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We continue to answer important questions. First materials and .

What inspection bodies can come? Which of them can show what? How can we repel them, what laws can we present to them?

A representative of any supervisory authority can come to you. Statistically, the district police officer, representatives of the Federal Migration Service, the fire inspectorate, and the tax inspectorate come most often. If Rospotrebnadzor has received a complaint against you, anyone can come, including the prosecutor. If representatives of inspection authorities appear on your doorstep, you need to call the authority and clarify whether these are really their representatives and what the purpose of the inspection is. Employees are required to provide you with a telephone number and contact information.

All except the Federal Migration Service give from one to three days for collection necessary documents(so let's say if your entity registered at a different address, it is assumed that not all constituent documents are stored in the hostel). The Federal Migration Service checks the direct maintenance of migration reporting.

The question of how to “fight back” is difficult to answer. In our practice and the practice of our colleagues, we observed a fairly loyal and serious attitude of the authorities. If they come to you with a scheduled inspection, you will receive a deadline for elimination and, most likely, there will be no fines. If you came in response to a complaint, it’s a good idea that the reasons for the complaint have already been eliminated in the bud, and you have a response story of how everything really happened.

If your business is serious and will last for a long time, get acquainted with the local police officer, he will know who he is dealing with, that you have a serious place and you are a non-conflict person, and there will be no problems with you. Usually, local police officers are aware of all scheduled inspections. You can also watch our video " Checks at the hostel“, it will answer some questions.

We don’t need to present any laws to protect ourselves. You are not on defense, but on equal dialogue. You need to present your established document flow:

a) accounting and tax reporting,

b) migration reporting,

c) documents legalizing your activities, including as many documents as possible: agreed plans and redevelopment, and compliance with fire, sanitary and other requirements for premises. This list is limited to the requirements for hotels. Basically, you have to match the hotel.

Until now, we have not encountered lawlessness or pressure from supervisory authorities. No authorities have yet decided to close the hostel.

Another question is if your neighbors are systematically trying to survive you, or you have quarreled with the local police officer. We can honestly say that only compliance with hotel requirements and non-residential premises.

According to the President's open speech, small businesses can operate without tax audits for 3 years. So if you opened a business for a year or two, and work quietly and without complaints, then during this time you will not meet a single authorized representative.

The hotel business is quite a profitable area, but you need to take into account that all SES standards for a hotel must be met, otherwise the establishment risks losing its reputation or star rating.
The hotel may include a spa, swimming pool, gym and other services. This makes it somewhat more difficult to obtain all the necessary permits, because you will have to obtain papers for each type of activity carried out in the building.

So, what is important for a hotel:

  • When entering the building itself, namely the reception, the guest, in addition to the interior, can evaluate first of all the service;
  • Nutrition is also important for people traveling with children. How it is organized and what exactly is served;
  • For connoisseurs of comfort, the stylistic basis and interior are important;
  • And lastly, or while staying in a hotel, a person has a chance to assess the sanitary and hygienic condition. How does it comply with the standards?
Knowledge of the standards will be useful not only for a businessman planning to open his own hotel, but also for guests in order to fully appreciate the level of the hotel complex.

SES requirements for a hotel

To open your own hotel, as a rule, a new building is built. For this you need to purchase land plot, and during construction, comply with the sanitary requirements of the layout. In addition to residential premises, it is necessary to pay attention to the reception, catering, leisure, health and sports areas, medical, administrative and household areas. Depending on the size of the hotel, the number of rooms and the volume of zones are calculated.
When it happens that finished buildings are purchased, it is very important that they do not belong to the housing stock. This is a strict violation of the requirements for hotels.
The SES requirements for a hotel are not limited to accommodation and food conditions. In many hotel complexes their salons, spa centers and various recreation areas are opening. They require compliance with separate requirements.

