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Bermuda - This is an overseas territory of Great Britain! Bermuda is made up of coral formations that formed on top of an extinct volcano. The archipelago consists of 7 large and about 150 small islands, formed as a result of active volcanic activity, surrounded by coral reefs (together with reefs, there are up to 360), of which only about 20 are inhabited. Ten islands are interconnected by a network of bridges and overpasses and make up called the Main Island - Main Island. They are suitable for lovers of a secluded beach holiday and those who cannot live without the depths of the sea (divers).

TOURS TO BERMUDA: The most optimal flight option in terms of price and time spent is through the UK (London) with British Airways. But it is also possible to organize tours to Bermuda through the USA or other Caribbean countries (for example Cuba). There are no direct flights from Russia to Bermuda.

CAPITAL: Hamilton

OFFICIAL LANGUAGE: The official language in Bermuda is English. In everyday life, a kind of slang is most often used, formed from the English language base and a large number of Spanish and Portuguese words and idiomatic expressions.

CURRENCY: Bermudian dollar (BMD) = 100 cents. The islands have banknotes in the following denominations: 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 Bermuda dollars.

TIME: from Moscow -7 hours

In Bermuda, the clocks change to daylight saving time and winter time on the last Sunday in March and October respectively.


Citizens of Russia and the CIS to visit BerMouda Islands does not require a visa if you have a valid multiple-entry US, Canadian or UK visa or residence permit in these countries. Since most flights to Bermuda are from the USA or Great Britain, tourists' passports contain visas from these countries.

Typically, the permitted period of stay on the islands is three months, but the immigration officer may increase this to six months depending on the purpose of the stay.

When going through passport control, you must present the following documents:

  • a foreign passport with a visa from one of the specified countries. Both must be valid for at least 45 days from the end of the trip;
  • return tickets or tickets to a third country.


  • There are no restrictions on the import and export of foreign and local currency; amounts over $10,000 are subject to mandatory declaration. When importing gold, a declaration is required.
  • Persons over the age of 18 are allowed duty-free import of up to 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars, or 450 grams. tobacco; up to 0.94 liters of strong alcoholic drinks and up to 0.94 liters of wine.
  • The transit of narcotic and explosive substances, items of historical and cultural value and weapons without the appropriate permits from the Bermuda Police Department (issued in advance), as well as harpoon guns for underwater hunting, is prohibited. Any medications containing narcotic substances must be accompanied by a notarized prescription confirming the need for their use.
  • The import and export of plants and fauna, all living marine animals, as well as corals and objects raised from the bottom of the sea is prohibited.


Driving in Bermuda is on the left (drive on the right).

In order to drive a car in Bermuda, you need to be a local resident and have a local driver's license; foreigners are prohibited by law from driving here. But you can rent a motor scooter (scooter) - you don’t need a driver’s license to rent it, but you must be over 16 years old. Before you are given a scooter, you will be given a short driving lesson to ensure that you can ride it. A helmet, a lock, a full tank of fuel and a luggage basket are included in the rental price. The use of a helmet is mandatory! Most companies will pick up the scooter from your hotel at the end of the rental period.

Taxi is the easiest way to get anywhere on the main island. Taxi drivers can organize excursions around Bermuda. A blue flag on the hood of the car indicates that the driver is a qualified guide. Fares are set by law ($4 for the first mile (1.6 km) + $1.4 for all subsequent miles). It is customary for taxi drivers to leave a tip of 10% of the cost of the trip.

Bus service is widespread on the main island (11 routes in total). Fares are much cheaper than taxis, and the abundance of routes allows you to reach all parts of the island. The buses are easily identifiable by their pink or blue colours, are all air-conditioned and usually run from 7am to 11pm. Tickets can be purchased from the driver or a travel pass can be purchased at some stores. Buses stop on request and do not accept passengers with large luggage.

Passenger ferries run between the islands, providing a good alternative to buses. This is often a faster and more spectacular form of transport.

CLIMATE: subtropical, marine. Average annual temperatures in July: +27 °C, January: +18 °C are due to the close and warm Atlantic Gulf Stream. Despite the fact that in winter the air temperature occasionally drops to 0 °C (due to the arrival of cold air from the Arctic), frosts are excluded in Bermuda. The Bermuda archipelago is characterized by tropical hurricanes, although due to the rather northern location of the islands, they do not come here (from the Caribbean Sea) at the peak of their destructive power.

The best time to visit the country is from April to October, when the weather is warm and relatively dry.


Bermuda Cathedral Bridge-Holy-Trinity is the Mother of the Anglican Church of Bermuda, known not only for its religious, historical and social significance, but also for its beautiful architecture. It is located in the heart of the city of Hamilton, Bermuda Cathedral, also known as the Cathedral of the Most Holy Trinity.

Gibbs Hill Lighthouse was built in 1844 by the Royal Engineers. Gibbs Hill is the tallest of the two lighthouses in Bermuda. It is also one of the first lighthouses in the world made of cast iron. This is due to the fact that at that time, steel was still poorly processed. The optical part consists of a Fresnel lens from 1904, it rotates on steel bearings. The hill on which the lighthouse stands is one of the highest on the island. Airplanes can see its flashes from 100 miles (160 km) away. Until 1964, most of the light was controlled manually, but in June 2013, the entire system was automated and now runs on electricity.

