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Masterslavl, which recently opened in Moscow, is a city where children themselves earn money and acquire professions. Masterslavl is located in one of the Moscow City towers.

So, my 12-year-old son Alexander and I board the Moscow-City - Masterslavl train. On the way we listen to a story about the laws of the city, and at the exit we get a map of it. On Station Square, at the bank, upon entry ticket, the son is given money - 80 gold talents (Masterslavl’s currency). The child decides that he will spend it on getting a driver's license. 20 talents are spent on a medical examination, 30 on studying driving and traffic rules, and the same amount on taking a course in auto mechanics. Rights received. To ride a car, you need 30 talents, but there is no money. Sanya runs off to wash cars to earn money. Then he gets a job at a cleaning school, washing floors in the central square. Then he graduated from waiter school and served tables in a cafe. I don't have time to follow his movements. For each child in Masterslavl there is a consultant who offers a suitable master class.

Boys and girls in Masterslavl can try themselves in different professions. Photo: ITAR-TASS

Everyone working here has a psychological or pedagogical education.

Having earned the required amount for a car and having driven a lot, the son noticed the theater. He got the role of the cunning old man who deceived the capricious king. The son earns another 15 talents. He likes acting more than mopping, and they pay better. Then at the employment center Sanka was offered to become a tour guide, designer, or doctor, but he chose border control.

The influence of the border guard officer's older brother was clearly felt. In his new role, Alexander learned how to distinguish a fake passport, how a violator might behave... And on the next playground, a group of kids played investigators - they learned to take fingerprints, look for evidence... Life in Masterslavl was in full swing. My child said that it’s worth going here again, bringing friends. Moreover, there are already 30 talents left.

How to get there

Masterslavl is located on Presnenskaya embankment, 4, building 1, in the shopping gallery between the Vystavochnaya metro station and the Bagration bridge in Moscow City. Entrance to the shopping gallery is through the Bagration Bridge or the Vystavochnaya metro station.

By the way

Masterslavl was created following the example of the famous Kidzania attraction, which exists in many countries. KidZania is a miniature city owned and run by children.

In its restaurants and banks, newspapers and radio, in clinics and construction sites, children work, they fly planes and buses, earning real Kidzos (Kidzanian money). The organizers of Masterslavl tried to open a KidZania branch, but it didn’t work out, and they started their own city.

If Schengen has ended, and your favorite visa-free warm countries do not want to accept Russian guests, what can you do? Right! The main thing is not to be sad) After all, you can travel around our outback... Well, or discover new cities, cities of the future, cities where #childrendecide.

Getting to KidZania is very simple, you come to the Aviapark shopping center on Khodynka, here you check in for a local airline flight (the cheapest air tickets! Where else can you fly round-trip for only 1200?! For adults, a ticket to the country of your childhood is half the price), get your passport control, and off we go...

As a bonus with your air tickets, you get insurance, a receipt in local currency, a plastic card (so everything is completely adult-like) and a city map. On January 28, we attended the official opening of KidZania. As you can see, the city is completely new and has not yet been shown on Google maps, so we use the paper version the old fashioned way.

Although, to be honest, instead of a map we used an even more ancient method, which is called “the language will take you to Kiev”, well, or wherever you wanted to go... By the way, apart from the unusual greeting “Kai!”, the local townspeople They speak Russian perfectly, but with a very strange smiling accent. Although it seems strange only upon arrival, after a few minutes you yourself begin to smile and feel at home.

The flight lasts only a few minutes, but even in such a short time AirKidzania fed us. And, although something tells me that the snack boxes were dedicated only to the day of the festive opening, it was tastier than at Aeroflot, and even with Baskin Robbins ice cream)
And now we are already in the city... As experienced tourists who have already been to similar cities, we immediately look for a bank. It is located on the same square as the local Bolshoi Theater. We cash the check. But as the journey progresses, we understand that we could not rush into this. There are few places where you can spend kidzo (local currency), but you can earn...

And we immediately went to work. Or it would be more accurate to say that the younger part of our team started work, because adults are prohibited from working in this city... It’s a shame!

