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There are more than three thousand reservoirs in the Chelyabinsk region. Many of them are very beautiful, so it is not surprising that city residents tend to go for a picnic and fish at the weekend. Fishing on the lakes of the Chelyabinsk region is good because the reservoirs are home to many species of fish, many of which are easy to catch. There are even sturgeon and salmon.

Some anglers don't like paying to fish. They are more interested in catching fish in wild bodies of water themselves. Others prefer paid fishing, since they do not like to sit in the thickets and catch fish that they may not catch all day. Both will enjoy fishing in the Chelyabinsk region on the lakes, since there are many good paid and free reservoirs.

Abatkul, Akakul, Atkul


A small pond whose banks are overgrown with reeds. Mostly crucian carp are caught on the hook.


The area of ​​the reservoir is about ten square kilometers. Depth no more than three meters. The bottom is sandy, sometimes muddy or rocky. Winter fishing is popular on the lake. Perch, bream and pike are caught using a jig. In summer, they fish from the shore using spinning rods.


Quite a large lake with an area of ​​more than fifteen square kilometers. The reservoir is not too deep; places more than three meters deep are rare. It is quite convenient to fish here, because the coast is flat.

Fishing on Atkul, as a rule, is done from boats, but there are many fishermen on the shore. Here you can catch large carp. It is caught with bottom fishing rods using bread or corn.

In addition to carp, Atkul also has:

  • crucian carp;
  • zander;
  • chebak;
  • perch;
  • pike.

Buldym, Irtyash, Karasevo


The average depth is two to three meters. The reservoir is inhabited by crucian carp, minnow, rotan.


The area of ​​the reservoir is about thirty square kilometers. The depth is generally no more than five meters, but in some places up to sixteen. On the banks of the Irtyash there are rental points for boats and catamarans, from which you can catch ruffe, perch, roach, ide, burbot, pike, and whitefish.


The size of the reservoir is three by one and a half kilometers. The lake is overgrown with reeds, but some areas of the shore have good fishing spots. Both locals and guests of the region fish here. Karasevo is home to pike, chebak, minnow, and crucian carp. According to anglers, large specimens are often caught on the hook.

Myrkai, Turgoyan, Chebarkul


The lake measures approximately three by two kilometers. The depth is small, up to five meters. Fishing here is not easy, as there is a lot of algae. But the lake is home to grass carp, pike and whitefish. You can also catch crucian carp, perch, and carp.


Deep lake, up to forty meters in places. In addition to gudgeon and ruffe, the following are found here:


The lake is medium in size. The depth is about seven meters, in some places up to thirteen. There are several islands on Chebarkul that are convenient for fishing. Here it is:

  • perch;
  • crucian carp;
  • roach;
  • tench;
  • carp;
  • zander;
  • pike;
  • ripus.

Paid lakes in the Chelyabinsk region are well suited for successful fishing. Reservoirs are regularly stocked with fish, so you can be guaranteed to catch good specimens. In addition, paid reservoirs in the Chelyabinsk region are relatively inexpensive. For little money you can go fishing well.

Aydykul, Aktobe, Alabuga


The lake is medium in size, up to five meters deep. There is a recreation center on the shore of Aydykul. Fish are caught both from the shore and on boats. The lake contains:

  • crucian carp;
  • perch;
  • pike.

On the downside: many people vacation on Aydykul on weekends, and sometimes finding a good place for fishing is not easy.


Area - twenty square kilometers. Depth - four to five meters. The reservoir is often stocked with fish, so large crucian carp, pike, and carp live here. And there are also roaches and whitefish. There is a recreation center on the shore of the lake.


The average depth is five meters. There are holiday houses on the shore of the reservoir. The lake contains valuable species of fish:

  • sturgeon;
  • sterlet;
  • trout.

And here you can catch crucian carp, tench, carp, perch, pike, and grass carp.