Elbow Beach is one of the most popular beaches on the main island of Bermuda (a British overseas territory). Elbow is a fairly large beach with very white sand. Part of the beach is privately owned by one of Bermuda's most famous hotels, Elbow Beach, while the other part is open to public access.

Fort St Catherine- a coastal artillery fort located in the north-eastern part of the island of St. George, Bermuda (a British overseas territory). The fort is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Cave of Crystals located near the city of Hamilton, the capital of Bermuda. Not far from the cave is the coast of Castle Harbor. The amazing discovery of the cave was made by two teenage boys who were looking for croquet balls lost in the grass. This is how the fabulous place was discovered in 1905. Just 2 years after its discovery, the cave became a tourist attraction in Bermuda. The cave has clean, deep lakes with water so clear that you can see their bottom. The Cave of Crystals is an amazing place where you can admire stalactites and stalagmites. According to tourists, it is never cold in the cave.

And also a huge number of tiny islands that can only be reached by boat.


Russia's interests on the islands are represented by the Russian Embassy in Great Britain (London).

Useful information for tourists about Bermuda, cities and resorts in the country. As well as information about the population, currency of Bermuda, cuisine, features of visa and customs restrictions of Bermuda.

Geography of Bermuda

Bermuda is a British overseas territory located on a group of coral islands in the northwestern Atlantic Ocean, 900 km from North America.

Bermuda includes 150 islands and reefs, of which about 20 are inhabited and 10 are connected by bridges and overpasses and form the main island - Main Island.

The main island is characterized by hilly terrain (highest point - 76 m), a rather rugged coastline with a large number of bays and sections of sandy beaches.


State structure

The English monarch is represented on the islands by a governor who manages matters of foreign policy, defense, and police. The bicameral parliament regulates internal life. The head of the executive branch is the prime minister.


Official language: English

In everyday life, a peculiar jargon is most often used, formed from the English language base and a large number of Spanish and Portuguese words and idiomatic expressions.


The majority of believers are Anglicans, and there is a significant Catholic community.


International name: BMD

Popular attractions

Tourism in Bermuda

Popular hotels


In most restaurants, the cost of service (about 10-15% of the total) is usually included in the bill. In hotels, tips for service staff are not accepted, since they are also usually included in the bill. Hotels add a special tax of 7.5% (included in the room rate) and some additional fees to the bill.

Doormen and porters at airports and hotels are usually given a few dollars for their services; taxi drivers expect a tip of 10-15% of the fare, but it is quite acceptable to round up the amount.


Emergency numbers

Unified rescue service (fire, police and ambulance) - 911.
Emergency Service Coordination Center - 297-1010.
Central Police Department - 295-0011.
King Edward Memorial Hospital Dispatch Center - 236-2345.

Today, Bermuda, known in Somers' time only for its cedar forests and harsh natural conditions, has turned into one large resort area, famous for its coral reefs, beautiful pink sand beaches, beautiful gardens, quiet coves and clear water.

In addition to relaxing on the magnificent beaches, guests of the islands can devote time to diving, snorkeling, horse riding, boat racing, cricket, rugby; Numerous tennis courts, 8 professional golf courses, spa centers, water sports centers and much more have been built here. On the islands you can find a wide variety of hotels with all kinds of accommodation options, more than 150 restaurants: from affordable to extremely elegant and sophisticated.


The archipelago is located in the western Atlantic Ocean, east of the United States. Formed as a result of active volcanic activity, it covers an area of ​​only 53 square kilometers and consists of 157 islands. The Bermuda archipelago was discovered in 1503 by the Spanish navigator Juan Bermudez, subsequently receiving the gloomy name “Devil's Islands”. In ancient times, many ships were wrecked here. Until now, successful treasure hunters have found treasures of British merchant ships and Spanish galleons on the seabed.

Bermuda (formerly Somers Islands) is located in the western part of the Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of North America, at a distance of 1046 km east of Cape Hatteras (the coast of North Carolina, USA). The archipelago consists of 7 large and about 131 small coral islands, surrounded by reefs (about 230), of which only 12 are inhabited. The eight relatively large islands of the central group are interconnected by a network of bridges and overpasses with a total length of about 40 km, forming the so-called “main island” " - Main Island, which occupies 95% of the island's land area (locals simply call it "the island"). The remaining islands are scattered across the surface of the ocean, occupying an area of ​​almost 1100 square meters. km. The total area of ​​the archipelago itself is only 53.3 square meters. km.

Tourist areas of Bermuda

Beautiful beaches line almost the entire coastline of Bermuda. The largest number of first-class beach hotels is concentrated on the southern coast of the islands, including in the areas of Horseshoe Bay, Warwick Long Bay and Jobson's Cove.

Well-known beaches include Elbow Beach near Hamilton, Clearwater Beach and Turtle Bay near St. David, and the long coastline of exotic John Smith Bay in Paget County. Excellent swimming and diving spots are found in Church Bay in Southampton County, Mangrove Bay, Black Bay, Parsons Bay, Shelley Bay, Somerset Long Bay, Warwick Long Bay, Chaplin Bay, Church Bay, West Vale Bay, as well as in Tobacco Bay north of St. George and in the isolated Clarence Cove.

Bermuda beaches are famous for their white sand with an amazing pink tint, extremely rare in nature. The pinkest sand can be found on the island of Bermuda, on the stretch of coast between Warwick Long Bay and Horseshoe Bay. In Bermuda there are both public and private beaches owned by hotels. Public beaches are closed after dark. There are no nudist beaches in Bermuda.

