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I apologize for my few words. In 2012, we, being completely unfamiliar clients to the Romanovs, quite calmly paid an advance payment (I don’t remember a day or two in advance) - the amount was small. Last year, when we made a reservation, our beloved hostess already said: well, you’re one of our people, period. We arrived calmly and rested. Moreover, this year she called back in March and asked if we were planning to come again (knowing our love for the noise of the sea and trains in the old building, she said that there were already few places) With a heavy heart I answered that Montenegro was waiting for us this year . And here I want to tell you the following to understand how they do it there.
We booked the villa through a Moscow company back in January - we are going in August (the booking company had categorically booked it for the whole summer - well, you understand - the right people bought it and put it into circulation). For an advance payment of 1,300 euros for 2 weeks, we were required to pay 30 percent - that is, at the exchange rate of that time, almost 20 thousand. Paid. And the money is non-refundable.
And then the fun began: since we were traveling by car, we needed to get Schengen. Route: Russia-European Russia-Poland-Slovakia-Hungary-Serbia-Montenegro. Since the country of first entry was Poland and, moreover, we were supposed to spend the night there and back, we went to the Poles to bow to the visa center. And they have a requirement - 50 percent payment for their hotel reservation and MANDATORY CONFIRMATION OF THIS FACT BY FAX ONLY. Therefore, a lot of problems arose, ranging from transferring money to receiving this very fax. But in the end everything worked out.
The fun started a week ago when I applied to the visa center. From the door, the consultant stunned us with the news that the reservation at the destination (read, Montenegro must be paid 100 PERCENT) And this despite the fact that visa-free Montenegro has nothing to do with Schengen for us! We knew this fact from the requirements of the embassy, ​​but we still counted on the prudence of the people working there. Still, paying 60 thousand rubles 7 months before the trip, not knowing whether it will take place at all, is somehow completely irrational. Which is what I declared loudly right in the hall visa center. I quote my words verbatim: THIS IS BULLSHIT!!! To which they answered that you have read the requirements of the embassy and whether they will accept your documents is a very vague matter, but you will not receive the service fee back (one thousand per person - a total of 4 thousand for a family) But even if they accept: it is not clear - Will they give me a visa? And again the consular fee will not be returned - and that’s five more grand.
In the end, we decided to take a risk. The documents were accepted and visas were issued. But the fact remains: a total of about 40 thousand rubles have already been spent on a trip that has not yet taken place.

You will need

  • - computer;
  • - Internet access;
  • - documents of all passengers;
  • - bank card (may not be required).


Go to the airline's website. In the proposed form, enter the departure and destination and the date of departure, whether you are flying one way or round trip (in the second option, you will need to indicate the date of return), the number of adults, people of retirement age and one or another age category among the passengers. In most cases, all the necessary parameters can be selected from the drop-down list and/or entered manually. When everything is ready, by pressing the appropriate button, instruct the system to search for options.

From the options offered, choose the one that suits you best based on departure date and time, price, and fare conditions. The latter can be read by clicking on the appropriate link. Be sure to do this before making any decisions. The fare conditions may include, among other things, restrictions on the payment period after booking. Some, usually fares require immediate redemption of the ticket. In this case, you will need a bank account.

On the next page, enter the names and passport details (or details of the child’s birth certificate) - number and series - of all passengers. Treat this with the utmost attention: if there is the slightest mistake, the person will not be able to take anything booked tickets, neither sit in nor return the ticket.
When everything is ready, move on to the next step.

The system will request your bank card information. Enter all the required information and move on.

If you prefer to visit the airline, ticket office or travel agency in person, take all passengers' documents with you. Tell the operator all your wishes regarding the future flight: from where, where and when you are flying, one way or back, the number of passengers, how many children and what age and pensioners among them, the preferred class of service (economy, business, first, premium etc.), wishes regarding price and other essential conditions of the tariff. Make your choice from the options offered by the operator. He will do everything necessary and give you a confirmation of your reservation. It may be needed, for example, when applying for a visa.

If booking by phone, call the correct number for the airline or other organization providing such a service. Tell the operator everything important information regarding the flight, as with a personal visit to the ticket office. Listen to the proposed options, choose the most suitable one.
Then dictate to the operator the names and passport details of all passengers. Make sure that he has recorded them correctly (usually the interlocutor himself suggests doing this). Next, listen and remember or write down the instructions for further actions to buy tickets and cancel your reservation.
To confirm it and redeem tickets, you will have to visit the office of the company through which the telephone reservation was made.