Working in a medical laboratory is a very serious matter, so only employees who have reached the age of seven are allowed to work. Well, or children whose mothers really wanted to make a medical photo report)

The Invitro laboratory is equipped with the most modern equipment, here you can master the procedure for taking blood and its microbiological analysis...

What, in fact, did Natasha and I do? taxik children, microbiological blood test (and this is less than five and less than six years old!). Test tubes, pieces of glass, masks, gloves, microscopes with monitors... uh... blood... At least it looked quite believable. And through the glass it was as if we were watching a fantastic film with the participation of our children - it was impossible to tear ourselves away!

Despite the fact that we did leak into the laboratory, the laws in KidZania are strictly observed. Even if you found someone else’s license (well, or you got it in some other way), you won’t be able to get behind the wheel until you reach the age of seven. Well, work at a gas station - that's welcome.

Inflating tires and filling up with gasoline are also useful skills for a car enthusiast, by the way.

The job of a rescuer is for the bravest and bravest citizens. What parent doesn't want to see their child as a hero?! By the way, in KidZania, most of the jobs are very accessible for parents, in terms of spying and taking photos (for this the city gets 100 points over others).

And here are educational moments for you: if you want to be an independent citizen, be one in everything - put out the fire and pull up your trousers. If you still have “Mom, help!” in your home. you definitely need this address.

While our friends were undergoing fire training, a call came in - there was a fire in the city!

Turn on the siren and get on the road! And to maintain morale, there is even a chant - “We are strong firefighters, we will put out the whole fire! We will save the Kidzanians... And something else (I forgot).” My boy chanted it for three days afterwards.

We've arrived... Naturally there's a fire! Fire, smoke, fumes, broken glass and the house is about to collapse... And a lot, a lot of water... Which, however, did not bother the ubiquitous paparazzi at all.

What's going on around you! The police have cordoned off the disaster area, an evacuation is taking place immediately, and an ambulance team is immediately helping the victims. Life is boiling and seething in the city.

After a long and persistent struggle (another 100 KidZania points for the duration of this action! actually, not 1-2 minutes, like in other places), the fire was finally extinguished. And I can’t ignore the equipment - a changeable angle of inclination, a large radius of action and an adjustable water supply for each nozzle (well, and the human factor in the first place, of course) - this is the secret of such a successful work of the fire brigade

Our glorious heroes are a little tired and wet.

You can work as a police officer in the city after reaching the age of seven. But anyone can be a criminal. Mark, however, didn’t want to) He pulled out his girlfriend and ran with her further, playing in the store...

I remember in our childhood we bought pebbles for leaves... Our children have other games: cash register, scanner, electronic scales...

... and real products in the basket. To appreciate the reality of what is happening, you need to be there, to see these serious faces of the children, how grown-up and important they are. Incredible!

Learn about different professions, choose what you are passionate about, and feel like a full-fledged resident of a big city. Learning to earn money, knowing its value, being able to decide for yourself what to spend it on - this is not a complete list of opportunities open to the residents of KidZania. It’s great that you can spend money here not only on entertainment, but also on studies, for example, at an art school.

I looked in for a second under the guise that I needed to take a photo, but I almost stayed for the lesson. With such inspiration, the teacher told them about composition and colors... I listened)

As a result, my little Leonardo created his “Lady with an Ermine” using the appliqué technique) Tell me, is it cool?!

And the children already have a new task - the ambulance team needed employees, how can they pass by? We wear white coats and be sure to wash our hands (another 100 points for this point!)

I honestly try very hard to reduce the number of photos to show you only the most important and interesting things. But what to do if everything, absolutely everything, is incredibly interesting?! How, for example, not to add this young Dr. House to the post?)

Find the pulse, measure blood pressure, be able to provide first aid - while little doctors are learning about all the intricacies of the life-saving profession, an urgent call arrives...

A person was injured in the fire... Our team has arrived at the scene and is rushing to provide first aid.

From an eyewitness account: “Mom! Mom! We found a real person! REAL! Do you understand?! But it was just a sticker on her hand, right? Not a burn? Not for real, right?” Below in the video you can see how much my boy worried about the victim.

