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You don't have to climb it to find out if a mountain is high.

"Paulo Coelho"

Ambition can move such mountains that intelligence and talent do not even dare to dream of.

It’s very easy to take the peaks - you just have to go up all the time.

"Vladimir Belilovsky"

In the mountains, people often need help, so if you want to check on someone, you have a direct route to the mountains.

To find out if a mountain is high, you don't have to climb it.

"Pascal Brückner"

If it's hard for you, it means you're going uphill. If it's easy for you, then you're flying into the abyss.

"Henry Ford"

When you fall into the abyss, it's too late to think about whether there was a safer way to climb the mountain.

"Terry Pratchett"

It is impossible to evaluate in hard currency the feeling of freedom and timelessness that the mountains give you when you stand on a high spur under a flawless blue April sky and look around.

"Jonathan Coe"

The mountains call those whose souls are their height.

Mountains build character, give a Spartan upbringing and, of course, teach you to understand people.

We are born, we suffer, we die, but the mountains stand unshakable.

"Paulo Coelho"

My father believed that a walk in the mountains was equivalent to going to church.

"Aldous Huxley"

In the autumn mountains there is such a beautiful maple,
The foliage of the branches is dense - there is no way to find it!
Where are you wandering there? - I'm looking for you in vain:
I don't know the mountain paths.

"Kakinomoto Hitomaro"

There are many ways to find out something; you don’t have to check every fact yourself.

And high mountains cannot hold back the clouds.

Never go back to what you decided to leave. No matter how much they ask you, and no matter how much you want it yourself. Having conquered one mountain, begin to storm another.

"Marilyn Monroe"

Just as not everyone has the courage to take a flower from the top of a mountain, so not everyone has the courage to surrender to love.

The man sitting on the top of the mountain did not fall there from the sky.

WITH mountain peak even a stormy sea seems like a smooth plain.

"Abe Kobo"

Children should cry, and mothers should calm them down - not the other way around. That is why mothers move mountains so that their children do not see their tears.

When a person feels that he is loved, he is ready for any feats; if he is unnecessary, then for any crimes.

Great poets, like high mountains, have numerous echoes. Their songs are repeated in all languages.

"IN. Hugo"

No egoistic happiness can last long if it is complete. Happiness is a peak state. It’s like standing on the top of a mountain, on a platform the width of your palm. You won’t stand there for long, the wind will blow you away.

If someone appears ready to move mountains, others will surely follow him, ready to break his neck.

Have you ever heard an avalanche roar in the mountains? Just after the avalanche rumbles off, absolute silence comes. You stop understanding where you are - that’s how she is one hundred percent. It's just very quiet.

"Haruki Murakami"

Nature created mountains to punish people when she wanted to humiliate them.

No matter how high the mountain is, any slope can become a path.

The mountain's dream is to fly, flight is impossible, but in the form of a cloud her dream floats.

I look at the mountains, and the mountains look at me, And we look for a long time, without boring each other.

Remember: they don’t die in the mountains, they simply don’t live there.

Everyone has their own ways to achieve their goals, some will take longer, but along the right path, while others will not reach it at all, even on the shortest path.

People are piling up mountains of weapons everywhere and want peace everywhere. This is madness.

"Donald Michael Thomas"

The man sitting on the top of the mountain did not fall there from the sky.

Quotes about mountains

You need to live not where it is beautiful, but where the conditions are suitable for life.

The last steps on the path to victory are always the most difficult.

From the top of the mountain you can better see how insignificant everything is below. Our victories and our sorrows are no longer so important. What we have achieved or lost lies down there. From the height of the mountain you see how vast the world is and how wide the horizons are.

"Paulo Coelho"

Contemplation of the great beauty of the mountains can only be complete when a friend is next to you.

"Yakov Arkin"

Love is like a rare flower that grows at the very top of the mountain and requires great courage to receive it.

On Mount Ararat Varvara was picking grapes.

People climb to the top of a mountain not to see the sky, but to see the plain.

"Jason Evangelou"

When descending to alpine skiing Either think faster than you drive, or drive slower than you think.

"Vladimir Belilovsky"

The baldness goes uphill, the baldness goes downhill, the baldness meets the baldness, the baldness of the baldness says: you are bald, I am bald, you will drop on the baldness, you will pick up the baldness, you will get another one.

