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Sultry deserts and high mountains, world-class resorts and excellent beaches, ancient monuments and original national traditions - all this is China, tours to which are as diverse and diverse as the country itself. In megacities, all conditions have been created for guests to stay and relax: city hotels offer rooms of various categories and prices, restaurants delight with dishes of national and European cuisine, spa salons have the latest means of healing the body.

China is also interesting in terms of eco-tourism. The popularity of ecological tours to the Celestial Empire is explained by the fact that this country is one of the first places in the world in terms of the number of national parks, protected and protected natural areas. The opportunity to visit the “Natural Attractions Area” (as national parks and reserves are called in China) is available to tourists vacationing in any of the provinces of this territorially vast country. The picturesque area and natural beauty of the surrounding area make tours to Benxi very attractive for tourists.

In Liaoning Province, located in the northeast of the country, there is the center of China's iron and steel industry - the city of Benxi. The city was founded in the valley of the Taizihe River back in the eleventh century. The Japanese occupation of 1031-1945 became the impetus for its industrial development, but in 1945 Benxi was severely destroyed, and was rebuilt only towards the end of the fifties.

If Hainan Island, tours to which have recently been no less popular than to the resorts of Turkey and Egypt, attracts fans of beach holidays, then Benxi is interesting, first of all, for nature lovers. Benxi National Geopark is located 28 kilometers from the city.

The natural wonders that served as the basis for the creation of the park were the longest underground river in China and the Benxi water stalactite cave with many grottoes in Shenyang. The park has a whole network of paths around gardens, ponds and gazebos, traditional for Chinese geoparks located in the suburbs. The cave complex of Benxi Geopark is divided into two parts: a water gallery in which an underground stream flows, and a dry gallery open to pedestrians. The water gallery of the cave has a length of 2200 meters, the width of its narrowest section is 10 meters, and the widest section is 50 meters. Tourists have the opportunity to ride boats around the gallery.

The main attraction of Benxi National Park is the open-air geological museum Benxi Water Cave, located next to the cave. In the museum you can see mineral formations with bizarre shapes - for example, animals, as well as sculptures and stones with inscriptions. The stalactite elephant, which always attracts the attention of museum visitors, is a replica of the elephant-shaped stalactite that is located inside the cave. A small area of ​​the geopark is reserved for a market where you can buy souvenirs and refresh yourself. The park is open throughout the year.

Eight kilometers northeast of the city of Benxi there is another natural attraction of China - the Unyushan Mountains, considered the cradle of the Manchu civilization. The highest point of the mountain range is located at an altitude of 824 meters above sea level. At the foot of the Unyushan Mountains, which stretch out in the shape of a rectangle (one and a half kilometers from south to north and three hundred meters from west to east), Lake Huanlong lies. Local landscapes captivate tourists and participants of numerous festivals held here with their beauty: the Festival of Blooming Mountain Flowers, the Snow Festival, and the Manchurian Tradition Festival. Tours to China are also unique in that you can choose a vacation option for any time of the year. If tours to Hong Kong are popular in the spring, when the weather is most conducive to pleasant sightseeing, then you can relax in the Chinese province of Liaoning and enjoy the magnificent scenery of the region in both summer and winter.

Statistics are a stubborn thing; as you know, you can’t argue with them. And the cold figures of statistics adamantly show that over the past few years, China has occupied one of the leading positions in terms of attendance by Russian tourists. The number of Russian citizens who visited the Celestial Empire last year for various purposes, including cross-border tourism, amounted to 1.47 million people, in 2008 - 3.123 million. Let's try to figure out what makes the region so popular.

Firstly, it is immediately worth mentioning the limitless tourist resources of this country, secondly, taking into account the fact that China is a year-round destination, thirdly, the volume is constantly supported by a massive tourist flow from the regions of the Far East bordering China, and, well, Undoubtedly, another reason is business tourism: no country in the world is visited by so many businessmen on business trips as China. Let's look at each of the premises in more detail.

Business tourism in China

Interest in China from Russian business is steadily growing every year, a significant role in this is played by the increasing openness of the Chinese market to the outside world, the geographical proximity of our countries, political contacts at different levels, the successful implementation of common investment projects, holding joint forums, conferences, seminars, thematic meetings, round tables.

China today is one of Russia's main trading partners. The above facts explain the interest of Russian businessmen in finding Chinese partners; cooperation with Chinese companies promises new, sometimes unlimited opportunities for business development. Today this applies not only and not so much to large Russian companies - more and more medium and small enterprises are being drawn into the orbit of bilateral cooperation between our countries. The time of the Chinese shuttles of the early 90s has passed, now Russian businessmen are interested in direct contracts with Chinese manufacturers and for this purpose travel to the provinces of Guangdong, Zhejiang, Fujian and Jiangsu, visit significant specialized exhibitions that are held in various large cities of the country year-round.