Attention! A minute-long report from the hottest spot in the city.

Before leaving, the guys ran into the photo studio to take a few pictures for themselves, put all the money they earned on their personal bank cards and said goodbye to the wonderful city.

We will definitely return here to work at a chocolate factory and a modeling agency, to study in theater and music school, grow up a little and come for a pilot’s license, and we will look forward to the opening of the space center and diamond mine.

P.s.: many thanks to Tatyana

On January 28, the official opening of the borders of the KidZania educational and entertainment center took place. The ceremony began with a welcoming speech by Moscow Mayor Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin, in which he noted that one of the capital’s priorities is the development of educational out-of-school institutions. And the opening of KidZania, a socially significant project focused on early career guidance for children, becomes a landmark event for the city.

The guests gathered in the waiting room of the Moscow KidZania airport were greeted by Gevork Sargsyan, General Director of KidZania in Russia, Javier Lopez Ancona, founder and president of KidZania, Maxim Sterlyagov, General Director of the AVIAPARK shopping center.

But the key guests were, of course, the children! Dressed in costumes of firefighters, confectioners, doctors and other professions, young visitors to the park cut the red ribbon and after the performance of the KidZania anthem by Ragda Khanieva, finalist of “The Voice. Children" and the owner of the first mini-city passport, ran into a new world for themselves, where a full-fledged life is now in full swing!

Kidzania is a mini-city for children from 4 to 14 years old, a place where they can try themselves in various professions. An important goal of KidZania is to show children the various opportunities that await them in the future, set the right vector for their development and help them choose their favorite specialty. That is why everything in the city is as close as possible to real life: young visitors to KidZania acquire useful professional and social skills, receive the basics of financial literacy, learn to set goals and achieve them independently.

Legend has it that once upon a time, children from all over the world united and, deciding that the adult world was far from perfect, founded their own country - KidZania. In order to consolidate the basic foundations, the Declaration of Independence was drawn up, which defined six rights of every child: the Right to be, the Right to know, the Right to create, the Right to share, the Right to care and the Right to play.

Since then, the geography of KidZania has been rapidly expanding: Russia becomes the 18th country, and Moscow the 21st city of its presence. You can cross the border of Moscow KidZania in the AVIAPARK shopping center on Khodynsky Boulevard, where it occupies an area of ​​10,000 m². Moscow KidZania can already be called the largest and most high-tech in Europe. More than $30 million was spent on the construction of the city. It is expected that about 1 million guests will visit it this year.

The entire territory of KidZania is created as an inclusive educational and gaming space, a safe and accepting environment, where they are ready to meet any child and help him participate in what is happening, using modern and effective strategies for involving and including children with special needs in play and communication. The Naked Heart Foundation is helping the KidZanian government create a fully inclusive environment for children and adults with developmental disabilities. Natalya Vodianova became the goodwill ambassador of Moscow KidZania.

The city was built in partnership with leading Russian and international companies, such as: Alfa-Bank, AlfaStrakhovanie, MTS, STS Media, Europe Plus, LG Electronics, MEDSI, INVITRO, Colgate-Palmolive, Rosinter Restaurants ( TGI Fridays, IL Patio, Costa Coffee), Perekrestok, Detsky Mir, Baskin Robbins, Nezavisimost Group, Ferrero (Kinder® brand), Roscosmos and ORKK, Russian Post, ALROSA , Buro 24/7, Bosco di Ciliegi group of companies, Chereshnevy Les open arts festival, PepsiCo (Orchard, Lipton Ice Tea), Unilever (Lipton), BIC Kids, Danone (Rastishka, Aktikids, Danone, Tema), PappaRoti , Petitfour, Gruma Corporation (Mission brand), Castrol, Samsung, Gett, Canon, ILE DE BEAUTE, MaximaTelecom.

Kidzania has everything that is necessary for the full life of any city: from various infrastructure facilities to its own system for obtaining citizenship, language, kidzo currency and anthem. In order for the time spent in the city to be as interesting and useful as possible, children need to work, choosing from more than a hundred professions

Each thematic area in the city is thought out in detail and recreated together with partners.

