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The Greek island of Crete is chosen for holidays for various reasons. Some are attracted by its history and beaches, while others are not indifferent to the nature of the Greek island.

The main and in many ways unique natural attraction of Crete are the mountains that stretch across its entire area. In the west it is Lefka Ori, in the east it is Dikti, in the center it is Psiloritis. And all of them are cut by gorges of different passability and length. Some gorges are well developed by man and annually receive thousands of tourists who are passionate about canyoning. Others remain “wild” and little studied.

Lefka Ori mountains in western Crete.

Canyoning in Crete

Crete is an ideal destination for canyoning. This is the most popular type of trekking on the island, which is not at all surprising: gorges and canyons of varying complexity combine different types of terrain and many natural beauties. In addition, they are more comfortable than mountain plateaus, they provide reliable shelter from the sun on a hot day, and a stream always flows along the bottom, supplying travelers with clean water. Canyoning in Crete will impress both professionals and beginners. And although tourists will need courage and endurance, such an experience will be remembered for a long time.

(About terminology. Strictly speaking, a canyon is a gorge, the bottom of which is completely occupied by a water flow. But in everyday life, both terms are used as synonyms. Moreover, during the rainy season or melting snow, most gorges in Crete become canyons.)

The most famous canyoning spots on the island are Kalami, Arvi and Tsoutsouras, where tourists climb up impressive cliffs, overcome elevation changes and cross water streams. The Kha gorge with vertical walls is interesting - there are many ways to overcome it, but they are all quite difficult. Also popular is Kourtaliotiko, where water flows all year round.

Types of gorges in Crete

Crete has several dozen gorges available for exploration. There are popular ones, where tourists come in whole excursion buses (Samaria), and there are those that are known only to extreme sports enthusiasts.

Some gorges are easy to pass and do not require special skills - you can even go on a journey with a child. These include Imbros, whose length is only 7 km. On average, the transition takes 2.5 hours. Another simple gorge is Feriso, where you can move straight along an asphalt road.

The most popular gorge of Crete, Samaria, can be classified as a gorge of medium difficulty level. Although it is visited en masse by tourists, there are natural springs with water, lifeguards work, and the path is well equipped, in many areas there is a noticeable difference in elevation and the trail runs along rocky screes. On average, the hike will take 6-7 hours, so it’s worth being well prepared.

During the summer months, hundreds of tourists hike the Samaria Gorge every day.

The third category of gorges in Crete are complex, accessible only to professionals and well-prepared tourists. The gorges of a high level of difficulty on the island include Messona and Arvi. It is better to visit them in the company of an instructor, especially since there are many companies on the island that are ready to provide their services. For example, representative offices of the mountain tourism association in Heraklion ( and Chania (

To pass such routes you will need not only special clothing and shoes, but also good climbing equipment (ropes, harnesses, possibly pitons and hammers). And since there is always a risk of getting lost in the mountains, you need to carefully consider the route and navigation. Even when the route has been drawn up, it is worth consulting with local instructors, who can provide additional valuable information and warn about possible dangers. Before hiking through the difficult gorge of Crete, you should definitely tell your loved ones or hotel staff about your plans and expected return time.

The upper reaches of the Aradena Gorge are best conquered by well-prepared tourists.

Equipment: how to prepare?

If you don’t want a walk through even the simplest Cretan gorges to bring negative emotions, you should be well prepared - this is the main rule for conquering them.

You should wear comfortable shoes with soles that fit securely on the rocks and do not slip. The best option would be special trekking boots or sneakers.

For simple gorges, of course, regular sneakers are suitable, but not beach shoes, which will slip and create a risk of dislocation or falling.

Evacuation of an unlucky traveler who sprained her leg. Pay attention to the helmet on the rescuer’s head - he spends the whole day in the gorge.

Be sure to take care of the availability of sunscreen and hats. Many gorges are known for their lush vegetation, but still, part of the route in summer will pass under the scorching sun.

Clothing for walking through the Cretan gorges must be durable so that it does not tear on tree branches, but at the same time light and protect from the sun. The weather in the gorges varies depending on the month and time of day. It can be cool in the morning, but it gets hot in the afternoon. Even in July, +10°C is recorded in the gorges in the morning, and closer to autumn the probability of precipitation increases - a windbreaker jacket in your backpack will not be superfluous. Well, if you are going to conquer Crete in the spring or autumn, then at this time you will need a good membrane suit.