Best public beaches

Horseshoe Bay is the most popular beach on the island. Bermuda, so it is often quite crowded. The beach is located in a horseshoe-shaped bay framed by picturesque rocks. On the beach there are bars with soft drinks and ice cream, rental shops for snorkeling equipment; here you can also find sun loungers, umbrellas, showers, changing cabins, etc. The secluded area at the western end of the beach, characterized by calm waters, is especially suitable for children.

Jobson's Cove is a beach in a tiny, idyllic cove surrounded by serene cliffs. Few beaches in the world can match the beauty of Jobsons Cove. The sea in this place is calm, shallow, with a flat sandy bottom.

Tobacco Bay is the most popular beach on the island. St. George's. Here you can not only relax, but also enjoy amazing snorkeling between the impressive rock formations. Tobacco Bay also left its mark on the history of the islands: here local conspirators loaded hundreds of tons of gunpowder onto whaling ships, looted from an English store on the island and intended for the Americans as aid in the war with the British. In response, Congress lifted the Bermuda embargo imposed on Great Britain and all its colonies.

Warwick Long Bay is a beach that remains uncrowded even at the height of the summer season: the length of the beach strip is 8 km. On windy days, quite strong waves rise here.

West Vale Bay is a small beach on the west coast of the island. Bermuda. In April you can see whales migrating in search of food here. Whale watching can be done from a fort located on a hill or from a boat specially sent out to sea to watch the whales. West Vale Bay is the perfect place to watch the most beautiful sunsets.

For newlyweds

Bermuda is an ideal destination for honeymoons and wedding ceremonies. Special island traditions will turn a wedding into the most romantic event in a couple’s life.

A traditional Bermudian wedding involves two wedding cakes: one for the groom and one for the bride. The bride's three-tier fruit cake covered in silver sugar icing symbolizes the sweetness of the wedding, while the groom's single-tier cake covered in gold icing symbolizes prosperity. Both cakes are decorated with tiny cedar trees that the couple can plant anywhere on the island - and the tree will represent their growing love for many years to come.

The bride and groom must pass through one of the stone rings (“moon gates”) adorning the island, make a wish, and expect guaranteed prosperity and joy in the future. A kiss in front of such arches is the key to a long and happy life together.

The couple is transported from the wedding venue to the hotel by a romantic horse-drawn carriage decorated with flowers and ribbons. The driver of the carriage is dressed in a formal suit with blue Bermuda shorts, knee pads and a white hat.

  • Air lines from the USA and Canada to Europe, Central and South America pass over Bermuda. Due to a series of unexplained plane and ship crashes in the area between Bermuda, the Antilles and the Bahamas, the term Bermuda Triangle was coined.
  • From 1941 to 1995 - throughout the 2nd World War and the Cold War - Bermuda was home to several US and British naval and air force bases, which occupied 11% of the total area of ​​the islands.


Bermuda - there is so much in this word for a Russian tourist! Many people dream of traveling to Bermuda, and some even enjoy vacationing there. So how do these islands differ from others and why is a vacation here memorable forever?!

Bermuda includes more than 150 cays and islands and is located at a convenient crossroads of shipping routes, and just nine hundred kilometers from North America. Historically, Bermuda belongs to the so-called overseas territories of Britain, which explains the fact that the first inhabitants were the British back in 1609, although the Spaniards discovered the islands. A complicated story, by the way, there are plenty of secrets and incredible stories here: the infamous Bermuda Triangle. There are several airline routes over Bermuda and unexplained accidents in the air and at sea often occur. But tourists don’t go to these places; vacationers have enough paradises on 150 islands.

The weather in Bermuda is pleasing with its stability and a large number of sunny days, intended for travelers at any time of the year. The average year-round temperature is +24C and is characterized by higher humidity in the winter months, and light winds from the sea in the summer months. The mild subtropical climate allows tourists to have an active holiday all year round, playing sports, tennis, and golf in open natural areas.
The most beautiful sunsets and sunrises can be observed from the coastlines of Bermuda due to the fact that all the islands occupy small areas and the celestial body can be observed from all sides.

The population of all islands is almost 70 thousand people, and there are tens of times more vacationing guests, and therefore almost the entire economy is connected with the tourism business, but agriculture and industry are also developed - pharmaceutical and shipbuilding. Of course, local residents fish, raise livestock, and grow flowers and fruits for export to other countries. Bermuda attracts not only those who want to bask in the local sun, but also businessmen due to the absence of taxes when carrying out transactions by foreign companies.

The islands have beautiful sandy beaches and many small cozy bays; subtropical nature delights with bright shrubs, exotic trees and unusual flowers. It should be noted that there are practically no rivers, lakes and other bodies of water on the islands. Pink sand and turquoise sea are the main things that remain in the hearts of tourists.
Of course, in Bermuda there is something to see, admire, and thanks to which you can learn more about the country and people who created paradise on earth.

Bermuda is famous for its national parks and gardens, endless hiking and biking trails, quaint museums and art galleries, national holidays and carnivals. Stunning excursions to meet dolphins await tourists at any time of the year and will give a boost of vivacity and good mood. Local craftsmen create works of applied art, and in every city there is a market where artisans sell their crafts in the form of souvenirs and utilitarian items.

