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In 1925, Dobroflot was renamed the department of the Far Eastern main office of Sovtorgflot with subordination to the People's Commissariat of Railways of the USSR.

By order of the People's Commissariat of Water of the USSR dated December 31, 1932 No. 440, Sovtorgflot was reorganized into the Central Directorate of the All-Union Association of Maritime Merchant Fleet for Inland Navigation (Morflot), and the department of the Far Eastern Main Office of Sovtorgflot was reorganized into the Far Eastern Directorate navy with subordination to the All-Union Association of Merchant Marine for Inland Navigation (Morflot). In the same year, the Far Eastern Directorate of the Marine Fleet was renamed the Pacific Directorate of the USSR Marine Fleet.

Based on the resolutions of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR dated March 15, 1934 and the People's Commissariat of the Marine Fleet of the USSR dated March 5, 1935 No. 99 1, the Pacific Directorate of the Marine Fleet was renamed the Far Eastern Directorate maritime shipping company(DVMP).

Based on the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of December 18, 1954 No. 2462 and the order of the Minister of the Navy of the USSR of December 25, 1954 No. 145, on the basis of the Far Eastern Shipping Company, the Far Eastern United Shipping Company was organized with the subordination of the Sakhalin and Kamchatka-Chukotka Shipping Companies, maritime ports and ship repair yards No. 1 in the city of Sovgavan, No. 3 in Nikolaevsk-on-Amur, No. 4 in Nakhodka and central design bureau No. 7 in Vladivostok.

In 1957, the Eastern Arctic Shipping Company was liquidated, its fleet was transferred to the Far Eastern Shipping Company.

Based on the order of the Minister of the Navy of the USSR dated December 14, 1957 No. 356, the Sakhalin and Kamchatka-Chukotka Shipping Companies were withdrawn from the Far Eastern United Shipping Company and subordinated directly to the Ministry of the Marine Fleet of the USSR, and the Far Eastern United Shipping Company became known as the Far Eastern State Shipping Company.

In accordance with the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of January 27, 1964 No. 78 “On strengthening maritime shipping companies”, on the basis of the order of the Minister of the Navy of the USSR of June 22, 1964 No. 133 on the basis of the Far Eastern, Kamchatka and Sakhalin state shipping companies The Far Eastern Shipping Company was created with its headquarters in the city.

Based on the order of the Minister of the Navy of the USSR dated January 31, 1967 No. 24, the Sakhalin and Kamchatka departments were separated from the Far East Shipping Company, and the structure of the shipping company was approved at the same time.

By decree of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Council of February 11, 1971, the shipping company was awarded the Order of Lenin and became known as the Far Eastern Order of Lenin State Shipping Company.

Since 1980, in accordance with the Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces of April 11, 1980 on awarding the Order of the October Revolution, the shipping company became known as the Far Eastern Order of Lenin and the October Revolution Shipping Company.

Transformed into OJSC on September 23, 1992.

Here are only those records for which the organization is Far Eastern Shipping Company (FESCO) / Far Eastern Order of Lenin and October Revolution Shipping Company / Far Eastern Order of Lenin and October Revolution Shipping Company MMF USSR / Far Eastern Order of Lenin Shipping Company MMF USSR / Far Eastern Shipping Company MMF USSR / Far Eastern State Shipping Company MMF USSR / Far Eastern State Shipping Company MMF USSR / Far Eastern State Shipping Company MMF USSR / Far Eastern State Shipping Company NKMF USSR / Far Eastern State Shipping Company NKVT USSR / Pacific Maritime Administration of the Central Administration of the All-Union Association MF (CC Morflot), NKVT USSR / Far Eastern Directorate of the Marine Fleet of the Central Directorate of the All-Union Association MF (TsU Morflot), NKVT of the USSR / Far Eastern main office of the Sovtorgflot NKPS of the USSR is indicated owner

Far Eastern Shipping Company (FESCO, FESCO, RTS: FESH) is one of the largest Russian shipping companies. The market capitalization of JSC "FESCO" according to the RTS exchange as of September 30, 2011 amounted to $885.4 million. Full name - Open Joint Stock Company "Far Eastern Shipping Company". Headquarters - in Moscow. The branch of the company is located in Vladivostok


The controlling stake in the shipping company (55.81%) is owned by a group of entrepreneurs, the Swedish investment company owns 7.15%, (EBRD) - 3.76%. 13% of the authorized capital are treasury shares, and 20.28% of shares are traded on the free market.