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Any traveler planning a trip wants to save money. Booking is one of the ways to save money. In addition, by booking a ticket or a hotel room, you can be sure that they will be assigned to you.


The booking process is simple. Go to any sales website and register on it. Then enter the points of departure and arrival (destination), select the date, time, airline and click “book”. On this page you will need to enter passenger details, delivery method and place. After this, the company's managers contact you and clarify payment methods and the time when you will pay.

For those who are not particularly experienced in flying, let us remind you that there are 3 services: first, -class and economy. But not everyone knows about booking classes. These classes are distinguished by the ability to change the flight schedule of the ticket and many other possibilities. Thus, passengers who paid different amounts for one ticket can fly on an airplane in the same class of service. Moreover, the difference is significant. So a passenger who bought a ticket of booking class Y for $1,200 in economy class will be able to change the date of the flight throughout the year, fly on another airline, return part of the ticket, and so on. He can do all this without paying fines. He will be able to buy the ticket on the day of departure.

Tickets booked in V-Class will cost $400, but you will not be able to return the ticket or change the date without a penalty. At the same time, you can book a ticket no earlier than 2 months in advance, and redeem it no later than 3 days before departure.

A passenger who paid $300 can sit next to the previous two passengers in a seat. This is a T class reservation. There are even more restrictions here, but the most important thing is that you need to redeem the ticket on the day of the reservation. However, he will buy a ticket 4 times cheaper than a passenger with a class Y reservation. Needless to say, they will be treated exactly the same?

As for the booking rules, there are several general recommendations: 1. You need to book in advance to save money;2. Tickets that arrive on the night of Saturday to Sunday are cheaper; 3. Buy round trip tickets immediately. The savings will be more than a third of the cost. In addition, this will save you from unnecessary explanations with customs officers and other authorities monitoring visitors;4. The longer the interval between the date of departure and arrival (more than 30 days), the more expensive the tickets;5. As already mentioned, the cheaper the ticket, the lower the booking class, the greater the fines in case of changing the date or time of departure.

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Tip 3: How to book plane tickets online

E-ticket on airplane, also called E-ticket, is a way to book flights to almost any destination from the comfort of your home, right from your computer. You can choose a convenient flight, and then issue a ticket on the airline’s website at a time convenient for you. After booking is completed, you will need to pay for the ticket by credit card or electronic money.

You will need

  • computer with internet
  • credit card


At this stage, check all entered data. Is the ticket chosen in the right direction? required dates, flights. Once you are sure that everything is correct, proceed to filling out the traveler information. Enter your full name, passport details, contact phone number and e-mail in the required fields. Check everything again. If you made a mistake with your passport details, you will not be able to make the flight. An error in the email address will result in you not receiving your ticket, it will be sent to the wrong address. All this can be fixed, but you will need to additionally contact support, and some changes, such as correcting an error in passport data, may cost money.

If everything is correct, proceed to payment, the booking system will offer you options to choose from. All airlines support the ability to pay with Visa or MasterCard; some accept cards of other formats. Some Russian carriers agree to pay by electronic money; some airlines even allow you to pay for tickets through electronic payment terminals, Svyaznoy or Euroset.

As soon as the purchase is paid for, you will immediately receive confirmation by email that your ticket has been issued, it will be attached to the letter. Print it out and present it at the reception. Some companies require a printed ticket, this happens on international flights. If the flight is domestic, then you can simply go to the counter with your passport, the ticket will be issued to you without any printouts, since all the information is stored in the airline’s database.

Today, buying air tickets through ticket offices and agencies seems like a last century method. Every year, more and more airline passengers prefer to book tickets online. There are specialized websites through which you can reserve your favorite seats on the plane and buy tickets. This is very convenient: you don’t have to go to the other end of the city and wait in long lines at the ticket office. Just one click from your computer from anywhere globe– and your flight booking is complete!

The ticket you choose must be paid within 24 hours from the date of order. Otherwise, the reservation is automatically canceled and the ticket becomes available for ordering by other passengers. When paying, use a Visa or MasterCard credit card, or even better, if the reservation system allows, use electronic money.

