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This page presents the most peaceful and calm countries for 2018. Previously, it was decided not to create a new page each time, but just change this one. I have already published ratings of countries around the world for 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017, followed by the long-awaited rating of the next year, 2018.

Or the most peaceful countries are ranked from first to last and criminal, respectively. The ranking was taken from the Vision of Humanity website, which is compiled by humanity from all over the world. In parentheses, each country indicates how many steps it has risen or fallen since the previous year. The safest countries are the countries of Scandinavia and Europe, however, as always :) This year, many countries have soared sharply, some up and some down. The African Gambia was especially surprised: it rose by as much as 34 steps, as well as the African Togo: it fell by 36 steps. But Russia is still close to 10th place in terms of the most criminal countries, and has not distinguished itself much since last year. However, over the past 25 years it has always been like this... And Ukraine remains inferior to Russia, from the moment Poroshenko came to power. I wonder what it will look like in the future? Wait and see.

Rating of countries of the world 2018

1. Iceland (0)
2. New Zealand (0)
3. Austria (+1)
4. Portugal (-1)
5. Denmark (0)
6. Canada (+2)
7. Czech Republic (-1)
8. Singapore (+13)
9. Japan (+2)
10. Ireland (0)
11. Slovenia (-4)
12. Switzerland (-3)
13. Austria (-1)
14. Sweden (+4)
15. Finland (+2)
16. Norway (-2)
17. Germany (-1)
18. Hungary (-3)
19. Butane (-6)
20. Mauritius (+2)
21. Belgium (-2)
22. Slovakia (+4)
23. Netherlands (Holland) (-3)
24. Romania (+1)
25. Malaysia (+4)
26. Bulgaria (+2)
27. Croatia (+4)
28. Chile (-4)
29. Botswana (-2)
30. Spain (-7)
31. Latvia (+1)
32. Poland (+1)
33. Estonia (+3)
34. Taiwan (+6)
35. Sierra Leone (+4)
36. Lithuania (+1)
37. Uruguay (-2)
38. Italy (0)
39. Madagascar (+5)
40. Costa Rica (-6)
41. Ghana (+2)
42. Kuwait (+16)
43. Namibia (+7)
44. Malawi (+4)
45. United Arab Emirates (+20)
46. ​​Laos (-1)
47. Mongolia (-1)
48. Zambia (-6)
49. Korea (South Korea) (-2)
50. Panama (-1)
51. Tanzania (+3)
52. Albania (+5)
53. Senegal (+7)
54. Serbia (+2)
55. Indonesia (-3)
56. Qatar (-26)
57. UK (-16)
58. Montenegro (+9)
59. East Timor (-6)
60. Vietnam (-1)
61. France (-10)
62. Cyprus (+2)
63. Liberia (+19)
64. Moldova (Republic of Moldova) (+2)
65. Equatorial Guinea (-4)
66. Argentina (-11)
67. Sri Lanka (+13)
68. Nicaragua (+6)
69. Benin (+10)
70. Kazakhstan (+2)
71. Morocco (+4)
72. Swaziland (+5)
73. Oman (+3)
74. Peru (+3)
75. Ecuador (-9)
76. Gambia (+34)
77. Paraguay (-9)
78. Tunisia (-9)
79. Greece (-6)
80. Burkina Faso (+11)
81. Cuba (+7)
82. Guyana (-1)
83. Angola (+17)
84. Nepal (+9)
85. Trinidad and Tobago (+13)
86. Mozambique (-8)
87. Macedonia (+15)
88. Haiti (-5)
89. Bosnia and Herzegovina (-4)
90. Jamaica (+2)
91. Dominican Republic (+8)
92. Kosovo (-16)
93. Bangladesh (-9)
94. Bolivia (-8)
95. Gabon (-8)
96. Guinea (0)
97. Cambodia (-8)
98. Jordan (-3)
99. Togo (-36)
100. Papua New Guinea (-3)
101. Belarus (Republic of Belarus) (+2)
102. Georgia (-8)
103. Rwanda (+10)
104. Lesotho (-14)
105. Uzbekistan (-4)
106. Brazil (+2)
107. Uganda (-2)
108. Kyrgyzstan (+3)
109. Algeria (0)
110. Ivory Coast (+11)
111. Guatemala (+6)
112. China (+4)
113. Thailand (+7)
114. Tajikistan (+4)
115. Djibouti (-8)
116. Guinea-Bissau (-6)
117. El Salvador (-2)
118. Honduras (-12)
119. Turkmenistan (Turkmenistan) (0)
120. Armenia (-8)
121. United States of America (-7)
122. Myanmar (-18)
123. Kenya (+2)
124. Zimbabwe (+3)
125. South Africa (-2)
126. Congo (-2)
127. Mauritania (+1)
128. Niger (-2)
129. Saudi Arabia (+4)
130. Behrain (+1)
131. Iran (-2)
132. Azerbaijan (0)
133. Cameroon (-3)
134. Burundi (+7)
135. Chad (0)
136. India (+1)
137. Philippines (+1)
138. Eritrea (-2)
139. Ethiopia (-5)
140. Mexico (+2)
141. Palestine (New)
142. Egypt (-3)
143. Venezuela (0)
144. Mali (-4)
145. Colombia (0)
146. Israel (-2)
147. Lebanon (0)
148. Nigeria (0)
149. Türkiye (-3)
150. DPRK (North Korea) (-1)
151. Pakistan (0)
152. Ukraine (+1)
153. Sudan (+2)
154. Russia (-4)
155. Central African Republic (-1)
156. Democratic Republic of the Congo (-4)
157. Libya (-1)
158. Yemen (0)
159. Somalia (-2)
160. Iraq (0)
161. South Sudan (-2)
162. Afghanistan (-1)
163. Syria (-1)