By the way, a small backpack is also indispensable when passing through the gorge. Carrying things in a bag or regular bag is not only inconvenient, but also dangerous.

The upper reaches of the Imbros gorge are covered with clouds and the 40-degree heat gives way to autumn drizzle.

A mandatory attribute when passing gorges is a protective helmet. Even German pensioners, who have had a love for the gorges of Crete for many years, do not set off without them. Rock falls often occur in the mountains, and even a small stone thrown by the wind or a bird can have unpleasant consequences.

The stones on the protective nets in the Samaria Gorge speak for themselves.

Water and food. Natural springs flow through some gorges, but it is better to take a supply of water with you. There are taverns at the entrances and exits of some gorges, but having some food with you for a snack won’t hurt at all - even after 2-3 hours of driving through the mountains you need to recuperate.

Well, those who decide to go on a long hike will need a full range of camping equipment. Of course, in the mountains of Crete there are also equipped holiday shelters where you can spend the night, warm up, and find medicines and utensils. But it’s better to take a small set of everything you need with you.

When it comes to renting and purchasing sports equipment, there are quite a few shops and offices in Crete offering a wide range. But if you want to spend most of your time on the island hiking, it’s better not to take risks and take care of the equipment at home - in Crete there may not be the right size or, in general, the necessary equipment. In addition, prices for equipment in the resort of Crete are quite naturally very high.

A multi-hour hike along such a picturesque path will ruin both ordinary shoes and the feet of its owner.

Special attention should be paid to the route, especially when passing through difficult gorges. With any changes, you need to be sure of a good level of preparation, since the surroundings of a particular gorge can differ significantly in difficulty from the popular route. Almost all trekking routes in Crete are marked and if you follow the marked route, then there are usually no problems. Moreover, in the summer months a relatively large number of tourists move along them.

Popular tourist gorges of Crete


The most visited gorge in Crete is Samaria, officially recognized as the largest in Europe. This National Park stretches for 18 km and has faithfully served the Cretans since ancient times. Many ancient artifacts were discovered here, and during the difficult revolutionary and war years, Samaria served as a shelter for rebels and partisans.


The Kurtaliot Gorge amazes everyone who finds itself here. First of all, for its wild beauty and the sound of the wind, for which it was even nicknamed the Gorge of Claps. You can view Kourtaliotiko from the height of a specially equipped observation deck, but a well-organized descent leads to the gorge. Along the path you can get to the Church of St. Nicholas. Further, the path leads to the bed of the Preveli River, where you can admire the waterfalls and see the ancient bridge over the river.


In the south of Crete there is the Imbros Gorge, 7 km long. Its nature is amazing in its diversity: rocky landscapes here are replaced by perennial pines and oaks. In the past, Imbros was the only road connecting Sfakia with the rest of Crete. Today, a road with equipped viewing platforms was built nearby. Not far from the highway, the path to the gorge begins, which narrows significantly towards the middle. There are several holiday apartments and taverns near Imbros.


Boriana (or Karanu) is a picturesque gorge, surrounded by greenery and located away from popular tourist routes. Boriana is approximately 1.5 km long. The entire route is a well-equipped trail, surrounded by a river and fabulous scenery. The gorge is riddled with entrances to old mines, visits to which are prohibited. In Borian, ancient buildings have been preserved, long overgrown with bushes and vines: these are wells, bridges, and the remains of water mills.

Topoli Gorge

The Topoli Gorge attracts with its untouched nature, interesting sights and proximity to colorful villages. Tourists come here to see the Hagia Sophia with their own eyes. It is located right in a cave decorated with stalagmites, and inside there is a small chapel.

A river flows through the Topoli Gorge, so the flora is quite interesting: there are perennial oaks and plane trees, some Cretan endemics. You can relax in the nearby village of Topolia, where you can also buy traditional products.


A rather difficult route passes through the Aradena Gorge. The 7 km route is almost not equipped for tourists, but there are many who want to explore Aradena. The gorge begins at the village of the same name, deserted due to the enmity of local families. You can look at the gorge from the height of the bridge, or you can go down to enjoy the power of its majestic walls.

