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For the first time to the bottom Mariana Trench The English deep-sea bathyscaphe Challenger descended in 1951. In 1960, the bathyscaphe "Trieste" was immersed to the bottom of the Mariana Trench to a depth of 10,915 m. The sound-recording device began to transmit to the surface noises reminiscent of the grinding of saw teeth on metal. At the same time, unclear shadows appeared on the TV monitor, similar to giant fairy-tale dragons.

These creatures had several heads and tails. An hour later, scientists on the research vessel became concerned that the unique equipment, made of beams of ultra-strong titanium-cobalt steel, spherical in shape with a diameter of about 9 m, could remain in the abyss forever. The decision was made to take her upstairs. The equipment was recovered from the depths for more than eight hours. As soon as he appeared on the surface, he was immediately placed on a special raft. The television camera and echo sounder were raised onto the deck. It turned out that the strongest steel beams of the structure were deformed, and the 20-centimeter steel cable on which it was lowered was half sawn through. Who tried to leave the device at depth and why is an absolute mystery.

This is not the only case of a collision with the inexplicable in the depths of the Mariana Trench. Something similar happened to the German research vehicle Haifish with a crew on board. Once at a depth of 7 km, the device suddenly refused to float. Finding out the cause of the problem, the hydronauts turned on the infrared camera. What they saw in the next few seconds seemed to them a collective hallucination: a huge prehistoric lizard, sinking its teeth into the bathyscaphe, tried to chew it like a nut. Having come to their senses, the crew activated a device called an “electric gun”. The monster, struck by a powerful discharge, disappeared into the abyss. At depths of 6,000 - 11,000 km, researchers discovered:

Barophilic bacteria (developing only at high pressure);

Of the protozoa - foraminifera (an order of protozoa of the subclass of rhizomes with a cytoplasmic body covered with a shell) and xenophyophores (barophilic bacteria from protozoa);

Multicellular organisms include polychaete worms, isopods, amphipods, sea cucumbers, bivalves and gastropods.

At the depths there is no sunlight, no algae, constant salinity, low temperatures, an abundance of carbon dioxide, enormous hydrostatic pressure (increases by 1 atmosphere for every 10 meters). What do the inhabitants of the abyss eat?

The food sources of deep animals are bacteria, as well as the rain of “corpses” and organic detritus coming from above; deep animals are either blind, or with very developed eyes, often telescopic; many fish and cephalopods with photofluoride; in other forms the surface of the body or parts of it glow. Therefore, the appearance of these animals is as terrible and incredible as the conditions in which they live. Among them are frightening-looking worms 1.5 meters long without a mouth or anus, mutant octopuses, extraordinary sea ​​stars and some soft-bodied creatures two meters long, which have not yet been identified at all.

Mariana Trench

Mariana Trench or Mariana Trench oceanic trench in the west Pacific Ocean, which is the deepest known on Earth geographical objects. At the bottom, the water pressure reaches 108.6 MPa, which is more than 1100 times more than normal atmospheric pressure at the level of the World Ocean. The depression is located at the junction of two tectonic plates, in the zone of movement along faults, where the Pacific plate goes under the Philippine plate.

The study of the Mariana Trench began with the British expedition of the Challenger, which carried out the first systematic measurements of the depths of the Pacific Ocean. This military three-masted corvette with sail rig was rebuilt into an oceanographic vessel for hydrological, geological, chemical, biological and meteorological work in 1872.

The device recording sounds began to transmit to the surface noises reminiscent of the grinding of saw teeth on metal. At the same time, unclear shadows appeared on the TV monitor, similar to giant fairy-tale dragons. These creatures had several heads and tails. An hour later, scientists on the American research vessel Glomar Challenger became concerned that the unique equipment, made from beams of ultra-strong titanium-cobalt steel in a NASA laboratory, having a spherical structure, the so-called hedgehog with a diameter of about 9 m, could remain in the abyss forever. The decision was made to raise it immediately. The hedgehog was recovered from the depths for more than eight hours. As soon as he appeared on the surface, he was immediately placed on a special raft. The television camera and echo sounder were lifted onto the deck of the Glomar Challenger. It turned out that the strongest steel beams of the structure were deformed, and the 20-centimeter steel cable on which it was lowered was half sawn through. Who tried to leave the hedgehog in the depths and why is an absolute mystery. Details of this interesting experiment conducted by American oceanologists in the Mariana Trench were published in 1996 in the New York Times (USA).

