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Scientists have been trying almost unsuccessfully for several decades to catch signals from brothers in mind. The negative result of these searches allowed some pundits to claim that we are alone in the Universe and are a kind of unique phenomenon. However, this is not so: there is a lot of evidence that aliens have visited our planet more than once in the past.


There has long been a dispute between ufologists and scientists about the mysterious elongated skulls discovered 85 years ago in Peru. Many ufologists consider these artifacts to be alien skulls, while scientists talk about their artificial deformation. Recently, geneticists from Texas who studied these mysterious skulls made a very sensational statement. Scientists have discovered DNA that does not match any of the samples stored in the human gene bank.

Regarding the remains with unusual elongated skulls, one of the experts, Brian Foster, said: “These were mutations of a mysterious creature: human, primate or animal, hitherto unknown. Some DNA fragments show that we are dealing with new creatures, very far from homo sapiens, Neanderthals and primitive people." So, it turns out that the genetic code of creatures with large elongated skulls has very few features similar to humans. But back in the 90s of the 20th century, some researchers assumed that these were alien skulls.

Here Short story detection of these mysterious skulls. In 1928, Peruvian archaeologist Julio Tello on the Paracas Peninsula on south coast Peru made a sensational discovery. He discovered an ancient cemetery, in the tombs of which were the remains of people with strange elongated skulls. These mysterious skulls were later called the "Skulls of Paracas". Tello extracted more than 300 elongated skulls from the sandy soil; their age was estimated to be 3,000 years old. Of course, these skulls surprised both anthropologists and archaeologists, but they quickly found a completely understandable explanation - artificial deformation.

The skulls lay in the museum for decades, and Robert Connolly, an anthropologist from the University of Liverpool, attracted attention to them. In 1995, he carefully examined the Paracas skulls, photographed the most outstanding specimens and, together with photographs of other outlandish skulls from various museums around the world, demonstrated their images to the general public. All these skulls were so different from ordinary human ones that many started talking about their belonging to aliens who visited our planet in the past.

Skeptics, in turn, said that some of the skulls belonged to various freaks, and some were deliberately deformed. It was the latter that gave the skulls from Paracas such an exotic shape. However, you can deform the skulls in any way you like, but this will not increase the volume of the brain in them. No one has yet learned how to “inflate” skulls. A distinctive feature of the skulls discovered by Tello was their large volume. They contained at least 2500 cm3 of brain, and the volume of some reached 3500 cubic meters. centimeters. For comparison, we note that a “standard” human skull holds about 1500 cm3 of brain, and the largest known to doctors contained only 1980 cm3.

In addition to a much larger volume, the skulls from Paracas were also distinguished by their mass, which was approximately 60% higher than the average mass of a human skull. They also only had one parietal bone, rather than two like humans. So, these mysterious skulls, even without DNA analysis, were significantly different from human ones.

At one time, Robert Connolly said: “It was enough to measure the skulls, and it became clear that they belonged to creatures with a brain volume exceeding that of a human. They certainly have nothing to do with apes or Neanderthals."


Perhaps the skulls from Paracas belonged to precisely those creatures who unwittingly introduced the fashion for elongated skulls on our planet. The famous researcher and writer Erich von Däniken suggested that ancient people saw aliens with elongated skulls who once flew to Earth and, by deforming the heads of their children, sought to “become like the gods.” The researcher writes about the prevalence of deformed skulls: “They are found in North America, Mexico, Ecuador, Bolivia, Patagonia, Oceania, the steppes of Eurasia, Central and West Africa, the Maghreb countries, Western Europe (Brittany, Holland), and of course, in Egypt. The only continent where they are absent is Australia.”