Cathedrals, churches, city buildings amaze with their severity and southern beauty; old buildings remind of the glorious historical events with which the history of Bermuda is full. Many fortresses were built in past centuries and are still preserved in excellent condition and are the pride of the islanders.

Those tourists who come to Bermuda in March-April will definitely be lucky enough to see whales migrating along the southern coast.

The climate of Bermuda is subtropical: mild, maritime, temperate and warm, thanks to the nearby Gulf Stream. The average summer temperature is 26°C, winter - about 17°C. There is no rainy season as such; there is little precipitation. In summer, strong hurricane winds are possible. Based on the fact that the islands are of coral origin, there is no endemic fauna there and never has been. And in general, the animal world is very monotonous. Moreover, before the development of the islands by humans, only one animal was found there - the Bermuda rock lizard. Later, many farm animals, lizards, toads and frogs were introduced and acclimatized.
In the waters of Bermuda, you should be wary of poisonous jellyfish - the so-called “Portuguese man-of-war”; there are no sharks or other large animals, since coral reefs prevent their settlement. Bermuda is home to a one-of-a-kind donkey sanctuary. As for the marine fauna, it is much more diverse - about 650 species of fish. In total, there are up to 5 thousand species of marine animals. Among the avifauna, it is necessary to highlight the kahu pigeon - an endangered species listed in the Red Book.
The flora of Bermuda is more vibrant and saturated. There are pandanus, paw paw, Bermuda cedar, yucca, medlar, oleander, casuarina, hibiscus, olive, palmetto, bananas, bougainvillea and others. Bermuda is a real kingdom of flowers, there are about a thousand species. Before the arrival of Europeans on the islands, the flora was also underdeveloped due to poor, infertile soils and poor hydraulic conditions - there are no inland waters in Bermuda. It is worth highlighting only one endemic flower - Bermudiana (blue-eyed narrow-leaved).
Bermuda has always attracted tourists with a wide range of interests. Some people want to unravel the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle, others want a wild beach holiday and ecotourism. Bermuda delights guests and local residents with its serene sea, the beauty of the underwater world and the riot of colors of its tropical flora.

Southampton Beach

Jobson's Cove Beach

Jobson's Cove Beach is one of the best beaches in one of the resort towns of Bermuda. It is the Jobson's Cove beach area that has recently attracted more and more visitors, and during the peak summer season there is not a single free place. Jobson's Cove Beach is located in one of the resort towns of Bermuda, St. George.

Horseshoe Bay Beach

Horseshoe Bay Beach is a unique beach of its kind, the coastline of which is conducive to a quiet, relaxing, comfortable holiday. Horseshoe Bay Beach is located in one of the resort towns of Bermuda, St. George. On the coastline of the beach there is a cozy hotel where you can visit a wonderful restaurant.

Southampton Beach

Southampton Beach is one of the most favorite places for diving enthusiasts, as it has a very good seabed and a very interesting underwater world. Southampton Beach is located in one of the resort towns of Bermuda, Hamilton. On the beach coastline you can rent everything you need.

Bermuda Aquarium, Museum and Zoo (BAMZ)

Dedicated to inspiring people to admire, understand and care for the islands' environment. Accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, BAMZ displays more than 300 species of birds, reptiles and mammals from various oceanic islands. Along with its entertaining and educational message, the organization also has as its mission a programmatic and conservation activity and conducts research work with the support of its charitable community, the Bermuda Zoological Society. The aquarium is home to more than 200 species of fish. It is also home to a replica living coral reef with its unique ecosystem from the northern coast of Bermuda. Visitors also have the opportunity to learn about Bermuda's unique geology at the interactive natural history museum, where audio/video demonstrations bring to life the story of the birth of the island, which originally existed as an undersea volcano. Adults and children are always delighted by the zoo, which includes birds and animals that are part of an international special program for the protection of rare and endangered animals. The grounds include miniature gardens, secluded paths, breathtaking views of Harrington Sound and dedicated areas for children to play. With the support of the Bermuda Zoological Society, BAMZ organizes three-day educational tours to observe migrating whales. Address: 40 North Shore Rd Flatts Village Phone: 441 293-2727 Web: Accessible from: Hamilton and St. George by buses No. 10, 11. Opening hours: daily from 9:00 to 17:00. Christmas is a day off.

Botanical Gardens

No matter where you go in Bermuda, it's hard not to notice the many flowers and trees lining the edges of the roads. Many flowering trees growing on the islands fill the air with absolutely extraordinary aromas. One of the main attractions of Bermuda are the botanical gardens. The 35 acres of well-kept, landscaped park contain hundreds of identified flowers, shrubs and trees, including a significant collection of subtropical fruit plants, hibiscus, and banyan trees. There are also aviaries for exotic and songbirds and a garden for the blind. The best way to explore the extensive gardens is on a walking tour that extends from Point Finger Road to Berry Hill and South Shore Road. These routes are organized by the Bermuda Botanical Society, and those interested can take these unforgettable walks on Tuesdays and Fridays from 10:30. The gardens themselves are open to the public from 9:30 to 15:30 every day, except holidays. On the territory there is a craft shop where you can buy absolutely unique souvenirs, as well as a specially designated area where you can have a snack. The Botanic Gardens are the traditional site of the Bermuda Annual Exhibition and Competition. For 3 days at the end of April, local farmers, schoolchildren and just amateurs show off their creations, flowers, various handicrafts and even cooked food. This event can truly be great fun for the whole family.

