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I became curious when I found a short note on the Russian Seven website without links to sources of information in the publication " 25 Main Mysteries of the Ancient World .

Recently, archaeologists made a stunning discovery: they discovered a network of underground passages that cover the territory from Spain to Turkey. The approximate age of these tunnels is about 12 thousand years. How people who lived in the Stone Age managed to build such a thing is a mystery.

Archaeologists have discovered thousands of Stone Age underground tunnels across Europe from Scotland to Turkey, baffling scientists about their original purpose.

German archaeologist Dr. Heinrich Kusch, in his book Secrets of the Underground Doors to the Ancient World, says that tunnels were dug under literally hundreds of Neolithic settlements throughout Europe, and the fact that so many of the tunnels survived 12 thousand years shows that the original network was incredibly large-scale.

“In German Bavaria alone we discovered 700 meters of these underground tunnels. In Austrian Styria we found 350,” he says. “There were thousands of these tunnels all over Europe, from the north of Scotland all the way to the Mediterranean.”

The tunnels are relatively narrow, about 70 centimeters wide, which is just enough for a person to get through. In some places there are small rooms, storage chambers and seating areas.

The Stone Age was the first in a three-stage archaeological system that divides human prehistory into three periods: the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages. The transition from the Stone Age took place between 6000 and 2500 BC for most of humanity living in North Africa and Eurasia. And while many believe that Stone Age people were primitive, incredible finds like the 12,000-year-old Gobekli Tepe temple in Turkey, the pyramids of Egypt and other structures - such as Stonehenge - demonstrate the amazing astronomical knowledge of the people of that time, and suggest that they, Apparently, they were not so primitive.

The discovery of a vast network of underground tunnels suggests that Stone Age people likely spent their days doing more than just hunting and gathering. However, the real purpose of these tunnels still remains a complete mystery. Some researchers believe that their purpose was to protect people from predators, while others believe that their purpose was to provide safe travel, protected from the effects of extreme weather, and even war and violence. At the moment, scientists can only guess about their purpose, since the tunnels have not yet revealed all their secrets.

Some of the cases described below are clearly misleading, but a large amount of evidence and found fragments of tunnels eloquently refutes the official history of our planet...

The year 2003 in the Moscow region (outskirts of Solnechnogorsk) was marked by a mysterious event. In Lake Bezdonnoe, the driver of the Vereshenskaya rural administration, Vladimir Saichenko, discovered a standard US Navy life jacket with an identification inscription confirming that this property belonged to sailor Sam Belovsky from the destroyer Cowell, which was blown up by terrorists on October 12, 2000 in the port of Aden. Tragically, 4 sailors died and 10 were missing, including Sam Belovsky. Maybe the information is wrong and there is no mystery?
As a result of an interview with direct witnesses and participants in the described event, it was found that the life jacket was indeed discovered and the inscriptions on it directly point to the sailor “Cowell” S. Belovsky.
But how could a life jacket from the Indian Ocean get into a lake lost in the vastness of Central Russia, having covered 4,000 km in a straight line in three years? What was his path? Hence; there are some unknown underground paths, tunnels, apparently connecting rather remote parts of the Earth’s continents. But by whom and when were they created, and for what?
It has been repeatedly noted by various researchers on different continents that in addition to subway tunnels, bunkers, mines, and other various caves created by nature, there are underground cavities created by civilizations that preceded humanity. The latter exist not only in the form of giant underground halls, the walls of which are processed by mechanisms unknown to us, with traces of secondary natural processes (stains, stalactites, stalagmites, cracks, etc.), but also in the form of linear structures - tunnels. The beginning of the 21st century is marked by an increase in the frequency of finds of fragments of these tunnels on different continents.

Identification of ancient tunnels is not an easy task, requiring comprehensive knowledge about the technology of underground work, the mechanisms of transformation of the earth's crust and underground spaces during the historical development of our planet. But this procedure is quite realistic if you consider; that the main difference between ancient tunnels and natural and modern underground objects is that, strangely enough, ancient objects are distinguished by the perfection and amazing precision of processing the walls of the cavities (as a rule, they are melted), ideal directionality and orientation. They are also distinguished by their enormous, cyclopean size and... antiquity beyond human understanding. But it cannot be said that they all appeared at the same time. Let's consider the available real information about ancient tunnels and workings.

