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At the very least, you will feel much more confident with him. Especially if you learn a few useful phrases in Vietnamese. Most often, Vietnamese is needed in restaurants to understand the menu. It is best to print out a Vietnamese phrasebook so as not to become dependent on the charge level of your gadgets.

I have prepared a small Russian-Vietnamese phrasebook for you.

Tso, wang, yes

Thank you, thank you very much

Kam he, kam he nhiye"u


Hong tso chi, hin viu long




Good morning

Good afternoon

Good evening

Good night

Chuts ngu ngon

How to say this in...

Tsai nai tieng noi te nau...

Do you speak...?

Ankh (m)/ chi (f) tso noi tieng hong?



Ankh (m), chi (w)

Ong (m), ba (f)

What is your name?

Ten ankh (chi) la gi?

Hau, hong tot

Cha, bo, ba




Mot trieu

How much does it cost?

Tsai nai gia bao nhieu?

What it is?

Tsai gi ddai?

I will buy it

Toi mua tsai nai

You have...?

Ong (ba) tso hong?

A little, a little

Tat tsa, het

How much does the ticket cost?

Gia ve la bao nhieu?


Ga he lua

Bus station

Ben he bass


Di, ho hanh



Khach san, I wanted

Hai kuaan

Immigration control

Nyap kang

Khaak shan

I would like to book

laam en cho doy dat chyok moot

Can I have a look?

Goy do te sam phom dyoc khon?

How much does a room cost?

Zya mot fom laa bou nieu?

Ngai taang

We're leaving tomorrow

Ngai mai chung doi zeri dai

Credit card

Tae ding zun

Air conditioner

Ngan hang, nha bang

Do"n tsankh sat


Benh vien, nha tuong

Hieu tuots


Nha Hang, Quan An

Truong Hots

Duong, Pho

Quang Truong

Tell me please…

Lam_yn te_bet...

What's the address here?

Diea chii laa zi?

Where is the bank located

Ngan_khan[g] o: dau?


Bus stop

Cham se_buit


Hieu kat_tauk

Nya we sin

Taxi rank

Ben tak_si

Help me please

Lam_yn (please) zup (help) that (me, me)

Write me please

Lam_yn (please) viet ho (write) toy (me, me)

Please repeat again

Sin nyak_lai mot lan nya

Explain to me please

Lam_yn za_tytyt aunty

Let me ask

Te_fep toy hoy

What is it called in Vietnamese?

Kai_nai tyen[g] viet goi te_nao?

One hundred grams

Mot_cham (one hundred) gam (gram)

Thank you very much

Zhet kam_yn an

What time is it now?

Mau gio ro"i nhi?



Mua he (ha)

All tourists who want to visit this country are interested in what language they speak in Vietnam. And recently, the number of people who travel to this southeastern state has only been increasing. Vietnam attracts with its exotic nature, inexpensive holidays and the hospitality of the local people, with whom you want to exchange at least a few words in their native language.

Official language

Vietnam is a multinational country. It has both official and unrecognized languages. But still, when finding out what language is spoken in Vietnam, it is worth recognizing that the majority prefer Vietnamese. It is state-owned, and part of the population speaks fluent French, English and Chinese.

The official language of Vietnam is used for education and international communication. In addition to Vietnam itself, it is also common in Laos, Cambodia, Australia, Malaysia, Thailand, Germany, France, USA, Germany, Canada and other countries. In total, it is spoken by about 75 million people, of which 72 million live in Vietnam.

This language is spoken by 86 percent of the population in Vietnam. It is interesting that until the very end of the 19th century it was mainly used only for everyday communication and writing works of art.

History of Vietnam

When telling what language is spoken in Vietnam, it should be noted that the history of the state has left its mark on this. In the 2nd century BC, the territory of the modern country to which this article is dedicated was conquered by China. In fact, the Vietnamese remained under the protectorate of the Chinese until the 10th century. It is for this reason that Chinese served as the main language for official and written communication.

In addition, the Vietnamese rulers paid close attention to competitive examinations when appointing a new official to a particular position. This was required to select the most qualified employees; exams were conducted exclusively in Chinese for several centuries.

