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Motorcycle taxis are popular among Dominicans, with up to three people sitting behind the motorcycle drivers. Such transport is very cheap; you can get there within the city for 40-70. But is the cheapness worth the risks? We think not. It’s easier to take a regular taxi, fortunately they are acceptable.

Conclusion two - be careful when crossing the road

Dominican drivers do not know the traffic rules, and they do not look at the road very carefully. If so, then tourists should watch very carefully. It is better to wait and let passing cars pass than to risk being run over by them.

Keep an especially close eye on children! Do not allow children to play near the roadway.

The photo on the left shows the sad consequences of an accident in the Dominican Republic, click on the photo to enlarge.

Don't drink tap water

Tap water in the Dominican Republic is not considered drinking water; it may contain pathogens of dangerous diseases, even cholera. Do not brush your teeth with this water. English-language guidebooks do not even recommend washing her hands.

Antiseptic wipes

Having arrived in the Dominican Republic, tourists find themselves almost on the other side of the earth. Naturally, not only other people live here, but also their own bacteria and microorganisms, to which the Russian body and its immunity are not accustomed.

A good habit is to wipe cutlery, dishes and even sun loungers on the beach with antiseptic wipes. It is highly recommended to do this in the first days, then optionally.

Marine flora and fauna

Remember that bites and other injuries from marine life are not covered by travel insurance. This applies not only to the Dominican Republic, but to all countries in general. Be careful with the inhabitants of the Caribbean Sea.

Don't use credit cards

Dominican Republic is one of the leading countries in the field of data theft credit cards, their cloning and theft of money from bank accounts. Don't take unnecessary risks, use only cash.

Don't attract thieves and robbers

In the Dominican Republic high level Crime, street thefts and robberies of tourists occur frequently. The main thing that will keep you safe is not to attract the attention of criminals.

Don’t wear expensive jewelry, hide your wallets in your inner pockets, don’t flash cash, but rather take the necessary minimum amount of money with you on excursions. If you take an expensive camera or video camera with you, try to hide it in your bag. If you have an expensive phone with you, try not to take it out unless absolutely necessary.

The first rule is that the less your wealth is seen, the better.

Car thefts are very common here. Thieves run up to the car, snatch bags, wallets, phones or cameras, and then quickly retreat on mopeds.

The second rule is never leave valuables in a rented car, taxi, or even on a tour bus.

Dominican Republic is very beautiful country, characterized by amazing nature and wonderful conditions for recreation. It is very popular among Russian tourists, but many dangers await them here, as in many other countries.

Social dangers

Tour operators assure tourists that there is no crime in the Dominican Republic, but this is not at all the case. Dominican Republic is included in the list of countries Caribbean with a fairly high crime rate. Fraudsters and pickpockets regularly operate here, so to ensure the safety of yourself and your belongings you should follow some rules:

If you have problems, there is no point in contacting the police - they are corrupt and look at tourists solely as a source of income. It would be better to contact the tourist police - they will be more useful.

Natural hazards

In addition to the dangers associated with people, the Dominican Republic has many natural dangers, especially those associated with the local fauna. There are no sharks here in coastal waters, and their attacks on people have never been recorded, so predatory fish There is no need to be afraid. There are no poisonous snakes here, but you can meet a huge boa constrictor, which, however, is also not dangerous to humans.

But jellyfish pose some danger. Small jellyfish are often found off the coast, leaving stings like nettles - the locals have the same attitude towards them as we do towards nettles. More poisonous jellyfish are not found off the coast, but you can see them if you go diving. In this case, you should not touch them, especially if they look really beautiful and bright.

Also quite an unpleasant inhabitant of local waters is the sea urchin. It is very easy to step on, and its spines break off easily, remain in the leg and dissolve for several weeks, causing severe pain. So, when walking on the reefs, you should wear shoes, and if you get thorns in your feet, you should immediately take them out.

Eight-pointed starfish

A tourist has a chance to find an interesting starfish with eight rays, but you cannot touch it - unlike other stars, this one is highly poisonous.

Under no circumstances should you break corals! This is not only illegal, but also somewhat dangerous. Corals harbor microorganisms that can not only slightly burn your hands, but also cause serious damage. In addition, corals, after being separated from the general massif, may not look as colorful as in the sea.

In my notes about the Dominican Republic, I wrote a lot about the people of this country and how easy and calm everything was there.

Nevertheless, consider the issue of security separately.

I’ll immediately show you the most dangerous gangsters I met in the Dominican Republic :)

The first one late in the evening in the local area, and the second one in the forest.

These are the gangsters)))

What else can you say about safety...

Of course, there are nuances to consider to stay safe.

And all these nuances are standard. The main thing is not to forget about them.

Do not hold large sums of money in your hands in plain sight, do not leave valuables anywhere, do not walk through dark areas at night with money in your hands or expensive equipment in plain sight, and so on.

