Yes, they threw me in as punishment. What's your name, boy? - Jim. - Oh, Jim, whose ship is this? Isn't it Flint? - No, Flint died, but there are several of his old friends on the ship. And this is a great misfortune for us. - And One-Legged? Is he there? - Silver? - Yes, yes, yes, his name was Silver! - He is our cook and the leader of this whole gang of bandits. - I will help you out, but only... - I don’t understand. - Only I would like to know if I will get at least a thousand pounds from the money that is already mine? - Of course, because the squire is the most generous person in the world! - And he will take me home? - Of course, sir! Now tell us about yourself, sir. Oh sir, it's a terrible story! If you manage to return to the ship, you will receive a wheel of cheese like this! But - shhhhh! - I hear steps. These are pirates! Let's hide! - Ha-ha-ha! Our affairs are not important. First of all, where is Jim now? Secondly, it looks like the pirates won't let us out of here. Need to do something! Yeah, here comes Jim! Who is he with? And here comes Silver and the pirates. And what's that? Ha ha ha! Gentlemen! I have a great plan! (incoherent muttering) - One-two, one-two, one-two! Keep upstream! One-two, one-two! A gun! They are loading the cannon. For what? Oh, they will shoot! Speed ​​up! One-two, one-two, one-two! One-two, one-two, one-two! One-two, one-two, one-two, one-two! One-two, one-two, one-two, one-two! (pirate whistles) - Livesey, Smollett and Trelawney grabbed weapons and ran away! They have captured the fort! - Ha-ha-ha! The log house is not visible from the ship. They are aiming at our flag. He must be brought down! - Lower the flag? Proud maritime custom does not allow the flag to be lowered during battle! Never! - Jim! Jim, look! See, your friends are there. - Not robbers? - No. Silver would raise the Jolly Roger, the pirate banner. - Then, quickly, go to them! - Wait, wait! I have to meet the doctor. Let him come alone! - Fine. - Doctor, squire, captain! It's me - Jim! Hello! Doctor, I just met someone. His name is Ben Gunn. He has some news for you. - What is this? - Ha-ha-ha! White flag! “I bet they're up to some kind of trick.” Attention! Everything is in place! One-two, one-two, one-two, one-two! Oh! Oh! Oh! What do you need? - I want to conclude an agreement with you. Do not shoot! - Fine! Sit down, my dear. - Well, thank you. - Tell me why you came? - We want to get the treasures, and we will get them. And you want to save your lives and you have every right to do so! Do you have a map? - Maybe! - I know - there is. Give us the map. - This is all? Nothing will come of this, my dear! “Then the guns will speak for me!” - What are you saying? You're seriously aground, Silver. And all because you are too greedy! Now listen to a cautionary tale, sir! - Greedy Billy was a pirate. True, Billy was not loved. - Neither sailors, nor pirates, nor children, nor relatives! - Yes, and Billy couldn’t curb his crocodile appetite. - And so that Billy doesn't get beaten? There just hasn't been a day! - One two three four five! - You know, probably! - One two three four five! - Greed is bad! - One two three four five! - Let's say without a catch! - One two three four five! - Greed is bad! - Greed is bad! - Greed is bad! - Billy avoided women, did not date, did not marry. - Because of greed, I have never fallen in love or suffered! - I didn’t want to pay piastres for candy and asters. - Developed an ulcer, asthma, and then gave up! - One two three four five! - Greedy century after century! - One two three four five! - Moral cripple! - One two three four five! - If you're greedy! - One two three four five! - You will destroy yourself! - You will destroy yourself! - You will destroy yourself! - That's all! And no Bill! Greed killed Bill. - He lies on the bottom of the silt, In life he has had little time. - Greed is worse than cholera! Greed destroys the filibuster! - Repeat with us, sirs, the chorus of this song: - One-two-three-four-five! - You know, probably! - One two three four five! - Greed is bad! - One two three four five! - Let's say without a catch! - One two three four five! - Greed is bad! - Greed is bad! - Greed, I would say, is very bad! Yes Yes Yes! - Is everything clear to you now, Silver? If you come here alone, I will put you in chains and give you a fair trial! If not, then remember - my name is Captain Smollett! And I will send everyone to the gallows! - In an hour, those of you who remain alive will envy the dead. - In places! Hmm... Devil! It's been over an hour! It's getting boring! A! Here they come! Attention! Get ready! Fire! Forward! Hand to hand! Come on, hands up! - Yo-yo-yo! Yeh-yeh! Ya-ya! - Not bad, not bad! Still, they got their rations for today! So, gentlemen, there were four of us against nineteen. Now, that means four against nine. Brilliantly! Gentlemen, congratulations on your victory! - Hooray! Hooray! - We are all participants in the regatta. Rowing, rowing... - Rowing towards us! - For the glory of honor and gold: - Wine, beauties! - Etc. - Envy eats away at our souls, That someone else will rake in more! - And consumption is increasing! - And production is lagging behind! - Dry your oars, sir, Why the hell do you need wealth? Life is short and no matter how much you eat, it’s not worth trying in vain to eat for future use! - Dry your oars, sir! - Dry your oars, sir! - It’s not worth trying in vain to eat for future use! - Dry your oars, sir! - Dry your oars, sir! - Fill your chests and belly! But all the same, in the end, an old woman will appear with a scythe and row the rowers to her! - Isn’t it better to live easily and simply, So that no one curses you? - Get off, sir, dry your oars! - Dry your oars! All! - The final! - Dry your oars, sir, Why the hell do you need wealth? Life is short and no matter how much you eat, it’s not worth trying in vain to eat for future use! - Dry your oars, sir! - Dry your oars, sir! - It’s not worth trying in vain to eat for future use! - Dry your oars, sir! - Dry your oars, sir! - Ha-ha-ha! So it was you, Ben Gunn, who dug up the treasure? Wonderful! And they brought you to this cave? Brilliantly! Now the pirates are in our hands! I will calmly give them the map and the fort. Wonderful! Ha ha ha! - What the hell is this? Where did Dr. Livesey go? He just has some kind of plan! And if he has a plan, then I will have something. I will steal the Hispaniola from the pirates! - You are a scoundrel, Israel Hanks! - I? - Yes, you! By thunder, it's Jim! - Who is there? Oh, it's Jim Hawkins, damn me! Come in, come in! Always happy to have an old friend. Jim, well, since you wandered here, then join us. - But, sir, how did you get here? Where is Doctor Livesey, Trelawney, the captain? Where did they go? - We concluded an agreement, received a fortress, and they left. Where are they now - I don’t know. - Sir! Since I am your prisoner, do with me what you want. But, you know, I pulled the card