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Check that you have the documents required for your trip:

International passport (passport must be valid forat least SIX monthsafter the end date of the trip, and have at least two free pages for affixing a visa); photocopy of international passports(may be useful if you lose your passport and in case of other unforeseen circumstances); air tickets or itinerary/electronic ticket receipts; voucher; medical insurance policy.

If traveling with children:

A minor citizen of the Russian Federation traveling with at least one of his parents MUST LEAVE THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ONLY WITH HIS FOREIGN PASSPORT.

Without the need to obtain a separate foreign passport, a minor citizen of the Russian Federation under 14 years of age can travel together with at least one of the parents, if he is included in the foreign passport of the parent traveling with him, EXECUTED BEFORE MARCH 01, 2010. In this case, the parent’s passport MUST include a photograph of the child, regardless of his age, which must bear the stamp of the passport and visa service. The absence of a photograph or seal is grounds for refusing a child to cross the border. Departure from the Russian Federation of minor children, information about which is included in the passports of their accompanying parents, issued before March 1, 2010, is carried out according to the validity period of these passports.

When a minor Russian citizen travels across the state border of the Russian Federation together with one of the parents, the written consent of the second parent is not required, unless he has previously received a statement about his disagreement with the departure of the children of whom he is the parent from the Russian Federation.

If a minor child and the parent traveling with him have different last names, we recommend taking with you a notarized copy of the birth certificate to confirm the relationship.

You can obtain more detailed information on this issue by reading the memo “Procedure for traveling abroad for minor citizens of the Russian Federation”, posted on our website in the “Memos for tourists” section.

When collecting your luggage:

We recommend that you put all valuables, documents and money in your hand luggage and take them with you on the plane. All metal sharp and cutting objects (nail scissors, nail files, penknife, etc.), as well as any liquids, gels and aerosols (except, if necessary, baby food and medicines) should be packed in your luggage. - carrying such items on board the aircraft in hand luggage is PROHIBITED or is regulated by special rules. You can obtain more detailed information on this issue by reading the memo “Rules for passing pre-flight control” posted on our website http://www.anextour. com in the section “Memos for tourists”.

Don't forget to pack and take with you first aid kit, which will help you with minor ailments, save your time searching for medicines and relieve you from the problems of communicating in a foreign language. You can get recommendations for its formation in the “Tourist First Aid Kit” leaflet, posted on our website in the “Tourist Guidelines” section.

Before leaving for the airport:

We recommend that you obtain additional information about possible changes in the departure conditions of your flight using the website of the airline operating the flight or by calling its help desk.


We recommend that you arrive at the check-in point for passengers in advance, no later than three hours before the flight departure, to go through check-in procedures for the flight, baggage check-in, and fulfill the requirements related to border, customs, sanitary-quarantine, veterinary and other types of control established legislation of the Russian Federation.


Passengers are checked in for a flight and their baggage is checked in on the basis of a personalized air ticket or an itinerary/electronic ticket receipt printed on paper, as well as the passenger’s foreign passport.

Upon check-in, the passenger is given a boarding pass, which must be retained until the airline may file claims regarding the quality of the air transportation services provided.

Check-in for the flight ends 40 minutes, and boarding the aircraft 20 minutes before the flight departure time according to local time. A passenger who is late for check-in or boarding the aircraft may be denied transportation.

Each passenger is entitled to carry 20 kilograms of baggage free of charge, including 5 kilograms of hand luggage carried in the cabin. For carrying luggage in excess of the established free baggage allowance, an additional fee will be charged at the rate established by the carrier.

The dimensions of one piece of baggage (length+width+height) accepted for transportation must not exceed a total of 160 cm.

The carrier has the right to refuse a tourist to transport baggage whose weight or volume does not meet the established standards.


In advance, before the start of your trip, read the Instructions “Customs control and rules for moving currency and goods across the border of the Russian Federation” and “Rules for passing customs control upon departure and arrival”, posted on the website in the “Instructions” section tourists."

Without presenting documents and without entering information about currency into the passenger customs declaration, tourists have the right to take out cash foreign currency and/or currency of the Russian Federation in an amount not exceeding the equivalent 3.000 US dollars, as well as traveler's checks for an amount not exceeding 10.000 US dollars. When individuals export foreign currency and/or currency of the Russian Federation in the equivalent of 3,000 to 10,000 US dollars, or traveler's checks in an amount exceeding 10,000 US dollars, these amounts must be declared in the passenger customs declaration.

There are no restrictions on funds exported using a bank card. There is no need to declare a bank card.


If you do not move currency and items that need to be declared across the border, then you should go through the customs control zone along the “Green Corridor”.

Without paying customs duties you can import to the Russian Federation goods for personal use in an amount not exceeding 10.000 Euro, total weight - no more 50 kilograms .

An individual at least 18 years of age may import without paying customs duties: 3 liters of alcoholic beverages; 50 cigars, 100 cigarillos, 200 cigarettes, 0.25 kg of tobacco; 250 grams of black sturgeon caviar.

In the event of a one-time import into Russia by individuals of cash and/or traveler's checks in an amount equivalent to more than 10.000 US dollars, or foreign and/or domestic securities in documentary form (regardless of the amount), then these amounts and information must be included in the passenger customs declaration.

BORDER CONTROL at the airport of the Russian Federation

To go through border control you must present your passport and boarding pass. When carrying out border control, border guards have the right to request additional documents from tourists and conduct an oral questioning.


When traveling around Thailand there is no claim for infection with especially dangerous infectious diseases, do vaccinations not officially required. It can be recommended for preventive purposes to receive anti-tetanus injections and vaccination against hepatitis A and B.

VETERINARY AND PHYTO CONTROL at airports of the Russian Federation

In advance, before the start of your trip, read the Instructions “Rules for passing veterinary control” and “Rules for passing phytocontrol”, posted on the website in the section “Instructions for tourists”.

If you take out animals, then you need to have a set of documents confirming that they are healthy. As a rule, you should have: Veterinary passport, Health certificate(issued by any state veterinary clinic), Certificate from the SCOR or RKF club(the certificate states that the dog has no breeding value; certificates from other clubs raise questions at customs).