Life is scary, and traveling is even scarier: planes are shot down, bombs explode at the airport, people are shot at in hotels... Sometimes it seems that it’s better to lock yourself at home, close all the windows and doors and watch pictures with landscapes and city views on Tumblr.

But despite the turbulent situation, there are still countries in the world where you can simply enjoy traveling without worrying about your life. But, of course, there are also such dangerous places that it is better to trust your inner paranoid and not tempt fate.

Map of dangerous and safe countries according to the Global Peace Index

Dark green color – very high level of security. Green – high level. Yellow – medium level. Orange – low level. Red – very low.

5. Dangerous Country: Somalia, Africa

For 20 years in a row, Somalia has been rocked by civil war: on the one hand, the Transitional Federal Government, supported by the United States of America, on the other, Islamist rebels. In addition, the country is torn apart by endless conflicts between opposing tribes. Criminal gangs operate on land, and pirates operate on sea. In recent years, about 20% of the population has fled from the African state. Tourists have nothing to do here either - medicine is extremely undeveloped, there are problems with telephone communications, and traveling by car can easily become a real disaster - there are few gas stations, so there is every chance of getting stuck in the middle of the desert.

Somali children queue for food and water

4. Dangerous Country: Afghanistan

Tourists should forget about Afghanistan: the Central Asian state was recognized as the worst place for women. The statistics are frightening: for example, in 2014, 2,026 cases of violence against women were registered, including 162 women in the country who were beaten to death. Moreover, compared to the previous year, the figure increased by 15%. But the place is not safe for men either. The situation in the country is very turbulent, especially for foreigners - they can become victims of the Taliban. Thus, in 2007, the Taliban kidnapped 23 tourists from Korea from a regular city bus, killing two in the process.

Afghan women celebrate New Year in Kabul. Author: Ahmad Masood/Reuters.

3. Dangerous Country: Iraq

The Islamist terrorist organization Daesh operates in Iraq - the northern, western and central parts of the country, including the second largest Iraqi city of Mosul, are under its control. It is dangerous to approach Iraq's borders with Turkey, Syria and Iran. The terrorists spare no one: representatives of the Red Cross, the UN, journalists and ordinary tourists come under attack. Hotels, restaurants, cafes and other places where guests of the country gather are being targeted. Desperate travelers claim that the southern regions of the country are relatively safe, you just need to avoid “hot” spots, don’t get involved in conflicts, don’t stand out from the crowd... But maybe it’s still not worth it?

2. Dangerous Country: South Sudan, Africa

Children, don’t go for a walk in Africa... And definitely avoid South Sudan. The southern part of Sudan became a separate independent state after a referendum in 2011. Before the popular vote, Sudan promised to support any decision of the southerners, but since independence, conflicts between the northern and southern states have not stopped. The danger also comes from the Lord's Resistance Army, a Ugandan nationalist cult group whose bases and strongholds are believed to be located in South Sudan. The Lord's army has become notorious for its repeated cases of child abduction. The tourist will have to carefully think through the route: there are many minefields here. In addition, in case of accidents, a traveler should not rely on local medicine - it is of no different quality in the country.

A man with the South Sudan flag marches on Independence Day

1. Dangerous country: Syria

It is difficult to even imagine who would think of voluntarily going to Syria. As of 2016, the Global Peace Security Index ranks Syria as the most dangerous country in the world. Since the beginning of the conflict between the government of Bashar al-Assad and the opposition in 2011, more than 300 thousand people have been killed here. A fifth of Syria's population (3.9 out of 21.9 million) fled to other countries, and another 7.6 million people were displaced internally from their homes. The international human rights organization Human Rights Watch called the militants' actions a crime against humanity. Governments are advising their citizens in Syria to leave the country immediately. At any moment, airports, roads and other means of communication may be blocked, and there will be no turning back.