out of Billy Bones' chest! It was I who overheard your conversation on the schooner and passed it on to the captain! It was I who killed Israel Hanks and stole the schooner! Your case is lost! - Let him bleed! - Get into place! Who are you, John, to be in charge here? Maybe the captain? - Johnny is right, let him bleed! - And everyone is in charge here! - Gentlemen, who wants to deal with me, let him out. Let him take out his dirk. And even though I’m on a crutch, I’ll see what color your offal is. Before this tube goes out! Not too brave? So, listen up! Whoever touches Jim will have to deal with me! Are you going to tell me something? Well, speak up. I'm listening to! - I'm sorry, sir! You have recently begun to often violate our customs. The team has the right to get together and talk! - According to custom! - To the meeting! - This is the law! - You're on the verge of death, Jim. They want to demote me. Quid pro quo: I'll save you, and you'll save my neck from the rope. - I'll do everything I can! Yes. - So it's a deal? Oh, by the way, do you know why the doctor gave me the card? There's something wrong here... - John, you've been deposed! - The team, having gathered for a meeting, as is the custom of gentlemen of fortune... ...made a decision to send you a black mark! - Ha ha! Turn it over, as our custom dictates, and read what is written on it! - Then you will speak differently! - You are deposed, Silver! Get off the barrel! - Get off the barrel! - Get off, get off! - Now listen to what I tell you: this boy is a hostage! And he, this boy, may become our last hope. - OK. And the doctor? - A! Why did I let him and the others go? Here! - She is real! - Here is Flint's signature! - This is a Dead Knot! - But how will we take away the treasures? - After all, we don’t have a ship! - Yes! - You should say this. You and the others who missed the schooner. I found you treasure, but you lost your ship. I don't want to be captain of such fools. Enough for me! - Silvera! Silvera! - Silvera as captain! - Gentlemen! We're going on a treasure hunt! - A-ah-ah! - Has he already found it? - Found the treasure? - Skeleton! - This is a sailor! His clothes were nautical. - Yah! Did you think you would find a bishop here? However, why do the bones lie so strangely? And, it seems, I’m beginning to understand: they show us where the treasures are! Check with the compass. - South West. - So, there is the North Star, there are funny pounds! - I swear by thunder, this is one of Flint's cute jokes! - Here are three tall trees. Now the child would find the treasure! - Guys! Over there, untold riches await us! Forward! - Really Jim? - He is! - Gentlemen! We must save Jim. This is our duty! Attention! Shhhh... Listen to my command! Surround the pirates! At-two, at-two, at-two! - Eh! Where did the money go? -Where are the doubloons? - Where are the pounds? - No! - Sir, but here it’s empty, there’s nothing. Someone has already been here before us. Where is the treasure, sir? - This is your seven hundred thousand, or what? Gentlemen! There are only two of them: one is a cripple who brought us here to our deaths. The other is a puppy whose heart I've been wanting to cut out for a long time! - Look, look! - What is this? - They're coming here! - Save yourself! Let's run! - Ha-ha-ha! Hello gentlemen! Hello my dears! You look bad for some reason. I'll listen to you now. Amazing! Breathe deeply. Oh, how lovely! Wheezing, flabby tummy. The liver is nowhere. This is good! Amazing! Teeth-teeth. Yes... Rotten. So good! Many are missing. Very good. Guys! You smoke too much! You won't be able to run a hundred yards with that kind of shortness of breath! Remember, smoking is harmful to health! (SONG): - Columbus discovered America - He was a great sailor. But at the same time he taught the whole world to smoke tobacco! From the pipe of peace by the fire, smoked with the leader, a bad habit began on a global scale! - The Ministry of Health warns! - Smoking is poison! - The Ministry of Health warns! Ministry of Health warns! - But what about Columbus? - And Columbus? - And Columbus! - And Columbus! - And Columbus! - Not to blame for anything! - Columbus, who was Christopher, did not know what he was doing. - A lot of our strength has flown away since then in the gray smoke! - Tobacco fumes are sweeter to us than the aroma of roses... - And in that smoke - heart attack, sclerosis, lung cancer and catarrh! - The Ministry of Health warns! - Smoking is poison! - The Ministry of Health warns! - The Ministry of Health warns! - But what about Columbus? - And Columbus? - And Columbus! - And Columbus! - And Columbus! - Not to blame for anything! - I personally quit, I don’t smoke. I am cheerful and full of strength! I thank my dear Ministry of Health for warning me! - Smoker, forgive me for the sad pun... Smoking from now on... - . ..Let's announce a smoke break! - Smoking is poison! - The Ministry of Health warns! - But what about Columbus? - And Columbus? - And Columbus! - And Columbus! - And Columbus! - Not to blame for anything! - What will happen to me? - Ha-ha-ha! The court will decide, Silver! And I will keep my word. - A-ah! So is it you, Ben? So you dug up the money? - One-two, one-two, one-two! One-two! Stop, one-two! Listen to my command! Start loading! At-two, at-two! At-two! At! Prepare to sail! At-two, at! The slipway is on the harness, the topsail is on the ropes! Raise the sails! At-two! Full speed ahead! - There are only a few minutes left until the end. And what a pity, apparently they won’t kill me! Don't hang around on the yardarm, don't go to the bottom! - Fortune, lottery! Fortune, lottery! - In life and in cinema! In life and in cinema! In life and in cinema! And to the cinema! - In life, as in the movies? - It’s like in a movie! - But not like in the movies! - That’s why the viewer loves this wonderful genre so much, Our spiritual healer and balm for wounds. The fairy will open a window to the world of wonders! - Fortune, lottery! Fortune, lottery! - In life and in cinema! - In life and in cinema! - In life and in cinema! - And to the cinema! - In life, as in the movies? It's like being in a movie! - Ladies and Gentlemen! - Ladies and gentlemen! - Madame, monsieur! - Signores and signoritas! - Comrades! Participated in the film: - Voiced! - Yes! Voiced by: - ​​Theater artists! - And a movie! - To Bristol, friends! - At-two, at! All around! At-two! I'm just as much of an ass as you, sir! - Ha-ha-ha! Here I am! Doctor Livesey! Ha ha ha ha! - Some were afraid of Flint, others - Billy Bones. And me... Flint himself was afraid! (SONG): - I shout to those few, Who have earthly anxieties, Decided to change them to the saving island. It's better to be one-legged than to be lonely. When you're bored and sad, And there's no one to shake hands with! It's better to be one-legged, Than to be... ... lonely... When you're bored and sad, And there's no one to shake hands with! Gentlemen, everyone dance!