Hotel SES check

What points do inspectors (or the guests themselves) pay attention to first of all during an inspection:
  • The presence of appropriate equipment is specified in the sanitary rules, and it must comply with GOST;
  • This is followed by a clause stating that cleaning must be carried out by hotel staff, the emphasis is on appearance. Neatly ironed and clean uniform;
  • Each maid has her own cart for transporting linen (both clean and dirty);
  • Cleaning must be carried out in the current mode, and when changing guests, general cleaning is carried out using disinfectants;
  • During the cleaning itself, staff do not have the right to stand on surfaces such as tables, chairs, sofas, armchairs, beds and bedside tables;
  • Bathrooms in the rooms are subject to daily disinfection;
  • It is not allowed that the volume of hotel residential premises be less than 15 cubic meters (per person);
  • The hotel must be equipped with hot and cold water supply;
  • Each room has a ventilation system;
  • Garbage chutes are organized either on the floor or in a separate room.
Any hotel guest can check the above points and, based on them, draw conclusions or note violations.
If guests notice a discrepancy and contact Rospotrebnadzor, then an inspection of the hotel’s SES is inevitable.

A very important point is the safety of guests, so the presence of a working fire alarm is one of the first things checked by the inspector.
An important factor for a comfortable stay is the absence of pests, insects, unpleasant odors and mold in the hotel premises. Therefore, the SES contract with the hotel includes a requirement for the existence of contracts with sanitary services.

The Dez Group company provides services for disinfection, deratization, disinfestation, and the destruction of moldy fungi and odors. Individual approach and high level the quality of the services provided will help carry out preventive maintenance and eliminate pests in a timely manner without compromising the operation of the hotel. The competence of Dez Group specialists is constantly improving, and in their work they use drugs that have passed laboratory tests and have appropriate quality certificates.

SES documents for a hotel

Companies that specialize in helping small and medium-sized businesses can prepare SES documents for a hotel. Firms of lawyers provide legal support and help in collecting permits and other papers.

For the hotel business, a production control program is provided; compliance with its regulations is monitored by the relevant authorities.
In accordance with the regulations and rules prescribed in SanPiN, inspections are carried out by Rospotrebnadzor.
So, what papers must be prepared to open a hotel:

  • Agreements with laboratories to test the quality of water, air, etc.;
  • Conclusions on the ergonomics of the space of rooms and workplaces;
  • Removal and disposal of waste according to the contract (MSW);
  • Agreements for the disposal of mercury-containing waste (fluorescent lamps);
  • Agreement for carrying out sanitary treatments according to the schedule;
  • Logbook for cleaning ventilation ducts and servicing air conditioners;
  • Availability of an agreement with a medical organization and medical books for all employees;
  • In the absence of your own laundry, an agreement for washing clothes and uniforms of employees;
  • Funds accounting journals.
The SES conclusion for a hotel is issued on the basis of documents from fire and sanitary services.

SES permit for a hotel

How to obtain SES permission for a hotel?

To obtain SES permission for a hotel, mandatory papers are required. They will be provided only after the relevant documents on compliance with fire safety and installation of fire sensors are ready. It is also important to have documents from sanitary services on the implementation of all preventive measures.

Obtaining a SES permit for a hotel involves many nuances, so it would be a good idea to have a legally savvy person at the headquarters to avoid misunderstandings and fines in the future.

Blogger Elena Shchipkova writes:

Tell me, do you really change your bed linen every day? What about bath towels? No? Hm strange...

Do you go up to the second floor exclusively by elevator? Do you require borscht and cutlets for breakfast?

Do you think I have a spring exacerbation of silent schizophrenia? No... you didn't guess...

I’m just reading reviews about hotels because I’m preparing my trip and I’m slowly freaking out. Let me make a reservation right away: I’m not looking for 5* hotels, I’m not looking at super-duper luxury rooms. No, I’m looking at the usual 2-3-4* tourist options without any pretense of luxury. And every time, choosing hotels and reading reviews, I understand that, having paid for 2*, the tourist wants the service to be the same as in 5* and preferably as in the presidential suite.

So, what are tourists most often dissatisfied with in hotels? I should immediately note that I only take Russian-language reviews, so as not to talk about the difference in mentality or the curvature of the translation.

Bed linen and bath towels are not changed daily

When I see this, I just try to understand what people do with their linen and towels that require replacement after every night? And it's not beach hotels, where you can drag a towel to the beach and get dirty there, these are ordinary hotels in cities. The only thought left is that every night someone is deflowered on those sheets, and the floors are washed with towels.

The furniture is not particularly new

Well, here I partially agree, if the bed creaks like a wounded elephant with any movement, and the closet doors fall off, then a lot of unkind words fly towards the hotel owner. And if the furniture is not particularly new, but normal, then I don’t see any reason for complaints.