Syrian woman with a child in a military conflict zone

1. Safe country: Iceland

Since 2007, Iceland has time and again proven to be the safest country in the world. The small island nation in northern Europe has no army and police officers don't even carry weapons. American international law student Andrew Clark traveled to Iceland twice to collect information for a project about the northern country's low crime rate. There are 0.3 murders for every 100,000 people, and the rate has remained between 0-1.5 for more than ten years. Why is it so safe here? Andrew believes that Iceland's secret is equality: 97% of Icelanders consider themselves middle class, the country is considered the first in the world in women's rights, minority rights are protected here, and there is an almost complete absence of religious conflicts.

Residents of Iceland at a city festival

2. Safe country: Denmark

Crimes of particular gravity are very rare here - the murder rate reaches only 0.8 per 100,000 people. Denmark is safe for tourists - for example, in the capital of the country, Copenhagen, there are no “dangerous” areas. Rates of sexual violence are also low, putting Denmark on the list of countries suitable for women traveling alone. Visitors to the country should only take reasonable safety precautions, such as keeping an eye on things at the famous music festivals in Aarhus. In the countryside, everything is also quiet and calm, but it is worth remembering that the majority of rural residents of Denmark do not speak English, so if something happens, it can be difficult to ask for help.

Spectators at the Copenhagen Jazz Festival

3. Safe country: Austria

Austria is one of the safest countries in the world. The capital of Austria, Vienna ranks sixth in terms of safety out of 215 cities. The murder rate is one per 100,000 people. Tourists can feel safe in both small towns and rural areas, including in nature. You should be wary of pickpocketing here (as, indeed, everywhere else) and theft of bicycles. The latter can be explained quite simply: the difference between bicycle paths is not visible everywhere. Some tourists note unfriendly attitudes towards dark-skinned people, especially in small towns.

4. Safe Country: New Zealand

New Zealand was ranked fourth in the 2016 Global Peace ranking. The country did not lose its leading position in previous years. The island nation also holds the title of being the least corrupt in the world - New Zealanders pride themselves on their relaxed lifestyle, for which they can thank an efficient legal system and a police force they can always turn to. New Zealand is equally safe for traveling around cities and for forays into the wild. True, sometimes you should be careful with the latter: although, unlike neighboring Australia, there are few dangerous and poisonous animals here, parrots love to gnaw plastic from windshield wipers, side mirrors and car doors and can significantly spoil the appearance of the vehicle.

5. Safe Country: Portugal

In a frighteningly short time, several popular tourist destinations have become extremely unsafe: a suicide bombing at Istanbul airport, the shooting of tourists in a Tunisian hotel, and a plane crash in Egypt have turned many travelers away from these countries. Warm European countries appeared on the scene, including Portugal, the fifth safest country in the Global Peace ranking. In Portugal, you can forget about terrorism and crime for a while (1.2 murders per 100 thousand people per year). The most common complaints from tourists are dishonest, rude taxi drivers, pickpockets on public transport and broken, chipped tiles on the main streets of cities.

BOOM Festival in the village of Idanha a Nova

Security is one of the main criteria that a potential immigrant and ordinary tourist relies on when deciding to move or visit a country for a short time. Unfortunately, today in different parts of the planet there are armed conflicts, terrorist attacks are carried out and the overall crime rate is growing. The safety of people and the country as a whole largely depends on these factors.

International organizations and major travel agencies regularly compile various ratings and lists of states with the highest level of security. According to experts, these are the most suitable destinations for both tourism and comfortable living. Based on the data from the Global Peace Index 2019 report compiled by the Institute of Economics and Peace, let’s look at the TOP 10 safest countries on the planet in 2019–2020.


1. 1.072
2. 1.221
3. 1.274
4. 1.291
5. 1.316
6. 1.327
7. 1.347
8. 1.355
9. 1.369
10. 1.375



Iceland is rightfully considered the safest country in the world in 2019–2020. This small island nation is located in the North Atlantic Ocean next to Greenland and Great Britain. The population is just over 340 thousand people. Political stability, a strong economy, the absence of territorial disputes and the social cohesion of its inhabitants make Iceland an almost ideal place to live, work and play.



Austria is a prosperous democratic country in the heart of Europe. An excellent place for lovers of outdoor activities and winter sports. The greatest danger here is from avalanches in the Alps, so tourists should be careful. In general, it is absolutely safe to conduct professional activities, invest, study at Austrian universities and simply travel around Austria.


It is quite difficult to imagine a coup d'état or civil conflict breaking out in Denmark. This northern country has a high standard of living and a reliable social security system, a high-tech economy and a stable political situation. In addition to security issues, according to many authoritative publications, Denmark is included in the list of the happiest countries in the world.