The higher you go up the mountain, the harder it is to walk.

If you love me, I can move mountains. And if not, then the neck.

Mountains are some of the most breathtaking places on Earth. They are not similar to each other, they differ in size and surfaces.

Mountains have always attracted special attention. Their majesty, scale and calm atmosphere reigning around will forever remain in the memory of a person who was lucky enough to visit such amazing places at least once in his life.

The nature in the mountains is truly magical, and the air is crystal clear, which cannot leave any person indifferent. Even sunset and sunrise look completely different here. Below is a list of phrases relating to these beautiful creations of nature.

109 quotes and aphorisms about mountains

  1. It's very easy to climb the peaks - you just have to go up all the time. (Vladimir Belilovsky)
  2. In the mountains, human life belongs to nature and insurers.
  3. In the mountains, people often need help, so if you want to check on someone, you have a direct route to the mountains.
  4. In the mountains, special bonds arise between people. That's why I'm so irresistibly drawn to them. (Bear Grylls)
  5. There is neither honesty nor deceit in the mountains. They are simply dangerous. (Reinhold Messner)
  6. The strong and the weak will unite in the mountains, and there they will learn to help each other.
  7. In the autumn mountains - the maple is so beautiful, The foliage of the branches is thick - you can’t find the road!.. Where are you wandering there? - I’m looking for you in vain: I don’t know the mountain paths... (Kakinomoto no Asomi Hitomaro)
  8. In life, everything returns according to the boomerang law, the mountains can prove it.
  9. There are things in life that no one can change.
  10. When we are young, we move mountains, and then we spend our whole lives trying to get out from under them.
  11. Great poets, like high mountains, have numerous echoes. Their songs are repeated in all languages. (V. Hugo)
  12. Apparently, men don’t want to destroy the mountain beauty...
  13. From time to time, at least for cheerfulness, it is useful to look up. On the contrary, it is not recommended to look down, since the sight of these terrifying abysses can shake the fortitude of any optimist. (Maurice Herzog)
  14. I look at the mountains, and the mountains look at me, And we look for a long time, without boring each other. (Li Bo)
  15. They say that if these mountains were made by the Swiss, they would be much flatter. (Paul Theroux (about the Alps))
  16. The mountain does not seem inaccessible when viewed from its top. (Words by Vantala)
  17. Mountain silence compared to the noise of big cities seems unreal, nevertheless, it exists.
  18. Mountain air cleanses the body not only of various ailments, but also of lies.
  19. Mountains are steps to heaven. Climbing them, I go to a new life... (Natalia Turchaninova)
  20. Mountains are an incredibly beautiful creation of nature. In the mountains, a person feels freedom and learns to overcome all obstacles on the path of life.
  21. Mountains are frozen waves, water is flowing mountains. (Feng Zicai. Flight of the Soul)
  22. Mountains are not a place where you can trust your life to others! This is the place where you can lose it!
  23. Mountains are good. When you are here, everything bad remains below, and your soul becomes so light. (Komatsu Tatsuji)
  24. The mountains are merciless, and so is life. (Mark Levy)
  25. The mountains call those whose souls are their height! (V.L. Belilovsky)
  26. The mountains have the power to call us to their lands, this is no longer a passion, this is my destiny... (Anatoly Boukreev)
  27. Mountains seem larger the closer you get to them, but great people are not like mountains in this respect.
  28. Mountains build character, give a Spartan upbringing and, of course, teach you to understand people. (Yuri Moiseev)
  29. Mountains are conquered by the strongest, cowards are simply afraid of them.
  30. Mountains are not stadiums where I satisfy my ambitions, they are temples where I practice my religion. (Anatoly Bukreev)
  31. For most people, mountains are something majestic, but far from everyday life, that is, ideal harmony. (Ueli Steck)
  32. The road to the city is uphill, from the city down the mountain.
  33. The virtue of the sages resembles a journey to a distant land and an ascent to the top: those going to a distant land begin their journey with the first step; Those who climb to the top start from the foot of the mountain. (Confucius)
  34. Reaching a goal in the mountains means not only climbing to the top, but also going down.
  35. If men, for the sake of women, would move all the mountains they promised, our world would already be a continuous plain...
  36. If there are no big trees in the mountains, then the grass wants to be worshiped. (Chinese proverb)
  37. If you value your loved ones, then you are ready to stand up for them at any cost!
  38. If you love me, I can move mountains. And if not, then the neck.
