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Going to a resort in Egypt, having registered and, every person hopes that the hotel and the sea in which he will relax are safe. Events (attacks) that occurred in 2010 and 2011, and reports of a re-invasion of sharks in the sea near Egypt in 2013, make one doubt whether it is possible to go there.

Let's figure out how high the likelihood of a shark attack is in the Red Sea near Egypt.

Are there sharks in Egypt?

No matter what they tell you, sharks have always been found in the Red Sea near the coast of Egypt, since it is warm and has a connection with the ocean. Of course, their numbers are much smaller near the coast of Egypt than in the waters of Sudan. But, if we consider the shark population in the entire Red Sea, it consists of 44 species of these toothy predators.

What kind of sharks are found in Egypt?

Commonly encountered shark species include:

  • blackfin and gray reef;
  • scalloped and basking hammerhead sharks;
  • zebra, silver and brindle;
  • long-winged and black-winged;
  • nurse shark and mako shark.

Among these common species, killer sharks seen attacking holidaymakers in Egypt include: mako, tiptoe, zebra, tiger and blacktip sharks.

Where in Egypt were sharks encountered and attacked?

Sharks have been spotted in many places, but most often in:

  • Ras Mohammed National Marine Park - here you can find almost all types of sharks;
  • Sharm el-Sheikh, namely in Shark Bay and on the Carefree Reef - a reef shark;
  • in the vicinity of Mars Alem - a reef shark;
  • Naama Bay - silky sharks;
  • Safagas, namely at Panorama Reef, are a species of reef sharks.

Shark attack cases in Egypt

Naturally, in the history of Egypt there were cases of shark attacks on humans, but they were most often hushed up by the Egyptian government, but some of them did become public:

  • Summer 1996: A shark attacked a swimmer in the Marsa Bereika area, north of the Ras Mohamed reefs. The predator wounded him, but the returning dolphins saved the man from death;
  • 2004: a case of a shark attack on a scuba diver was recorded in Sharm el-Sheikh;
  • 2009: a shark attacked a fifty-year-old French tourist at the Marsa Allam resort while she was diving with scuba gear; as a result, the woman died due to injuries and loss of blood;
  • November-December 2010: in one week, five shark attacks were recorded in the resort of Sharm el-Sheikh (near Cape Nasrani in Naama Bay), as a result of which three tourists from Russia and a family from Ukraine received numerous physical and psychological injuries , and a resident of Germany died from heavy loss of blood and wounds incompatible with life. The attacks were carried out by a whitetip shark;
  • spring 2011: again at the resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, according to tourists vacationing there, there is a monstrous attack by a killer tiger shark, which ended in death;
  • January 2013: tourists reported the appearance of large sharks in the sea near the famous Egyptian resort of Hurghada.

What to do if you encounter a shark?

If you still really want to visit the shores of Egypt, you should familiarize yourself with the following safety rules:

Of course, the presence of sharks in the Red Sea does not guarantee that you will meet one, but to reduce the likelihood of this, when going there on vacation, it is better to follow the listed water safety rules.

Although the risk of a shark attack on a person is incredibly low, every tourist traveling to Sharm el-Sheikh on holiday should follow simple safety precautions, because they are indeed found in this region. Cases of attacks on tourists are very rare and usually isolated. The only exception was 2010, when a series of shark attacks on humans occurred in Sharm el-Sheikh for still unclear reasons.

Are there sharks in Sharm el-Sheikh?This is a question to which the answer is not known with certainty. Various media and tour operators say that At the moment, thanks to the security measures taken after 2010, there cannot be any marine predators on the territory of the resort. However, tourists are advised to be extremely careful.

Until 2010, only one attack on people was recorded in Sharm el-Sheikh. This was in 2004, after which no one here remembered sharks for 6 years. A real shock for the resort’s tourism infrastructure came in 2010, when a whole series of attacks on tourists occurred, which we will talk about a little later. The reasons for such aggressive behavior of predators, which in principle are generally not inclined to eat people in a sea rich in fish, are still unknown.

The last time a shark was spotted off the coast of the Egyptian resort was in April 2012. Its length was about 2.5 meters, and it was found near the beaches of Naama Bay. However, it did not pose a potential danger to people, since it ate dead fish in the immediate vicinity of the beaches.

