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What will I tell you today!! We recently visited JSC " Russian Railways" What is this, you ask?! This is a train - a lecture hall on wheels! Its movement along major cities he started in August 2011, and came to us from Volgograd. Exhibitions located in 9 carriages are shown to everyone, talking about new products in the development of railway transport, energy, nanotechnology and other things. Contributed to the creation of this " trains of innovation» such large organizations as Roscosmos, Rosatom, Rusnano, Philips. The staff of PVLC "Russian Railways" has 16 employees, tour guides are among them, but I don’t know whether their composition is changing or not.

We were lucky to get to the very beginning of the lecture, although we did not even suspect that they were planning them, since the news only talked about opening hours. Having paid 70 rubles per person to the cashier (children are free, students, in my opinion, too), we sat comfortably in comfortable chairs and began to watch the video on the large “panel”. They talked about the history of the development of railway transport and its innovations, about working with young people and something else. I listened with half an ear, as I admired the multi-colored changing lighting and the ceiling with twinkling stars.

After informative gatherings, we were offered to go to the next carriage, called “Innovative Development of JSC Russian Railways”.

Here you can easily look at the windows, because photographs and videos flash through them. Our group was met by a mannequin - an important man - the boss, obviously.

As the guide said (and there is one in each carriage), the beginning of the development of railway transport in Russia dates back to 1837. We saw a model of a unique steam locomotive P36, which bore the name "Joseph Stalin" in certain time, and then changed its name to the more laconic “FDp”. This locomotive was a high-speed passenger locomotive that took the “Red Arrow” to Leningrad, and the “Russia” somewhere else. Now one single copy has been preserved in Kyiv, where it stands in the form of an eternal monument (correct me, Kyivians, if it has already been removed).

A special, I would even say, central place (display cases with exhibits are located in the center of the car), is occupied by models of high-speed and high-speed Russian electric trains.
The first one that caught our eye was “SAPSAN”.

This high-speed electric train, reaching speeds of up to 250 km/h (with a stated 300 km/h), having 604 seats, covers the distance between Moscow and St. Petersburg in 3 hours 45 minutes, and between Moscow and in 3 hours 55 minutes. Also “SAPSAN” follows from S.-P. to N.N., but in a much longer time - in a little over 8 hours.

Travel speed is 220 km/h (both structural and operational). This electric train has a number of innovative features, for example, technology for tilting the body up to 8 degrees, which makes it possible not to reduce speed when passing curves and neutralize the effect of centrifugal force.

We also had a chance to see a model of the high-speed double-power electric train “SLASTOCHKA” (however, not only the model, according to the guide, mobile exhibition and lecture complex JSC " Russian Railways"is located in just such a one), which is planned to be put into service for participants and guests of the XX Olympic Winter Games in Sochi - 2014, and then sent to work in communications between cities.

The electric train "SLASTOCHKA" is designed to replace outdated electric trains for suburban services. Its peculiarity is that the equipment can be installed both on the roof and in the undercar space, allowing it to accommodate more than 850 passengers.

The next carriage is another exhibition “Rolling Stock of Russian Railways”.

Models of modern locomotives and carriages, types of track and other railway equipment were collected here. For example, the crushed stone cleaning machine ShchOM - 1200 (highly productive, according to the guide):

Or the self-propelled universal track measuring and flaw detection complex “NORTH”:

It is designed specifically for work in northern conditions. Diagnostics of the rails and control of the geometric parameters of the gauge of the main and receiving and departure tracks are carried out directly on the move. As the developers of the SUPDK “NORTH” project assure, with the start of use, operating efficiency has significantly increased, energy costs have decreased, and environmental parameters have improved.

As for the development of suburban transport, the PA2 rail bus is presented at the exhibition:

This miracle project was developed at OJSC Metrovagonmash and is intended to be implemented passenger transportation on non-electrified sections of railway tracks and as transport for suburban and intraregional communications. This bus can accommodate a maximum of 600 people. RA" can consist of two head cars or have an additional 1 - 2 intermediate cars connected by a passage. Design speed 100 km/h, operational speed not specified.

It is designed for driving freight trains on railway tracks of 1520 mm, electrified with direct current (with a voltage of 3 kV).

What else did we see in this carriage?! Two-axle shunting diesel locomotive with power plant power 600 hp With. It was built in Yaroslavl and its cabin has all-round visibility.

