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The story happened to my friend many years ago when he was a student. In the summer, during the holidays, he and three of his friends decided to go hiking in Western Ukraine. Moreover, it was supposed to travel some distance by train (to a certain settlement), walk partly, and sail partly along the river on an inflatable boat.

They reached the village, stocked up on provisions, and walked through the forest to the river. They had a map with them, but probably not of very high quality, because they walked for a long time, evening was approaching, and the river near which they planned to stop was not at the indicated place. And suddenly, on the path along which they were walking, a grandmother appeared, warmly dressed in a precocious manner. The tired guys asked her how far it was to the river. The grandmother looked at them carefully and said: “There is no river here.” It would be better if you guys returned home. Because there's a black cat walking around here. She will eat you and drink you” (grandmother’s spelling). Deciding that the old woman had lost her mind, the guys, laughing, walked on and very soon came to the river that was on the map. Here they pitched a tent, inflated the boat, prepared dinner, and, on the occasion of the long-awaited rest, drank a bottle of Port wine. Yes, skeptics, four healthy, athletic guys drank a bottle of wine, and most of bottles fell to Genka Ya. (I’ll call him that!).

As you understand, there was no total intoxication. The guys sat near the fire, sang songs with a guitar, and began to go to bed. They had a two-person tent, and Genka volunteered to spend the night in the open air in an inflatable boat, so that (in his words) “no one would snore in your ear!” We fell asleep quickly, the physical activity during the day had an effect. Next, according to my friend, this is what happened: in the middle of the night, three friends in a tent were awakened by loud meowing. Even this was not a meow, but rather a howl. Moreover, the sound was increasing, with modulation that gave goosebumps. There was a full moon in the sky, and the shadow of a large cat was moving across the tent. The cat not only walked around the tent, but also tried to tear through the fabric with its claws. The guys clearly saw claws from inside the tent when the cat, growling and howling, tried to get inside. My friend said that the only thought of those in the tent was the thought of Genk, who was sleeping outside. The horror they experienced (I remembered the words of the strange grandmother) made them unable to do anything. The cat howled and scratched into the tent almost until dawn, fortunately the summer nights were short.

Even after everything calmed down, the guys did not immediately crawl out of the tent. And what did they see? Genka was lying on the grass, completely naked (his things were piled up next to him), and inflatable boat disappeared. When everyone woke him up, it turned out that he had heard nothing and absolutely did not understand what had happened. The boat was found half an hour later: it was hanging high on a tree. With great difficulty we managed to remove it. That's all. There are no explanations.