In order not to miss the chance to purchase a ticket at the lowest price, regularly monitor price dynamics. It may be more profitable for you to buy an air ticket online with departure from a neighboring city, and the return point will be Arkhangelsk. Sometimes it is more economical to travel to a neighboring city by land transport , thereby winning in the price of the flight. Preferably booking roundtrip air tickets: In this case, flights will also be cheaper for you. In addition, if you immediately have return tickets in hand, then you save yourself the hassle of searching and purchasing return tickets for a suitable date. Airline workers are familiar with incidents when a person took a one-way flight and could not find a suitable return ticket. Be prudent in advance - and this won’t happen to you!

If you for some reason changed your mind about flying on the selected day, but was made, contact the agency whose details are indicated in the email confirming your ticket reservation. Any Big City Russia, including Arkhangelsk, has a network of offices and branches of the largest companies selling plane tickets, so there should not be any problems with finding a ticket delivery point. If there is no office of your agency in the city, call the contact number indicated in the letter or on the tickets.

And finally, we remind you that Air ticket booking is a popular service, and therefore there is scammers and speculators, creating thematic sites. Use only trusted Internet resources, do not go to dubious sites. We advise you to use the largest airline ticket search engine AviaSales.

We remind you that we as a community independent travelers, to save on travel:
- buy cheap air tickets on Aviasales,
- book hotels on RoomGuru
- rent apartments, houses or rooms on AirBnb (bonus from us 1263 rubles),
- we look for a rental car in advance at,
- we do insurance (required!) online through

Reservation is the pre-order of seats and rooms. This process begins with serving guests at the hotel. Room reservations are handled by the reservations department and reception staff. It is these departments that receive reservation requests from clients. In addition to the formal collection of applications, the reservation department must study the demand for the hotel. Studying the hotels' long-term experience, taking into account the plan of events envisaged in the region, forecasting the demand for places and analyzing the occupancy of rooms in past and present periods, the reservation department, together with the marketing service, plans the hotel's activities.

During public events, the demand for hotel rooms increases several times. It is beneficial for the hotel to reserve seats for events with a large number of participants, since in this case the pre-booking is made long before the event and the risk of its cancellation (i.e. refusal of a pre-booked place) is small.

Hotel occupancy depends on the season, business activity in this region, economic and political situation. In times of political instability, tourists' interest in this area decreases due to the inability to ensure a safe stay. During peak season, the hotel may accept double bookings.

“A double booking is a confirmation of the future availability of hotel rooms to two customers at the same time on the same date. By doing this, hotels are taking a risk because both clients may arrive at the same time. This risk is justified when it is carefully calculated based on many years of hotel experience, based on knowledge of the average number of cancellations. But if both clients arrive at the hotel, then the one who arrived earlier gets the place. If necessary, to accommodate a client, the hotel must have a connection with companies that rent out housing, or nearby hotels, where the client can be redirected.

Sometimes the reservation service may forward the reservation request to another hotel, and confirms to the client that he will be given a place, but in a different hotel. In this case, it is necessary to obtain the client's consent to change the hotel.

It is advisable for both the hotel and the guest that hotel rooms are booked in advance, and the sooner the better. According to the rules for the provision of hotel services, the hotel has the right to enter into an agreement for the reservation of places by drawing up a document signed by both parties, as well as by accepting an application for reservation through postal, telephone and other communications. This makes it possible to establish contractually that the application comes from the consumer.

If an organization regularly uses the services of a hotel, then it is more profitable for it to conclude an agreement for a certain period. Then the hotel provides accommodation for tourists sent by this organization. For organizations that regularly supply clients, enterprises may establish discounts on accommodation and some services.

The agreement between the hotel and such organizations specifies the deadlines within which an application for tourist accommodation must be submitted, when and how payment is made. There are several ways to reserve a room or place in a hotel: written, verbal and online.

The client sends an application letter to the hotel by mail or fax. The same request can be submitted to the hotel reservation department. Working with applications requires a lot of attention.

Each booking request and cancellation must be recorded.

If reservation managers do not cancel the order in time, the room may remain unsold until the error is discovered. Only an application on company letterhead can serve as confirmation of payment for the ordered number.

The application of the organization reserving the room must include the details of this organization (name, address, telephone, fax, bank account number).