You should know that hotels in Morocco generally do not allow pets.

At import in the Russian Federation for animals and birds, you must have an accompanying veterinary certificate obtained from the State Veterinary Service of the country where the animal was purchased.

ATTENTION!PROHIBITED on exit and entry!


ACCEPT suitcases, parcels and other items from strangers for transportation on board the aircraft.

REMEMBER! Illegal movement of goods or currency across the customs border of the Russian Federation or their failure to declare or false declaration entails administrative or criminal liability.


Upon arrival at the airport in Morocco, you must sequentially: go through passport control, receive your luggage, go through customs control, find a representative of the host company meeting you with an “Anex Tur” sign and present him with a tourist voucher.

PASSPORT CONTROL at Morocco airport

VISA. Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to enter the Kingdom of Morocco for a period not exceeding 90 days without a pre-issued visa. Each tourist is assigned a personal number, which is affixed to the passport along with the entry stamp. In case of visa violation, a fine and restriction of visiting the country will be imposed.

ATTENTION! For citizens who do not have citizenship of the Russian Federation, different rules for entry into the territory of the Kingdom of Morocco may be established. Information on this issue should be obtained from the Moroccan embassy at your place of citizenship.

When going through passport control, you must present a passport with a visa stamp attached. You may be required to present a travel voucher and return air ticket.

CUSTOMS CONTROL at Morocco airport

Import foreign currency is unlimited, but must be declared upon entry.

Duty free allowed import: cigarettes - 200 pcs., or cigars - 50 pcs., or tobacco - 250 g; alcoholic beverages - 1 liter, photo, audio, and video equipment - one item of each name, household items and items - within the limits of personal needs.

Import PROHIBITED drugs, medicines containing a large dose of narcotic substances, weapons, any materials discrediting the existing system in the country, senior leadership, directed against the foundations of Islam, people who profess it, as well as printed films, videos and other pornographic materials.

Take out No more than the amount you brought is allowed.

PROHIBITED export without special permission, objects and things of historical and artistic value.

PROHIBITED export national currency.


Sanitary and phytosanitary controls are carried out as part of normal procedures. Tourists do not require a vaccination certificate.

VETERINARY CONTROLat Morocco airport

When importing pets, you must present a certificate with a rabies vaccination stamp. A certificate of other vaccinations is not required.


Morocco is in North Africa, washed in the west by the Atlantic Ocean, and in the north by the Mediterranean Sea. The Strait of Gibraltar separates Morocco from Europe. It borders Algeria and Western Sahara.

Capital: Rabat.

Language: The official languages ​​are Arabic (local dialect) and Berber. The languages ​​of business communication are English and French.

Climate: In most of Morocco the climate is subtropical, in the north it is Mediterranean with dry, hot summers and damp, mild winters. On the Atlantic coast the climate is milder, with slight temperature fluctuations. In the south it is dry, there is a desert.

Time: Time lags behind Moscow by 3 hours in summer. There are no deviations from Greenwich time.

Population- About 35 million people. Ethnic composition: 55% of the population are Arabs, 40% Berbers, 5% Jews, Europeans, local tribes.

State religion- The official religion of Morocco is Islam. 98% of the inhabitants of the country are Muslims (Sunnis), about 1% are Christians, about 1% are Jews. The Koran imposes a number of strict prohibitions on the faithful, which must be strictly observed.

Customs and rules

You cannot photograph people, especially women, without permission. It is prohibited to photograph Moroccan government buildings.

During the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims are prohibited from eating from sunrise to sunset. During Ramadan, tourists are not recommended to consume any food or drinks in public places, or to smoke or chew chewing gum. Failure to comply with this rule may result in detention by the police for disrespect for laws and traditions.

It is an administrative offense to appear drunk in public places. At the same time, alcoholic beverages are freely sold in shops, bars and restaurants.

Restraint and respect are required when visiting a mosque, and it is best to visit it when there is no service there. You must take off your shoes at the entrance to a mosque, house or apartment. It is not advisable to enter the mosque wearing shorts, short skirts and T-shirts. Women must enter with their heads covered. You should also refrain from visiting the mosque on Friday, especially in the morning.

As you know, devout Muslims are prohibited from drinking alcohol; drinking alcohol on the streets is not approved by public opinion, and can lead to detention by the police.

Holidays and non-working days:

January 1 - European New Year, January 11 - Independence Day, May 1 - Labor Day, July 30 - Throne Day, August 20 - Revolution Day, August 21 - Youth Day, November 6 - Green March Memorial Day, November 18 - Day independence - anniversary of the return from exile of King Mohammed V.

Islamic religious holidays are celebrated according to the lunar calendar and do not have a fixed date. Moulid al-Nabi - Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad. Ramadan is a month of fasting. Eid el-Fitr or Little Bayram. This three-day holiday ends the fasting month of Ramadan. Eid el-Adha or Greater Bayram (the three-day festival of sacrifice) is celebrated 70 days after the Lesser Bayram, at the end of the month of pilgrimage to Mecca.


The national history of Morocco is typical Mediterranean.

The shops

Many shops do not have hourly opening hours; during the tourist season they are open until late at night. It is customary to bargain in small shops and markets.


The most popular public intercity and intracity transport in Morocco is bus; in addition, communication between cities is carried out by “big taxis”; taxis are also popular within the city.

Car rent.

You can rent a car at the airport and large hotels. It is recommended to order a car in advance. Basic conditions are the presence of an international driver's license, insurance and a deposit in cash or a credit card. Traffic rules in cities are not strictly observed - be careful! It is also worth becoming thoroughly familiar with the technical characteristics, inspecting all damage to the car and indicating them in the contract, otherwise it will be difficult to prove later that you did not cause these damages, and you will have to pay an additional bill for their restoration.


For telephone conversations it is convenient to use cards that are sold in shops, tobacco kiosks, and post offices. The resorts also have special call centers, from which calling is cheaper than from a hotel, but more expensive than using cards. Most major Russian mobile operators provide roaming services in Morocco. The cost of the service depends on the tariff rates of a particular operator.

To call Russia you need to dial: 00 (international access) + 7 (Russian code) + city code + subscriber number.