It is worth noting that similar skulls were also discovered on the territory of Russia in a number of areas. The most recent finds are associated with the legendary Arkaim. Much has already been written about an “alien woman” with an elongated skull, discovered during excavations in this place, but besides her, two more burials of a male warrior and a 20-year-old youth were found this summer; they had the same deformed skulls. Employees of the Arkaim Museum-Reserve are confident that all the discovered burials have nothing to do with aliens; they were Sarmatians who practiced deformation of skulls. By the way, changing the shape of children’s heads was done using special “ties.” The head of a small child was either tightly tied with cloth (ropes) or enclosed between two planks, which were tied with ropes or bandages.

More recently, Smithsonian archaeologist Damian Waters and his team discovered three elongated skulls in Antarctica (La Pile region)! No ancient human remains had ever been found here before. Regarding this find, Waters said: “We just can’t believe it! We didn't just find human remains in Antarctica, we found elongated skulls! I have to pinch myself every time I wake up, I just can't believe it! This will force us to reconsider our view of human history as a whole!”


Ufologists reason sensibly: if aliens flew to Earth, they could have suffered an accident here, so their remains may well be discovered either by accident or during archaeological excavations. In the case of the skulls from Paracas (judging by their number), either the ship that crashed on Earth was very large, or the aliens attempted to colonize our planet. In the latter case, they could die from some epidemic or be assimilated (if interbreeding is possible) by earthlings or even exterminated by them.

In addition to the Paracas skulls, the so-called Sealand skull, which is much less known, may be extraterrestrial. It was found relatively recently - in 2007 on the island of Sealand in the village of Olstikke (Denmark). The mysterious skull was discovered by a worker repairing drainpipes in one of the houses. The Sealand skull is approximately 1.5 times larger than a human skull. When you look at him, you immediately notice his huge eye sockets. Scientists suggest that the owner of such impressive eyes could see perfectly in the dark. Due to the smooth surface of the skull, scientists suggested that the mysterious humanoid was well adapted to life in a fairly cool climate.

Using carbon dating, it was possible to establish that the creature to which the mysterious skull belonged lived in the period 1200-1280 AD. But this skull was buried in the ground no earlier than 1900. It can be assumed that this skull was a kind of relic and was preserved for a very long time.
In 2008, the skull was examined by experts from the Copenhagen Veterinary School; they were unable to identify it, although they stated that it belonged to a mammal. It is worth noting that in historical chronicles there is no description of any earthly creatures with such eyes, but this skull is very suitable for some descriptions of aliens.
Old-timers talk about a local legend, according to which a member of the secret society “Order of the Light of Pegasus” lived in the vicinity of Olstikke.
He kept a number of relics and artifacts, among which was a very unusual-looking skull found in the Balkans. At first it was stored in France and Germany and then was brought to Denmark. It is worth noting that in addition to the skulls mentioned above, there are others, for example, a very unusually shaped skull discovered in 2001 in the Rhodope Mountains. Alas, official science by all means disavows the study of the alleged remains of aliens.

Amazing rescue in ice - that's what newspapers wrote about it 50 years ago. It was then, in December 1958, that a dramatic story unfolded in Antarctica. Soviet pilots found the mysteriously disappeared Belgian polar explorers. Among those rescued was His Highness Prince Antoine de Ligne.

Report by Alexey Zotov.

On the most solemn holiday for any Belgian - the Day of the Royal Dynasty - there are always many guests at the embassy of this country. The diplomats shake hands with the ambassador and his wife very briefly, almost formally. And only one guest this time lingered near the couple longer than the rest, introducing his colleagues. Russian pilot Viktor Sergeev, holder of the most honorable award of the Kingdom of Belgium - the Order of Leopold.

Bertrand de Crombrugge, Ambassador of Belgium to Russian Federation: “This whole story is very similar to a wonderful fairy tale! Even though half a century has passed, the Belgian people are still grateful to the Russian pilots who, at risk, saved the life of our prince!”

One of these rescue stories happened in December 1958 in distant Antarctica. Soviet polar explorers received a literally desperate signal on the radio: “The plane of the Belgian expedition took off a week ago and has not yet returned to base! Nothing is known about the fate of the pilot and three other crew members!” The crew that flew out to help found out that the missing plane was personally flown by His Highness the Prince of Belgium, Antoine de Ligne, only after covering more than three thousand kilometers - to the Belgian polar station. This search operation is still considered unsurpassedly heroic.