Alfa-Bank teaches financial literacy and cash collection skills in the bank's children's branch and vault. Alfastrakhovanie takes care of guests and residents of the city, insuring burning buildings and motorists. LG Electronics provides Moscow KidZania with the latest air conditioning systems and professional displays, and also invites children to plunge into the smart and high-tech world of secret agents in a special school. At the Medsi clinic, children can work on an ambulance, conduct an examination of a patient, and become a professional team of surgeons for an operation to remove appendicitis. In the INVITRO laboratory, Kidzanians master the procedure for drawing blood and perform its microbiological analysis. Colgate Dentistry not only teaches visitors how to care for their mouth, but also teaches them how to treat tooth decay. At the STS studio, children can try themselves as presenters, cameramen, actors, creating news and filming a sitcom. In “Perekrestok” and “Children’s World”, young guests of KidZania make purchases with their earned kidzos, and also try themselves as a cashier and a marketer, respectively. Thanks to MTS, children can appreciate the role of mobile communications and the mobile Internet in modern life and personally participate in the modernization of the telephone exchange. In the editorial office of Bureau24/7, at the Europa Plus radio station and at the Faculty of Journalism at KidZania University, children can learn the profession of a journalist. And by going to work at the local Russian Post office, they will ensure timely delivery of correspondence and parcels throughout KidZania. The Chereshnevy Les Open Arts Festival and Bosco Fresh help develop artistic skills at the acting academy and model school, after visiting which children go to perform on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater of KidZania. Children can study different forms of painting and, using their imagination, create their own paintings at the BIC Kids art school. Rosinter Restaurants has opened several Costa Coffee coffee shops in the park, as well as TGI Fridays and IL Patio, where you can not only have a snack, but also cook burgers and pizza, and children can do this together with adults. Baskin Robbins offers children ice cream, and the Petitfour confectionery will feed guests sweet desserts and teach them how to create profiteroles, tartlets and other pastries. At the Kinder factory, children can make their own real chocolate bar. You can create your own look for all occasions in the beauty salon ILE DE BEAUTE. And in order not to miss anything and to better navigate the city, you can go on an exciting bus tour of KidZania with Gett. Technical partners Samsung and Canon are helping the KidZania government create a high-tech city. Throughout Moscow KidZania, free Wi-Fi AURA from MaximaTelecom is available to residents and guests.

Kidzania also has its own program for the youngest guests. In the cozy kindergarten "Tyoma", children under 4 years old will enjoy educational games and delicious treats from "Tyoma", and the Guardians of Rights - Urbano, Chica, Vita, Bebop and Bachi - will always meet in their Residence. In the meantime, parents can go to the recreation area, where they can either simply take a break from city activities or listen to an interesting lecture.

“Moscow KidZania is opening, but it is very important to note that the park will not stop in its development, it will grow and change. And this once again emphasizes the importance of connection with reality, the relationship between the changing reality and the park,” adds Gevork Sargsyan.

Thus, in 2016, the following areas are planned to open in KidZania: With the support of Roscosmos and ORKK, a unique space center will be created where children will be able to study the legendary space professions from the inside; ALROSA will create a diamond mine; GC "Independence" - a tuning center, as well as a service center together with Castrol; PepsiCo will open the Fruit Garden juice factory, and together with Unilever, the Lipton tea factory, where children will be able to learn how tea is produced, from collecting tea leaves on plantations to the finished product. Danone will launch a mini-production of yoghurts, where children will try themselves as expert producers of dairy products.

Kidzania is a mini-city for children from 5 to 14 years old, a place where they can try themselves in various professions. An important goal of KidZania is to show children the various opportunities that await them in the future, set the right direction for their development and help them choose their favorite specialty. That is why everything in the city is as close as possible to real life: young visitors to KidZania acquire useful professional and social skills, receive the basics of financial literacy, learn to set goals and achieve them independently.

Legend has it that once upon a time, children from all over the world united and, deciding that the adult world was far from perfect, founded their own country - KidZania. In order to consolidate the basic foundations, the Declaration of Independence was drawn up, which defined six rights of every child: the Right to be, the Right to know, the Right to create, the Right to share, the Right to care and the Right to play.