Shark attacks on people: when did they happen?

At the moment, the situation at the resort is quiet and calm: rescuers are always on duty, a helicopter regularly flies over the beaches, and nothing seems to foreshadow trouble. But this does not mean that there have never been attacks on people here.

In 2010, a whole series of attacks took place in the resort’s waters, as a result of which three Russian residents and one Ukrainian were injured at different times. The Ukrainian suffered the least of all, while collisions between Russians and sea predators in two out of three cases resulted in amputations of the injured limbs. At the end of 2010, a collision between a shark and a German citizen became fatal for the latter: the 71-year-old pensioner died.

A little later, information appeared on the Internet that a drunk Serb, diving from a pier, accidentally killed a shark allegedly involved in the death of a German citizen. This information has not been officially confirmed.

Attack statistics

It should be said that there have been tragic cases of shark attacks on vacationers in Sharm el-Sheikh and other sunny resorts of the Red Sea before. Below are some of them:

  • February 2004 – Estonian tourists were injured in a collision in Sharm el-Sheikh.
  • July 2004 – in Dahab, a tourist from Switzerland lost her right hand as a result of a collision.
  • Autumn 2007 – a tourist from Russia was bitten on the leg.
  • June 2009 - a diver from France died in Marsa Alam.

Now it seems that all these incidents are behind us and nothing portends trouble, especially since after 2010 many beaches were equipped with special nets that prevent predators from getting closer to the beach. However, vacationers in Sharm el-Sheikh are advised to be extremely careful and under no circumstances swim too far.

Among the various inhabitants of the Red Sea, it is necessary to highlight sharks. They are found in abundance and are found both in Egypt and on other coasts. There are white, gray reef, silk, black-fin, white-fin ocean, leopard, silver-fin, hammerhead in Egypt prefers quiet places and lives near hotels. Many of them are found in Sudan, on the Red Sea coast.

Sharks in tourist areas of Egypt

Despite the fact that the likelihood of sharks appearing on the coast of the country is very small, any possible meeting with them does not bode well for positive consequences, for this reason it is advisable to stay as far away from them as possible. Although the chances of being attacked by a live torpedo are small, it is still necessary to follow safety precautions and know the value of your own life. Compliance with the rules of behavior, at least basic ones, and the ability to use protective equipment that repel such predatory fish will help preserve health and even life.

Tourists imagine these fish in an original way - like monsters from various films, so the shark in Egypt is not perceived as it should be. What is your first reaction to meeting her? Panic. But under no circumstances should you lose your composure; on the contrary, you should behave as calmly as possible.

A new hobby for tourists is diving. This is far from the cheapest entertainment, but its fans are growing. It is clear that people see the underwater world, they manage to touch the beauty. But the likelihood of running into monsters is much greater. Decide if you are ready for this.

in Egypt per person

Where in Egypt did a shark attack a tourist? Let's give a few examples. So, in 2004, in July, not far from the famous Hilton hotel, on the beach of the Dahab resort, an attack occurred on a woman who was swimming near the shore. The Swiss woman miraculously survived, only her limbs were damaged. Experts claim that the tourist was attacked by an ocean resident who miraculously sailed to the resort area. Several people from different countries were harmed by marine predators in 2010.

This happened near Sharm el-Sheikh. From November 30 to December 5, three Russian residents and a Ukrainian were attacked. First, a wife and husband were attacked 25 meters from the shore; they survived, but the man’s limbs were amputated. Literally the next day, a 75-year-old vacationer was injured and lost her hand. It was a Russian woman. And finally, on December 5, a 70-year-old German woman died from her injuries. So, if you are wondering where in Egypt a shark attacked, know that there are no absolutely calm places. From time to time, fish swim everywhere.

What to do when a shark appears

If you accidentally find yourself in places favored by sea predators, then you should not make sudden movements, you need to move calmly. If you suffer from their bite and you start bleeding, it must be stopped immediately, otherwise the fish will mistake you for a wounded sea animal and you will become its lunch. Never think of running away from a predator that is approaching, because it will catch up with you anyway. It is necessary to demonstrate a friendly mood, if this gesture does not work, then you need to try to swim with the fish, grabbing the fin, so the shark will not be able to reach you.

