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Workers in Russia celebrate their professional holiday river police. Until 2011, it was called “River Police Day,” but after the development of a new bill “On the Police,” the name of the holiday also changed. For the first time, the structure of law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation acquired such a department as the river police in the 19th century. In the summer of 1867, the Tsar signed a decree establishing it. It became part of the external police as a special organization to control order in the water area of ​​St. Petersburg. Representatives of the river police traveled around the waters of the capital, monitoring water transport and other objects. The main responsibilities of law enforcement officers of that time included:

Monitoring vagrancy and robbery on the water;
- rescue of drowning people and ships that were wrecked;
- monitoring compliance with travel conditions river ice, ensuring security;
- supervision over the quality of maintenance of vehicles used during floods.

The river police also monitored the level of cleanliness on the water and passenger vessels.

Subsequently, these units began to be formed in other regions of the country.

After the revolution that happened in 1917, the activities of the river police, like the main part of Russian law enforcement agencies, were suspended. However, less than a year later, a law was created on the creation of the river police.” Now this day is the official holiday of this unit. Subsequently, river police departments began to appear in all populated areas countries where navigable bodies of water existed. At first formed on a territorial principle, later divisions began to be created according to river basins, which made it possible to increase the efficiency of work.

Currently, river police bodies exist in virtually all cities of the country located on the water. Police officers patrol river and sea spaces on special boats equipped with the necessary equipment for work, including: lifebuoys and vests, devices for studying the bottom topography and other devices. The main task, as before, is to control public order on water transport, not only on everyday days, but especially during the celebration of an event or the organization of a certain event. The responsibilities of modern police also include preventing illegal mining activities natural resources in coastal areas, illegal economic activities.

The work of the employees of this department is not to be envied. It is much more specific compared to the activities of ordinary police officers. Water is fraught with a large number of different dangers, and potential criminals are incredibly cunning and unpredictable. To work effectively, department representatives need to have a set of specific qualities. This includes good endurance, determination, emotional stability, etc. All this is especially true in extreme cases, which quite often occur on the water.

On their holiday, river police officers accept congratulations from relatives, friends, colleagues and superiors. The most distinguished ones are awarded with certificates and prizes.

For the first time in the structure of Russian law enforcement agencies, such a unit as the river police appeared in the second half of the 19th century - the project for its creation as a separate department was approved by the Tsar in June 1867. It became part of the external police as a special special body for monitoring order in the water areas of St. Petersburg.
The river police patrolled the water spaces of the capital of the Russian Empire, supervised water transport facilities (carried out inspections and examinations of ships, piers) and other water bodies - fish ponds, baths, ensured that “the banks of rivers and channels were well fortified, ... so that scows are not parked close to bridges...”, and also fought against theft and fires on the water. In subsequent years, river police units - to monitor the water spaces adjacent to cities “in police and sanitary terms” - began to be created in other Russian regions. After the October Revolution of 1917, the river police, like most The law enforcement system of Tsarist Russia was liquidated. But already on July 25, 1918, a decree of the Council of People's Commissars “On the establishment of a river police” was issued. Today this date is considered to be the Day of the Creation of the River Police in Russia. Departments of this unit were organized in provincial cities and districts, on the territory of which navigable rivers flowed. Initially created on a territorial basis, the river police subsequently, in order to increase the efficiency of their work, began to be organized by river basins. With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the need arose for a centralized water police, which was created on June 27, 1942 by a joint order of the NKVD and the People's Commissariat river fleet USSR. In May 1943, the water department of the workers' and peasants' militia became part of the newly formed Transport Police Department, and since 1980 - part of the Main Directorate of Internal Affairs for Transport of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. Currently, water police units are subordinate to the transport departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in federal districts, as well as interregional line departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for transport. As throughout the entire period of its existence, river police units are still working today to combat crime and violations at Russian water transport facilities, including identifying economic crimes, as well as in the field of illegal trafficking in weapons and drugs. And due to the specific nature of the work, employees pay close attention to the fight against poaching. On their professional holiday, all river police officers receive congratulations from colleagues and management, and the best of them are presented with state and departmental awards.
Photo: https://dgsk.mvd.rf

River Police Day 2020:

History of the formation of the service

From the beginning of the 19th century, authorities began to think about the need to establish management of Russian water communications. By the decision of Alexander the First, in 1809, a special directorate was organized, which included 10 districts of the Russian Empire with their own police groups. The directorate, improved over time and hierarchically perfected, became the prototype of the modern river police, which appeared only in 1867. Initially, the service functioned only in St. Petersburg, the city of canals and rivers, and then appeared in Odessa, Nikolaev and Riga.

