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This year, the Krasnodar Regional Youth Library named after IF Varavva held a literary competition of mini-stories on the theme "Mysteries of the Kuban Dolmens". Ekaterina Zhigalkovskaya, a reader of the Staroderevyankovskaya library of our region, also took part in it. On these New Year's Eve days, the results of the competition were summed up. A collection of the best creative works of young readers of the entire Krasnodar Territory has come to our library. Among them is the work of Ekaterina Zhigalkovskaya. This is an interesting fantastic story, called "Dolmens - the embodiment of our desires." We congratulate Katya on this event, wish her creative success in the literary field and so that all her dreams, made on New Year's Eve, come true! Happy reading to all readers!

Dolmens - the embodiment of our desires

"Dolmen - (from Breton" tol "- table and "m en" - stone) - megalithic structure in the form of a large stone box covered with a flat slab. The weight of the upper stone slab often reaches several tens of tons ... ”. The guide was saying something else, but I wasn't listening very carefully.I breathed in the fresh forest air and admired the play of light on the surface of the river. White. For the first time in several weeks, when I got out of the house, I felt great. And nothing could spoil my high spirits. Having recently broken up with my girlfriend, I felt lost, but now this feeling is gone, replaced by calmness. Could it have been influenced by the location? My trip to Adygea, p. Guzeripl, was spontaneous. One good friend shoving mea ticket in his hand, grumbled: “The trip is tomorrow at eight, otherwise it’s quite wildl at home. Do not be late". And here I am, and I have no regrets at all. A woman of retirement age quietly crept up to me and asked:

- And you will not wish to think?

- Desire? I asked, not understanding what she was talking about.

- Well yes , - she nodded towards the dolmen. - Did you listen?

“It seems that yes,” I hesitated slightly.

- Just touch and make a wish, and itwill surely come true?

I could not answer her anything and, collecting all my skepticism into a fist, I headed towards the tourists who were already making their wishes, putting my hand to the stone.

Bypassing the crowd and finally finding a more or less quiet place, I gently touched the dolmen, which turned out to be warm to the touch.

So what should I think? I would like a lot of things. But then I smiled sadly, because I’m not a child and I don’t believe in these silly fairy tales. Having changed my mind about planning anything, I turned sharply away from the stone that was beginning to irritate me, and met the intent, curious gaze of that very old woman. Sighing heavily, I once again turned to the stone. Well ... why not? Squinting my eyes, as in my distant childhood, I made a rain. Shower. Heavy refreshing shower. By the way, it's summer now. An exhausting hot summer. And even here in the forest the heat was felt. And the forecasts did not give any chances for a drop in temperature. And the downpour would, by the way, very much even. This was my only wish at the moment.

Finally, we headed towards the parking lot where our bus was supposed to arrive. I glanced over the dolmen for the last time and followed the others. We got there pretty quickly and waited another thirty minutes, but the bus didn't come. After an hour of waiting, the crowd became agitated and made a quiet noise, this rustling seemed to me the sound of the surf, I was not worried, and I would like to stay here a little longer, away from the suffocating city.

The sun slowly descended towards the horizon, and we all looked into the distance and waited. The bus didn't show up. Our guide called everyone he could, but something happened there, and he, with an extremely sour face, turned to us, explaining that we would not go home today. It was decided to spend the night in the forest, at the edge, just near that very dolmen. I don't even remember who suggested it, but everyone agreed. I didn't care just to sleep, I was terribly tired. The procession moved in the opposite direction. The guide on the way exhausted all the jokes that he knew. He was embarrassed.

We arrived at sunset. Grasshoppers and some birds chirped softly. Tired people got in all directions. I chose a place away from all of them and, having a little snack, fell asleep ...

Without opening my eyes, I realized that something was wrong. The frightened whisper of the group finally brought me out of my half-sleep, forcing me to stand up abruptly and look around carefully. People sat huddled together, as if trying to hide from something terrible. This feeling washed over me too, but I chased it away and asked:

- What actually happened?

- So, don't panic, - raising my hands in a soothing gesture, I carefully examined our group. And there is. Students and female students plus one adult woman. I sighed heavily.

- He himself would not have gone to the city ... Unlikely. Warn someone. Maybe he just got lost?

I shrugged helplessly. But this is nonsense. He probably knows this area. People listened to me attentively with hidden hope on their faces. But I could not tell them anything except my guesses.