James Cameron's Mariana Trench Dive

There is a place on Earth about which we know much less than about deep space - the bottom of the ocean. It is believed that world science has not yet really even begun to study it. On March 26, 2012, 50 years after the first dive, man sank to the bottom again: the Deepsea Challenge bathyscaphe with Canadian director James Cameron sank to the bottom of the Mariana Trench. Cameron became the third person to reach the deepest point of the ocean and the first to do it alone.

On January 23, 1960, Jacques Piccard and US Navy Lieutenant Don Walsh dived into the Mariana Trench to a depth of 10,920 meters on the bathyscaphe Trieste. The dive took about 5 hours, and the time spent at the bottom was 12 minutes. It was absolute record depths for manned and unmanned vehicles.

Two researchers then discovered at a terrible depth only 6 species of living creatures, including flat fish up to 30 cm in size:

Let's go back to the present day. This is the Deepsea Challenge deep-sea bathyscaphe, in which James Cameron sank to the bottom of the ocean. It was developed in an Australian laboratory, weighs 11 tons and is more than 7 meters long.

The dive began on March 26. Last words James Cameron's were: "Lower, lower, lower." When diving to the bottom of the ocean, the bathyscaphe turns over and sinks vertically:

This is a real vertical torpedo that glides through a huge layer of water at high speed:

The compartment in which Cameron was located during the dive is a metal sphere with a diameter of 109 cm with thick walls capable of withstanding pressure of more than 1,000 atmospheres.

However, the underwater expedition was not entirely successful. Due to a malfunction metal "hands". operated by hydraulics, James Cameron was unable to take samples from the ocean floor that scientists need to study geology.

Many were tormented by the question of animals that live at such monstrous depths. “Probably everyone would like to hear that I saw some kind of sea monster, but it wasn’t there. There was nothing alive, more than 2-2.5 cm." A few hours after the dive, the Deepsea Challenge bathyscaphe with the 57-year-old director successfully returned from the bottom of the Mariana Trench.

Behind the veil of secrecy

For humans, everything unexplored has always been of great interest. And the depths of the sea hold so many secrets that more than one generation of scientists will be provided with work.

But there are points on the map that are not just covered in a veil of secrecy, but are the main theme of mystical stories.

One of these places, the Mariana Trench or Trench, is a typical relief element of continental-ocean transition zones. In such places there is a depression of the ocean floor, which is shaped like a narrow, long depression. The deepest trenches are the Pacific trenches.

The Mariana Islands gave their name to one of the deep ocean trenches two and a half thousand kilometers long. It is distinguished by a flat bottom, the width of which is 1-5 kilometers, and steep V-shaped slopes. The maximum depth of the Mariana Trench is approximately 11 kilometers. This is the deepest point of the entire World Ocean. It is more of an abyss or abyss than a depression.

What else does a person know about this? mysterious place? The exploration of the Mariana Trench began in the 19th century, when the ship Challenger with members of the English expedition on board set off to take measurements of the Pacific depths. The trench area contains the oldest seabed in the world. This is what is associated with the depth of the Mariana Trench. In 1960, the bathyscaphe Trieste, with two explorers on board, plunged into the deepest part of the Challenger Deep. This dive was a journey into the mystery of the deep sea, since the relief of the trench was completely unknown. The risk was great. Hollywood film director James Cameron made his contribution to the study of this issue, who, being the third person in the world to conquer the Mariana Trench, conducted research and obtained a lot of new invaluable information.

The inhabitants of the Mariana Trench require a separate discussion. Back in 1958, an expedition of Soviet scientists proved the existence of life at a depth of seven thousand meters. Before this, it was believed that it existed no further than six thousand. By the way, this expedition established that the maximum depth of the Mariana Trench is eleven thousand twenty-two meters. As for living organisms, their study is carried out underwater vehicles, made of highly durable materials, they are automatically piloted at depth. The video cameras with which these devices were equipped recorded living organisms (entire colonies) below the mark of seven thousand meters. In what conditions do these one and a half meter worms, unidentified creatures two meters long with a soft body, mutated octopuses, and sea stars live? In complete darkness, absence of algae, at low temperatures and monstrous hydrostatic pressure. In such conditions, all living organisms have a truly terrifying appearance, and they eat for the most part bacteria.

The depth of the Mariana Trench holds so many inexplicable things that oceanographers will continue to try for many years to lift the veil of secrecy over this part of the Pacific Ocean. This was once again confirmed by a Hollywood director who recently became a researcher. Having descended to a depth of eleven kilometers, he photographed a lot of interesting things.


