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Love learning all the little things about air travel? Then you will wonder what the plane's altitude is. The average figure is 10,000 m, but in practice it varies due to various factors. What defines it?

Main factors influencing flight altitude

There are different types of flight altitude indicator:

  • true is the value that actually separates the aircraft from the surface of the earth or water;
  • the relative indicator determines how much the plane has risen above the point adopted for the reference (the runway);
  • absolute altitude means the distance from the liner to sea level.

The height to which air transport rises is determined by the laws of physics: the further from the Earth’s surface, the thinner the air becomes. As a result, an aircraft that rises to 10,000 m moves quickly and consumes little fuel. The term “ideal altitude” is associated with this feature - it means that the airliner is at a level that provides the best ratio of speed and fuel consumption.

But why don't planes fly higher? Technical issues play a role. After all, excessive rarefaction of the atmosphere is not useful: air currents support an airplane, like water in the ocean supports a ship. If you rise above 12,000 m, the liner will lose stability because its wings will be useless.

True, the rule applies only to passenger air transport. Military aircraft are capable of flying higher, but all records are broken by models built using NASA designs. The drone vessel, named Helios, flies at an altitude of 30 km.

Doug Morris, a pilot for Air Canada, explains, "The higher the better, because thin air means less friction."

What else affects flight altitude?

The altitude at which the plane flies is determined by the following nuances:

  • aircraft model;
  • load capacity;
  • speed;
  • congestion of air corridors;
  • acceptable fuel consumption;
  • amount of oxygen and rarefaction of the atmosphere.

Why is the standard option for civil aviation- 10,000 m? This is influenced by a number of factors:

  • Jet engines require cooling. If you rise to 10,000 m, the temperature outside will be – 50 ˚C.
  • For current aircraft, the failure of one engine would not be a tragedy, but birds getting into the turbines is undesirable. For this reason, the ship rises to a level where birds cannot reach.
  • If an unexpected situation arises, the crew and dispatchers will have more time to make decisions.
  • At this level the liner is above the clouds. Bad weather will affect it less.


The distance from a high-speed aircraft to the surface is shown by a special device - an altimeter. Usually it reaches 10,000 m, but models from well-known airlines rise to 12-13,000 m. The altitude is determined when drawing up air routes, so the pilot can change it only within the flight level.

1. MiG-25 3.2M

Soviet single-seat supersonic high-altitude interceptor, designed by the Mikoyan-Gurevich design bureau.
A legendary aircraft on which several world records were set, including a speed record, but as usual in the USSR, they kept silent about many things. According to General Designer R.A. Belyakov, exceeding M=3 speed by the MiG reduced the airframe's service life, but did not lead to damage to the aircraft or engine. According to familiar pilots, the plane repeatedly surpassed the 3.5M threshold, but such a record was not officially recorded.
On September 6, 1976, the Mig-25 aircraft was hijacked by USSR Air Force pilot Viktor Belenko to Japan. The plane was returned, but before that it was dismantled down to the screw. The new aircraft were modified and received the MiG-25PD index; all those in service were modernized and awarded the MiG-25PDS index.
Belenko at the Hakodate airport fired a pistol, preventing the “Japs” from approaching the MiG, and demanded that the plane be covered, but the commission that investigated the incident came to the conclusion that the flight was deliberate, although without obvious treasonous purposes.

2. Lockheed SR-71 3.2M

US Air Force strategic supersonic reconnaissance aircraft. Unofficially named "Blackbird". The plane became famous for its unreliability; in 34 years, 12 of the 32 existing aircraft were lost.
The main maneuver of the aircraft when avoiding missiles was climb and acceleration. In 1976, the SR-71 “Blackbird” set an absolute speed record among manned aircraft with ramjet engines - 3529.56 km/h