“Okay, it's worth looking for him anyway,” I said. We collected a few things and, having breakfast, went to the ill-fated forest.

He greeted us with coolness and sounds inherent only in the forest. The participants of this trip obeyed me unquestioningly. We stayed in the forest almost until the evening, unsuccessfully trying to find any traces of our guide's stay. But without finding anything, we returned to the parking lot. The people, suppressed by an incomprehensible threat, sadly sat down on the grass. We have already tried to call. The missing person's cell was turned off.

So another day passed.

The next day was marked by a surprised female scream. I hurriedly got up and turned towards the voice. One of the students, dumbfounded, was holding a large wad of money in her hands. The rest were silent, and as I, staring at the green bills clutched in my hands, tried to calculate the amount.

- I opened the bag, and they are there, - the girl justified. - I have never seen such money in my life, but here ... She waved her hands awkwardly and several pieces of paper swirled in the air. She picked them up eagerly and pressed them to her chest.

One oddity more. But this money can be used wisely. I have already looked with interest at the unexpected money. The group also looked at them with predatory interest. I tried to dispel the obsession. What are we thinking about in such a situation? The guide disappeared, some kind of forest, it’s not clear what to do, but there’s money. Although I had one thought ...

After an hour of wandering, we reached the village and the very first unkempt peasant admitted that he would take us to hell for that kind of money. Of course, we did not give everything to him. But it seems that what we gave him was enough for him. Tired of a strange trip and an unexpected ending, people fell asleep. I dozed off, too.

Finally, after a long shake on bumpy roads, we got to the hotel. We got a call from the company and apologized inconsistently. The tour guide was never found. I met the morning with dumbfounded cries. I went out into the hall of the living room. Not particularly surprised, I glanced at my neighbor, the very only adult woman in our former group. And a shiver went through me. Since this woman was about fifty years old. But now she looked twenty. She looked at her young face in a small mirror and touched it in disbelief. Turning to me, she said this phrase:

- I made a wish there, on the dolmen, to look younger. I didn't think it would come true. A dazzling smile lit up her face. And I sighed convulsively. That's it…

It's been two days since then. The guide was found. He was in America. It turned out that he always wanted to get there, but the salary did not allow. The phone was simply turned off, and he himself woke up in an incomprehensible place, in some park. As far as I know, the company took him away and continued to work as before. The rest of the participants of this excursion also had a lot of things happen, their wishes came true. A group of scientists went to the dolmen, but they did not achieve anything. Dolmen no longer fulfilled wishes.

I walked home late in the evening. My shirt was soaked in sweat. A drop has dripped. Another one. I looked up at the sky. Downpour. He washed my mind and body. It was extraordinarily good. Cold drops fell on the hot asphalt. And I stood with my arms outstretched and looked at this blessing. Here is my wish. It came true. I could have thought anything, and my life would have changed. I was sad. I do not know how long I stood there on the pavement, but when the rain passed, I saw a sky full of bright stars. I breathed in with a full breast the delicious air and, opening my eyes, looked at the beauty of the washed night sky ...

2012.08.04 | Galina Sinarevskaya

They breathe mystery and eternity, and even time slows down in them. People come here to open the third eye and make contacts with other civilizations, enter other dimensions and get secret knowledge. People go to the dolmens to ask for health, happiness, betrothed, child, money ... It is believed that the wish you make inside the dolmen will come true. People rush to mysterious structures to bow down, touch ... to live life next to them or just to look. But when you come to look, you will see only old, mossy stones. A skeptic can only touch another historical riddle, not noticing that a strange chain of events has already arisen in his life ...

"I go back there every year ..."

Several years ago I was a member of the territorial commission. I had to work in the elections both day and night. Everyone looked extremely tired, except for one woman. I jokingly asked her: “Yamze Mikhailovna, what's the secret? We are falling off our feet, and you seem to have rested recently? She smiled: "The dolmens support me ..."

I already heard something about these mysterious structures, but I did not fail to ask about them in more detail. Yamze said that for several years now she has been coming to Gelendzhik every spring to once again make sure that what is happening there is not a game of imagination ... She is drawn to ancient structures, whose mysteries still haunt many people. There she seems to shed the burden of the years lived, and after the whole year she feels young and healthy. If a problem arises, he mentally turns to the dolmen spirits and asks them for advice. And the solution comes ...