In Crimea, the Marble Cave is well known, located within the Chatyr-Dag mountain range at an altitude of 900 m above sea level. When descending into the cave, numerous visitors are greeted by a huge hall in the form of a pipe about 20 meters in size, currently half filled with boulders that collapsed as a result of numerous earthquakes and filled with karst deposits. Stalactites hang through the cracks in the vault, and stalagmites stretch towards them, producing a mesmerizing impression. Few people pay attention to the fact that initially it was a tunnel with perfectly smooth walls, going deep into the mountain range with a slope towards the sea.

The walls are well preserved and have no traces of erosion: flowing waters - karst caverns, formed as a result of the dissolution of limestone. That is, in front of us is part of a tunnel leading to nowhere and starting at an altitude of about 1 km from the level of the Black Sea. Considering that the Black Sea depression was formed at the turn of the Eocene and Oligocene (about 30 million years ago) as a result of the fall of a large asteroid, which cut off and destroyed the main ridge of the Crimean mountains, it is quite appropriate to assume that the Marble Cave is a fragment of an ancient tunnel, the main part which was located in a mountain range destroyed by an asteroid, which is at least 30 million years old.

As follows from the latest reports from Crimean speleologists, a huge cavity has been discovered under the Ai-Petri massif, picturesquely hanging over Alupka and Simeiz. In addition, tunnels connecting Crimea and the Caucasus were discovered.

Ufologists of the Caucasus region during one of the expeditions determined that under the Uvarov ridge, opposite Mount Arus, there are tunnels, one of which leads towards the Crimean Peninsula, and the other through the cities of Krasnodar, Yeisk and Rostov-on-Don stretches to the Volga region. A branch to the Caspian Sea is recorded in the Krasnodar region. Unfortunately, the expedition members did not provide more detailed information.

And in the Volga region there is just the well-known Medveditskaya ridge, examined in sufficient detail by Kosmopoisk expeditions since 1997. An extensive network of tunnels was discovered and mapped, surveyed over tens of kilometers. The tunnels have a circular cross-section, sometimes oval, with a diameter of 7 to 20 m, maintaining a constant width along the entire length, and a direction at a depth from the surface of 6–30 m. As they approach the hill on the Medveditskaya ridge, the diameter of the tunnels increases from 22 to 35 meters, further - 80 m and already at the highest elevation the diameter of the cavities reaches 120 m, turning into a huge hall under the mountain. Three seven-meter tunnels leave from here at different angles.

Diagram of the Medveditskaya ridge tunnels, compiled by Vadim Chernobrov, Kosmompoisk

Some believe that the tunnels are still operational and are used as transport arteries and bases by UFO vehicles, although the latter are not necessarily their builders. It is not surprising that P. Mironichenko in his book “The Legend of LSP” believes that our entire country, including Crimea, Altai, the Urals, Siberia and the Far East, is riddled with tunnels. All that remains is to discover their location. And this happens in most cases by accident.

Thus, a resident of the Liski village of Selyavnoye, Voronezh region, Evgeny Chesnokov, fell into a hole in a meadow, which turned out to be a cave with tunnels diverging in different directions, on the walls of which there were symbols depicted.

In the Caucasus, in a gorge near Gelendzhik, a vertical shaft has been known for a long time - straight as an arrow, with a diameter of about one and a half meters, a depth of 6 or 100 m. In addition, its feature is its smooth walls, as if melted. The study of their properties showed that the walls were subjected to a simultaneous thermal and mechanical effect, which created a crust 1–1.5 mm thick in the rock, giving it extremely durable properties that cannot be created even with today’s development of technology, and the melting of the walls indicates its technogenic origin. In addition, an intense radiation background was noted in the mine. It is possible that this is one of the vertical shafts connecting to a horizontal tunnel running from this area in the Volga region to the Medveditskaya ridge.

Known; that in the post-war years (in 1950) a secret decree of the USSR Council of Ministers was issued on the construction of a tunnel across the Tatar Strait in order to connect the mainland by rail with the island. Sakhalin. Over time, the secrecy was lifted, and Doctor of Physical and Mechanical Sciences L. S. Berman, who worked there at that time, told in her memoirs to the Voronezh branch of Memorial that the builders were not so much building as they were restoring an already existing tunnel, laid in ancient times, extremely competently, taking into account the geology of the bottom of the strait. Mention was also made of strange finds in the tunnel - strange mechanisms and fossilized remains of animals. All this then disappeared into secret intelligence bases. So P. Miroshnichenko’s statements that our country and the Far East are riddled with tunnels are not without foundation. And this used tunnel, it is possible, leads further through the island. Sakhalin to Japan...

