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High-mountainous Digoria is the most remote southwestern part of North Ossetia, located in the upper reaches of the Urukh River and its sources. The wild and unusually majestic nature, the great distance from the beaten path, attracts more and more attention of tourists and climbers to it every year.

The famous conqueror of the Alpine peaks N.V. Poggenpohl wrote: “Why is Digoria so good, why in other places did I not feel the same pleasure as here, among the green meadows washed by Urukh and the magnificent coniferous forests, into the dark greenery of which white ribbons of glaciers descend ? Individual elements of the mountain landscape are combined in Digoria in an amazingly soft and picturesque way, there is nothing gloomy and gloomy, and the fresh emerald green of the meadows, the noble, architectural lines of finely carved peaks with a shiny firn cover at their feet caress the eye with a happy combination of colors...”

We found a lot of positive reviews on the Internet, for example:

If we say about this place, it is BEAUTY! This is an understatement. I have been involved in rock climbing and hiking for many years and more beautiful places I haven't seen it anywhere. These are 3 glaciers, waterfalls, caves, a mineral spring, horseback riding, fresh air and memories for the rest of your life. This is cooler than Turkey and many times cooler than any other holiday destination. if you are active, full of energy and extreme sports, this is the place for you, if you are calm and sensitive to nature, tired of the bustle of the city, you will be welcome here. I have never heard a negative reaction in so many years. Everyone from Moscow to France is delighted with these places. My advice to you: grab your children and loved ones and go ahead.

At all Caucasus mountains"other". They are not like the mountains in Crimea. The Caucasus Mountains are higher, the gorges are deeper, the peaks are sharper. That’s why everything in the Caucasus surprised us! The road through Ossetia is flawless. When approaching the gorge, we were greeted by enormous repair work; apparently they were building an interchange. Apparently, they are reconstructing the road for mass tourists visiting this very Digori gorge.

When entering the gorge, the main thing is not to overshoot the Urukh Akhsinta Canyon (also called Digorskaya Gorge), a major road bridge(in common parlance the Devil's Bridge), from which a stunning view opens; from a height of 80 meters, the Urukh River looks like a stream, in fact it is mighty river, which over the centuries has carved a narrow canyon, in some places no more than 2 meters wide. Akhsinta Canyon is the main gate of mountain Digoria

Swimming pool in a bathhouse with ice-cold spring water

We steamed in the next one, but taking pictures was simply unrealistic due to the high temperature of 110 degrees. That's why it's a nearby steam room.

Number for 1500 thousand. There is also a TV, many channels, a coffee table and a shower with toilet.

Dining room, food is delicious, breakfast is not included in the price.

Hotel building

Separate houses that can be rented for a family.

The building where the sauna and swimming pool are located

In the morning we went to the Three Sisters waterfalls. The Three Sisters waterfalls look especially spectacular from afar. Three snow-white streams fall at a distance of 150-200 meters from each other. "Three Sisters" originate on the Taymazi glacier. Their official name- "Taymazinsky waterfalls". They produce unforgettable impression height of fall and beauty. Below the streams break on the terraced stone pyramids. Over the years, water has carved out many depressions in the pyramids, which are a real decoration of each of the waterfalls. Water falling into these depressions splashes out of them in fountains. Somewhere at the foot of one of them there is a source of carbonated mineral water, which we never found. There is an excellent walking trail leading to them. But the waterfalls unfortunately froze ((. But the walk was not in vain, the weather was beautiful, warm and sunny. Beautiful river.

An attempt to cross :) Only I failed, Zhenya passed, and my slippery boots just wanted to plunge into the invigorating stormy river.

Then we went to another waterfall, deeper into the gorge, I’m not entirely sure of its name, but it seems to be “Small Taymazinsky Waterfall”. They looked at him from the road and did not get up. Further, the passage was blocked by a tensioned cable and a sign “Danger, collapse for 2 km.” But as it turned out, the danger of a collapse was not closed with a cable, but the passage to the border zone, which was kindly told to us by a detachment of “border guards” descending from the mountains.

