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Japan has always been known for being one step ahead of the rest of the world in terms of technology. The unfavorable geographical location and unusual natural conditions of the Land of the Rising Sun made the Japanese an incredibly inventive and efficient nation.

But sometimes their creativity and technological research go too far, resulting in things that Westerners find strange and shocking. If you're planning on visiting this amazing country, be sure to check out the following 25 crazy curiosities that can only be found in Japan!

1. Artificial fangs.

Japanese women are literally crazy about pointed teeth, which in the Land of the Rising Sun are called “yabea”. Local women are willing to spend hundreds of dollars on cosmetic procedures to attach these mini fangs to their teeth.

2. Toilet slippers.

The Japanese are renowned for their strict hygiene and sanitation habits, so it's no surprise that they have toilet slippers, which are used to minimize contact between the unclean bathroom floor and the clean floor in the rest of the house.

3. Unusual parking lots.

More than 126 million people live in Japan. Naturally, saving space has become one of the main concerns for local residents, and parking spaces are no exception. If you come to a shopping center, you will probably come across these unusual parking spots.

Judging by the ingredients, Japanese mayonnaise is no different from ordinary mayonnaise, but it is its use that makes the Japanese strange. While the rest of the world typically uses mayonnaise on sandwiches and salads, the Japanese use traditional Kewpie mayonnaise for... ice cream, chips and even pancakes.

5. Super umbrella.

When a downpour is accompanied by strong winds, an ordinary umbrella is useless. The Japanese solved this problem with their characteristic ingenuity.

6. Girls in elevators.

In Western countries, lifters are almost extinct. You can no longer find them in department stores and hotels - it’s cheaper. But in Japan, this amazing service is still available.

7. Microwave puppy.

A super umbrella can protect you from the rain, but what will you do if it suddenly gets cold? Forget blankets! Japan came up with this wonderful puppy that will keep you warm. Just pop it in the microwave and voila!

8. Sleep in the office.

While in the Western world, falling asleep in the office is considered unacceptable behavior, which can result in a reprimand or worse, Japanese business culture allows office workers who work so much to do so-called "inemuri" - dozing off at work. Some employees even imitate inemuri to make their bosses think they are working really hard.

9. Japanese whiskey.

Have you ever heard of Japanese whiskey? It's definitely worth a try. It is available almost everywhere and is quickly gaining traction due to its quality. Suntory's Hibiki brand recently won several awards for being the "best whiskey in the world."

10. Chin rest in the subway.

The Japanese work very hard, so it is not surprising that sometimes they fall asleep on the subway. To support their heads, some sleepy workaholics use this special device.

11. Unusual additives for ice cream.

Japanese perverted taste is well known to everyone, but still some things amaze even those who have seen a lot. For example, would you like to try ice cream with horse meat, cactus, coal or octopus?

12. Ear examination device.

So, imagine that one day you realized that you urgently need to look into your own ears. The Japanese invention pictured above will make your dream come true. Thanks to a special device, you can find out for sure where the largest lumps of wax are hidden in the ear canals. Go for some ear treasures!

13. Vending machines.

At first glance, most Japanese slot machines are not very different from those that can be seen in Europe or the USA. However, it is worth noting their ubiquity and strange content. After all, in Japanese vending machines you can buy everything - from religious objects near ancient temples on Mount Fuji to fresh eggs, pancakes and batteries. And also umbrellas and even worn underwear.

14. Mop children.

Yes, you read that right. Mop children. Just give your baby a chance to clean the house while he crawls on the floor. This overalls with a “built-in” mop is another crazy Japanese invention.

15. Endless bubbles.

So many people love to pop air bubbles on wrapping film for fragile items. The Japanese took this popular entertainment to a new level and came up with... endless bubbles that are constantly filled with air and which can be popped constantly!

16. The world's shortest escalator.

It is located in the basement of the More's department store in the Japanese city of Kawasaki. It has only five steps, and its height is 83 cm. Who said that Americans are the laziest?

17. Creepy forest for suicides.

For many, the forest is a place where it’s nice to take a walk, watch the birds, or relax with friends around the fire. But in Japan, even here there are some strange things. Japan's Aokigahara Forest is officially called the "suicide forest." It is located at the foot of Mount Fuji. The trees in this forest grow so densely that they block the wind, making it eerily quiet. This is why it has become a popular place for suicides. According to statistics, about 100 people lose their lives here every year.

18. Unusual Kit Kat flavors.

You've heard of Kit Kat chocolate, right? And you probably already realized that the Japanese love strange tastes and aromas. Well, they made it to Kit Kat. What do you think of the Baked Potato and Soy Sauce flavored Kit Kat? Or maybe you want to try a Wasabi flavored Kit Kat? By the way, these, God forgive me, chocolates are very popular in Japan.