The earth's crust has deep faults under the waters of the World Ocean, which are usually called sea depressions or trenches. These places have not been thoroughly studied by science due to their incredible depth.

The top 10 included the deepest depressions in the world's oceans, known today.


Discovers the ten deepest depressions in the World Ocean. Passes through south coast Alaska and stretches to the coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula. Length - 3400 km, maximum depth - 7679 m. It is the boundary between lithospheric plates. The North American Plate, creeping onto the Pacific Plate, forms the island arc of the Aleutian Islands along the trench. In the west, in the Komandor region, the depression passes into the Kuril-Kamchatka Trench, which has a southwestern direction.


One of the deepest in the eastern part Indian Ocean. It extends 4-5 thousand km along the southern part of the Sunda island arc. The trench begins at the foot of the mainland slope of Myanmar in the form of a shallow trough with a bottom width of up to 50 km. Then, towards the island of Java, it gradually deepens and its bottom narrows to 10 km. The maximum depth reaches 7730 meters, making it the deepest trench in the Indian Ocean. The bottom of the trench southeast of Java is a series of depressions separated by rapids. The slopes are steep, asymmetrical, the island slope is higher and steeper than the ocean slope and is more dissected by canyons and complicated by steps and ledges. In the northern and central parts, the bottom up to 35 km wide is lined with a layer of terrigenous sediments with a large admixture of volcanic material, the thickness of which in the north reaches 3 km. In the Sunda Trench, the Australian Plate dives under the Sunda Plate, forming a subduction zone. It is seismically active and is part of the Pacific Ring of Fire.


Deep oceanic trench located on the border Caribbean Sea And Atlantic Ocean. The formation of the trench is associated with a complex transition between a subduction zone from the south along the island arc of the Lesser Antilles and a transform fault zone (plate boundary) extending east between Cuba and Haiti through the Cayman Trench to the coast of Central America. Studies have confirmed the possibility of significant tsunamis as a result of earthquakes in this area. The island of Puerto Rico is located directly south of the depression. The length of the trench is 1754 km, width is about 97 km, the greatest depth is 8380 m, which is the maximum depth of the Atlantic Ocean. Measurements made in 1955 from the American ship Vima showed the depth of Puerto Rico to be 8385 meters.


or the Izu-Ogasawara Trench - one of the deepest in the Pacific Ocean, located along the eastern foot of the Nampo Islands ridge, stretching from the island of Honshu to the Bonin Islands. In the north it connects with the Japan Trench, in the south it is separated from the Volcano Trench by a high narrow ridge. The length of the trench is 1030 km. The narrow, sometimes flat bottom of the trench is divided by rapids into several closed depressions with depths of 7000-9000 m. The maximum depth - 9810 meters - was established in 1955 by a Soviet expedition on the ship "Vityaz".


One of the deepest trenches, connected to the Tonga Trench in the north. It is located at the eastern foot of the Kermadec Islands almost in the meridional direction. Length about 1200 km. Kermadec was discovered in 1889 by the expedition of the British ship Penguin. The maximum depth of 10,047 meters was measured in 1958 during the voyage of the Soviet research vessel Vityaz. The depression is named after Huon de Kermadec


A deep depression in the western Pacific Ocean east of Honshu, south of Hokkaido and north of the Bonin Islands. The length of the trench exceeds 1000 km. The transverse profile of the gutter is V-shaped. The maximum measured depth is 10504 m. The depression is the southern continuation of the Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. Three researchers on the Shinkai 6500 apparatus reached a depth of 6526 m on August 11, 1989. In October 2008, a Japanese-British expedition managed to photograph sea slugs, the deepest-sea fish, at a depth of 7700 m. The bottom and walls of the crack often become the epicenter of earthquakes.


It occupies fourth place in the top of the deepest depressions in the World Ocean. It is located off the eastern underwater slopes of the Kuril Islands and the southern part of the Kamchatka Peninsula. Length 2170 km, average width 59 km. The maximum depth is 10542 m. The boundaries of the depression approximately coincide with the 6000 m isobath. On the slopes there are numerous ledges, terraces, as well as valleys descending to the maximum depth. It was studied mainly in the 50s of the 20th century by Soviet expeditions on the ship “Vityaz”.