The number in reality does not correspond to what is in the photographs and in the description

We also fell for this a couple of times. I don’t know what to do in such cases. Of course, if you come to the hotel for a long time, you can probably get into trouble, but what if it’s for 1-2 nights? What do you do in such cases?

No kettle or refrigerator

If I don’t consider a refrigerator to be an essential item in a hotel, then the absence of a kettle in the room description in 90% of cases is a reason not to choose this hotel.

Do not renew used shampoos, shower gels, soaps

I haven’t encountered this myself, but in general, I’m really interested in whether it’s the hotel’s savings or the maids’ problem?

Poor sound insulation

The most common complaint. Unfortunately, almost everywhere in economy and middle-class hotels you can perfectly hear what the neighbors above and to the side are doing, who has walked along the corridor, and who is taking a shower. I don’t know how it is in luxury hotels, but the rest of you just need to have earplugs with you if you’re a light sleeper.

Problems with paying for accommodation

More than once I have read complaints in reviews that the hotel manages to withdraw money for the hotel twice, or even three times, and has to seek a refund through the support of Booking or other booking sites. I haven’t encountered anything like this, but I did encounter the fact that more money was written off than necessary in Athens. An attempt to solve everything on the spot was unsuccessful, because... The hotel manager didn't even listen to us. Moreover, the mistake was only 12 euros, and if the manager had admitted it, I wouldn’t even have asked for a refund. And so I had to connect Booking and the money was returned.

Inattentive, rude staff

For me, given today’s realities, when it is not the tourist who fights for the hotel, but the hotel for the tourist, this is generally nonsense, but for the first time we collided again in the same Athens.

We arrive in the morning for breakfast (it was included in the price of the room), we’ve just covered the clearing, the manager comes (yes, the hotel is very “lucky” with him), asks for our room and begins to tell us loudly (so that everyone can hear) that we are not had the right to have breakfast, because breakfast is not included with us and we have to pay. I took out the reservation and showed it. The uncle said: “I’ll find out now,” and went home. For about 10 minutes we stood stupidly and waited. Then they couldn’t stand it and went to him themselves. As a result, the manager saw us, muttered: “Eat, I made a mistake,” and that’s it... No apologies, nothing... It’s clear that I will never recommend this hotel to anyone and described everything in my review.


You arrived at the hotel and no one was waiting for you. The reasons may be different - from a technical failure to the asshole-handedness of the staff, but doesn’t that make it any easier for you? We found ourselves in this situation twice. In Spain, out of two rooms, one turned out to be occupied; the administrator could not explain how this happened, because both reservations were clearly visible on his monitor screen. As a result, we were given the number of the next tourists, and I don’t know where they were accommodated. The second time in Lisbon, the owner of the mini-hotel simply said that he forgot about us and in general he had a lot of things to do. We arrived in the evening to look for unfamiliar city We no longer had the strength to stay at the hotel; as a result, we slept in a half-livable attic, and our friends slept on some mattresses in a semi-closet.

Inaccurate topographical reference of the hotel

You were promised that from the hotel to the city center it would be a 5-minute walk, but, apparently, they got too excited, because in 5 minutes you only get to the metro, on which in another 10 you will finally get to the desired point. You bought a hotel on the second line from the sea, but forgot to write in the description that this second line is located one and a half kilometers from the beach.

This is the only moment that can be avoided even before booking - you just have to find the hotel on the map and see how conveniently it really is located.

Well, the funniest and strangest complaints from reviews on Booking:

Instead of the promised air conditioner they offered a hairdryer

Found funny insects in the room

I left my dog ​​in the room and for some reason the maid did not clean up

Blogger Elena Shchipkova writes:

Tell me, do you really change your bed linen every day? What about bath towels? No? Hm strange.

Do you go up to the second floor exclusively by elevator? Do you require borscht and cutlets for breakfast?

Do you think I have a spring exacerbation of silent schizophrenia? Not. didn't guess.

I’m just reading reviews about hotels because I’m preparing my trip and I’m slowly freaking out. Let me make a reservation right away: I’m not looking for 5* hotels, I’m not looking at super-duper luxury rooms. No, I’m looking at the usual 2-3-4* tourist options without any pretense of luxury. And every time, choosing hotels and reading reviews, I understand that, having paid for 2*, the tourist wants the service to be the same as in 5* and preferably as in the presidential suite.

