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Airbus A321. Photo: Helmut Schnichels |

Airbus A321- a medium-range jet aircraft capable of carrying up to 220 passengers and transporting them over a distance of up to 5,950 km.

The Airbus A321 is a modification of the aircraft extended by seven meters (44.51 m). The first flight of a prototype (A321-100) took place in 1993.

In 1994, DASA, a member of the Airbus Industry consortium, proposed to begin developing a modification of the A321-200 with an increased take-off weight and a longer flight range.

In April 1995, the German airline Aero Lloyd ordered the first aircraft, designated A321-200. It differed from the original model by placing an additional fuel tank with a capacity of 2900 liters in the rear cargo compartment. The Airbus A321-200 made its first flight in December 1996.

More than two decades have passed since the appearance of the A321 model, but the aircraft is constantly being modernized in accordance with the requirements of the time. Airbus is currently offering a new modification of the A321neo airliner with more powerful and fuel-efficient engines, as well as an improved wing design.

The main competitor of the Airbus A321 is.

In Russia, the largest number of Airbus A321 aircraft are operated by:, and others.

Airbus A320 family of aircraft

  • - the smallest member of the A320 family. Accommodates from 107 to 132 passengers.
  • - modification of the A320 with a shortened fuselage by reducing the number of passenger seats by two rows, has the longest flight range in the entire family (6,850 km)
  • - basic modification of the liner, accommodating from 150 to 180 passengers
  • - extended version of the A320, accommodating from 185 to 220 passengers


Crew: 2 people
Length: 44.51 m
Wingspan: 34,1
Fuselage diameter: 3.95 m
Height: 11.76 m
Max. takeoff weight: 95.500 kg
Minimum runway length at maximum take-off weight: 2.180 m
Cruising speed: 840 km/h or 0.78 M
Passenger capacity: 185-220
Range of flight: 5,950 km
Fuel tanks: from 24.050 l to 30.030 l
Passenger doors: 6
Max flight altitude: 11,800 m or FL390
Fuel consumption per hour: 2900 l

Airbus A321 interior layout:

Airbus A321 interior. Photo: Bastian Ding |

Ural Airlines - Airbus A321 cabin diagram

Aeroflot - Airbus A321 cabin diagram

S7 Airlines - Airbus A321 cabin diagram

The Airbus A321 is a medium-range, twin-engine airliner developed by the united European concern Airbus S.A.S, whose sole shareholder today is the European Aerospace and Defense Concern (EDSA).

The Airbus A321 is part of the A320 family of narrow-body passenger aircraft designed for medium-haul airlines. This model is the “largest” in its family - the A321 is longer than the original model, the A320, by almost seven meters. This allows the aircraft to carry 24 percent more passengers. It also has a more reinforced chassis. The flight radius, when fully loaded, is the same as that of the youngest member of the family - the Airbus A318.

The A321's performance in terms of noise levels, harmful emissions and fuel consumption are almost the same as those of the entire A320 series. The aircraft is equipped with EFIS avionics and a fly-by-wire digital control system, completely identical to the A320 aircraft.

Today, the A321 version is assembled at a plant located at the small German airport of Hamburg-Finkenwerder, in contrast to the A320, which is assembled mainly in the French town of Toulouse.

The A321 development program was launched in 1989, with the main goal of competing with the American one.

The plane was not only lengthened compared to the base model. The changes also affected the engines, the power of which was increased. The aircraft's wing was reinforced and designed to withstand higher loads compared to the A320 wing.

The first version of the aircraft was designated A321-100. The first flight of this version took place on March 11, 1993. This model used IAE-V2500 engines (International Aero Engines). The version with CFM-56 engines, power 133 kN, made its first test flight in May of the same year. The flight range of this version of the airliner averaged 4,500 kilometers. The aircraft was certified in early December 1994. After which he began to join airlines. The first airlines to receive the Airbus A321 were the German Lufthansa and the Italian airline Alitalia.

In 1995, work began on the next modification of the aircraft, designated A321-200. This model has additional fuel tanks, which made it possible to expand the flight range to 5550 kilometers. The first flight of the A321-200 took place in 1996.

Airbus A321 interior

There are several options for the layout of the passenger cabin in the Airbus A321:

  1. The economical version can carry up to 200 passengers.
  2. The charter cabin layout can accommodate 220 passenger seats.
  3. The two-class configuration has 185 seats.

The A321 has six passenger doors and eight emergency exits located on two sides of the aircraft.

