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Abandoned houses are fraught with many mysteries, but American photographer Seph Loveless is not looking for answers to questions, he simply photographs these houses and recognizes them sad stories. Next, we will introduce you to the most mysterious haunted houses that are empty to this day.

In 1941 this house was a brothel. Years later, several bodies were found in the basement, each of which had all its organs marked out in perfect circles.

According to history, a family with four children lived in this house. After their parents committed double suicide, the children grew up alone in this house for 10 years.

Another family drama played out in this house in the mid-20th century. A certain Benjamin Albright first killed his son, and then his wife and himself. Since 1958, the house has stood untouched, preserving the history and all the family's personal details.

In the 70s, the mansion was a small hotel and became known for several very strange deaths.

The Milan mansion was notorious in the area. It is said that a practicing witch lived there, and neighbors were afraid of the place. Rumor has it that after her death the witch was buried right in the house.

The Doll's House from Philadelphia got its name from its very strange interior. There is no furniture or other evidence of life, but the entire house is filled with dolls and metal racks containing saws and other tools.

This house was home to serial killer Michael Madison, who used the basement as a place to kill his victims.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the family who lived in this house mysteriously disappeared. The investigation yielded nothing, but they say that residents then repeatedly saw the silhouettes of the residents in the windows of the house.

All over the world there are abandoned buildings covered in legends of the past. Those who like to tickle their nerves often go there to see paranormal activity with their own eyes. And skeptics, who cannot be frightened by any ghosts, listen with interest to the stories associated with this or that house. In this post, we have collected the creepiest abandoned buildings that will give you chills.

There are many legends surrounding this creepy abandoned hotel located in Cyprus. Many people claim to have seen ghosts there. “Why would there be ghosts there?” - you ask. And it was like this...

In 1930, the hotel flourished and was the most popular tourist destination. Berengaria was owned by a very rich man who had three sons. When the father died, he decided to divide the inheritance in the form of a hotel and family wealth equally between his sons.

Through certain time The brothers began to quarrel over the division of profits generated by the hotel. And soon after the start of the conflict, they all died under very strange circumstances.

Not knowing the true reason for their death, people decided that their father and the hotel, which, by the way, turned out to be abandoned, took revenge on them. Locals They took out everything they could carry from there. And it is believed that the hotel has become a haven for the ghosts of greedy brothers.

This now abandoned former sanatorium building is located in Louisville, Kentucky (USA). In the 20s of the last century, this city had the highest mortality rates from tuberculosis, as it was located in a swampy area. In 1926, a sanatorium was built here, famous for its advanced methods of treating tuberculosis, which was then incurable.

Nevertheless, the mortality rate in the sanatorium was very high. So that patients would not see how many people were dying, it was decided to build a special tunnel 150 meters long and send the bodies of the dead through it to railway station. It was called the "Tunnel of Death".

When a cure for tuberculosis was finally found, the sanatorium was empty. Afterwards, it housed a nursing home with a treatment center, which was closed due to the terrible living conditions of the people. There was even talk of conducting experiments on older people. The building has been empty since then; vandals broke its windows and took out all the furniture.

Everyone who visited this abandoned place vied with each other about high paranormal activity there. In addition to strange sounds, slamming doors, randomly moving objects, visitors saw here a little boy playing with a ball, a woman with cut wrists calling for help; a hearse pulling up to the service entrance of the building where coffins were being loaded into it. We also saw the ghosts of two nurses here, one of whom hanged herself after learning about being infected with tuberculosis, and the second of whom jumped out of the window.

The forgotten estate of the Demidov family is located in the village of Taitsy in the Leningrad region, about 39 km from St. Petersburg. The owner of the house was industrialist Alexander Demidov.

They say that Demidov’s daughter, Sophia, suffered from tuberculosis in her youth. So that she could take walks in the fresh air without leaving the house, the corridor of the house ran in a circle along the windows, and wide glazed terraces were installed on the sides of the building.

The legend said that the seriously ill Sophia read a lot and dreamed of taking up natural science, following the example of her grandfather. But the illness did not leave her. One autumn day, from the terrace of the mansion, Sophia noticed an unfamiliar young man in the park. The girl violated the doctors' ban and left the house to meet the young man. They started meeting every day. But one day the young man did not show up at the appointed hour. A thunderstorm broke out outside the window, and Sophia kept running out onto the main staircase to see if her friend was coming. Running out again, Sophia slipped and, hitting her head on a stone step, died.

Since then, her ghost appears on the terrace and halls of the house during thunderstorms.


In fact, this is just a legend. And Sophia recovered safely and married Chief Jägermeister Count Pyotr Gavrilovich Golovkin. She died at the age of 62.

But extreme travelers claim that in the estate you can meet the spirit of Alexander Demidov himself. If you hide on the main staircase of a house under the cover of night, you can hear rustling sounds on the upper floors, as if something or someone was quietly turning over the pages of an old book.