In any case, the application requires the following information:

— Length of stay at the hotel;

- The names of those who are coming;

— Form of payment (non-cash or cash, details of the organization, pays).

The application is registered and confirmed or rejected in the same way as it was received. In the case of telephone booking, it is very important to pay attention to the client’s request, since the impression from this conversation will determine his attitude towards the hotel as a whole. It is important for the client how long he will wait for an answer, since according to the standards, the phone should be picked up after a maximum of five rings.

An employee who has information about the hotel's occupancy must answer the phone. Hotels that accept reservations for rooms by telephone have developed special forms. You only need to make notes in the required boxes, and not write down an application. The same forms can be in a special section of the reservation department computer. For telephone bookings, written confirmation is required.

The online booking method opens up a wide range of opportunities for hotels and customers. When booking online, reservations can be made at hotels located in another city or even in another country. The advantage of the automated network is that the reservation can be forwarded to any other hotel located in that city.

You can book a hotel room via a computer network by telephone. The dispatcher contacts the hotel via a computer network and finds out the possibility of booking. This method is not very convenient because it takes a lot of time to find out the conditions for booking and accommodation.

There are two more options for booking using a computer: some hotels have their own Internet page or are members of one of the Internet booking systems (Academservice, WEB International, Nota Bene, etc.). The systems are becoming increasingly popular due to their very wide capabilities at fairly low costs. The shorter the response time to a received order, the higher the effectiveness of this method of attracting customers. The speed of sending confirmation largely depends on the degree of automation of the application processing process and on the clarity of interaction between the hotel and the agent.

Proper organization of information exchange between these two links allows you to reduce the time the client receives confirmation to a minimum (ideally, the so-called on-line should take no more than seven seconds).

By connecting to the Internet booking system, hotels have the opportunity to quickly exchange information about available rooms, services provided by the hotel, room categories, as well as current rates, discounts, special programs for guests, etc. Having the opportunity to frequently update rates, the hotel, in turn, can pursue a more flexible pricing policy and adequately respond to demand.

In this system, booking occurs as follows: the client goes to the WEB site of the Internet booking system and gets acquainted with the booking rules. Next, he chooses a hotel. After making sure that there are available rooms and filling out the necessary information fields, he sends the order to the system by email. The system automatically processes the order (except in unusual cases) and sends a preliminary confirmation, including the conditions for making an advance payment, and the client is added to the waiting list. After receiving the appropriate guarantees (advance payment, letter of guarantee, etc.) from the client, the latter receives final confirmation of the reservation from the agent. A copy of the final confirmation is sent to the hotel. Here the reservation is entered into the loading schedule with subsequent automatic change.

The Internet makes it possible, without leaving home, without intermediaries, to obtain the necessary information about the hotel and see how the rooms are decorated.

When making a telephone or computer reservation, there is a danger that the reservation will suddenly end, and then the client, without receiving confirmation, may arrive for registration and not receive a room, since there may be no available seats.

Based on requests, the reservation department can draw up a long-term hotel occupancy plan for a certain period (year, month, week) and a occupancy plan for the current day.

The reservations department must constantly interact with the front desk, which provides information about the occupancy of rooms at the current time. If the load report is not compiled correctly, then managers may make an erroneous decision regarding load forecasts. If a room remains unsold, the hotel's revenue decreases.

A reservation confirmed by a special notice sent by the hotel to the client is called a confirmation. It takes some time for the reservation message to reach the customer by mail or fax to receive confirmation of the reservation. Typically the confirmation will include the booking registration number, the guest's expected arrival and departure dates, the type of room booked, the number of guests, the number of beds required, and any guest requirements specifically stated. The client takes this confirmation with him to the hotel in case of any unforeseen situation. But such confirmation is not always a guarantee for the client, since there is a rule: if the guest does not arrive before 18:00, the reservation is canceled if this is necessary for the hotel.

A guaranteed reservation is a reservation with a special confirmation from the hotel that it guarantees the client the receipt of the room he has booked. Such confirmation is necessary if there is a possibility that the guest may arrive at the hotel late. Under such conditions, the room remains vacant until the guest arrives. With this confirmation, the hotel will have an accurate picture of room availability.

Another form of guaranteed reservation can be a deposit (advance) payment. In some situations (for example, during the peak holiday season), in order to avoid room downtime due to the no-show of an expected guest, the hotel may request an advance payment of the cost of one day's stay or even the entire stay. Prepayment is also required upon placement. tourist group. This is also a way to combat “no-shows”.