To call from Russia in Morocco: 8-10-212 + area code + subscriber number. City codes: Rabat -7, Agadir - 5, Casablanca - 22, Marrakech - 4.

Emergency numbers

Emergency Services Ambulance - 15, Police - 19, Fire Service - 15, Gendarmerie and Roadside Assistance - 177

Mains voltage

The voltage can be 220 V and 110 V, the current frequency is 50 Hz.

In a hotel

On the day of arrival, check-in is carried out in accordance with the rules adopted at the hotel. Usually starting at 14:00 local time. Checkout time is usually 12-00. Please familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions of the hotel's services on site and adhere to the rules established by the hotel.

On the day of departure, before check-out time (usually 12-00), you must vacate your room and pay for additional services: telephone calls, mini-bar, ordering food and drinks in your room, massage, etc. You can leave your luggage in the storage room hotel and remain on the hotel premises until the transfer arrives. If you have not checked out the room before 12-00, the cost of the room is paid in full for the next day.

Please note:

Each hotel has its own peculiarity of the “all inclusive” concept. All necessary information can be obtained from the hotel guide.

A-La Carte restaurants require advance reservations and additional payment (including many all-inclusive hotels).



It is customary to leave tips (baksheesh) for porters (about $1) and waiters (in the amount of 5-10% of the bill). It is believed that bus drivers, hotel maids, and tour guides deserve rewards if the client is satisfied with the service.


Before traveling, we advise you to familiarize yourself with “Useful tips for Russian citizens traveling abroad” posted on the website of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs:, as well as with the Instruction of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs “To everyone who goes abroad”, and the Instruction of Rospotrebnadzor for those traveling abroad, posted on our website in the section “Instructions for tourists”.

Do not violate the safety rules established by airlines, transport organizations, hotels, and local authorities.

We categorically do not recommend that you purchase excursions and additional tourist services from travel and excursion agencies unknown to you. You may be given deliberately false information about the excursion itself; you will not be guaranteed the safety of the services provided and the serviceability of the equipment used, thereby you may expose yourself to serious danger.

Carry your passport (or photocopy of your passport) and hotel business card with you.

Respect the traditions of the country you are in, remember that in countries with Islamic culture you should especially observe the established etiquette in clothing and the rules for drinking any alcoholic beverages.

If transport accidents or conflicts with the police or other local authorities occur, it is necessary to notify a representative of the receiving party or employees of the Russian Embassy/Consulate.

During your travel, you are not entitled to engage in commercial activities or other paid work.

You must leave Morocco before the 90 days expire, otherwise you may be fined, arrested and forcibly deported from the country.

Do not leave children alone without your supervision at the beach, by the pool, on water slides or while using attractions.

You should take into account the peculiarities of the local fauna, including remembering that swimming in the ocean is associated with the danger of attack by sharks and other fish and animals living in the sea. We kindly ask you to comply with the safety regulations established in this regard by your specific hotel and/or region.

Wash your hands before eating. Do not drink raw water, especially from open water. For drinking, it is recommended to use mineral water, which can be purchased in the hotel shops and bars.

Some hotels located on the coast have their own beaches with sun loungers and umbrellas, but most hotels do not have separate beaches - you can use the sun loungers and umbrellas of the beaches of other hotels for an additional fee. At the same time, there are public, completely free beaches everywhere.

Take a personal first aid kit with the set of medications you need on your trip.

It is not recommended to carry large amounts of cash with you. Theft of money and things from tourists happens quite often, as do frauds with counterfeit dollars. You should not take large sums of money out of your wallet in front of everyone.

When leaving the bus at stops and during excursions, do not leave hand luggage on it, especially valuables and money.

It is better to store important documents, cash and jewelry in the room safe. If your room does not have a safe, it can be rented for a fee from the hotel or deposited in the safe at the front desk by the receptionist.

Many hotels prohibit taking towels from your room to the beach or pool. Do not bring towels or equipment from your room to the beach without permission from the staff.

If the room has a minibar, then all drinks and snacks taken from it, as a rule, must be paid for.

In Morocco, the sale of alcohol is limited after 20.00. You can be arrested for being drunk in a public place.

Moroccan law provides for prison sentences for drug trafficking.

When talking to a Muslim man, do not be interested in his female half of the family.

There are no restrictions on movement around the country for Russians, but unaccompanied travel on roads that lie away from traditional routes is undesirable.

In all tourist areas of Morocco there are tourist police departments where you can contact if necessary.

If you find yourself on the territory of a foreign state without a means of subsistence, you have the right to receive assistance from diplomatic missions and consulates of the Russian Federation.


Keep yourself in control, losing your passport is a common phenomenon. To return to your homeland, you need to obtain a “Certificate of Entry (Return) to the Russian Federation.”

First, contact the local police to obtain from them the appropriate documentation regarding the loss or theft of your passport. Take a photo - You will need 2 photos.

Then you need to call the Russian Consulate in Morocco and explain the situation. With photographs and a police certificate, go to the Consular Office. There you must write an application for the issuance of a “Certificate of entry (return) to the Russian Federation” and receive there an identification certificate giving the right to enter (return) to the Russian Federation and the possibility of obtaining a new foreign passport from the internal affairs authorities at the place of registration in the Russian Federation . To speed up the process of confirming your identity at the Consulate, it is advisable to have a copy of your international passport or civil passport, or driver’s license.

After they find your personal file, as a rule, there is only the migration card that you filled out at the airport, you will be given an exit visa on the certificate, with which you can leave Morocco.

The certificate is issued for the period necessary to return to your homeland, but not more than 15 days. Upon returning to the Russian Federation, within three days you must submit the certificate to the organization that issued the passport (OVIR, Ministry of Foreign Affairs).




Kingdom of Morocco

CAPITAL: city ​​of Rabat. The economic center and largest port of the country is the city of Casablanca.

TIME: lags behind Moscow by 4 hours in winter, 3 hours in summer (in 2010 from May 1).

LANGUAGE: The official language of Morocco is Arabic. In tourist centers: French, English.