DC electric locomotive 2ES10 "GRANIT" with asynchronous traction drive:

Without a photo, I’ll add what we saw: a specialized car for the transportation of coal 12 - 9828, an articulated platform car model 13 - 9851, a universal covered car with a sliding casing, a gas turbine locomotive GT1 (powered by liquefied natural gas), a freight diesel locomotive 2TE25A "Vityaz" ", shunting diesel locomotive TEM18DM, high-speed double-power electric locomotive EP20 also with an asynchronous traction drive (Novocherkassk), electric train ED4MKM-Aero for intermodal transportation (to airports), hopper car for transportation of mineral fertilizers, laying crane UK 25/25 and other equipment.

We move on to the next carriage, called “Railway Infrastructure”. By the way, there are two automatic doors between them. If you don’t have time to walk along with all the excursionists, press the button and wait for the doors to open.

The astronaut met us:

Sitting in a shock-absorbing chair “Kazbek-U” and dressed in an emergency rescue suit “Falcon-KV-2”. The astronaut is surrounded by a display case with some of Yu. A. Gagarin’s personal belongings (there is even a helmet, and the same one as the one I go to periodically to the exhibitions).

The exhibition display of this carriage presents excursionists with working models or panoramas (I find it difficult to name it correctly). That is, they contain moving objects. To be honest, I was able to see only a few, and one in particular (because of its miniature size) attracted me - an artist painting on an easel near the road (one of his arms rises and falls, in which he holds a brush).

Model of the railway complex at the Baikonur Cosmodrome - the first and largest in the world (founded in 1955). There are 470 km of railway tracks on the territory of Baikonur:

Only at the Baikonur Cosmodrome there are 2 launch complexes for a heavy-class launch vehicle (Proton).

The rocket and the ship are transported by rail from the assembly and testing complex to the launch pad located several kilometers away.

The gauge of Russia and Europe has different meanings. In Russia – 1520 mm, and in Europe – 1435 mm. At the border between Belarus and Poland, the running parts of wagons are being replaced from one standard to another (according to the Talgo RD system). At the special depot, the cars are lifted, the running gear of the standard that needs to be replaced is rolled out, and the running gear of a completely different standard is rolled in. The carriages are then lowered.

The next car, called “Energy Saving and Environmental Safety,” is divided into several zones. I'll show you some.
This is the KVINT ecosystem. Using it, you can carry out remote control while you are in another carriage with the remote control in your pocket. The complex itself reports the diagnostic results.

The automatic steering system is designed for fully automated control of rolling stock, taking into account all traffic safety standards and compliance with them in a saving mode of movement and in accordance with a predetermined schedule and travel time.

The exhibition, as I understand it, features lighting equipment from Philips.

The bottom is red, the top is yellow, and in the middle, as you can see, there is a green light.

We move on to the next carriage. The guide called it this way: “Automation, telemechanics and communications. Transportation process management." It is extremely difficult to organize and manage transportation.

This is a training complex for an electric locomotive driver, it seems. You could sit on this chair and even touch the levers and press some buttons:

Station duty officer's operational technological communication console (DSP):

This, in my opinion, is the real automated train dispatcher workstation:

In the carriage “Energy of future generations. Rosatom presented some achievements in the field of peaceful nuclear technologies. The guide briefly talked about the types of nuclear reactors and showed the containment zone (scale 1:100):

And on these panels (there were only 4 of them, in my opinion) there is an online broadcast about the radiation background and pictures are shown:

What struck me most were the floors in this carriage:

And a device that allows you to measure the level of your own radioactivity. True, the guide was very reluctant to activate this device; apparently the stuffiness of the room (and it was barely tolerable) caused such reluctance.
In general, the girl launched the launch, we took turns standing at the designated places and looked at the result. The larger the person, the higher the rate. For comparison: my indicator is 3834 becquerel, and my daughter’s indicator is 1020 becquerel (1 becquerel is equal to 1 decay per second). The normal limit is 20 thousand becquerels.
Radioactivity is a natural phenomenon inherent in all material objects on earth, including humans.

After a short measurement procedure, we moved to the Nanotechnologies OJSC Rusnano carriage. What didn’t they show us here!
Here, for example, is an intelligent security system designed for facial recognition in crowded places (subways, airports, train stations, stadiums, etc.).

Much attention is paid to composite products, noise and heat insulation materials, cutting tools, energy-saving glass, nanostructured ceramics, lighting products, air purification and disinfection systems.

And here is an LED plant growth stimulator (RGB, that is, red, green, blue) that accelerates plant photosynthesis and their growth.

This is what the last carriage we visited, or rather, the one we were offered to visit, looks like. Unfortunately, one car is obviously entitled “Youth and Personnel Policy of JSC Russian Railways”. Training complexes" did not work for technical reasons, so I cannot tell you about it.