How did the Vietnamese language appear?

Vietnam as an independent literary tradition began to emerge only at the end of the 17th century. At that time, a French Jesuit monk named Alexandre de Rod developed the Vietnamese alphabet based on the Latin one. In it, tones were indicated by special diacritics.

In the second half of the 19th century, the French colonial administration, in order to weaken the traditional influence of the Chinese language on Vietnam, promoted its development.

Modern literary Vietnamese is based on the northern dialect of the Hanoi dialect. In this case, the written form of the literary language is based on the sound composition of the central dialect. An interesting feature is that in writing each syllable is separated by a space.

Now you know what the language is in Vietnam. Nowadays, it is spoken by the vast majority of residents of this state. At the same time, according to experts, there are about 130 languages ​​in the country, which are more or less common in this country. Vietnamese is used as a means of communication at the highest levels as well as among ordinary people. It is the official language in business and education.

Features of the Vietnamese language

Knowing what language is spoken in Vietnam, it is worth understanding its features. It belongs to the Austroasiatic family, the Vietnamese group. Most likely, in its origin it is close to the Muong language, but was originally classified as a group of Thai dialects.

It has a large number of dialects, of which there are three main ones, each of which is divided into its own dialects and dialects. The northern dialect is common in the center of the country; the southern dialect is popular in Ho Chi Minh City and surrounding areas. They all differ in vocabulary and phonetics.


In total, the Vietnamese language has about two and a half thousand syllables. Interestingly, their number may vary depending on belonging to a particular dialect. It is an isolating language that is at the same time tonal and syllabic.

In almost all languages ​​of this group, complex words are simplified to monosyllabic ones, often this also applies to historical words, although recently a reverse trend has begun. The Vietnamese language lacks inflections and analytical forms. That is, all grammatical relations are built solely on the basis of function words, and prefixes, suffixes and affixes do not play any role in this. Notional parts of speech include verbs, adjectives and predicates. Another distinctive feature is the use of cognates instead of personal pronouns.

Word formation

Most words in standard Vietnamese are formed using affixes, mostly of Chinese origin, as well as adding roots and doubling words or syllables.

One of the key features of word formation is that all components involved in the formation of words are monosyllabic. Surprisingly, one syllable can have several meanings at once, which can change depending on the intonation when they are pronounced.

A sentence has a fixed word order: the subject comes first, then the predicate and object. Most Vietnamese words are borrowed from Chinese, from different historical periods, and there is also a lot of Austroasiatic vocabulary.

The names of people in Vietnam are made up of three words - the mother's or father's surname, nickname and given name. The Vietnamese are not called by their surname, as in Russia; most often they are identified by their name. Another feature of Vietnamese names in earlier times was that the middle name clearly indicated the child's gender at birth. Moreover, if a girl’s name consisted of one word, then for a boy it could be several dozen words. Nowadays, this tradition has disappeared.

Popularity of the Vietnamese language

Due to the fact that this language is spoken in many Asian and European countries nowadays, it is not surprising that its popularity is growing every year. Many people learn it in order to open a business in this rapidly developing country.

Certain goods from Vietnam are now not inferior either in quality or in cost, and the culture and traditions are so interesting and amazing that many strive to join them.

In Vietnam itself, English, French and Chinese are actively used in the tourism sector; quite a lot of Russian-speaking personnel can be found, especially among those who received education in the USSR in Soviet times. Those who master this language note that it is very similar to Chinese. In both languages, syllables carry a special meaning, and intonation plays almost a decisive role.

This is a rather rare language in Russia; there are only a few schools that will help you master it. If you still decide to study it, then be prepared for the fact that classes can begin only after the group has been recruited; you may have to wait quite a long time, so it is better to initially focus on meetings with an individual teacher.

Common phrases in Vietnamese

So it is not easy to learn this language. At the same time, you often want to build communication in Vietnam in your native dialect in order to win over the local residents. It's easy to pick up a few popular phrases that will demonstrate in conversation how immersed you are in the local culture:

  • Hello - Xing Tiao.
  • Dear friends - like ban than mein.
  • Goodbye - hyung gap lai nya.
  • Where will we meet - tyung ta gap nyau o dau?
  • Bye - dy nhe.
  • Yes - tso, wang, yes.
  • No - hong.
  • Thank you - cam he.
  • Please - hong tso chi.
  • Sorry - hin loy.
  • What is your name - an tein la di?
  • My name is... - toy tein la...