Travel plan

Arrival in the morning at the airport (train station) Mineral water. Group transfer at 11.30 to the Digor Gorge of the Republic North Ossetia Alania(the journey to the border is 3 hours). Lunch (on your own). In the national cafe in the village of Chikola you will be offered dishes of Ossetian cuisine. In the company of a guide, you will travel to the Main Gate of mountain Digoria - the Akhsinta Canyon.
It is in this place that the canyon narrows so much that it turns into a stone trench, and it becomes visible how the Urukh River beats at a depth of seventy meters among the rocks. The canyon amazes with its grandeur. Its steep walls are formed by cliffs of gray layered Jurassic limestone. Several karst springs spectacularly fall into the abyss.
Along the way, you will be met and escorted on a good journey by a sculpture of the most revered saint in Ossetia - St. George (Ossetian: Uastirdzhi). You will also visit the village of Matsuta, located at the confluence of the Aygomugidon and Urukh rivers. “There is no further way” - this is how its name is translated.
Arrival at the Tana Park Hotel***, which is comfortably located in the farthest picturesque corner of the Digor Gorge on the left bank of the Khares River in the “horseshoe” of natural attractions: Metelaska Falls, Mount Kubus, spurs of Laboda and Sugansky Range. In the evening, discussion of the tour program. Dinner on your own in the hotel restaurant.

Breakfast in the hotel. Meeting with a guide, departure in an off-road vehicle walking route to the Karaugom Gorge (the length of the round trip walk is 10-12 km.)
Before leaving on the route, you will issue a pass to the border zone. Hike to the Karaugom glacier. The Karaugomdon River originates from under the tongue of the glacier. The name “Karaugom” itself translated from Ossetian means “blind gorge” or “gorge with no exit.” It received this name due to the fact that previously it was possible to get into the gorge only through a high icefall. The length of the Karaugom glacier is just over 13 kilometers, area - 27 square kilometers, the glacier descends to a height of 1820 meters. The glacier has two icefalls. The upper one, the most powerful, breaks out through the narrow “gates” of the Karaugomsky ridge and flows out from a height of 3500 meters; the tongue of the glacier reaches a length of 800 meters. The lower icefall is smaller, about 500 meters. Lunch on the way (packed lunch). Return to the hotel, rest. Dinner on your own in the hotel restaurant.

Breakfast in the hotel. Today you will climb to the top of Mount Kubus and walk to the Taymazinsky waterfalls. Climbing Mount Qubus will delight you with beautiful panoramas and virgin forests covering its slopes. Having descended from the mountain, you will continue your walk around the foot of Kubus to the Taymazinsky waterfalls. The waterfalls look especially spectacular from afar. Three snow-white streams fall at a distance of 150-200 meters from each other. The waterfalls originate on the Taymazi glacier, in the Khares Gorge. Below, the streams break against stepped stone pyramids. Over the years, water has carved out many depressions in the pyramids, which are a real decoration of each of the waterfalls. Water falling into these depressions splashes out of them in fountains. Lunch at the waterfalls includes packed lunch.
Return to the hotel, rest. Free time at the resort. Dinner on your own.

Breakfast in the hotel. Today you will go on a journey through the medieval Ossetian villages of Kumbulta (visiting Bagayt Castle), Lezgor, Donifars.
The route runs along the spur of the Rocky Range, or more precisely, along the spur of the Uazakhokh massif. Here is the most high point The rocky ridge in North Ossetia is a mythological peak - Uazakhoh, whose outlines resemble a dilapidated fortress (3,529 m).
Moving to the villages of Lezgor and Donifars, which in the Middle Ages were communities independent from anyone, where a democratic form of self-government was preserved, which differed from governance in other societies of Digoria. Today these villages are abandoned by people and represent an ancient ethnographic open-air museum with numerous remains of mountain architecture monuments: towers, crypts, castles, sanctuaries... Lunch (packed rations).
In a huge clearing between the villages of Lezgor and Donifars, the second largest in North Ossetia, after Dargavsky, is located the unique early medieval Lezgorsko-Donifars crypt burial ground. There are 64 tombs of various types and 7 tsyrts - memorial pillars. The Satayi-Obau temple is also located here (second half of the 15th – early 16th centuries).
You will devote most of the program to getting to know the necropolis and the remaining monuments of medieval mountain architecture.
You will stop by the medieval settlement of Zadalesk, where you will visit the museum of the mother - the savior of Alan children - Zadaleskoynan.
After which you will go to the settlement of Khanaz, in the past one of the most large settlements mountain Digoria. The settlement is famous for the castle of the Tsallaev family, which is called “Frigate”. There is no other such architectural building in the entire North Caucasus. Indeed, it is not clear to a person who comes here for the first time what rises on a high rocky ledge at an altitude of 2000 m above sea level. m. - a sailing frigate or a medieval castle cutting with a sharp stone bow air waves. This unique example of medieval mountain architecture dates back to the 14th-16th centuries. After the excursion, you will visit an Ossetian house, where the hospitable hosts will treat you to homemade Ossetian pies and tea with herbs collected in the mountains.
During the meeting you will learn about the lifestyle, customs local residents. Return to the hotel. Dinner on your own in the hotel restaurant.