Since then, the geography of KidZania has been rapidly expanding: Russia becomes the 18th country, and Moscow the 21st city of its presence. You can cross the border of Moscow KidZania in the AVIAPARK shopping center on Khodynsky Boulevard, where it occupies an area of ​​10,000 m². Moscow KidZania can already be called the largest and most high-tech in Europe. More than $30 million was spent on the construction of the city. It is expected that about 1 million guests will visit it this year.

The entire territory of KidZania is created as an inclusive educational and gaming space, a safe and accepting environment, where they are ready to meet any child and help him participate in what is happening, using modern and effective strategies for involving and including children with special needs in play and communication. The Naked Heart Foundation is helping the KidZanian government create a fully inclusive environment for children and adults with developmental disabilities. Natalya Vodianova became the goodwill ambassador of Moscow KidZania.

Each thematic area in the city is thought out in detail and recreated together with partners.

  • "Alfa Bank" teaches financial literacy and cash collection skills in the children's bank branch and vault.
  • "Alphastrakhovanie" takes care of guests and residents of the city, insuring the burning building and motorists.
  • LG Electronics provides Moscow KidZania with the latest air conditioning and professional displays, and invites children to plunge into the smart and high-tech world of secret agents in a special school.
  • In the clinic Medsi children can work in an ambulance, conduct an examination of a patient, or become a professional surgical team for an operation to remove appendicitis.
  • In the laboratory INVITRO Kidzanians master the procedure of drawing blood and perform its microbiological analysis.
  • In dentistry Colgate visitors are not only told about how to care for their oral cavity, but also taught how to treat caries.
  • In a studio "STS" children can try themselves as presenters, cameramen, actors, creating news and filming a sitcom.
  • IN "Crossroads" And "Children's World" young guests of KidZania make purchases with their earned kidzos, and also try themselves as a cashier and a marketer, respectively.
  • Thanks to MTS children can appreciate the role of mobile communications and the mobile Internet in modern life and personally participate in the modernization of communication networks and testing the quality of network operation.
  • Editorial Bureau24/7, on the radio station Europa Plus and at the Faculty of Journalism at KidZania University, children can learn the profession of a journalist.
  • And going to work in the local branch "Russian Post", will ensure timely delivery of correspondence and parcels throughout KidZania.
  • Open arts festival "Chereshnevy Les" and Bosco Fresh help develop artistic skills at the acting academy and model school, after visiting which children go to perform on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater of KidZania.
  • Children can study different forms of painting and, using their imagination, paint their own paintings at the art school BIC Kids.
  • "Rosinter Restaurants" opened several Costa Coffee coffee shops in the park, as well as TGI Fridays and IL Patio, where you can not only have a snack, but also cook burgers and pizza, and children can do this together with adults.
  • IN "Baskin-Robbins" ice cream awaits the children, and the confectionery "Ptifour" will feed guests sweet desserts and teach how to create profiteroles, tartlets and other cakes.
  • At the factory Kinder Children can make their own real chocolate bar.
    You can create your own look for all occasions in the beauty salon ILE DE BEAUTE.
  • And in order not to miss anything and to better navigate the city, you can go on an exciting bus tour of KidZania with Gett.
  • Technical partners are helping the KidZania government create a high-tech city Samsung and Canon.

Throughout Moscow KidZania, free Wi-Fi AURA from MaximaTelecom is available to residents and guests. Kidzania also has its own program for the youngest guests. In the cozy kindergarten “Tema”, children under 4 years old will enjoy educational games and delicious treats from “Tema”, and the Guardians of Rights - Urbano, Chica, Vita, Bebop and Bachi - will always meet in their Residence. In the meantime, parents can go to the recreation area, where they can either simply take a break from city activities or listen to an interesting lecture.

Recently, the first KidZania in all of Russia opened in Moscow.

- KidZania?! What is this? – many will ask.

KidZania is a whole city where children solve adult issues on their own.