Comedy adaptation of the famous novel “Treasure Island” about the search for the treasure of the pirate Flint. The animated scenes are interspersed with musical numbers and game scenes filmed with the participation of actors and illustrating the events of the cartoon or dealing with certain problems associated with the pirate lifestyle: for example, greed, smoking or alcoholism. At the same time, the manner of filming musical numbers and game episodes differs in different episodes: in some places the image is in color, in others it is black and white. One game scene imitates a silent film using intertitles, and in the opening sequence live action is combined with animation - the only cartoon character is Billy Bones.

Differences from the book

The replicas of the film's characters almost completely correspond to the replicas of Stevenson's characters. However, to achieve comic effect or simplify the plot, what happens is not entirely true to the novel:

  • In the book, John Silver did not have a left leg, but in the cartoon he did not have a right leg.
  • In the book, Jim Hawkins is a teenage boy living in the Admiral Benbow Inn with his parents. In the first part of the novel, his father dies, and Jim and his mother are forced to survive a pirate attack on the inn. However, in the cartoon, Jim is already almost an adult youth and lives alone in his tavern. He is helped by a one-eyed cat, which Billy Bones brought with him, and Jim's mother is only mentioned in passing.
  • In the book, Dr. Livesey bleeds Billy Bones, and in the film, he listens to him with a stethoscope and counts his pulse. There, Dr. Livesey is a cheerful fellow who can do everything playfully. This image of the doctor does not coincide with his prototype in the book.
  • In the book, Blind Pew is trampled by the horses of the customs guards who galloped to the Admiral Benbow to help. In the movie, he rolled off a cliff in a barrel. There, Pugh unfolds from his bosom a whole canvas with state military awards awarded to him (that is, Pugh was once both a royal sailor and a privateer, unless, of course, he stole these medals).
  • In the book, Jim recognizes the Black Dog in the Spyglass and raises a cry. He escapes, after which Silver plays the nice guy, convincing Jim that they will catch him. In the cartoon, Black Dog drinks rum in a tavern with other visitors and watches Jim's battle with a fat pirate, and then even becomes one of the Hispaniola sailors recruited by Silver.
  • Sometimes faithfully following the lines of the characters in the novel leads to contradictions with what is happening on the screen. For example, when the heroes, while still on the schooner, learn about the conspiracy, to Trelawny’s question “How many people are loyal to us on the ship?” - Captain Smollett answers:

There are seven of us, including Jim.

This corresponds to the plot of the book, but not the cartoon - in the cartoon there are only four positive characters, not seven. However, after defending the fort, the captain says:

There were four of us against nineteen. Now we are four against nine.

This phrase corresponds to the plot of the cartoon, not the book. In the film, the number of pirates cannot be counted. Most often, in addition to Silver, there are four or five pirates in the frame.

  • Returning to the fort, which was surrendered to the pirates, Jim Hawkins says that it was he who killed Israel Hands (since that is what happens in the book). Meanwhile, in the episode of Jim's capture of the schooner, Hands remains hanging between the masts of the Hispaniola, holding on to the ends of the rope cut by his own dagger. In addition, it remains there when the heroes set off on their return journey.
  • In the book, Captain Smollett received two bullet wounds during a battle with pirates and could not move independently. In the cartoon, he was simply crushed by the fort wall that fell on him, but was safe and sound.
  • In the book, Dr. Livesey performs a medical examination of the pirates long before they reach the place where the treasure is.
  • In the film, the treasures were completely removed from the island, but in the book only gold was taken away. The rest (silver bullion and weapons) remained on the island.
  • The cartoon ends with the sailing, but the fate of the treasure is not described. The book ends with a description of who disposed of their share and how. The only thing that is not described in the book is the fate of Jim's share.
  • Squire Trelawney is characterized as dull, greedy, gluttonous, lazy, cowardly and arrogant. The description is more suitable for the moneylender Trelawney from the 1937 Soviet film. In the book, Trelawney is arrogant and talkative, but brave and courageous. Moreover, he is the best shooter.
  • Silver’s “dossier” states that he is single, like all the other cartoon characters, but in the book (in a letter from Squire Trelawney), on the contrary, the fact that he is married to a black woman is mentioned.

Parallels with other works

  • The episodes with the “dossier” of the film’s characters in content and visual and sound design are a direct reference to the television film “17 Moments of Spring”.
  • The episode where Trelawney uncorks and enjoys drinking rum is a reference to a Pepsi advert from the 1980s.

Features of animation

Many hand-drawn sequences in the cartoon are used several times. For example, the night pirate raid on the Admiral Benbow tavern and the daytime attack on the fort (with the difference that Blind Pew is now replaced by Silver) are repeated. The death of minor characters in the cartoon is shown conditionally. During the entire film, in addition to Billy Bones, the cat and Blind Pew, only one cartoon character really dies - the fat man, defeated by Jim with a rocket. After the death of Blind Pew and the big fat pirate whom Jim defeated, the five pirates on the shore bare their heads in mourning.

Two teams of animators worked on the cartoon. One used the conventional hand-drawn animation method, and the second used “flat puppets”. The difference between the methods is that with classical drawing the artist draws a mirror image of the character. As a result, Silver alternately loses his left and right legs. The same mistake occurs in another film by David Cherkassky, where the heroes (sailors and pirates) are missing different legs (“Doctor Aibolit”).

Dossier on heroes

In the cartoon, when introducing pirates and other characters to the audience, the director’s “dossier” technique from the television film “Seventeen Moments of Spring” is used. It is noteworthy that the version written on the screen does not always coincide with the voiced version.

Character Description Character
Jim Hawkins A very, very good boy. Modest, kind and truthful. He listens to his mother and does exercises every morning. Very soft
Dr. Livesey A very good and cheerful person. Not married. Communicative
Squire Trelawney Stupid, greedy, gluttonous, arrogant, cowardly and lazy. Not married. Absent
Captain Smollett Old sailor and soldier. He loves to tell everyone the truth, which is why he suffers. Not married. Very nasty
Billy Bones(aka "Captain") Holder of the Treasure Island map that started it all. He drinks a lot and always has a cold. Not married. Bad
John Silver(aka "Ham", aka "One-legged") The most terrible pirate, but he pretends to be kind, which, however, he succeeds. Not married. Secretive
Black Dog Friend of Captain Flint. Hunts for the map of Treasure Island. Not married.
Blind Pew An old pirate and friend of Captain Flint. Cunning and greedy. He will do anything for money. Not married. Vile
Ben Gunn As a child, he was a well-bred boy, but he started playing toss, got involved with pirates, and went on a roll. Not married. Soft

Performers and crew

“They didn’t act in the film, but they voiced it”:

Filmed in game scenes: and Arkady Gartsman (credited as A. Balagin)

  • Instrumental accompaniment - ensemble “Festival”
  • Cinematographer - Vladimir Belorusov
  • Combined shooting - Felix Gilevich, Eldar Shakhverdiev (uncredited)
  • Sound engineer - Viktor Gruzdev
  • Animators - Alexander Lavrov, Sergey Kushnerov, Sergey Gizila, Ilya Skorupsky, Marina Medved, Mark Bykov, E. Zueva, Andrey Karbovnichiy, V. Solovyov
  • Artists - Yakov Petrushansky, Igor Kotkov, Natalia Myakota, Tatyana Cherni
  • Assistants - R. Lumelskaya, L. Kucherova, V. Ryabkina, N. Severina, V. Bozenen
  • Editing - Yuna Srebnitskaya
  • Editor - Svetlana Kutsenko
  • Director of the film - Boris Kalashnikov
  • Vocals - Oleg Sheremenko
  • Stunt and stage combat director - Viktor Andrienko
  • Stuntmen - Viktor Andrienko, V. Vasilkov, S. Grigoriev, S. Dubinin
  • Musical numbers

    Episode 1

    • Introduction ( “All the heroes of this drama, from the filibuster to the master of science...”)
    • A tragic and instructive story about a boy, Bobby, who loved money ( “From birth Bobby was a good boy...”)
    • On the death of Billy Bones ( “Lords, sirs, peers, know a sense of proportion...”) - 02:35
    • Song about the benefits of sports ( "If you want, argue...") - 02:33
    • On board the Hispaniola (instrumental number)
    • Chance - 02:49
    Episode 2
    • Introduction No. 2 ( “Now the bells will strike midnight...”)
    • Story by Ben Gunn (instrumental)
    • Song about greed ( "Greedy Billy was a pirate...") - 02:19
    • We are all participants in the regatta - 02:06
    • Song about the dangers of smoking ( “Columbus discovered America - he was a great sailor...”) - 01:56
    • Life is like a movie ( “There are only a few minutes left until the end...”) - 01:11
    • Final song ( “I shout to those few who decided to exchange earthly anxieties for a saving island...”) - 01:23

    Music and songs performed by VIA "Festival". The final song was performed by Armen Dzhigarkhanyan.