Royal Bermuda Naval Dockyard

Royal Naval Dockyard. Royal Bermuda Naval Dockyard. Situated on the very tip of the island of Ireland, it is a majestic reflection of British history dating back to 1809, when the island was purchased to build a fort. It is the main attraction of western Bermuda. On its territory there are: the Bermuda Maritime Museum, the Bermuda Arts Center, traditional pubs, shops and a craft market. Bermuda Maritime Museum. The museum includes many buildings containing exhibits and information on navigation, whaling, exhibitions of treasures recovered from the sea, various coins, etc. Municipal buildings are unique in their structure and design. The first building on this site is the Commission House - the first building in the world of this size, which was created from ready-cast cast iron blocks and framed with wrought iron. Situated on the highest point of the island of Ireland, the Commission House offers absolutely amazing views of its north-eastern part. Its many rooms contain art galleries, exhibitions on the history of emigration of different nationalities and luxurious banquet rooms that can be rented for various celebrations.
Crystal Caves

Crystal Cave was discovered in 1884. The amazingly beautiful stalactites and stalagmites framing the clear azure waters of the underground lake were formed about 30 million years ago. Thanks to skillful lighting, similar formations can be seen at the bottom of the lake. One of the first visitors to see all this unique beauty was the famous American writer Mark Twain. Fantasy Cave. The opening of the cave is dated 1907. After reconstruction of the bridges and reinstallation of lighting, it was reopened in 2001. In the Fantasy Cave you can see rare, straw-like balustrades - these are soda formations hanging from the ceiling. The interior walls are covered with calcite mineral deposits, reminiscent of frozen waterfalls. Underground water channels connect the cave lakes to the ocean. These caves are truly a breathtaking natural wonder and are worth a visit. And the fact that they are interconnected provides an excellent opportunity to do this in one tour. Opening hours: from 9:00 to 17:00 Address: Wilkinson Avenue, Bailey's Bay Accessible from: Hamilton and St. George by buses No. 1, 3, 10, 11.

Hamilton sightseeing tour

The city has preserved buildings from the Victorian era, as well as more recent buildings made in a variety of architectural styles. The main attraction of the city is the Bermuda Cathedral, a pretentious building made in the neo-Gothic style. Fort Hamilton, a majestic structure built in the mid-19th century, also deserves attention. The fortress is equipped with 10-inch guns capable of delivering hurricane fire at enemy ships. The Historical Museum is very interesting. The exhibition presents a rich collection of items from the era of the Great Geographical Discoveries. The main attractions of the city also include the Royal Square, the City Hall, the oldest building in the archipelago - the State Residence (1620), as well as the “pillory” and the “revolving throne” - the place of public execution of criminals.

Sightseeing tour of St. George

The tour begins from Kings Square, originally called Market Square, which is located on the shore of the bay. At its western end is the Town Hall, dating back to 1782. In this building, with beautiful cedar floors and ceilings, you will learn about the city's mayors and see the signatures of Prince Charles and Princess Diana. The Bermuda National Trust Museum is located in the north-eastern part of King's Square. This historic building, which was both a hotel in the 19th century and served as a Confederate office during the American Civil War, finally opened as a museum in 1961. There is a detailed exhibit here that details the role Bermuda played during the American Civil War. You can also watch a short video presentation entitled “Bermuda: Middle of the Atlantic,” which tells about the facts of the discovery and development of the island. Walking further along the street, you will see a small bridge leading to Ordnance Island, its size is very small, but it has two important monuments dating back to the beginnings of the British colony in Bermuda. Another important building is also located here - Bridge House, this is the oldest residential building on the island. This house, which has the shape of an English The letter L got its name in honor of the small wooden bridge, which is located opposite the building, and once led to the port. In the center of Kings Street is the State House, built in 1620, this state house is the oldest stone building on the island. Its walls are specially designed to withstand natural disasters. It functioned until 1815, when the capital of Bermuda was moved from St. George's in Hamilton. Walking along Water Street, you can come across wonderful shops selling duty-free goods. St. George really looks amazing: modern shops located in ancient buildings. It is a great pleasure to stroll along the pedestrian streets of the city, free from traffic, and buy some nice souvenirs. There is also the Tucker House Museum Bermuda and on the right side of it is the house of Henry Tucker himself, who was the President of the Council of Government. The Tucker family was one of the most influential families in Bermuda; the first representative of the family arrived here back in 1616. Across the street is the Carriage Museum. Almost every wealthy family in the city had their own carriage, until 1940, this was the only type of transport on the narrow streets of St. George. In the museum you will find a superbly preserved collection of these carriages. St. Peter's Church is located on Duke of York Street. First erected in 1612, it is the oldest Anglican church located in the Western Hemisphere. Walking along Duke of Kent Street from the city center, you can see several other attractions of St. George. One of them is the Historical Public Museum of St. George. Furniture, all kinds of clothing and some works of art are just part of the stunning collection located here. A little further down the same street is the Unfinished Church. The construction of this elegant structure began in 1870, when the Church of St. Peter was almost destroyed by the water elements. But, unfortunately, the construction of the Unfinished Church was never completed. Further, driving past the golf courses (St George Bermuda Golf Course), you will reach the coast. Here is one of the most wonderful beaches in Bermuda - Tobacco Bay Beach. The thin strip of hidden beach is very popular among cruise ship passengers who stop in St. George. This is a great beach for sunbathing and snorkeling. And finally, Fort St. Katherine, located on rocky outcrops with sandy beaches, this structure with massive walls looks absolutely stunning from all sides.