Baynaush, Kaldy, Tatysh


The area of ​​the lake is more than eight kilometers, the depth is one and a half meters. Despite the shallow depth, there are a lot of fish here. Some lucky fishermen managed to catch carp weighing three kilograms here. And also in Baidaush there is:

  • crucian carp;
  • perch;
  • peled;

With the arrival of summer, many of my friends, knowing that I have traveled almost the length and breadth of the Urals, ask me where they can swim and on which lake to relax. And every time I start a long list of where it’s closer, where the water is better, where the shore is better, where the landscape is more interesting, where the infrastructure is better, and so on. Realizing that for many this issue is very relevant in 25-30 degree heat, I decided to make a review of bodies of water where you can have a good rest.

1. Lake Turgoyak.

230 km from Yekaterinburg. One of the most beautiful lakes in the Chelyabinsk region. The water is incredibly clean and clear. For example, if you swim at a depth of 6-7 meters, then you can see all the pebbles and fancy algae at the bottom. And all around there are picturesque views - mountains, islands, forests, fresh air. Turgoyak is deservedly called the second Baikal, and the lake has the status of a natural monument. The lake is quite large, the length of the coastline is 27 km, and the greatest depth is 34 meters. On the lake there is the famous Vera Island with dolmens and other archaeological finds.

In the village of Turgoyak there is a city beach; in the summer, locals and visitors relax on it. From the village of Turgoyak along the coast there are many recreation centers and beaches (Golden Beach, Silver Sands, etc.). If you drive further, it is less crowded and you can pitch a tent (see coordinates and point on the map). The shore is rocky and sandy. On the southern side of Turgoyak, at a distance of 300 meters there is a small lake Inyshko. It is also used for fishing and swimming.

2. Lake Uvildy

180 km from Yekaterinburg. A transparent and clean lake in the Chelyabinsk region, it is like a piece of the sea in the middle of the Ural mountains. The lake is a natural monument and the largest in the Chelyabinsk region. There are numerous bases and closed areas around the shores of the lake. In practice there is only one easily accessible place for free rest. This is a strip of beach along the road where you don’t have to pay for parking and so on. But here there is a sandy beach and a wonderful pebble-sand bottom! The car can be left on the side of the road.


3. Lake Zyuratkul

330 km from Yekaterinburg. The Southern Urals are rich not only in crystal clear lakes, but also in national parks with diverse flora and fauna, picturesque ridges and cliffs. One of these places is Zyuratkul National Park. In this park you can kill three birds with one stone: for tourists and mountain lovers - the Nurgush ridge, the Zyuratkul ridge; for a picnic by the lake and fishermen - Lake Zyuratkul; to feel like you are at a resort - Kitova pier.

The lake is of natural origin, but there is a dam here built by German prisoners of war; probably as a result of this the lake has increased in area and volume. These places are also called Sinegorye, and the lake is located between the Urenga, Lukash, Nurgush, Moskal and Zyuratkul ridges. The lake is notable not only for its cleanliness, but also for the fact that it is the highest mountain lake in the Urals - 724 meters above sea level. When entering the park, an environmental fee of 40 rubles is charged. per person and 40 rub. from the car. Near the Whale Marina there is all the necessary infrastructure for recreation.

4. Salt Lake Medvezhye

550 km from Yekaterinburg. To feel what it’s like to lie in very salty water without drowning, you don’t have to go far away on an expensive trip to the Dead Sea. You can drive 500 kilometers to the neighboring Kurgan region and plunge into the even more salty waters of Bear Lake. Lake Bear is shallow, the greatest depth is 1.2 meters. The bottom is covered with salt and healing mud. When you walk along the bottom, your feet sink slightly. The density of water is so high that it holds the human body on the surface. You can relax both as “savages” and in a sanatorium.