Morocco is located within the Mediterranean and semi-desert zones of the subtropical zone. In the northern part of the country in the coastal areas there is a mild climate of the Mediterranean type (average temperatures in July are +25 - +27 degrees, in January - +10 - +12 degrees). As you move away from the coast, especially in mountainous areas and plateaus, the continental climate increases sharply. Mediterranean climate with hot, dry summers and warm, wet winters. The average January temperature in the mountains is -10-15°C. There is snow at an altitude of 2000 meters for more than 3 months of the year. The mountains do not have glaciers, but they accumulate a lot of snow and feed rivers in the summer.
At any time of the year, it is advisable to have a light, windproof jacket (in the evening, a cold wind can blow from the ocean).

All Muslim holidays, as well as January 1 (New Year), January 11 (Day of signing of the Manifesto of Independence), May 1 (Labor Day), July 30 (Throne Day), August 14 (Eddahab River Day / annexation of the Western Sahara regions), August 20 (King and People's Day / Return of Mohammed the Fifth from exile in Madagascar), August 21 (Youth Day / King's Birthday), November 6 (anniversary of the Green March), November 18 (Independence Day). Weekends are Saturday and Sunday.

There are no direct scheduled flights from Russia to Morocco. Most cities are connected by a network of intercity buses or "big taxis". The largest company "CTM LN" has connections with all cities of the country and a fairly convenient schedule, buses are equipped with air conditioning and travel is inexpensive (on average from 7 to 25 EUR depending on the distance). The difference in comfort between the “first” and “second” classes of buses is quite insignificant. Tickets can be purchased at bus stations or (in the provinces) from the driver. The north of the country (cities above Marrakesh towards Rabat and towards the Mediterranean coast of the country) is connected by rail. Trains run on schedule, tickets can be purchased at railway stations and stations. “First” class tickets are tickets with a fixed seat in the carriage. There are combined tours from Agadir to Casablanca or Rabat: to Marrakesh by bus from Supra Tour, from Marrakech to Casablanca or Rabat by train, a ticket is purchased immediately for both the bus and the train; in Marrakech there is only a transfer. There are few intracity buses and they run quite infrequently (every 20-25 minutes, average fare 10-15 dirhams). Taxis in Agadir are orange, travel only within the city, can accommodate no more than 3 people, and are equipped with a meter. The minimum price for one trip is 10-15 dirhams. After 20:00 the passenger will be charged a 50% surcharge.

Moroccan Dirham (Dhs). In circulation there are banknotes in denominations of 10, 50, 100 and 200 dirhams, as well as coins in 1, 5 dirhams and 5, 10, 20 and 50 centimes.
Exchange rate as of 06/01/2010: 1 EUR ~ 10.70 Dhs; 1$ ~ 8.8 Dhs.
The local currency exchange rate is quite stable, the same throughout the country and is set by the state. Currency exchange: banks are open from Monday to Friday from 08.30 to 11.15 and from 14.15 to 16.00. Saturday and Sunday are days off. During Ramadan they are open from 08.30 to 15.00; it is strongly recommended to exchange money only in banks and keep bank certificates/certificates of exchange (including for exchanging dirhams for hard currency when leaving the country). Bank opening hours may vary.
The export of national currency is prohibited. If you still have dirhams in your hands, you can change them at the airport. Currency exchange offices can be found in banks, hotels and some large restaurants, as well as in exchange offices at airports in major cities. Currency exchange on the street and in unlicensed exchange offices is prohibited. ATMs are quite common and are located mainly near large retail outlets and banks. Visa and Master Card credit cards are accepted in most restaurants, almost all hotels and most large stores.

Police telephone number - 19, gendarmerie telephone number - 177, ambulance - 15, fire service - 14, information service - 160. Country telephone code - 212, Rabat - 37, Casablanca - 22, Fez - 35, Meknes - 35 , Marrakesh – 24, Essaouira – 24, Agadir – 28.
Embassy of the Russian Federation in Rabat – (212 37)5 75 35 09/27, Gen. Consulate of the Russian Federation in Casablanca - (212 22) 5 25 57 08 or 18 73.
Call from Russia: to local numbers 8-10-212 + 5 + area code + subscriber number; to mobile phone numbers 8-10-212 + 6 + city code + subscriber number. To call Russia, dial 007 + area code + subscriber number. For international calls from Morocco, you can use either the hotel phone or the Teleboutiques pay phone, for this you need coins or a card (18 Dhs, 30 Dhs, 60 Dhs, 100 Dhs), which can be purchased from most tobacconists , kiosks, post offices. After 23:00, as well as on Saturday, Sunday and holidays, a reduced rate applies. There are PTT post offices throughout the country where you can send a letter or fax, as well as make a phone call (open from 08:30 to 12:30 and from 14:30 to 18:30).
Cellular. Communication standard is GSM 900. Roaming is available to subscribers of major Russian operators.
Internet. Regular Internet access is easily available at numerous Internet cafes, business centers and many hotels.

Entry visas to Morocco for all categories of Russian citizens were unilaterally canceled as of June 13, 2005.
The validity of the foreign passport must be at least 6 months from the end of the trip.
The permitted period of stay without registration with the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Morocco) is up to 3 months.
At the airport, upon entry, the border control service must put a stamp on the passport with the date of entry and registration number. The same stamp must be affixed when leaving the country of temporary residence. For citizens who do not have citizenship of the Russian Federation, different rules for leaving the Russian Federation and entering the territory of the Kingdom of Morocco may be established. Please inquire about them from the relevant embassies and consulates of the Kingdom of Morocco.
We remind you that, in accordance with international conventions, the competent authorities of a foreign state have the right to refuse entry into the country to any person with or without indicating reasons. In case of deportation, the tourist bears all associated expenses independently.
In Morocco, it is officially allowed to import 2 bottles of wine or 1 bottle of wine and 1 bottle of spirits, no more than 200 cigarettes, 50 cigars or 250 g of tobacco per person, restrictions have been established on the import of professional filming equipment.
The import of foreign currency is not limited, but its circulation in the Kingdom is prohibited. It is advisable to declare imported currency. You cannot import or export dirhams. When exporting foreign currency, you must have a bank certificate of exchange, or a declaration of its import.
The export of objects and things of historical and artistic value without special permission is prohibited. To import animals and birds, special documents are also required. There is a restriction on the import of professional photographic equipment (this does not apply to amateur photographic equipment).

