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Finding lost coins and jewelry on the beach seems like a sure thing for many treasure hunters. In fact, the beach search has its own nuances and subtleties, and the apparent simplicity of getting rich sometimes turns into empty cops.

In this article we will try to understand which metal detector is better to choose for the beach, how to behave and when to go to the cops.

What you need to know about beach searching

The main thing to remember at the beach is the water. Water is nearby, water is in the ground. We took an unprotected metal detector, excitedly put it down or dropped it in the water - and instead of profit we get a loss - repairing the control unit will cost more than a single coin.

If the beach is sea, we face the next problem - salt.

Effect of salts

First of all, salt from water easily passes into the soil, making it more mineralized. It becomes more difficult to rebuild a metal detector from such soil. And devices that do not provide ground balance at all can be enchantingly glitchy on salty sand, giving out signals where there is nothing at all.

Devices with ground detuning must be reconfigured as they approach the water - the mineralization of the soil changes. Salty soil also requires a coarsening of sensitivity, and, consequently, a decrease in search depth. Fortunately, this is not critical on the beach; the finds lie in the upper layer or on the surface of the sand.

Salt also affects the condition of metal detectors - it gradually corrodes the aluminum rods, and the plastic of the coil and the insulation of the wire have a hard time in a salty environment. You should not throw the metal detector after salt water - rinse it with fresh water or at least wipe it, less salt will remain after drying.

Coil protection

A simple but important conclusion follows from the previous part. Salt, drying on surfaces, makes adjustments to the operation of the device. If you use coil protection, after working in salt water, rinse both the coil and the protection separately with fresh water - this will prevent salt from remaining in the gaps and affecting the operation of the detector.

And if fresh water If you don’t have it at hand, work without coil protection and wipe it dry after digging.

Restrictions in the law

Everything that is in the ground or under water in Russia belongs to the state. Anything excavated over 100 years old must be taken to a museum.

The search itself on the beach is in no way illegal if the beach is not included in a special list of objects cultural heritage. We read about where you can go digging for a day and stay for 4 years in our material The Law on Metal Detectors in Russia in 2019: where is it safe to dig, do you need to get a permit and what are the fines for violations.

The law does not prohibit you from walking with a metal detector along the beach, through the forest, or through the central square of the city. As long as you don’t dig a monument or disturb the cultural layer in specially protected places, they may only hinder you out of curiosity.

Types of beach search

Experienced treasure hunters divide the beach into several zones, roughly parallel to the water line. There is a dry zone - sand on the beach, a children's zone - a depth of up to 40 cm (knee-deep), a girl's zone - up to 70 cm (waist-deep), a zone of up to 120 cm (chest-deep) treasure hunters define as "possessed" - at this depth Most of the games happen, during which people lose jewelry, and everything deeper is the zone of the fattest swag, but also the rarest.

Features of beach search without entering the water

Coins and jewelry that were stuck in a sock, the edge of a bedspread, or other secluded places are also located on the sand. And then they shook up the stash and here it is - a loss of losses.

Features of searching with entry into knee-deep water

In the children's area you can find crosses, icons, and children's decorations. And everything that the sea brought is located approximately here.

Features of searching on the beach with waist-deep water

In the girls' area there are rings. Girls often lose weight, but they don’t wear rings to the jeweler. She’s lost weight, the ring falls off her finger, but she still carries it to the beach, straight into the hands of a treasure hunter.

Features of searching in deeper places

In the “possessed” zone, you can pick up chains and earrings.

And in the deeper one you can find any decorations at all. As a rule, they lose gold and silver in extreme situations, in panic. A man begins to drown - and instinctively tears everything off himself.
Or rescuers accidentally break the chain.

If you can still walk up to your waist with a conventional metal detector, then there is nothing to do deeper without a waterproof device.

What is the best metal detector for beach detecting?

Cheap or expensive? Simple or sophisticated? We will try to answer these questions below.

Why any cheap metal detector is not suitable for the beach

The beach, and especially the salty beach, is a difficult soil. It’s not for nothing that many Beach digital metal detectors have a separate search program. Uneven humidity, uneven high mineralization, the presence of numerous metal debris - these are the factors by which simple metal detectors are discriminated against.

