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Choosing a hotel where you are going to spend your vacation is a very responsible matter, because everything in it should correspond to your taste and your preferences. The location of the hotel, the size of the rooms, their equipment (the presence of a TV and other benefits of mankind), the appearance of this hotel and, of course, food are important. Food for every person is an integral part of life, so food is an important part of choosing a hotel. But opposite the nutrition column, you can only see some incomprehensible abbreviations that tell you absolutely nothing about the taste of food or its quality. Yes, what is there, these abbreviations are generally silent and do not tell you anything about food at the hotel.

So, in that case, let's figure out what these letter abbreviations are fraught with. And everything, as always, is very simple. Abbreviations denote types of meals in hotels (HB, BB, etc.). The most popular abbreviations are HB, BB and FB. But what are these HB, BB and FB?

  1. . This abbreviation stands for Bed&Breakfast. This means that only the morning meal will be free (included in the cost of your trip). Buffet or Continental Breakfast. You can choose such a system if you do not intend to spend a lot of time in a hotel and will eat, for example, in restaurants or cafes.
  2. HB power system. This abbreviation stands for Half Board. Meals at the HB hotel include breakfast and lunch, or breakfast and dinner (your choice). Usually choose the breakfast plus dinner option, as this schedule is much more convenient. Such a food system is the best fit for you if you are going to spend the whole day outside the hotel, and come back in the evening and have dinner. This is very convenient, since you do not have to think about dinner every day and spend extra money in restaurants.
  3. . The decoding of this abbreviation is simple - Full Board. And, as you may have guessed, this means full board, which includes breakfast, lunch and dinner. This food system is convenient for people who like to follow a strict daily routine and are used to meals in a relaxed atmosphere and at a set time.

There are also several different food systems in hotels. OB - Only Bed, which means accommodation in a hotel without meals; Al - All Inclusive, the famous All Inclusive, which includes absolutely everything - breakfast, lunch, dinner, drinks, as well as additional meals like second breakfast, afternoon tea, etc. There are also food systems with additions, for example, HB +, which includes two meals and free drinks, FB + - three meals and drinks.

What is HB, BB and other delights of life, we figured it out. The main thing is to make the right choice so as not to be tied to meals at the hotel, because after all, the trip is needed in order to relax and admire the beauties of another country, and not sit all the time in the hotel restaurant, eating food. Therefore, HB is rightfully considered the most optimal power supply system, and it is the best one to choose. But the choice, of course, is up to you and your preferences. After all, the main thing is a good and high-quality vacation, which will give pleasure and leave pleasant memories behind.

Now you are armed with knowledge and know that this is HB nutrition. Now, not a single abbreviation can confuse you, and you can easily choose the type of food that is right for you in the right hotel for you in order to have a good and useful rest.

RR - room rate, RO - room only, OV - only bed, as well as EP,BO,AO,NO- no food.

Menu meals
- limited number of dishes from the menu.

A la carte
- a menu in which each dish is indicated with a price.

-bed & breakfast- Only breakfast (buffet) is included in the price. Additional meals - for a fee in the restaurants and bars of the hotel.

-half board- half board - the price includes breakfast and dinner (buffet), free tea, coffee, water for breakfast.

-half board+, extended half board- extended half board - breakfast and dinner (buffet), as well as local alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks all day.

-full board- full board - breakfast, lunch and dinner (buffet).

-full board +, extended half board- extended full board - breakfast, lunch and dinner (buffet), as well as drinks (in some hotels beer and wine) during meals.

Mini all inclusive
- full board with local drinks, not only with meals, but in limited quantities.

- all inclusive- breakfast, lunch and dinner (buffet). Drinks are offered throughout the day (local production (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) in unlimited quantities plus additional meals (second breakfast, afternoon tea, late dinner, light snacks, barbecues in hotel bars, etc.).
- light breakfast consisting of coffee or tea, juice, rolls, butter and jam.

buffet - Buffet- self-service. Dishes are laid out on trays and everyone independently picks up the right amount. Drinks are served either at the bar or by the waiters.

CB- Continental breakfast- light breakfast consisting of coffee or tea, juice, rolls, butter and jam.

AB- American breakfast- similar to a continental breakfast, includes various cuts and hot dishes.

English breakfast- full breakfast, usually includes juice, scrambled eggs, toast, butter, jam and coffee (tea).

HCAL, high class all inclusive- everything is free except shops, phone, doctor, hairdresser, some water sports and scuba diving.

-ultra aIl inclusive- breakfast, brunch, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner (buffet). A decent selection of sweets, desserts, all kinds of snacks, as well as wide choose local and imported drinks. Most hotels operating under the Ultra All Inclusive system offer guests additional free meals in restaurants with a kitchen different peoples peace. Meals throughout the day, including imported drinks (including spirits);
Varieties ultra aIl inclusive: Elegance all inc, VIP all inc, Super all inc, De luxe all inc, VC all inc, Superior all inc, MEGA all inc, Superior all inc VIP Service, Royal Class all inc, Ultra de luxe all inc, Extended all inc , Exellent all inc, Max all inc, Imperial all.

