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Quantity seats on a Boeing 747-400 aircraft (Boeing 747-400) varies (depending on the model and configuration) from 320 passengers in a three-class cabin and up to 526 people in a two-class cabin. Also, it is worth considering that there are variations of this airliner with a single-class cabin that can accommodate up to 624 passengers.

As a rule, each airline orders aircraft to suit its needs, and the number of different modifications of the same aircraft can reach hundreds of options.

For example, Rossiya Airlines. And the largest European airline already has 30 such aircraft, with a capacity of 322 and 344 passengers.

In order to understand which seats are comfortable and which are not, you need to carefully study the interior layout of the airliner in which you are going to fly. After all, everyone has their own seating arrangement.

Boeing 747-400 Rossiya Airlines

We have analyzed the interior layout of the aircraft used by Rossiya. Detailed diagram salon, explanatory comments and photographs, see here -. If you are flying in Russia, we highly recommend studying this article.

So, let's start with the bow of the aircraft and business class. Places marked in green ( 1st and 4th row), slightly better than the standard seats (indicated in white) due to the fact that there are no seats in front of them and therefore there is additional large legroom.

Seats in row 9- the same. However, the proximity of toilets always implies unnecessary fuss and anxiety.

Seats in rows 24 and 27(marked in yellow) - The proximity of stairs, toilets and other technical rooms can cause inconvenience. Also, discomfort may arise due to the noise that occurs in economy class, if we are talking about the last row.

Economy class.

Places in 32 row have additional legroom. Also, from any of these places, you can get up at any time without disturbing your neighbors.

Despite the fact that they are located close to the toilet, we think that the freedom of movement and the extra space (which is important on a long flight) make them more advantageous.

33A and 33Kthe best option on board. There is no row of seats in front of you, there is a porthole, technical rooms are located at a distance. Even a long and long flight will take place in a comfortable environment.

Seats in row 34 (yellow) not as comfortable as the standard ones, as they are located right behind the wall of the toilets.

Because of this, there is not enough free space for the legs and the tables, which are usually located in the back of the chair in front, are mounted on the armrests. For this reason, the seats can be reduced and the armrests fixed. Not very comfortable. Also, the sounds of the tank and the slamming of toilet doors will not add to your comfort.

Seats in row 42 not so good, the backs of the chairs do not recline back at all or have a limitation in this. This is because there are escape hatches and a wall right behind them.

Seats in row 43 may have limited legroom.

The seats in the last, 56th row are definitely not the best. They are located in the tail, near the toilets and have limited reclining, or do not recline at all.

Standard seats

Now about the advantages and disadvantages of standard places, indicated in white.

We are not talking about business class, everything is simple there - all seats are good.

The seats that are located near the window have the advantage that you can look out of it and enjoy the flight and views (depending on the weather and flight time). No one will bother you when sitting down or getting up from your seat. These places have one drawback - it is difficult to get up from it without disturbing the neighbors.

Seats located in the middle - there is no direct access to the window, but people and flight attendants with carts scurrying along the aisle also do not bother you.

Aisle seats have another advantage - it is easy to leave your seat, for example to go to the toilet. Disadvantages: there is no access to the window, and flight attendants with trolleys and people passing through the cabin can also disturb you.

The seats, which are placed 4 in a row (in the middle of the cabin), have the same advantages and disadvantages. It’s convenient to get up from the extreme ones (both left and right), and those in the middle are not disturbed by people scurrying around.

In principle, using these simple rules, you can determine good and bad seats in the cabin of any airliner.

  • If possible, carefully study the diagram of the airliner on which you will fly. See section -
  • Studying the interior layout, choose the optimal seats, guided by the same rules that we have given
  • Do not take seats at the very rear, close to toilets, kitchens and other technical areas.
  • Do not take seats in which the seats do not recline or are limited in this
  • Do not take seats in front of or behind which there is a partition
  • Before the flight, decide what is more important to you: looking out the window or being able to go to the toilet without hindrance

We wish you a successful landing!

Are you here:// Boeing 747-400

The Boeing 747-8 is the prototype of the star plane from the movie “Casino Royale” and the largest passenger airliner of the Boeing Commercial Airplanes company.

The configuration of the aircraft was conceived back in 2005, but it reached airlines only 5 years later. The aircraft is not only the largest in terms of capacity, but also the longest airliner in the world today.

Features and benefits of the Boeing 747-8 aircraft

When working on the project of a new aircraft, certain characteristics were built into it. Including:

  • maximum fuel efficiency;
  • greater environmental friendliness by reducing air emissions;
  • reduction of permissible noise level;
  • improved aerodynamics.

Digital characteristics of the Boeing 747-8:

  • maximum capacity - 467-605 passengers;
  • flight range with maximum load - 14,800 km;
  • the maximum permissible speed is 917 km/h.