"Board of Directors"


The group became a group: why the Magomedov brothers were arrested

The owners of the Summa group, the Magomedov brothers, were arrested on suspicion of creating a criminal group. RBC looked into the circumstances of the first such large-scale case against big business after the arrest of Mikhail Khodorkovsky

The Tverskoy Court of Moscow on Saturday, March 31, arrested for two months the owner of the Summa group, Ziyavudin Magomedov, who in 2017 took 63rd place in the Russian Forbes ranking with a fortune of $1.4 billion. He is suspected of creating a criminal community and a number of episodes fraud and embezzlement.

Net profit of FESCO according to RAS for 9 months of 2013. decreased by half - to 612 million rubles.

Net profit of JSC Far Eastern Shipping Company (FESCO, the parent company of the FESCO transport group) according to Russian accounting standards (RAS) for 9 months of 2013. decreased by more than half - to 612 million rubles, says the financial statements companies.
Read in full:

Fesco Group has replaced its President

S&P assigned FESCO's $800 million bonds a BB- ​​rating with a “stable” outlook.

The international rating agency Standard & Poor's (S&P) assigned the long-term credit rating of BB- to the bond issue of Far Eastern Shipping Company OJSC (FESCO, the parent company of the FESCO transport group). This is stated in the agency's message. The output forecast is “stable”.
Read in full:

FESCO has completely renewed its board of directors

Shareholders of OJSC Far Eastern Shipping Company (the parent company of the Fesco group) elected a new board of directors at an extraordinary meeting, the company said in a statement.

« Summa closes the deal to purchase FESCO from Sergei Generalov

70% of the shares of the Far Eastern Shipping Company will cost Ziyavudin Magomedov’s company approximately $1.2 billion

FESCO is fighting with Russian Railways over TransContainer

Co-owner of the shipping company Sergei Generalov asks Dmitry Medvedev to privatize 50% of the logistics company

FESCO shares rose by 30% on news of the offer from Summa

Kostin: VTB will not participate in financing the purchase of FESCO by Summa

Generalov sold the railway carrier Transgarant

The Far Eastern Shipping Company (FESCO), one of Russia's largest maritime container carriers, controlled by the structures of Sergei Generalov, is selling the railway operator Transgarant to Neftetransservice (NTS) of the Aminov brothers, a representative of the shipping company said. NTS was selected based on the results of the competition, he clarified. The deal, he said, will be closed in the near future. It was not possible to contact NTS representatives.
The Military Victory Parade took place in Vladivostok

Far Eastern Shipping Company and Far Eastern railway delivered almost 8 million tons of Lend-Lease cargo to the west of the country, RIA Novosti reports.

Far Eastern Federal University merged with big business

Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) has entered into a strategic partnership agreement with JSC Far Eastern Shipping Company and JSC Vladivostok Sea Commercial Port.

The captain of the FESCO icebreaker complained to Medvedev

The captain of the icebreaker "Admiral Makarov" Gennady Antokhin, during the presentation of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, fourth degree, complained to Dmitry Medvedev that the expenses of the Far Eastern Shipping Company OJSC for rescuing ships from ice captivity have not yet been reimbursed.

The Board of Directors of the Far Eastern Shipping Company recommended not to pay dividends for 2011.

The Board of Directors of OJSC Far Eastern Shipping Company (FESCO, the parent company of the FESCO group) recommended that the annual meeting of shareholders decide not to pay dividends for 2011. This is stated in the company's message. Let us remind you that FESCO has not paid dividends since 2002. Then the company paid 0.45 kopecks. per share with a par value of 1 rub.

TASS message: event of national importance

On April 21, 1880, the Far Eastern Shipping Company was founded. The beginning of regular Russian merchant shipping between the ports of European Russia and Far East laid the steamship "Moscow" arriving from Odessa in Vladivostok.