The sanitary and epidemiological situation is generally normal. It is recommended to take the necessary medications with you (some items of the drugs traditionally used in our country are not available; local analogues are difficult to find).

- when planning your trip, you should keep in mind that in a number of countries there are areas into which entry for foreigners is limited or prohibited. Therefore, it would not be amiss to discuss in detail with the travel company the proposed places to visit.
- Pregnant women, as well as people suffering from chronic diseases, are strongly recommended to consult with their doctor about the safety of their upcoming trip.
- be careful and do not leave things unattended. When leaving the bus at stops, including during excursions, do not leave hand luggage, valuables or money in it. Responsibility for the safety of hand luggage lies with the passenger.
- be careful and vigilant while traveling, as tourist centers in all countries attract the attention of scammers and pickpockets. Take the usual safety precautions: do not carry wallets in the back pockets of your pants, carry cameras and handbags on a shoulder strap, and keep bags in front of you when in a crowd. High-risk places include train stations, gas stations, and markets.
- refrain from eating and smoking during daylight hours in public places during Ramadan.
- bargaining is accepted almost everywhere, except supermarkets and stores with fixed prices.
- It is not recommended to drink water from the tap or water offered by water carriers on the streets - only bottled water. In many modern hotels, tap water is quite safe, but it has a composition of microelements that is unusual for the European stomach, which can cause digestive upset.
- for prevention purposes, you should refrain from consuming in public places:
unboiled water and freshly squeezed juices; fresh vegetable and fruit salads (even in five-star hotels); fruits that are not peeled before consumption; ice cream; confectionery products with fruit filling; edible ice. Caution should be exercised when eating raw vegetables and fruits and using cheap restaurants and cafes. It is advisable to brush your teeth using water from factory-sealed bottles.
- if you take medications, then ask in advance whether they can be purchased in the country you are traveling to. In some countries, the medications you need may only be available with a prescription, which requires you to visit a doctor to get it (for example, for sleeping pills or sedatives). It is recommended to consult with your doctor about the advisability of such a trip for health reasons.
- use sunscreen (even in cloudy weather), as well as sunglasses and protective light clothing. Avoid excessive sun exposure. There are few dangerous insects, and even fewer flying ones. The only things to be wary of are scorpions and spiders in desert areas.
- It is not recommended to swim on wild beaches.
- Almost the entire population of Morocco is Sunni Muslims, it is necessary to respect Islamic traditions. Women in particular, especially outside tourist complexes, are advised to dress modestly. Those arriving as part of a tourist group should refrain from independent travel around the country (especially to the Sahara Desert); they should adhere to the established schedule of excursions accompanied by a guide.
- do not trust false guides in hotels and on the street, be vigilant during independent trips to the market.

- insult the national, religious and personal dignity of all persons living in Morocco by any form of behavior - action, words, etc. During Ramadan, local residents are prohibited from eating, drinking, or smoking in public places; The ban also applies to chewing gum.
- express, publish, distribute, and also import into Morocco any materials discrediting the existing system in the country, its top leadership or directed against the foundations of Islam and its practitioners, as well as printed films, video and other pornographic materials.
- appear in a drunken state outside specially designated places (bars, restaurants, etc.).
- photograph buildings of government institutions in Morocco, women of the Muslim faith without the appropriate permission.
- photograph military and police officers.
- swear in the presence of Muslims.
- appear completely naked on the beach, regardless of the time of day.
- visiting mosques (where tourists are allowed entry) is only possible in fully covered clothing; shoes are removed before entering the mosque.

Failure to comply with these requirements can lead to serious consequences, the responsibility for which in this case falls entirely on the tourist.

The tourist should remember that, in accordance with international law, persons with diplomatic immunity, which include tourists, are responsible for all offenses in accordance with Moroccan legislation. At the same time, any person, regardless of citizenship, in accordance with international law, has the right to judicial protection of all rights and legitimate interests in the territory of the host country, therefore, Russian citizens have the right, if necessary, to contact the competent authorities of Morocco to protect their rights with the assistance and support of a specialist in this matter areas. For all crimes on the territory of Morocco, foreigners are responsible in accordance with the legislation of the host country.

- respect the national and religious feelings of the Moroccan population.
- follow the rules of behavior in public places.
- comply with the laws and customs of the host country, obey the legal requirements of official representatives of the authorities and management of Morocco (police, customs, etc.)

If during your stay in the country you need medical assistance, immediately call the phone number specified in your insurance policy and a representative of the host company. We recommend taking a first aid kit with you from home. Opening hours of pharmacies in Morocco: 08:30-13:00 / 15:00-19:00.

Check-in at the airport begins 3 hours before the departure time indicated on the ticket and ends, as a rule, 40 minutes before departure; please check this information in advance. If you arrive late for check-in, the airline has the right not to accept you on board the aircraft.
Boarding passes are issued directly upon check-in. After receiving the documents, the tourist independently undergoes customs control, registration and passport control.

The flight to Agadir, Morocco is 6 hours. Transportation of pregnant women is carried out in the presence of a medical certificate issued 7 days or less before the date of flight, and a card confirming the absence of danger of premature birth. In the absence of these documents, the airline has the right to refuse air transportation or require a medical examination at the airport of departure (the procedure may be paid). It is not recommended to transport newborn children. Please check this information with the airline carrying out your air transportation.
When leaving the airport (after passing through border control and receiving your luggage), please go to the representatives of the FLAMINGO TRAVEL company and present your voucher, you will be escorted to the bus or to the car, if you have a pick-up/see-off at the airport.

Check that you have the originals of all required documents:
- foreign passport (valid for at least 6 months from the end of the tour)
- air ticket
- voucher
- medical insurance policy
- the child’s foreign passport, birth certificate and, if necessary, a power of attorney for the child
- if necessary, a certificate from the bank/permission to export currency.