Skyscrapers of Hong Kong

Increasingly, large Russian companies are holding on-site seminars in China for their regional agents, combining them with visits to Chinese enterprises and exchanging experiences with foreign colleagues. However, so-called shopping tours, trips for Chinese goods, which are mainly represented by textile and light industry products of average quality, are still popular among Russian entrepreneurs. Whatever one may say, the paraphrased catchphrase “everything that is done is done in China” perfectly reflects the current situation on the world market. For small wholesale, most Russians go to the markets of Beijing and Guangzhou (Guangdong Province). The cost of a business tour to Beijing with air travel from Moscow ranges from 700-750 EUR per person. Prices on the page are as of September 2018.

Study tours to China

Taking into account the fact of close Russian-Chinese cooperation and the lack of highly qualified specialists, economists, lawyers, and political scientists with knowledge of the Chinese language, we can easily explain the interest in getting an education in China. Every year more and more Russian students come to study at universities in Beijing, Shenyang, Changchun, Dalian, Harbin, Shanghai, Guangzhou, etc.

Excursion programs to China

Perhaps no country can boast as many world cultural heritage sites as China. From a number of outstanding monuments, it is difficult to single out just one that could be considered a symbol of the country; one of the wonders of the world - the Great Wall of China, the amazingly large Tiananmen Square, and the admirable Terracotta Army of the Qin Emperor - can easily claim this role. Shijuana, and many, many others. Today, the tourism services market offers many interesting excursion routes around the country that meet the tastes and needs of all categories of tourists. As part of tourism programs, the following are most often visited: Beijing, the provinces of Shaanxi, Henan, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Yunnan, Sichuan, Shanghai, Tibet Autonomous Region. The cost of group excursion tours starts from 800 USD per person.

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Eco-tourism in China

tourism anthropogenic ecological

Ecotourism is a form of sustainable tourism that focuses on visiting natural areas relatively untouched by human influence.

China is home to many ecotourism sites. One of the largest number of forest protected areas and forest parks in the world: 1658 forest parks and 1757 forest protected areas. 6 forest parks and protected areas are included in the UNESCO register of world heritage sites. Heilongjiang Province is home to a world-class geological park with the Primeval Crater Forest natural area. In the south of Qinghai Province is the Sanjiangyuyan Protected Natural Area, founded in 2000. Three rivers originate from here: the Yellow River, the Lancang and the Chang. The reserve contains about 1,000 species of plants, 74 species of animals, 174 species of birds, 48 ​​species of reptiles, amphibians and fish. Lake Hanka or Xingkaihu Nature Reserve is located in the east of Heilongjiang Province on the border with Russia. One third of its area belongs to China, the southern part belongs to Russia. The area of ​​the lake is 4,380 km?. Shaanxi and Gansu provinces contain part of the Three Beaches National Park, the rest of it lies in the central province of Sichuan.

More and more residents of cities filled with cars, buildings, factories, and harmful substances accumulating in the air want, at least during their vacation, to touch the purity and beauty of nature. For such people - an excellent choice eco-tourism in China. Nowadays various types of tourism in China: both ski resorts and resorts designed for the treatment of various diseases and many others. But if you are interested in nature, choose eco-tourism!

China has enough mountains, untouched forests, monuments of architecture and art, as well as the sea. When traveling around China, nature lovers should visit the Sacred Mountain Huashan, which is located in the north-west of the country, in the Tibetan region. This mountain, whose height is more than 2000 meters, is a place where followers of Tao make a pilgrimage. Climbing the mountain you can explore the temple, popular among pilgrims even in the times of emperors.

Climbing Mount Sanqinshan (or Sanqin) will also be interesting. The mountain is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and amazes with its diversity and abundance of flora and fauna. The location of the mountain is southeast China.

Yushan (or Jade Mountain) is the highest mountain in China (3952 meters), located on the island of Taiwan, which is a national park in China. This mountain attracts not only climbers, but also those who want to see many rare species of animals and plants.

And if you want to see pandas in their natural habitat, welcome to Wolong National Park. In addition to pandas, a large number of rare representatives of flora and fauna are collected here.

By choosing eco-tourism in China, you are choosing a vacation that will leave behind a lot of positive emotions, help expand your horizons and photo album with pictures of extraordinary beauty.

One of the results of the cooperation was the opening of the Wenhai tourist eco-base, where there are 12 fairly comfortable rooms for two with a set of necessary amenities. However, the stunning views of the 5.6-kilometer-high Jade Snow Dragon Mountain and the company of the extremely friendly Naxi natives are well worth the effort. The mountain village of Wenhai (¶ЉC) is located on the slope of Mount Yulong at an altitude of about three thousand meters. You can get there in 4 hours from the city of Baisha.