Opens the three deepest depressions in the World Ocean. Located east of the Philippine Islands. Its length is 1320 km, from the northern part of Luzon to the Molluc Islands. The deepest point is 10540 m. The Philippine Trench is the result of a collision of earth layers. The oceanic, 5 km wide, but with a characteristic specific gravity (basalt), the Philippine Sea Plate moves at a speed of 16 cm per year under the 60 km, with a lower specific gravity (granite), Eurasian Plate, and is melted by the Earth's mantle on depth from 50 to 100 km. This geophysical process is called subduction. The Philippine Trench is located in this zone.


It ranks second in the list of the deepest depressions in the World Ocean. Its total length is 860 km. It extends along the foot of the eastern slope of the underwater ridge of the same name from the Samoan Islands and the Kermadec Trench. The depth along the isobath is approximately 6000 m - about 80 km. The maximum depth is 10,882 m - the greatest depth of the World Ocean in the Southern Hemisphere.

The ocean is much closer to us than the planets of the solar system. However, only 5 percent of its bottom has been studied. How many more secrets do the waters of the world's oceans hold? This greatest mystery of our planet.

Maximum depth

The Mariana Trench, or in other words the Mariana Trench, is the most deep place in the world's oceans. Amazing creatures live here and there is practically no light. However, this is the most famous place, which is still not fully understood and conceals many unsolved mysteries.

Diving into the Mariana Trench is truly suicide. After all, the water pressure here is thousands of times higher than the pressure at sea level. The maximum depth of the world's oceans is approximately 10,994 meters with an error of 40 meters. However, there are brave souls who descended to the very bottom, risking their own lives. Of course, this could not have happened without modern technologies.

Where is the deepest place in the world's oceans?

The Mariana Trench is located in the region, or more precisely, in its western part, closer to the east, near Guam, about 200 kilometers from the deepest place in the world's oceans, shaped like a crescent-shaped trench. The width of the depression is approximately 69 kilometers and the length is 2550 kilometers.

Coordinates of the Mariana Trench: eastern longitude - 142°35’, northern latitude - 11°22’.

Temperature at the bottom

Scientists have suggested that at maximum depth there should be a very low temperature. However, they were very surprised by the fact that at the bottom of the Mariana Trench this figure remains above zero and amounts to 1 - 4 ° C. Soon an explanation was found for this phenomenon.

Hydrothermal springs are located approximately at a depth of 1600 meters from the surface of the water. They are also called “white smokers.” Jets of very hot water come out of the springs. Its temperature is 450° Celsius.

It is worth noting that this water contains a huge amount of minerals. It is these chemical elements that support life at great depths. Despite such a high temperature, which is several times higher than the boiling point, the water does not boil here. And this is explained by fairly high pressure. At this depth, this figure is 155 times higher than that on the surface.

As you can see, the deepest places in the world's oceans are not so simple. There are still many secrets hidden in them that need to be unraveled.

Who lives at such depths?

Many people think that the deepest place in the world's oceans is an abyss where life cannot exist. However, this is not the case. At the very bottom of the Mariana Trench, scientists discovered very large amoebas, which are called xenophyophores. Their body length is 10 centimeters. These are very large single-celled organisms.

Scientists suggest that this type of amoeba acquired such a size due to the environment in which they have to exist. It is worth noting that these single-celled creatures were found at a depth of 10.6 kilometers. Their development was influenced by many factors. This includes the lack of sunlight, fairly high pressure, and, of course, cold water.

In addition, xenophyophores have simply unique abilities. Amoebas tolerate the effects of many chemicals and elements, including lead, mercury and uranium.


There is very high pressure at the bottom of the Mariana Trench. In such conditions, even creatures with bones or shells have no chance of surviving. However, not so long ago, mollusks were found in the Mariana Trench. They live near hydrothermal springs, because serpentine contains methane and hydrogen. These substances allow a living organism to fully form.

It is still not known how mollusks manage to preserve their shells in such conditions. In addition, hydrothermal springs release another gas - hydrogen sulfide. And it is known to be fatal to any mollusks.

Liquid carbon dioxide in its pure form

The Mariana Trench is a deep place in the world's oceans, and also amazing world with many unexplained phenomena. There are hydrothermal vents located near Taiwan, outside the Okinawa Trench. This is the only underwater area known on this moment where liquid carbon dioxide is present. This place was discovered back in 2005.

Many scientists believe that it was these sources that allowed life to arise in the Mariana Trench. After all, there is not only the optimal temperature, but also chemicals present.


The deepest places of the world's oceans simply amaze with the extraordinary nature of their world. Here you can find living organisms that thrive in complete darkness and at high pressure and cannot exist in any other environment.