5. Lake Arakul

140 km from Yekaterinburg. The lake is rightfully considered one of the cleanest lakes in the Chelyabinsk region. The water is clear, the bottom is sand and pebbles, the shores are covered with pine forest. The most convenient place for recreation is the northeastern part of the lake, near the village of Arakul. By car you can drive close to the lake. Swimming and fishing can be combined with climbing the picturesque Shihan rocks.

6. Lake Big Allaki

110 km from Yekaterinburg. Bolshaya Allaki became an archeological monument quite recently, and for most vacationers this place still remains an ordinary place for outdoor recreation - here you can swim in the lake with clear water and have a picnic. On the bizarre rocky outcrops there are many traces of modern man, but only very recently archaeologists discovered writings here - drawings of ancient people, which are about 3000 years old. When groups of archaeologists explored the site at the end of the 20th century, various objects of ancient people were also found. The town of Bolshie Allaki was recognized as a natural, cultural and historical monument.

7. Lake Itkul

110 km from Yekaterinburg. The southern shore of Lake Itkul consists of rather high rocky cliffs, and it is not possible to go down to the water everywhere. However, in summer it is a popular place for swimming and relaxing. On Lake Itkul, near the shore, the Shaitan-Kamen rock rises. The height of the rock is about 10 m. You can climb onto the rock from the water, but this is extremely difficult to do. Inaccessible smooth stones with slight protrusions discourage conquerors, so many climb the rock from a boat or motorboat.

8. Lake Talkov stone

55 km from Yekaterinburg. The lake is located 7 kilometers from the city of Sysert, Sverdlovsk region. This beautiful place deep in the forest is a talc quarry, flooded with groundwater and atmospheric waters. Talc was once mined here. The depth of the quarry is more than 30 meters. On one side there is a convenient descent to the lake, on the other there is a steep cliff of three tens of meters. The water is very cold and very clear even in summer. Entrance to the park is paid (30 rubles)

9. Sugomak

150 km from Yekaterinburg. Not far from the city of Kyshtym there is an interesting natural attraction, or rather a whole complex, each object of which has the same name - Sugomak - mountain, cave, lake. The lake has been given the status of a natural monument; it is a source of drinking water for the Kyshtym residents. The cave is also a natural monument and a specially protected area, and the mountain is considered a place of power among psychics; they come here to recharge their energy.

10. Argazinskoye Reservoir

185 km from Yekaterinburg. The water is very clean, transparency is several meters. The lake has many islands, a shore with many bays, rocky and sandy, open and overgrown.

11. Lake Chusovskoye

20 km from Yekaterinburg. A beautiful clean lake in the vicinity of Yekaterinburg. The shore on the side of the cottage village is swampy and gradually overgrown with reeds. The opposite shore is rocky and sandy, and is more convenient for relaxing and swimming. There is a forest road along the lake, you can drive an SUV. There are crayfish in the lake.

12. Lake Bagaryak

50 km from Yekaterinburg. A small lake, part of the shore is swampy, part is built up with cottages. Nearby is the village of Kosmakovo.

13. Lake Shablish

100 km from Yekaterinburg. Lake in the Chelyabinsk region, not far from Kamensk-Uralsky. In summer there are always a lot of campers with tents here. Sandy beaches, in some places the shore is swampy with reeds. Swimming can be combined with fishing.

14. Nizhnesysertskoe reservoir

50 km from Yekaterinburg, near Dvurechensk. Popular place for fishing and recreation. On both sides of the dam you can drive close to the reservoir, set up tents, and make fires. You can drive through the barrier (200 rubles per car) to the shore or leave your vehicle on the side of the road and sit on the shore for free. The banks are wooded, there are clearings open to the sun, the bottom is sandy, but closer to the dam there can be large boulders under the water, so it is better to swim away from the dam.

15. Lake Sinara

100 km from Yekaterinburg. Quite a large lake, the water is clear, the average depth is 6 m. The bottom is sandy and rocky. The Sinara River originates from the lake. The closed city of Snezhinsk adjoins the southern part of the lake; accordingly, this part is closed to free passage. For relaxation, it is most convenient to sit on the shore of the south-eastern part of the lake; the area here is open, the shore is flat, and there is a cordon on duty in the summer.

