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from “Borovaya street” in the direction of the stop point “Motordetal plant” (weekdays)
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24 28 24 28 24 28 32 44 40 28 24 28 24 28 24
32 36 32 36 32 36 48 52 48 36 32 36 32 36 32
40 44 40 44 40 44 56 56 44 40 44 40 44 40
48 52 48 52 48 52 52 48 52 48 52
56 56 56 56 56
from the stop point “Motordetal plant” to “Borovaya street” (weekdays)
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
35 00 04 00 04 00 04 00 04 08 04 00 04 00 04 00 12
52 08 12 08 12 08 12 08 12 16 12 08 12 08 12 08
16 20 16 20 16 20 24 20 32 20 16 20 16 20 16
24 28 24 28 24 28 40 36 40 28 24 28 24 28 24
32 36 32 36 32 36 48 44 48 36 32 36 32 36 53
40 44 40 44 40 44 52 56 44 40 44 40 44 56
48 52 48 52 48 52 52 48 52 48 52
56 56 56 56 56
from “Borovaya street” in the direction of the stopping point “Motordetal plant” (Saturday)
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
00 06 01 07 02 08 03 20 04 10 05 00 06 01 18 13 08
22 17 12 18 13 19 14 42 15 21 16 11 17 12 40 46
44 28 23 29 24 41 25 26 32 27 22 28 23
55 39 34 40 35 36 37 43 38 33 39 34
50 45 51 45 47 48 54 49 44 50 45
56 57 58 59 55 56
from the stopping point “Motordetal plant” to “Borovaya street” (Saturday)
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
17 01 07 02 08 03 09 15 10 05 00 06 01 07 13 08
39 12 18 13 19 14 20 37 21 16 11 17 12 18 35
50 23 29 24 30 36 31 59 32 27 22 28 23 29
34 40 35 41 58 42 43 38 33 39 34 51
45 51 45 52 53 54 49 44 50 45
56 57 55 56
from “Borovaya street” in the direction of the stopping point “Motordetal plant” (Sunday)
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
00 05 10 02 07 12 04 09 01 19 11 03 08 00 05 23 02
26 18 23 15 20 25 30 22 40 32 24 16 21 13 18
52 31 36 28 33 38 43 35 53 45 50 29 34 26 31
44 49 41 46 51 48 58 42 47 39 57
57 54 59 55 52
from the stop point “Motordetal plant” to “Borovaya street” (Sunday)
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
18 10 02 07 12 04 09 01 19 11 03 08 00 05 10 15
44 23 15 20 25 30 22 14 32 24 16 21 13 18 23 54
57 36 28 33 38 43 35 40 45 37 29 34 26 31 49
49 41 46 51 48 53 58 50 42 47 39 44
54 59 55 52 57

Bus route: Borovaya street
Motordetal plant

Borovaya street, School No. 1, 2nd Vodyanoy Lane, October Revolution Factory, Rabochy Avenue, Zvorykin Plant, Polyclinic-3, Znamya Truda Factory, Thermal Power Plant-1, BKLM, City Hospital 2, Young Technicians Station, Susaninskaya square, Voskresenskaya square, Druzhba cinema, Technological University, Podlipaeva street, Pantusovskaya street, E. Ermakova street, Social Insurance Fund, Golubkova street, 3rd Gorbolnitsa, Zavolzhskaya street, Yaroslavskaya street, Shirokaya street, Moskovskaya street, Gorpishchekombinat , ATP-2, Uchkhoz "tr", Poultry farm "tr", wholesale warehouse "Jupiter" "tr", Motordetal

The popular route No. 66, connecting the Leninsky and Sovetsky districts, was left without a carrier. Due to interruptions in bus service, Chelyabinsk residents are forced to stand at bus stops for 30–40 minutes, sometimes the waiting time reaches up to an hour. As a result, people are late for work and receive reprimands. The head of the city transport department, Maxim Kicheev, explained the reasons for the disruption and told us when and which buses would return to the line.

Complaints from readers of our site about interruptions in the minibus schedule began to arrive in mid-August. According to Chelyabinsk residents, they have contacted the mayor’s office more than once, but still cannot solve the problem.

My aunt is an employee of the Yuzhuralkonditer factory. She and 10–15 other people go to work from the Leninsky district only on the 66th minibus.. - On the way back home, they also wait half an hour for transport, because nothing else goes from the Sovetsky district to Leninsky. They contacted the transport department, they promised that the issue would be resolved soon.

Another reader of our site complained that on September 3 she waited for the 66th bus at the Dom Shoe stop on Gagarin Street for an hour.

During this time, two buses No. 66 passed me, completely filled with people; it was impossible to get on them,” the woman claims.

The head of the city transport department, Maxim Kicheev, explained the incident by changes in legislation that came into force on July 1.

The conditions for the implementation of the license changed, and Public City Transport LLC (OGT), which served the route, was unable to conclude agreements with the owners Vehicle, - the official clarified. - OGT sent us a letter stating that it cannot serve this route because there is not enough rolling stock. We accepted the notification, but according to the law, the enterprise must work for another 90 days, so how many vehicles they have now - they have been put out, and with these forces they are finalizing them.

According to Maxim Kicheev, previously more than 30 cars, including illegal immigrants, operated on the route. The ratio was approximately 50 to 50. Now their number has sharply decreased - illegal carriers are caught during raids, and Public Urban Transport has the ability to withdraw only four buses.

The contract with OGT was terminated and a competition was announced to find a new carrier. Its results will be known closer to mid-September.

The new company will have to use 25 buses on the route. If previously they were all of small capacity, now other requirements will be introduced.

We are gradually moving to the middle class of buses, and route 66 falls under the first round of these changes,” added Maxim Kicheev. - On this route there will initially be 20 small-class and five medium-class buses. And in six months there will be a new revolution: seven more middle-class buses will be added. And, naturally, the cars will be equipped with a full set, including GLONASS and cashless payments.

At the end of next week, new eco-friendly ones are going to be introduced on route 64


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