  39. If someone appears ready to move mountains, others will surely follow him, ready to break his neck. (Mikhail Zhvanetsky)
  40. If it's hard for you, it means you're going uphill. If it's easy for you, then you're flying into the abyss. (Henry Ford)
  41. There are many ways to find out something; you don’t have to check every fact yourself.
  42. Life is a mountain: you go up slowly, you go down quickly.
  43. Envy can move mountains that love cannot even dream of.
  44. Remember: they don’t die in the mountains, they simply don’t live there.
  45. Snow-capped mountain peaks are the purest and brightest things on earth; it’s not for nothing that they are closest to heaven.
  46. And high mountains cannot hold back the clouds.
  47. Everyone wants to live on the top of a mountain, not realizing that true happiness awaits him on the way down... If you fly up to the heavens, falling is scary and painful, if you climb to the top of a mountain, there is a chance you won’t slide far... But we often fly up from happiness...
  48. No matter how high the mountain is, any slope can become a path.
  49. Just as not everyone has the courage to take a flower from the top of a mountain, so not everyone has the courage to surrender to love.
  50. When you fall into the abyss, it's too late to think about whether there was a safer way to climb the mountain. (Terry Pratchett)
  51. Whoever thinks he knows the mountains will recognize them, but it will be too late!
  52. Anyone who has been to the mountains at least once will definitely want to see them again.
  53. Someone will see the beauty of the mountains even in a stone... but someone, standing next to the mountains, will not notice the beauty!
  54. Lies have no place in the mountains. The masks of deception are shattered by their stony character. (Komatsu Tatsuji)
  55. The only things better than mountains are mountains that you have never been to before. (V. Vysotsky)
  56. Love is like a rare flower that grows at the very top of the mountain and requires great courage to receive it.
  57. People in general are somewhat similar in their souls to the landscape and climate of the region in which they grew up. Those who live by the sea resemble a stream, ebb and flow. They leave and return, constantly moving and discovering new shores. Their words and love stories are like water flowing through their fingers, in perpetual motion. People living in the mountains had to fight for the right to live there. And, as soon as the mountains have submitted to them, people begin to defend them as their home, and if they see from afar that someone is rising towards them from the valley, they may well mistake him for an enemy. The people from the hills look at each other for a long time before greeting each other. They study, they slowly get used to it, but as soon as the defense is removed or the word is given, their obligations will be as strong as the mountain on which they live. (Gilles Courtemanche)
  58. People can meet, but mountains never do.
  59. People are piling up mountains of weapons everywhere and want peace everywhere. This is madness. (Donald Michael Thomas)
  60. My father used to say that a walk in the mountains is the same as going to church. (Aldous Huxley)
  61. We are born, we suffer, we die, but the mountains stand unshakable. (Paulo Coelho)
  62. People climb to the top of a mountain not to see the sky, but to see the plain. (Jason Evangelou)
  63. A true friend is not the one who holds you when you climb a mountain, but the one who holds you when you go down.
  64. I don’t like it when mountains are close: they always block the view, never change and do nothing, they just hang over my head. Who needs this? (David Herbert)
  65. If you don’t climb the mountains, you won’t know the height of the sky; If you don’t descend into the abyss, you won’t recognize the thickness of the earth. (Chinese proverb)
  66. Don't lose faith, faith that can move mountains. (Dominic Webb)
  67. It is impossible to evaluate in hard currency the feeling of freedom and timelessness that the mountains give you when you stand on a high spur under a flawless blue April sky and look around. (Jonathan Coe)
  68. There is nothing worse: when a child sees his mother’s tears, he then simply stops believing in happiness and goodness.
  69. No victory could justify deliberately playing with human lives. (Maurice Herzog)
  70. No photograph can convey the beauty of the mountains as climbers see them. But greatness, perhaps. (Sergey Bershov)
  71. Never go back to what you decided to leave. No matter how much they ask you, and no matter how much you want it yourself. Having conquered one mountain, begin to storm another... (Marilyn Monroe)
  72. No one forbids you to consider yourself the king of the mountain, but please know your mountain (Watari Wataru).
  73. There was no trace left of the storm; the shore shone like a sharpened blade. The mountain and the sky shone in the heat, in the dizzying distance; and the reef, lifted by a mirage, floated on a silver pond halfway to the sky... (William Golding)