It is worth walking along the canyon carefully: there are sharp descents and ascents. There are two options for passing Aradena: from the village to the sea or vice versa - from the sea to the village. The second path is more difficult, since you only have to go up. Aradena is popular among fans of extreme recreation. In summer people bungee jump from a height of almost 140 meters here.


The crown jewel of central Crete is the Rouvas Gorge, which cuts through the majestic Psiloritis Mountains. It stretches for 4 km from the chapel of St. John to the monastery of St. Nicholas. The landscape of the Rouvas Gorge is interesting, which is formed by beautiful ravines and impressive cliffs. Along the way you can even see a few ancient sights, including the remains of a Roman aqueduct.


Not far from Rethymno there is one of the most beautiful sights of this region - the Mili Gorge. Otherwise, the name is translated as the Gorge of Mills, of which there are really many here. They can be seen on the slopes along the entire route, as well as dilapidated aqueducts. A river flows through the gorge, which, combined with lush greenery, makes the hike enjoyable even on hot days. You can relax in the village of Mili. It was abandoned for a long time, but later taverns were opened in several restored houses.

All articles about Chania and Western Crete. Complete encyclopedia: beaches, hotels, resorts, attractions, tourist routes, museums, transport and much more.

Fascinating and unusual excursions in Chania and Crete

  • Tour of Chania - the old city and modern areas, the main attractions and unknown corners of the pearl of Crete.
  • Tour of Western Crete - wild gorges and picturesque beaches, ancient monasteries and hospitable villages, as well as many picturesque views.
  • All excursions around Crete - Heraklion and Rethymnon, cities and mountains, nature and culture, on foot and by car.


In our country hiking is still associated with huge backpacks, spending the night in tents, songs around the fire, midges, and “girls to the right, boys to the left.” And in densely populated Europe, obsessed with “eco”, “bio”, etc., hiking is a way of a completely comfortable vacation for a variety of people. And a poor student, a wealthy clerk, and a bourgeois family with teenage children at some point pack their backpacks, stock up on a guidebook and set off “along the trail.” Most often they do not spend the night in tents. Distances everywhere are such that they are always you can stay at a hotel in the next locality. You also don’t have to carry food with you (well, perhaps to a minimum), since there is always a cafe in villages, towns, and especially picturesque places.
I have already written about the fact that.

One of the most interesting such trails is E4. Through all Crete one of its most picturesque sections runs from west to east.

Route E4 in Crete

Crete is generally very convenient for walking. The absence of large wild animals and poisonous snakes, as well as forests (with the exception of not very large areas in the west of the island), makes the hike quite safe. And the ubiquitous presence of traces of human activity will not allow you to disappear, even if you go astray from the route. High in the mountains you will be accompanied by the sound of bells that are placed on goats. And where the goats are, sooner or later a shepherd will appear.
Route E4 in Crete stretches from Kastelli Kissamos in the west to Kato Zakros in the east. Near the town of Sugiya, the path branches. The southern section runs along the sea through Loutro and Chora Sfakion, the northern section passes through mountainous terrain. The length of E4 along any route will be about 320 km. At a minimum, the journey will take about 3 weeks. Please be aware that the route is not properly marked everywhere and it is easy to get lost.

For those who just want to try hiking and are not ready to overcome mountain passes yet, I suggest considering the southern coastal section in the Loutro area.

Introducing route E4 in the Loutro area (southern coast of Crete)

Loutro is a wonderful place whose residents managed to make it super attractive for tourists without bothering to build a road. The nearest town that can be reached by car is the village of Anopoli, located 5 km from (more precisely, above) Loutro. There is a trail leading from Anopoli to Loutro. Not E4, but an ordinary path along which a donkey or a person can walk, but a car cannot. Go down quickly, but getting back will be more difficult. It is much more convenient to get to Loutro by ferry from Sfakia (Chora Sfakion). There, in a large parking lot near the port, you can leave your car for a few days and go to Loutro, just to walk and swim in the clear sea (just like that or by boat). In the village itself, the only attractions are fish restaurants and the beach. But like any self-respecting Cretan village there is a mini-square with a small church. What a beach in Loutro! Large round pebbles, clear water, fish, crabs...
From Loutro you can follow the signs to exit E4.