    • VF of television films, Minsk, 1989 - Grand Prize.
    • 1st Prize of the IFF TV Films in Czechoslovakia.
    • 1st All-Union Film Festival of Animated Cinema, Kyiv, 1989 - prize “For the best full-length film.”

    DVD editions

    • Originally released on DVD by Discovery, with sound: Dolby Digital 2.0 and Dolby Digital 5.1, with Russian subtitles.
    • In 2005, the export DVD version of the company “RUSCICO” (zone 0) in addition to audio tracks:
    • Russian (original) Dolby Digital 1.0
    • Russian (original) Dolby Digital 5.1
    • English (single voice, voiceover) Dolby Digital 5.1
    • French (single voice, voiceover) Dolby Digital 5.1

    Contains a set of international subtitles. The image, unlike the Close-up edition, has not been restored. This release contains text information about David Cherkassky.

    • In 2006, the Russian DVD edition from the Krupny Plan company (zone 0) contains a restored version of the film and audio tracks: Dolby Digital 5.1, Dolby Digital 1.0. There are no bonus materials or subtitles on this version.
    • )

      (song): - “All the heroes of this drama, From the filibuster to the master of sciences,

      They will meet on the edge of this pit, Where Flint buried a chest of piastres!

      It all starts with an old map... In the end, some people won't collect the bones.

      And the island that could have been a resort will become the object of devilish passions!

      - "Treasure Island"! I once wrote a book about pirates,

    "Treasure Island" Stevenson main characters different, both positive and negative, but thanks to them the novel turned out to be so interesting and exciting.

    "Treasure Island" heroes

    Positive heroes of "Treasure Island"

    1. Jim Hawkins(English) Jim Hawkins) - a young man, the main character, on whose behalf (with the exception of a few chapters on behalf of Dr. Livesey) the story is told. It is his actions that propel the plot of Stevenson's novel. Jim Hawkins actively participates in all events: he made friends with the pirate Billy Bones, he stole the map of Treasure Island from the chest of this pirate, which he gave to Dr. Livesey and the Squire; he discovered a conspiracy on the ship, found Ben Gunn, killed Israel Hands, took the pirate ship to the Northern parking lot and became a bone of contention in the confrontation between John Silver and the remnants of his gang.
    2. Jim Hawkins' mother- owner of the Admiral Benbow tavern.
    3. Dr David Livesey(English) Dr. David Livesey) - a gentleman, a doctor and a judge, a man of amazing courage, ready to fulfill his professional and human duty without hesitation. Once served in the Duke of Cumberland's forces and was wounded at the Battle of Fontenoy (1745).
    4. Squire John Trelawney(English) Squire John Trelawney) - a wealthy landowner who financed the expedition for Flint's treasures. Over six feet (183 cm) tall. Initially aspired to leadership; however, his talkativeness and incompetence caused the majority of the Hispaniola's crew to be made up of the late Flint's thugs. Relinquished command to Captain Smollett when he learned of the impending mutiny. An excellent shooter. He took three faithful servants on the voyage, who showed themselves well in the battle with the robbers.
    5. Captain Alexander Smollett(English) Captain Alexander Smollett) - captain of Hispaniola. A professional sailor who has knowledge not only of navigation, but also of organizing ship life. During the storming of the blockhouse he received two gunshot wounds. Height is over six feet (183 cm). After returning to England he left the naval service.
    6. Tom Redruth(English) Tom Redruth) - an old forester from the squire's retinue; died at the stockade from a pistol shot on the day the schooner arrived at the island.
    7. John Hunter(English) John Hunter) - the Squire's servant, died during the assault on the fort. One of the pirates snatched the musket from his hands and, thrusting it into the loophole, dealt him a terrible blow, which broke the unfortunate man’s ribs. Hunter fell and broke his skull. He died from these wounds in the evening of the same day.
    8. Richard Joyce(English) Richard Joyce) - the squire's servant, died during the storming of the fort - he was shot in the head.
    9. Abraham "Abe" Gray(English) Abraham Gray) - a ship's carpenter's assistant, along with Dick, Alan and Tom (not to be confused with Tom Morgan) was one of those honest sailors whom Silver and his henchmen wanted to win over to their side. Heeding the call of Captain Smollett, he went over to his side, fighting off five angry rioters who cut his face. Subsequently, he justified the trust placed in him by killing the boatswain Job Anderson, who was trying to break into the log house. After returning, he spent the received part of the treasures on his studies and as a result became a navigator and co-owner of a small ship.
    10. Benjamin "Ben" Gunn(English) Ben Gunn) - former pirate, crew member of the Walrus. During his stay on the island, he built a boat, on which Jim Hawkins later managed to swim to the Hispaniola. After Flint's death, he sailed on another pirate ship, but quarreled with the crew and was left on Treasure Island as punishment. During his forced three-year life on the island, he repented of his crimes; found the bulk of Flint's treasures and transferred them to his cave. The English writer R. F. Delderfield wrote the book “The Adventures of Ben Gunn” about his adventures on the island. After his return, he spent his share of the treasure in nineteen days, after which he was hired by the squire to work as a gatekeeper.
    11. Allan And Volume- honest sailors killed by pirates on the first day of the mutiny. Tom was killed by Silver, Allan was killed by the second boatswain Anderson.

    Negative heroes of "Treasure Island"