Hog Bay Park

Hog Bay is the third largest (38 acres) public park in Bermuda. The western part is bordered by the ocean, the eastern part by Middle Road, and the south by Woodlawn Road. The park is named after Hog Bay (now called Pilchard Bay), which, in turn, received its name from the wild boars that were found here by shipwrecked sailors in 1609. It was assumed that these boars were the descendants of a brood specially left here by Spanish sailors , intended to be food for the surviving sailors after the crash. At that time, the land was used to grow tobacco for export, which was one of the priority activities in Bermuda at that time. Throughout the 18th-20th centuries, agriculture and livestock farming flourished here. Several prominent Bermudian families have owned some of these lands since the 17th century. The territory that has passed to the government is carefully protected, preserving its original appearance; buildings and monuments that undoubtedly have archaeological, historical and aesthetic value are also under the strict supervision. Visitors to Hog Bay Park have excellent bird watching opportunities. Climbing scenic Sugarloaf Hill reveals more than 120 species of birds, including tropical orioles, purple finches and ruffed hawks.

Adventure with Dolphins

“Imagine - peering into the crystal clear depths of a tropical lagoon, how instantly inquisitive dolphins rush to meet you... They smoothly glide towards you, you plunge into the water next to them, your eyes meet,... and you gently touch each other... Time spent with our dolphins leaves a lasting impression on the heart and in the memory, it is an absolutely extraordinary experience, it is intimate, refreshing, illuminating and affectionate, turned into a dizzying experience of mutual joy, care and learning." Dolphin Quest in Bermuda offers a wide variety of programs, which guests can choose from to spend from 5 minutes with dolphins or turn it into a multi-hour adventure. Every moment spent with a dolphin begins with a smile! Web:

St. George

For its "outstanding universal value", St. George itself and its fortifications were designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site on November 30, 2000. St. George is one of the oldest inhabited cities in the New World, of British origin. Until today, it has retained its charm and unique character. The city's 400-year history is visible in the architecture of its buildings and numerous military installations. The mission of the special organization of St. George's is to invest in the development of the city's future, providing cultural, educational and entertainment activities that will benefit both local residents and visitors to the city today and future generations. Some of the most interesting and extensive attractions of the city are the 3 forts. In ancient times they defended the entrance to the harbor of St. George. The first, called Burnt Point Fort, was built in 1688 to stop illegal trade by local sailors. Ferry Island Fort, located some distance away on a small island, began construction in 1790 and was completed 80 years later. In 1823, Major Thomas Blanchyard designed the Matello Tower. It is located on a hill a little further from the two forts, and was intended to protect the coastline and surrounding lands. Today, Ferry Point Park stretches across this entire area, softly covering the ruins of these structures. Walking through its forested area you can still explore these 3 forts, or if you wish, enjoy the beauty of the Lovers Lake. This is a great place for picnics; even on weekends it is quiet and peaceful.
Fort St. Catherine
It is the largest of all the historic ports in Bermuda, and one of the most spectacular attractions. From this place the views of the coast and the island itself are truly magnificent. Nearby is the beach where they went ashore after a shipwreck in 1607. the first settlers of the island. This is one of the early fortifications, which served as a defense against the Spaniards, French, and much later against the Americans. The fort itself, in its original form, dating from 1614, was built by Governor Richard More to protect the main bay where the colonists lived. Subsequently, it was further strengthened and expanded. 1865-1878, these are the years of massive reconstruction of the fort. At the beginning of the 1900s, Fort St. Katherine served as a platform for combat exercises for the local and British armies. Many artillery cannons, tunnels, bastions and drawbridges over the fortress ditches have been preserved here. The fort was reopened in February 2000 after reconstruction due to severe damage caused by the 1999 hurricane. There are reproductions of the British Crown Jewels, a fascinating series of filmstrips depicting the early history of Bermuda, and a new 53-inch screen located in the theatre. Visitors also have the opportunity to view a rare display of antique weapons, an audio/video presentation of other Bermuda ports and their histories, and records of the history of the British regiments that served in Bermuda. St Catherine's Fort is also available for group tours, celebrations, events and corporate functions. During World War II, an American indicator loop was installed here. This is the first shore mark visible to tourists on cruise ships. The sea route itself is located a little to the north, this is the berth for sea transport and cruise ships. The fort is out of reach of Bermuda's public transport, but can be reached by local minibus, taxi or rented moped.

Connection. Required telephone numbers

Unified rescue service (fire, police and ambulance) - 911.

Emergency Service Coordination Center - 297-1010.

Central Police Department - 295-0011.

King Edward Memorial Hospital Dispatch Center - 236-2345.

Bermuda's telecommunications system is considered modern and quite advanced. The number of telephone lines here practically coincides with the number of inhabitants of the country. For more than a century, communications on the islands have been maintained by the Bermuda Telephone Company Limited (BTC), which opened its first station on July 18, 1887.