This concludes our tour of mobile exhibition and lecture complex JSC " Russian Railways" ended. A couple of days later the train departed for St. Petersburg to introduce its residents to achievements in the field of railway transport.

Did someone like this stay in your city? innovation train? And how do you feel about such an event?

On January 29, a mobile exhibition and lecture complex arrived at the Kirov-Passenger station.
The train's expositions demonstrate the results of cooperation with world leaders in the field of locomotive construction, high-speed traffic, nanotechnological solutions used in railway transport.

The exhibition train runs regularly throughout the Russian railway network, and its exhibition is constantly updated, demonstrating the latest solutions used in the process of deep modernization of Russian railways currently underway.
I learned about the arrival of the exhibition train a week and a half in advance. I was running out of time and therefore went there in the late afternoon with my friends who are also passionate about railway transport

A video was shown here about the prospect of building high-speed railways in Russia
Let's go to the second carriage

It's much more interesting here. It is dedicated to the theme of railways of the USSR

But the most unique exhibit was the model of the Vitebsk station in 1944. The station is shown here during the German occupation

Then they told us about the Vitebsk station and the city. It was interesting and informative. And we move on
The third car presents models of high-speed electric trains that are operated on our roads.

Electric train SM6 "Allegro" (used on the route St. Petersburg-Helsinki, Finland). Unfortunately, the train itself is not registered with us...

ES1 "Lastochka" Used on many suburban and interregional lines in different regions of the country, starting from Leningradskaya and to Sverdlovsk region. Modified electric trains ES2G operate on direct current sections, which are single-system, unlike their predecessor.

EVS1 "Sapsan". Used between our two capitals
4 car

Double power electric locomotive EP20
Then came DC electric locomotives


2ES6 "Sinara"

2ES10 "Granite"

Rail bus RA2

Gas turbine locomotive GTH1. One of the most powerful locomotives in the world. Today he works in the Sverdlovsk region. In the future, it is planned to use them in the Novy Urengoy-Surgut-Voynovka (Tyumen) direction for the development of heavy-lift traffic on autonomous traction

Cars high speed train Talgo "Swift". Now Talgo works in the Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod direction instead of the above-mentioned Sapsanov. Today it is planned to fly the Swift to Berlin
Fifth carriage

Ecological diesel locomotives were presented here. I only photographed Chmukha
Sixth car

This is where I took pictures different cards railways
The seventh car passed quickly only after paying attention to the simulator of the EP1M electric locomotive
The penultimate eighth car aroused the greatest interest
There are control simulators for the electric train ES1 "Lastochka"

There is an opportunity to feel like a driver on the Adler-Alpinka Service section, Krasnodar Territory, North Caucasus Railway
The only problem is that the screen shows a direct current contact network, but in fact the area is electrified with alternating current

Speedometer "Swallows"
And then the AC electric locomotive simulator EP1M

Ride through the expanses of the Irkutsk region to the Slyudyanka station of the East Siberian Railway

EPshki remote control
The three of us took turns controlling the Epshka. Here in the eighth car it was the most interesting
let's leave the car for a while

The last ninth car is represented by various nanodevelopments. We were here for a short time, and then we returned to the previous one, where we again managed to operate the simulators while there were no people

At the end we wrote a review about PVLK

The excursion was interesting and educational
Today, on the 30th, the train will be with us all day, and tomorrow it will go to the Zuevka station, and after it to Izheevsk, and from there to the Southern passage of the Gorky road.
Thanks to all

On May 24, 2015, the mobile exhibition and lecture complex (PVLC) of OJSC "Russian railways" He will stay here for 2 days. An exhibition dedicated to railway transport is organized inside special carriages. In 2015, the train route was laid along the railways of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. A detailed work schedule of the PVLC is published on the website

I learned about the fact that this train would arrive in Gomel quite by accident from Twitter. I searched the Internet, but did not find any details about how to get on the excursion. Assuming that trains usually parked at train stations, I went looking for this exhibition train there. I walked along the platform and saw a bunch of different trains except for the one thing I needed. I had to contact the help desk, where they told me that the PVLK was located near the railway crossing in the area of ​​the street. Chongar division. It’s already good, half the job is done, let’s go there :)

The composition was noticed from afar. He came up and said hello to the tour guide. The exhibition is open from 9:00 to 18:00, break from 13:00 to 14:00. Free admission. The tour starts from the first carriage and then moves through the carriages to the end of the train. Everything in the carriages is very technologically advanced, even the doors open with special buttons.