The tourist base itself is a converted house, which is operated on a cooperative basis by 56 families living in Wenhai Village. The local population lives in the same houses. The eco-base can receive few visitors (last year only 100 people came), but guests are always welcome here. Experienced English-speaking guides will accompany you - on horseback or on foot - to the most interesting places in the area. The main attraction is definitely Lake Wenhai. In the spring it almost completely disappears, leaving through underground limestone channels, and in the summer it fills up again to serve as a haven for black cranes, swans and even black storks in winter.
At the base, guests can have a good rest away from the noisy travel industry. Here, the sun-drenched courtyard invites you to sit on a sun lounger while energetic chefs prepare exotic dishes. What's more, you'll be surprised to learn that the eco-principle extends here to everything, right down to the toilets, where the walls display schemes for recycling excrement, which is converted into biogas, which is fed into the greenhouses and heating systems of the pigsties. There are small solar panels on the roof and there is also a hydro generator, so avid Russian tourists can enjoy the facilities on offer with a clear conscience, knowing that they are not harming the environment.

To relax in an ecologically clean place in China, you need to get off the beaten path. Recently, you can even get to the mountainous hinterland of China quite quickly, and there is no need for a grueling hike on foot. Exotic lovers have the opportunity to make this journey on horseback, past archaic villages. There is nothing here that reminds us of modernity. The inns, despite the vicissitudes of the country's fate, are still decorated with rich, although time-touched, ancient stone carvings. There are magnificent recreational trails, gardens and lakes everywhere, hidden from the clattering civilization. Nothing interrupts the drowsy peace of the day. If guests come to Yunnan once, they will come again. But so far there are not many travelers on the road.

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The PRC is replete with historical and cultural attractions. Since 1985, China has joined the UNESCO Convention for the Preservation of the World Cultural Heritage. In terms of the number of unique attractions, China ranks third in the world after Italy and Spain. In total, there are 911 sites on the complete World Heritage List for 2010, that is, the share of Chinese sites in the world is 4.2%.

The palace buildings intended for the emperor and the imperial family have no equal among the ancient architectural structures that have come down to us, both in the grandeur of their scale and in the quality of construction. This, in particular, is one of the differences between China and those countries where religious buildings come first in scale and pomp.

Of the palace ensembles that have come down to us, the most grandiose and best preserved is the imperial purple Forbidden City in Beijing. It is called Gugun, which means “ancient palace”. Construction began in 1407 and was completed in 1420. For 490 years, it served as the residence of 24 emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties.

The country has about 300 national parks and reserves, protecting approximately 2% of China's land area. The most famous reserves are located in the southeast of the country. These are, first of all, strictly protected habitats of the panda - the symbol of the World Wildlife Fund.

China is a huge country with an abundance of tourism resources. All the diversity of tourist and recreational opportunities creates conditions for the development of many types of tourism.

Predominant types of tourism

Shopping tours

Due to the favorable prices on many products, China is a popular country for shopping. Many tourists successfully combine sightseeing with shopping, and for some it is the purpose of the trip. Recently, the Chinese economy has seen a rapid leap in the development of high technology and improving the quality of manufactured goods. China's cities are gradually turning into major global trading centers. In Beijing, the most famous shopping streets are Qianmen, Xidan, Dongsi. Yinjie Street is considered particularly fashionable due to the large number of Western brands. An entire service system has been created for tourists, including all stages from purchasing goods to packaging and sending the goods to their destination.

Beach tourism

Beach tourism has become particularly popular in recent years, with Hainan Island, which is also the main diving site in China, becoming the main hub. Thanks to the mild tropical climate and the absence of industrial enterprises, Hainan occupies one of the leading places in the world in terms of environmental indicators. There is clean and healthy air, clear sea water and a lot of greenery. Perhaps this is why the highest life expectancy in China is recorded here. In addition, people go to Hainan to improve their body tone, since traditional Chinese medicine centers are located here, which are also located in another resort - Qingdao.

Sanya resort. There are about 40 islands in the coastal waters of Sanya. The main resort areas of Sanya are located in three bays: Yalong Bay, Dadonghai and Sanya Bay. All beaches at the resorts of the island are sandy, gently sloping, the water is warm and clear. Yalong Bay is located 25 km from Sanya and is considered the most prestigious holiday destination in Hainan. The underwater world is rich and diverse, which is why large diving centers are located here. Volleyball courts are equipped throughout. The whole usual range of beach entertainment is also available: jet skis, parachutes, etc. In Dadonghai Bay, the waves are more stable than in other places, so surfers love the local beaches. A wide variety of seafood is caught in the coastal waters. Sanyawan Bay is located near Sanya Airport; the infrastructure of the bay is still developing.