Victor Boyarsky, director of the Russian state museum Arctic and Antarctic: “Looking for people on the ice is an extremely difficult task! Especially when visibility is not so great, and people do not have the opportunity to send a distress signal with a smoke bomb or anything else. It is almost impossible to detect.”

Flight mechanic Viktor Sergeev was the first to shout: “We found it! Get down!” But before the orange tent finally flashed in the snow, the crew of Viktor Perov on the Li-2 plane circled over the dazzling white desert for three days without sleep or rest.

One of the Belgian polar explorers became so weak during ten days of snow captivity that he could not get out of the tent, and only cried when he learned that it was the Russians who saved his life for the second time. The first time was when the fascist concentration camp was liberated, where he spent 4 years. And on the way home, all four lucky ones were then given hot, sweet tea.

And then there were dozens of receptions for the brave crew of the Li-2... They received orders in the Kremlin and at the Belgian Embassy. But the Soviet aviators, following the example of the commander, resolutely refused the royal bounties that came along with the orders.

Lyudmila Perova, widow of the squadron commander Viktor Perov: “They offered him an estate there - he was considered a Belgian nobleman! But then, of course, it didn’t occur to me that it was possible to have an estate somewhere else besides his homeland and live there.”

Viktor Sergeev was the youngest in the crew. Today he is the only living participant in those events.

Viktor Sergeev, former flight mechanic of the Li-2 crew: “If you don’t dream, then it’s still before your eyes... And it’s always in your memory... That hopeless expression on their faces...”

And also that polar brotherhood, strong as centuries-old ice... And that happiness of saved people is as boundless as Antarctica itself.

To the question Soviet secret expeditions to Antarctica asked by the author Pasha Naumov the best answer is In January 1947, the waters of the Lazarev Sea were quite officially plowed by a Soviet research vessel, belonging, of course, to the Ministry of Defense, called “Slava”. However, some researchers have at their disposal documents that very eloquently indicate that in those harsh years for the fate of the whole world, not only “Glory” was hanging around the shores of Queen Maud Land.
Few people paid attention to the fact that the Soviet press paid virtually no attention to the exploration of Antarctica by our compatriots in the 40s and early 50s. The quantity and quality of specific documents of that time, open to the outside public, is also not particularly diverse. All information on this matter was limited to some general phrases like: “Antarctica is a country of penguins and eternal ice, it certainly needs to be mastered and studied in order to understand many geophysical processes occurring in other parts of the globe,” more similar to slogans than to messages.
However, in the archives of Western intelligence services, documents were found that shed light on some aspects of the first official (rather semi-official, disguised as a study of the fishing situation in Antarctica) Soviet Antarctic expedition of 1946-47, which arrived on the shores of Dronning Maud Land on the diesel-electric ship "Slava" ". Such famous names as Papanin, Krenkel, Fedorov, Vodopyanov, Mazuruk, Kamanin, Lyapidevsky unexpectedly came to light, and the first of these seven is a rear admiral (almost a marshal!), and the last four are full generals, and not just generals what kind (“courtiers,” so to speak), but polar pilots who glorified themselves with specific deeds and were dearly loved by all the Soviet people.
Studying some aspects of the history of the Russian Navy, at some stage you may come across quite interesting things concerning some ships of the Soviet Navy, in particular the Pacific Fleet, which, although they were part of this very fleet, however, starting from 1945, In the waters of the "metropolis" they appeared so rarely that a completely legitimate question arose about the places of their true base. We were talking about three destroyers of Project 45 - “Vysoky”, “Vazhny” and “Impressive”. The destroyers were built in 1945 using captured technology used by the Japanese when designing their Fubuki-class destroyers, intended for navigation in the harsh conditions of the northern and arctic seas.
Project 45 destroyers, later named Vysoky, Vazhny and Impressive, were built in Komsomolsk-on-Amur at plant 199, completed and tested at plant 202 in Vladivostok. They joined the fleet in January-June 1945, but did not take any part in the hostilities against Japan (in August of the same year). In December 1945, all three ships made short visits to Qingdao and Chifoo (China)... And then continuous mysteries begin.
in June 1946, all three destroyers underwent minor repairs, but on the other side of the world - at the Argentine naval base of Rio Grande on Tierra del Fuego. Then one of the destroyers, accompanied by a submarine (many researchers believe that it was K-103 under the command of the famous “submarine ace of the Northern Fleet” A.G. Cherkasov) was allegedly seen off the coast French island Kerguelen, located in the southern part Indian Ocean.. .
WHAT did Stalin need in distant Antarctica in the first post-war years?
Schirmacher Oasis, where Novolazarevskaya is located - on the grave of the pilot Chilingarov there is a four-blade propeller cast into a concrete pedestal and the date of burial: March 1, 1947.
During the war, captain A.V. Chilingarov served in the ferry air division, which was engaged in delivering aircraft equipment provided by the Americans under Lend-Lease to the front. The commander of this very division was a polar explorer already known to us - Air Force Colonel I. P. Mazuruk, and this division served the longest and most difficult ALSIB air route in the world