Breakfast in the hotel. Group gathering in the hotel lobby. Exit to the route. Today you will hike along the Tana-dona gorge to the Tana-tsete glaciers. The length of the round trip walk is 10-12 km. During your walk, you will find yourself captivated by unique, intricate vegetation: juniper, dwarf perennial deciduous trees. Leaving the vegetation zone, you will find yourself in an amphitheater of mountains: Taymazi Main, Chashura, Tsiteli, Digoria Peak, Western and Main towers Laboda.
At the end of the path you will see the Tana-tsete glacier. Lunch on the way (packed lunch). Return to the hotel. Dinner on your own in the hotel restaurant.

The village of Galiat is located in the Uallagkom Gorge. This is a unique medieval architectural complex. Houses here were previously built in tiers. The roof of one house served as a yard for another, so the Galianians could easily visit each other without leaving their own yard. Typical Ossetian towers, consisting of four floors.
Lunch on your own.
At 14.00 departure from the gorge to Mineralnye Vody airport (5 hours travel time) for evening flights after 12.00 hours.

The trip to the Digor Gorge had been planned for a long time, but on this particular day we weren’t going to go, we had completely different plans... But, probably, the stars aligned that way, and in the morning, over a cup of coffee, we decide - we’re going!
The weather was pleasant, a sunny autumn day + good mood and we were on our way.
I want to say right away that I didn’t like it - there are no signs to attractions, it was difficult to find where to eat (there are practically no cafes), and the lack of gas stations (you must take gasoline with you).
In the meantime, we are passing through Kabardino-Balkaria

Let's go to Ossetia

We drive to Figator as our final destination, the village of Dzinaga. We have some little information along the route, but we didn’t think that the objects were not marked anywhere for tourists and we would have to look for them at random... and this is a waste of time (((.
We reach the tunnel, a little before reaching it, there is a turn to the right - this path leads to the Devil's Bridge, which spans the Urukh River.

The place is called Akhsinta Canyon, and if you drive across the bridge, the road will lead to the Didinag (flower) tract, to hay meadows. The height of the canyon is about 70 meters

We drive past the bronze monument to Uastrji. Its weight is 13 tons, height 6 meters + cliff 30 meters.

Not far from the monument there is a men's sanctuary, there is a legend about how it appeared -
Hundreds of years ago, a lone traveler was traveling along a narrow road. Suddenly the cart almost fell into a cliff, but miraculously the man remained alive, as if some unknown force prevented him from falling to the bottom of the ravine. In gratitude to Saint Uastirdzhi, this sanctuary was erected, which has already been renewed several times

And all around are mountains, sun and clean air!

The place where the great prayer festival takes place

On the opposite bank, high in the mountains, we see the remains of towers and decide to turn off. The turnoff is approximately five km away. from the tunnel and leads to the remains of the villages of Lezgir, Donifars, to the Satayi Obao crypt and to the necropolis.

Climbing upward, we come across an archaeological expedition that has been traveling to these places for about 20 years and is excavating the settlement of Saouar. On a plot of only 70 sq.m. A powerful production center has been discovered, including 5 pottery workshops, 2 metallurgical complexes for smelting ferrous metal and bronze, a bone-carving complex and a charcoal burner's workshop! The age of the village is 2-4 centuries. BC!
The guys had already preserved the excavations until next year and the most interesting things were already covered and packed, but we still clicked the camera as a souvenir

We rise even higher to the ruins of the village of Donifars

A little to the side is the village of Lezgor

Donifarsko-Lezgorsky necropolis

A little history. The village of Lezgor is one of the most ancient villages in mountainous Digoria; in 1886 there were 58 households in it. Residents abandoned it in 1927 after a mudflow, which brought many casualties and destruction. The village was part of Donifar society and an important strategic point. From here the attacks of the Digor feudal lords were repelled. Residents of Lezgor and other Donifar villages never submitted to the local nobility.
The village of Donifars is the only completely Muslim village in Ossetia.
Donifarsko-Lezgorsky necropolis - a large number of stone crypts and stone steles. It is not as famous as the city of the Dead in Dargavs, but is much larger in area and includes tombs of various types. Presumably, burials were made from the 5th to the 18th centuries.