Local Russian expats generally agreed with me that the Dominican Republic is safe and the police are adequate. But they still gave one important piece of advice.

There are no police on city beaches at night - and there were cases (with Russians) when someone decided to go down to the night sea from the embankment in Santo Domingo, and a knife was stuck in him there. The valuables were taken. Fortunately, the man survived. They said that local gopniks don’t even speak like in Russia. They just silently stick a knife in, take away valuables and run away. In this regard, be careful at night.

At the same time, both Russian expats and the Dominicans themselves told me that they don’t remember a single message about someone being robbed somewhere during the day, not that they caused any damage :)

In general, from the point of view of precautionary measures, nothing supernatural.

And finally, one Dominican woman who gave me a lift said something brilliant and simple:

“Well, in your own country, you won’t walk around a dark, unfamiliar suburb with a lot of money in your hands, a camera and a laptop and approach people who look like bandits? It’s the same with us! Standard precautions are the same everywhere.” :)

Therefore, during the trip I had to joke, taking photographs like this with captions:

<< Dominican Republic is a very dangerous country. All you have to do is step outside the hotel and there are people with guns everywhere :( >>

In fact, in the capital there are many armed police near historical center and most importantly cruise port. And even a kilometer away - military unit. That's why there are people in military uniform with weapons. Where they are, it couldn’t be safer :)

<< As soon as we left the hotel, the gopniks immediately came up and offered to give up the camera on good terms: (They still smile, like I’m not going anywhere...>>

I already wrote about baseball players - nice guys :) They love to be photographed :)

<< The Dominican Republic is so dangerous for independent travelers that it is better not to go without a knife. There are street gangs everywhere. But...the best defense is an attack. So I decided to create my own gang. There are three of us so far. My black brother and I are with a machete, and the third one, behind us, “I’ll stab you out” - a dangerous man, he doesn’t even need a knife. Beware of gangs in the Dominican Republic! >>

And it’s not at all necessary to create your own gang in the Dominican Republic)))

<<The safest thing to do in the Dominican Republic is to be a local. Therefore... Meet us! Me and my new Dominican family on a picnic! Do we really have cute kids?>>

But you can start your own family in the Dominican Republic! :) Love is such a thing... who will contradict you :)

And generally speaking...

How can it be dangerous in a country led by Putin? :)))

Safe travels everyone!

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If the Dominican Republic is the goal of your vacation, dangers for tourists should not interfere with your vacation. Here, as in other popular tourist destinations, there are things to watch out for. The information below will help you avoid trouble and fully enjoy your vacation in an exotic country.

What to fear in the Dominican Republic

1. Crime. There is practically no terrorism in the Dominican Republic. However, from time to time, often before elections, riots and clashes with local police occur. Therefore, it is better for tourists not to appear in poor areas and not to attend demonstrations.

Street robbery or pickpocketing is quite common, as is fraud and car theft. The most attractive object for criminals is a passport; in their opinion, it represents the greatest value. It’s also worth keeping an eye on your pocket money, credit cards, driver’s license, airline tickets - it’s best to leave all this in the hotel safe. It is better to make photocopies of documents; they will be enough to carry out any actions.

While on the street, do not count your cash.

Street robberies occur at night and even during the day. In this case, robbers commit crimes alone or in a group, on foot or on two-wheelers. Watch out for motorcyclists or cyclists passing by, and do not hold a mobile phone or camera in your hands or on a lanyard. Mobile phone It's best to carry it in your inside pocket.

Do not leave valuables in cars, as thefts or thefts directly from the car are not uncommon here. It is better to leave money in small bundles in different places. This way, in case of theft, you will have at least some funds left. Leave large sums in the safe and take with you as much as you need. Try not to pay with large bills in bars or show the contents of your wallet.

Do not leave valuables unattended on the beach; it is better not to take them with you at all.

Use caution when using ATMs.

After drinking alcohol, it is better to go to your room, as tipsy tourists are a target for scammers. Do not travel around the country alone, it is better to travel in groups.

If you have a credit card, be careful too. Use only those ATMs that are located in bank branches and in serious establishments. After you leave the country for some time, keep an eye on the balance on your credit card, as scammers may postpone their scams until the owner leaves.

There have been cases when tourists have been slipped counterfeit banknotes, so currency exchange should only be done at exchange offices.
2. Natural hazards. Dangers in the Dominican Republic They can also wait in nature. Jellyfish that are found near the shore can leave burns. More poisonous individuals are not found off the coast, but they can be encountered while diving. Under no circumstances should they be touched.

Be careful when swimming, as there may be sea urchins on the bottom.

Sea urchins also pose some danger. The thorns, which can be stepped on, do not break and dig into the leg, after which they dissolve only after a few weeks. At the same time, they cause severe pain. Therefore, when walking on the reefs, wear shoes, and if you get needles in your feet, pull them out immediately.