Today, the A321 aircraft is in demand among air carriers and orders for its construction continue to arrive.

The best seats on the Airbus A321 - Aeroflot

The best seats on the Airbus A321 - Ural Airlines

Airbus A321 interior diagram

Technical characteristics of the Airbus A321 aircraft.

  • First flight: March 11, 1993
  • Years of production: 1993 to present
  • Length: 44.51 m.
  • Height: 11.76 m.
  • Empty weight: 48024 kg.
  • Wing area: 122.60 sq. m.
  • Wingspan: 34.1 m.
  • Cruising speed: 845 km/h.
  • Maximum speed: 895 km/h.
  • Ceiling: 12500 m.
  • Flight range: 4260 to 5550 km.
  • Engines: 2 turbofans CFM-56B2 or IAE-V2500
  • Crew: 2 people
  • Number of passenger seats: 185 seats

Airbus A321 video

It has 10 Airbus A321s that serve passenger transport. They are designed for medium-haul flights. Of course, before departure, many passengers would like to know the location of seats on Ural Airlines planes, namely the layout of the Ural Airlines Airbus A321 cabin and the best seats there.

First, let's look at some features of the Airbus A321. And, and you can find out in the relevant articles on our website.

This model is used since 1994. It is also the largest among all the others in the A320 family. This is the narrow-body branch of Airbus.

Narrow-body aircraft type- this is the one in which there is a single, narrow passage between the chairs. Flight range is up to 5600 km. Length - 44, 51 m. Height - 11, 76. The wingspan reaches 35.8 m.

Airbus A321 of Ural Airlines.

Improved wingtips improve aerodynamics and save on fuel, while only increasing the distances the aircraft can fly.

In general, with this model, a 1 km flight will cost less for a passenger, since it consumes less fuel and can accommodate more people.

A321 has 2 outlets each in the bow and tail, on both sides of the fuselage and 2 emergency hatches in the middle of each of its sides.

Cabin diagram of Airbus Industrie A321 Ural Airlines

He counts 38 rows, 2 and 3 seats in a row.

Interior layout.

Rows 1 to 10 There are 3 chairs on the left and right sides. The very first row is located directly opposite the kitchens and toilets. In this regard, his position is somewhat ambiguous.

The advantage here is that you can sit down with your legs in the most comfortable position for you. You also don’t have to worry that the back of the chair in front will be reclined on you.

The disadvantages are obvious - smells from the kitchen, all kinds of sounds and queues to the toilets - all this will interfere and disturb. Also, tables are not allowed here.

2-9 rows convenient due to its proximity to the kitchen. If you sit here, you will be served before everyone else.

10th row is located directly in front of the emergency exits, so the obvious drawback here is that the backrests do not recline or do not recline all the way. They are made in such a way as not to block the passage.

11th row, as can be seen from the diagram, has only 2 chairs on each side. It’s comfortable to sit here if you’re traveling in a pair so that the third passenger doesn’t bother you. In addition, you can sit quietly in any position convenient for you.

However, it also has a number of significant disadvantages:

  • It’s colder here than in other places;
  • fixed tables in armrests;
  • lack of a porthole;
  • You cannot place any things near the chairs;
  • categories of passengers such as families with small children or animals, pensioners and disabled people are not allowed to choose these seats for obvious reasons.

Very comfortable seats A and F in row 12 due to the fact that there are no seats in front, and accordingly you can calmly put your feet up. Also, there are portholes.

Seating layout.

From 13 to 24 row There are quite standard places.

25th row has approximately the same set of characteristics as the 10th.

26th row will again be suitable for those who like to stretch their legs. Plus, there is no row in front, which means no one will bother you.

But don't choose seats A and F as they may be in a different position than the others. One armrest may not be enough. It's cool here because they're close to the emergency exits.

From 27 to 36 row There are regular seats that are suitable for all categories of passengers.

Seats in rows 37 and 38 the most uncomfortable ones in such a cabin, since the toilets are located behind them. Plus, the backs of the seats rest against the wall of the toilet, which means you will have to navigate the flight without changing position.

It can be too stuffy and very cold here.. This may be due to poor air conditioning.

If there are no other options, then at least choose seats F or E, since they are not at the aisle. But no need to consider place D- it is the furthest one towards the passage, which means there can be no talk of a calm flight.