  74. Children should cry, and mothers should calm them down - not the other way around. That is why mothers move mountains so that their children do not see their tears.
  75. Elevated temperatures combined with mountain air work unkind wonders on the human mind. (Max Fry)
  76. While smart people go around mountains, others move them away.
  77. An attempt to climb Everest is, in fact, a deeply irrational act, a triumph of dreams over common sense. Any person who is seriously possessed by this idea, by definition, is not subject to the arguments of reason. (Jon Krakauer)
  78. After a hard day at work, you want to get lost in the mountains and have everyone looking for you for a very long time...
  79. With enough determination, any idiot can climb this mountain,” Hall noted. “But the trick is to get back down alive.” (Jon Krakauer)
  80. When skiing downhill, either think faster than you go or go slower than you think. (Vladimir Belilovsky)
  81. Nature created mountains to punish people when she wanted to humiliate them. (Pascal Bruckner)
  82. I woke up early in the morning and thought: If I get up, I’ll move mountains. Turned on the other side... Why interfere with nature, let them stand...
  83. Destroy mountains, build houses; fill up the sea with the remains of the mountains - and build houses again... Some idiots still think this is a great idea. (Haruki Murakami)
  84. Sunrise in the mountains is the best event that can happen to a person. (Max Fry)
  85. Parents are mountains that you try to climb all your life, until one day you yourself notice that you are playing their role. (Mark Levy "Between Heaven and Earth")
  86. From the top of the mountain you can better see how insignificant everything is below. Our victories and our sorrows are no longer so important. What we have achieved or lost lies down there. From the height of the mountain you see how vast the world is and how wide the horizons are. (Paulo Coelho)
  87. From a mountain top, even a stormy sea seems like a smooth plain. (Abe Kobo)
  88. The most important and most difficult thing for a powerful spirit is to be able to restrain itself: the pond stands calmly in the valley, but mountains are needed to restrain it. (Addison)
  89. When you move mountains, try not to leave behind a desert.
  90. The snowy mountains are beautiful. All the dirty and unpleasant things in the whole world are washed away by the beautiful whiteness.
  91. Contemplation of the great beauty of the mountains can only be complete when a friend is next to you. (Yakov Arkin)
  92. The obstacles facing you are not rivers, not mountains, and not other people, these obstacles are you. (Robert Green)
  93. Those who do not want to be humiliated are the ones who rise to the top of the mountain.
  94. Only wise mountains can tolerate human selfishness for centuries... But even their patience has a limit. (Igor Chirtoaca)
  95. The one who moves mountains first removes small stones.
  96. More difficult than conquering mountains is not breaking your neck.
  97. Have you ever heard an avalanche roar in the mountains? Just after the avalanche rumbles off, absolute silence comes. You stop understanding where you are - that’s how she is one hundred percent. It’s just very quiet... (Haruki Murakami).
  98. Everyone has their own ways to achieve their goals, some will take longer, but along the right path, while others will not reach it at all, even on the shortest path. (Donald Michael Thomas)
  99. Alas, there are far fewer broken mountains than fancy ones. (Andrey Sokolov)
  100. If you want to cleanse yourself, go to the mountains.
  101. A man is looking for a man in the mountains. Friendship, joint struggle, the joy of the victory of the rational will of man over the blind forces of nature. Without friendship, without friends there is no mountaineering. Even the contemplation of the great beauty of the mountains can only be complete when a friend is next to you (Yakov Arkin).
  102. The man who was able to move a mountain began by dragging small stones from place to place.
  103. The man sitting on the top of the mountain did not fall there from the sky.
  104. The higher you go up the mountain, the harder it is to walk.
  105. To reach the top of Mount Fuji, you must first take the first step.
  106. You don't have to climb it to find out if a mountain is high. (Paulo Coelho)
  107. After all, my friends, I write about nature, but I myself think only about people. We are the masters of nature, and for us it is a storehouse of the sun with great treasures of life. For fish - water, for birds - air, for animals - forest, steppe, mountains. But a person needs a homeland, and protecting nature means protecting the homeland. (Mikhail Prishvin)
  108. I can spend hours looking up at the mountain. It may seem strange, but I am talking to the mountain. I try to understand whether she is waiting for me or not, whether she will let me in or not. (Gerlinde Kaltenbrunner)
  109. I'm not going to conquer the mountains - they are as much a part of the world as people. I'm conquering myself. (Wanda Rutkevich)