Above the village of Zadalessk, on the edge of the cliff, the Sedanovs’ tower is visible

Along the road Tsyrt is a roadside stone in memory of a deceased person

In front of the Dzinaga camp site, on a stone, is a rather tattered portrait of Stalin.

We pass the tourist center and enter the village of Dzinaga

In general, we have completed our plan, it is already three o’clock in the afternoon, and we are terribly hungry))). Unfortunately, there are no cafes; at the camp site we were told that vacationers cook for themselves, because... the season is closed...
And only after returning to the village of Matsuta, right before entering the reserve, we found a shop where we were fed delicious Ossetian pies of enormous size. A master class on making them was held for me, so I hope that on winter evenings we will eat Ossetian pies at home and remember sunny Ossetia)))

We didn’t see much, so there will be a goal to return...

Golden autumn in the Caucasus. North Ossetia. Digoria, Dargavs, Tsei and more. I invite you on a journey. December 13th, 2016

For travel enthusiasts, photographers and non-photographers. Difficulty level is zero. Suitable for absolutely all categories of traveling people, including children. Quite a family format.

Autumn version of the tour in North Ossetia. On this trip you will visit the real Caucasus mountains, get acquainted with the culture, history and way of life of the Ossetians and Digorians still living in. And, of course, you will see amazing things not just from afar, but you will directly touch the nature of this region and walk with your feet along its roads and paths. And most importantly, the timing of the trip was chosen precisely on the basis that at this time there is a real riot of autumn colors here. Don’t be alarmed, everything is done only lightly and in a gentle manner. We won't have to live in tents, everything will be quite comfortable.

To warm up, we will visit the unique medieval necropolis in the village and see many other attractions along the way. Then we will have the central part of the tour where we will explore one of the Digoria gorges in the territory National Park"Alania". In Digoria we will visit the old ones, with their amazing stone architecture and where the traditional way of life and way of life are still preserved, and we will even visit the local residents. Here we will go through simple routes lightly along the slopes of the Rocky Range and visit. Then we will have the third and final part of the journey. To do this we will have to relocate to ski resort Tsei, who at this time is simply tourist centre. There we will go on a hike ecological trail to the Tseysky glacier. And as a final touch to the whole trip, we will go to the villages of Tib, Sadon and Verkhniy Zgid.

Contacts for applications and proposals at the end of the program.

Detailed travel program:

October 7th. Everyone comes to the city of Vladikavkaz. There are options by plane, train and even bus. We check into the hotel, get ourselves in order, get acquainted, and go for a walk around the city. Anyone who hasn't been here before, I can say for sure, will like it. If we are lucky with the weather, on this day we will already see the snow-capped head of Kazbek and the angular, flat-topped Mount Stolovaya, seemingly hanging over the city. And we will definitely see the Terek and walk along its embankment, and also take a walk along Mira Avenue, which is freed from car traffic precisely for truants like you and me.

October 8. Today we have a long trip. We are going to real mountains, to one of the Caucasian gorges, which is called Kurtatinskoye or sometimes it is also called Fiagdonsky. Along the way, we will stop at the place where the river has cut such a narrow canyon into the limestones that in some places the huge boulders hanging over it completely close together. But even higher, the gorge opens wide and here is the rather large village of Fiagdon. We will travel a little further than Fiagdon to visit the Holy Dormition Alan Monastery. This is a modern temple, but very beautiful. After the sightseeing tour, we’ll go back a little and start climbing along the road to the pass. On the way up, right above the cliff, there is an Ossetian watchtower, and if you haven’t seen such towers before, this will be the first, but far from the last, on our route. A little more along the mountain serpentine and then a pass and a descent down to the village of Dargavs, on the outskirts of which the main object of our trip that day is located. This is the so-called "". In fact, it is a medieval necropolis, striking not only with its architecture, but also with its burial method. If you look inside, you will see human bones and even sometimes mummified remains. Why this is so, the history of these burials is not yet very clear to me personally. They say that epidemics once raged here, and sick people themselves went into these stone crypts to die so as not to infect the healthy. But researchers found no traces of these infections in the remains. Dargavs is the most representative and impressive crypt complex in Ossetia, but they are everywhere here and we will see them in other places. On the same day, if there is a normal road and if there is still time, perhaps we will have time to look a little further, through another pass into the Karmadon Gorge, famous for its tragedy in 2002, when people died during a catastrophic glacier meltdown. But don’t be alarmed, nothing threatens us, we will spend the night again in a city hotel. During this trip, a light snack is a good reason to lose a little weight. But in the evening you can have a blast.