Far Eastern Shipping Company is one of the most significant shipping companies in Russia today. According to management, the company strives to become a leader in the transport industry on the territory of the Russian Federation.


Far Eastern Shipping Company vessels operate all over the world.

The company's representative offices and agents are located both in Europe and throughout Asia. The official address of the Far Eastern Shipping Company is in Moscow, where you can communicate with senior management. And the main assets are located in Vladivostok.

Formation of the company

The Far Eastern Shipping Company traces its history back to 1880. Back in the days of the Russian Empire, a strategic decision was made to develop east coast countries and shipping companies based on the port of Vladivostok. The Voluntary Fleet Agency company was created.

Well, the carrier company received its current name “Far Eastern Shipping Company” back in 1935.

Heading towards the distant shore was a steamship called "Moscow". It was with this voyage that the history of regular ship calls to the Vladivostok port began.

However, given climatic conditions This region, for a long time, access by sea was interrupted throughout the winter period due to the fact that the water area was covered with ice.

And only in 1894 the Voluntary Fleet Agency acquired a regular icebreaker. Throughout the winter of 1894-1895, the steamship “Strong” managed to ensure the continuous functioning of the port and prevent icing of the shipping canal.

During the Great Patriotic War

Vladivostok was the main Pacific outpost of the Soviet Union. The main danger then was the Japanese army.

By the beginning of 1941, the DMP merchant fleet already consisted of 70 steamships and 15 motor ships, among which there were also five tanker-type vessels.

In December 1941, the Land of the Rising Sun declared its rights to the Far Eastern Sangar and Korean, calling them “Japanese naval defense lines.” Although legally the rules for their passage were regulated by the principle of freedom open sea, in practice, enemy armed forces block the passage through the straits, including using weapons.

Border clashes have occurred before. After the official declaration of war, the city and port completely went into combat mode.

It so happened that during these years Vladivostok remained the last port of the USSR located outside the combat zone. There was a large flow of cargo through it for supply, defense and attack.

During the war years, the Far Eastern Shipping Company lost 25 of its own ships. The last ship torpedoed was the Transbalt, putting an end to this sad statistics.

In Russia

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russian Federation, which became the successor to the previous government, establishes Joint stock company open type "Far Eastern Shipping Company".

In a new country with an existing fleet, the shipping company administration is directing great efforts to expand the geography of its work.

New shipping lines are opening between Australian and US ports.

Own agency companies begin their work in New Zealand, Hong Kong, and Canada.

The development of a new package of services begins, including forwarding with the possibility of providing ex-works services (door to door).

In 2003, with the opening of the FESCO Logistic company, whose office is located in Moscow, the Far Eastern Shipping Company focuses the service market on the European part of Russia. The development of railway transportation plays a significant role in this.

Fleet today

In 2006, the Far Eastern Shipping Company's fleet received six new container ships and one Ro-Ro vessel.

Today, FESCO operates twenty vessels of various years of construction.

The oldest ship in the fleet is the container ship Kapitan Krems, built back in 1980. Its deadweight is only 5805 registered tons. It is also one of the smallest ships in operation.

The newest vessel and at the same time the largest in the shipping company's operations is the container ship "Fesco Diomede", built in 2009, with a deadweight of 41,850 tons.

The icebreaking vessel Vasily Golovnin, which was built in 1988, is also still in operation.


The “captains” of the Far Eastern Shipping Company deserve special attention. Today, the fleet operates only four such vessels:

    "Captain Afanasyev";

    "Captain Maslov";

    "Captain Krems"

    "Captain Sergievsky".

All of them are single-deck motor ships designed for the transportation of general container cargo.

"Captain Afanasyev" and "Captain Maslov" were built in 1998 at the Polish shipyard in Szczecin. Vessels with a deadweight of more than 23 thousand registered tons sail under the flag of Cyprus.

"Captain Krems" and "Captain Sergievsky" are the oldest and most experienced ships in the fleet. Their story begins back in 1980, at the Vyborg shipyard and continues to this day.

Let's sum it up

Far Eastern Shipping Company today is a very important company in modern Russia, which strives to become a leader in the entire transport industry. Its history is wide and long. But it has survived and not only is it not losing its position, but it is developing and becoming more and more popular every day.


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