Here they choose a job they like, earn local currency, visit banks and ATMs, spend money on services and purchases of interest, and back to work! And not just some kind, just to make money as quickly as possible, but self-selected, interesting and almost real.

In a word, if you have not yet found the answer to the question of how to choose a future profession for your child, this is one of the very interesting and bright decisions. Today – our reviews of KidZania. After all, we managed to visit there.

Well, now everything is in order.

Kidzania in Moscow - where to start? Choosing a profession while playing

KidZania is a network of educational parks around the world. Here children are given the opportunity to gain the skills of real professions in a playful way.

It all starts at the entrance. Each child entering KidZania is given a set of documents and, let’s say, accessories to become a full-fledged citizen of this very realistic country.

For each child we were given:

  • Safety bracelets – necessary to identify the child and to help his parents find him, if necessary.
  • Bank cards of local alpha bank
  • Maps of the area and all institutions of the city with the necessary notes about what kind of action can be performed in it.
  • Lunch coupons (huge green apple:), ice cream, juice, candy bar, probably consisting of muesli and chocolate)
  • Coupons for 50 local kids, which could be cashed or deposited on a card at the local alpha bank.
  • Insurance (as I understand it, it is needed to visit another country, apparently this means KidZania of other countries)

I also saw somewhere a mention of the Kidza passport... Citizen of Kidzania))), which is also useful for visiting other Kidza countries. We weren't given this

So. With all this set of amazing things, we finally found ourselves in a city for children!

There we saw streets with somewhat dim lighting, cute street lamps lit for the occasion, and numerous illuminated signs.

“Kidzania Migration Service,” read the nearest one, “Employment center,” said the one opposite.

The Perekrestok store was located nearby.

beauty salon... And there is movement everywhere, everyone is busy with something.

The postmen rolled their cart past with a roar.

An ambulance passed by. And here come the police - they suddenly suspected the innocent ambulance driver of something, and began checking the documents.

Climbers bravely climb the walls

Fearless secret agents jump into an eight-meter shaft,

Nearby, brave firefighters are engaged in firefighting and make it a little difficult for the collection vehicle and the excursion bus to pass.

And what is this roar, stomping, drumming, chants... It was the Beremensky musicians who came out onto the street!

There is a Kidzoil gas station here - here a motorist who has received a license at a driving school can refuel his car.

Here is the STS film studio, and this is the Europe Plus radio station, an animation studio, a large theater,

school of photography and top models,

chocolate Factory,

and, of course, the Aviation Academy.

And so much more!!! You can’t count it or go around it in one session.

And everything is in order. We alone are newbies.

Our eyes widened and we were confused. What to do? We went to look for Alfa Bank, because the only instruction we understood so far was to visit Alfa Bank with our set of checks and cards in order to become owners of the starting Kidzocapital :)

And only after going to Alfa Bank did Marina finally make a decision:

- I need to go to the employment center! I want to work! There they will tell me how to choose a profession!

And it was a very good idea, because in fact, that’s what she came there for.

Why am I telling all this? Our confusion took time. And for a citizen of KidZania it is a very valuable resource.

The length of stay is limited to four hours. It would seem - much more? Yes, I don’t think it’s necessary anymore. But!

If your goal is to get acquainted with the largest number of professions that interest you, these four hours should probably be carefully planned in advance.

In my opinion, there are at least three reasons for this.

  • First, tickets are not cheap. I found out about this only now, when I sat down to write an article. We won tickets in a competition. And only now I realized how lucky we are :)
  • Secondly, if you don’t plan, the child will have very little time.
  • Third, for example, it’s too far for us. We drove through the whole city.

Well, what if you just want to walk there, marvel, take photos, sigh like this:

- Oh, what a pity that this didn’t happen in our childhood...

That planning is of absolutely no use to you.

How to find your calling in life? What a new KidZania visitor needs to know

So. If you, nevertheless, have decided to take seriously the question of how to find your calling in life by visiting KidZania, then let’s get down to business.

First. KidZania is a country where children decide. Let them decide.