Towards Chora Sfakion The trail goes at an altitude of 0 to about 50m above the sea. The journey takes 2-2.5 hours if you do not go down to the beach for swimming. The place here is crowded. Every now and then you will come across other travelers, it is impossible to get lost here. Below there is a rather steep bank, and in some places the path approaches the water itself. And above are low rocky mountains covered with thyme and other tough bushes that goats love so much. In summer, these places are quite hot, there is little shade, but there are still trees on the way, so you can take a break from the sun if you wish. But if you find yourself at the beginning of a rainy period, extraordinary discoveries may await you: extraordinary flowers, crocuses, wild tulips and various others bloom along the path and right on it.

Remains of a village west of Loutro along E4

If you go the other way, west of Loutro, you will first come across the ruins of an old fortress over the sea, then the remains of a village. It’s difficult to determine when it was abandoned by its inhabitants: maybe under the Ventians, or maybe 50 years ago. In any case, here now there are only the lower parts of stone houses, 2-4 stones high. However, most likely, this is the old village of Loutro, which, after the inhabitants left, was dismantled for the construction of hotels in the bay. Behind the village on the mountain you will see 2 towers, one of which is ancient, and the other is a remake in someone’s villa.
On the way you will pass by the chapel by the sea. Just 15 years ago a hermit lived here. In 15-20 minutes you will come to the rest Roman settlement of Phoenix. Quite a large settlement for those times. The modern village of Phoenix consists of two hotels and a large pebble beach. There is also no highway to Phoenix.
In another forty minutes you will reach the next beach - Marmara, and if it happens in the summer, you will be surprised at how crowded it is. Not all vacationers came here on foot. This secluded beach, like neighboring Phoenix, is served by boats from Chora of Sfakion And Agia Roumeli. Above the beach there is a cafe and several houses. You can relax in the shade, have a snack or spend the night. And then - further along the signs for the E4 trail...

As you can see, there is nothing difficult or scary about hiking along the trails of Crete. Many people, after walking for a couple of days, set out to walk the trail from end to end. There are, of course, not enough vacations, and people come year after year. They walk a section of the route, then relax on the next beach and go home. The next year they start from where they left off. And then they decide to conquer other sections of the E4 route, in France, Spain, Bulgaria, Greece and other countries.

Porto Lutro 3*: central hotel of the village, beautiful, high quality
Madares 2*: a simple inexpensive hotel, above the restaurant of the same name, rooms with kitchenettes and large balconies.

You can barely wait for your vacation - of course, because sunny, bright, delightful Crete awaits you. However, you are coming here not only for the warm, clear sea and bright sun (which, however, is also very attractive) - no, when you come to Crete, you simply need to get to know this picturesque island as closely as possible. To fall in love with him forever.

Don’t forget that a week (after all, as a rule, people choose seven-day tours) is still quite short to explore this amazing island in its entirety - so don’t try to embrace the immensity. Develop several tourist routes for yourself (taking into account the fact that you can relax on the beach and swim in the sea). What to choose? Of course, it’s up to you to decide – some people like to visit ancient ruins, others are impressed by temples and monasteries, others prefer to see natural beauty or authentic Greek settlements. One way or another, there is something to see in Crete.

Of course, before you go, it's worth renting a car - it will cost you about 160 euros for 7 days. You can also take a bus, but still, if you have the opportunity to move around on your own, why depend on the arrival and departure schedule of public transport? The main thing is to remember to check your insurance.

Well, the car is rented, you can hit the road.

Lake Kournas – Balos Bay – Falassarna Beach

If you want to admire the natural attractions of the island, you will love a trip to western Crete: Kournas is the only freshwater lake on Crete. Once you get here, you will never regret the time spent: a picturesque place surrounded by lush greenery and mountains - that’s what the lake is like. In addition, the authorities are doing everything to make tourists here comfortable and comfortable: catamarans and river buses glide along the water surface, and numerous taverns have grown along the coast. By the way, Kournas is also famous for the fact that here you can see many turtles, which are found here in quite large numbers. Before reaching the lake, you can stop in the village of Argyroupoli - located between two rivers, it is famous primarily for its waterfalls and natural springs. After visiting Kournas, heading towards Balos Bay, do not rush: another wonder awaits you. You've probably already heard about the amazing beaches of Crete with unusual pink sand? Falassarna Beach is one of them.