3. MiG-31 2.82M

two-seat supersonic all-weather long-range fighter-interceptor. The first Soviet fourth generation combat aircraft. The MiG-31 is designed to intercept and destroy air targets at low, extremely low, medium and high altitudes, day and night, in simple and adverse weather conditions, when the enemy uses active and passive radar jamming, as well as heat traps. A group of four MiG-31 aircraft is capable of controlling airspace with a front length of 800-900 km.
Maximum permissible speed at altitude: 3000 km/h (2.82 M)

4. McDonnell-Douglas F-15 Eagle 2.5M

American all-weather tactical fighter of the fourth generation. Designed to gain air superiority. Adopted into service in 1976.
Maximum speed at high altitude: 2650 km/h (2.5+ Mach)

5. General Dynamics F-111 2.5M

two-seat long-range tactical bomber, tactical support aircraft with variable wing geometry.
Maximum speed: at altitude: 2655 km/h (Mach 2.5)

6. Su-24 2.4M

Soviet front-line bomber with a variable sweep wing, designed to carry out missile and bomb strikes in simple and adverse weather conditions, day and night, including at low altitudes with targeted destruction of ground and surface targets. According to familiar pilots, the plane is equipped with an autopilot system capable of controlling the plane at ultra-low altitudes, holding, for example, 120 meters above the ground, but not many pilots could mentally withstand the work of the autopilot; the plane was approaching the rise of the earth's surface, rocks, etc. at high speed. d. and exactly at a distance of 120 meters made a climb maneuver.

7. Grumman F-14 Tomcat 2.37M

Jet interceptor, fourth generation fighter-bomber, with variable wing geometry. Developed in the 1970s to replace Phantoms.

8. Su-27 2.35M

Soviet multi-role, highly maneuverable, all-weather fighter, developed by the Sukhoi Design Bureau and designed to gain air superiority.
Thanks to thrust vector control, the aircraft is capable of performing miracles, “Cobra” and “Frolov’s Chakra”. Such aerobatics demonstrate the ability to keep the aircraft from stalling at angles of attack exceeding the critical one.

9. MiG-23 2.35M

Soviet multi-role fighter with variable sweep wing. MiG-23 fighters took part in many armed conflicts in the 1980s
Maximum permissible speed, km/h 2.35M

10. Grumman F-14D “Tomcat” 2.34M

The F-14D modification differed from the previous ones with a more powerful Hughes AN/APG-71 radar; the system allows you to track 24 targets and capture and launch missiles at 6 of them simultaneously, at various altitudes and ranges, with improved avionics and a refurbished cockpit. A total of 37 aircraft of this type were built, another 104 were converted from previously produced F-14As and were designated F-14D.

Over time, aviation has advanced by leaps and bounds. More and more new aircraft models are being designed with such high speeds that they can exceed the speed of sound at unimaginable heights by several times. Today we will share with you our Top 10 ranking the most fast planes in the world. We will tell you about some of the features of these aircraft, who worked on their creation, when the first flights took place, and much more. This will be interesting, so let's get started. Let's fly!


  • A country: USSR/Russia
  • Developer: Sukhoi Design Bureau
  • Type: Multi-role fighter
  • Production start year: 1981
  • Maximum speed: 2876.4 km/h

Opening the top ten fastest planes in the world is the Su-27, a twin-engine fighter built in the former USSR in an attempt to outperform similarly advanced American aircraft. The aircraft made its first flight in May 1977 and officially entered service with the USSR Air Force in 1985. Can reach a maximum supersonic speed of Mach 2.35 (1,550 mph or 2,876.4 km/h).

The Su-27 gained a reputation as one of the most capable fighters of its time. These aircraft are still in service with Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

  • A country: USA
  • Developer: General Dynamics
  • Type: Fighter-bomber, strategic bomber
  • Production start year: 1967
  • Maximum speed: 3060 km/h

The large aerospace company General Dynamics completed the development of the F-111 Aardvark tactical strike aircraft about half a century ago. According to calculations, the F-111 Aardvark should accommodate two crew members. 1967 and the aircraft was the first to enter service with the US Air Force. It was used in strategic bombing campaigns, in reconnaissance operations, and also with its help in electronic warfare. This aircraft can reach speeds of Mach 2.5 with extreme ease. And this exceeds the speed of sound by about 2.5 times.