We hope you learned a lot of interesting things about the language and culture of Vietnam. We wish you interesting travels to this country!

Vietnamese language

Every tourist in Vietnam faces a language barrier. Vietnamese is quite a difficult language because it is a tonal language, in which intonation when pronouncing a syllable is of utmost importance. The same word spoken in different tones often means opposite concepts. It's the same story with writing. Despite the fact that in Vietnam they use the Latin alphabet with additional characters, it is no easier to understand than Chinese characters.

Only a small part of the country speaks English, mainly in big cities, and those who work with foreigners. By the way, many more people know Russian. The long history of relations between the two countries in the last century is telling. Many Vietnamese of the older generation studied in the USSR, and those who were younger worked in Russia. But it is not always possible to be in touch with a Russian-speaking guide, or one who knows English. Therefore, a phrasebook can be very useful.

Russian - Vietnamese phrasebook

It is not realistic to learn such a complex language as Vietnamese in two weeks. You need to diligently train your speech apparatus, since the Russian language does not have many sounds that the Vietnamese pronounce. And the Russian transcription is only trying to convey the Vietnamese sound. But knowing two or three phrases for greetings, an invoice for shopping, navigation questions is important.

This Vietnamese phrasebook has more of a cognitive function. If you learn a couple of phrases incorrectly, it’s okay, the Vietnamese will understand you. A cell phone with Internet and Google translator will be of even greater help. But you need to understand that machine translation is not yet perfect, and if you run one phrase back and forth, you can get amazing results. So, in important matters, use the services of a qualified translator.


Phrase in Russian Translation Pronunciation
YesCo, Vang, Datso, wang, yes
Thank youCam oncam he
PleaseHong co chihong tso chi
Sorryhin loihin loy
Do you speak-…Anh (m) / Chi (f) co noi tieng khong?ankh (m)/ chi (f) tso noi tieng hong?
FrenchPhap, tayfap, thai
WeChung toichung toy
YouOng (m), Ba (f)ong (m), ba (f)
Badlyhau, Hong tothow, hong tot
So-soTam thereThere there
DaughterCon gaitsong guy
SonCon traitsong trai
MotherMe, mameh, ma
FatherCha, bo, bacha, bo, ba
What is your name?Anh chị tên là gì?anh tein la zi?
My name is…Toi tên là…toi thein la
My last name…Họ của tôi là…ho kua toi la
I'm very glad to meet you!Tôi rất sung sướng được làm quen với qúi ông!Toy Zat Sung Siong Duoc Lam Quen Voy Om!
Let me introduce myself, I...Xin tự giới thiệu, tôi là…sin you zoy thiu, toy la
Where are you from (what country)?Anh là người nước nào?an la ngyi nyek nao?
From Russia.Tôi là người Nga.toi la ngyi nga
I didn't understand).Xin lỗi, tôi không hiêủ.sin loi, toy hong hiu
I understandToi hiêủtoy hiu
How old are you?Anh bao nhiêu tuôi?an bao niu tuoi?
I am 25 years old.tôi 25 tôitoi hai myoi lam tuoi
Where do you live now?Hiện anh trú ngụở đâu?Hien anh chu ngu a dau?
Are you married?Anh có gia đình chưa?anh ko gia din tya?
I'm already marriedCó rồigoat
I'm still single (unmarried).Không, tôi vẫn độc thân.hong, toy van deok than
Do you have a groom (bride)?Anh có người yêu chưa?an ko ngyi iu tya?
I have a fiance (bride).Tôi có người yêu rồi.toi ko ngyoi iu zoi
Do you have children?Anh có con chưa?anh ko kon tya?
Yes, I haveCó rồi.goat
You have a big family?Gia đình của anh có đông đông người không?Gia Dinh Cua Anh Co Dong Nguoi?
In our family... there is a person.Gia đình của tôi có … người.gia din kua toi ko… ngyoi
What is your profession?Anh làm nghề gì?anh lam nge zi?
Where do you work?Anh làm việc ở đâu?anh lam viek o dau?
I work... in an institution.Tôi làm việcở cơ quantoy lam viek o ke kuan
How much do you earn?Lương của anh là bao nhiêu ?luong qua anh la bao nieu?
I earn... rubles (dollars) per month.tôi nhận … rúp (đo-la) một tháng.toy nyan... rup (dola) mot thang