Local telephone numbers are 7 digits long. Public pay phones with direct access to international lines are located almost everywhere. The machines operate on prepaid telephone cards, and in Bermuda you can also use cards from companies in the USA, Canada and the UK, such as Prepaid Global Calling Cards ($10, $25 and $50 denomination).

The international country code is +1-441. The international line access code is 011. Intercity codes are not used - all local settlements and islands belong to the same service area.

National holidays

March-April - Easter.

June 11-12 - Queen's Birthday (unofficial celebrations in honor of the Queen's Birthday also take place on the third Saturday in April).

The culinary traditions of the islands are based on European and American traditions. Due to the desolation of Bermuda before the arrival of Europeans, ancient roots are not traceable here at all - almost all dishes came to the local cuisine from the countries of the Old World, only some methods of processing seafood were inherited from the islanders of the Caribbean region.
National food:
Local "sea delicacies" include sea bass or snapper chowder flavored with traditional black rum, shark chowder flavored with sherry or rum and pepper, fried cod with pepper and sherry sauce, cod pies, the so-called "Sunday breakfast" - a huge pan with fried cod, potatoes, eggs, bananas and avocado in onion-tomato sauce, the famous Bermuda lobster (a seasonal dish, it can be found on the menu from September to mid-April), mussel pie, shells of all stewed in vegetables and sauce species, wahoo steak (king mackerel), fried cod with vegetables, seafood salads, charcoal-grilled snapper with bananas, delicacy "guinea chik" (baked sun lobster) and fried Cuban yellowtail.
Fish dishes are served with all kinds of vegetables, "hoppin' john" - a mixture of boiled black peas and rice, as well as flatbreads made from grain flour with peas and rice, specific Bermuda onions, rice with sauces and fried bananas "tostones" typical for all island countries of the region ". Another locally distinctive dish is cassava pie, which is credited with saving the early settlers from starvation.
Dessert is usually served with all sorts of fruits, including local citrus fruits, sweet potato pudding, grape jelly and loquat jam.
The national drink of Bermuda is Golsing's Bermuda Black Seal rum and numerous cocktails based on it, including a cocktail of rum with lemon juice, bitters and sugar, called a "swizzle" here, as well as cocktails of rum with ginger beer. In all The stores sell a variety of imported beers and other alcoholic beverages.

Shops are usually open from Monday to Saturday from 09.00 to 17.00, but on Thursday many of them close quite early - usually around 15.00-16.00.
Shops in Royal Naval Dockyard are usually open on Sundays from 10.00 to 17.00. Bargaining in local retail establishments is not accepted.


In most restaurants, the cost of service (about 10-15% of the total) is usually included in the bill. In hotels, tips for service staff are not accepted, since they are also usually included in the bill. Hotels add a special tax of 7.5% (included in the room rate) and some additional fees to the bill. Doormen and porters at airports and hotels are usually given a few dollars for their services; taxi drivers expect a tip of 10-15% of the fare, but it is quite acceptable to round up the amount.

Hotels - The reservation system Reservation.RU recommends a large selection of accommodation facilities in the main administrative centers of Bermuda.
We offer hotel rooms of various categories not only for business guests of Bermuda, but also for those arriving for tourism purposes. The most popular cities among guests in Bermuda are traditionally: Bermuda, etc. In each of the cities below, we recommend an excellent selection of hotels for online booking.
If you need visa support, we recommend contacting the visa department of Reservation.RU to find out the conditions for obtaining a Bermuda tourist or business visa.

Entertainment in Bermuda

Many people dream of going to Bermuda. Some lucky people enjoy vacationing here. Why do they attract numerous tourists and where is Bermuda? Let's figure it out.

Where is Bermuda?

The islands we are interested in are located in the center of the Atlantic. It takes six and a half hours to get there by plane from England. Distance from North Carolina - 1046 km east. They are located at the intersection of sea routes. North America is only 900 kilometers away. This archipelago consists of 180 coral islands, as well as tiny islets, most of which are uninhabited. Bermuda is the main one.

Interesting facts about Bermuda

Historically, Bermuda belongs to Britain. Therefore, the first inhabitants (back in 1609) were the British, although the islands were discovered by the Spaniards. There are plenty of incredible stories and secrets here. Everyone knows, for example, the Bermuda Triangle. Several routes of various airlines pass over Bermuda, and often unexplained disasters occur here at sea and in the air. However, tourists do not usually swim to these places. There are places to relax on 150 islands. There's enough room for everyone!

In 1503, Juan Bermudez, a Spanish navigator, discovered Bermuda. For a long time they bore the name of one British admiral, George Somers, who in 1609 was shipwrecked after an expedition off the coast of Bermuda. He returned here that same year, but died soon after, so the name didn’t stick. The settlers he left here are believed to have inspired Shakespeare's play The Tempest. The Bermuda Islands known today were famous only for their cedar forests in Somers' time. Today it is a resort area with many attractions.

Climate and beaches

The climate on all islands is subtropical. The temperature ranges from +19 to +28 degrees Celsius, making it possible to visit Bermuda for a beach holiday all year round. The sea here is always warm (from December to April, however, its temperature is +20...+22 degrees, but this does not stop many tourists). The rainiest period is from the end of June to October. The best time to visit is probably May, June and November. During this time, humidity levels will not be very high. Hurricanes peak in other months. And the temperature for a beach holiday will be optimal.