A simple metal detector is not necessarily cheap. The lack of ground balance is a direct contraindication to using the device on the sea beach. The treasure hunter will get nothing but disappointment from such a search.

What will be useful for a beach metal detector?

First of all, a competent operator is useful for a beach metal detector. Without it, any sophisticated technology turns into a useless and very expensive toy.

Waterproof. Even if you behave with extreme caution, it is impossible to insure yourself against a wave raised by an idiot on a jet ski. If the device does not have native water protection, you should take care of it.

Or change the device to a protected one. At the same time, it will be possible to master underwater search at a depth of 2-3 meters.

Ground balancing or the presence of a special beach search mode. This is an important thing, without which you should not go to the beach, especially the sea one. Or independently and tediously turn the potentiometers, knocking down the sensitivity to a minimum and dooming yourself in advance to search in a layer up to 5 cm maximum.

Search on the sea beach

We talked about the technical aspects above. Let's talk about the best time to go out sea ​​beach.

If you decide to combine business with pleasure and walk along the beach during its complete occupation by civilians, get ready for disappointment and negativity. Not the entire population understands what the treasure hunter is doing and why he is bothering citizens.

Therefore, it is better to go out searching in the morning or evening hours or even out of season - in spring or autumn, the main thing is that the snow has either already melted or has not yet fallen.

Naturally, it is better to go to the sea beach during low tide. There will be less need to climb into wet water. And during high tide you can spend searching on the sand.

Tools for searching on the beach with a metal detector

In addition to the metal detector itself, the digger will need decent protective gloves - it’s easier to run into glass shards and sharp edges of cans on the beach than, for example, when digging in an open field.

The next accessory is a scoop. There is nothing to do with a shovel on the beach; the soil is not heavy. Therefore, a good light wide scoop is better and more effective than a heavy shovel.

If you are serious about it, then you should get a scub. This is a perforated metal box on a handle, which the treasure hunter uses to simultaneously rake and sift the soil.

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It’s winter outside, a meter of snow lies on the ground. And I wanted to remember warm summer days, when the rays of the sun are reflected in the surface of the water. And on the beach there are crowds of people swimming and sunbathing. And at the same time they lose their money and jewelry! Today we're talking about a beach cop.

Beach search is quite a troublesome task and can only be done by patient searchers, the most stubborn of them. Why? I myself dug on the beaches several times and found nothing except hundreds of corks and several tens of rubles in change. But after all, people are lucky and fans of their craft come across some pretty worthy finds: silver, gold and precious stones.

For beach searching, absolutely any metal detector will do. Both entry level and professional. But it’s worth mentioning the reel. Due to the heavy litter in these places, searching with a large coil will be extremely difficult. Literally everything will ring. Typically, small diameter sniper coils are used. But standard mono coils ASEC 150-250 and graters 305 are also suitable. Also new Go-Find devices from Minelab. Waterproof devices are especially welcome in beach digging. After all, in search of gold you will probably go into the water.

More finds can be found in the recreation area, where people undressed and lay, and in shallow water, where people ran into the water and jewelry flew off with a whistle. But there will be corks and foil everywhere. Not a single beach can do without it, no matter how much it is cleaned. All these items give a stable signal, especially for budget devices.

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What do you find on the beaches? Numerous corks, pull tabs from cans, foil. From the more or less normal, loose change, keys and cell phones spilled out of pockets. But jewelry is rarely found. But all those who like to wander along the beach with the device are hunting for it. Well, and various kinds of fishing equipment: lost sinkers, hooks and spoons. I even found a whole box with a set of hooks and sinkers!

It’s good to dig with a shovel sandy beaches. Yes, there are such things. For example, at village ponds. And on the sand, the faithful fiskar will already be weak. Scup is used instead. This is a bucket with a bunch of holes, which is used to scoop up sand in the place of a probable find. All the sand disappears through the holes, but the find remains. Convenient, isn't it?

More interesting will be the Soviet beaches, which are no longer used in our century. I had to somehow dig on this. There was relatively little trash. And the finds are from the late Soviets of the 60-80s of the last century. But I never found any jewelry 😥 .