The abandoned Villa de Vecchi, also known as the “Haunted Mansion,” is located in Italy near Lake Como. For many years now, it has attracted lovers of mysticism from all over the world, thanks to its mystery.

In 1850, having returned to his homeland after long wanderings, Count Felix de Vecci decided to create a cozy nest for his family. And he succeeded. In the first years of its creation, the villa charmed guests with its warmth and comfort. It had a large piano and a warm fireplace, the walls were decorated with expensive frescoes. A wonderful park was laid out around the villa, in which there was even a fairly powerful fountain, powered by water pressure from the mountainside.

Do you believe in ghosts? No? And they believe in you :) And they invite you to visit them in one of the largest wooden houses in the world. Of course, this house has long been abandoned. And as usual, he has a complicated history. Welcome to the orphanage on the largest of the Princes' Islands (Adalar) - Buyukada, near Istanbul.

The history of Büyükada Rum Yetimhanesi ("Greek Shelter") began in 1899, when a French company decided to build a hotel and casino "Prinkipo Palace" on the top of the hill.


The building turned out to be luxurious: 6 floors, 20,000 square meters, 206 rooms, many utility rooms, more than 100 windows!

But the French plans were not destined to come true - Sultan Abdul Hamid II did not issue permission for operation. The building had to be sold. Its new owner was the wife of a Greek banker. After her death, he transferred the house to the Patriarchate of Constantinople. So it became an orphanage for Greek orphans.

When the First World War began, the children were resettled, and the house was used by the Turkish military school “Kuleli”.

Then for some time Greek refugees lived in the house, who were sent to the Princes' Islands. Russian refugees also flocked there, seeking salvation from the Bolsheviks. The house accommodated everyone, like a giant Noah's Ark.

Later, the house again became an orphanage and school for 1,000 Greek orphan boys.

The shelter existed until the 60s, when the building, built entirely of wood, began to crumble. The house was occupied and closed.

Since then it has stood abandoned and no one has tried to restore it. Many ceilings have already collapsed, the roof is missing in places, which only accelerates the destruction.

In 2010, the Patriarchate of Constantinople regained ownership of the house and plans to restore it.

But in 8 years, only a fence was erected around the building and security was installed.

A family lives on the territory of the house and makes sure that no one gets in here.

Dogs run around and various village animals graze. It was not possible to get inside.

From the outside you can see the deplorable state of the building.

Even its partial restoration requires huge amounts of money.

There are several more auxiliary wooden buildings on the territory.

The shelter simply amazes with its scale. The building is somewhat reminiscent of the Titanic, and is, in fact, from the same era of giant structures.

Inside, all the finishing is also made of wood. There are photographs from the 60s, when the shelter was closed. Pay attention to the rich interior - originally there was supposed to be a casino here.

On a bright, sunny day you don’t think about sad things at all, but in inclement weather it should be sad here.

I wonder if the Greek Church will ever pay tribute to a building that has been home to thousands of people deprived of family and shelter for more than half a century?

Although it is probably easier to rebuild a building than to restore an old one.

For those who want to get there,

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that you are discovering this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and goosebumps.
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There are many places in the world that people's rumors have attributed to the presence of evil spirits. But it’s one thing when there are rumors that voices, footsteps and strange shadows are wandering in the house, and another thing when otherworldly entities can be captured.
website made a selection of the most famous buildings in which visitors were able to take photographs of ghosts. These photographs have been examined by professionals who have concluded that the photographs are genuine.

Edinburgh Castle, Scotland, UK

This gloomy castle holds the record for the number of ghosts living there. The ghost of a bagpiper who got lost in the labyrinths of the castle, never leaving it before his death, the spirit of a drummer from Oliver Cromwell's army, the ghost of a dog walking through the local cemetery, the spirits of French prisoners, townspeople who died from the plague.

In addition to these “known” ghosts, visitors also meet other unidentified entities, hear groans, footsteps, and many experience a deterioration in their health.

Myrtle Plantation, Louisiana, USA

This is one of the most famous haunted houses in the United States. The ghost of a dark-skinned slave, Chloe, haunts the plantation. According to legend, the owner caught Chloe listening at the door and cut off her ear. Offended, Chloe baked a poisoned pie for the owner, which was accidentally eaten by his wife and three daughters. The owner, in desperation, unleashed his wrath on all the slaves of the estate, executing anyone who, in his opinion, was under suspicion. The slaves, in turn, carried out lynching of Chloe and lynched her.

Since then, the dark ghost of the tortured slave has repeatedly made itself known and attracted paranormal researchers and ordinary tourists to the estate.

Queens House, Greenwich, London, UK

This white house, decorated with ebony, was the place of imprisonment of Anne Boleyn, Catherine Howard (fifth wife of Henry VIII), Lady Jane Gray, Queen Elizabeth I. To this day, the ghost of the Lady in Gray walks along the tulip stairs of Queens House (who exactly is this from prisoners, has not been established).