    • John Silver, aka Lanky John, aka Ham- cook on the Hispaniola, then leader of the rebellious pirates. Age - 50 years (according to Silver himself). They said that “in his youth he was a student and, if he wanted, he could talk like he was reading a book.” On the Walrus, Flint served as quartermaster. His left leg was amputated up to the hip, so Silver walked on a wooden prosthesis and with a crutch. Unlike the pitiful fate of most pirates on the shore (which did not spare even Pugh himself), especially the disabled, he saved up money and opened his own inn, the Spyglass, in the port of Bristol. Married to a “colored” woman. On his shoulder he carries a parrot named Captain Flint. At the end of the novel, he not only remained alive, having gone over to the side of the winners in time, but also hid from them in one of the ports, not without the help of Ben Gunn, taking with him as much money as he could carry. Unlike the book, in the domestic film - Treasure Island (film, 1982) - Silver, by an absurd accident, dies from Ben Gunn's shot with a poisoned arrow from a blowpipe. Dennis Jude wrote the novel The Adventures of Long John Silver about Silver's life before the events of Treasure Island.
    • Job Anderson(English) Job Anderson) - a tall, strong, brave and energetic boatswain. After his disappearance, Arrow served as first mate on the schooner. The second most important pirate on the Hispaniola after Silver, he wields a cleaver superbly and shoots a pistol. He fell at the hands of Abraham Gray during the storming of the stockade. In the domestic film, due to his own negligence, he exploded on a bomb from a keg of gunpowder set by George Merry.
    • Israel Hands(English) Israel Hands) - a boatswain's mate (boatswain's mate or second boatswain), after the death of navigator Arrow and the promotion of Job Anderson, he began to act as a boatswain, together with Silver, Anderson, Merry and the ship's carpenter, he formed the core of the conspirators who planned to mutiny on the Hispaniola and take possession of the map. Left by Silver to guard Hispaniola. Killed by Jim aboard the Hispaniola. Flint was a gunner on the Walrus.
    • Hispaniola carpenter(first and last name unknown) - a strong and dangerous pirate. He was killed in his sleep by Ben Gunn. In the Soviet film his name was Jack.
    • George Merry(English) George Merry) - 35 years old, a lanky pirate who caught a malignant fever on the island, which explains his sickly appearance. After the deaths of Anderson, Hands and the carpenter, he became the informal leader of a gang of pirates and an instigator against Silver, for which he was subsequently shot by John Silver.
    • Tom Morgan(English) Tom Morgan) - the oldest robber from a gang of pirates, was left by Smollet and company to atone for their sins on Treasure Island. Young sailors Dick and Red Fowler remained with him.
    • O'Brien(English) O'Brien) - a pirate, a bald Irishman who wore a red sleeping cap on his head. He took part in the assault on the fort; after the pirates retreated, he was the last to climb over the stockade; the defenders of the fort did not fire at him. He was stabbed to death on board the Hispaniola by Israel Hands in a drunken brawl, having previously wounded him. In Dennis Jude's story "The Adventures of Long John Silver" he is named Michael.
    • Harry- a regular at the Spyglass tavern. The same pirate whom (along with Long-Legged Ben) John Silver sent to catch up with the Black Dog. Subsequently he died during the storming of the stockade (presumably). In the domestic film, Harry is a deaf-mute pirate carrying a light cannon on his back, who personally knew Flint and was left on the island after the end of the story.
    • Long Legs Ben- a regular at John Silver's Spyglass tavern. Probably one of the six pirates left behind by Silver on the Hispaniola. Was shot by Squire Trelawney at the cannon (allegedly). R. F. Delderfield's book mentions that a pirate named Dick was mortally wounded at the cannon.
    • John Fowler(Jim Fowler, Red Fowler) - one of the three surviving pirates left on the island. It does not have a name in the original author’s text; it received a name only in L. Delderfield’s story “The Adventures of Ben Gunn”. It states that Fowler was not a pirate and a member of the crew of the Walrus, but joined John Silver after the Hispaniola left England. In the domestic film, Harry was left on the island instead.
    • Dark- one of those robbers who, together with Pugh and the Black Dog, destroyed the Admiral Benbow tavern. As the blind man put it, Pugh had always been a fool and a coward; was probably killed during the attack on the log house. In Dennis Jude's story "The Adventures of Long John Silver", his surname is Campbell.
    • Johnny- one of those robbers who, together with Pugh and the Black Dog, destroyed the Admiral Benbow tavern. He loved to hum the song “Lillibulero”.
    • Three nameless pirates- former members of old Flint's gang.
    • Dick Johnson- young sailor; Initially, Dick was not a pirate, like the sailors from the crew of the Walrus. He joined the conspirators under the influence of Silver's eloquence.
    • Captain Flint(English) Captain Flint) - legendary pirate captain, comrade-in-arms of Pugh. On his old Walrus, Billy Bones acted as navigator, John Silver as quartermaster, Israel Hands as gunner, and Job Anderson as boatswain. In the book it is only mentioned in conversations, since the novel takes place after his death.
    • Billy Bones(English) Billy Bones) - pirate, former first mate of old Flint. After the death of his captain, he became his heir and fled to England along with the map of Treasure Island.
    • Drink (Blind Pew, English Blind Pew) is a blind pirate leader who is known to have lost his sight in the same battle in which John Silver lost his leg. Along with Flint, John Silver and Billy Bones, he formed the four most ferocious and dangerous villains in Stevenson's novel. He died under the hooves of a horse after a pogrom at the Admiral Benbow tavern. His influence on other pirates is enormous. Even as a blind man, he terrifies Billy Bones, and the cunning John Silver repeats his name with respect. It was he (not John Silver or Job Anderson) who led the ill-fated attack on the Admiral Benbow Inn). It is not entirely clear what place he previously occupied in the hierarchy of the ship’s crew of the old “Walrus”. As is repeated many times in the novel, on Flint's ship the navigator was Billy Bones, and the boarding crew commander (quarter deck master) was John Silver (the term quarter deck master should not be confused with the more widely known term quartermaster - the head of supplies/food). Most likely, this is precisely what explains why Flint was “afraid” of Silver - as the field commander of his “special forces” - and not at all of his “supply”.
    • Black Dog(English) Black Dog) - one of the most dangerous pirates from old Pugh's crew, he was missing two fingers on his left hand. Ironically, he could not participate in the Hispaniola expedition for the treasures of old Flint, since as a pirate and treasure hunter he was known to the Hispaniola cabin boy Jim Hawkins.
    • Nick Allardyce- a lanky pirate with red hair, along with five other pirates, was taken by Flint to the island to bury treasure and was killed there. He took the pirate Tom Morgan's knife with him to the island and remained indebted to him. Allardyce's fate was unenviable: from his body Captain Flint made a compass that indicated where the treasures lay.
    • Darby McGraw- a pirate, and probably Captain Flint's bodyguard. Mentioned by Ben Gunn when he portrayed the dying Flint.
    • Navigator Arrow(English) Arrow) - Captain Smollett's first mate. Apparently, he was hired by the squire independently, as he did not enjoy the respect and authority of the team. Turned out to be an alcoholic; John Silver supported him with alcohol from his hiding place. Disappeared from the Hispaniola under unclear circumstances.


    The events of the novel take place in the middle of the 18th century, presumably in 1765. In the 16th chapter of the book Livesey mentions his participation in historical Battle of Fontenoy which took place on May 11 1745, in Billy Bones' diary there is a date of June 12, 1745, the events take place from February to September, the map of the island shows July 1754). They start in the southwest England, near the city Bristol, in the tavern " Admiral Benbow ».

    One day a new guest moves into the tavern - a former sailor. Billy Bones. The guest has a gloomy and unsociable character, and is also burdened by chronic alcoholism. After some time, strange guests begin to come to him. The first is a pirate named Black Dog, an old friend of Billy. They fight, Bones wounds Black Dog, but he escapes. Billy is then visited by the scary blind beggar pirate Pew, who gives him black mark - a stern warning to those who violate the interests of the team. Billy, having received the mark, decides to urgently leave the tavern, but suddenly dies from apoplexy. Jim and his mother, to whom Billy owes money for billeting, search the dead sailor and his belongings. At the bottom of his chest they find money and a package of papers. From these papers it becomes clear that Bones was a navigator ( English first mate) on the ship of the famous captain Flint and owned a map of some island.

    Jim barely manages to take Flint's papers from under the noses of blind Pugh and his pirates, who attack the Admiral Benbow inn at night in order to take possession of the map. Bones, Black Dog, blind Pew and the rest are former members of the crew of the Walrus, Captain Flint's pirate ship. Suddenly, a squad of royal customs officers comes to the aid of Jim and his mother. Blind Pugh accidentally dies under the hooves of a horse, and the rest of the pirates flee - their retreat is covered by the pirate crew lugger, where their accomplices are located.

    Jim goes to Dr. Livesey and Squire Trelawney and shows them the papers. After studying them, the doctor and the squire come to the conclusion that the map points to the place where Flint buried his treasures. Wealthy Trelawney begins preparations for the voyage and instructs the businessman Blandley to equip a suitable ship for the voyage - schooner"Hispaniola".