  • A country: USA
  • Developer: McDonnell Douglas, Boeing Defense, Space & Security
  • Type: Interceptor fighter
  • Production start year: 1976
  • Maximum speed: 3065 km/h

In the late 60s, McDonnell Douglas completed its work on the development of a tactical twin-engine fighter. Its immediate purpose is to seize and maintain its superiority during periods of air battles. July 1972 The first flight was successful. A few years later, in 1976, the US Air Force accepted the F-15 Eagle into service.

This plane is one of those that cannot be successful. Its speed is impressive, exceeding Mach 2.5. The US Air Force plans to keep this aircraft in its service for a long time, at least until 2025. It has been exported abroad, namely Israel, Japan and Saudi Arabia, Turkey.

  • A country: USSR/Russia
  • Developer: OKB MiG
  • Type: Interceptor fighter
  • Production start year: 1975-1994
  • Maximum speed: 3463.92 km/h

Mikoyan's design bureau has completed production of a large, twin-engine supersonic aircraft, and already in 1975, in September, the first flight of the aircraft took place. In 1982, it was adopted by the USSR Air Force.

The speed of the MiG-31 can reach Mach 2.83. His unique ability is that he is able to develop supersonic speed and fly at it even low above the ground. Years go by, and the MiG-31 continues to faithfully serve the Russian Aerospace Forces. This aircraft is one of the best representatives of its class and is rightfully ranked with the best and fastest aircraft in the world.

  • A country: USA
  • Developer: North American Aviation
  • Type: Strategic bomber, exploration aircraft
  • Production start year: 1964-1969
  • Maximum speed: 3794.4 km/h

In the late 50s, North American Aviation developed the XB-70, which has six engines. The goal of the creators was to design an aircraft that would serve as a prototype for a strategic bomber with a supply of nuclear bombs.

In 1965, the XB-70 reached its peak speed while flying over Edwards Air Force Base in California. The height above the ground reached 21,300 meters, and the speed was Mach 3.1.

Between 1964 and 1969, two XB-70 models were built and used for test flights. In 1966, one of the models crashed during a mid-air collision. And the second model is in Dayton, it's on display National Museum US Air Force on display.

  • A country: USA
  • Developer: Bell Aircraft
  • Type: Experimental aircraft
  • Production start year: 1955-1956
  • Maximum speed: 3911.904 km/h

A whole group worked on the creation of this aircraft. This group included the United States Air Force, the National Advisory Committee, and the Bell Aircraft Corporation. In 1945, work on developing an aircraft with a rocket engine was completed. The purpose of creating the aircraft was to study the properties of aerodynamics when flying at supersonic speeds, with a range of Mach 2 and 3.

1955, November, X-2 made its first flight. A year later, Captain Milburn managed to reach a speed of Mach 3,196, while the altitude was 19,800 meters. Unfortunately, after reaching peak speed, the plane went out of control and crashed to the ground. Of course, this tragedy did not go unnoticed, and the X-2 program stopped its work.

  • A country: USSR/Russia
  • Developer: OKB MiG
  • Type: Interceptor, reconnaissance aircraft, breakthrough aircraft
  • Production start year: 1969-1985
  • Maximum speed: 3916.8 km/h

Legendary designers - Seletsky, Gurevich and Matyuk worked on the production of this technical miracle. Its main purpose is to collect intelligence data and intercept enemy aircraft at speeds exceeding supersonic. 1964, the first flight took place, and in the 70s the Soviet Air Force actively used it.

The speed of the MiG-25 is incredible - Mach 3.2. Therefore, it is one of the fastest aircraft in the world and is still used for service in the Russian Aerospace Forces and beyond. Other countries such as Syria and Algeria use the MiG-25 in their air forces.