More than 12 thousand years ago, the ancient people who inhabited Europe began building massive underground tunnels throughout the continent. No one knows why or how they were made, but they are incredible structures. So, archaeologists have discovered thousands of underground tunnels in modern Germany dating back to the Stone Age. These passages stretch across Europe, from Scotland to the Mediterranean, leaving researchers baffled as to their original function. What was the mission of these mysterious tunnels? Burials? Shelters designed to protect you from enemies? Or from a global catastrophe?

Many experts believe that such megalithic passages were used as roads and allowed people to travel across the continent to the most remote places, as underground tunnels have been discovered in dozens of Neolithic settlements scattered across Europe.

These huge halls are often called ancient highways. They are interspersed with cells, vaults and rooms. All together it is a huge and incredible underground network.

Dr. Henry Kusch, professor at the Karl-Franz-Universität Graz, together with his wife Ingrid, analyzes a complex network of passages in Styria (Austria), the purpose of which is still a mystery. However, traces of radiocarbon dating back thousands of years have been found on organic materials found in the tunnels.

Many of these tunnels are connected to landmarks or old settlements. Cave entrances are sometimes found near old farms, ancient churches, cemeteries, or right in the middle of the forest. They were built by people who knew exactly what they were doing. The builders were professionals, and these giant underground roads were able to “survive” for tens of thousands of years.

Ancient builders created a zigzag method of surface treatment that allowed the tunnels to support excessive weight. Exactly the same underground places, in addition to Austria and Germany, were discovered in Spain, Hungary, Turkey, England and even in Bosnia. It is possible that the extensive network of tunnels was designed to protect against the dangers of the outside world. How do you think?

If they were used as roads, then this allowed people to move freely throughout the continent during times of war or epidemic. Some researchers believe that this network of passages represents only a small discovery that will eventually lead to the discovery of a vast underground world. It's amazing to think that people were able to create tunnels like this tens of thousands of years ago.

Although we tend to think that 10,000 years ago ancient man was extremely primitive, some discoveries such as Göbekli Tepe, the Pyramids of Giza and Stonehenge show that our ancestors had advanced construction methods and technologies.

The discovery of the tunnels clearly indicates that early man spent his days not only hunting animals and collecting fruits and vegetables, but also engaged in engineering work that required enormous intellectual resources and design knowledge. By the way, similar passages exist on other continents. Many ancient cultures around the world mention the existence of tunnels that “lead to the underworld.”

For example, the Macushi Indians are indigenous to the Amazon region and live in Brazil, Guyana and Venezuela. According to their legends, they are the descendants of the children of the Sun, as well as the protectors of the “inner Earth”. Until 1907, the Makushi constantly visited some cave and traveled in it for up to 15 days until they reached the inner space. As the Indians themselves say, this space is “on the other side of the world, in the inner earth,” and giant creatures 3-4 meters high live there.

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The history of our planet is full of amazing mysteries. And a lifetime is not enough to solve them. But you are together website You can briefly look through the keyhole of the door, behind which lies a whole world of crazy secrets.

1. Moa birds

Moas are flightless birds that lived in New Zealand and became extinct around 1500, destroyed (according to one theory) by the Maori aborigines. During one of the expeditions, scientists came across a huge part of a bird's paw, which was incredibly well preserved.

2. Temple complex of Sacsayhuaman, Peru

3. Gate of the Sun, Bolivia

The Gate of the Sun is located in Tiwanaku, an ancient and mysterious city. Some scholars believe that in the first millennium AD it was the center of a huge empire. There is still no idea what the drawings on the gate mean. Perhaps they carried some astrological and astronomical value.

4. Longyu Grottoes, China

The grottoes were carved out of sandstone by people - it was a complex job in which thousands of Chinese must have definitely taken part, but nowhere is there any mention of these grottoes or how they were created.

5. Obelisk, Egypt

They began to cut the obelisk right into the rock, but cracks appeared along it. It was left unfinished. The sizes are simply stunning!