Car “Conferences and Lectures”

The first car from which the inspection of the PVLC begins is called “Conferences and Lectures”. Here I took an empty seat in the front row and waited a little while a group of people wishing to take part in the excursion gathered.

The carriage has interesting lighting that constantly changes color. There is a large TV on the wall. And on the ceiling there is an interactive starry sky.

People gathered and the tour began.

A short film presentation about JSC Russian Railways.

Let's move on to the second carriage...

Car "70 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War"

The second carriage is dedicated to the events of the Great Patriotic War and the role of the railway in it.

At the beginning of the carriage, a model of a heated carriage from the Great Patriotic War was created, which was used to transport troops.

According to the guide, all the things here are original. During the creation of this composition, they could not find only a teapot lid from that time.

While the guide was talking about the events of those days, a train was driving along the rails, explosions were thundering, and planes were honking. Interesting and educational.

Steam locomotive E u with ambulance cars.

Hook type track destroyer.

We honored the memory of the fallen with a minute of silence.

Car “Innovative development of JSC Russian Railways”

In this carriage we got acquainted with the history of the development of railway transport in Russia from 1837 to the present.

Railway paraphernalia of a station master from the late 19th to early 20th centuries.

High-speed electric train "Sapsan".

High-speed electric train "Allegro".

High-speed electric train "Lastochka".

Car "Rolling stock of Russian Railways"

Large-scale models of modern locomotives, carriages, track and other railway equipment are collected here.

SUPDK "North" (top) and double-fed electric locomotive EP20 (bottom).

DC electric locomotive 2ES6 "Sinara".

All layouts are made very well.

DC electric locomotive 2ES10 “Granit”.

Car "Railway Infrastructure"

The carriage contains working panoramic models, railway stations, crossings, traction substations and other infrastructure facilities. Here, for example, is the Vostochny cosmodrome.

A little more space...

Combat railway missile system "Molodets".

Car “Energy saving, energy efficiency and environmental safety”

The carriage's exposition is dedicated to instruments and devices that ensure the use of energy-saving technologies.

Solartube solar lighting system.

A system of solar modules for the station in Anapa, providing the station with 100% electricity during the daytime.

Gas piston diesel locomotive TEM19.

Car “Automation, telemechanics and communications. Transportation process management"

Here you can understand the complexity of the process of organizing and managing transportation.

Another workplace...

Very cool!

Car “Youth and personnel policy of JSC Russian Railways”. Training complexes"

There are several exercise machines installed in this carriage. Expanse for children :)

However, it is interesting not only for children. Adults would also like to drive a virtual KamAZ truck :)

Electric locomotive driver training complex.

Another little driver takes his place :)

Car “Nanotechnology. OJSC RUSNANO

The last carriage presents products from more than 20 Russian enterprises - both RUSNANO projects and independent companies.

As a result of the excursion, visitors could leave their thanks and wishes in the guest book.

I really liked the exhibition. Glad I was able to get here. Against the backdrop of the dull Tibo’2015, which I didn’t even bother posting photos of, it was really interesting here. The bad news is that there was very little information about the arrival of this train. I’m sure many people don’t even suspect that this train arrived in Gomel.

7,700 people visited the mobile exhibition and lecture complex of JSC Russian Railways in the Orenburg region from November 3 to 7.

At the beginning of November, a mobile exhibition and lecture complex (PVLC) of Russian Railways JSC was operating on the South Ural Railway. The unique train, created by JSC Russian Railways to demonstrate domestic innovative achievements and technologies, visited the stations of Buzuluk, Orenburg, and Orsk. During this time, the traveling exhibition was visited by 7,700 people.

The train arrived in Orenburg on November 4 and 5. Students from the Orenburg Technical School of Railway Transport and the Orenburg Medical College visited the exhibition and listened with interest to the guide’s story.

The mobile complex consists of 12 cars, including 9 exhibition cars, each of which presents thematic exhibitions dedicated to the history of the formation and development of Russian railways, demonstrating modern railway projects and technologies in the field of innovative development, transportation process management, energy saving and energy efficiency, youth and personnel policy. The complex also presents a variety of models of modern rolling stock, infrastructure facilities and others.

The PVLC exposition is updated annually. This time it includes a carriage dedicated to the Year of Ecology. Here are models of equipment that allows you to monitor the condition environment, on the information boards you can see a list of nature reserves through which the railways pass. Also, 2017 marks the 80th anniversary of the formation of the audit apparatus in railway transport, and therefore the complex focuses on train safety technologies.

Students of the Orenburg Institute of Railways are preparing for the forum “It’s Great to Be Young”, which will be held in early December and this year will be dedicated to environmental problems.


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