How to choose a seat in the cabin

It is better to choose a seat on a Ural Airlines plane in advance by familiarizing yourself with the seat arrangement and following the simple recommendations below:

  • do not sit by the window or in rows limited by the wall of the toilet or kitchen if you suffer from claustrophobia or acrophobia;
  • if you feel unwell during the flight, sit in the seats closest to the toilet;
  • if your flight has a transfer, then try to choose a seat closer to the exit in advance;
  • The company has an additional service - you can book the desired seat on the plane in advance by paying an additional amount;
  • At registration, you can specify your desired seat in advance.

Even if you find a seat that is not very comfortable, if there are free seats, you can change it.

What is an Airbus A321, where to look at the cabin layout, how to choose the best seats in Aeroflot - hardly anyone thought about these questions when buying tickets.

Recently, passenger air transportation has become increasingly popular. Of course, this is more convenient and reliable than traveling by land. And you can save time, especially if you need to get somewhere urgently.

Aeroflot's most popular airliner is the Airbus A321. People who travel little do not know what kind of plane this is and what comfort awaits them. But, as with other planes, the main thing is to choose the right seats for travel.

Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of flying on the A321 airliner, the Aeroflot cabin layout, the modification of the Airbus and the best seats.

In contact with

Description of the Airbus A321 and its technical characteristics

Airbus A321-200

Passenger plane. It became the next model after the A320.

Appeared on Russian airlines in 1994. The main developer is Airbus.

But, despite the fact that the airliner has been in production for several decades, its production continues to this day. This is due to the reliability of the aircraft and the high need for use in passenger transportation.

There are only two Airbus A321 models, as Wikipedia confirms, they have different modifications - A321-100 and A321-200:

  1. The A321-100 was developed by company employees in 1993. That same year, the plane took off into the sky and passed its certification. Since the aircraft has proven itself to be positive, mass production began in 1993. And, importantly, airbuses of this modification are still produced to this day.
  2. A321-200 with an increased take-off weight, and also has an increased flight range. The airliner was developed over two years from 1994 to 1996. Initially created as a competitor to the Boeing airliner, the first customer to purchase the aircraft was a German company. They ordered the plane even before it was put into mass production. Given its reliable technical characteristics, the aircraft is still produced today.

Technical characteristics of the liner:

  1. In flight it reaches a speed of 890 km/h.
  2. The flight range with maximum load is 6000 km without refueling.
  3. The maximum A321 can rise to an altitude of 11,900 km.
  4. The engine installed on the aircraft is manufactured by Airbus and belongs to the CFMI CFM56-5A/5B modification.
  5. The wingspan is 34.1 meters.
  6. The height of the aircraft is about 12 meters.
  7. The cockpit of aircraft of various modifications is practically no different from one another. Thanks to this, pilots can transfer from one to another without any problems.
  8. The plane is 44.51 meters long.
  9. In flight it shows fairly decent performance, since fuel consumption is minimal.
  10. The airliners are equipped with reliable engines, and therefore every passenger can be calm about their safety during the flight.

It is worth noting: in 2015, Airbus was modified and new engines were installed on the aircraft, which gives even greater confidence in comfort and safety.

The main distinctive feature of Airbus aircraft is that all cockpits are made according to the same principle. Therefore, a pilot only needs to take one course, and after that he can fly a passenger airliner, and then a cargo one.

Location of seats

Aeroflot uses two types of Airbus A321 aircraft for passenger transportation. How many seats do they have? One is economy class and has a capacity of 220 seats, and the second combines business class and economy class seats. This liner is designed for 185 passenger seats. Let's consider the arrangement of seats on an Airbus 321 aircraft with a two-class layout, since this type is in great demand.

Airbus A321 seat diagram by modifications

As in other aircraft, business class is located in the bow of the aircraft. According to the Airbus Industrie A321 scheme, business class is rows one to seven. The seats are actually worth choosing, as the distance between the seats is quite large and you can walk freely. In addition, the chairs themselves are more comfortable and the menu is more varied.

The most popular places are those located near the window or porthole. This is due to the fact that those passing by do not disturb vacationers. And of course - an unforgettable view from the window.

But even in business class there are seats that are not entirely suitable for passengers, and this can be seen in the photo of the Airbus 321 interior. For example, seats in the first and seventh row. This is due to the fact that the first row is located close to the toilets, and the seventh row is located next to the service premises. As a result, there will be constant movement of passengers and staff. Also, given the proximity of the location, the light will be constantly on both day and night, so it is unlikely that you will be able to get enough sleep. The seventh row is also not worth choosing, since immediately behind it there is a partition leading to economy class. Therefore, the sounds coming from the adjacent cabin will not allow you to rest during the flight.