    Captain of the Hispaniola Mr. Smollett expresses great doubts about the reliability of the team, and in particular does not trust his assistant, navigator Aerrow, but gives in to persuasion Dr. Livesey and Trelawney's condescension. The Hispaniola begins its voyage from Bristol to Treasure Island. During the voyage, navigator Aerrow drank a lot and one stormy night disappears from the ship; in addition, Jim manages to overhear a secret conversation between sailor Dick, the “second” boatswain Israel Hands and coca, one-legged John Silver, nicknamed Barbecue, aka Long John. It turns out that the team Trelawney hired is mostly made up of Flint's former team, and Silver is the leader of the cabal, whose goal is to seize the treasure. Jim learns that there are significantly more pirates on the ship than honest people. He hears that Silver and his pirates are going to kill all honest people. The pirates put pressure on Silver and urge him to quickly attack Captain Smollett and the others, but Silver understands that the gang will not be able to chart a course on their own, since none of the pirates have the appropriate education. Silver's plan is to wait until the squire, captain, doctor and others find the treasure and load it onto the ship, wait until the experienced Captain Smollett brings the ship "at least to trade wind"and only then kill them all.

    Map of Treasure Island from the first German edition. Attributed to Stevenson

    Meanwhile, the ship sails to Treasure Island. Silver sees that his plan is failing: the pirates almost openly ignore the orders of Captain Smollett and behave quite aggressively. Jim tells the captain, the squire and the doctor what he heard. The heroes realize that they are in trouble. Smollett decides to clear the air and invites the team to go ashore. The captain's plan is to surprise the pirates left on the ship, attack them and capture the Hispaniola. The captain's plan would have worked if Jim had not sailed away on one of the boats with the pirates.

    So the captain proposes a new plan. On the map he sees that there is an old Flint fort on the island. The captain suggests moving to the fort and fighting the pirates on the island. The heroes collect gunpowder, weapons, food, get into a skiff and sail away from the ship. The pirates, taken by surprise by these actions, prepare to fire on the skiff. In the skiff are the captain, doctor, squire, Hunter, Joyce, Redruth and Abraham Gray - a sailor from the crew whom the pirates wanted, but could not win over to their side. Hands tries to sink the skiff by firing at it from a cannon. The squire kills one of the pirates. Soon the heroes, having lost their servant, Tom Redruth, who died in battle, reach the fort and settle down in it. The captain gives everyone positions. The heroes are ready for long battles.

    Meanwhile, Jim reaches shore with the pirates and escapes. After some time, he witnesses the murder of the honest sailor Tom by John Silver. From the wild scream it becomes clear that another honest sailor, Alan, was also killed by pirates. Jim runs, confused about the road, and meets a man dressed in goat skins and acting very strangely. This man reports that he is a repentant former pirate named Ben Gunn. Ben asks Jim to arrange a meeting with the doctor. Jim sees British flag over the fort and hurries to his friends.

    The next day, Silver comes to the fort with a white flag. Captain Smollett comes out to negotiate. Silver offers to give him the map in exchange for the fact that the pirates will leave the people alone and send the first ship they encounter to their rescue. Smollett harshly refuses Silver and warns that all negotiations are over. Captain Silver leaves, promising that in an hour those “who remain alive will envy the dead.” During the attack, hand-to-hand combat ensued, after which the pirates had to retreat, many of them were killed. There were also losses among the fort's defenders - Hunter and Joyce were killed, Captain Smollett received two gunshot wounds.

    Jim conveys Ben Gunn's request to the doctor. The doctor takes pistols, a dirk, puts a map in his pocket, hangs a musket on his shoulder and leaves. Unable to bear being in the fort, Jim takes a supply of crackers, two pistols, a knife and makes a sortie. He comes ashore and decides to see what is happening on the Hispaniola. Jim finds Ben Gunn's shuttle and, after waiting for the tide to go out, swims up to the ship. Jim reaches the ship and realizes that the boatswain Hands and the Irishman O'Brien, who remained to guard the ship, are drunk. He cuts the anchor rope and climbs aboard. In the morning, he finds Hands wounded and O'Brien killed. Under the leadership of Hands, Jim leads the ship to the Northern parking lot, now no one knows about the whereabouts of the ship. Hands tries to kill Jim, but Jim accidentally shoots him with his pistols. Hands falls into the water and drowns.

    Jim returns to the fort, but discovers pirates there and becomes a hostage. Silver refuses to kill Jim, explaining to the pirates that it is impossible to kill a hostage. Silver's behavior, leading a double game, outrages the pirates. Silver is given a “black mark” and demands re-election as captain. However, Silver explains his behavior. He entered into an agreement with Dr. Livesey: in exchange for a map, food supplies and a fort, the pirates allowed the heroes to leave. No one can understand why this was necessary. Silver remains the leader, his authority only growing.

    The next day, Dr. Livesey comes for a visit. He examines and treats the feverish pirates and asks Silver for permission to talk to Jim. Silver releases Jim to talk with the doctor, taking his word of honor that he will not run away. The doctor persuades Jim to run, but he refuses. Jim tells the doctor where the ship is hidden.

    The pirates, taking Jim with them, go looking for treasure. They soon come across a skeleton. Silver realizes that this sign is one of Flint's jokes. Suddenly the pirates hear Flint's voice. They stop in horror. Silver convinces everyone that this is the voice of a living person, since everyone heard the echo. Soon the pirates recognize Ben Gunn's voice. The pirates continue on their way and find a huge hole. It becomes clear that the treasure has already been found, and it was for this reason that the doctor gave the map. They are about to attack Silver and Jim, but Dr. Livesey, Abraham Gray and Ben Gunn ambush the pirates and kill the pirate Durk, the pirate with the bandaged head. George Merry was shot by Silver, the rest take flight.

    It turned out that Gann had long ago found the treasure and transferred it to his cave. For several days the heroes dragged the treasures onto the ship. They soon sailed away from the island, leaving three surviving pirates there. Silver manages to disappear into one of the ports, taking part of the treasure. Ben Gunn helped do this because he was mortally afraid of him.

    Returning to England, the heroes became rich people, each disposing of their share in their own way: some wisely, like Gray, who took up maritime studies and became a navigator and co-owner of the ship. And only Ben Gunn spent his thousand pounds in just nineteen days. Trelawney took him to work as a gatekeeper at the park.