So, what are tourists most often dissatisfied with in hotels? I should immediately note that I only take Russian-language reviews, so as not to talk about the difference in mentality or the curvature of the translation.

Bed linen and bath towels are not changed daily

When I see this, I just try to understand what people do with their linen and towels that require replacement after every night? And these are not beach hotels, where you can drag a towel to the beach and get dirty there, these are ordinary hotels in cities. The only thought left is that every night someone is deflowered on those sheets, and the floors are washed with towels.

The furniture is not particularly new

Well, here I partially agree, if the bed creaks like a wounded elephant with any movement, and the closet doors fall off, then a lot of unkind words fly towards the hotel owner. And if the furniture is not particularly new, but normal, then I don’t see any reason for complaints.

The number in reality does not correspond to what is in the photographs and in the description

We also fell for this a couple of times. I don’t know what to do in such cases. Of course, if you come to the hotel for a long time, you can probably get into trouble, but what if it’s for 1-2 nights? What do you do in such cases?

No kettle or refrigerator

If I don’t consider a refrigerator to be an essential item in a hotel, then the absence of a kettle in the room description in 90% of cases is a reason not to choose this hotel.

Do not renew used shampoos, shower gels, soaps

I haven’t encountered this myself, but in general, I’m really interested in whether it’s the hotel’s savings or the maids’ problem?

Poor sound insulation

The most common complaint. Unfortunately, almost everywhere in economy and middle-class hotels you can perfectly hear what the neighbors above and to the side are doing, who has walked along the corridor, and who is taking a shower. I don’t know how it is in luxury hotels, but the rest of you just need to have earplugs with you if you’re a light sleeper.

Problems with paying for accommodation

More than once I have read complaints in reviews that the hotel manages to withdraw money for the hotel twice, or even three times, and has to seek a refund through the support of Booking or other booking sites. I haven’t encountered anything like this, but I did encounter the fact that more money was written off than necessary in Athens. An attempt to solve everything on the spot was unsuccessful, because... The hotel manager didn't even listen to us. Moreover, the mistake was only 12 euros, and if the manager had admitted it, I wouldn’t even have asked for a refund. And so I had to connect Booking and the money was returned.

Inattentive, rude staff

For me, given today’s realities, when it is not the tourist who fights for the hotel, but the hotel for the tourist, this is generally nonsense, but for the first time we collided again in the same Athens.

We arrive in the morning for breakfast (it was included in the price of the room), we’ve just covered the clearing, the manager comes (yes, the hotel is very “lucky” with him), asks for our room and begins to tell us loudly (so that everyone can hear) that we are not had the right to have breakfast, because breakfast is not included with us and we have to pay. I took out the reservation and showed it. The uncle said: “I’ll find out now,” and went home. For about 10 minutes we stood stupidly and waited. Then they couldn’t stand it and went to him themselves. As a result, the manager saw us, muttered: “Eat, I made a mistake,” and that’s it... No apologies, nothing. It is clear that I will never recommend this hotel to anyone and I described everything in the review.


You arrived at the hotel and no one was waiting for you. The reasons may be different - from a technical failure to the asshole-handedness of the staff, but doesn’t that make it any easier for you? We found ourselves in this situation twice. In Spain, out of two rooms, one turned out to be occupied; the administrator could not explain how this happened, because both reservations were clearly visible on his monitor screen. As a result, we were given the number of the next tourists, and I don’t know where they were accommodated. The second time in Lisbon, the owner of the mini-hotel simply said that he forgot about us and in general he had a lot of things to do. We arrived in the evening; we no longer had the strength to look for a hotel in an unfamiliar city; as a result, we slept in a semi-livable attic, and our friends slept on some mattresses in a semi-closet.

Inaccurate topographical reference of the hotel

You were promised that from the hotel to the city center it would be a 5-minute walk, but, apparently, they got too excited, because in 5 minutes you only get to the metro, on which in another 10 you will finally get to the desired point. You bought a hotel on the second line from the sea, but forgot to write in the description that this second line is located one and a half kilometers from the beach.

This is the only moment that can be avoided even before booking - you just have to find the hotel on the map and see how conveniently it really is located.