Qinhongdao Resort, located in Hebei Province on the shores of Bohai Bay, is the oldest resort in the country. The main beach holiday areas are Beidaihe, Nandaihe and the golden coast of Changli. Among them, Beidaihe is the most popular among Russian tourists. There are three beaches here. The beach for foreigners is located on the western side, the “middle beach” is popular among high-ranking officials, and the Chinese like to spend their holidays on the “eastern beach”, combining it with sanatorium treatment.

Ski tourism

Ski tourism is developing especially rapidly in China. Today there are over 10 ski areas operating here. The largest Chinese ski resort is Yabuli, located in northern China, in Manchuria. It works all year round. Its total area reaches 200 hectares, and the length of the ski slopes exceeds 30 kilometers. This resort fully complies with European requirements. It has 17 ski slopes of varying difficulty levels, as well as seven cross-country trails. There are 5 lifts constantly operating here. This picturesque place with luxurious nature has become a national park. The second largest ski resort is Jinguetan, located near the city of Chang Chun. The area of ​​Chang Chun reaches 186 hectares. There are four ski slopes for both beginners and intermediate skiers, and two slopes with a length of 1200 m. The Baidahe ski resort ranks third in area in China. It is located at an altitude of 1200 m. It is surrounded by 9 mountains. This is the first Chinese ski resort to have a professional level. All routes fully comply with international standards.

Changbai Shan resort is located at an altitude of 1640-1820 m above sea level. The quality of the local snow can be compared to the French Alps. Thanks to this, many skiers come here who want to improve their skills on well-groomed slopes. All conditions are created here for alpine skiing, slalom, freestyle, jumping, and cross-country. At the Nanshan ski resort, snowboarding has received the greatest development. It was here that this sport first appeared in China. The resort has many trails with varying levels of difficulty, ranging from gentle, calm slopes to extreme and steep descents.

Business tourism

Business tourism to China is also a priority. The economy of the Middle Kingdom is developing at a rapid pace, so business tours to exhibitions in China are becoming more and more profitable every year. Geographical locations such as Guangzhou or Shanghai are known in business circles around the world, and exhibitions in China, where you can find new partners and conclude lucrative contracts, attract a huge number of participants. It should also be taken into account that Chinese manufacturers are also mainly export-oriented.

Ecological tourism

The popularity of ecological tours to the Celestial Empire is explained by the fact that this country is one of the first places in the world in terms of the number of national parks, protected and protected natural areas. The country has one of the largest number of forest protected areas and forest parks in the world. There are 1,658 forest parks with a total area of ​​over 19 million hectares and 1,757 forest protected areas with a total area of ​​more than 150 million hectares. in particular, 6 forest parks and protected areas are included by UNESCO in the Register of World Heritage Sites. The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region has rich environmental resources. The following areas are distinguished on its territory: 1) Urumqi-Nanshan landscape region; 2) Tianchi district; 3) Stone forest in the East Dzhungar depression; 4) Altai landscape area; 5) Ili district.


Northern China, most of whose territory (except the east) is occupied by a belt of highlands and depressions, offers excellent opportunities for trekking. In Qinghai province, a trekking route is laid to Mount Animaqing. Its height is 6282 m, and its peaks are covered with snow throughout the year. There is a special walking route on the mountain. Extensive trekking opportunities are available in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. On its territory there are powerful mountain ranges of the Tien Shan, Kunlun and Pamir.

Medical and health tourism

Thanks to sea water, mild climate, traditional Chinese medicine and mineral springs (there are about 2 thousand springs in total), China is famous for its health and healing capabilities. Traditional Chinese medicine centers are located throughout the country, but the clinics in Beijing and Dalian are the most popular in northern China. Also, treatment and health programs can be completed in Jinan, Qingdao, and in the resort area of ​​Baidahe. The largest clinics in China are located in Beijing. 20 km south of the capital is the Imperial Springs center of traditional Chinese medicine with natural thermal springs. Emperors of the Qing and Ming dynasties rested and were treated here. Currently, the sanatorium belongs to the complex medical institutions of the highest class. Dalian is an international center for sea recreation and resort treatment, one of the best resorts in Northern China. The main therapeutic procedures are acupuncture, moxibustion, heating, acupressure. And also no less famous resorts in this area are the resorts of the provinces of Heilongjiang, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang Uygur.

Red tourism

Recently, “red tourism” - visiting places of military and revolutionary glory - has become a noticeable phenomenon in the country’s public life. “Red tourism” is being developed on the initiative of the central and local governments with the aim of ideologically patriotic education of the population and preserving revolutionary traditions. China's annual revenues from “red tourism” reach approximately 20 billion yuan (2.4 billion dollars). For the city of Jingangshan (Jiangxi Province), it provides more than a third of all revenues to the local budget.


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