    Main characters

    • Jim Hawkins (English Jim Hawkins) - a young man, a cabin boy on the Hispaniola, the main character on whose behalf (with the exception of a few chapters on behalf of Dr. Livesey) and the story is told. It is his actions that propel the plot of Stevenson's novel. Jim Hawkins actively participates in all events: it was the pirate Billy Bones who settled in his parents' tavern, he stole the map of Treasure Island from this pirate's chest, which he gave to Dr. Livesey and Squire Trelawney; he discovered a conspiracy on the ship, found Ben Gunn, killed Israel Hands, took the pirate ship to the Northern parking lot and became a bone of contention in the confrontation between John Silver and the remnants of his gang.
    • Billy Bones (English Billy Bones) - former navigator of Captain Flint, an old pirate. After the death of Captain Flint, he obtained a map of Treasure Island and fled to England, thereby becoming a target for other pirates. The appearance of Billy Bones at the Admiral Benbow inn actually marked the beginning of all the adventures of Jim Hawkins. Billy drank a lot and had a very nasty and domineering character. In the tavern they called him “captain”. He swore, ordered him to drink with him and listen to terrible stories about pirates and their crimes. Billy was afraid of publicity and authorities. Therefore, Dr. Livesey quickly put him in his place, threatening him with bailiffs. Bones lived in constant fear of his former comrades, who eventually found him and brought him with a black mark to a stroke, from which Bones died, causing so much anxiety and enormous wealth to the heroes of the book. The story of Billy Bones is described in detail by Robert Stevenson in the novel “Piastres. Piasters!!!"
    • Dr David Livesey (English Dr. David Livesey) is a gentleman, doctor and judge, a man of amazing courage and heroism, ready to fulfill his professional and human duty without hesitation. Once served in the army Duke of Cumberland and was wounded in Battle of Fontenoy (1745). After the storming of the fort and the wounding of Captain Smollett, he became the leader of a detachment of honest people.
    • Squire John Trelawney (English Squire John Trelawney) - a rich, eccentric, frivolous landowner who financed the voyage for Flint's treasures. taller than six feet(183 cm). Initially aspired to leadership; however, his talkativeness and incompetence caused the majority of the Hispaniola's crew to be Captain Flint's pirates. Relinquished the right of command to Captain Smollett when he learned of the impending mutiny. An excellent shooter. He took three disciplined and faithful servants on the voyage, who showed themselves well in battles with robbers. After the voyage, he became a member of parliament for his constituency and still hunted partridges and shot them with his usual accuracy until he died of his final illness.
    • Captain Alexander Smollett (English Captain Alexander Smollett) - courageous, brave captain of the Hispaniola. He is a demanding and dry person by nature. Smollett is six feet tall. Captain Smollett was hired by Squire Trelawney. Organized the escape from the ship and the defense of the fort. An excellent organizer and commander. He shoots poorly, but fights wonderfully with melee weapons. During the battle with pirates for the fort, he received two gunshot wounds and could not move independently. Upon returning to England, the captain leaves naval service.
    • John Silver , (English John Silver) - aka Lanky John, aka Ham - cook on the Hispaniola, then captain of the mutinous pirates. Age - 50 years (according to Silver himself). They said that “in his youth he was a student and, if he wanted, he could talk like he was reading a book.” On the Walrus, Flint performed duties quartermaster. Lost his leg in battle under Captain England. His left leg is amputated at the hip, so Silver walks with a crutch. He saved up money and opened his own tavern, the Spyglass, in the city of Bristol. The wife "does not belong to the white race." I took a parrot named Captain Flint on a voyage. At the end of the novel, he not only remained alive, having gone over to the squire’s side in time, but also hid from them in one of the ports, not without the help of Ben Gunn, taking with him as much money as he could carry. Dennis Jude wrote the novel The Adventures of Long John Silver about Silver's life before the events of Treasure Island.

    Minor characters

    • Benjamin "Ben" Gunn (English Ben Gunn) - former pirate, sailed on the Walrus. During his stay on the island, he built a shuttle, on which Jim Hawkins later managed to swim to the Hispaniola. After Flint's death, he sailed on another pirate ship, but he quarreled with the sailors and was left on Treasure Island as punishment. During his three-year life on the island, he repented of his crimes; found the bulk of Flint's treasures and transferred them to his cave. English writer about his adventures on the island R. F. Delderfield Wrote the book The Adventures of Ben Gunn. After his return, he spent his share of the treasure in nineteen days, after which he worked for the squire as a gatekeeper in the park.
    • Tom Redruth (English Tom Redruth) - old huntsman, servant and fellow countryman of the squire; killed in the first battle at the stockade by Job Anderson's pistol shot on the day the schooner arrived at the island.
    • John Hunter (English John Hunter) - servant and fellow countryman of the squire, died during the storming of the fort. Pirate George Merry snatched it from his hands musket and, thrusting it into the loophole, dealt him a terrible blow, which broke his ribs. Hunter fell and broke his skull. He died from these wounds in the evening of the same day.
    • Richard Joyce (English Richard Joyce) - the squire's servant and fellow countryman, died during the assault on the fort - boatswain Israel Hands shot him in the head.
    • Abraham "Abe" Gray (English Abraham Gray) - a carpenter's assistant, along with Dick, Alan and Tom (not to be confused with Tom Morgan) was one of the four honest sailors whom Silver wanted to win over to his side. Heeding the call of Captain Smollett, he went over to his side, fighting off five angry pirates who wounded him in the face. Later he took an active part in battles with pirates, killing boatswain Job Anderson, who was trying to kill Jim. After returning, he spent the received part of the treasures on his studies and as a result became a navigator and co-owner of a small ship.
    • Job Anderson (English Job Anderson) is a tall, strong, brave and energetic boatswain of the Hispaniola. A born leader of Silver's gang. On the Walrus he acted as a boatswain. After his death, Arrow served as first mate on the schooner. The second most important pirate on the Hispaniola after Silver, he fenced superbly and shot with a pistol. During the landing on the island, he killed the sailor Alan, commanded seven pirates in the first battle with Captain Smollett's crew, and shot Tom Redruth's servant with a pistol. During the assault on the fort, he tried to break into the log house, wounded Captain Smollett at the very beginning of the battle and died in a duel with Abraham Gray, before trying to kill Jim
    • Israel Hands (English Israel Hands) - boatswain's mate, after the death of navigator Arrow and the promotion of Job Anderson, he began to act as boatswain. Shoots a cannon well. Together with Silver, Anderson, Merry and the ship's carpenter, he formed the core of the conspirators who planned to mutiny on the Hispaniola and take possession of the map. Flint was a gunner on the Walrus. Participated in the assault on the fort, shot the servant Joyce in the head. Was left to guard Hispaniola. He was shot by Jim aboard the Hispaniola while attempting to attack him.
    • George Merry (English George Merry) - 35 years old, a tall pirate who caught a malignant fever on the island, which explains his sickly appearance. Participated in the assault on the fort, wounding Hunter and Captain Smollett. After the deaths of Anderson, Hands and the carpenter, he became the informal leader of a gang of pirates and an instigator against Silver. He was killed by John Silver, when attacked by Dr. Livesey, Abraham Gray and Ben Gunn
    • Tom Morgan (English Tom Morgan) - the oldest pirate from a gang of rebels, was left by Captain Smollett and company to atone for their sins on Treasure Island. Young pirates Dick and Red Fowler remained with him.
    • O'Brien (English O"Brien) - a pirate, a bald Irishman who wore a red sleeping cap on his head. He took part in the assault on the fort, after the retreat of the pirates he climbed over the stockade last, the defenders of the fort did not shoot at him. He was left with Hands to guard the Hispaniola. He was killed on board "Hispaniola" in a drunken brawl with Israel Hands, having previously wounded the boatswain in the thigh. In Dennis Jude's story "The Adventures of Long John Silver" he is named Michael.
    • Harry- a regular at the Spyglass tavern. A pirate who, along with Ben Longlegs, was sent by John Silver to catch up with the Black Dog. Killed during the storming of the fort.
    • Long Legs Ben- a regular at John Silver's Spyglass tavern. One of the six pirates left by Silver on the Hispaniola. Was shot by Squire Trelawney at the cannon. R. F. Delderfield's book mentions that a pirate named Dick was mortally wounded at the cannon.
    • John Fowler- one of the three surviving pirates left on the island. It does not have a name in the original author’s text; it received a name only in L. Delderfield’s story “The Adventures of Ben Gunn”. It states that Fowler was not a pirate and a member of the crew of the Walrus, but joined John Silver after the Hispaniola left England.
    • Dark- one of those robbers who, together with Pugh and the Black Dog, destroyed the Admiral Benbow tavern. As the blind man put it, Pugh has always been a fool and a coward. Died in the assault on the fort. In Dennis Jude's story "The Adventures of Long John Silver", his surname is Campbell.
    • Johnny- one of those robbers who, together with Pugh and the Black Dog, destroyed the Admiral Benbow tavern. He was wounded in the head during the assault on the fort and was killed by Dr. Livesey in the final battle. Loved to hum a song "Lillibulero".
    • The Hispaniola carpenter is a strong and dangerous pirate. He was killed in his sleep by Ben Gunn. In the Soviet film his name was Jack.
    • Dick "Pastor" Johnson- young sailor; Initially, Dick was not a robber, like the pirates from the Walrus crew. He joined the pirates under the influence of Silver's golden words. Dick never left his Bible. Was left on the island with Tom Morgan and John Fowler.
    • Captain John Flint (English Captain Flint) - the legendary pirate captain, Pugh's comrade-in-arms. On his old Walrus the navigator was Billy Bones, the quartermaster was John Silver, the gunner was Israel Hands, and the boatswain was Job Anderson. In the book it is only mentioned in conversations, since the novel takes place after his death.
    • Blind Pew (English Blind Pew is a blind pirate known to have lost his sight in the same battle in which John Silver lost his leg. Along with Flint, John Silver and Billy Bones, he formed the four most ferocious and dangerous pirates in Stevenson's novel. He died under the hooves of a horse after a pogrom at the Admiral Benbow tavern. His influence on other pirates is enormous. Even though he was blind, he brought the black mark to Billy Bones. It was he who led the attack on the Admiral Benbow tavern. As is repeated many times in the novel, on Flint's ship Billy Bones was the navigator and the quartermaster ( English quarter deck master) was John Silver, who Pugh was is unknown.
    • Black Dog (English Black Dog) is one of the most dangerous pirates from Captain Flint's crew; he was missing two fingers on his left hand. He came to the tavern and was wounded in a fight with Billy Bones. Participated in the attack on the Admiral Benbow tavern. He could not participate in the voyage of the Hispaniola, since he was known to Jim Hawkins as a pirate and treasure hunter.
    • Nick Allardyce- a pirate with red hair, along with five other pirates, was taken by Flint to the island to bury treasure and was killed there. He took the pirate Tom Morgan's knife with him to the island and remained indebted to him. From Allardyce's body, Captain Flint made a compass that showed where the treasure lay. In L. R. Delderfield's book "The Adventures of Ben Gunn" (where the name was invented, only the surname was known in the author's text) he was Ben Gunn's best friend and mentor.
    • Darby McGraw- a pirate, and probably Captain Flint's bodyguard. Mentioned by Ben Gunn when he portrayed the dying Captain Flint.
    • Navigator Arrow (English Arrow) - Hispaniola's first navigator. He was recommended by Silver, but did not enjoy authority or respect from the team. He turned out to be a drunkard, he drank a lot during the voyage, and John Silver supplied him with alcohol from his hiding place, which, apparently, was part of the conspirators’ plan. One stormy night he disappeared from the ship under unclear circumstances. Captain Smollett decided that the navigator had fallen overboard. What actually happened to Arrow is never explained, but Job Anderson became the new navigator.
    • Alan And Volume- honest sailors killed by pirates on the first day of the mutiny. Tom was killed by John Silver, Alan by Job Anderson.
    • Jim Hawkins' mother- owner of the Admiral Benbow inn.