And the most delicious beaches in terms of finds date back to Tsarist times. Have you seen imperial copper made of sand, clay and silt? She is in such a state as if the coin was dropped yesterday. After all, in silt and clay without access to oxygen, even the patina on a coin does not grow.

After digging on several beaches, I came to the conclusion that this is not my thing at all. I have never found so much garbage anywhere else! I’d rather rustle the house hole than go to the beach :) But perhaps you will be lucky to dig up the long-awaited saffron milk cap, lost by swimmers. Try, dig. Trying is not torture :)

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Of course, in addition to searching in the old days, many treasure hunters try their hand at beach searching. Although there are many who like to dig in the old days, there is also a special caste of searchers - those who purposefully search for jewelry on the beaches. To take it even steeper, there are also gold miners who travel specifically at the end of the beach season not only to the south of Russia, but also to Europe. Needless to say, all this is not in vain and the finds of beach diggers are sometimes quite significant.

We will not consider “cool” beach search professionals, since such people work purposefully, they have serious equipment, costs, and, accordingly, serious finds. What can an ordinary fan of wandering around with a metal detector find on the beach?

The first thing that is most often found on the beach is walking coins, that is, modern coins. People undress, put their clothes on the sand and change spills out of their pockets. These are rubles, 2 rubles, kopecks and, of course, metal tens. And if the anniversary tens were made of bimetal and the signal on them was unique, then the modern 10 rubles are so small, they are made of steel and sound accordingly. But it doesn’t matter, you will find a couple of dozen such coins and understand their signal, in the future you will be sure that you are digging an iron ten.

In addition to traffic jams, there are a lot of traffic jams, both beer and any other. And if beer corks sound special, after a few pieces you already know that it is a cork, then a vodka cork is a different matter. Of course, they are not that frequent, but they do happen.
Also among the annoying and useless finds on the beach are labels from Coca-Cola, Pepsi and other drinks that are in aluminum cans. Beer, by the way, is also sold in these stores. And drinking beer on the beach in the middle of summer is something our audience really loves. The beach is littered, so the searchers on the beach are doing a good deed - cleaning the beach of metal debris.

Well, finally, the very thing for which treasure hunters go to the beach is jewelry, of which a great many are lost on the beach. It can be silver or gold, various products - chains, rings, bracelets, rings, signets, pendants, earrings and much more. Do the math for yourself - for 1 gram of gold in a pawnshop you can get about 1000 rubles, of course gold of standard standard 585. I found a gold ring - it weighs at least 2 grams, and raised a couple of thousand rubles. And if you pick up a bracelet worth 20 grams from the sand, you figure out how much you can earn by selling this little thing to a pawnshop. A lot of. That's why searching for jewelry on the beach is so popular.

While vacationers are sunbathing and losing their gold, gold miners with metal detectors are awake and picking up what others have lost. This is their hobby, for some it is a job that brings significant income. I also heard that some people go to the South, find so much gold there that there is enough money to completely pay for their trip and still have some left over. So searching for gold jewelry on the beach is a very interesting and profitable activity. sooner or later you will find a gold chain or ring.

search on the beach

Greetings to all visitors to the blog about. Today I want to remember the very recent summer, warm times and, of course, beach searching with a metal detector. I’ll be honest, last summer I went on a beach search only 2 times, because, as it seems to me, this activity is for real extreme sports enthusiasts. Search on the beach differs from a regular search on a field or somewhere else, because the amount of metal garbage on the beach sometimes exceeds all imaginable and inconceivable sizes.

Let's look at some of the features of beach search, what is the best way to search, how to search on the beach, what comes across there, in general, I will try to introduce my reader to what beach search is all about. And he will decide for himself whether he should do this.

Any entry-level metal detector is quite suitable for beach searching, because the depth of valuable objects does not exceed 10-15 centimeters, even ICQ 150 will take such a depth. I go with a 34 grater and don't complain. Of course, if you have a more powerful device, then it certainly won’t get any worse, but I repeat, if you are a beginner, you won’t buy a metal detector for 25 thousand rubles. Why, if for a beach search an ordinary device for 12 thousand is quite suitable.