To the question Soviet secret expeditions to Antarctica asked by the author Pasha Naumov the best answer is In January 1947, the waters of the Lazarev Sea were quite officially plowed by a Soviet research vessel, belonging, of course, to the Ministry of Defense, called “Slava”. However, some researchers have at their disposal documents that very eloquently indicate that in those harsh years for the fate of the whole world, not only “Glory” was hanging around the shores of Queen Maud Land.
Few people paid attention to the fact that the Soviet press paid virtually no attention to the exploration of Antarctica by our compatriots in the 40s and early 50s. The quantity and quality of specific documents of that time, open to the outside public, is also not particularly diverse. All information on this matter was limited to some general phrases like: “Antarctica is a country of penguins and eternal ice, it certainly needs to be mastered and studied in order to understand many geophysical processes occurring in other parts of the globe,” more similar to slogans than to messages.
However, in the archives of Western intelligence services, documents were found that shed light on some aspects of the first official (rather semi-official, disguised as a study of the fishing situation in Antarctica) Soviet Antarctic expedition of 1946-47, which arrived on the shores of Dronning Maud Land on the diesel-electric ship "Slava" ". Such famous names as Papanin, Krenkel, Fedorov, Vodopyanov, Mazuruk, Kamanin, Lyapidevsky unexpectedly came to light, and the first of these seven is a rear admiral (almost a marshal!), and the last four are full generals, and not just generals what kind (“courtiers,” so to speak), but polar pilots who glorified themselves with specific deeds and were dearly loved by all the Soviet people.
Studying some aspects of the history of the Russian Navy, at some stage you may come across quite interesting things concerning some ships of the Soviet Navy, in particular the Pacific Fleet, which, although they were part of this very fleet, however, starting from 1945, In the waters of the "metropolis" they appeared so rarely that a completely legitimate question arose about the places of their true base. We were talking about three destroyers of Project 45 - “Vysoky”, “Vazhny” and “Impressive”. The destroyers were built in 1945 using captured technology used by the Japanese when designing their Fubuki-class destroyers, intended for navigation in the harsh conditions of the northern and arctic seas.
Project 45 destroyers, later named Vysoky, Vazhny and Impressive, were built in Komsomolsk-on-Amur at plant 199, completed and tested at plant 202 in Vladivostok. They joined the fleet in January-June 1945, but did not take any part in the hostilities against Japan (in August of the same year). In December 1945, all three ships made short visits to Qingdao and Chifoo (China)... And then continuous mysteries begin.
in June 1946, all three destroyers underwent minor repairs, but on the other side of the world - at the Argentine naval base of Rio Grande on Tierra del Fuego. Then one of the destroyers, accompanied by a submarine (many researchers believe that it was K-103 under the command of the famous “submarine ace of the Northern Fleet” A.G. Cherkasov) was allegedly seen off the coast of the French island of Kerguelen, located in the southern Indian Ocean. .
WHAT did Stalin need in distant Antarctica in the first post-war years?
Schirmacher Oasis, where Novolazarevskaya is located - on the grave of the pilot Chilingarov there is a four-blade propeller cast into a concrete pedestal and the date of burial: March 1, 1947.
During the war, captain A.V. Chilingarov served in the ferry air division, which was engaged in delivering aircraft equipment provided by the Americans under Lend-Lease to the front. The commander of this very division was a polar explorer already known to us - Air Force Colonel I. P. Mazuruk, and this division served the longest and most difficult ALSIB air route in the world