Phrase in Russian Translation Pronunciation
Where is the hotel?Làm ơn cho tôi biết, khách sạn ở đâu?lam he, te toi beats, ha san o dau?
I'd like to check in …Tôi cần phòng…toy kang fong.
~ for one (two) peoplemột (hai)giườngMot, Hai Duong
~ moreto hơnthen hon.
~ smallernhỏ hơnNyo Hong
~ cheaperrẻ hơnze hon
~ with air conditioningcó máy điều hòa không khíco mai dieu hoa hong hi
~ with TVcó tiviKo Tiwi
~ with phonecó điện thoạKo Dien Thoai
I have a room reservedphòng đã đặt trước cho tôifong da dat chyok te toy
Here's my passportHộ chiếu của tôi đâyho tieu cu toi day
How much does a room cost per night?một đêm phòng gía bao nhiêu?Mot deim fong gia bao nieu?
Please give me the key.Làm ơn cho tôi chìa khóa phòng.lam on te toy thia hoa fong
Toilet paperGiấy vệ sinhzey ve xin
This number doesn't suit me.Phòng này không hợp với tôi.fong nai hong hop howl toy
Is there a number...Xin lỗi có phòng…sin loi ko fong...
~ cheaperrẻ hơnze hon
~ bettertốt hơnthat hon.
~ keep it downyên hơnIan Hon
How long will you stay with us?Anh chị sẽ ở đây bao lâu?an, ti se o da\ey bao lau?
I'm thinking of stopping at...Tôi sẽở đây…toy se o day...
~ one daymột ngàymot ngai
~ one weekmột tuầnmot tuan
~ two weekshai tuầnhai tuan
Where is the elevator?Thang máy ở đâu?Thang mai o dau?
Show me my number.Làm ơn, cho tôi xem phòng của tôi.lam on te toy sem fong kua toy
Can I leave it in the safe?xin lỗi, tôi có thể ở lại trong két sắt không?sin loi, toi ko tha o lai chong ket sat hong?
~ moneytiềntien
~ valuablesđồ đạc có gía trido dak ko zya chi
Where is the currency exchange office?nơi đổi tiềnở đâunay doi tien o dau?
Please wake me up at...Xin đánh thức tôi lúc…giờsin dan teuk toy luk…ze
Replace the light bulb.Xin lắp bóng đèn.sin lap bong den
I ask you to …xin...syn…
~ take it to the dry cleanerđưa…đi thẩy hấpdyah...di thay hap
When will it be ready?Khi nao hong?Hee Nao Song
Who's there?Ai đấy?Ay day?
Sign in!Xin vào!xing wao
Are there any messages for me?Có cái gì cho tôi không?ko kai zi cho toi hong
Didn't they ask me?Có ai hỏi tôi không?Ko ai hoi toi hong?
If they ask me, I...Nếu có ai hỏi tôi, tôi ở …no ko ay hoy toy, toy o...
~ in a restaurantở nhà hàngoh nya hang
~ in the roomtrong phongchong fong
~ I'll be there after...hours tôi về sau...giờ toi weight ay…ze
What room was Mr.... staying in?Làm ơn cho tôi biết ông…ở phòng số bao nhiêu?lam on te toy beat ong... o fong so bao nieu?
Does the hotel have...?Khách sạn có…không?ha san ko...hong?
~ billiard roomphòng chơi bi-aPhong Toy Bia
~ saunanhà tắm hơinyah there hoy
~ tennis courtsân tê-nítsan tenit
I'd like to check out …toi đithat di
~ todayhome nayhome nay
~ tomorrowngày maingai mai
~ at ... o'clocklúc…giờhatch...ze
Please prepare the invoiceXin chuẩn bị thanh toánThuan Bi Thanh Toan
I'll pay now.Tôi trả tiền ngay.toy chat yen ngai
Call a taxi pleaseXin gọi taxi.Shin goi taxi