In 1966, photographer Ralph Hardy managed to capture a silhouette walking up the stairs. Kodak experts have determined that the photo is genuine. In addition to the Gray Lady, there are other anomalies in Queens House: children's choir singing, the ghost of a woman wiping blood from the floor.

Newby Church, North Yorkshire, UK

Newby Church has not been known to be haunted since its construction, but in 1963 the Reverend C. F. Lord took a photograph of the altar and, when the film was developed, it revealed the outline of an eerie phantom measuring 9 feet (275 cm).

The ghost in the photo turned out to be so clear that the authenticity of the photo was questioned, but experts, having studied it, came to the conclusion that this was not a double exposure or some other photo trick. I wonder if this photo inspired the creators of Scream?

Port Arthur Prison, Tasmania, Australia

In the 19th century, Port Arthur was a prison in which a large number of prisoners died, unable to withstand the harsh living and working conditions. Now the old prison building is dilapidated, and no one lives in it permanently. Nobody but ghosts. At night, footsteps are heard here, old doors creak, and lights flicker in the windows every now and then. Port Arthur has become a real Mecca for all lovers of the supernatural.

Winchester House, San Jose, California, USA

The California home was purchased by Sarah Winchester, daughter-in-law of gunsmith Oliver Winchester, in 1884. After the death of her child and then her husband, Sarah went to a medium who told her that the misfortunes in the family were due to spirits killed by weapons created by Winchester.

To prevent vengeful ghosts from reaching her, Sarah rebuilt the house according to her own design, making it incredibly intricate and huge (there are about 10,000 windows alone).

After Sarah's death, strange phenomena began in the mansion: shadows in the mirrors, doors slamming, objects moving. According to the mystical version, these spirits are still looking for Sarah, wandering through the endless corridors of her house. Rumors of ghosts attract crowds of tourists to this house; it is called the most extravagant attraction in California.

Berry Pomeroy Castle, Devon, UK

Visitors to this castle, for no reason, begin to experience despondency, fear and irritation on its territory. The reason for this, according to many, is the ghost of the White Lady, who was repeatedly encountered within these gloomy walls. Locals say that this is the soul of Margaret Pomeroy, whom her sister Eleanor, out of envy, imprisoned in the tower and starved for 20 days until the unfortunate woman died. Most often, the translucent ghost is seen silently hovering above St. Margaret's Tower.

St David's Cathedral, Wales, UK

So... Whether we admit it to ourselves or not, we all have a sense of ghosts, no matter how afraid each of us is of all things creepy. Each of us has had moments in our lives when we could not resist the temptation to watch a horror movie before going to bed, and then stayed up almost the entire night, leaving the light on, and diligently repeated all the prayers that we remembered. But nevertheless, places with ghosts always attract people with their mystery. Many people have a very strong interest in otherworldly forces.

This article is dedicated to all those brave hearts who are simply too shy to admit their love for all things ghost related. We will introduce you to the twenty most terrible places where ghosts live.


Myrtle Plantation, USA

From the outside, this place looks like a cute bungalow with a calm environment. But that's just how it seems. If you are lucky enough to visit this plantation one day, you will be able to say hello to Chloe, one of the slaves whose ear was cut off because she had the habit of eavesdropping on things that did not concern her.

She is often seen wandering around the house with two little girls whose faces have no eyes, nose or mouth.


Cinco Saltos, Argentina

Cinco Saltos is a province in the Rio Negro in Argentina. It is famous for its witchcraft rituals, which contribute to the spread of many fascinating stories. The city of Cinco Saltos is also known as the “City of Witches” due to the prosperity of witchcraft, which is widespread everywhere, and the Bajo Negro area is especially famous. Seeing ghosts in these places, according to the local population, is not a problem.

In 2009, the corpse of a young girl between the ages of 8 and 12, who died in the 1930s, was found there completely intact. This fact further fuels the place's otherworldly reputation.


Edinburgh Castle, Scotland

A historically significant site, Edinburgh Castle is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Scotland, mainly due to its haunted stories. Sensations of touching or the feeling of someone or something being dragged somewhere are quite common among visitors to the castle, along with loud screams and terrifying screams, the causes of which have not yet been found.


Fort George, Citadel, Nova Scotia, Canada

Fort George is a 300-year-old star-shaped fortress that was built in 1749. It is located on Citadel Hill in Halifax, Nova Scotia. This place is considered the most frequently visited historical place In Canada. Paranormal activity has been spotted here over the years, which is why Fort George is popular place for ghost hunters and researchers.

Visitors to the fortress often report seeing an old man, a man in a red cloak, a woman and an old lady who shows herself in mirrors. But the ghost of a little girl appears more often than others and causes concern. People taking "ghost" tours report the presence of a little girl during their tours of the fort; sometimes they report a girl with her hands raised. There are also reports of disembodied voices appearing in the fort, unexplained bumps and tremors, nebulae that were captured on film or simply visible to the naked eye, and the eerie feeling of being constantly watched.


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