Our Internet resource “Russia-Segodnya” decided to publish excerpts from a book entitled “Sinister Secrets of Antarctica. Swastika in the Ice” so that readers become interested in what secrets the world government is hiding from the public, and can independently find and read the full text in order to draw their own conclusions about what awaits humanity in the future. It should be noted that many historical documents about Antarctica were classified for many years by decision of the US CIA, which gave rise to some researchers talking about the use of knowledge in the globalist policies of some countries of the world. As of today, no one is allowed to enter the mainland. Scientific research is carried out by scientists under the protection of special services. Will humanity face a new war, but not with its own race, but with aliens to enslave planet earth or with someone else who has been hiding there all this time? That's the main question.


As you know, Antarctica was discovered by Russian navigators - Captain Thaddeus Bellingshausen (09.09.1778 - 13.01.1852) and Lieutenant Mikhail Lazarev (03.11.1788 - 11.04.1851), who on the sloops "Vostok" and "Mirny" on January 28, 1820 for the first time in history reached a mysterious land in the Southern Hemisphere. Russian ships circled the Antarctic continent, coming close to its shores nine times, thus determining the general outlines of Antarctica. That is, in modern times, it was the Russians who became the discoverers of Antarctica. So what is next? And then, if you believe the historical version generally accepted today, large-scale expeditions to the shores of Antarctica were carried out only 130 years later - already in the 1950s, when the Soviet Antarctic program started! Surprising, but true! Russian, Soviet, and then - and again Russian studies of the icy continent raise no less questions (if not more) than, say, American or German ones. From a formal point of view, hundreds and thousands of articles, books, brochures have been written and published about the Antarctic programs of the Soviet Union, and since 1991 - the Russian Federation, and many documentaries have been shot. It seems that there are no secrets or mysteries left. An icy continent, a harsh climate, a country of penguins and extreme cold, polar wintering grounds and the like. But is everything really so obvious?

Russian Antarctica: everything is clear, but not very much.

“A Soviet veteran polar explorer, who preferred to remain anonymous, drew my attention to a section of the Smolensk cemetery in St. Petersburg, where more than a hundred men were buried in the late 1940s (roughly the same period as Admiral Byrd’s expedition). Identical tombstones, Slavic surnames and the average age of the deceased suggest war graves. But during these years, the USSR, as we know, did not fight with anyone. Polar explorers lie here, their surviving colleague explained, and they spent the winter on the sixth continent. The secret mission of the USSR in Antarctica (our country officially began research there only in 1956) is connected by an unnamed interlocutor with the name of twice Hero of the Soviet Union Ivan Papanin, at that time the chief naval intelligence. It was as if Papanin’s people, and not the mythical Aryans in thin clothes, gave Admiral Byrd a stern welcome on the “originally our” territory of the continent discovered by our people. It turns out that it was with this skirmish, and not with Churchill’s Fulton speech, that “ cold war"between the USSR and the USA".