6. Underwater city, o. Yonaguni, Japan

The complex was accidentally discovered by diving instructor Kihachiro Aratake. This underwater city destroys all scientific theories. The rock in which it was carved sank under water about 10,000 years ago, that is, much earlier than the construction of the Egyptian pyramids. According to modern ideas of some scientists, in that distant era people huddled in caves and only knew how to collect edible roots and hunt wild animals, and not build stone cities.

7. Mohenjo-Daro (Hill of the Dead), Pakistan

For many decades now, archaeologists have been concerned about the mystery of the death of this city. In 1922, Indian archaeologist R. Banarji discovered ancient ruins on one of the islands of the Indus River. Even then, questions arose: how was this large city destroyed, where did its inhabitants go? The excavations did not answer any of them.

8. L'Anse aux Meadows site, Canada

9. Stone Age Tunnels

The discovery of a vast network of underground tunnels (spanning across Europe from Scotland to Turkey) suggests that Stone Age people spent their days doing more than just hunting and gathering. But the real purpose of the tunnels still remains a mystery. Some researchers believe that their task was to protect people from predators, others - that people traveled through this system, protected from weather conditions and wars.

10. Giant stone balls of Costa Rica

Mysterious perfectly round stone formations intrigue not only with their appearance, but also with their incomprehensible origin and purpose. They were first discovered in the 30s of the 20th century by workers clearing the jungle for banana plantations. Local legends said that there was supposed to be gold hidden inside the mysterious stone balls. But they were empty.

It’s not for nothing that ancient buildings are called portraits of the civilizations that built them. Moreover, these portraits conceal the mysteries of entire cultures. After all, these structures stood for thousands of years after their builders disappeared from the face of the earth. From strange burials to cities unknown until recently - all these architectural artifacts sometimes reveal ancient secrets, and sometimes confuse scientists even more.

1. Teotihuacan Tunnels

In 2017, a restoration project was launched to renovate one of Mexico's most famous sites, the pre-Aztec city of Teotihuacan. While working on the central square, archaeologists used non-invasive techniques to view underground voids. A scan using electrical impedance tomography showed the unexpected - under the square there was a tunnel leading to the neighboring pyramid. Scientists are still wondering why the Pyramid of the Moon, which is a colossal feat of ancient architecture, could be connected to something else by an underground tunnel.

It is impossible to explore it yet, and one of the reasons is the depth at which the tunnel passes - 10 meters. Interestingly, this tunnel is very similar to another previously discovered in one of the temples of Teotihuacan. Considering that they were built by people who lived 2,000 years ago, it is difficult to say today whether the tunnels served a practical or mystical purpose.

2. Tungundzhi mounds

For more than 60 kilometers along Western Cape York, Australia's coastal region, a number of large mounds can be seen. Researchers have debated the specifics of this phenomenon for years. Apparently they did not take the local Aboriginal community seriously (the Tungundja people claimed that their ancestors were buried in the mounds). Not surprisingly, a number of strange theories have emerged. For example, some have suggested that these 250 mounds were created... by birds.

In 2018, when the mounds were illuminated with radar, it turned out that local residents and archaeologists who considered the mounds to be artificial were right. Eleven sand structures were scanned and many of them still contained human remains. Comparison of the interior also showed how burial procedures changed over time. But even at different times, different things were placed in all the tombs, such as flowers, spears and corals. The age of the mounds is not yet known, but some may be around 6,000 years old, meaning they were created around the same time that the Egyptians were building the pyramids.

3. Tel Edfu City Complex

In 2018, excavations at Tel Edfu in Egypt unearthed a 4,000-year-old two-story complex that was one of the earliest of the many large ruins in the region. Archaeologists have identified rooms that were used for storage, for smelting copper, and for the production of beer and bread. However, the purpose of other rooms has not been determined. The appearance of the building's facade was typical of ancient Egypt, but it was also very skillfully built. Another mystery is why people abandoned the complex after it was built.

Typically, such abandoned sites were dismantled into bricks for other construction projects. The same complex not only retained its 1.5-2 meter thick walls, but also its entrance doors. Considering that they were made from wood that was extremely rare in Egypt, the doors must have been stolen a long time ago. This brewery-bakery is unlike any other that has survived since the Old Kingdom. Scientists believe that the ancient city of Edfu was an important settlement and was the starting point for expeditions going to distant places.