October 9. The excursion part is over, now we have a real journey, with deep dive V environment. We leave the city, go to Digoria and to the Digorians. Digoria is one of the regions of North Ossetia, adjacent to Kabardino-Balkaria, and the Digorians are Ossetians, but they speak their own Digor dialect. To begin with, we will drive for a long time along the plain and look at the Caucasus ridge from the side, but when we reach the village of Chikola we will turn straight into the mountains and a little further we will drive into a narrow gorge. And here the Urukh River carved a very narrow canyon in the limestone, 70 meters deep and only 10 meters wide in some places. We will definitely stop at the observation point called “Devil's Bridge”. And they really built a bridge over the abyss, but it’s unlikely that the devil did it. There is also a short tunnel nearby and an old road that bypasses this tunnel. And next to the tunnel is a real natural cave. A little further we will stop at a horseman on a high rock, this is the statue of Uastirdzhi, the most important Ossetian saint, in the Orthodox form associated with St. George. And a little further we will stop at a holy place, into which women are prohibited from entering. I think there is no need to be outraged about gender inequality when it comes to some historical traditions. Having driven even further, we will find ourselves in the territory of the Alania National Park, which will be announced by the full houses along the road. Here we have to turn left into another gorge, which forms the right tributary of Urukh, the Songutidon River. And then a little more and immediately after the village of Makhchesk we will climb a little hill and already in the village of Kamata we will find our new refuge. This is the visitor center of the National Park, equipped to receive tourists. Let me point out right away that accommodation here is for not very demanding travelers. No, for me personally this is the height of comfort, but maybe you have slightly higher requirements. In fact, this is an ordinary village house, it has four rooms. One large, for ten people and three family ones with three beds each. Plus there is a large kitchen with a dining room and a common table for a large group. Separate shower and toilet facilities. There is a gas heater for the shower from a gas cylinder, and there is also an electric water heater in the kitchen. It’s okay, albeit a little spartan, but it’s worth it, here we have the most interesting part of the trip and it’s only three days. Already on the same day we will have time to walk around the immediate surroundings, climb the Abisalovs’ tower and probably even go on a visit.

October 10. On this day we will get acquainted with the old ones in the Songutidon valley and even higher in the Wallagcom valley. In the village of Fasnal you will see the old walls of a Belgian mining and processing plant, which operated here back in the 19th century, and even then there was electricity and sewerage. Then we will go higher along the road, where it was previously very narrow mountain valley opens wide and here it is already called Huallagk. Three mountain villages are concentrated here - Dunta, Kamunta and Galiat, where very few local residents remain, and where the life and atmosphere of the old mountain villages are still preserved. And you will definitely be amazed by the stone village architecture and towers, often all of this, of course, in the form of ruins. But you will definitely be impressed. Well, then, if there is time and energy left, the volunteers will go with me on foot along the upper road along the slope of the Rocky Ridge to the very base where we settled. Walking here, if you just walk, and not be distracted by anything, at a brisk pace for about two hours. But I hope we have enough enthusiasm to shoot something. And the landscapes here are wonderful. And in some places, herds of horses walk by themselves. Plus, bright autumn colors. This will be our first walking route. Those who refuse to walk in the mountains, after a tour of the villages, will simply go back to the base.

October 11. But on this day a very good walk awaits us. Along the road we will again reach the village of Galiat, and then the walking part will begin, although along a relatively road, but in some places it’s quite steep uphill. Our goal is to climb the pass in the Rocky Range. This place looks like a huge gap in a solid limestone wall. It is really beautiful there and there is a holy place there, which is visited periodically by local residents. And if we’re lucky, we’ll be able to look on the other side of the pass; in May 2016, I wasn’t able to do this because everything there was covered with clouds. For those who came to take photographs, there are a lot of landscape scenes here. But this is not our only goal on this day. At this time, a herd of yaks should be grazing here. Naturally, animals will also become the object of our visual contact and photography. Climbing to the pass can take quite a long time. But if time remains, and the enthusiasm remains in our ranks, we can march along the slopes of the Rocky Ridge straight to our base. Those who have time to walk around the pass will go to the base by car.