HB, BB, FB, RO, AI, AP, MAP, EP... You will come across these abbreviations on any aggregator when choosing a hotel. They are indicated in the description of the services provided on the hotel website and in the voucher that was provided to you for check-in. What is hidden behind these terms?

These are abbreviations for the names of food systems in hotels. Types of food in hotels have Anglo-American roots, so deciphering them is not a problem. Let's break them into groups and find out the meanings.

Types of food with abbreviation and decoding

The standard system of the Russian segment of the tourism business often uses the following abbreviations to designate types of food in hotels. Let's present their decoding and description:

  • RO (room only) is also possible: OB (Only Bed) or AO (Accommodation Only). IN direct translation: "only room" - only accommodation is provided. Explanation of the abbreviation OB (Only Bed)– “only bed” or AO (Accommodation Only)- accommodation only.
  • BB (Bed and Breakfast). Literally - "bed and breakfast", means accommodation with the provision of a morning lunch. main feature"bb" - the absence of lunch or dinner included in the paid reservation.
  • HB (halfboard). Only breakfast and dinner are required.
  • HB+. The subtype of food on "hb", denotes the addition of local alcoholic beverages to the evening meal.
  • FB (full board). It should be translated as "full board", as well as "the whole table", the origin of the concept is similar to "hb". Accordingly, today meals in hotels of this type should include dinner and lunch in addition to BB conditions. The hotel may offer a different type of serving dishes, both on the menu (a la carte) and as a buffet.
  • fb+ Corresponding to FB in the same way as HB and HB+, this is the same full board system, but locally produced drinks are served.
  • AI (all inclusive). Literally "all inclusive", a type of room with full service. Usually, snacks are offered throughout the day for three meals in a buffet style. The bars offer local drinks all day long.
  • UAI (ultra all inclusive). Corresponds to "ultra all inclusive", used in Turkey and Egypt, to indicate a higher level of food and drinks compared to All inclusive, foreign production. Additional afternoon tea and a second late dinner buffet are also available.

Types of food in hotels: American classification

Traveling through different corners world You may also encounter other designations of food types, otherwise - a plan. Here is a breakdown of such a food system in hotels:

  • AP (American Plan). "American" - in addition to the room, the declared cost of living includes morning, afternoon and evening meals. European hotels respectively designate this system as "full board" - FB.
  • MAP (Modified American Plan). "Modified American" implies the presence of lunch (it can be served in the afternoon or evening at the request of the guest) and, with any choice, a morning lunch. You can correlate this "plan" with the "half board" HB.
  • CP (Continental Plan). "Continental": a guest occupying a room under these conditions will be offered breakfast included in the price. Corresponds to BB.
  • BP (Bermuda Plan). However, in the American classification, BB has another analogue - “Bermuda” - a particularly dense morning lunch is served in the morning, in fact, closer to dinner.
  • EP (European Plan). "European" is usually the least expensive for the guest and includes only the provision of accommodation, fully complying with the RO, OB, AO systems.

Features of specifying types of serving

Separately, for the convenience of choosing the type of food, you should indicate the types of breakfast serving and their differences.

  • Continental. Includes coffee, hot chocolate, tea, sugar, milk, cream, lemon, marmalade, jams, also honey, hot buns, croissants, bread, butter and olive oil. Sunday option is possible with a cold boiled egg.
  • extended. Guests are offered all positions of a standard continental, as well as juices, deli meats, scrambled eggs, fried eggs, boiled eggs, yogurt, curds, dry cereals. Serving is often carried out according to the "buffet" system.
  • English. Very dense, be sure to serve buns, toast, jam, honey, butter, jam for tea, coffee and hot chocolate are possible, but not required. The main dish is scrambled eggs with ham or sausages, smoked fish, red beans in tomato sauce.
  • American. Be sure to offer simple ice water, juices, fruits, sometimes compote, cereal flakes, served with milk, fried or baked meat, pie.
  • Late breakfast. Combines elements of breakfast and lunch: tea and coffee, juices and mineral water, milk, buns, butter, jam, cheese, soups, hot meat dishes, desserts.

Food systems in hotels are always classified in a standard way, so this information about the designation and decoding of abbreviations will help you book hotel rooms with pleasure.

Going on vacation abroad, travelers have to solve the difficult task of choosing a hotel accommodation. The quality of rest will depend on the correct choice. Many do not rely on the advice of tour operators, but make their own decisions based on reviews and hotel descriptions.

One of the difficulties that you will face when looking for a hotel is the lettering of the food system. What does this mysterious abbreviation UAI mean and how does it differ from many others?