4. Villa in Warwick

In the English city of Warwick, they recently decided to move a high school. Builders who were digging a pit discovered a large Roman villa. Its size was 28 meters long and 14.5 meters wide. In their own words, this villa was “the size of a medieval church.” Carved from local sandstone, it was probably part of an extensive estate in the second century AD.

The villa itself was a very impressive building. In addition to being the largest structure in the region, it was connected to a Roman road. The discovery of corn drying chambers showed that the building, in addition to being someone's home, was used for agriculture. Whoever lived in the villa left it about 200 years later.

5. Stonehenge Builders Camp

A short walk from Stonehenge there is a military base at Larkhill. During preparations for new army exercises in 2018, the remains of an ancient fence were discovered. It is believed that ancient trade and meetings took place in such places. Nine wooden pillars stood in exactly the same position as the dolmens in the stone ring of Stonehenge.

It showed that Larkhill was something of a design center for a major renovation of the famous temple, which was also once a modest ring of wooden pillars. The original version of Stonehenge was built around 3000 BC, but archaeologists believe the fence predates it by six to seven centuries. This was probably a construction camp.

6. Hardknott Pass Fort

During the reign of the Roman Emperor Hadrian (117-138 AD), the empire's territory included part of Britain. To protect this border, several forts were built. One fortress stands near Hardknott Pass in Cumbria. It was only in 2015 that scientists noticed that its gates align perfectly with the Sun during the solstices. Located in a square building, the gates face each other in two pairs.

On the longest day of the year (summer solstice), at sunrise the Sun shines through the northeastern gate, and at sunset it shines through the southwestern gate. On the shortest day (winter solstice), the process is repeated, but in reverse. Why this particular fort was made this way is unknown. It is also unclear why the four towers of the fort were built perfectly in accordance with the cardinal directions. One plausible idea suggests a connection between the fort and religion (this was found in several ancient religions).

7. Ritual hall and Moche throne

In 2018, news of a remarkable discovery appeared in the press after Peruvian archaeologists examined the Huaca Limon de Ucupe monument. They found two rooms of a mysterious culture. Long before the Incas, the Moche culture flourished in Peru. Existed for many centuries until 700 AD. this magnificent culture left behind monuments, golden artifacts and advanced agricultural technology. Any new discoveries could help explain the mysterious disappearance of this culture, or at least provide more knowledge about it.

In one room there was a beautiful ritual hall. Unlike the geometric and mythical paintings found elsewhere, the walls of the hall were decorated with realistic maritime scenes. One painting was 10 meters in size. More than 100 tables once held plates, hinting at large and varied banquets. Two stepped thrones faced each other. The taller one was intended for the ruler, and the other was probably intended for the patron of the holiday. There was a podium next to the door of the other room, perhaps for making announcements during meetings.

8. Sinister Stone Age Burial

In 2009, a strange grave was found in Sweden that puzzled even experts. In it, on a huge limestone platform measuring 12 by 14 meters, 11 skulls without jaws rested. Moreover, when this burial place was created 8,000 years ago, it was located at the bottom of a lake. The skeleton of a newborn and animal bones were also found. Why they were “buried” underwater is just one of the mysteries of the grave. Seven of the turtles showed signs of blunt force trauma. Men were hit from above or in front, and women from behind.

The sacrifice was unlikely. All injuries were apparently treated, and people lived for some time. The bones were also laid out strangely. The human skulls were in the middle, and two of them were pierced with stakes. There were bear bones in the south. Wild boar, deer and elk “decorated” the southeastern part. In addition, most of the bones were taken from the right side of the body. In truth, researchers cannot understand the location or meaning of the ritual.

9. Religious objects in the mountains of Eilat

In 2015, about 100 ritual objects were discovered in the Israeli mountains of Eilat. In the Negev Desert, stone circles and phallus-shaped structures were located in dense groups. On an area of ​​80 hectares, archaeologists counted 44 places of worship. Although little is known about what happened in these places, themes of abundance and death were particularly common. About 8,000 years ago, male symbols were created on these sites, such as stone phalluses, indicating "female" stone circles with a diameter of 1.5-2.5 meters.

Flat areas with good views of the surrounding area were chosen as object locations. Given the sparse population and desert surroundings, the sheer number of monuments is a mystery. In addition, similar discoveries continue to be made in other places. In one study alone, 349 ritual sites were found outside the mountains of Eilat.