747-8 variants

In the classic configuration, two variants of this airliner model are conceived - cargo and passenger.

In the year the passenger airliner was released, there were rumors that such a Boeing model could become the personal presidential plane of the head South Korea. The information has not been confirmed. However, even now the aircraft ranks high in quality and performance among other airliner models.

Interesting: Now the VIP version of the plane has a bedroom with a bed, a dining room, a meeting room and a personal office.

Passenger compartment configuration

One of the main advantages of the model is its large capacity. Due to this, airlines can reduce flight prices without losing business profitability. The configuration of the aircraft is divided into two decks, which in turn are divided into four zones.

First grade

Located at the very nose of the aircraft on the main first deck. The maximum number of passengers in this class is 8. This class is considered the most prestigious, but also the most expensive. Service for First Class passengers is generally the fastest, and the quality of food and sleeping arrangements is the best.

Boeing 747-8 first class

Business Class

The business class area is located on both decks. There are 12 seats for VIP passengers on the first deck, and another 8 seats on the second deck. In total, there are 20 such seats on board.

Service in business class is no worse than in Premium class. The food is also served on porcelain plates, the staff are polite and the pillows are extremely soft. Naturally, a ticket with such conditions costs much more than economy class.

Business class seating arrangement

Premium Economy Class

This area is located in the middle of the airliner’s cabin on both decks. There are 32 such seats in total. As a rule, such a zone does not differ much from the classic economy class, but still has some bonuses. For example, faster service, more wide choose food and more comfortable chairs.

Premium Economy Class Seats

Economy class

Economy class is located at the end of the plane on both decks. In the classic configuration of the model, 244 seats are provided for passengers on each deck. As mentioned, the model configuration can vary and can accommodate up to 605 passengers.

As a rule, the Economy zone is located at the end of the cabin, which means you will have to wait longer for service here. However, the Boeing is equipped with Wi-Fi, sockets, and amenity kits. Which is also not unimportant.

Economy class on a Boeing 747-8

The best and worst places

Boeing 747-8 interior diagram

In business class the best places The seats in the middle of the cabin on the upper deck are considered. This is where there is enough space for movement and a more comfortable flight.

It is stereotypical to think that economy class seats do not provide much comfort when flying. Passengers in this class are advised to choose front seats as they have more legroom. Also, such places are convenient for a pregnant woman or mother with a child.

In economy class, the last seats are also considered comfortable. There is a lot of space, but passengers in these seats get food last. For many, this factor may be decisive when choosing.

According to avid travelers, one of the most uncomfortable places There will be a seat in the center rows of Economy class. The reason for this is the difficulty of going to the toilet or kitchen. There may be less personal space in these seats than in other parts of the aircraft. However, such places may cost a little less. Mainly for this reason they are popular.

Aircraft safety

Important : The safest seats are at the back of the plane.

Not surprisingly, most crashes damage the front and middle parts of the aircraft. Therefore, in the classic version of aircraft, the safest place is rightfully called the tail of the aircraft.

Interesting: The Boeing 747 model is statistically considered the safest model. In the entire history of the airliner's development, aircraft of this model crashed no more than 18 times.

Main characteristics

Technical characteristics of the Boeing 747-8 are presented in the table:

History of creation

Boeing has been considering the 747 since the 1990s. The first model was introduced in 1996. Unfortunately, there were no customers for the liner at that time. And there was little interest from developers and buyers.

A few years later, other versions of the 747 model were developed. The most winning idea was the Boeing 747-8. Initially it was assumed that the engines and cabin would not be modified, but later the decision changed.

In 2006, the airline launched the 747-8 cargo model, which flew the following year. most global freight transport.

In 2009, a passenger version of this model was ordered, which made its first flight a year later.

Interesting! At some point, Boeing Corporation wanted to cancel development of the 747-8 model without giving reasons. But later, again without explanation, the developers decided to leave the liner.

Since 2010 passenger Boeing The 747-8 has been on the runway hundreds and thousands of times. The liner still remains one of the largest and most spacious passenger aircraft.

If you have a long flight and are unable to purchase business or first class tickets, it is better to buy seats in Premium Economy Class. This area is more comfortable for long journey than regular Economy.

However, even the economy class of the Boeing 747-8 is equipped with means for spending time - monitors for watching movies or programs, as well as conditions for sleeping - pillows, blankets, blankets.

Important! Many airlines may offer a discount when you book and pay in advance for your flight.

In any case, choosing a place to fly should be made not only based on personal wishes, but also based on your financial situation. After all, many people prefer to save money on the flight itself, but at the same time, it is interesting and fun to spend their leisure time in another country or even on another continent.