Video: 10 highest mountains on the planet

In this video, Leonid Keplinov will talk about the 10 highest and dangerous mountains in the world.

Facts about a different history of Rus' The famous French cartographer Jean Baptiste Bourguignon de Anville (1697-1782) published more than 200 maps. In the preface to the Atlas of Maps of China, Chinese Tartary and Tibet (1737) we find a lot interesting information about the life of people of that era. In addition, a description of facts that are completely incredible at first glance, which, if you use a little common sense, are explained and themselves interpreted by many seemingly unrelated non-academic scientific hypotheses. Below is an excerpt from a description of the life and beliefs of Bukharians. This is not a literal translation, but rather an incomplete retelling with quotations of the most interesting passages. The map shows Big Bukhara, bordering on the southeast with Small Bukhara. It’s the residents of the latter that we’ll be talking about. The Frenchman distinguishes Big Bukhara from Small Bukhara. They are separated by the Hindu Kush (?) (Parapomisus). In the preface to the French Atlas, unique information about Rus' is written. Here is a description of the borders of Little Bukhara: “Located between 36 and 42°N. In the east it borders with Mongolia and the Chinese deserts, in the south with the deserts of India, in the west with Greater Bukhara and Persia, and in the north with Mongolia and Eastern Kalmykia.” The country extends for almost 1000 km. For reference: in the photo, Bukhara is located under the 40th parallel. The management structure of Malaya Bukhara is curious. As is the name of one of its rulers, Gypsy-Araptan (possible reading Tsigan or Zigan. Zigan-Araptan), nephew of Bosto-Cham (khan? Bosto-Cham), who, together with his Kalmyks, conquered the country. For every 10 families or houses there was one foreman, ten foreman reported to their boss. The last ten, already supervising 1000 families or houses, reported to the Great Governor, elected from the crown princes of Bukhara. Chiefs at all levels were required to report all incidents to a superior and resolve controversial issues in their subordinate territory. Thanks to such an organization, peace and order reigned in the country. The Bukhara people were not a warlike people, but at the call of the governor they could quickly gather 20,000 warriors, one out of every ten houses. The weapons consisted of bows, swords, and spears. Some had guns or arquebuses. The richest could afford to wear chain mail. The houses are made of stone, there is little furniture. Food for the Bukharians was prepared by slaves captured or bought in neighboring countries , incl. Kalmykia and Russia. Next, the author describes something resembling... dumplings (“chopped meat wrapped in dough, the product has the shape of a croissant”). In winter, if Bukharans went on trips, the dumplings were perfectly preserved in the cold. Moreover, the cooking process is also described: frozen dough with minced meat was cooked in boiling water! So much for Siberian dumplings. By the way, Bukharians used tablecloths everywhere. And from drinks - tea, black tea with added salt, milk and butter. The preface to the French Atlas contains unique information about Rus'. The description of the appearance of the inhabitants is interesting. Most of them are dark-skinned and black-haired, but often there are white-skinned, slender and beautiful residents (fort blancs, beaux & bienfaits). Isn’t this fact the best confirmation of the version expressed by A. Klyosov, N. Levashov and many others that the Aryans were divided in Siberia, and one part of them, having circled the Himalayas from the west, populated the north of Hindustan, the east of Iran and nearby areas?! ! Another debunked myth about the primacy of French cosmetics: de Anville describes women who paint their nails red, making varnish from a plant (Kena). The Frenchman was also amazed to discover that all the residents of Malaya Bukhara wear... panties! A fact that was far from typical for the French themselves at that time. And soon for the future France. It was noted that residents wear unusually light leather boots made in Russia. But there is no limit to surprise at how deeply the cultures of the Russians themselves and the Bukharians of that time intersect. “The only money they have are copper pennies (Copeiks, with a capital letter in the text, and the -s in French indicates the plural), weighing one spool (Solotnik), about a third of an ounce.” And let them not tell us, after such facts, that there was no single state of Tartary, in which the Russians were the state-forming people! And that the Russians lived in pits covered with branches... And now, perhaps, the most interesting, even shocking part. Let us not forget that this atlas was compiled by order of the Jesuits who traded in China. The order was given in 1709. Therefore, the nature of the following retelling is dictated, of course, by the wishes of the customers. “The language and religion of the Bukharians differ from neighboring Persian and Turkic ones, but in some ways they have something in common with them. The inhabitants have their own Al-Koran, which is the Christian Old Testament, where many places have been changed or falsified.” Stop, we were taught completely differently: the Bible is one thing, and the Koran is something else. This is, firstly. And secondly, let's use common sense. Who actually cut down the texts of the Old Testament, who falsified them, the Jesuits with other Catholics or the peoples of the deserts and mountains distant from Rome and Byzantium? Once again: it is more logical to assume that among, for example, the Bukharians, there are unlikely to be a sufficient number of Christian theologians capable of fundamentally reworking the texts of the Old Testament. While nearby or in the Vatican itself, in numerous monasteries and religious schools in Europe, such specialists are a dime a dozen. Of course, the Jesuits insist that their version of the Old Testament is the true one. But is this really so? Are not the lines of this atlas evidence that the original version was preserved in the desert, and the Jesuit-Catholic one is a fake?!! There's even more to it than that. It’s time to remember N. Vashkevich, who was always amazed by the fact that it is and only in Russian that can explain the etymology