October 12. After breakfast we will leave the hospitable shelter in the village of Kamata. We will also leave Digoria. On this day we will leave for Tsey, which is located in another mountain gorge. Before entering the Alagir Gorge, we will visit the Epiphany Alan Convent. A little further we will make a stop at a holy place at the huge Uastyrdzhi monument, which seems to fly out of the rock and hang over the road. Even higher we will pass tunnels and old mining villages, where the architecture of the Soviet era is still preserved. And then we’ll climb steeply into the mountains and finally get to Tsey, a tourist and ski center, which is nestled in a narrow gorge under Monk Rock. We'll check into a hotel. For those who found the previous base in the village of Kamata not very comfortable, living here will seem like the height of bliss. But we will still have time to walk around the surrounding area and visit such interesting objects like the sanctuary of Recom. This is a men's sanctuary, but there is something for women here.

October 13. This day will be completely devoted to a hike to the Tsey glacier. Follow the path along the bed of the Tseyadon River. We will walk slowly to examine everything in detail and take pictures. I hope we will be lucky with the weather, and the landscapes here are stunning, real mountainous. Most likely, there will still be time on this day, and those who wish will be able to take the cable car up to the Skazsky glacier.

October 14. On this day we will go to the mountain village of Tib. Along the way, we’ll look at the Zaramag reservoir from above, located in a narrow valley among high mountains. In Tiba we will touch the ruins of ancient ancestral towers and visit unique mineral springs. And on the same day we will visit the old mining villages of Sadon and Verkhniy Zgid. In these villages we will see unique Soviet architecture, unlike anything else, and still preserved traces of the catastrophic mudflow that destroyed Sadon. We are still spending the night in Tsey.

October 15. Well, that's it, the journey is over. On this day we say goodbye and go home. Departure from Tsey in the morning with the expectation that everyone will have time for their transport from Vladikavkaz.

Conditions for participation in the trip:

The cost of participation is 44,000 rubles. Prepayment - 15,000 rubles, the rest can be done on the spot.

Included in the price:

All transport movements, starting from the airport or train station and ending there.
- Accommodation at all points of our route, including Vladikavkaz. These are hotels and a visitor center of the National Park. Double and triple accommodation in hotels. It is possible to stay in a more populated room at the visitor center. Single accommodation is negotiated everywhere and calculated separately. Single occupancy is not guaranteed at the Visitor Center.
- Meals along the entire route. Regular three times a day. On routes outside hotels and bases, snacks will be provided.
- Your guide
- Photography and other consultations
- Admission ticket in the necropolis of Dargavs

The price does not include:

Travel from your city to Vladikavkaz and back.
- Souvenirs and personal expenses.
- Alcohol.
- Cable car in Tsey, if you use it.


The trip is simple, without any extreme. But we will still have simple routes in mountainous areas, so we need to prepare for these conditions.

Particular attention to shoes. Regular trekking boots or mountain hiking boots are best here. If you don't have any, then at least take rubber boots. You can walk in the dry places of the Rocky Ridge in sneakers, but on a hike to the Tseysky Glacier, if you don’t have boots, boots will come in handy. In addition, there should be replacement shoes, such as sneakers and slippers for hotels and bases.
- Waterproof clothing is also important. In case of rain, you should have a waterproof raincoat or cape or suit.
- Simple and comfortable clothes for hiking in the mountains.
- It can be quite cold, especially in the evening or morning. Warm clothes are needed, but not winter, but autumn-spring.
- A small backpack for photographic equipment, clothes in case of rain and other small items during the routes.
- Change of clothes for the hotel and the city.
- Lightweight headdress.
- Personal hygiene items.
- A personal mug and spoon wouldn’t hurt either.

Send applications, questions and suggestions by email [email protected] or by phone 8 903 102-99-36 .

By mutual agreement, some changes to the program are possible.

Below in the photographs are some of what you can see on this trip:

Necropolis in Dargavs. In details .

Kurtatinskoye Gorge at its narrowest point.

The Holy Dormition Alan Monastery in the village of Khidikus outside Fiagdon.

Watchtower over the Kurtatinsky gorge.

Damn bridge.

Visiting local residents. In details


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