How I love sitting by the fire! I could look at him all night. I sat alone near the fire. Everyone was asleep. It’s dark all around, and only the fire illuminates a small piece of the clearing. There are a lot of tents around, the owners of which are already sleeping.
Start over. At the end of the school year, our class decided to go hiking and spend the night in the forest for a few days. Our teacher and her friend came with us.
And here I am sitting in front of the fire. I don’t know how long I sat there, but I decided to go to my tent to sleep when I realized that I was falling asleep. I lay down more comfortably, but the sleep seemed to have evaporated. I lay there for a long time and could not sleep. I tossed and turned, trying to find the most comfortable position to sleep, but sleep did not come. I heard something moving not far from my tent. I went out to see who was there, but I didn’t see anyone. I thought they were classmates.
“Come on, come out, it’s not funny, and especially not scary,” I said.
But no one responded; on the contrary, they became quiet.
I stood and waited for someone to come out. I stood there for a minute and was about to leave when the figure of a girl appeared from the bushes. She looked at me intently. The girl was very pale, with wet hair and white lips, and her eyes were very red. There were cuts on some parts of the body.
- Who are you? Do you need help? - I asked.
The answer is silence. I felt terrified, and I rushed to my tent. I climbed into it and closed the entrance, took out my knife, put a flashlight next to it and sat down. A moment later I heard footsteps. Someone approached the tent. It was that girl. She stood near the entrance and began to slowly walk around the tent. Walking around, she returned to the entrance and sat down. She sat down and just sat. I also just sat silently. Without moving.
How long I sat like that, I don’t know. I was so tired during the day that even fear did not prevent me from falling asleep.
I woke up very early. The entrance to the tent was open, although I clearly remember that I closed it. I went to see if everything was okay in our camp. Yes, everything was fine. I returned and went to bed again.
When I woke up, I was almost speechless from fear: she was lying next to me. I froze, not knowing what to do. For some time I couldn’t even breathe out of fear. A couple of seconds passed and she began to slowly turn her head in my direction. I rushed out of the tent. When I ran out, I was very surprised: there was not a single tent in the clearing, only mine. And it was dark outside, as if it were night, although it was daytime.
She came out of the tent, looked at me and walked towards me. I grabbed a knife that was in a case on my belt, made a couple of blows and ran away a couple of meters. She slowly lowered her head and looked at what I had done. There was no emotion on her face, as before. It seemed to me that she didn’t care about the cuts. She raised her head sharply, waited a couple of seconds, and began screaming loudly. This cry was both squeaky and very hoarse. I, looking at her, began to run away. She also started running after me.
I ran into the forest. I ran for a long time. The girl still did not lag behind me. I ran and didn’t look at my feet, but stood there. I stumbled and fell. Getting up and looking back, I saw that I was no longer being pursued. The girl stood about 20 meters from me. I stood up and walked back, not taking my eyes off her, but she stood still. I continued walking, and soon the girl was out of sight. Another twenty minutes of walking and I left the forest. Then I went out onto the road and walked along it.
Soon along the road I came to a village. They helped me contact my parents. I asked about this girl. They immediately understood me and told me the story that the parents of this girl were sentenced to death. No one remembers what her parents did; it was a long time ago. And they decided to kill the girl too. People thought that since she was their daughter, she would also cause problems. So the child died for nothing.
Now this girl walks in the places where she and her parents were buried, and haunts all passers-by.
Everyone who went on the hike with me was not found.

edited news Sunbeam - 29-03-2015, 17:50

In childhood, on summer holidays My brother and I were often sent to our grandmother in the village. He was located quite far from the city. And it was located almost under the mountains. Let me clarify that I live in Central Asia, and our mountains are very powerful and beautiful. So, my brother and I didn’t really find any friends there, mostly old people lived there, all the young people moved to the city. My brother and I had only one local friend there - a peer who knew a little Russian. His name was Boloshka.

Such a funny boy, he always ran to his grandmother and invited my brother and me to play. And so, we decided one day, the three of us, to go on a hike to the mountains and climb to the highest peak to look at everything from above, like the birds look at it. We asked our grandmother for rag bags, our grandmother sewed these, they are convenient to use around the house. They attached rope straps to the bags, like they would to tourist backpacks. We packed ourselves a lunch - apples, crackers, sweets. And let's go.

About twenty minutes later we reached the mountains, but we were still full of strength and it seemed that we could easily climb up. The weather was sunny, the sky was huge blue, everything was green, insects were chirping, birds were chirping, and we were climbing the mountains. At first the mountains were gentle, the slope made it possible to climb on one leg. We climbed like this for about an hour, we were tired, the mountains had become steeper, we were already helping with our hands, and the peak was getting further and further away. We think that the one visible ahead is already the peak, but no, we are deceived and continue to climb. And they didn’t take into account that the higher you go, the colder the air becomes. Oh, we’re all in shorts and T-shirts, but Boloshka is generally only in shorts.

And then I couldn’t stand it anymore and said, “That’s it, let’s rest, I’m cold and I want to eat!”

“There’s a hole between the stones, I saw it, let’s go there, it’s warm there,” Boloshka pointed to the large stones on the right side of us.

Ah, the breeze was indeed already blowing cold. And we crawled towards those stones. The little guy in front is climbing, shaking from the cold, the poor thing, and my brother and I are following behind him. But he moves faster than us, a boy of the mountains, or he wasn’t afraid. Oh, my brother and I no longer felt at ease, there is loose soil near the stones, you step on your foot and slide further down along with the stones. It became scary, and they began to cling to the bushes with their hands more tightly, move more slowly and look around with concern at the pebbles rolling from under their feet.

“Hey here!, there’s a hole here!” - Boloshka shouted to us.

My brother and I quickly climbed to the hole into which Boloshka was already climbing.