Well, the funniest and strangest complaints from reviews on Booking:

— Instead of the promised air conditioner they offered a hairdryer

— Found funny insects in the room

— I left my dog ​​in the room, for some reason the maid did not clean up

Expert answer

These legal relations are regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 25, 1997 N 490 (as amended on March 13, 2013) “On approval of the Rules for the provision of hotel services in Russian Federation" and the Federal Law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights".

A) As for funds, clause 20 of the Rules states that the consumer has the right to terminate the contract for the provision of services at any time by paying the contractor part of the price in proportion to the part of the service provided before receiving notice of termination of the contract and reimbursing the contractor for expenses incurred up to this point for the purpose of fulfilling the contract, if they are not included in the specified part of the price of the service.

Thus, if the guest leaves earlier than the specified period, the amount he has paid in excess must be returned to him.

Moreover, the Rules establish that these legal relations are regulated by the Federal Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” - so, according to Art. 32 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights - The consumer has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract for the performance of work (rendering services) at any time, subject to payment to the contractor for the expenses actually incurred by him related to the fulfillment of obligations under this contract. That is, the contractor is obliged to return the advance payment minus the actual expenses incurred. Such expenses must be documented.

B) Regarding the methods and execution of assessment of damage caused - If the guest caused damage, an Act on damage to hotel property is drawn up (Form No. 9-g). The assessment is carried out by the hotel itself, but it can be disputed. Moreover, in your case, not everything is so simple - perhaps it was not your fault, then Art. 211 Civil Code.

C) It is obvious that the behavior of the hotel administration caused you inconvenience. In this connection, it is appropriate to demand compensation for moral damage - clause 24 of the Rules “The Contractor, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, is responsible for damage caused to the life, health or property of the consumer due to deficiencies in the provision of services, and also compensates for moral damage caused to the consumer violation of consumer rights."

You need to submit a written claim to the contractor (hotel), which will set out all the circumstances. If cash they don’t return it, they don’t compensate for moral damages, after time has passed, you can file a complaint with Rospotrebnadzor, or file a claim for the protection of consumer rights in court.

#Instagram - the key to hotel success?

Almost all hotels, both Russian and foreign, share their successes, news, and promotions on social networks. Social media– a place where the organization can maintain direct contact with clients (potential or current). Modern marketers are betting on Instagram. A new term has even emerged among experts – “Instagrammability”. That is, on

New items in the store

How to deal with guest complaints at a hotel?

Unforeseen situations often arise in life, which can subsequently develop into conflict. Working in the hotel business requires the ability to resolve any situation without leading to conflict. Despite the fact that it is not always possible to prepare a hotel employee for emergency situations, he must clearly understand how to behave in order to satisfy the client’s complaint and not spoil the image of the hotel or the guest’s impression of the city. Whether it is a large hotel or a mini-hotel, complaints should be handled in the same way.

Guest complaints can be divided into 4 types: complaints about equipment or furniture (air conditioning, lighting, water supply, elevator, etc.), about the attitude of hotel staff, about service, about unforeseen circumstances. Any of them can be solved in 4 steps.

Step 1

First of all, you need to listen carefully to the guest, find out about all his complaints and the reason for his dissatisfaction. Each problem must be approached with all seriousness and in no case should it be said that the problem is insignificant (even if it is such). In no case do not take complaints personally, because the guest is not reproaching you, but informing him that something does not suit him at the hotel. Never argue with a guest and try to keep your face as friendly as possible. It happens that guests who have complaints speak too emotionally. As a hotel employee, you need to remain calm and clearly identify the problem. If you are unable to solve the problem yourself, you must inform the manager about the incident, and then report to the guest about the progress of the solution. Remember, in this case you are personally responsible, and the outcome of the event depends on your behavior.

Step 2

The guest must be informed of the actions being taken at every step of the way. If you cannot contact your manager, you must also report this: “Dear ***, I will report the current situation to the manager/supervisor and we will solve the problem within 10 minutes.” It is advisable to inform the manager in the presence of the guest.

Step 3

The supervisor or manager should contact the guest and let them know that they have been informed of the situation. The supervisor/manager should apologize and offer an alternative solution or bonus from the hotel. Typically, as a bonus, guests are provided with relocation to a superior room with the same cost, a discount on accommodation, a free transfer, and free accommodation (if the problem is truly global). If the problem has not been resolved, it is necessary to report this to the General Director.