  • A country: USA
  • Developer: Lockheed Corporation, Scunk Works
  • Type: Strategic intelligence officer
  • Production start year: 1966-1999
  • Maximum speed: 4039.2 km/h

Intelligence missions, or rather their implementation, are the main task of this aircraft. In addition, he easily repels enemy threats. The maximum speed is Mach 3.3, and the altitude is 29 thousand meters. It is worth noting that according to some sources, the speed of the Blackbird is indicated at Mach 3.5, but this is not confirmed data. Nevertheless, third place in the ranking of the fastest aircraft in the world is an honor.

  • A country: USA
  • Developer: Lockheed Corporation
  • Type: Interceptor
  • Production start year: 1963-1965
  • Maximum speed: 4100.4 km/h

About half a century ago, Lockheed Corporation completed development of a prototype aircraft. The purpose of creating such an aircraft is to intercept enemy aircraft. Area 51 became the site for testing the YF-12. This place is a top secret US Air Force training ground. 1963, altitude 27,600 meters, YF-12 makes its first flight. Its speed is Mach 3.35. But over time, the US Air Force stopped the YF-12 flight program. However, the YF-12 was able to conduct several scientific research flights for NASA and the Air Force. At the end of the 70s, the aircraft's flights were finally completed.


  • A country: USA
  • Developer: North American Aviation
  • Type: Experimental high-speed research rocket plane
  • Production start year: 1959-1968
  • Maximum speed: 8225.28 km/h

This device has no equal in speed - the world's fastest plane. It is capable of accelerating to Mach 6.72, the fastest speed for a manned aircraft. In the 70s, the flights of this rocket plane ended, but during its service, many famous personalities, such as Neil Armstrong, were able to take part in the program. The altitude to which the pilots rose was over 100 kilometers. Such pilots can already be safely called astronauts.

Since ancient times, man has strived for the sky, but the development of technical thought did not allow his cherished dream to be realized. But attempts to conquer airspace have been made more than once. The Wright brothers' first plane took off from the ground and rose 3 m, which was a breakthrough and the beginning of the era of aviation. In aviation, there is the concept of a dynamic ceiling, that is, the maximum flight altitude of an aircraft. Today we’ll look at the altitude at which military aircraft, as well as passenger airliners, fly.

For these types of aircraft, flight altitude is the main characteristic, since this combat vehicle is designed to destroy air targets and gain air superiority.

Under this name, the American design bureau “Lockheed Martin” created a whole family of multi-purpose combat vehicles. Today in service there is a carrier-based fighter, a ground-based fighter, and an aircraft with a short take-off and vertical landing.

The practical altitude ceiling of these fighters is 18,200 m. The fifth-generation multirole fighters F-35 have already entered service with units of the US, UK, Israeli and Australian Armed Forces. It is planned to supply aircraft capable of carrying nuclear warheads to the armies of Japan and Italy.

“Bird of Prey”, this is how the name of this multi-role fighter of the US Air Force is translated, was put into service in 2005. The F-22 became the first fifth-generation aircraft in the United States Army.

To date, 197 vehicles have been produced, and the total cost of the project is almost 67 billion US dollars. The fighter, whose service ceiling is 20,000 m, was first used in combat operations against Islamists in Syria. Many experts criticize the model for its high cost, low maneuverability, and other technical shortcomings.

The fifth-generation multirole fighter, created by Chinese designers, first took to the air in October 2012, and now the tests are coming to an end.

In one of the test flights, the combat vehicle reached an altitude of 18,000 meters, but the creators say that this is not the limit, and after some modification the J-31 will be able to overcome the mark of 20 thousand meters. The new Chinese fighter was called “Krechet”, but is still used at exhibitions tail number the first test sample "31001".

The promising Russian project is still in the development stage, but test flights of the SU-57 are already in the final stages, and soon the fifth-generation combat fighter will be on combat duty in the Russian Aerospace Forces.

The fighter with the factory designation T-50 made its first flight in 2010, and 3 years later the serial assembly of prototypes began. The dynamic ceiling is achieved due to the aircraft’s technologically advanced high-altitude equipment and a special aerodynamic design, due to which the Su-27 can rise to a height of 20,000 m.