This is a quote from Savely Kashnitsky’s article “Secret Civilization Under the Sixth Continent,” published in the weekly “Arguments and Facts” (No. 17 of April 22, 2009). Another quote:

“On a rocky hill located between two particularly large lakes there is a cemetery for polar explorers. The long-decommissioned Penguin all-terrain vehicle, driven to the top of a hill by a mischievous mechanic, became a monument that was even depicted on a postage stamp. I walked up the hill. In terms of memoriality, the cemetery is not inferior to many famous cemeteries in the world - Novodevichy, for example, or even Arlington. I am surprised to see on the grave of pilot Chilingarov a four-blade propeller cast into a concrete pedestal and the date of burial: March 1, 1947. But my questions remain unanswered - the current management of Novolazarevskaya has no idea about the activities of the station in that distant year. This, apparently, is a matter for historians.”

The second quote is taken from the memoirs of one of the members of the first Soviet Antarctic expedition - Vladimir Kuznetsov, published in St. Petersburg by the publishing house "Gidrometeoizdat" (we quote from the book by A.V. Biryuk "UFO: Secret Strike", part 3 "Antarctica", chapter 4 "Station "Novolazarevskaya"). Alexander Biryuk comments on this paragraph from the memoirs of Vladimir Kuznetsov as follows: A.V. Chilingarov served in the First Ferry Aviation Division during the Great Patriotic War. The division commander was USSR Air Force Colonel Ivan Mazuruk (07/07/1906 - 01/02/1989), who was in charge of the Alsib route, which ran from Alaska to the USSR (Krasnoyarsk), along which aircraft provided to the Soviet Union under Lend-Lease were delivered to the Soviet-German front United States. The four-bladed propeller on the grave of A.V. Chilingarov, buried on March 1, 1947, could only belong to the P-63 Kingcobra aircraft, which were supplied from the USA to the USSR under Lend-Lease in 1944 - 1945. But how did the Kingcobra get to Antarctica in 1947, if Soviet exploration of the Antarctic began only in 1956?
In 2005, the Moscow publishing house “Algorithm” published a book by Olga Greig, which was called: “Secret Antarctica, or Russian intelligence at the South Pole.” The quintessence of this book is this: since 1820, Russia, with insignificant interruptions, continued to actively develop and study the sixth continent. Even before the start of World War II, preparations began, and after its completion, the formation of the Antarctic Fleet of the USSR Navy, which was based off the coast of Antarctica, was completed. In the exploration and study of the icy continent, Stalin worked in close cooperation with Hitler, which did not stop during the war. Representatives of alien intelligence are certainly present in the vicinity of Antarctica. But all this information is not for mere mortals. Nothing is said about the author of the book, Olga Greig. Is this surname an individual or collective pseudonym, and if so, whose, and is it a pseudonym at all? Unknown. At first glance, the purpose that was pursued in writing and publishing this book is not clear. Simply to earn a little money by writing a completely opportunistic, sellable text, or is this a kind of “message” from a group of interested parties to the Russian power elite and the thinking part of the country’s population, a kind of call to resume the active development of Antarctica? (We note in parentheses that in 2011, Olga Greig’s book was published in a second edition, and was also supplemented by another book by the same author on the same topic: “Operation “Antarctica”, or the Battle for the South Pole”). Soon after the publication of Olga Greig’s first book, namely on March 5, 2007, a “post” was posted on one of the Russian-language Internet forums telling about the forced march of the Russian Federal Security Service to the South Pole. This message said, in part:

“Director of the FSB of the Russian Federation Nikolai Patrushev and his first deputy, head of the Border Service Vladimir Pronichev, as well as Vice-Speaker of the State Duma Artur Chilingarov, head of Roshydromet Alexander Bedritsky and even the Russian Ambassador to Chile Yuri Filatov, using the “airlift” in Chile, first made an airplane "An-74" flight from South America to Antarctica, where on January 5 they landed on King George Island. One of the five operating Russian Antarctic stations, Bellingshausen, is located there. On January 7, high authorities flew to the South Pole in two FSB Mi-8 helicopters. “For the first time in the history of mankind,” one of the Russian publications triumphantly wrote, “Christians celebrated Orthodox Christmas at the South Pole - where all the earth’s meridians converge at an altitude of 2835 meters.”