Many of those who have visited Balos Bay claim that it is one of the most beautiful places in the world. One has only to remember the advertisement for Bounty chocolate - it was filmed right here on the bay. To realize how beautiful Balos really is, you need to admire it from above, from the observation deck. And then you will have the opportunity to see almost all the colors of the rainbow for which the local sea is so famous. Pelicans walk on the shore, and in the distance you can see a protected forest with date palms growing in it.

Chania - Elafonisi - Paleochora - Samaria

It is not for nothing that the beautiful Chania is considered one of the most comfortable settlements in western Crete: the Venetian fortress of Firkas, the ancient harbor, ancient cobbled streets - the atmosphere of cozy antiquity is felt throughout. For a closer acquaintance with western Crete, you can visit the Maritime and Archaeological Museums with rich collections of exhibits. Elafonisi (translated as “Deer Island”) is famous primarily for its pink sand and the hundred shades of the sea. Local residents have their own legend about why the sand became this color, but you will learn about this during your trip. Paleochora is simply a hospitable place, whose residents are proud of their beaches (there are about a dozen of them - some sandy and some pebble) and the general holiday atmosphere. And, if you decide to go to the Samaria Gorge, do not forget to take comfortable shoes. By the way, before walking all 17 kilometers of the gorge, it is recommended to spend the night in the village of Omalos - then you will have the opportunity to be among the first to get to Samaria and avoid crowds.


The route from north to south is no less interesting. Here you will have the opportunity to admire the ruins of the ancient city of Olonte, visit the ancient city-state of Lato, which was found during excavations in 1900 by French archaeologists. Arriving in Ierapetra, you will never say that it was once one of the most powerful and prosperous cities of Crete - an earthquake in the 18th century destroyed most of the buildings and structures. But there is a lot to see here: take at least the restored Kules fortress, the city harbor, the Ottoman mosque and minaret. And don’t forget to sunbathe on the local beach - by the way, one of the cleanest in Greece.

Rethymnon - Preveli - Plakias - Frangokastello

Another informative and beautiful route is Rethymnon - Preveli - Plakias - Frangokastello. Rethymno is definitely worth a visit. It is believed that this is the “golden mean” of Crete. It is not as vibrant as Chania, and not as full of all kinds of entertainment as Heraklion, but, nevertheless, this cozy, cute town delights. Arkadi Monastery, minarets, amazingly picturesque surroundings - this is what you can see when you get to Rethymnon. Going south from the town, you will arrive in Preveli. The village stands right where the river of the same name flows into the sea and is famous, first of all, for its beach: you can choose to swim in the salty water of the Mediterranean Sea or wade a little and swim in the fresh water of the river. It was not in vain that this beautiful place was chosen for living until the early 90s of the last century by “flower children” - hippies. The suburb also has its own ruins - the Kato Preveli monastery, burned by the Turks in the 20s of the 19th century. Then drive along the southern coast and you will reach Frangokastello Castle. By the way, if you come here early in May morning, it is likely that you will be able to observe an amazing spectacle, for which they even came up with a special name - drosulites. After sunrise, you can see the shadows of people moving towards the castle from the Church of St. Harlampius. True, if you approach them closer than one kilometer, the shadows disappear.

Lassithi Valley - Cave of Zeus - Agios Nikolaos - Knossos

The route will also be attractive: Lassithi Valley - Zeus Cave - Agios Nikolaos - Knossos. The picturesque Lassithi Valley is located in the Dikti Mountains. Not only olives and palm trees, familiar to Greek landscapes, grow here, but also, for example, plane trees. An equally interesting moment of this trip will be a visit to the Cave of Zeus - according to myths, it was here that the supreme Greek god was born. Having descended to a depth of about one hundred and fifty meters, you will admired by the patterns and sculptures into which stalagmites and stalactites are formed. Once upon a time, sacrificial rituals were performed in this cave. The town of Agios Nikolaos is considered one of the most fashionable resorts in Crete. Well, how can one forget such an important landmark of the island as the Palace of Knossos? This huge palace at one time had more than 1,300 rooms that could accommodate 12 thousand people. In addition, the famous myth about the Minotaur and the Labyrinth is precisely about Knossos.