Today, the interceptor aircraft, created at the Mikoyan design bureau, is the fastest and highest altitude aircraft among machines of this type.

Practical ceiling of a combat vehicle in service with the Aerospace Forces Russian Federation, is 20,600 m. Note that the Mig-31 is the only aircraft in the world capable of intercepting low-flying cruise missiles. Work is currently underway to upgrade the interceptor into a high-grade fifth-generation multirole fighter.

Reconnaissance aircraft

To avoid detection by ground-based tracking devices, these types of aircraft were designed to conduct reconnaissance at the highest possible altitudes.

The B-57 tactical bomber also performed reconnaissance functions and entered service with the US Air Force in 1954. Today the project is closed, but two aircraft are used for experimental purposes by NASA.

At one time, it was widely used in areas where the US Army conducted military operations, and was also in service with the armies of Taiwan and Pakistan. The service ceiling is 13,745 m, although the modified RB-57F could perform reconnaissance at an altitude of 22,860 m.

The high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft was adopted by the US Air Force in 1957 and is still in use today. Today, there are 35 combat vehicles in service, which are actively used for their intended purpose.

Naturally, over such a long period of operation, the U-2 went through more than one modernization. The dynamic ceiling of modern models is 26,800 m. Although the height ceiling is classified in the tactical and technical characteristics of the latest U-2S model.

M-55 "Geophysics"

In 1988, the high-altitude subsonic reconnaissance aircraft M-55, which received the nickname “Mystic-B” according to NATO classification, entered the armed forces of the Soviet Union.

The USSR began thinking about the creation of such types of aircraft after the American U-2 reconnaissance aircraft was shot down over its territory in 1960. At the end of the 60s, V. Myasishchev’s design bureau began work on creating a Soviet intelligence aircraft. The M-55 is an aircraft of a double-boom design with a cantilever wing, and its ceiling height is 21,550 m. Today, there is only one M-55 aircraft left in the Russian Aerospace Forces.

Flight altitude is not so important for civil aircraft, but there are still cases when a climb is simply necessary, for example, to avoid a lightning storm.

Soviet airliner, modernized already during the period new Russia, has been in operation on air routes since 1972. The model has proven itself to be excellent in both long-haul aviation and short-distance flights.

The maximum altitude at which the Russian Tu-154 airliner can fly is 11,100 meters. Interestingly, some aircraft of this type are given their own names. And after the plane is written off, the name goes to the new board.

One of the best airliners in the world, today it has become the most popular in the history of the passenger aircraft industry.

Passengers note not only the comfort, but also the safety of the flight. As part of our review, we note that the maximum altitude to which one of the modifications, namely the Boeing 737-500, can rise is 11,300 m. This fact puts this airliner in the Top 10 highest altitudes. passenger aircraft peace.

But there is a very interesting website about the most dangerous planes in the world.


Jet wide-body airliner from Airbus S.A.S. the largest aircraft of this type. It entered the airline industry in 2007, and has established itself as a safe and comfortable type of air transport.

The A380 can reach high speeds at various altitudes, and its service ceiling is 13,115 m, which is a record among passenger airliners. The reliability of the aircraft led to the production of models on special orders.

The Russian wide-body aircraft began to operate in 1993, and today it is one of the most popular long-haul airliners with a flight range of 13,000 km.

In addition to the distance record, the Russian Il-96 can fly at an altitude of 12,000 m, which makes it the absolute record holder among Russian passenger airliners of this type.

Historical height record holders

At one time, these aircraft surprised the world with their tactical, technical and flight characteristics, and went down in history as the highest in the world.


This aircraft, in operation from the mid-60s until 1998, is called by many experts and aviation enthusiasts the most beautiful aircraft of all time. During its entire operation, the US Air Force did not lose a single aircraft, although the SR-71 crashed 12 times due to pilot error or technical problems.