We move on to the economy class cabin. Looking at it, you can immediately say that the seating arrangement in an Airbus A321 of this type is not entirely comfortable. Firstly, there is only one aisle, and the seats are arranged three in a row. There are seats from 8 to 31 here. But despite the fact that these seats are of a lower class, the seats themselves are quite comfortable and practically no different from the first cabin.

Note: When choosing seats in economy class, it is better to choose row 8 seats. This is due to the fact that only a partition remains in front of the seats. They are especially convenient for tall people, as there is room to stretch their legs.

You can also opt for seats in row 20, marked A and F. There is also a large space in front of the seats.

We looked at more convenient places. But, as on the other liner, there are bad places here, tickets for which are not worth buying. These are seats located in rows 19 and 18, 31. They are also located next to the toilet, so you should not choose them.

We have decided on the choice of places. Let's see what they say about the advantages and disadvantages of the A321.

How to choose the right seats on an Airbus A321

General recommendations on how to choose the best places:

  1. In order to proceed to choosing a seat, focusing on the Airbus 321 seating scheme, it is enough to first decide in which class you will fly.
  2. If it is economy class, then you should not choose seats in the last row, and seats located next to the aisle are not entirely suitable if you plan to relax during the flight.
  3. When choosing seats in business class, you should not opt ​​for the first row seats, since, given the high traffic capacity, you will not be able to spend time peacefully during the flight.
  4. In addition, when choosing seats, be sure to pay attention to how much you are willing to spend on purchasing a ticket. Business class is much more expensive than economy class. Therefore, here and there, we shouldn’t forget about the financial side of the issue.

Based on the plan of the Airbus 321 aircraft, you can make the right choice.

Airbus A321 positive and negative points

First, about the advantages:

  • despite the fact that the first airliner was rolled off the production line more than 20 years ago, its main advantage remains its excellent characteristics, primarily flight performance;
  • the carrying capacity is quite decent compared to other aircraft;
  • sufficient passenger capacity;
  • the passenger compartment is quite spacious;
  • High sound insulation allows you to relax and enjoy the flight during the flight.

In fact, the liner is comfortable, it is comfortable, quiet and comfortable.

But among the positive qualities, there are also negative ones. One of them is that its first release was many years ago. That is why in modern aircraft construction a large number of competitors have appeared that can compete in both comfort and technical characteristics.

Despite the fact that in the modern world of airliners there is a large choice, most often passengers choose the A321 series aircraft. This is where you can sit comfortably.

In addition, if you use Aeroflot services, you receive a number of advantages:

  • The professionalism of the pilots and staff is amazing;
  • ticket prices are more favorable than in commercial companies;
  • Thanks to the correct approach to their duties, employees provide their passengers with greater reliability and comfort.

When choosing comfortable seats for your trip, pay attention to the seating layout of the Airbus 321. After all, how you spend your time during the flight depends on the right choice.

Watch the video that explains how to choose the best seat on the plane:

The 3D photo shows the base model without the new wingtips (sharklets).

Airbus Industry A321

Aircraft type according to ICAO A321.
With a length of 44.5 meters, it is the “big brother” in the three hundred and twenty family. It is a third larger than the A319. Aircraft of this type are used on short and medium-haul flights, both domestically and on international routes.
The cost of transporting one passenger per conventional kilometer or mile, as you prefer, is the lowest among narrow-body aircraft and comparable to wide-body ones.

Like other aircraft in the family, the Airbus A321-100/200 has low fuel consumption, low noise and emissions. The three hundred and twenty-first has two types of engines: V2500 International Aero Engines or CFM International CFM56.

Airbus A321-100 made its first flight in 1993. This modification was inferior to its competitor Boeng 757-200. The concern's designers worked on the carrying capacity and flight range, placed a fuel tank of almost 3 thousand liters in the rear part of the cargo compartment, and in 1996 a new aircraft took to the skies A321-200

Airbus A321 interior

The photo can be enlarged by clicking.

Airbus A321 interior diagram

The A321 typically seats 185 passengers in first class (15 seats, two-abreast) and economy/business class (169) configurations.

Location of seats and exits:

A compact option for charters and low-cost carriers with seating for 220 passengers and no first class provides additional savings. Typical seating and exit layouts for this version of the aircraft:

The corporate version of the Airbus A321 Jet is coded ACJ321


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