10. Mayan Archeology

During a recent aerial survey of northern Guatemala, more than 60,000 unknown Mayan archaeological sites were added to the map. Under the dense cover of forests, pyramids, walls, city fortifications, dams and defensive structures were found - all within 2,100 square kilometers. The research revealed entirely new places to explore, but also immediately hinted at other aspects of civilization.

The sheer number of private homes suggested that the Mayans outnumbered those living in the area today. They avoided clearing forests for agriculture like modern farmers, proving that large populations could thrive without deforestation. One fortress was strong enough to suggest that the Mayans fought serious wars. Although most of the new structures are houses, the number of roads is just as surprising.

Beneath Europe there are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of underground tunnels, the origins of which remain a mystery. This type of tunnel is called "erdstall" and they are very narrow. From 1 to 1.2 m in height and about 60 cm in width.

There are also connecting tunnels, which are even smaller, and through which an adult or overweight person is unlikely to pass. Some tunnel systems are rings; most tunnels in such systems are less than 50 m long.

The age of the tunnels is approximately determined to be early Middle Ages. Since no historical artifacts could be found in the tunnels, it is difficult to determine the age more precisely. For the same reason, it is unlikely that these tunnels were ever used as hiding places or as housing. Although this possibility cannot be completely ruled out.

The most common theory is that these are structures of religious significance, and that they may have belonged to some kind of non-Christian cult. Adding to the mystery is the fact that these tunnels were never mentioned in historical texts. We may never know where they came from.

According to the German archaeologist Dr. Heinrich Kusch, who recently published a book called “Secrets of the Underground Door to the Ancient World,” the tunnels appeared in the Stone Age - 5,000 years ago, during the Neolithic period, since they are usually located next to the sites of people of that time. They also talk about earlier times - 12,000 years ago.

There is radiocarbon dating evidence that the Bavarian tunnels are about 1500 years old, and there are also later, medieval ones. Some have been known about for a long time, others, like Erdstall, were discovered by accident. A cow was nibbling grass in an alpine meadow - and suddenly fell into the ground. It cannot be said that they did not know about these tunnels before the book was published, but somehow it was not advertised too much, if not frankly, it was kept silent. Dark tunnels are still virtually unknown among scientists. In this regard, the book was a real event.

“We would like to use the help of physicists for radiocarbon dating and examinations; theologians and specialists in prehistory,” says one of the researchers, Ahlborn. No dissertation has been written on this topic to date.

At least 700 such tunnels have been found in Bavaria alone, as well as about 500 in Austria. People have fancy names for them, such as "Schrazelloch" ("goblin hole") or "Alraunenhöhle" ("mandrake cave"). Some sagas say that they were part of long tunnels connecting castles.

European tunnels, as a rule, have the same vaulted design, about 70 centimeters high, often the tunnels are connected by passages with a diameter of 40 centimeters, into which a normal person can barely squeeze. Kushch suggests that previously the underground network was even larger, but part of it gradually collapsed. Or hasn't been found yet.

Some experts believe that the network was a way for humans to protect themselves from predators, while others think that some of the connected tunnels were used as passages to travel safely, regardless of wars, violence and even the weather above ground. One thing is true - obviously this method of traveling underground was extremely popular. True, it’s not very clear to whom.

The book notes that chapels were often built at the entrances to tunnels, perhaps because the Church feared the pagan heritage, or perhaps in order to thereby eliminate its influence. Many tunnels were filled in, their entrances were walled up. Sometimes there are reliefs in caves, as for example at Bösenreutin near the city of Lindau on Lake Constance.

It depicts a goblin with a tail. Perhaps some galleries were temples for followers of some pagan rituals; it is quite possible that these people simply used what they did not build. In some chronicles references to these tunnels were found as being on the way to the underworld.

But looking at these underground passages, and they are clearly artificial, one cannot help but think that a person must have been clearly uncomfortable and uncomfortable in them. Try to walk at least ten meters in a squat position. And you won’t travel for long on your knees either. It’s difficult to breathe there and you won’t be able to withstand a long siege while hiding from enemies.

From all this, the impression is created that the myths about gnomes (or dwarves, hobbits, goblins - call them what you want) really have a real basis, or rather, they have evidence of what is under it.


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