Watch a video about the Boeing 747-8.

The Boeing 747 is called the "king of the skies." This is probably the most famous and legendary aircraft in history. But despite such popularity, many interesting facts this model remains unknown. We decided to fix this error!

The Boeing 747 made its first flight in February 1969, just 5 months before Apollo 11 landed on the moon.

The 747 was the first wide-body aircraft, meaning there were two aisles in the cabin

Pan Am's founder, Juan Trippe, pushed Boeing to create a plane more than twice the size of the 707. At the time, airport traffic was congested, and a larger plane would help Pan Am operate more efficiently.

The 747 is 2.5 times larger than the Boeing 707, which was one of the most common commercial aircraft at the time.

The goal of developing the 747's upper deck was to easily convert it into a cargo carrier. The developers believed that supersonic transport aircraft would quickly make the 747 obsolete, so its use as a cargo transport was of great importance

The 747's original design included an upper tier along the entire length of the fuselage, but since this interfered with a safe and easy evacuation within 90 seconds, the idea was rejected

Thanks to the wing's sophisticated mechanization, the 747 can operate from existing airports. Three-piece drive racks and Fowler flaps increase wing area by 21% and lift by 90%

Boeing did not have a facility large enough to build the 747, so it had to build a new assembly plant in Everett, Washington. The project's timeline was so aggressive that the first mock-up of the 747 was built before the factory's roof was finished. This plant is still the largest building in the world

The first 747 models had a problem with high-speed flutter in the wings. Engineers solved this problem by placing depleted uranium in counterbalance to the outboard engines.

The project was so expensive that the company had difficulty obtaining loans to complete it. Boeing's debt at that time was more than $2 billion - more than any other company in the world.

Development of the 747-400 began in 1985. With the new glass cockpit, the crew requirement was reduced from three to two pilots

The 747 has a wing sweep of 37.5 degrees - more than any other commercial airliner in the world

The Evergreen 747 Supertanker (742-200) is the largest firefighting aircraft in the world. It can hold up to 20,000 gallons of firefighting chemicals

1,494 Boeing 747s built since 1969

NASA chose the 747 to carry its space shuttles for two reasons: 1) the low wing design allows the shuttle to be easily mounted; 2) NASA could own the Boeing 747, while the Air Force C-5 could not.

Thanks to its iconic hump, the 747 has become one of the most popular and recognizable aircraft in the world, earning its nickname as the "King of the Skies."

You probably want to know specific numbers as soon as possible? Well, let's not bore you with long conversations.

Boeing 737 takeoff speed

Let's figure out how fast a plane takes off. It all depends on individual technical characteristics.

If we talk about the Boeing 737, then takeoff is divided into several stages:

  1. The plane begins to move only at the moment when the engine operates at a speed of 810 revolutions per minute. Once this point is reached, the pilot slowly releases the brakes and keeps the control lever at neutral.
  2. Speed ​​is gained when the aircraft moves on three wheels.
  3. Liner accelerates to 185 kilometers per hour and moves on two wheels.
  4. When the acceleration reaches 225 kilometers per hour, the ship takes off.

The above indicators may fluctuate slightly as speed is affected by wind direction and strength, air currents, humidity, serviceability and quality runway etc.

You can find out the take-off speed of other airliners from the table:

We invite you to watch this video with a visual measurement of speed during takeoff passenger plane by GPS:

Airplane speed when landing

As for the speed of the aircraft during landing, this is a variable value that depends on the mass of the side and the strength of the headwind, but in the average landing speed is 240-250 km/h, that is, approximately 20 km/h below the take-off speed of the aircraft.

If there is a headwind, the speed may be even lower, because the headwind increases the lift, in which case values ​​from 130-200 km/h are quite acceptable.

Speed ​​of a passenger plane in flight

So, the average speed of modern airliners is 210-800 kilometers per hour. But this is not the maximum value.

Cruise and maximum values

Acceleration passenger airliners divided into cruising and maximum. This value is never compared to the sound barrier. Passengers are not transported at maximum speed.

Speed ​​characteristics vary depending on the airliner model. Average values:

  • Tu 134 - 880 kilometers per hour;
  • IL 86 - 950 kilometers per hour;
  • Passenger Boeing - accelerating from 915 to 950 kilometers per hour.

By the way, the maximum value for civil air transport is approximately 1035 kilometers per hour.

Passenger airliners have low cruising and maximum speeds, so you don’t have to worry again before your upcoming flight!

Passenger aircraft flight speed - quick reference:

  • Airbus A380: maximum speed - 1020 km/h, cruising speed - 900 km/h;
  • Boeing 747: maximum – 988 km/h, standard flight speed – 910 km/h;
  • IL 96: maximum – 900 km/h, cruising speed – 870 km/h;
  • Tu 154M: maximum speed – 950 km/h, average – 900 km/h;
  • Yak 40: maximum – 545 km/h, and normal speed is 510 km/h.