Phrase in Russian Translation Pronunciation
Railway stationGa he luaga he lua
DepartureDi, kho hanhdi, ho hanh
Trainhe luaheh lua
How much does the ticket cost?Gia ve la bao nhieugia ve la bao nhieu?
PassportHo Chieuho chieu


Phrase in Russian Translation Pronunciation
Here is my…
~ passporthộ chiếu của tôi đâyho tieu cu toi day
~ diplomatichộ chiếu ngoại giaoho tieu ngoai giaao
Here's my visaThị thực của tôi đâythi thik kua toy day
~ entrythị thực nhập cảnhthi thiq nyap canh
~ awayxuất cảnhSuat Canh
~ transitqúa cảnhCua Canh
Here is my declarationTờ khai hải quan của tôi đâytoh hi hi kuan kua toy day
He's coming with me...Cùng với tôi đi…kung howl toy di
~ daughtercon gáicon guy
~soncon traicon tea
I would like to extend my visa.Tôi muốn gia hạn thị thực.toy muon gia khan thi thik
How to get to the embassy?What's the difference?dai su kuan cu o dau?
Where is customs control?Kiểm tra hải quan ở đâu?kiem cha hai kuan o dau?
These are my things.Đây là hành lí của tô la han li kua toi


Phrase in Russian Translation Pronunciation
Hello!Xin chào!xing tiao!
Hello, dear (dear)!Chào quý ông (bà)!tiao kui om (ba)!
Hello, gentlemen!Chào các ông!tiao like om!
Dear Sir and Madam!Thưa quý ông bàthya kui om ba!
Dear Hung!Thưa anh Hùng!Thua Anh Hung
Dear friends!Các bạn thân mến…like banh than mein
Goodbye!Hẹn gạp lại nhéhyung gap lai nya
See you!Tạm biệtit's beating there
When will we meet?Bao giờ chúng ta gặp nhau?bao zet yung ta gap nyau?
Where are we gonna meet?Chúng ta gặp nhau ở đâu?tyung ta gap nyau oh dau?
Say hello…Xin gửi lời thăm (̣chị, anh)…sin gyi loy tham (ti, an)…
I wish you success!Xin chúc anh đạt nhiều thành tích mới!Sin tyuc anh dat nieu thanh tith my!
Good morning/afternoon/eveninghin chaohin chao
Good nightChuc ngu ngonchuts ngu ngon
ByeDdi nhedy nhe


Phrase in Russian Translation Pronunciation
How to get
MapBan ddo`ban ddo'
MuseumBao tangbao tang
BankNgan hang, nha bangngan hang, nha bang
Policedo'n tsankh satdo'n tsankh sat
HospitalBenh vien, nha thuongbenh vien, nha tuong
PharmacyHieu thuocHieu Tuoc
ShopCua hangtsua hang
RestaurantNha hang, quan anNha Hang, Quan An
StreetDuong,phoDuong, Pho
SquareQuang truongQuang Truong
What's the address here? Diea chii laa zi?
Where is the bank located ngan_khan[g] o:dau?


Phrase in Russian Translation Pronunciation
Bushe busheh bass
Motorbikexe gắn máyhe gan mai
Trainhe luaheh lua
Airportsan baysan bai
Railway stationga he luaga he lua
Departuredi, kho hanhdi, ho hanh
MetroTau ddien nga`mtau dien nga'm
Bus stationBen he busben he bass
How much does the ticket cost?Gia ve la bao nhieugia ve la bao nhieu?
DepartureDi, kho hanhdi, ho hanh


Phrase in Russian Translation Pronunciation
Fire Departmentsở cứu hỏafrom suu hoa
Policedo`n canh satdo'n tsankh sat
Ambulancexe cứu thươnghe suu huong
Hospitalbenh vienbenh vien
Hurtđau đớndaw dong
Pharmacyhieu thuocHieu Tuoc
Doctorbac sĩbass B