What does UAI nutrition mean?

Studying the conditions of accommodation in large expensive hotels, quite often you can see exactly this letter designation. Such service is considered to be the highest degree of comfort and quality of service.

Nutrition UAI when decrypted gives the definition of Ultra. Translated into Russian, it sounds like the All Inclusive Ultra system. According to the rules, multiple meals for guests are already included in the cost of living, namely:
  • breakfast;
  • second light breakfast;
  • dinner;
  • light lunch;
  • dinner;
  • ice cream and pastries throughout the day;
  • B-B-Q;
  • soft drinks and alcohol of local and foreign production.

The main restaurants of the hotels serve guests according to the “buffet” system, in which each visitor can choose from the dishes on the table exactly what he wants.

Another feature of UAI food, which applies to the bars and snack bars of the hotel. In other words, guests can freely visit all catering establishments on the territory of the hotel for free - everything is already included in the price.

The difference between AI and UAI

In general, these two power systems are very similar to each other. However, differences still exist.

All Inclusive (or AI for short) means the inclusion in the price of multiple meals in the main restaurant of the hotel and bars. However, some services are only available at an additional cost. This mainly applies to alcohol after 23:00, orders for imported drinks, alcohol and barbecue.

What is the difference between UAI nutrition? That this system offers round-the-clock food at any time with the possibility of ordering all kinds of dishes. This also applies to drinks.

Another important detail can be called free meals in restaurants. These are the hotel establishments that serve visitors on the menu and offer cuisine. different countries. With the All Inclusive system, visiting such places is paid or limited (1-2 times in 7-10 days).

Should I choose Ultra All Inclusive accommodation?

Not all hotels offer such a system of accommodation. Usually these conditions are found only in very large luxury hotels. Many offers come from hotels in Turkey and Egypt.

Whether it is worth choosing such a ticket, each tourist will have to decide on their own, based on their own dietary needs. It is worth remembering that - UAI, significantly increases the cost of the tour.

To make the right decision, consider the following points. The purpose of the trip - if tourists plan to visit a lot of excursions and trips around the area, they will often have to eat out of the hotel (this is an additional expense).

This suggests that this food - UAI, may simply become an unnecessary service.

Preferences in alcohol - if you plan to be quiet family holiday without abundant libations, then you can get by with the "All Inclusive" system.

Having understood the Ultra All Inclusive, it will be much easier for vacationers to choose a hotel by type of food. This guarantees quality rest and rational financial spending.

If your voucher says BB, it means that apart from breakfast, you don't have any meals included.

Breakfasts are of the following types

Continental Breakfast - CBF

Continental breakfast- the breakfast that our tourists love least of all - it's a breakfast that leaves behind a feeling of lightness and flight - consists of coffee / tea, juice, rolls, butter and jam.

Such a breakfast very often you can get caught in France.

English breakfast

An English breakfast usually includes scrambled eggs, toast, butter, jam and coffee (tea), juice.

American breakfast ABF

The American breakfast is more satisfying than the continental CBF - you will be given additional cold cuts, salads, and hot dishes.

Everyone's favorite, richest breakfast:

Buffet - Buffet Breakfast

For breakfast according to the system they serve:
meat and dairy products, fruits, vegetables, salads, fish (more common in Scandinavian countries), pastries and confectionery, tea, coffee, milk, yoghurts several types of hot dishes - obligatory sausages and scrambled eggs, baked tomatoes can also be on the buffet , cereals, pancakes. The richness of the buffet varies greatly depending on the star rating of the hotel and the country.
The buffet food means you can come and take as much food as you want. But you can't take food with you.

HB (half board) - half board

Half board HB means that you will receive two meals a day - the price will include breakfast and dinner (buffet), free tea, coffee, water for breakfast. DRINKS AT DINNER FOR ADDITIONAL COST

FB (full board) - full board

Full board- breakfast, lunch and dinner (buffet);
An extended half board and board option is available, when drinks at dinner and at lunch are included in the price. But this is a rare case, more often a jug of water is placed on the table - it is included in the price, and everything else - tea, coffee, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks are paid separately. If you ordered a bottle of wine and did not finish it - you can ask to postpone until tomorrow - the bottle will be corked and your number will be written on it.

ALL, Al (all inclusive) - all inclusive

breakfast, lunch and dinner (buffet)

Unlimited local drinks (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) are also included. Lots of extra food - afternoon tea (tea with biscuits), ice cream, barbecue, light snacks.

There are many all inclusive options.
Often meets UAL, UAI (ultra all inclusive)- significantly differs from the simple ALL in that it includes not only locally produced drinks, but also imported ones.
Food is almost around the clock - you will be fed all day, whenever you decide to eat. For example, in the five-star Kremlin Palace Hotel in


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