But it was not only its beauty that distinguished it from other flying machines. This strategic reconnaissance aircraft also features high speed. The Lockheed SR-71 was able to soar into the sky at one time to a height of 26,000 meters. The expensive project was closed, although many noted its promise.

The MiG-25RB operational reconnaissance aircraft was a modified model of the Soviet interceptor fighter. Like the prototype, the reconnaissance aircraft could reach high speeds and also rise to high altitudes.

The dynamic ceiling of the 25 RB model was 23,000 m. Today it has been withdrawn from service in the Russian army, so it has been replaced by more efficient combat vehicles. But some copies of the legendary MiG-25 continue to fly combat missions in the Algerian and Syrian Air Forces.

The rocket plane did not go into mass production, and only a few prototypes were constructed. The X-15 became a historical aircraft that was able to rise to a height of 107,960 m. This record flight took place in 1963, and the pilot Joseph Walker, who raised his car to such a height, reached a speed of 6 thousand km/h. It was the highest flight in the entire history of aviation, and most importantly, it surprised the public, specialists and the entire editorial staff of the site. In 1970, for a number of reasons, the project was closed, but several prototypes are used by NASA to conduct experiments and train astronauts.

Altitude records set by different types of aircraft

At the end of our review, for the overall picture let’s imagine Interesting Facts altitude records set by various aircraft in different periods of the history of world aviation.

Wright brothers plane

In 1903, the brothers' aircraft rose to a height of 3 meters, which at that time became an absolute record among all previous human attempts to rise into the sky.

Two records

In 1959, pilot B. Jordan set two records for turbocharged aircraft on a Lockheed F-104 Starfighter. jet engine. It was a speed record and also a height record. He lifted the plane to a height of 31,534 m.

Felt weightless

In 1961, Soviet combat pilot Georgy Masolov set an absolute record for fighter aircraft on a lightweight version of the MiG-21F-13 aircraft, lifting the combat vehicle to a height of 35,000 m. During the flight, the pilot was in a state of weightlessness for several minutes.

Combat sortie

In 1977, pilot Alexander Fedotov flew a MiG-25 to an altitude of 37,650 m. Self-monitoring systems noted that the pilot had experienced large overloads.

Propeller airplane

The Grob Strato 2C propeller-driven aircraft broke the record for this type of aircraft in 1995 and rose to a height of 18,561 m.

During experimental flights conducted by NASA, the NASA Helios drone rose to a height of 29,524 m, which became an absolute record among aircraft not equipped with jet engines. This device moves only due to solar energy.

Manned spacecraft SpaceShipOne

In October 2004, pilot William Binney flew a private, rocket-powered manned spacecraft to an altitude of 112,000 m.

Looking into the sky, one could only estimate at what altitude the planes were flying, but it was not possible to determine this accurately without special equipment. The situation changes if you are inside an airliner; From here it is much easier for you to determine the altitude of the aircraft, since a special display can be located in the cabin, which will display information about the flight status. In the article we will find out what the maximum height of modern aircraft is and who set this record.

In general, there are several factors that influence the choice of the optimal aircraft altitude:

  • Model of the plane itself
  • His movement speed
  • Fuel consumption
  • The amount of oxygen in the air

The higher we rise above the ground, the thinner the air around us will become. At high altitudes, rock climbers and mountaineers use special oxygen masks, and airplane cabins are sealed and contain enough air for comfortable breathing. These factors indicate that a person will not be able to stay so high in the atmosphere without the use of special equipment.

However, for airplanes and, in general, any fast-flying vehicles, such rarefied air plays into the hands, since it reduces the resistance of air flows. This affects the overall fuel consumption, since less energy is spent on overcoming the force of friction with the air, accordingly, less fuel is needed for greater speed. Therefore, there is a dependence of the speed on the possible height.

An airliner will also not be able to fly very high, since air currents, albeit rarefied, are necessary for it to support the wings, working similarly to water for a ship. Therefore above 12000 meters passenger aircraft they won’t fly because they will lose the air support they need so much. It turns out that the higher the flight altitude, the lower the fuel consumption and the lower the ticket price; Aviation companies are guided by these two factors.