“This is an amazing place,” she assured. - Everything that happens there is so intimate that it is difficult to tell. You feel a surge of strength, harmony with the world around you, a desire for creativity. If your intentions are pure and you are ready to open your soul, communication with the dolmen spirits can take place. The "guards" will let you through and you will find yourself not in a clearing to the old stones, but in another dimension ... In a few days you will live a whole life - in terms of the fullness of emotions, the intensity of emotions and events, in terms of the amount of change of mind. At the dolmens, everyone gets their own ... Some begin to paint, others recover from ailments, and still others receive answers to their questions.

When I suggested that it might be self-hypnosis or self-deception, she said: “I watched the children. There is no need for them to deceive themselves. In one case, the child will not come close to the dolmen, and in the other, he will climb the whole thing both inside and outside. And later, amazing changes appear. Your toddler may start writing stories, poems, or dramatically change behavior. Although, this is not always the case and sometimes it does not appear immediately. "

The sensations when visiting dolmens are very different ... “When I approached one of them, the headache that tormented me suddenly disappeared. And, approaching another, I already felt anxiety and fear in advance. Once in the field of the "house", as soon as I stuck my head inside, there suddenly appeared lightness, inner courage. I suddenly wanted to smile irresistibly, ”Yamze shared.

It is said that those who try to actively contact the dolmen spirits, meditate, sometimes have a strange effect. After a while, there is an increased intensity of all life processes. The amplitude and interval of successes and failures increases dramatically. Many sluggish problems are popping up and demanding solutions. Suddenly, you can lose a boring but monetary job, contact with an old, but exhausted company ... You have to change a lot in life. These changes, in principle, can later be assessed as positive. But in the process, this is often perceived as a misfortune.

Perhaps all this is a consequence of a violent imagination. And perhaps something makes them live, having gone over the dose, in an accelerated rhythm.

Hypotheses and versions

The term dolmen (from Breton dol - table, maen - stone) means a stone slab-roof. Outwardly, they look like stone birdhouses, each wall of which weighs tens of tons. They are found in Europe, South America, Australia, Russia. As archaeologists assume, a mysterious civilization existed on the territory of the North-West Caucasus, from which these strange megalithic structures, called dolmens, remained. Archaeologists have calculated that they are at least 3-5 thousand years old, that is, they are the same age as the Egyptian pyramids. There were more than 7 thousand dolmens in the Caucasus, now there are about 150. Nothing is known about the life of their builders. The author of the book "Dolmens of the Caucasus - Reconstruction of the Cult" S.V. Valganov writes that during the excavations no tools or technical devices were found with the help of which these structures were erected, the plates of which were fitted to each other with an accuracy of a millimeter.

Inside the dolmens, as in the Egyptian pyramids, strong electromagnetic oscillations are observed, slowing down the clock ... Archaeologists have yet to answer the question: how did this grandiose culture, which left us with mysterious “houses”, originated and why disappeared. But already now there are many hypotheses about their origin - from cosmic to magical.

Among the Circassian-Circassian tribes that lived in this territory in the Middle Ages, there is a legend that giants and dwarfs lived in ancient times. The latter, using cunning, forced the giants to build their houses from stone slabs.

And according to one of the modern versions, dolmens are considered a kind of tombs. But the almost complete absence of ornaments and drawings is not in favor of this theory.

According to the second version, these are religious buildings intended to serve the gods. Later, burials began to be made in them, because they often try to bury the dead on holy ground.

According to another hypothesis, dolmens, which mainly consist of quartz-containing rocks, are emitters of ultrasonic vibrations and, therefore, can have a strong effect on the psyche. And the tribes that built them could communicate with the higher cosmic intelligence, falling into a state of suspended animation in dolmens.

Such an emitter, according to some, could also be used as a kind of weapon to scare off enemies. The weak point of this theory is that dolmens are usually found in “good” places, where there is always a spring nearby.

The Sochi scientist V.M. Kondryakov put the scheme of the dolmens' location on the geological map of the area, and it turned out that they were all located above the fault line of the earth's crust. It is on these lines that a colossal force of tension arises and accumulates. Such zones are called "places of outgoing force".

And local psychics are convinced that dolmens are a means of communication for the descendants of the Atlanteans. According to ancient Greek mythology, immortal giants lived on the territory of the Western Caucasus, led by Prometheus, who was chained to a rock by an angry Zeus, where an eagle tormented his liver. The Greeks mention that he was crucified between the Bosphorus of Cimeria (Kerch Strait) and Colchis (Sukhumi region). This area is occupied by dolmens.