What I want to especially note is that children under four years old have nothing to do there. In my opinion, and in the opinion of our youngest Masha, absolutely. Not counting the ice cream, which Masha ate too much out of boredom. There is a certain area for children and parents - Masha and I did not appreciate it.

I honestly don’t understand why such children have to pay admission. The area for children, in my opinion, is not entertaining, but expectantly distracting. Usually they don't charge money for this.

Just like parents, not everyone needs to go there. Only for those who really want to look and take photos.

This is a city where children decide for themselves. Because there is no entry for parents. All activities for children. Parents are observers of what is happening with their children behind glass, behind a counter, or simply on a monitor screen.

They will also not be allowed to provide children with assistance that prevents them from adapting to an independent world.

Taking a turn or giving your child valuable advice while studying or receiving a service will most likely not work. Just take pictures.

Therefore - advice. If you have a child seven years old or older, send him alone. It will be more effective and interesting. I am sure that without you, your child’s answers to the question of how to find his calling in KidZania will be revealed faster.

The child will need a backpack or purse to put all their coupons and documents.

Third. Activities. How to choose a future profession for a child in KidZania

Here's the map Kidzania activities. Those. what a child could do there.

With a brief description, age limit, duration of the session and the amount the child will earn or pay, depending on whether it is a job or a service.

Be sure to let your child study it in advance (on his own, of course - this will be training 🙂).

Yes. At the entrance to each institution there is a sign like this with a similar description of the activity.

Fourth. Learning to plan and prioritize

What was a little annoying was the constant waiting for my turn. In many places there were signs like “Enroll in the ensemble using coupons. Tickets will be issued at 14.00.”

It turns out that a watch wouldn’t hurt either. To those who can use them wisely. This time.

And this is two things - if a child has several preferred professions, it’s worth trying, if you come across a queue in one place, try visiting another for now. There is a high probability that the queue will clear up during this time. I repeat - they are not allowed to queue and go somewhere else.

And - hint - bonus

I would like to note that if your child’s choice falls on a profession, then, again, if I correctly understood the local money circulation system, he does not have to waste time visiting the bank at the beginning.

Yes, that's cool, of course! But if a child is going to work, why does he need money? He will receive them at the first try of a profession that interests him.

By the way, we found it difficult to spend these kidzas there.

We never got to the “crossroads”, but at the local “Children’s World” everything turned out to be very expensive. And there Masha could not spend her 50 kids.

Remembering that we had seen a candy store, Masha suggested making a very profitable investment in sweets,

but even here she was unable to realize her savings - the candies turned out to be for ordinary rubles. Just like the ice cream she found on sale there.

Fifth. About bracelets and finding children

The migration service, located at the entrance, manages issues of entry, exit, and searching for children using bracelets and a speakerphone. The bracelet knows how much time is left until the end of the session. To do this, you need to read information from it. This can be done when receiving a new skill or service (the child’s bracelet is scanned before starting), or at the migration service.

Sixth. Note to the hostess

Yes. And - lunch is served not far from the Naked Heart Foundation :). There are also tables where you can try to gnaw an apple, or just enjoy ice cream.

KidZania in Moscow is a country for children in a big city. Our reviews and conclusions

Much has been written, it’s time to know.

our reviews

  • Marina, seven years old, is delighted. I managed to do a little - four activities. They barely got her out of there. She had almost no interest in food and other attributes of a person’s comfortable existence. Has extensive plans for further visits fully armed.
  • Masha is two and a half years old. Not happy. They only let me be a dentist. After about ten minutes she decided that this was not for her :). Tired.
  • I – it was very interesting to watch! I couldn’t avoid going there at all :) Very quickly I got tired of constantly carrying Masha in my arms, explaining why they wouldn’t take her anywhere, and trying to photograph, see and hear something. By the way, be careful! Very efficient staff! As soon as I put my Cappuccino on the sidewalk next to me in order to open the door of the dentistry and rescue Masha, my fresh and aromatic coffee was immediately swept away into a very friendly scoop :)


Kidzania is good for children who are more or less independent. These children are quite quickly transformed through KidZania into children who are simply independent, efficient and able to separate their own choices from the choices of their parents.


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