Air traffic control service

Nowadays, there are many planes flying in the sky. Air traffic control services monitor and calculate the ideal altitude. Using their equipment, they process and respond to pilot requests, monitor the weather, turbulence zones, and ensure that planes each fly their own route to avoid collisions.

When creating a route, the weather forecast is taken into account, Atmosphere pressure, possible natural disasters, political situations on the territory of states. There is a certain range of altitudes within which the airliner usually flies, and to change the altitude higher or lower, permission from the dispatcher is required - this range is called the flight level. In addition, there is also lateral separation; this is when the distance between the two sides is more than 10,000 meters, and is maintained to avoid air turbulence.

Features of flight of non-passenger aircraft

For very different reasons, passenger aircraft have very different flight altitudes. If a civilian aircraft is equipped with a jet engine, it will fly at a distance of about 12,000 meters from the ground. Among similar aircraft, the Boeing 737-400 achieves such a height. The characteristics of the Airbus A310 aircraft allow it to reach an altitude of 11 thousand meters.

Airplanes carrying cargo, also known as cargo airliners, are not much different from ordinary passenger aircraft, and have the same principle of efficiency. Airplanes, whose speed is about 300 km/h, fly at an altitude of 2000 meters. This parameter also depends on the aircraft model and its technical parameters.

As for non-civilian aircraft, they have a specially designed structure that helps them reach supersonic speeds without being detected. Combat aircraft primarily fly at altitudes exceeding 15 thousand meters. Some of them, thanks to their specific design, are even capable of reaching a height of 25 kilometers.

At one time, the MiG-21 was the most common combat aircraft in the world; in the USSR it was produced in various modifications from 1959 to 1985. The aircraft performed well during the military operations in Vietnam; Thanks to its amazing maneuverability, it was able to dodge missiles flying at it and more than successfully fight the American F-4 Phantom. At one time he set several flight altitude records.

MiG-25 – king of the sky

However, the aircraft altitude record now already belongs to the legendary MiG-25, which gained an altitude of 37,650 meters during test tests. Despite its not very attractive name, intimidating appearance and good technical performance, it does have one of the highest possible altitudes among aircraft in its class. This device was developed by the USSR specifically to combat American supersonic bombers, which were never created.

The aircraft has a very high flight speed and is capable of carrying a significant bomb load on board. Based on its technical parameters, the fighter could cope perfectly with the defense airspace from American infiltration. However, the hopes that were placed on him were never realized.

Despite its excellent technical data, it still had flaws in its design, and the main aspect for which it was created had disappeared. All these factors meant that its competitiveness was significantly weakened compared to the best fighters of the time, and besides, the MiG-21 was cheaper to maintain. Therefore, the aircraft soon ceased to be present in the world's military arsenals, with the exception of some possible individual units.

The MiG-25 has truly amazing capabilities. Its speed in normal mode is Mach 2.5, but this is not the limit - the plane is capable of reaching Mach 3, but no one does this, since there is a possibility of engine destruction. The aircraft was intended for aerial reconnaissance, was equipped with powerful R-40 air-to-air missiles with a range of 80 kilometers, and had advanced photographic and electronic special equipment.

One of the main disadvantages of the MiG-25 was its heavy weight, much greater than that of its Western competitors. Its maneuverability and handling suffered greatly at high speeds and low altitudes; In the circumstances of a normal dogfight, its radar capabilities were rather limited compared to other enemy fighters, and the difficulty of piloting at low altitudes meant that it simply could not be effective in such operations. Such imperfections of the aircraft could have been forgiven if it had been used at least once in a high-altitude interception operation, but it was much more often used for other purposes.

Almost all of these aircraft were removed from service after the collapse of the USSR. It served as the basis for the creation of one of the best fighters - the MiG-31. Nevertheless, the record for the maximum flight altitude of an aircraft still belongs to him.


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