19. Pillows for single men.

For those Japanese who do not have a wife or girlfriend, local companies make pillows like these. Well, at least this fake girlfriend will never argue with you.

20. Pillows for single women.

Naturally, single women were not forgotten either.

21. Braille on beer cans.

When you buy a can of beer in Japan, you may find these strange symbols on it. This is an inscription in Braille for the blind, who also deserve the joy of a cool beer. This is such a touching and obligatory concern for the visually impaired in Japan.

22. Bicycles, bicycles and more bicycles.

Due to overpopulation and lack of space, bicycles have long become one of the most convenient means of transportation in Japan. So such spectacles are not uncommon in the country, especially at train stations, near shopping centers and other crowded places.

23. Japanese toilets.

More precisely, “Japanese super toilets”. These are toilet seats with a water supply function that will wash... your butt and genitals. And although the Japanese have long been accustomed to such... ahem... care, foreigners are sometimes frightened by such a charge in the ass.

24. Island of gas masks.

To the southeast of Honshu is the island of Miyakejima with the active Oyama volcano. Since its last eruption in 2005, there has been a constant leak of poisonous gas, forcing everyone on the island to wear gas all times! If a sharp rise in sulfur levels is noticed in the air, alarms are triggered.

25. Capsule hotels.

This is probably the craziest Japanese invention in history, which was picked up by the whole world. Such "hotels" first appeared in Tokyo in 1979 and have since successfully served hundreds of thousands of clients - from busy businessmen to drunks who are afraid to return home late at night.

The Land of the Rising Sun has made the Japanese an incredibly inventive nation. But sometimes their creativity and technological research go too far, resulting in things that Westerners find strange and shocking.

1. Artificial fangs.

Japanese women are literally crazy about pointed teeth, which in the Land of the Rising Sun are called “yabea”. Local women are willing to spend hundreds of dollars on cosmetic procedures to attach these mini fangs to their teeth.

2. Toilet slippers.

The Japanese are renowned for their strict hygiene and sanitation habits, so it's no surprise that they have toilet slippers, which are used to minimize contact between the unclean bathroom floor and the clean floor in the rest of the house.

3. Unusual parking lots.

More than 126 million people live in Japan. Naturally, saving space has become one of the main concerns for local residents, and parking spaces are no exception. If you come to a shopping center, you will probably come across these unusual parking spots.

Judging by the ingredients, Japanese mayonnaise is no different from ordinary mayonnaise, but it is its use that makes the Japanese strange. While the rest of the world typically uses mayonnaise on sandwiches and salads, the Japanese use traditional Kewpie mayonnaise for... ice cream, chips and even pancakes.

5. Super umbrella.

When a downpour is accompanied by strong winds, an ordinary umbrella is useless. The Japanese solved this problem with their characteristic ingenuity.

6. Girls in elevators.

In Western countries, lifters are almost extinct. You can no longer find them in department stores and hotels - it’s cheaper. But in Japan, this amazing service is still available.

7. Microwave puppy.

A super umbrella can protect you from the rain, but what will you do if it suddenly gets cold? Forget blankets! Japan came up with this wonderful puppy that will keep you warm. Just pop it in the microwave and voila!

8. Sleep in the office.

While in the Western world, falling asleep in the office is considered unacceptable behavior, which can result in a reprimand or worse, Japanese business culture allows office workers who work so much to do so-called "inemuri" - dozing off at work. Some employees even imitate inemuri to make their bosses think they are working really hard.

9. Japanese whiskey.

Have you ever heard of Japanese whiskey? It's definitely worth a try. It is available almost everywhere and is quickly gaining traction due to its quality. Suntory's Hibiki brand recently won several awards for being the "best whiskey in the world."

10. Chin rest in the subway.

The Japanese work very hard, so it is not surprising that sometimes they fall asleep on the subway. To support their heads, some sleepy workaholics use this special device.

11. Unusual ice cream additives.

Japanese perverted taste is well known to everyone, but still some things amaze even those who have seen a lot. For example, would you like to try ice cream with horse meat, cactus, coal or octopus?

12. Device for examining the ears.

So, imagine that one day you realized that you urgently need to look into your own ears. The Japanese invention pictured above will make your dream come true. Thanks to a special device, you can find out for sure where the largest lumps of wax are hidden in the ear canals. Go for some ear treasures!

13. Vending machines.

At first glance, most Japanese slot machines are not very different from those that can be seen in Europe or the USA. However, it is worth noting their ubiquity and strange content. After all, in Japanese vending machines you can buy everything - from religious objects near ancient temples on Mount Fuji to fresh eggs, pancakes and batteries. And also umbrellas and even worn underwear.