Living and working in Canada is more comfortable than in the United States, which ranks only 128th in the ranking of the safest countries. Mass murders and other types of terror are virtually absent here. The local government has developed effective immigration programs to Canada, which gives thousands of foreigners from different countries a chance to come to the most beautiful Canadian cities for permanent residence under clear and affordable conditions.


In 2018, the city-state of Singapore gained three points and regained its well-deserved place in the top ten safest countries in the world, and in 2019 it rose another position. Unlike many in the Asian region, especially Pakistan, the Philippines and Bangladesh, Singaporeans feel completely safe both economically and physically. Largely due to effective police action and strict laws.


Slovenia is included in the list of the safest countries in the world, largely due to the high concentration of police on local streets, who monitor law and order and ensure the safety of the property of foreign visitors. In addition, incidents of terrorist attacks and other types of violence are very rare in the state. Joining the European Union allowed Slovenia to raise the standard of living of the population and ensure economic growth.


Japan is the second representative of Asia in the 2019 ranking of the safest countries on the planet, which, together with Slovenia and the Czech Republic, supplanted last year’s participant from Europe – Ireland. Japanese citizens are not afraid of hypothetical threats from North Korea and are completely satisfied with the work of their state's law enforcement agencies. Life in the Land of the Rising Sun is quite safe even despite periodic tsunamis, earthquakes and other natural disasters.


The modern Czech Republic is not only a dynamically developing country with an industrial economy and low unemployment, but also a popular tourist destination. Foreigners visiting beautiful Czech cities with stunning historical architecture note the relaxed atmosphere and friendly attitude of the locals. The state has virtually no crime and low military expenditures per capita.

In conclusion, we note that of the 163 states that are analyzed in the report, the safest country in the world 2019–2020 – Iceland, is already in first place for twelve years (since 2008). The bottom lines of the ranking are occupied by Afghanistan, Syria, South Sudan, Yemen and Iraq.

The most peaceful and safe region on the planet is Europe. Among the CIS countries, Russia is ranked lowest - 154th place. Ukraine is on line 150, and the Republic of Belarus is on line 97.

Ecology of life: Every day we see a huge amount of gloomy and scary news about situations in different countries around the world. You need to be especially careful when planning a trip now - the chance of getting a whole bunch of problems instead of a well-deserved rest is too great. It is for this reason that the independent organization Institute of Economics and Peace has introduced its annual chart of the most and least safe countries around the world. This year, the first ten places were taken by these countries.

Every day we see a huge amount of dark and scary news about situations in different countries around the world. You need to be especially careful when planning a trip now - the chance of getting a whole bunch of problems instead of a well-deserved rest is too great. It is for this reason that the independent organization Institute of Economics and Peace has introduced its annual chart of the most and least safe countries around the world. This year, the first ten places were taken by these countries.


Slovenia came in last place. Minor internal conflicts force the state to use more police, which makes tourists feel safer.


It's hard to believe, but the former Asian Tiger is now considered one of the calmest and safest countries in the world. The low murder rate, the prohibition of carrying weapons for citizens and the innate calmness of the Japanese people make the state a real gift to the expat.


Canada is apparently too cold for any kind of illegal activity. This large, strong and reliable state is perfect for those who would like to live in peace and cut down trees for their own pleasure.


The position of indifferent neutrality in foreign policy has allowed Switzerland to become one of the most peaceful countries on the planet. Here you simply do not need to commit crimes to live well - just work is enough.


The Czech Republic is slowly but surely becoming more and more attractive for living. The abundance of tourists means prompt work by the police and intelligence services: relatively few crimes are committed here and the detection rate is very high.


Earlier this year, Condé Nast Traveler named Lisbon the most underrated city in Europe. Few tourists actually make it here, and for good reason: the beauty of Portugal, combined with the safety of the quiet streets of Lisbon, makes this place an excellent choice.

New Zealand

This country is increasingly being chosen by those who have decided to try to radically change their lives. Low crime, gorgeous beaches and no problems with drugs - what else is needed to be completely happy?


Robert Frost wrote that “good fences make good neighbors” and this statement works quite well at the state level. Borders with the Czech Republic (the center of European prostitution and drug trafficking) and Germany (migrants) did not in any way affect the situation in Austria itself.


Denmark is regularly ranked among the happiest countries in the world, and now it is recognized as one of the safest. The most serious conflict for many years was a territorial dispute with Canada over the right to own an uninhabited island. Problems with crime? Almost none.


For the sixth year in a row, Iceland has taken first place in the country's safety index. Scandinavians have no border disputes (this is an island, after all), almost no murders, and only read about terrorist attacks on the Internet published .

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