It is worth noting that the Mariana Trench has the status of a US national monument. This marine reserve is the largest in the world. Of course, for those who want to visit here, there is a certain list of rules. Mining and fishing is strictly prohibited in this place.

The Mariana Trench is a fault earth's crust located in the ocean. It is one of the famous objects in the world. Let's find out where the Mariana Trench is located on the map and what it is known for.

What it is?

The Mariana Trench is an oceanic trench, or a break in the earth's crust, located under water. It got its name from the nearby Mariana Islands. In the world, this object is known as the deepest place. The depth of the Mariana Trench in meters is 10994. This is 2000 meters more than the deepest high mountain planets - Everest.

The British first learned about this depression in 1875 on the Challenger ship. At the same time, the first measurement of its depth was made, which was 8367 meters.

How was the Mariana Trench formed?

It represents the boundary between two lithospheric plates. Here there is a fault in the earth's crust, formed as a result of the movements of these plates. The depression is shaped like a V and its length in kilometers is 1,500.


How to find the Mariana Trench on a world map? It is located in the Pacific Ocean, in its eastern part, between the Philippine and Mariana Islands. The coordinates of the deepest point of the depression are 11 degrees north latitude and 142 degrees east longitude.

Rice. 1. The Mariana Trench is located in the Pacific Ocean


The enormous depth of the Mariana Trench determines the pressure at the bottom, which is 108.6 MPa. This is a thousand times more pressure on the Earth's surface. Naturally, conducting research in such conditions is extremely difficult. However, the secrets and mysteries of the deepest place in the world attract many scientists.

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As already mentioned, the first studies were carried out in 1875. But the equipment of that time did not allow not only to descend to the bottom of the depression, but even to accurately measure its depth. The first dive was carried out in 1960 - then the bathyscaphe “Trieste” sank to a depth of 10915 meters. This study contains many interesting facts, unfortunately, still have no explanation.

The devices recorded sounds reminiscent of the grinding of a saw on metal. With the help of monitors, unclear shadows were visible, with outlines reminiscent of dragons or dinosaurs. The recording was carried out for an hour, then the scientists decided to urgently raise the submersible to the surface. When the device was lifted, many damages were discovered on the metal, which at that time was considered super-strong. The cable was enormously long and 20 cm wide and was half sawn through. Who could have done this is still considered unknown.

Rice. 2. The bathyscaphe Trieste dived into the Mariana Trench

The German Haifish expedition also sank its bathyscaphe into the Mariana Trench. However, they only reached a depth of 7 km and then encountered some difficulties. Attempts to remove the device were unsuccessful. Turning on the infrared cameras, scientists saw a huge lizard holding the submersible. Whether this was true - today no one can say.

The deepest part of the depression was recorded in 2011 using a special robot diving to the bottom. It reached 10994 meters. This area was called the Challenger Deep.

Is there anyone who went down to the bottom of the Mariana Trench, other than robots and bathyscaphes? Such dives were carried out by several people:

  • Don Walsh and Jacques Picard, research scientists, descended on the bathyscaphe Trieste in 1960 to a depth of 10,915 meters;
  • James Cameron, an American director, made a solo dive to the very bottom of the Challenger Deep, collecting many samples, photographs and video materials.

In January 2017, he announced his desire to dive into the Mariana Trench famous traveler Fedor Konyukhov.

Who lives at the bottom of the depression

Despite the enormous depth and high pressure of the water column, the Mariana Trench is not uninhabited. Until recently, it was believed that life ceases at a depth of 6000 m and no animals are able to withstand the enormous pressure. In addition, at the level of 2000 m the passage of light stops and below there is only darkness.

Recent research has discovered that even below 6000 m there is life. So, who lives at the bottom of the Mariana Trench:

  • worms up to one and a half meters long;
  • crustaceans;
  • shellfish;
  • octopuses;
  • sea ​​stars;
  • many bacteria.

All these inhabitants have adapted to withstand pressure and darkness, and therefore have specific shapes and colors.

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As children, we all read many legends about incredible sea ​​monsters ah, inhabiting the ocean floor, always knowing that these are just fairy tales. But we were wrong! These incredible creatures can be found even today if you dive to the bottom of the Mariana Trench, the deepest place on Earth. Read our article about what the Mariana Trench hides and who its mysterious inhabitants are.