Next, let's look at coils for metal detectors. An ordinary large dd coil is generally unsuitable for beach search, because it rings incessantly, it hits with a cylinder, unlike the usual standard coil, which hits with a cone. Imagine, a dd coil shines through a circle with a diameter of 25 cm, at this diameter there are always more than one targets and it is very difficult to understand what is under the coil. Moreover, centering the dd signal with a coil is problematic, so you will be digging huge holes in which there will be plugs and other garbage crap. So we conclude that a large dd coil is not suitable for beach search.

The best option for beach searching would be a regular, small dd coil with excellent characteristics. A sniper allows you to bypass mountains of metal trash, because search on the beach- basically digging in a large dump of metal waste. And we just need a small coil that can accurately find the targets we need. Among other things, it can also search in water, because very often finds are found precisely at the beginning of the water. Well, to my surprise, the regular standard mono coil also showed good results. That is, if you are a complete beginner, then there is no need to spend money on expensive devices and coils; for beach searching, an entry-level metal detector with standard equipment is quite suitable.

So, the goals of the beach search.
Most metal detectorists on the beach are usually hunting for lost jewelry. You yourself have probably lost rings, earrings and chains at least once on the beach. Both gold and silver. All this is good and can become finds of beach search engines. Searching for gold on the beach- the main goal of any person searching on the beach. But this is just a goal; as a rule, few people find gold, but they dig up mountains of corks and small items. It’s impossible to describe everything you can find on the beach. But only a few find gold and those who persistently continue their beach search.

What can you find on the beach?
Let's look at the main finds during a beach search. The very first thing that can be noted is all kinds of metal trash - beer caps, aluminum Coca-Cola labels (they sound just amazing), aluminum cans, hunting shot and other metal crap that can fall out of the pockets of shorts or a woman's handbag. Watches and cell phones are no longer found often, but it is possible. There are also a fair amount of fishing accessories - lead sinkers and spoons. One day I wandered into some place where spinning fans were fans and found 5 spinners. And you don’t need to buy))

A modern walker is a common find; sometimes you can collect 100 rubles in small change. This is understandable; small change falls out of pants and shorts left on the beach.

Where to look on the beach, where to start, what are the most promising places to search on the beach. In general, the entire beach can be divided conditionally into 3 zones - water (distance from the shore is 3 meters, subject to shallow depth), space for sun loungers and the actual locker and changing rooms. Of course, the most promising place to search on the beach is the sunbed area. People sunbathe there, they have things and clothes there. Accordingly, there are finds, all of the above, but if you are aiming to find gold, then start looking in the sunbed area.

The coastal zone and water - there is also gold, jewelry, and walkers that are much smaller there. This results in a more targeted search.

Well, the changing places - it speaks for itself, it’s also a good place. One way or another, in this area and in the lounge area you can find gold jewelry - rings, earrings, chains.

beach search scoop

Every self-respecting beach searcher needs to have a beach search scoop, better known as a scoob. That's what they call it among professional beachgoers. What's good about this one? search scoop, let's figure it out. Firstly, if you have ever tried to find a signal in loose wet sand, I think you will understand me. I really want to scoop up the ringing sand with something, pour it out and ring the detector. A scoop comes in handy; you use it to scoop up sand, no matter whether it is wet or dry, sift through the sand, and if there is a find, it remains in the scoop. It turns out something like a sieve, you sift the sand quickly and efficiently. So when searching for sunbeds in an area where the sand is dry, a scub will save you a lot of time and nerves. You can buy a beach search scoop in specialized stores or make it yourself, fortunately there is nothing complicated here. Well, it’s worth noting that scubs are made from both metal and plastic. Metal scubs are durable, but cannot be penetrated by a metal detector. But plastic scubs are perfect for this purpose; you scoop up sand and don’t even have to sift it (if the sand is damp, try sifting), but immediately ring the device. That is, a beach search scoop is simply a necessary attribute of any beachgoer.

Searching in water also has its own characteristics, but here you need to be more prepared, have the necessary ammunition and modify the detector for searching in water, and seal the coil as tightly as possible. If you go in the summer, then you can still do it, but if it’s closer to autumn, then you will need swampers and much more. But I personally did not search in the water, so there is nothing to say, I just mentioned it for show.

Finally interesting video about searching on the beach with a Minelab X terra 30 metal detector. There are finds!!!


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