And, finally, one of the most striking hypotheses is that on the day of the solstice or the day of the equinox, the first ray of the sun shines into the hole of the dolmen. Some megaliths even have a special stone inside that the first ray hits. Perhaps this is the second Stonehenge?

An interesting theory belongs to the "Anastasians". According to her, the last carriers of knowledge and skills, which are now considered lost, went to the dolmens. Sages, priests and leaders closed tightly and went into eternal meditation to merge in spirit with the stone. They say that the spirits live in dolmens to this day. It is they who answer the questions of those who come, however, on one condition - the presence of purity of thoughts.

The version associated with the name of the American anthropologist Carlos Castaneda also comes into contact with the theory of the "Anastasians". As a student of the "seer" don Juan and learning the technology of personal immortality, he tried to learn the ancient Toltec tradition of turning to stone. Its essence lies in the fact that an experienced master of lucid dreaming for his wanderings needs a place where he could return. According to the version, it was the dolmens that were such a starting point or the end point of the wanderings of the ancient "travelers".

It is curious that Buddhist monks come to the dolmens to visit the sacred places where their ancestors lived in ancient times. What ancestors are we talking about, if there are monuments of ancient Aryan culture? But Buddhists say: “Once upon a time our ancestors adopted the spiritual cult of your ancestors. Much water has flowed under the bridge since that time, but we continue to preserve the Tradition, and your ancestors accepted faith in a strange god. "

According to them, Buddhism originated over two and a half millennia ago, when Prince Gautama began to preach. He was called Buddha, which means "enlightened" or "awakened spirit." He built himself a small house of stones in the forest (“such as this one,” they pointed to the dolmen) and covered it with a roof. Such houses were built long before Gautama Shakyamuni. People with awakened consciousness lived in them, to whom the "manna" came to know their "karna" (karma). So ... Perhaps the version of the "Anastasians" is not so far from the truth?

People come and go, but they, washed by the rains, shrouded in fogs, continue to live, fulfilling their destiny, which we have not yet figured out ...

Galina Sinarevskaya

The glory of Gelendzhik is not only sea resorts. Old-timers know many places where cherished dreams come true. Believe in miracles or not - everyone decides for himself, but in any case, a walk along the picturesque paths of legends will become one of the most vivid memories of the holiday season.

What can magic do?

Before appealing to unknown forces, it is worthwhile to understand that no magic will do for us what we are obliged to do for ourselves. If you do not book a hotel room before leaving for the resort, the roof over your head does not materialize from the space. So you will have to call hotels in Gelendzhik and solve other everyday problems on your own. Magic is in charge of global matters - fortune, health, the nuances of family relationships and the great secret of love.

Where wishes come true: top 5 places of power in Gelendzhik

What does a person need to be happy? Health, prosperity, a strong family and a little bit of luck. If the legends do not lie, then after a vacation in Gelendzhik, life will become a full cup, but for this you need to visit five places of power.

Valley of dolmens in the Kupriyanov gorge in the Olympus park. Five megaliths, created in the image and likeness of ancient religious buildings, are not inferior in strength to the present ones. Each megalith has its own specialization: the locals will show you which dolmen to turn to with requests for health, love, luck, fulfillment of desires and awakening talents. Once inside the megalith, feel free to ask the spirits for help - they almost never refuse anyone.

Stone bowl with "living" water - the visiting card of Lake Ayia. According to legend, a sip of spring water flowing into a bowl gives longevity. A few steps, as expected, a key with "dead" water is found. Having bathed in it, you can get healing from chronic diseases.

Wish tree at the head of the Bigussky waterfall. To improve financial affairs, you need to tie a red ribbon on a tree branch, and for good luck - a blue or green one.

Lovers fountain on the embankment. If you stand on a bronze globe level with the sculptural group depicting a young couple, and throw a stone into the sea from there, then you will soon meet love. And if you already have a soul mate, your marriage will be faithful and happy.

And finally, for those who are not afraid to face fate, it remains to visit an authentic ancient dolmen in the Safari Park... After spending the night next to him, you can dream about your future or get an answer to an important question.

After mystical passions, you will probably want peace and comfort. Luxury hotel complexes will willingly open their doors to meet the weary traveler. Comfortable 4-star hotels on the city map or on the popular portal regularly publish and update information on availability.


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