The beaches here are famous for their unique pink sand, which is very rare in nature. You can find it on the island of Bermuda, on a stretch of coast between Horseshoe and Warwick Long bays. There are both public beaches and those owned by hotels. Public ones are closed at night.

Bermuda infrastructure

The population of all islands combined is almost 70 thousand people. There are tens of times more vacationers here, so the economy is almost entirely related to the tourism business. However, the agricultural, shipbuilding and pharmaceutical industries are also developed here.

A variety of hotels are located along the entire coastline, which is unique in beauty. These range from intricate and traditional houses to modern luxury buildings. All categories of vacationers can find a suitable option for themselves. In addition, there is the opportunity to play golf and tennis, cricket and rugby, horse riding, snorkeling and diving, yachting and kayaking, as well as take a course of spa treatments, which are very popular here.

There are many interesting things to explore on these islands - these include botanical gardens, crystal caves, and 365 dive sites to shipwrecks that sank at different times near the coast. Lucky treasure hunters still find treasures on the seabed that belonged to Spanish galleons and British merchant ships. In addition, there is a 120-kilometer ridge of coral colonies in clear coastal waters, among sea grass, which creates excellent conditions for marine life.

About 350 different species of birds can be found in Bermuda. Some of the rarest are Bermuda petrels, blue herons, bright blue buntings, kiskade, and arctic plovers. Thanks to the mild climate, the islands are covered with tropical vegetation all year round. You will find bougainvilleas, oleanders, lilies, white, yellow and red hibiscus flowers, and Bermudians everywhere. This is real paradise!

Reserves and national parks

The waters around Bermuda are among the richest in species diversity in the western Atlantic. About 4.5 thousand species of marine organisms live here, as well as about 650 species of fish and 350 species of birds. Local ecosystems, of course, suffer significant damage due to numerous tourists. It is therefore not surprising that there are strict environmental laws here, as well as many small environmental protection zones. For example, Nonsuch Island. He protects the kahu, the Bermuda pigeon, which is one of the rarest bird species on the planet. Access here is naturally limited, although sometimes the Bermuda Biological Station organizes visits for some tourist groups.

Several protected areas created to protect the underwater world include Castle Island, Gilbert Nature Reserve, Hungry Bay, Charlies Island, Coopers Island, Wallsingham, and others.

Hamilton (capital)

Bermuda has several important cities. However, the main one is Hamilton - a cosmopolitan and dynamic capital with a cheerful and relaxed pace of life. Its main attractions are: the historical Bermuda Museum, containing an exhibition from the period of the Great Geographical Discoveries, as well as objects that were found at the bottom of the sea; Bermuda Cathedral (style - neo-Gothic), Bermuda National Gallery, where you will find works by Winslow Homer, Joshua Reynolds, Thomas Gainsborough. You will see all this and much more when you visit Hamilton, Bermuda.

St. George

St. George is a city declared by UNESCO as a heritage of humanity. With its architecture it reproduces the attributes and events of bygone days. This Bermuda city has many attractions. Of note is the Royal Square, where the City Hall with a pillory dating back to the 18th century is located. Once upon a time, criminals were punished in this place. Also interesting is the Old State Residence, which was built in 1620. The fort, restored and given a second life, is also very interesting. It now houses the Bermuda Maritime Museum, a cinema, a traditional pub, a craft market and the famous Snorkeling Park (one of the best scuba diving training centers in Bermuda).

The hospitable and friendly inhabitants of the islands are rightfully proud of their historical heritage, which unites different cultures. Bermuda shorts (traditional clothing) are worn with dignity here, and a rum cocktail and a plate of fish chowder are always available. You will find more than 150 restaurants on the islands - from gastronomic, gourmet to democratic.

Local kitchen

Bermuda, tours to which are now in high demand, has its own special cuisine. It is the result of a mixture of different cultures. Typically, traditional dishes include pork, rice, and peas. One of the favorite dishes in Bermuda is fish chowder served with hot sauce. Residents of the islands always prepare cassava pies for Christmas. Local delicacies also include sea bass chowder flavored with black rum, shark chowder, cod pies, Bermuda lobster, etc.


The cost of service in most restaurants is approximately 10-15% of the check amount. It is usually included in the bill. Tipping is not accepted in hotels; they are usually already included in it. It should be noted that hotels add a special tax to the room rate. Its size is 7.5%. In addition, there may be some other fees. Porters and doormen at hotels and airports are usually given a few dollars. Taxi drivers expect approximately 10-15% of the fare as a tip.

Bermuda Money

Many tourists bring Bermuda coins as souvenirs. Let's talk a little about local money. The Bermuda dollar is the national currency. It is 100 cents. On the islands, before the introduction of this currency in 1970, the Bermudian pound was equal to the pound sterling. The Bermuda dollar was introduced on February 6, 1970. It is equal to the US dollar. All banknotes feature an image of Queen Elizabeth II on the obverse. The banknotes are similar in appearance. There is also no fundamental difference between the designs of new and old samples.

Festivals and holidays

In Bermuda, as in the Caribbean region as a whole, various festivals, carnivals and celebrations take place. The most famous is the SOCA Caribbean Music Festival, which is held in Royal Naval Dockyard at the end of July or beginning of August. The Bermuda Reggae Festival, no less colorful, takes place in mid-August. Also worth noting is the three-day Bermuda Tattoo, which ends with a big fireworks display (times to be held in early November).


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