According to the Rules for the provision of hotel services, if the consumer is late, in addition to the reservation fee, he is also charged for the actual downtime of the room (place in the room), but not more than one day. If you are late by more than a day, the reservation will be cancelled. If the consumer refuses to pay for the reservation, his/her accommodation at the hotel is made on a first-come, first-served basis.

The hotel administration can set the amount of payment for the reservation. Typically, individual tourists are charged 50% of the room rate or room rate. For tourist groups there are discounts for bookings, accommodation and even some services. The amount of the discount depends on the number of people in the group and length of stay. On average, for booking seats for a tourist group, a payment of 25 - 35% of the tariff is taken.

Internet included modern life getting stronger and stronger. Today, the World Wide Web has covered virtually all areas of human life. Tourism has not been left out either. It turns out that booking a hotel in any part of the world is quite simple. To do this, you only need a credit card and access to the Internet.

Let's say you want to relax in Turkey, but certainly in the hotel where you stayed last year, and a travel company cannot provide you with such conditions. Or you simply do not want to commit yourself to mandatory programs with excursions, guides and other indispensable “pleasures”. This also happens quite often - many tourists want to spend their holidays being left to their own devices. In such situations, booking a hotel via the Internet seems to be the best solution.

In order to book your vacation accommodation online, you need to follow these steps:

First of all, you need to choose a suitable location. Perhaps you know in advance where you are going to move in, this will greatly simplify the task.

Next, you should fill out and submit an application on the hotel booking page. Some hotels can be booked directly on their official website, but more often this applies to those that are part of a chain or 5-star hotels.

Most hotels work with systems online booking. The most popular booking systems include The application includes all the necessary data for check-in - number credit card, from which payment will be made, the category of the room (or rooms), and also, of course, the date of arrival and departure. Some systems, immediately after filling out the application, issue a special voucher, which should be printed and presented at the reception upon arrival. In this case, you will not need to call the hotel and speak a foreign language, as many people imagine the procedure for booking on the Internet.

In some cases, after submitting an application for booking a room, a letter is sent to your email address containing all the necessary information about the reservation, as well as hotel details, including a phone number. By phone you contact the administration and make a request to confirm your reservation by fax. You must have this confirmation with you. Most often, it is required to obtain a visa, but if the country you are traveling to is visa-free, then the confirmation will be required to present to the border guards. This document must be printed on the hotel's letterhead. It contains passport data, as well as information about the prepayment made (on request) and the length of stay of tourists at the hotel.

It is very important to know that the reservation confirmation must come directly from the hotel and not from the reservation system. Otherwise, unpleasant delays may occur, and you will still have to contact the hotel, since embassy employees always require documents with its details.

Another significant point is how payment is made when booking online, and what cards should be used. In principle, a lot depends on the specific hotel and the specific reservation system, but, nevertheless, some general rules and trends can be identified. Most often, you need to deposit a certain amount (usually from 10% to 50% of the total cost) upon receipt of confirmation. Some establishments require 100% advance payment. Full payment must be made within three days before check-in. Funds on a credit card, as a rule, are not written off, but blocked. Sometimes an amount equal to the fine for canceling a reservation is immediately blocked. Different hotels have different fines. Most often it is equal to the cost of one day of accommodation. As for credit cards directly, it is best to use the Visa and Master Card systems, since they are serviced and accepted everywhere.

And the last very important point that many tourists forget about when planning a vacation. When booking online, you only pay for the hotel room. In addition, you will also need to book tickets and transfer from the airport to the hotel and back. Booking air tickets and organizing the delivery of tourists from the airport is always included in the package sold by the travel agency. Therefore, before you book yourself, consider whether the game is worth the candle.

Many people are concerned about the question of whether it is financially profitable to book a hotel via the Internet? There is no clear answer to this question. Much depends on the season and the country you are going to visit. As a rule, the cost of accommodation is slightly cheaper than the price offered travel companies. However, this is not an axiom. If you want to book a place in a Turkish hotel yourself at the height of the tourist season, it will cost much more than booking a tour through a travel agency. The only universal advice in this situation would be to make hotel reservations in advance. The closer the application date is to the arrival date, the more you will have to fork out.


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