After reporting to the General Director, the hotel administrator should ask the guest whether the problem has been resolved, and then make a journal entry. Any situation should be resolved within 24 hours.

Unfortunately, these seemingly simple rules are not always followed. But it is they who would significantly improve the rating of hotels and the hotel business in Russia as a whole.

Dealing with Guest complaints at the hotel

All hotels of any level and quality of service face complaints from Guests. This could be just a negative review with good-natured remarks from the Guest in a complaint book, or there could be loud complaints from an angry client and a scream at the reception that smoothly turns into a fight. To avoid such negative moments in the smooth operation of the hotel, both management and hotel administrators must be able to cope with such situations and get the most out of communication with a conflicting Guest.

In such a situation, we advise you to respond to the Guest’s complaint or claim at the hotel strictly according to the algorithm we have proposed. Then you will save both the time and nerves of your employees, as well as the reputation of your hotel, which is directly related to your profit.

Algorithm for handling complaints from Guests at the hotel

It is necessary to anticipate all the client's objections in advance. It is necessary to collect all the objections of your Guests in order to prepare a successful response to them in advance, and it is best to eliminate all possible negative aspects in your hotel.

  1. Do not change your face or show loss of interest in the client. If the Guest objects, it means he is interested in your services. He is ready to spend his time and nerves to make your service better and your business more successful. Use his feedback as a lesson. Nowadays, constructive criticism is the most expensive material and few guests will allow you to spend their time to make your business better.
  2. Do not take the Guest's objections as a personal insult. All the Client’s offensive statements do not relate to you personally, but to the hotel service, to the services of the company you represent.
  3. It is necessary to listen to the client completely. Let him fully express himself and let off steam. For a long time, more than half an hour, none of the clients will swear. No normal person simply has the strength to do this. Use the “active listening” technique: do not argue, nod at the right moment, ask clarifying questions. Be calm and calm.
  4. Don't try to gain the upper hand over your opponent in an argument. In any case, agree with the Guest and say that you understand his indignation very well.
  5. Determine the type of client objection and how to deal with it. Highlight the points with which you agree and disagree.
  6. People are very worried about complaints. But if you solve the problem according to the scheme, it will be easier. Save both time and nerves.
  7. Treat the complaint not as a complaint, but as a question. “Did you have a question? Well, we've cleared everything up." If it turns out that the client exposed you and revealed a mistake, be grateful to him.
  8. If you are at fault, apologize, compensate the Guest for the experience: relocation to best number etc. The main thing is not to get stressed and not to become like someone who swears.
  9. Listen to the dissatisfied Guest completely and make sure that there are no more negative aspects with which he is dissatisfied. These could be the following questions: Is there anything else that does not suit you or has caused dissatisfaction? Can we assume that everything else suits you?

A rating of tourist complaints about hotels and sanatoriums in Russia has been compiled

The Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR) analyzed complaints from Russians about domestic hotels, sanatoriums and other accommodation facilities. ATOR notes that approximately 75% of hotel reviews are positive, but about a third of them were ordered by hoteliers themselves. 25% of reviews are negative, and a rating of guest complaints was compiled based on them.

Russians vacationing in hotels and sanatoriums across the country complained about unsanitary conditions, poor infrastructure, incompetent and impolite staff, poor food, noise, lack of Internet access, and so on.

Thus, 17% of complaints concerned dirty rooms - with cockroaches, bedbugs, stained mattresses and torn bed linen. An additional 8% of reviews contain complaints about poor room cleaning.

15% of users who left reviews complained about rudeness and rudeness on the part of hotel employees. 9% of complaints concerned the organization of food: tourists were fed tastelessly, monotonously, there were cases of poisoning, cockroaches were found in the food. 8% of guests complained about non-working equipment (air conditioners, telephones, taps, etc.).

6% of guests noted the discrepancy between the photographs and descriptions of the hotel and the reality, and the same number noted the discrepancy between the price and quality of the accommodation. 4% of guests complained about extortions from the hotel administration, another 4% waited in vain for the promised transfer and the same number noted poor sound insulation in the rooms.

3% of users did not like the quality of the Internet connection (or lack thereof). In addition, Russians complained that the hotels did not live up to the stated “stars,” about poor animation and about theft.

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