Patrushev, in his Christmas euphoria, even risked waking up Vladimir Putin to report on the success of the expedition. True, for this he did not use his special connection, but a satellite phone, which was kindly provided to him by American polar explorers from the Amundsen-Scott station, dumbfounded by the visit of the head of the FSB. The head of the Khabarovsk Aviation Center of the FSB of Russia, Colonel Andrei Sobolev, in an interview with the newspaper “Border Guard of the North-East” (No. 49 of December 12, 2007) spoke extremely frankly about the purpose of this visit:

“First of all, it’s political. This year, the 50-year international treaty under which Antarctica is recognized as a public territory ends. And the closer the treaty expires, the more actively some countries begin to claim unilateral ownership of the southern continent. Meanwhile, Antarctica is the richest territory. After all, this is where the lightest uranium is. That is why a political decision was made to bring a high-ranking Russian delegation there in order to thereby indicate our presence. The general management of the expedition was carried out by Artur Nikolaevich Chilingarov, and the official representative of the state was the director of the FSB, Nikolai Platonovich Patrushev.”

On November 18, 2009, it became known that the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, headed the Board of Trustees of the Russian Geographical Society. At the very first meeting of the Russian Geographical Society, being in the status of chairman of its Board of Trustees, he proposed to increase allocations to the budget of the Russian Geographical Society at least 10 times (up to 50 million rubles) to preserve the research work carried out by this society. On the same day, the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, Sergei Shoigu, who was elected as the new president of the Russian Geographical Society, promised to further popularize geography and even noted the possibility of creating a specialized television channel. And on April 15, 2011, as reported by the RIA-Novosti news agency, at the next meeting of the Board of Trustees, it was, in particular, stated that the Russian Geographical Society may soon have its own ships and underwater vehicles: Prime Minister Vladimir Putin supported the idea to develop and build a Russian marine research vessel. Let us also recall that a year earlier - on April 15, 2010 - during the first official visit to Argentina, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and the President of this South American republic, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, signed 12 agreements on cooperation in various fields of activity. On this occasion, in particular, the following was said in the Channel One story:

“Russia offers its technologies not only in energy, but also in restoration railways- in Argentina they are half destroyed, in space exploration - in Argentina they will install ground equipment for the GLONASS satellite system, in the construction of new nuclear power plants, as well as in the exploration of Antarctica - Russian icebreakers and helicopters are needed here.”

After which, on October 21, 2010, at a meeting of the Government of the Russian Federation chaired by its head, Vladimir Putin, the “Strategy for the development of Russian activities in Antarctica” was discussed. The details of this strategy and the circumstances leading up to its development have not been widely reported in the media.

Is there a fight for Antarctica coming?

In August 2009, the online publication “Today. Ru reported the following:

“Antarctica is the last resource reserve of humanity, hiding in its depths countless mineral treasures. According to scientists, the depths of Antarctica contain significant amounts of coal, copper ore, molybdenum, mica, graphite, nickel, lead, zinc and other raw materials. The US Geological Survey claims that in the depths of Antarctica there are huge reserves of oil - 6.5 billion tons, as well as natural gas - more than 4 trillion cubic meters. In addition, up to 90% is concentrated in Antarctica fresh water, and off the coast there is an incredible abundance of commercial fish varieties. Now we can safely say that the world is on the verge of another conflict for the right to own Antarctica and its subsoil.”