We ask you to check in advance the correctness of all documents and the validity of your foreign passport.
Don't forget to fill out the customs declaration (if necessary). Keep your checked baggage coupons, which will be required if it is lost. If problems arise, we recommend contacting a travel agency representative or an airport employee. It is better to always have an air ticket, passport, money and other valuables with you. In addition, it should be borne in mind that due to the tightening of security requirements for air transport, it is not allowed to carry any piercing or cutting objects, as well as children's toys or other items similar in shape to weapons, in hand luggage. There are also restrictions on transporting liquids.
Valuables and jewelry must be indicated in the declaration. To export items of cultural, artistic and/or historical value, you must provide a Certificate of the right to export cultural property from the territory of the Russian Federation, issued by the service for supervision in the field of mass communications, communications and protection of cultural heritage (Rossvyazohrankultura).
Please consider in advance and carefully the rules for processing the departure of minor children from the Russian Federation abroad and complete the necessary documents in a timely manner.
To avoid an unforeseen situation, carefully study the conditions and rules for the carriage of passengers and baggage stated in the air ticket. As a rule, free baggage allowance for each economy class passenger is limited to a maximum weight of 15-20 kg (unless otherwise stated in the ticket), please check the free baggage allowance in advance.

It is recommended to make a photocopy of tickets, passport pages (both foreign and domestic) with biographical data, visas, registration stamp, driver's license (if available), credit cards, travel voucher, invitations. It is also better to leave copies of documents with relatives or friends so that they can be quickly faxed if necessary. Be sure to take with you spare passport photos (2 pcs.), including for children. They will be useful in case of loss of documents, as well as in other situations that may arise in the host country. Copies should be stored separately from the originals.
Inform your relatives and friends about your trip, your place of stay, and leave contact phone numbers.

In accordance with international regulations, checkout time at hotels is 12:00 local time. On the day of arrival, check-in to rooms is carried out after 14:00, in some hotels in Morocco after 16:00.
To stay at the hotel you must present your passport, voucher and fill out the hotel registration card.
If the room type is not indicated in your voucher, the hotel will accommodate you in the currently available rooms. Please note that some hotels require a deposit upon check-in.
When checking in, carefully read the hotel's reference information (opening hours and menus of restaurants, bars, cafes, beaches, discos, sports clubs), which, as a rule, is available in all rooms or at the hotel reception. Particular attention should be paid to the hotel's internal rules and fire safety rules. Study the locations of entrances and exits, elevators, and stairs. It is not recommended to leave documents, money and valuables in a hotel room; it is safer to store them in a safe. Hotels are not responsible for your valuables and money, so use the safe (in most hotels there is already a safe in the room); for information about using the safe, contact the hotel administration.
Air conditioning in your room is provided around the clock or at certain hours. The voltage in the electrical network is 220V. Some buildings have 110V. The sockets are standard European, with grounding.
When checking in, find out in advance the payment system for additional services. In some hotels all payments are made in cash or by credit card, in others you leave a deposit upon arrival. If you find any problems in your room, you should contact the hotel administration.
Please remember that you are not allowed to bring your own food or drinks purchased outside the hotel into the hotel. It is also not allowed to take food taken from the buffet outside the restaurant. Remember, in many hotels, minibar services, as well as drinks at lunch and dinner, are paid additionally.
It is advisable to take the hotel's business card with you and find out how you can contact the competent authorities in case of unforeseen situations.
It is recommended to hand over your room key to the hotel reception, and if it is lost, notify the hotel administration. Most hotels have a fine for damage and loss of the key.
The hotel administration has the right to evict a tourist from the hotel on the following grounds ( the list is not exhaustive):
- hooliganism (insulting hotel guests and employees; throwing garbage out of a room window; fighting on hotel grounds; threatening the safety of hotel guests, etc.);
- systematic violation of hotel rules (removal of room equipment outside its boundaries; violation of safety rules for living in a room; violation of safety rules for swimming in a pool or in the sea, etc.);
- violation of public accommodation standards, preventing other hotel guests from enjoying their vacation.
It is necessary to comply with generally accepted standards of morality and ethical behavior in the hotel.

Check out time at hotels is 12:00. You must vacate your room before the specified time. You can leave your luggage in the hotel storage room and stay on the hotel premises until the bus or car arrives. If you have not checked out your room before 12:00, the cost of the room will be paid additionally. On the eve of departure, you must pay for additional services (a list of services is in the hotel information directory, for example, telephone calls, a minibar, ordering food and drinks in the room, massage and other additional services).

Representatives of our company will inform you of the exact time of departure from the hotel. If your bus happens to be late, don't worry, it may be delayed at the previous hotel along the route. In this case, we recommend contacting representatives of the host company by phone.
In case of unforeseen circumstances, please remember that you must arrive at the airport at least 2 hours 30 minutes before the plane's departure.

It is customary to give small tips, but often - in restaurants and hotels (often tips are already included in the bill, but are welcomed by the administration) up to 10% of the bill amount, maids - 5-10 dirhams, car security guards - 2-5 dirhams, car washers - 5 -10 dirhams, guides, drivers – 10-25 dirhams/person per excursion. Tips must be given personally and only to the person who performed the service.

If you lose your passport, air ticket or luggage, we ask you to immediately inform a representative of the receiving company, who will tell you how you can solve the problem.
If during your stay abroad you are left without a passport as a result of its theft, loss or for any other reason, you need to contact the Russian diplomatic mission or consular office in the country in which you are located. We recommend that you find out before your trip the address and telephone number of the Russian diplomatic mission and consular offices in the state to which you are traveling. Instead of a passport, a Russian foreign office issues a certificate of return to Russia.

When contacting Gen. The Consulate of the Russian Federation on the issue of issuing a certificate may require:
- a document (protocol, certificate, etc.) issued by the competent authority of the host country (for example, local police, law enforcement agency) confirming the fact of loss of the passport;
- application of the established form (the application form is issued at the Russian foreign institution);
- two photos;
- documents allowing to identify the applicant, establish his place of stay or place of residence on the territory of the Russian Federation (for example, a military ID, driver’s license, etc.) or duly certified written statements of at least two citizens of the Russian Federation confirming the identity of the applicant.
A certificate of return to the Russian Federation can be issued only after the consul has received all the necessary information about the applicant, excluding any doubts regarding his identity and Russian citizenship.
A fee is charged for the issuance of a certificate by the Consular Section of the Russian Embassy.