16. Lake Tavatuy

50 km from Yekaterinburg. A favorite vacation spot for Yekaterinburg residents, it is a natural monument of federal significance. The lake is surrounded by mountains, which adds to its picturesqueness; the water in it is quite clear, and there are all kinds of fish.

17. Volchikha Reservoir

30 km from Yekaterinburg. An artificial reservoir, large in area and elongated in shape. The shores are mostly covered with forest, a good place for a picnic and fishing, and you can also swim.

18. Lake Baltym

20 km from Yekaterinburg. The lake is located in the vicinity of the town of Verkhnyaya Pyshma. This is a favorite vacation spot for residents of Yekaterinburg and other nearby cities. The lake is 4 km long, 2.5 km wide, and maximum depth is 5 meters. The bottom is muddy. The most convenient access for recreation is from the village of Sanatorny or the village of Baltym. The lake is home to perch, ruffe, burbot, and pike. Free recreational fishing is possible. Along the shores of the lake there are numerous recreation centers of enterprises, pioneer camps, sanatoriums, cottages, boat stations and sandy beaches.

19. Lake Shartash

Located within the city limits. If you don’t have time to travel far somewhere, or just want to plunge into cool water after a working day, then Shartash is a great place for such a vacation. There is also infrastructure on the shore for “civilized” recreation: a boat station, water slides, cafes, and so on.

20. Isetskoye Reservoir

25 km from Yekaterinburg. The largest lake in the vicinity of Yekaterinburg is located within the city of Sredneuralsk. There are islands on the lake, and stone tents on the western shore.

This is not a complete list of reservoirs suitable for swimming; there is also Lake Kurtuguz (90 km), Beloyarskoe Reservoir (50 km), Lake Peschanoe - a popular recreation spot for young people (20 km) and others. In the article I tried to reflect more interesting bodies of water.

In addition to the standard criteria - clean water, clean shore, fewer people - a very important criterion is distance. Therefore, for your convenience, I attach a list of lakes by distance from Yekaterinburg:
Shartash, within the city
Chusovskoye, 20 km
Baltym, 20 km
Peschanoye, 20 km
Isetskoye (Sredneuralskoye), 25 km
Volchikhinskoye Reservoir, 30 km
Nizhnesysertskoe (Dvurechensk), 50 km
Beloyarskoye Reservoir, 50 km
Bagaryak, 50 km
Tavatui, 50 km
Talkov stone, 55 km
Kurtuguz, 90 km
Big Sungul, 90 km
Sinara, 100 km
Shablish, 100 km
Bolshie Allaki, 110 km
Itkul, 110 km
Arakul, 140 km
Sugomak, 150 km
Uvildy, 180 km
Argazinskoye Reservoir, 185 km
Turgoyak, 230 km
Zyuratkul, 330 km
Medvezhye, 550 km

I wish you a good holiday!

Clean lakes, unique sunrises and sunsets, clean air and murmur of water– could there be anything more beautiful? Perhaps you are not a fan of active recreation, you prefer to relax on expensive beaches abroad, but it is simply impossible to remain indifferent to such beauties.

To understand what this wonderful type of recreation is like, you just need to visit the Chelyabinsk region. After all, it is there that there are such protected places where it is a pleasure to relax.

If you are interested in a completely unusual vacation, then we are ready to tell you what the Chelyabinsk lakes are like, where to relax with tents and does it make sense to take children with you?.

We will tell you about all this and, of course, focus on which is the most beautiful. Therefore, we begin the story with a description of this region.

The beauty of nature is perfect

This area has long been considered the most beautiful V . Many writers and artists visited these places to gain inspiration and enjoy unity with nature.

It must be said that there are many famous works in the world that depict the beauty of this area. All the paintings were created based on real beauty, but not one of them was complete without sketches of the lake. It is this water source that makes the entire area unique.