You can kick her and move away at the first opportunity. Rarely does a shark in Egypt swim into an unusual place, and if it does so, it is only an unhealthy fish. Therefore, most likely, she will not be aggressive, and her attack can be easily avoided. You can’t just show a cowardly mood.

While taking advantage of the benefits of a holiday in this country, its low cost, and local beauty, do not forget about the dangers that may await you at sea and on land. You cannot ignore the rules, provoke predators, or feed the fish.

A constant question from tourists: “Are there sharks in Egypt?”

Most tourists in this country never see any sharks. We arrived for one or two weeks, rested and quietly flew away. But killer sharks have also chosen this magnificent coastline, sometimes frightening tourists and local residents with their presence. Unfortunately, killer fish have always been found here and will always be found here. After all, the Red Sea has a connection with the ocean. The water here has a suitable temperature for these predators. In the named sea there are 44 species of them, in the waters near Egypt there are much fewer, and some are not at all dangerous to people.

The reason that these monsters come to these places is because they are fed by divers, and also because food waste is thrown out of cruise ships. In addition, the sea ecosystem has changed. This is due to thoughtless fishing and global warming.

The man-eating shark is also known in Egypt. While the tourist fought off the predator with his fists, the family climbed ashore. Fortunately, the tourist was involved in boxing in his youth and was a paratrooper. This helped out. There were no injuries. Several more people suffered from cannibal monsters, the reason was the people who fed them.

More Shark Attack Cases

Almost every year there are similar cases. Estonian tourists who vacationed on the ill-fated Sharm el-Sheikh beach in February 2004 were attacked by aggressive animals.

An eighteen-year-old tourist from our country was bitten by another monster in 2007. There have also been cases of shark attacks. At the Marsa Alam resort, a French diver was mauled to death by a long-winged specimen in 2009.

And again Sharm el-Sheikh. 2010, October 20, a 54-year-old woman was attacked by a shark on one of the beaches. 15 meters from the shore, the predator attacked with lightning speed, biting the tourist on the leg. The woman did not die, she remained alive, but it took a long time to recover from heavy blood loss and deep wounds. Several attacks also occurred in 2012.

On the Desole Nesco beach, one person each from America and Germany and three from Russia were injured. In 2012, in April, again in Sharm el-Sheikh, a two-meter-long individual was recorded, swimming peacefully in front of vacationers.

Where in Egypt do sharks attack people?

The most fraught encounter with this predator is in warm waters, for example, near Mars Alam and, of course, Sharm el-Sheikh, among reefs, in shallow water. Similar fish also swim in the vicinity of Hurghada. If you are wondering where in Egypt sharks attacked, then know that most often they did it near hotels where tourists were swimming. In particular, the Tiran Island, Dessole Nesco Waves 4*, Intercontinental hotels in Mars Alam. They were also spotted in the bay of Ras Mohammed Park, in the resort of Dahab. In 2013 and 2014, no monsters appeared on beaches throughout the country. You will ask why?

Since local authorities have taken appropriate security measures. For example, two females were caught in coastal waters. They allegedly rampaged around here for several days. You need to know that sharks almost always do not plan to attack unless the person himself becomes intrusive. The only thing that is particularly different is the oceanic long-winged individual. She is extremely dangerous for people, behaves aggressively with swimmers and divers, and falls into a feeding frenzy. Its weight is 160 kg, its length is four meters.

How to protect yourself from sharks

In order not to talk later about the fact that you visited Egypt and were bitten by a shark, you just need to adhere to some rules. First, find out the situation in the desired area, and if it is dangerous, then it is better to avoid walking there.

What if you met her? Don't flounder, don't panic, don't try to attract attention, and don't move suddenly. It happens that the fish threatens and begins to swim up, in this case, try to scare it by swimming towards it, then move sharply to the side.

Sometimes the victims of the attack successfully hit the predator in sensitive places: gills, eyes, grabbed its fins and then circled nearby. The most important thing is that when you swim far from the shore, do not lie on your back, maintain an overview and be attentive all the time. We have already talked about fresh cuts and blood. Monsters are used to finishing off wounded fish. Don't risk becoming an injured fish.

Conclusion: Predator Activity Season

There are no specific seasonality limits. Sea predators are universal; they can appear in velvet autumn, sultry summer, blooming spring, and cool winter. A shark in Egypt, if it gets to you, almost always behaves the same way. There is only one factor to consider: they are more aggressive when they are searching for food.