  • Representatives of the service carried out the outlined series job responsibilities:
  • Direct fight against offenders who litter the waters, poachers, thieves;
  • Supervision and patrolling of departmental facilities;
  • Participation in inspection of imported and exported cargo;
  • Suppression of import smuggling.

The unit was not distinguished by its high staff size (by the 20th century, the number of personnel barely exceeded 100 people), but it performed its functions smoothly and accurately. However, even this did not save him from the destructive consequences of the October Revolution. The law enforcement system underwent significant changes, and the river police were completely abolished. Immediately after this, the Bolsheviks were faced with an increased number of crimes in the field of import and export of goods, so the canceled service was again revived. On July 25, 1918, the Council of People's Commissars issued a document that laid down the norms and legal basis for maintaining order on the water. This date became the starting point in the history of the establishment of the department, and therefore is rightfully considered the official day of the river police.

Today, there is a water service in almost every city where rivers flow. Employees patrol the areas on boats equipped with echo sounders, life jackets and other necessary tools. Their work is quite specific compared to the work of ordinary police officers and requires constant concentration, endurance and physical training. Those wishing to join the ranks of professionals must undergo training in specialized educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where they will be trained to manage vehicles, handle weapons, will lay a base of legal knowledge.

Traditions of celebrating the holiday in Russia

Despite the fact that River Police Day is a standard working day, the festival is widely celebrated in professional circles. Cultural events and corporate evenings are organized for employees, where particularly distinguished police officers are awarded letters of gratitude, medals and certificates for achievements in their service, bonuses and promotions.

The river police make up a significant part of the water police. This structure began to be called “police” relatively recently - only 5 years ago, when the law “On the Police” came into force on the territory of the Russian Federation.

River police officers monitor water spaces, prevent fires on water, water bodies, poaching, as well as other violations of order on the river. The river police unit works closely with the departments for combating drug trafficking, weapons, and the economic crimes department.


The history of the existence of this unit dates back to the end of the 19th century. The decree on the organization of the river patrol was signed by the royal hand. The first date of establishment of the river police is June 1987. At that time, the river police existed in the form of a special unit, whose duties were to restore order in the water spaces of St. Petersburg and surrounding regions, namely:

  1. Inspection of river vessels.
  2. Inspection of ships.
  3. Control of order at the piers.
  4. Prevention of poaching and theft.
  5. Order on the beaches (bathing areas).
  6. Reliability of strengthening river banks.

The river branch soon appeared in other cities of Russia. These units were disbanded after the October Revolution. But already in 1918, the river militia was again established, this time by the Council of People's Commissars by its decree of June 25, 1918. This date is generally considered to be the date of the creation of the river police.


The difficult and often dangerous work of river policemen as in tsarist times, in the USSR, was and remains in high esteem. The professional holiday River Police Day is another wonderful occasion to honor their difficult, but important work.

On this day, water police officers gather at banquet tables with their brothers in the profession, recall vivid stories from their professional lives, and accept congratulations from their superiors and higher authorities. Some of them are awarded medals, certificates of commendation, cash bonuses, promotions in rank and position. Sometimes meetings or round tables are organized in educational institutions, where experienced water police officers talk about their profession. On this day, congratulations are heard from radios and televisions.

The honor and courage of these extraordinary people are set as an example for the younger generation.

On July 25, 2018, river police officers celebrate their professional holiday. Before the 2011 federal law renaming the militia into police, the holiday was called “River Police Day.” This division has been operating in Russia for more than 150 years.

IN modern Russia special units of the river police are subordinate to the transport departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in federal districts and interregional line departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for transport.

The water police are engaged in the fight against crimes and violations of law and order at sites associated with rivers, lakes and various reservoirs of the country. In their work, they often have to deal with illegal drug trafficking and weapons, as well as economic violations. The river police makes a significant contribution to the fight against poachers, who cause enormous damage to the state.

On River Police Day, management congratulates their subordinates. State and departmental awards are given to distinguished employees of this unit. In honor of the holiday, some officers may receive their next rank a little faster.

River Police celebrates 151 years since its founding

In 1867, Emperor Alexander II approved an order to create a separate unit in law enforcement agencies, which would combat violations in the waters of St. Petersburg.

River police officers searched the entire water transport in the capital, controlled the activities of fishermen, prevented the destruction of bridges and embankments, and fought fires in water bodies. The work of the department was highly appreciated. A few years later, river police departments began to appear in other cities of the Russian Empire.

With the coming of the Bolsheviks to power in the country, the river police units ceased to exist, like all other state organizations of the tsarist period. On July 25, 1918, a river police was introduced into Russia by a special decree. For convenience, it was decided to link units not to cities, but to certain river basins.


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