of those Arabic words (and, to an even greater extent, in Arabic the meaning of words and expressions we do not understand) about which the Arabs themselves say nothing they can. One such word is “Koran”. “In general, it must be said that outside of Islam, the common idea is that Islam begins with Mohammed. This is fundamentally wrong. Muslims themselves say that their religion begins with Ibrahim. It’s just that people did not immediately understand his establishment. In the Arabic understanding, Allah first gave the book to the Jews. But they didn't understand her. This is the Old Testament. Then God gave another book. Christians. But they weren’t up to par either. Allah had to give me another book, this time in the original language, in Arabic. This book is called the Koran, which means “reading” in Arabic. But, if you read this word the other way around, in Russian, you get NAROC, which means TESTAMENT in Russian (V. Dal). And that is not all. If you read the title of the book VEDA, in Arabic, you will again get “TESTAMENT” (وع د ВЪД). So there were not two covenants, but four!!! One way or another, it is advisable to distinguish between Islam and Mohammedanism...” But Vashkevich’s last phrase is clearly illustrated in the text of the atlas: “The Bukharans believe that the Al Koran was given to them not by Mohammed, but by God himself, who transmitted the book through Moses and the prophets. However, they are convinced that Mohammed gave many explanations of the book and illuminated the moral side contained in it. They are forced to admit all this and follow it.” Wow, N. Vashkevich definitely could not read this text, because he does not speak French, and his conclusions coincide with what was written by an eyewitness 300 years ago! No, it was not for nothing that the crescent moon was placed on the crosses of old Orthodox churches, no matter how the clergy today explain this fact... Let us give tribute to Fomenko and Nosovsky, who asked many questions about the connection between Rus' and Arab artifacts in its history. However, we will not go deeper and find out why in A. Nikitin’s “Walkings across Three Seas” Russian freely turns into Arabic script and then vice versa, but let’s get acquainted with the cartographer’s story about the Bukhara version of the birth of Christ. “So, the Holy Virgin was a poor orphan when her distant relatives decided who would take her in. They could not come to an agreement, so they cast lots: a feather was thrown into a jug of water, which soon sank. In turn, everyone dipped a finger into the water, and the one who pulled out a finger with a feather stuck to it took the girl to raise. Zakaria won. One day he went away for three days on business, locking the girl in the house and completely forgetting about her. When he returned, he was very afraid that she was either already dead or was dying. Imagine his amazement when, in a locked house, he found a table laden with food. According to the girl, God himself sent this to her. When she turned 14, she began to have natural female problems. The girl ran into the forest and began to swim in forest lake. Then an angel came down to her and announced that the girl would soon give birth. As a result, her son, Isaiah, grew up to become a famous prophet and studied many sciences. However, he was extremely unloved hometown, they simply hated him. And this hatred was so high that one day two robbers were hired who had to kill Isaiah at any cost. God, knowing this, took him to heaven and gave the criminals the image of Isaiah. The people dealt with the last two themselves...” How fundamentally different this is from the current Jesuit version, that God is so cruel that he allowed his own Son to be killed as a martyr! Here again you ask yourself the question: who really falsified the Old Testament? Next consideration. According to the Frenchman, in every Bukhara house there was a copy of the Al-Koran or the Old Testament with a text that was unusual for us. The equal sign between these books is still surprising, a sign that was placed at least three centuries ago. Those. these are by no means Catholics, Franciscans or Jesuits who brought to the outskirts Christendom these copies. Remember population estimates? 20,000 warriors, one out of every 10 houses, which means at least 200,000 houses. There are just as many copies of the book! For that time - mind-blowing numbers of book printing or rewriting? This means that the source of the texts is somewhere relatively close. Again we recall the hypothesis of Fomenko and Nosovsky, as well as numerous other versions and works, which say that Christ is either Andrew the First-Called, or someone else, but precisely a Russian person, someone who grew up in the environment of Russian Civilization. As we are assured, the first large-circulation printed book in Russia, “The Apostle,” appeared in the middle of the 16th century. However, logically speaking, if Tartary was absent in our history, academic history, then, of course, there was also no printing in Tartary, right? Then how else can we explain the presence, if not hundreds of thousands, but at least tens of thousands of copies of the Old Testament, the contents of which, according to Catholics, are far from canonical? And this is only for Little Bukhara alone, but there was also Big (Great) Bukhara in the neighborhood, there were other countries nearby, the same Kalmykia, not to mention the vast expanses of Siberia, where at that time there were a great many cities. Who printed books for them, the Roman and Byzantine apostates? After all, you can’t rewrite such a quantity, especially in the desert... There is a lot of interesting stuff in the ten pages of the preface to the atlas of China, Chinese Tartary and Tibet. For example, that polygamy among the population was allowed, but it was looked upon with extreme disapproval. That the Bukharians are convinced that God lives not only in heaven, but that he is everywhere. That a husband, dissatisfied with his wife, could send her back to her parents, while he was obliged to give her all her property, including gifts made to her during their life together. And a woman could leave her husband, although she could not take anything with her. There are a lot of interesting things, but let’s still try to comprehend what has already been written. There is already too much food for thought in it. The whole universe...