Most often this happens at night and early in the morning. There is no need to swim or dive at this time. In principle, when the relevant services monitor order and compliance with certain rules, no excesses happen. Like the last two years in Egypt.

Toothed predators continue to attack tourists at a popular Egyptian resort

Less than a week has passed since one or more sharks attacked citizens of Russia and Ukraine vacationing in Sharm el-Sheikh. Local authorities have already reported that the predators who seriously injured people have been caught. Now there is no danger to vacationers. Last Saturday, a ban on swimming at local beaches, introduced after a series of fish attacks, was lifted.

However, after just a day, all the authorities’ assurances of safety turned out to be just empty words. On Sunday, a man-eating shark attacked a man again. This time it was no longer possible to do without human casualties. The prey of the predator was an elderly tourist from Germany, swimming near the shore. She died from loss of blood right in the water. According to eyewitnesses of the incident, the predator severely bit the woman’s arms and legs. The 70-year-old lady had no chance to escape.

The incident occurred in the same place where shark attacks on Russians were previously recorded - in the area of ​​the Melia Sinai Sharm and Dessole Nesco Waves hotels in Sharm el-Sheikh.

Let us remind you that yesterday’s attack was already the fifth since the moment when sharks living in the waters of the Red Sea began attacking vacationers. The first reports of this came on November 30 and December 1. According to them, three Russian tourists were seriously injured: as a result of the attack, 70-year-old Lyudmila Stolyarova lost her left leg, right hand, and fingers of her left hand, Olga Martsenko lost her hands, and Evgeny Trishkin’s leg was bitten off by a shark above the knee. Another victim of the “jaws” was a tourist from Ukraine Viktor Koliy. He received only minor injuries.

After information about a series of attacks on the beaches of Sharm el-Sheikh, a ban on swimming was introduced, and specialists from the Egyptian Ministry of Ecology began searching for predators. Soon the first victorious reports appeared. On December 2, the media reported the capture of the first shark, which may be involved in attacks on Russians. Soon another shark was caught. As experts said, they fully correspond to those described by the victims and eyewitnesses. However, as the tragic case of the German woman showed, they were either mistaken, or a whole school of killer sharks lives in the coastal waters of the most popular vacation spot among Russians.

In this regard, a ban on swimming has now been reintroduced on the beaches of Sharm el-Sheikh. This time, according to the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism, until the likelihood of shark attacks is completely eliminated.

According to local scientists, tourists from Russia and Germany were most likely victims of a whitetip shark, often found in tropical waters. It reaches a length of 3.5–4 meters, has very long pectoral fins, and its body is colored brownish-gray. As a rule, they do not attack or eat people. Cases similar to what happened happen extremely rarely in the world. According to statistics, no more than five people die from shark attacks around the world every year.

According to scientists, the latest shark attacks on people in the Red Sea may be a consequence of ecosystem disruption caused by uncontrolled fishing. As a result, due to a lack of food, predators remain hungry, and they have to attack people who at least somehow remind them of their traditional prey.

According to another version, tourists themselves could attract the shark. They often take pieces of meat and other food from restaurants to feed the fish. Naturally, after the small fish, their larger counterparts also come for food.
Usually predators do not swim close to the beaches. In addition, special barriers must be installed in bathing areas that do not allow them to get close to vacationers. Whether there were such barriers in the waters of the Red Sea near the sites of the attacks is not yet known.

If it turns out that they were not there, then perhaps all responsibility for what happened will fall on the hotels, says press secretary of the Russian Union of Tourism Industry Irina Tyurina.

According to her, what happened is a real anomaly. In these places, sharks usually do not attack people. The last time something like this happened was two years ago, when a plane carrying French tourists crashed near the Red Sea coast. “The sharks literally went berserk,” said Tyurina. After this, the country's authorities obliged all hotels to install iron barriers in bathing areas.

It is noteworthy that what happened happened on the eve of the New Year, when a large number of Russians travel to Egypt for the holidays. Sharm el-Sheikh is considered one of the most respectable resorts. However, the tragedy that happened could put an end to their plans. However, for now, travel agencies say that our compatriots are not going to refuse previously purchased vouchers, which are sold out until mid-January.

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