Nowhere else are so many beautiful lakes concentrated as in Chelyabinsk. This is truly a protected area, which means your holiday here will be unforgettable.

The most difficult thing for tourists and vacationers is to choose a place, because there are many lakes and each of them is beautiful in its own way. That is why we present you the most famous of them and describe them in detail.

So, what is important for a tourist to know?

In total, in the Chelyabinsk region there are more than 20 beautiful and large lakes. Some of them are not good places to stay, while others are the most visited areas. Therefore, before you set off, you need to know all the interesting things.

List of lakes:

  1. Uvildy– an interesting place for every tourist. The very name of the lake already attracts attention, and the nature that is present here attracts and appeals to all vacationers. It is generally accepted that it is the largest among all others.

    In summer there are many not only tourists, but also local residents who appreciate the beauty of this special territory. The depth of the lake reaches 39 meters, but in particular, it is no more than 14.

    The location of the lake is peculiar, because along the banks there is a very old and beautiful forest. It is in this place that the largest recreation centers are located, there are a lot of them here. Therefore, choosing any of them is always easy. Evening festivities, the light sound of water - all this awaits guests of the deepest lake in Chelyabinsk.

  2. If the first is the largest, then there are options where the total area of ​​the water resource does not reach 3 km². For example, a lake Arakul– an ideal place to relax with children.
    The small but beautiful area allows you to feel all the charms of the area. Many people know him under another name - Shikhan. But no matter what it is called, it is difficult to convey its charm in words.

    Many people come here and choose this place for their annual vacation. The main feature of this wealth of nature is that the lake has a convenient location. It is posted near the town of Verkhny Ufaley.

  3. As already mentioned, a holiday in Chelyabinsk on the lakes is a wonderful pastime, and especially if you have chosen the Argazin Reservoir or, as it is also called, the lake. Argazi.

    The history of the creation of the reservoir is complex, because the lake is the main drinking source. Fishermen like to relax here; there are special places for them. In total, it is found here more than 30 different types of fish, which makes fishing ideal.

    But at the same time, there are always a lot of children and their mothers on the lake, who are keen on the observation process. The area is quite beautiful, the location is considered acceptable and convenient. You can get here by both personal and public transport.

  4. Kaldy is a lake that has one peculiarity. There is a sandy beach that is ideal for children. Therefore, there are often always a lot of young families here. The place is very beautiful, the lake is shallow. There is a forest all around, which greatly complements the overall picture.

    It is in this place that you can very easy to camp with tents and feel the peace that sunsets give. If you are considering Chelyabinsk lakes as a recreation option, you can also find recreation centers here.

    Conventionally, there are two types of recreation. First– this is an opportunity to sleep in beautiful and well-kept houses. Second– this is a wonderful sleep and relaxation in tents. This variety will allow you to choose what you like.

  5. If you are considering the Chelyabinsk lakes, where is it of particular interest to you? Then, in addition to all the others, there are three “magic” lakes where you are guaranteed a bite.

    Local residents call them as "Kingdom of the Fish". This comic name has caught on and every year they attract thousands of amateur and professional fishermen. Lakes Kisegach, Chebarkul, Miassovo- these are three unusually famous lakes. There are pike and perch here, you can catch crucian carp and roach, and for every person the catch will definitely be successful.

  6. Spruce Lake the most perfect place to relax. Here the water has a specific soft and warm effect. It is transparent and soft, it is pleasant to swim here, and you can play with children. The lake is not deep, but very clear.

    This is a favorite place for those who really likes to swim in light blue water. This place is also famous for that. That there are deposits of healing mud here, so swimming here is not only pleasant, but also very useful.

    There is a belief that if children If they swim in this lake every year, they will never get sick. It is this legend that is the reason for the experiment, and therefore it makes sense to come here at least once.