The collection includes quotes about mountains, about the path to the top, etc.:
  • I love mountains - they are more honest than people...
  • I can move mountains because I know you believe in me.
  • “You walk along the ridge of a mountain, any impulse of faith knocks you off your feet, but at the same time this is your strength.” Ango (Why Brazil)
  • The higher you go up the mountain, the harder it is to go
  • There is neither honesty nor deceit in the mountains. They are simply dangerous. Reinhold Messner
  • A person is a complete picture, you may not like something in it, just like mountains or rivers are depicted there, you can love something specific in it. But it must be perceived as a whole, in its entirety. Aurelius
  • They say that if these mountains were made by the Swiss, they would be much flatter. Paul Theroux (about the Alps)
  • Have you ever heard an avalanche roar in the mountains? Just after the avalanche rumbles off, absolute Silence comes. You stop understanding where you are - that’s how she is one hundred percent. Just Very Quiet... Haruki Murakami (Sheep Hunt)

  • Mountains are good. When you are here, everything bad remains below, and your soul becomes so light. (Climber)
  • The snowy mountains are beautiful. All the dirty and unpleasant things in the whole world are washed away by the beautiful whiteness.
  • Mountains build character, give a Spartan upbringing and, of course, teach you to understand people. Yuri Moiseev
  • I woke up early in the morning and thought: If I get up, I’ll move mountains. Turned on the other side... Why interfere with nature, let them stand...
  • If men, for the sake of women, would move all the mountains they promised, our world would already be a continuous plain...
  • Elevated temperatures combined with mountain air work unkind wonders on the human mind. Max Fry (Big Cart)
  • Life is a mountain: you go up slowly, you go down quickly. (interesting phrase about mountains and life)
  • No one forbids you to consider yourself the king of the mountain, but please know your mountain. Watari Wataru
  • Remember: they don’t die in the mountains, they simply don’t live there.
  • I don’t like it when mountains are close: they always block the view, never change and do nothing, they just hang over my head. Who needs this? David Lawrence
  • You climb because you climb. Edmund Hillary
  • My father believed that a walk in the mountains was equivalent to going to church. Aldous Huxley
  • The only things better than mountains are mountains that you have never been to before. Vladimir Vysotsky