You may find it easier to understand the numbers thanks to the table:

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The Boeing 747-100, nicknamed the "Jumbo Jet", is a wide-body passenger aircraft that laid the foundation for the entire Boeing 747 family of long-haul airliners. This aircraft has become an extremely important aircraft in transport aviation. The need to create a passenger aircraft with a large capacity arose from the increase in the number of passenger air travel in the mid-sixties. This has led to a greater concentration of aircraft at airports around the world. And in order to relieve congestion at major airports, the Boeing 747-100 was created, which reduced operating costs on long-haul and international air travel.

Boeing 747-100 photo

The first sketches of the new aircraft were demonstrated in August 1965. And in 1966, Boeing Commercial Airplanes introduced the configuration of a double-deck airliner, which received the digital designation “747.” The initial design of the aircraft involved a completely double-deck design, but then, due to difficulties that arose, the project was revised in favor of lengthening the fuselage and reducing the volume of the upper deck. For this reason, the profile of the Boeing 747 aircraft acquired its recognizable “hump”. The first customer for the new long-haul aircraft was Pan American World Airways, which made an initial order for 25 Boeing 747 aircraft.

The Boeing 747-100 was the first modification in the Boeing 747 family. The aircraft took the shape of a monoplane with a low wing with a sweep of 37.5 degrees. The wingspan is 59.64 meters with a fuselage length of 70.66 meters. Under the wing of the aircraft, in the nacelles, four Pratt & Whitney JT9D-7A turbojet engines with a thrust of about 208.9 kN were installed.

The aircraft cabin was initially designed to be universal, so that in the future it would be possible to convert passenger aircraft into transport and cargo variants.

Boeing 747-100 interior photo

In a three-class layout Boeing cabin The 747-100 can accommodate 366 passenger seats, in a two-class version there are 452 passenger seats. With an economical, single-class cabin layout, the Boeing 747-100 is capable of carrying 490 passengers.

The first Boeing 747-100 was built on September 2, 1968. It was flown on February 9, 1969. After passing all the tests and receiving a flight certificate, the aircraft was handed over to Pan American, which made the first commercial flight on this aircraft on January 1, 1970. The first European airline to receive the Boeing 747-100 was the German Lufthansa, which received three of these aircraft.

The final version of the basic aircraft was delivered to Pan American on July 2, 1976. After which the attention of Boeing Commercial Airplanes was paid to the production of modernized Boeing 747-100 aircraft. Which have the following options:

Boeing 747-100B, an improved version of the 747-100, with a reinforced wing, fuselage and landing gear structure. This version was also equipped with Pratt & Whitney JT9D-7Fs engines with a thrust of 215.1 kN. The first customer of this version of the aircraft was Iran Air, which received its first Boeing 747-100B on August 2, 1979.

Boeing 747SR (Short Range), a version of the aircraft designed specifically for short and medium-haul airlines, but with high passenger traffic. Essentially, the Boeing 747SR is a short-haul version of the Boeing 747-100. This version has a smaller fuel reserve. The maximum passenger capacity of the Boeing 747SR has been increased to 550 people.

Boeing 747-100M, a cargo-passenger version of the aircraft, with a cargo door located on the left side, immediately behind the main wing.

Boeing 747SCA, version designed to transport the space shuttle

Boeing 747LL, a version of the aircraft used to test various turbojet engines.

The last aircraft in the Boeing 747-100SR version was delivered to Japan Airlines in September 1986. Over the entire production period from 1986 to 1986, about 250 Boeing 747-100 airliners with all modifications were built.

Technical characteristics of the Boeing 747-100 aircraft:

  • Boeing 747-100 first flight: February 9, 1969
  • Years of production: from 1968 to 1986
  • Length: 70.66 m.
  • Height: 19.33 m.
  • Wingspan: 59.64 m.
  • Cabin width: 6.1 m.
  • Empty weight: 162386 kg.
  • Maximum take-off weight: 340195 kg.
  • Wing area: 510.90 sq.m.
  • Cruising speed: 895 km/h.
  • Maximum speed: 955 km/h.
  • Ceiling: 13700 m.
  • Flight range: 9800 km.
  • Engines: 4 x Pratt & Whitney JT9D-7A (208.9 kN), JT9D-7Fs (215.1 kN) or General Electric CF64-5A2s (206.8 kN) turbofan engines.
  • Takeoff length: 2160 m.
  • Run length: 1700 m.
  • Crew: 3 people (2 pilots, 1 flight engineer)
  • Number of passenger seats: 490 seats in economy class

Boeing 747-100. Gallery.


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