Is it worth it, if only for this reason, to be surprised that, despite the considerable distance from the Antarctic coast of many developed countries, almost all of them lay claim to at least part of the territory of the sixth continent? Australia claims a third of Antarctica's territory, something it has consistently achieved since 1933. In addition to Australia, territorial claims have already been announced by:
- New Zealand,
- Great Britain,
- France,
- Norway,
- Chile,
- Argentina.
The latter, as is known, has already participated in the war for the circumpolar zone of Antarctica, clashing with the British in 1982 in the War for the Falkland Islands. Formally, this conflict was then explained by the presence of large hydrocarbon reserves on the shelf of the Falkland Islands. But, given the great remoteness of the island archipelago from processing plants and large consumers of oil and gas, it was clear that the fighting broke out precisely because of the proximity of the Falkland Islands to the Antarctic coast. It is curious that among countries that formally do not have any territorial claims in Antarctica, Japan occupies a very ambivalent position. The leadership of the Land of the Rising Sun delicately explains its claims to Antarctica exclusively from a technological point of view. They say that the gas deposits explored on the sixth continent lie so deep that no one except highly developed Japan yet has the technologies necessary for their development. It is clear that by laying claim to a certain share of Antarctica’s gas reserves, Japan, albeit indirectly, is making it clear that it quite possibly will not give up territorial acquisitions. Although this contradicts the spirit and essence of the San Francisco Peace Treaty of September 8, 1951, according to which the international status of Japan was determined after World War II. Chapter II (“Territory”), paragraph “e” of this treaty reads:

“Japan waives all claims to any right, title or interest in any part of the Antarctic area, whether arising out of or otherwise acquired by Japanese nationals.”

China is also showing a very keen interest in Antarctica, which back in 2007 announced its intention to establish its third permanent polar station on its territory. As is known, the international status of Antarctica as a free zone is regulated by the Antarctic Treaty, signed in Washington on December 1, 1959 and which entered into force on June 23, 1961. The main principle of this agreement is the use of Antarctica exclusively for peaceful and scientific purposes. At first it was assumed that the Treaty would be limited to a period of 50 years. But subsequently, when activities on the territory of Antarctica were supplemented and detailed by special conventions and consultative meetings, it was agreed that the regulatory framework determining the status of Antarctica was of an indefinite nature. We can say that South American countries have formed their own opinion regarding Antarctica, which is very different from representatives of other countries. South American politicians and intellectuals are calling for a fundamental review of the foreign policy of the countries of South America in order to make it more thoughtful and more solid: they have put forward, as it seems to some, a geopolitical strategy that is revolutionary in its ambitions. South Americans say this:

“What belongs to everyone belongs to no one. Or rather, what belongs to everyone will actually belong to the strongest. To curb the appetites of others, primarily Argentina and Chile, powerful countries are increasing the number of their bases on the continent. If this continues (and this is the most likely scenario), then soon research in Antarctica will be carried out exclusively by transnational companies from the G8 countries.”

The essence of the proposals coming from the countries of South America is to achieve real sovereignty of South America from the dictates of the G-8. Plus - the recognition of the right of Latin American states to own the South American sector of Antarctica. Which, apparently, its representatives will achieve in a clear and consistent form, based on what is specific in application to Antarctica geographical location the South American continent and its islands. The conclusion is obvious: the no-man's and peaceful continent, apparently, has very little time left to remain in its current status.
A couple of years ago, specialists from the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) stated the following fact: over the past 30 years, the air temperature in Antarctica has increased on average three times faster than global climate warming. Naturally, this has already affected the thickness of the ice and snow cover of the sixth continent. In recent years, assumptions of an apocalyptic nature have begun to be expressed more and more loudly, including regarding the possibility of a sharp change climatic conditions in certain parts of the globe. Where it was hot will become cold, and vice versa. It is known that the leaders of the Third Reich showed remarkable interest not only in Antarctica, but also in the Arctic. It is very possible that they were well aware of the inevitability of those climate changes, the onset of which, perhaps, many of us will soon witness. So who actually owns Antarctica at the moment? And why is all information related in one way or another to the exploration of the sixth continent immediately turned out to be strictly classified? Our new book is about this.


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