If a theft or attack has been committed against you, report the incident to law enforcement agencies for possible solving the crime without delay and conducting an investigation. In the event of unforeseen situations related to threats or attacks from other persons, traffic accidents, or detention by local law enforcement agencies, you should immediately report this to the embassy or consular office of the Russian Federation. Also, in the event of any emergency, we recommend reporting the incident to a representative of the host company, relatives and friends. It is necessary to draw up a report, in case of theft, indicating a list of missing items and their approximate value. In case of a traffic accident, you must wait for the police/transport police and draw up a report at the scene of the incident.

When detained or arrested, you should not resist, as this can aggravate the situation and provoke security services/police officers to use physical force or even weapons. It is not recommended to communicate with representatives of local law enforcement agencies, as well as to sign any protocols and other documents in a foreign language in the absence of a lawyer, advocate or representative of the consular service of the Russian Embassy, ​​since such testimony, according to the legislation of a number of countries, can form the basis for charges of committing crimes.

The mechanism for providing consular and legal assistance begins to operate from the moment the Russian diplomatic mission or consular office receives information from the competent authorities of the host country about the detention of a particular citizen. This procedure is provided for by the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations of 1963. Specific assistance from Russian consular offices may consist of providing assistance, if necessary, in translation, establishing contacts with relatives and friends of the detainee, monitoring compliance with procedural norms, including from the point of view of their compliance with local legislation and international law, finding lawyers, clarifying all the circumstances of the case .
Before leaving for your homeland, leave a copy of the protocol and your contact information at the consular office so that consular officers have the opportunity to monitor the progress of the investigation and inform the victim about the results.

Rich in history and known for its enchanting desert landscapes, the state is considered an ideal travel destination. Thanks to the variety of possibilities, the direction can please everyone. Gourmets will love traditional Arabian cuisine, aesthetes will be delighted by oriental culture, history buffs will be delighted by the abundance of ancient architecture, and true adventurers will not be able to resist the mysterious Sahara Desert.

The streets of imperial cities, filled with the aromas of spices and herbs, abounding in bustling bazaars and replete with architectural masterpieces of the medieval era, are literally made for sightseeing tours. The coastal towns guarantee fantastic beach holidays in the summer, while the majestic Atlas Mountains offer excellent hiking opportunities in the warmer months and skiing in the winter.

Packing your suitcase correctly

If you are going on vacation but don't knowwhat to take with you to Morocco, do not despair. Many tourists lack experience when packing a suitcase for travel, as a result of which a lot of time is wasted. We have prepared the necessary list of items needed during the trip that will ensure comfort and make your vacation complete. Although the country does not have strict dress code rules, do not forget that Arab culture has an extremely negative attitude towards provocative outfits. Dressing conservatively and respecting tradition will prevent you from getting disapproving glances and will ensure a warm welcome.

Basic wardrobe

  • Hiking shoes. We are not talking about massive trekking boots (although they will come in handy on mountain hikes). For exploring the city's attractions, a pair of breathable sneakers or sports sandals is the ideal choice.
  • Harem pants. Men and women are not allowed to wear shorts. This is a Muslim country, so be polite and keep your legs covered at all times. Comfortable, light bloomers made of flowing fabric or colored Aladdin pants are perhaps the best option for excursions.
  • Scarf or shawl. This accessory is a must-have for any tourist. Be sure to put a thin scarf or handkerchief in your bag - they will come in handy, for example, when entering a mosque. In addition, tied on the head, they will protect against sunstroke.
  • Tunic/shirt. The upper body should also look as required by local traditions. For men, a shirt is quite suitable, and for women we recommend a tunic made of light, breathable material. Under no circumstances take transparent or translucent blouses with you. No liberties or excesses!

Additional things

  • Jacket/windbreaker. If you're planning to go on an excursion to the Sahara Desert, you'll definitely need warm layers to stay warm at night. The fact that it is always hot in the desert is only partly true. Take my word for it - after sunset it becomes not just cool, but really cold. If the purpose of the trip is coastal resorts, then it is enough to take a windbreaker or sweater with you to Morocco.
  • Maxi dress The floor-length outfit meets strict Muslim requirements, so it is suitable for evening outings and walks through medinas.
  • Swimsuit. You can wear a swimsuit without any problems or restrictions both on the beach and by the hotel pool. Some excursions include special stops at the beach so tourists can cool off in the Atlantic waters

What to take with you to Morocco from technology

  • Smartphone. Without a guide in the center of large Arab cities, it’s easy to get lost. Imagine a medina in Marrakech or Fez! Thousands of people, all wearing the same clothes, endless shopping arcades, unfamiliar speech. And the crowd carries you and carries you in some direction known only to it. Without knowing the language, it is almost impossible to get out of the trap. But! A smartphone with a navigator can come to the rescue. We recommend downloading offline maps in advance to avoid having to pay roaming fees for traffic.
  • Camera. A high-quality camera is an essential part of a Moroccan trip. But to bring back a hundred or two photos from vacation, you can get by with the usual Apple or Samsung. And then you will not have to weigh down your suitcase with an additional charger, several sets of replaceable batteries, or an additional memory card.
  • Portable charger. When traveling for long periods of time, a power bank or external additional battery will definitely come in handy. Even if your smartphone “holds” charge. Better to be safe, as they say.

Useful little things

  • Hand sanitizer. During excursions and sightseeing, we are forced to touch hundreds of different objects and things with our hands. Imagine how many bacteria settle on them! Before lunch or a light snack, be sure to wipe your hands with antiseptic or antibacterial wet wipes.
  • Sunglasses. The scorching sun will cause a lot of discomfort if you do not protect your eyes. Be sure to bring a couple of your favorite polarized accessories with good UV protection.
  • Sunscreen. There is no need to explain to adults that in the south, and even in Africa, using a protective cream is not only desirable, but necessary. For the face, buy a special cream with a more intense level of protection.

We tried not to miss anything and listed the most important things on the trip. Of course, you will take documents, air tickets and insurance first. Don’t leave fees until the last minute; approach the process as responsibly as possible. And off we go! Have a nice holiday!