14. Mop children.

Yes, you read that right. Mop children. Just give your baby a chance to clean the house while he crawls on the floor. This overalls with a “built-in” mop is another crazy Japanese invention.

15. Endless bubbles.

So many people love to pop air bubbles on wrapping film for fragile items. The Japanese took this popular entertainment to a new level and came up with... endless bubbles that are constantly filled with air and which can be popped constantly!

16. The shortest escalator in the world.

It is located in the basement of the More's department store in the Japanese city of Kawasaki. It has only five steps, and its height is 83 cm. Who said that Americans are the laziest?

17. Unusual Kit Kat flavors.

You've heard of Kit Kat chocolate, right? And you probably already realized that the Japanese love strange tastes and aromas. Well, they made it to Kit Kat. What do you think of the Baked Potato and Soy Sauce flavored Kit Kat? Or maybe you want to try a Wasabi flavored Kit Kat? By the way, these, God forgive me, chocolates are very popular in Japan.

18. Pillows for single men.

For those Japanese who do not have a wife or girlfriend, local companies make pillows like these. Well, at least this fake girlfriend will never argue with you.

19. Pillows for single women.

Naturally, single women were not forgotten either.

20. Braille on beer cans.

When you buy a can of beer in Japan, you may find these strange symbols on it. This is an inscription in Braille for the blind, who also deserve the joy of a cool beer. This is such a touching and obligatory concern for the visually impaired in Japan.

21. Bicycles, bicycles and more bicycles.

Due to overpopulation and lack of space, bicycles have long become one of the most convenient means of transportation in Japan. So such spectacles are not uncommon in the country, especially at train stations, near shopping centers and other crowded places.

22. Japanese toilets.

More precisely, “Japanese super toilets”. These are toilet seats with a water supply function that will wash... your butt and genitals. And although the Japanese have long been accustomed to such... ahem... care, foreigners are sometimes frightened by such a charge in the ass.

23. Island of gas masks.

To the southeast of Honshu is the island of Miyakejima with the active Oyama volcano. Since its last eruption in 2005, there has been a constant leak of poisonous gas, forcing everyone on the island to wear gas all times! If a sharp rise in sulfur levels is noticed in the air, alarms are triggered.

24. Capsule hotels.

This is probably the craziest Japanese invention in history, which was picked up by the whole world. Such "hotels" first appeared in Tokyo in 1979 and have since successfully served hundreds of thousands of clients - from busy businessmen to drunks who are afraid to return home late at night.

Japan deservedly has a reputation as an innovative country, especially in the world of technology. In fact, many things have been created in the country that make almost no sense. Yes, you may have a crooked nose, but is this home gadget really the best way to straighten it?

Obviously, someone in the country thinks the answer to this question is “yes”, since this product, like many other equally strange products, is on store shelves. So take a look and you will see the many strange items Japan has to offer to stun the world.

Face expander

Not only does the device look more like a torture device than a health product, but even its intended use is not entirely clear. Judging by the name, this invention simply has to expand the face. I wonder what reasons there should be for this? I think the Japanese have a market...

Template for applying lipstick

Even if it is difficult for you to apply lipstick in the usual way, this device most likely will not help. It looks like it was rented from Hannibal Lecter's collection.

Armpit scratcher

It is difficult to say why an ordinary human hand cannot scratch in such an easily accessible place as the armpits. But if your movements are limited, then this product is for you.

Foot Scraper for Shower

Again, this product is for those who may not be able to reach this part of the body. To clean your feet well, you just need to move your feet in the shower using this wonderful invention. However, do not forget that you can easily slip.

I don't know how this strange device will help you change your voice, but if you look at its details, it becomes clear that it can penetrate quite deep into your throat. It may be effective, but it's damn scary to use.

Donut camera

Sometimes, maybe someone wants to take a photo with a donut instead of a camera. When such a desire arises, you can safely take this miracle into your hands.

Lip balm with wasabi

Of course, you can use your usual lip balm. But without the burn and taste of horseradish, it will certainly be boring. A very specific Japanese product...

Earrings made of beetles

Sometimes fashion looks terrible. But its elements are not mutually exclusive. It is unlikely that these “jewels” will be appropriate except for Halloween.

Shoe repellent

If you wear summer shoes with open toes, you may be bitten by insects. To prevent this from happening, you can attach such an original device to your shoes. Or, alternatively, stay home.

Portable washing machine

When you don’t have time, but you need to do laundry, you can get out of the situation using such an original device

Umbrella tie

This is a tie. No, it's an umbrella! Doesn't matter. But if it accidentally opens, you can get quite serious injury.

Wedding bra

It looks like a bomb, but this device is just counting down the days left until the wedding

Drying clothes on the roof of the car

I wonder what is the point of washing if the laundry then collects dust on the street? A small plus: you can accidentally get a pet bird...