Phrase in Russian Translation Pronunciation
What time is it now?May gio ro`i nhi?Mau gio ro'i nhi?
A weekTua`ntua'n
MondayThu Haitu hi
TuesdayThu Batu ba
WednesdayThu Tutu tu
ThursdayThu Namthat to us
FridayThu Sauthat sau
SaturdayThu Baybye bye
SundayChu Nhatchu nhat
SpringMua huanmua huang
SummerMua He (Ha)mua he (ha)
AutumnMua Thumua tu
WinterMua-Dongmuah dong


Phrase in Russian Translation Pronunciation
0 khonghong
1 motMot
2 haiHai
3 Baba
4 bonBon
5 naOn
6 sausai
7 bayBai
8 thereThere
9 chinChin
10 muoimuoi
11 muoi motMuoi mot
20 hai muoiHai muoi
21 muoimuoi
30 ba muoiBa muoi
40 bon muoiBon muoi
50 na(m muoiNa muoi
100 mot trammotor tram
1000 mot nganmot ngan


Phrase in Russian Translation Pronunciation
Where can I buy…?Tôi có thể mua… Ở đâu?toi ko te mua...o dau?
When does the store open (close)...?Cửa hàng mở (đóng) cửa lúc mấy giờ?kya hang mo(dong)kya luk mei ze?
Where are the clothes sold...Quần aó bán ở đâu…kuan ao ban o dau...
~ malequần aó namkuan ao nam
~ femalequần aó nữkuan ao ny
~ children'squần aó trẻ conkuan ao che kon
I want to buy…Toi muốn mua…toy muon mua
Are they selling...?Ở đây có bán… Không?o dei ko ban... hong?
How much does it cost…?Cái này gía bao nhiêu?kai nai gia bao nieu?
I do not like it.Tôi không thích cái này.toy hong thich kai nai
It is expensive.Cái này rất đấtkai nay zat dat
I take this.Toi mua cái này.toy muah kai nai
ShopCửa hàngkya hang
Open from... Until...Mở cửa từ…Đến…Giờmo kya you... dein... ze
To payTrả tiềncha tien
ProductHang Hoahang hoa
What is the price …Gía bao nhiêu tiền…gia bao nieu tien
~ BottleMột chaimot chai
~ Pack of cigarettesMột bao thuốc làmot bao thuoc la
I'm looking for gloves (scarf)Tôi cần găng tay (khăn quàng cổ)toy kann gang tai (han kuang ko)
Show me something...Cho tôi xem cái gì (nào đó)…te toi sem kai zi (nao do)
~ Cheaperrẻ hơnze hon
~Bettertốt hơnthat hon.
~ different stylekiểu kháckiew hack
~ different colorsmàu khácmau hack
~ another drawinghọa tiết kháchoa tiet hac
No, I do not like.Không, tôi không thích.hong, toy hong thit


Phrase in Russian Translation Pronunciation
BreakfastA(n sanga n sang
DinnerA(n truea n troyes
DinnerA(ntoiand that one
BreadBanh mibanh mi
JuiceNuoc trai cayNuots Trai Tsau
FruitsTrai caytrai tsau
Ice creamKemBy whom
Where is the nearest bar?Quán rượu gần nhất ở đâu?quan ziu gan nit o dau?
Is this seat taken?Ở đây có ai ngồi không?o day ko ai ngoi hong?
What will you drink?Anh có muốn uống gì không?anh ko muon uong zi hong?
Please be kind...Làm ơn cho tôi…lam he is the same...
coffeemột cốc cà phêmot kok ka fe
juicemột cốc sinh tômot kok xin to
a glass of beermột cốc biamot li bia
Bon appetit!Chúc ăn ngon miệngthuc an ngon mieng
Waiter!Em ơium oh
Please bring...Làm ơn cho tôilam he te toi
~ one bottlemột chaimot chai
~ one servingmột suấtmot suat
~ one glassmột cốcmotor cook
~ one cupmột táchspendthrift
Thank youCám ơncam he
Delicious!Rất ngon!zat ngon
Check!Tính tiền nhe!Tinh tien nha


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