  7. Big Sunukul– a lake that is called “a sight for sore eyes.” This place is unusual, almost magical. There are a lot of different trees here that create a unique sound. It's easy to find fashionable places to hide from the sun and relax on the beach.

    The water here is healing, and the relief itself is varied. The depth varies, which is considered not a very favorable moment for families with children. It can be considered as an excellent place for fishing and recreation.

Of course, this list is incomplete, because there are many different and interesting places in the region. Therefore, to learn about each in detail, it makes sense to look at a map of the area. All water resources are marked there, there are instructions regarding the depth and location of recreation centers. Using the Internet you can find out about the cost of living and conditions.

If you like to relax as a “savage” in tents, in nature– then in this case too, the lakes of the Chelyabinsk region will delight you. As we have already noticed, holidays here are completely diverse, and therefore everyone will find their favorite place.

Then you need to go along the Ekaterinburg - Chelyabinsk highway. It's important not to miss a turn to Dolgoderevenskoye, through Poletaevo.

If you take the route along the Moscow highway, then you need to move before turning to Misyash, then to Nepryakhino.

Let's not forget about our beloved children!

You can also choose Chelyabinsk lakes if you are planning a vacation with a child. You will definitely like it here, because you can have a wonderful and healthy time.

Everything a child needs is here, while you can constantly monitor it, see where it is. Such a pastime will be very valuable for you and at the same time exciting. On the territory of the lake, a child will be able to learn to swim and fish; He'll definitely love it here!

Why do tourists choose Chelyabinsk lakes?

Because The Chelyabinsk region is a peculiar, unique place in every sense, because only here you can feel the pleasant and gentle sun especially well, hear the alluring sounds of water and wind and feel amazing freedom from everyday worries, problems, sorrows and vanity.

Beautiful lake shores, various villages and small towns, magnificent landscapes- this is what your summer vacation on the lake in the Chelyabinsk region will be like if you come here.

Such an unusual vacation in the most unusual place in Russia is always unique and unique. Many people start coming here in childhood or adolescence and remain faithful to this vacation for the rest of their lives.

Children, teenagers and adults love to come here. Those who dream of going here with their whole family who appreciates the beauty of landscapes and healthy, warm, unforgettable and pleasant air.

HYelyabinsk region is famous as"lake region of Russia" It is here that there is a great variety of large and small, round and elongated, salty and fresh, clean and swampy - so different lakes and reservoirs. Chelyabinsk lakes attract residents of neighboring regions - Sverdlovsk, Kurgan, Perm, and even guests from the capital! What is their secret?

The author of this material lived most of her life in the Chelyabinsk region and did not even suspect that our region is to a certain extent a “resort” and so attractive for tourists. It was only after moving to Yekaterinburg that I first heard the phrase “Chelyabinsk lakes,” which is so persistent among residents of the Sverdlovsk region. When I told someone that I came from Chelyabinsk, I often heard in response: “Wow, great! You have lakes there!”

The fact is that in Chelyabinsk itself, apart from the Shershnevsky reservoir, which is primarily a drinking resource and not particularly attractive for recreation and swimming, there are no lakes. And you won’t find those famous “Chelyabinsk lakes” in the vicinity of the regional center. This is an ordinary industrial city, with no mountains or forests nearby. In the area, among the reservoirs - in addition to the already named “Hornets” - are lakes Sineglazovo, Smolino, Polovinnoye. Due to their proximity to the city, all of them are polluted and not suitable for swimming.

The cleanest and most beautiful Chelyabinsk lakes are located at least 100 km from Chelyabinsk. Most are in the north and east of the region.

In total, on the map of the Chelyabinsk region you can count more than 3 thousand lakes! They are called the “blue necklace” of the Urals, or simply “blue lakes”. A great variety of reservoirs appeared here due to the unique geographical location between the three largest rivers of Russia - the Tobol, Volga and the Kama River. That is why there are so many small flowing rivers connecting the lakes. In addition, due to the movements of the Ural Mountains, even in ancient times, craters formed and gradually filled with water.