The eight-pointed star, which can also be found, is very poisonous.
3. Weather features. Some weather events pose quite serious hazards in the Dominican Republic. From July to August, tropical cyclones, powerful torrential rains, squally winds and hurricanes often sweep across the country. At this time, tour operators sell tours very carefully. In order to avoid troubles, listen to the media about weather news and recommendations that they will give you.
4. Road traffic.

On the roads of the Dominican Republic, be extremely careful and attentive.

If you rent a car or drive around the country in your own car, be careful on the roads. When they see tourists driving, locals may deliberately throw themselves under the wheels in order to receive financial compensation later. You need to stop only at the request of the traffic police (the distinctive inscription AMET on the car), since there is a possibility of being stopped by scammers in police uniform. Remember how dangerous locals behave on the road, be extremely careful.
5. Health. When traveling to the Dominican Republic, purchase an insurance policy to avoid additional costs. Bring glasses and sun cream as there is a high level of solar activity here.

In the Dominican Republic, do not even think about drinking tap water.

Don't drink local tap water, buy mineral or purified bottled water.

In the Dominican Republic, there are frequent cases of infections: Dengue fever, yellow fever, malaria, tetanus and others characteristic of a tropical climate. Maintain personal hygiene and do not purchase questionable food in cafes and stores.

To date Dominican Republic is very popular among tourists from all over the world, because it is a great opportunity to have a good rest and get the most out of your trip. Indeed, this resort is distinguished by its incredible nature and good service, but you should be prepared for some dangers that await you at this resort.

If you contact If you seek advice from your tour operator, it is unlikely that he will list all possible dangers for you, because this is a business matter. Most likely, you will be provided with information that characterizes this resort only from the best side. But on the Internet you can find reliable information from tourists who have experienced all sides of the holiday coin in the Dominican Republic. That is why we bring to your attention a list of possible dangers in the Dominican Republic so that you can protect yourself and your family.

1. Infections in the Dominican Republic. In fact, in the Dominican Republic, various diseases that are transmitted through household means are very common. In order to protect yourself and your loved ones, you must correctly follow all hygiene rules and avoid eating food from dubious stores and cafes. Cholera is still widespread in the Dominican Republic today, so it is better to avoid unknown establishments and suspicious people. Avoid contact with the local population so as not to risk your health and follow the instructions of the hotel administration.

2. Typhoon in the Dominican Republic. In all the photographs that the travel agency workers will show you, you will see a smooth sea and luxurious beaches with white sand and beautiful palm trees. In fact, tourists should know that typhoons are not that uncommon in this area. Depending on the time of year and weather conditions, from the side Atlantic Ocean Real Typhoons come regularly. If you pay attention to the features of the Dominican Republic, you will notice that most hotels are not built very close to the beach, because there is always a chance that natural disasters will damage the building and vacationers. To reduce the risk, visit this resort between December and April, when there are practically no typhoons there.

3. Voodoo in the Dominican Republic. In fact, this culture has survived to this day, so tourists should be wary of local residents who adhere to ancient traditions. You can take a risk and communicate with those who preach something other than Catholicism, or you can choose less extreme view recreation.

4. Sharks in the Dominican Republic. In the Dominican Republic, these cartilaginous fish can swim close to the shore, because local residents fed them for their own entertainment. Today, sharks attack almost all yachts and boats that go to sea in order to feed themselves. No one claims that you cannot avoid trouble, but it’s still not worth taking risks.

5. Diving in the Dominican Republic. At the bottom not far from the coast of the Dominican Republic there are indeed sunken ships with jewelry and antiques, so every year many extreme sports enthusiasts are interested in diving in this area. In fact, not all coastal areas of the sea are equally safe for your life. It is better to give preference to a simple dive to enjoy the beautiful corals and small fish. The Caribbean Sea truly holds an incredible amount of secrets and treasures, but it is also dangerous for inexperienced tourists who do not dive professionally.

6. Fraud in the Dominican Republic. IN Dominican Republic Some species are quite highly developed. For example, the police may not always turn out to be the real police, and a pedestrian whom you seem to have hit on the road can quickly and deftly rob your car and your bags. Try to avoid communicating with people who are near the road, do not take fellow travelers with you, and in every possible way refuse help and various “advantageous” offers. There are common cases here when people throw themselves under the wheels of a car in order to get monetary compensation and at the same time clean your car. Be vigilant and try not to drive in the dark.

7. Financial fraud in the Dominican Republic. If you decide to pay everywhere with a bank card, then it is better to abandon this idea right away. In the Dominican Republic, people have spent years honing their skills in stealing money from credit cards, which can cause significant damage to your wallet.

You may realize that your card has been charged significantly more funds, than was indicated on the price tag or in the menu, much later. Try to withdraw money from official bank branches. It is better to give preference to entertainment on the hotel premises to protect yourself from unnecessary troubles. And always carefully monitor all banking transactions you make at this resort.

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