  • Love is like a rare flower that grows at the very top of the mountain and requires great courage to receive it.
  • You don’t need to adore me, you need to believe in me. And then I will move mountains! Maxim Averin
  • Lies have no place in the mountains. The masks of deception are shattered by their stony character. (Climber)
  • People climb to the top of a mountain not to see the sky, but to see the plain. Jason Evangelou
  • No matter how high the mountain is, any slope can become a path.
  • It is impossible to evaluate in hard currency the feeling of freedom and timelessness that the mountains give you when you stand on a high spur under a flawless blue April sky and look around. Jonathan Coe (Before the Rain Falls)
  • For mom with a mountain, for dad with a wall, for a friend with a brick, and for yourself with yourself!
  • Children should cry, and mothers should calm them down - not the other way around. That is why mothers move mountains so that their children do not see their tears.
  • If you love me, I can move mountains. And if not, then the neck. (cool saying about mountains)
  • Nature created mountains to punish people when she wanted to humiliate them. Pascal Brückner (Beauty Thieves)

I'm not going to conquer the mountains - they are as much a part of the world as people. I'm conquering myself.
Wanda Rutkevich

There's no reason to stop
I'm walking, sliding.
And there are no such peaks in the world,
What you can't take.
Vladimir Vysotsky

Winter high altitude climbing is a sophisticated way of suffering in the mountains.
Wojtek Kurtyka

Life is a mountain: you go up slowly, you go down quickly.
Guy de Maupassant

The day when you take full responsibility for your own future and stop looking for excuses for doubts will be the day you begin to move to the top.
Jay Simpson

Everyone wants to live on the top of the mountain, but happiness and growth happens when you climb it, not when you've already reached the top.
Life wisdom

In order to understand about yourself, talk to a stone in the mountains...
Indian proverbs and sayings

The person at the very top of the mountain did not fall there from the sky.

Sunrise in the mountains is the best event that can happen to a person.
Max Fry

My father believed that a walk in the mountains was equivalent to going to church.
Aldous Huxley

If you are sitting somewhere in the Himalayas and silence surrounds you, it is the silence of the Himalayas, but not yours. You must find your own Himalayas within yourself.

We are born, we suffer, we die, but the mountains stand unshakable.
Paulo Coelho. I sat down on the banks of the Rio Piedra and cried.

From the top of the mountain you can better see how insignificant everything is below. Our victories and our sorrows are no longer so important. What we have achieved or lost lies down there. From the height of the mountain you see how vast the world is and how wide the horizons are.
Paulo Coelho

A climber’s life is not long... That’s why I’m a speleologist...
Speleologists proverb

There is neither honesty nor deceit in the mountains. They are simply dangerous.
Reinhold Messner

Robert Piercing

This world is mountains, and our actions are screams: the echo of our scream in the mountains always returns to us.

Climb higher and jump into the abyss. Wings will appear during flight.

Ray Bradbury

In this life, it doesn't matter how you fall. It's how you rise that matters.
Sharon Stone

Where did you rest?
- In Turkey. All inclusive. And you?
- In the mountains. Everything is off...

The mountains fascinate and enchant, after such a vacation someone else needs it.

Mountains are the best healer for doubts and depression.

Mountains help you go higher, higher and higher...

Mountains are good. When you are here, everything bad remains below, and your soul becomes so light.

For some, mountains mean overcoming, a small victory over oneself, which for a moment allows you to forget about the everyday life. And for photographers it is an inspiration. They drink it with huge gulps of thin air and blue sky, trying to capture a moment of life, at least in a photograph.

If you don't like mountains, then you simply haven't been there.

The desire to conquer heights makes a person more integral and persistent.

When you reach the top, continue climbing.

Anyone who has conquered the peaks at least once will fall in love with the mountains forever.

Don't be afraid to go to the mountains, be afraid of never going there.

Don’t look for happiness beyond the mountains, beyond the valleys, climb the mountains - there is a real fairy-tale world there.

There is no peak in the world that perseverance cannot conquer.

People break their legs on bumps, not mountains.

On the tops of the mountains you will find only the peace that you bring there yourself.

Falling in love with the mountains is just a matter of visiting there once.

The way up is difficult, but the view is good.

Looking at a mountain from below is one thing, but being with it at least once on equal terms is the lot of the strong.

Only the mountains will allow you to feel absolutely free.

I think so, the only chance to lose weight with green tea is to climb mountains to collect it yourself...


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