The deepest place on the planet is the Mariana Trench or Mariana Trench- is located in the western Pacific Ocean near Guam, east of Mariana Islands, from which its name came. The shape of the trench resembles a crescent, about 2,550 km long and an average width of 69 km.

According to the latest data, the depth Mariana Trench is 10,994 meters ± 40 meters, which even exceeds the most high point on the planet - Everest (8,848 meters). So this mountain could well be placed at the bottom of the depression, moreover, there would still be about 2,000 meters of water above the top of the mountain. The pressure at the bottom of the Mariana Trench reaches 108.6 MPa - this is more than 1,100 times higher than normal atmospheric pressure.

Man only fell to the bottom twice Mariana Trench. The first dive was made on January 23, 1960 by US Navy Lieutenant Don Walsh and explorer Jacques Piccard in the bathyscaphe Trieste. They stayed at the bottom for only 12 minutes, but during this time they managed to meet flat fish, although according to all possible assumptions there should have been no life at such a depth.

The second human dive took place on March 26, 2012. The third person who touched the secrets Mariana Trench, became a film director James Cameron. He dived on the single-person Deepsea Challenger and spent enough time there to take samples, take pictures and film 3D video. Later, the footage he shot formed the basis of a documentary film for the National Geographic Channel.

Due to the strong pressure, the bottom of the depression is covered not with ordinary sand, but with viscous mucus. For many years, the remains of plankton and crushed shells accumulated there, which formed the bottom. And again, due to pressure, almost everything is at the bottom Mariana Trench turns into fine grayish-yellow thick mud.

Sunlight has never reached the bottom of the depression, and we expect the water there to be icy. But its temperature varies from 1 to 4 degrees Celsius. IN Mariana Trench at a depth of approximately 1.6 km are the so-called “black smokers”, hydrothermal vents that shoot water up to 450 degrees Celsius.

Thanks to this water Mariana Trench life is supported as it is rich in minerals. By the way, despite the fact that the temperature is significantly higher than the boiling point, water does not boil due to very strong pressure.

At approximately a depth of 414 meters there is the Daikoku volcano, which is the source of one of the most rare phenomena on the planet there are lakes of pure molten sulfur. In the solar system, this phenomenon can only be found on Io, a satellite of Jupiter. So, in this "cauldron" the bubbling black emulsion boils at 187 degrees Celsius. So far, scientists have not been able to study it in detail, but if in the future they can advance in their research, they may be able to explain how life appeared on Earth.

But the most interesting thing about Mariana Trench- these are its inhabitants. After it was established that there was life in the depression, many expected to find incredible sea monsters there. For the first time, the expedition of the research vessel Glomar Challenger encountered something unidentified. They lowered a device into the depression, the so-called “hedgehog” with a diameter of about 9 m, made in a NASA laboratory from beams of ultra-strong titanium-cobalt steel.

Some time after the descent of the apparatus began, the device recording sounds began to transmit to the surface some kind of metallic grinding sound, reminiscent of the grinding of saw teeth on metal. And unclear shadows appeared on the monitors, reminiscent of dragons with several heads and tails. Soon, scientists became worried that the valuable apparatus might remain forever in the depths of the Mariana Trench and decided to lift it onto the ship. But when they removed the hedgehog from the water, their surprise only intensified: the strongest steel beams of the structure were deformed, and the 20-centimeter steel cable on which it was lowered into the water was half sawn through.

However, perhaps this story was too embellished by the newspapers, since later researchers discovered very unusual creatures there, but not dragons.

Xenophyophores are giant, 10-centimeter amoebas that live at the very bottom Mariana Trench. Most likely, due to strong pressure, lack of light and relatively low temperatures, these amoebas acquired enormous sizes for their species. But in addition to their impressive size, these creatures are also resistant to many chemical elements and substances, including uranium, mercury and lead, which are lethal to other living organisms.

Pressure in M ariana trench turns glass and wood into powder, so only creatures without bones or shells can live here. But in 2012, scientists discovered a mollusk. How he preserved his shell is still not known. In addition, hydrothermal springs emit hydrogen sulfide, which is fatal to shellfish. However, they learned to bind the sulfur compound into a safe protein, which allowed the population of these mollusks to survive.

And that is not all. Below you can see some of the inhabitants Mariana Trench, which scientists managed to capture.

Mariana Trench and its inhabitants

While our gaze is directed to the sky towards the unsolved mysteries of space, our planet remains unsolved mystery- ocean. To date, only 5% of the world's oceans and secrets have been studied Mariana Trench This is only a small part of the secrets that are hidden under the water.


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