In the Chelyabinsk region there are many reservoirs with rocky shores, but there are also sandy beaches. Many Chelyabinsk lakes are distinguished by their purity and transparency, reaching 3-4 meters. There are reservoirs in which the water is slightly mineralized. There are medicinal ones, saturated with healing mud.

We will list the best lakes in the Chelyabinsk region, the most interesting and attractive for recreation and tourism:

Closest to the Sverdlovsk region (at a distance of up to 150 km from Yekaterinburg):

Lake Big Allaki (110 km)

Lake Sugomak - Kyshtym (150 km)

Lake Big Kuyash (150 km)

Beyond the 150 km line there are no less interesting Chelyabinsk lakes:

Lake Uvildy - (180 km)

Argazin reservoir (Lake Argazi) (185 km)

Lake Turgoyak - Miass (230 km)

Lake Kisegach (290 km)

Lake Big Sunukul (290 km)

Spruce Lake (290 km)

Lake Bolshoi Elanchik (290 km)

Lake Zyuratkul (330 km)

Lake Sladkoe and Lake Salt (380 km)

And many, many others.

Not all of the listed lakes have recreation centers and sanatoriums. Most visitors prefer the so-called “savage” holiday - spending the night in tents and cooking over a fire. This has its own romance. During the holiday season, entire cities of tent houses appear on the banks of reservoirs. Guitars sound, the smell of fresh fish soup and sausages fried on the fire wafts, and wood crackles in the fire.

For those who prefer to relax with all the amenities, numerous recreation centers have been built. Near many lakes there are some of the best sanatoriums in the Chelyabinsk region, which allows you to combine business with pleasure - both relax and heal.

In addition, you can spend the night in settlements located near the lakes. In hotels or private homes. Often, renting a room or apartment will not be difficult, especially if you take care of it in advance (accommodation in the most popular vacation spots begins to be booked in the spring).

Unfortunately, the tourism sector is not yet very developed in the Chelyabinsk region. Not to the same extent as in the Krasnodar Territory. And summer here is shorter, and there are fewer hot days. Therefore, Chelyabinsk lakes often lack appropriate infrastructure and conditions for recreation.

Only a few lakes are “promoted” and popularized, their shores are filled with recreation centers and visitors. But many remain unknown “pearls”. Maybe, over time, the region will really become a mecca for tourists, for whom all conditions will be created, without harm to natural resources and, in particular, water bodies.


The deepest Chelyabinsk lakes: Uvildy, Kisegach, Turgoyak.

The largest: Argazinskoye Reservoir, Lake Irtyash, Lake Uvildy, Lake Turgoyak.

The closest to the Sverdlovsk region and Yekaterinburg: Itkul, Shablish, Sinara and others.

Most bodies of water (about 80%) are less than 0.5 square kilometers.


There's only one thing left to add. Each of these reservoirs is unique in its own way. It is very sad when, in a beautiful picturesque place, where nature has created the most amazing pictures in reality, people leave behind piles of garbage, or make inscriptions on rocky outcrops, either being like ancient people, or wanting to leave a reminder of themselves.

Every year, fewer and fewer bodies of water in Russia remain suitable for swimming.

I would like to appeal to tourists - love nature, appreciate it, take care of it! And she will answer you with the greatest gratitude - with her wonderful gifts!

*The distance from Yekaterinburg is indicated in brackets. In the future, we will talk about each of these lakes, about recreation, about prices, about where you can stay, about the pros and cons of this or that body of water.

In this article I would like to talk about the salt lakes of the Chelyabinsk region, since seaside holidays are not available to everyone, but in the Southern Urals we have plenty of salt water and healing mud for everyone.

You can choose a comfortable stay at a recreation center or sanatorium, or a “savage” holiday in tents. A pleasant holiday on the shore of the lake can be combined with the opportunity to improve your health. To do this, you just need to go to one of the salt lakes located in the Chelyabinsk region.