Day 1. Meeting of the hike participants

Arrival in the city of Chania. Gathering the group, moving to the picturesque mountain village of Omalos, where the hiking part of the program will begin.

Day 2.

Climbing Mount Volakias, whose height is 2116 meters above sea level.

Day 3. Hike to the Samaria Gorge

Along the forest path we descend into the Samaria gorge - one of the largest and most beautiful in Europe.
And in the evening we will go out to the sea, where we will spend the night.

Day 4. Transfer to the village of Sugiya

We make the transition along the southern coast to the village of Sugiya.
Along the way we will meet many canyons, ancient ruins and beautiful wild beaches.

Day 5. Boat trip

Today we take a boat to Paleochora Bay. Along the way we admire beautiful views of the coast.
Then a short trek to Gialos, overnight.

Day 6. Pink Elafonisi Beach

Transfer to Elafonisi beach.
We relax on the pink sand and swim in the warm sea.

Day 7. Balos Bay

We move to the north of the island to the snow-white Balos Bay.

Day 8.

Day on the beach.

Day 9.Transfer to Heraklion

We move to the capital of the region - Heraklion and see numerous sights and walk around the city.

Day 10

We visit the city of Rethymno.

Day 11.

We can use the spare day as a vacation on one of the beaches or we can visit attractions outside the program.

Day 12. Completion of the hike, return home

We return to Chania. We say goodbye to the already dear participants and hospitable Crete, after which we go home.

Cost: $340

Payment is possible both in cash and by non-cash method.

Duration: 12 days
Difficulty: Medium difficulty

The route is suitable for beginners and more experienced tourists, children over 14 years old. Minimal physical training is required.

Walking around Crete

Just as there is a disease of the body, there is also a disease of the lifestyle.


Crete is an ideal place for people who love hiking and excursions that combine sports, learning, health, communication and the joy of overcoming.

The mountains of Crete are high, steep, wild, difficult to climb, but surmountable. They are majestic, ancient, but not harsh. There live silence, ancient olive trees, herbs, Kri-kri goats, the purest air, in which tranquility is diffused, mixed with the smell of honey.
The plateaus of Crete are never so vast that a tired traveler cannot reach a source or shade. The azure sea, which without violent waves crashes into the shores covered with pine, cypress and sometimes palm forests, beckons to get to the nearest cove, cape or one of the constantly visible islands with its bluish haze, promising adventure.
The gorges of Crete provide shade, even on the hottest summer days.
Trails built in ancient times lead to cozy villages, where you can always relax and see life from a different perspective.

And you understand that you don’t have to run anywhere, that many problems are so insignificant, empty and stupid. The answers to questions that have been tormenting us for a long time are obvious!!! This is the World! Watch and live! There is Grace. Harmony. Love. Closeness to God. You just need to open your heart and absorb it all. To then give to other people and invest in all your actions.

In this section you can get acquainted with standard travel routes around Crete.

We can help prepare an excursion and trip around Crete based on your wishes, interests and needs. To do this, you just need to write to us from the "CONTACTS" section.

To make it easier to choose the most suitable route, the island is divided into three regions - western, central and eastern. In each of these regions, tourist routes are presented with detailed descriptions of the attractions that you can visit if you choose this route.

All tourist routes have established difficulty levels:

Level A - easy walks that do not require much physical effort or experience.

Level B - hikes along clearly visible paths.

Level C - mini-expeditions.

We also conduct family excursions and travel, which are divided into the following difficulty levels:

AF level - short in time, easy family walks that do not require much physical effort or experience. For families with children over 2 years old.

Level BF - long-term, usually having quite large differences in altitude and requiring good physical shape family hikes along clearly visible paths. For families with children over 7 years old.

CF level - complex, long, requiring very good physical and mental preparation family mini-expeditions. For families with children over 10 years old.

Information about family hiking routes can be obtained in the section "FAMILY ROUTES".

When choosing a particular route, you must keep in mind that the time indicated on the card is approximate and depends on the time of year, weather conditions and the composition of the group.


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