A book on very unusual needlework

Handicrafts are a hobby for many. How about original items made from cat hair? This book is probably very popular in Japan.

Bubble wrap simulator

The dream of millions has come true! Now you can click these bubbles endlessly!

Book-pillow (or pillow-book?)

It's nice to take a nap buried in a cozy book...

"Hand" hiding teeth picking

Using toothpicks is considered uncivil in Japan. Therefore, you can use this “third hand” to hide the process from prying eyes.

Nose straightener

When the nose is unsightly, its shape is usually corrected with the help of a plastic surgeon. but not the Japanese! I wonder if THIS helps?

Once again the Asians send us crazy greetings through their inventions. Whatever they say about Asians, they have a certain freedom of thought, especially Japanese inventors who create mind-blowing devices full of absurdity. Looking at these inventions, questions arise in your head: why, why and how the idea of ​​​​inventing “this” could have come to mind. Some inventions of Japanese designers are quite funny and can somehow be used in real life, while others were even made from the notes of a madman.

For those who hate rain too much

It will help you hear better... and look crazy

Why wash the floor if you can put such a mop on your child and he will clean the house while learning about the world?

For those who have always dreamed of looking at the inside of their ear, but couldn’t

Wherever you go, your faithful friend and comrade, toilet paper is always with you

This invention will allow you to sleep standing in the subway

For those who like to burst plastic bubbles on packaging, these reusable electric soothers were invented

With these glasses you will never drip eye drops past your eyes.

By the way, a popular selfie device is now widely used by the Japanese

Pillow with speaker, lie down and watch your favorite movie, the sound will not disappear in one ear

Pillow book called "workaholic"

Do you like to sing karaoke, but don't like being heard by others? The Japanese specially invented a microphone with a silencer

This guy will let you know how hot your soup is.

Banana case

Solar lighter

You can sleep on the subway and hope for the kindness of others. The suction cup prevents your head from falling, the helmet protects you from impact, and a sign with a note will let others know at which station to wake you up.

Have you had a hard day and don’t feel like peeing while standing, or do you always try to miss the toilet? Then this stand is for you

For those who lack human warmth

And this too

Why put butter on a sandwich when you can grate it?

This gadget will prevent you from soaking your hair in noodles

Wedding bra, countdown is on

And of course square watermelons. Do you know why they made them? Because the Japanese can. In fact, the beauty of them is that they do not roll around and are more convenient to store in the refrigerator.

Japan has long been recognized as the most technologically advanced power on the planet. Inventions are born here that influence the development of all mankind, real breakthroughs in engineering are made - the only pity is that outside the country these innovations appear with a significant delay. Meanwhile, in Russia we would like to see a lot of things available to the ordinary Japanese.

Perhaps one of the most ingenious inventions of Japanese psychologists. Pets can actually help relieve stress, but many people can't afford to have a pet. And why, if you can just go to a cat cafe and pet cats until they turn blue.

Lift parking
Instead of adding floor after floor to parking lots, the Japanese are smarter: elevator parking is very common here, compact and convenient.

Rest at work
There is a cult of work in Japan. It is customary here to arrive early and leave late, which of course negatively affected the productivity of employees. It did - because ten years ago, most corporations officially allowed people to sleep right at their workplace. We wish we could!

Food vending machines
We have vending machines with snacks in every office building, but the Japanese have gone much further. In the land of the rising sun, in such a machine you can buy yourself a full meal, with fried potatoes, fish and boiled eggs - moreover, everything is of fairly good quality.

Today, any Japanese (okay, any rich Japanese) can buy himself a real exoskeleton: Panasonic’s development was previously used only for military purposes and only recently entered the market. The Powerloader suit costs about $7,000 and can carry loads of up to 40 kilograms.

Capsule hotels
Fortunately, we are also starting to establish production of such mini-hotels. Capsules are quite comfortable for relaxation, and you can rent them for the whole night in Japan very cheaply. An ideal way to sleep in a foreign city.

Packaging for the blind
Many Japanese manufacturers put inscriptions in Braille on beverage cans and other packaging - a simple and ingenious solution.

Mind Reading Camera
Telepathy in Japan is no longer something out of science fiction: the Neurocam camera records brain waves and creates GIF animation on the screen. Of course, so far the invention conveys human emotions extremely inaccurately, but soon the manufacturing company promises to make a more advanced version of Neurocam.

Hanging chairs
This would be very useful for almost every cafe in the world - see how a small detail once and for all solves the problem of a bag falling from the back of a chair. Why did they think of making such chairs only in Japan?

Automatic doors
You can't slam a door if it's automated, right? This is how the Japanese resolved the eternal confrontation between taxi drivers and passengers, who do not care about other people’s property.


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