    Jimmy Hawkins near the treasure. Illustration for the French edition of 1885, artist Georges Roux.

    Treasure Island Prototype

    It has long been believed that Treasure Island is a story entirely made up by Stevenson, including the description of Treasure Island. However, in the 1940s, surprising similarities between the fictional island and the island were discovered Pinos(modern Juventud), located 70 km south of Cuba, which was a haven for pirates for 300 years.

    Russian editions and translations

    Having gained wide popularity in Europe almost immediately after its publication, the novel quite early attracted the attention of Russian publishers, quickly entering the traditional circle of children's reading. First adapted translation from the French edition 1885 released in Moscow in 1886, in the printing house of the brothers E. and M. Werner, as a supplement to the magazine "Around the world". The illustrations of the French artist were completely reproduced in it. Georges Roux. The most popular translation before the revolution was considered to be by O. A. Grigorieva, published in 1904 in the series “Library of Novels (Adventures on Land and Sea)” by the publishing house P. P. Soikina. In the USSR, translation was the most accessible N.K. Chukovsky, completed in the first half of the 1930s, edited by K. I. Chukovsky and published Association of state book and magazine publishing houses(OGIZ) under the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR in 1935, almost simultaneously with a more accurate but less well-known translation M. A. Zenkevich, published by the publishing house "Young guard". Exactly in translation N.K. Chukovsky the novel was reprinted several times in the series “ Adventure Library », « Adventure and Science Fiction Library », « Library of World Literature for Children» publishing houses "Children's literature", as well as individual publications. In the 1990s and 2000s, new translations by M. I. Kan, I. Smirnov and V. Kaidalov were published, which were more consistent with the norms of the modern Russian language, but did not become widely known.

    Literary parodies and sequels

    "Treasure Island" gave rise to a number of literary parodies and sequels.

    • I wrote one of these parodies John Lennon(published in the book In His Own Write, 1964). Entitled Treasure Ivan- a play on words (Ivan - perhaps referring to his school friend Ivan Vaughan). In the Russian translation by Alexei Kurbanovsky, the parody is called “Osip Sokrovich”
    • IN 1973 In the magazine " Around the world» novel was published R. Delderfield"The Adventures of Ben Gunn", written partly from the perspective of D. Hawkins, but mainly from the perspective of Ben Gunn himself.
    • IN 2001 Irish writer Frank Delaney (under the pseudonym Francis Bryan) wrote a novel sequel"Jim Hawkins and the Curse of Treasure Island" (English)Russian ».
    • Dennis Jude wrote the novel The Adventures of Long John Silver about Silver's life before the events of Treasure Island.
    • John Drake. "Captain Silver's Odyssey"
    • Edward Chupak. "John Silver: Return to Treasure Island"
    • Bjorn Larsson. "Long John Silver: The True and Thrilling Tale of My Free Life as a Gentleman of Fortune and an Enemy of Mankind"
    • IN 2013 Russian writer V. P. Tochinov released an “investigative novel” “Island Without Treasures”, in which he proves that the apparent plot inconsistencies of the novel turn out to be subtly thought-out plot devices, behind which the true face of the characters is hidden. In particular, it is alleged that Jim Hawkins' parents were engaged in smuggling, the proceeds of which were received by Squire Trelawney, Dr. Livesey was a spy Jacobites, the pirates on the Hispaniola were not plotting a mutiny at all, John Silver sailed on the ship in 1719-1720


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