Morocco is preferred by sophisticated tourists who want to find themselves in a real eastern country, untouched by the West. Although the West is gradually infiltrating here, for example, the city of Tanjung is considered an international tourist resort. People also go to Morocco to see snake charmers - African exotica, walk through the labyrinths of ancient Medina, try the culinary delights of local cuisine: couscous, hummus, and buy all sorts of trinkets at the market.

general information

The Kingdom of Morocco covers an area of ​​446 thousand square meters. km, while the population is 32 million people. More than half the population is Arab, and Berbers also make up a large ethnic group. The official languages ​​are Arabic and Berber, and French and Spanish are also common in the north of the country. Local time lags behind Moscow by 2 hours in summer and 3 hours in winter. Time zone UTC+1 in summer and UTC+0 in winter. Mains voltage 127 and 220 V at a frequency of 50 Hz, socket types C, E. Country telephone code +212. Internet

A brief excursion into history

From the 1st century BC, Morocco was part of the Roman Empire, as was Mauritania Tingitana. Christianity was introduced by the 2nd century AD. and gained huge numbers of converts in Roman cities among the slaves and Berber farmers. In the 6th century, northern Morocco became part of the Byzantine Empire. During this time, the Berbers, living high in the mountains, remained independent. In 670 AD. first conquest of North Africa's coastal plain. In the modern history of Morocco, the long struggle for independence from France, which ended in 1956, is of great importance. The international city of Tangier was transferred to the new country that same year. In 1970, Western Sahara became an almost integrated territory of Morocco.


The territory of Morocco is located in a subtropical climate zone. Moving from northwest to southeast, the climate becomes more continental, hotter and with less precipitation. Atlantic air masses influence the northern and western coasts of the country. The hottest month is August, with an average temperature of +30 degrees. The greatest amount of precipitation occurs in the winter months. The best time to visit Morocco is considered to be the swimming season from May to September.


Russian citizens do not require a visa to visit Morocco if the travel period does not exceed 90 days. Customs regulations comply with general requirements.

How to get there

Regular flights to Casablanca, Marrakech and Rabat with a transfer in Paris are operated by Air France. Other European carriers also fly from Moscow to Moroccan cities: Iberia via Madrid, Swiss via Zurich, Turkish Airlines via Istanbul. Many low-cost airlines fly to cities in Morocco from European countries. From the Spanish city of Tarifa you can take a ferry to Tangier across the Strait of Gibraltar, it takes about 35 minutes, you need to check the schedule in advance.


The most popular form of public transport in the country is buses, which are well air-conditioned and inexpensive. In the north of Morocco there is a well-developed railway network that connects Casablanca, Rabat, Fes, and Marrakesh. Traveling by train is inexpensive and considered a safe form of travel. Buses rarely run inside the city limits; mini-taxi, designed for a maximum of three people, are more popular; it is better to negotiate the price with the driver in advance.

Cities and resorts

The most interesting

In Morocco, tourists will find a huge amount of entertainment that will be a compelling argument to stay here as long as possible. You can spend your free time here shopping or relaxing in the sun on one of the most beautiful Moroccan beaches.

There is something to see for lovers of ancient monuments and architecture. It is unlikely that you will be able to visit all the interesting places and buildings in Morocco, but some of them simply cannot be missed. Such places can confidently include the ancient defensive ramparts and medina (quarter) of Essaouira, the Portuguese fortress in El Jadida, as well as the Hassan II Mosque, located in Casablanca. In addition, when traveling to Morocco, it is worth finding time to visit Fez, which is not only the oldest city in the country, but also its religious center.

Rabat is the capital of the Kingdom of Morocco, as well as its cultural, religious, political and industrial center. Rabat seems to be an extremely interesting city for travelers, with a developed infrastructure, mild climate, rich history, a whole scattering of attractions and an attractive oriental surroundings, providing most tourists with many pleasant emotions. This large modern city stretches along the Atlantic coast, annually welcoming thousands of tourists from around the world who come here to have an exciting time in one of the most beautiful metropolises in the country.

Agadir is located in the southwestern region of Morocco, on the Atlantic coast of the African continent. This spacious city, with traditional Arabic architecture and wide modern boulevards, is one of the country's most famous resorts. The main historical attraction of modern Agadir is the “Old Town” area, four kilometers from the center. It is a unique open-air history museum, including ancient craft workshops, a picturesque strolling garden, a city fortress built in the sixteenth century, low stone houses and exotic narrow streets.

Morocco's most populous metropolis, Casablanca, is located in the western part of the country, on the Atlantic coast.

Marrakesh has preserved for its contemporaries many secrets dating back from the depths of the past. This city is truly a treasure trove of ancient Eastern buildings and deserves great attention to its cultural heritage.

Fes, the former capital of Morocco, is the Mecca of the African desert, where the secrets of the Arab world's greatest past are hidden in cramped and small streets.

Tangier is located on the northern coast of Morocco and is washed by the waters of the Strait of Gibraltar. An international city, where among the million local residents live representatives of many nationalities, including immigrants from Spain, Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, the USA and other world powers.


Morocco has hotels of all categories to suit any budget. In Marrakech, Fez and other cities there is a Medina - the Old Town, where there are small hotels renovated from old houses, they are called riads. Riads are generally small, around 6 rooms, clean, charming, often with a lovely garden and patio or roof terrace. Some riads are in former merchant houses or palaces and can be very luxurious, with large luxurious rooms. To get a feel for how the Berbers lived in the desert, you can stay in a traditional nomadic tent with a mattress, sheet and blanket. You can shower in the tavern and have breakfast there.


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Every tourist who plans to spend a vacation in Morocco simply must try the famous Moroccan cuisine, unusually rich in various seasonings and herbs that give dishes an original taste and aroma.


In addition to the usual tourist trinkets and souvenirs, in Morocco it is worth buying things that are difficult to find in other places: argan oil and products based on it, clay dishes, Moroccan teapots, a traditional robe with a hood, original handmade Berber carpets. You should not buy geodes or trilobites in Morocco, which are often fakes.

What medications should I take in Morocco?

Some medicines are sold freely in the country, and some require a prescription. Therefore, you should take a first aid kit in Morocco with the medications you need, as well as medicines for stomach disorders, plasters, bandages, cotton wool, painkillers, antiseptics


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