Why is it worth going?
This large (about 7 sq km) lake is located in the flat feather grass steppe. It is famous not only for its name but also for its wonderful properties that help in the treatment of joint diseases, radiculitis and rheumatism. Highly mineralized, alkaline water with mineral mud favorably contributes to this therapeutic effect. Therapeutic mud has a dark gray color and is easily applied to areas of the body due to its good plasticity.
When entering the lake, you can feel a fairly flat, slightly muddy bottom under your feet. The southern and southwestern coasts are famous for their sandy beaches. The West Bank, on the contrary, is proud of its rocky coastline. But the northern and eastern shores are almost completely overgrown with coastal reeds.
Where is it located?

Located in the Chesmensky district, 10 km from the village of Tarutino towards the south. You can also navigate to the Buskul railway station. The lake is located 18 km southwest of it.

Lake Sladkoe

Why is it worth going?
It got its name due to the sweetish taste due to the impurities of soda in the water. It’s worth coming here for a few days to strengthen your immune system and improve the condition of your skin and hair.
Due to its small size, the lake warms up quickly. Warm water with healing mud restores the body after prolonged stress of everyday life. And hydrogen sulfide air has a calming effect. There is usually a camp with tents on one bank, and a recreation center on the other.
Our fellow countryman Nikolai Pekshev made a wonderful video review of Lake Sladkoe.

Fans of fishing have nothing to do on this lake, since there are no fish here. There are also no birds that like to settle in the coastal reeds.
Where is it located?
There is a lake with white shores in the Oktyabrsky district, 4 km from the village of Kocherdyk.

Lake Gorkoye

Why is it worth going?
One of the most valuable healing lakes in the Urals is worth a visit to maintain your own health by increasing your immunity. In general, this lake is recommended for water and mud therapy. This is what the Ural sanatorium, located in the Khomutinsky Pyatiozerye, does. This is a unique place because the lake is valued not only for its water, but also for its black mineral mud.
Birch forest and natural springs, with the purest drinking water, surrounding on all sides, will only have a beneficial effect on the general condition of vacationers.
Where is it located?

Transport accessibility to such an excellent natural source of health will only please vacationers. it is located in the Uvelsky district, just half a kilometer from the village of Khomutino, in a northeast direction. And from Yuzhnouralsk it is only 10 km away.

Lake Podbornoe

Why is it worth going?
The clean, transparent water of the lake and several types of clay (white, blue and yellow) annually attract hundreds of tourists who want to take a break from the bustle of the city and improve their health. Swimming in this lake undoubtedly helps in the treatment of rheumatism and various skin diseases. Thanks to the increased alkalinity, the water in the lake has become soft and very pleasant for swimming. The most favorable for swimming are sandy beaches, which are located on the northern and northwestern shores.
Also, springs with mineral water were discovered near the lake, which began to be actively used for medicinal purposes. It is interesting that, in its composition, this water resembles the waters of the famous Essentuki. Watch the video made about this nice but small lake - Podbornoe.

On the shore, among pine and birch forests, the Ural sanatorium is comfortably located.
Where is it located?

This piece of paradise is located in the Uvelsky district of the Chelyabinsk region, near the village of Khomutino. You can also focus on the city of Yuzhnouralsk. The lake is located northeast of this city, 15 km.

Lake Bolshoi Shantropay

Why is it worth going?
This reservoir is rich in black healing mineral mud. The same one that was supplied to regional mud baths back in Soviet times. When going to this lake, it is worth remembering that the healing mud is located in the depths of the lake. And what is located in the coastal zone is simply silt, which has no medicinal properties.
But the water in this lake has healing properties. It is pleasant to stay in clean and soft water for a long time.

Where is it located?
The lake is located 65 km from Chelyabinsk, in the Etkulsky district. On the western side of the lake is the village of Belousovo.


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