There was something like a cave there, a large flat stone covered the hole. We climbed into this hole under a stone. We untied our backpacks and crunched apples and crackers. We liked sitting in the cave, it was warm, we had a blast there. We came up with the idea of ​​throwing pebbles from the cave onto the branch of the bush outside. Whoever hit the most and didn’t miss wins. My brother was the most accurate, I only managed to hit it once, the branch was about five meters from the cave and I had to throw harder.

It's time to throw the Boloshka. He aimed for a long time, then threw with all his might, but the stone flew past. Well, it didn’t hit, sometimes everything would have been fine, but Boloshka covered his face with his hands and curled up sharply as if preparing to cry. My brother and I were surprised by this, I began to stroke his head, reassuring him that I couldn’t do it either - I wasn’t crying. His brother also began to calm him down. But Boloshka didn’t seem to be crying, he just silently squeezed his face with his hands. And then he slowly moved his palms away from his face and we saw blood above his eyebrow. Boloshka looked at us in fear, and scarlet droplets fell from his eyebrow onto his cheek.

“Wow, did the stone bounce back to you like that?!” the brother asked in surprise.

“No,” Boloshka answered sharply.

“Let’s not throw stones anymore, let’s go home,” I suggested.

“No,” Boloshka repeated again.

"What's wrong?" - his brother asked. "Why?" - I added.

“It wasn’t my stone,” Boloshka answered.

“Whose is it? Why do you think that?” — we began to bombard the boy with questions.

“There’s someone there, he threw a stone at me, I saw it,” the boy yelled, pointing his finger outward. That’s when we were seriously scared, but my brother said that before we are afraid, we need to check again. He took a pebble lying nearby and timidly threw it outside, into the same bushes. Silence...We waited, but there was nothing.

“You see, there’s no one there, it seemed to the Swamp,” said the brother. And he suggested that we get out and go home. But Boloshka and I did not move.

“Yes, what are you afraid of? It’s day, not night, what’s there to be afraid of?” said the brother. And he added that he would now get out and go alone, since we are such cowards.

“Don’t go, let’s wait a little longer,” I told my brother. But he waved his hand at me and climbed outside. Boloshka and I watched as he crawled through the bushes into which we had thrown ourselves, towards the path where we had originally climbed. When he was already out of sight, I told Boloshka that we also need to go after our brother and that we shouldn’t be afraid anymore.

We climbed out of the cave and followed our brother. But, before reaching our bushes, we saw our brother. He hurried towards us and motioned for us to climb back into the cave. Without understanding what was what, we dived back sharply, my brother quickly got there and also climbed in with us.

The brother was very frightened, he told us that on the path he saw an old man with a hunch and long gray hair. And that he was tall, his hands were huge. He sat with his back to his brother and ate raw meat of some animal, so that blood splattered. We decided to wait a little longer until this guy left.

We sat quietly in our hole, looking out warily. The sun was shining, no extraneous noise was heard. Suddenly, the bushes began to move and we saw a large crooked leg in some dirty military-colored rags pushing the bushes apart. Then the rest of the body appeared. The man was big in a green sheepskin coat, dirty and torn. His expression was angry and dull, his eyes were deep-set, his cheeks were sunken, his whole face looked like a skull covered with skin. On his head was a black bandana, from under which filthy long gray hair stuck out. He climbed, clinging to the bushes with his knobby hands, smeared with blood. On this man’s belt hung the head of a roe deer, tied by the horns. And he was heading straight towards our cave. We huddled close to each other out of fear and hid, barely breathing or blinking. His dull gaze was directed over our stone. We already felt his every step with our skin. Such heavy, sharp steps brought this terrible creature closer and closer to us.

He approached our stone, we looked straight at his stomach, wide and covered in green-dirty material, and the head of the poor animal, on his belt, stared at us with its dull eyes. Tears began to flow and I squeezed my brother’s hand. This man stood there for several seconds, nothing happened, but these seconds seemed like an eternity to us.

And suddenly he slammed his hand on our stone from above, I screamed, my brother covered my mouth with his palm.

“CHO-KO-ROP,” the man’s voice hissed loudly. We heard his hand stroking our stone, he repeated this word again and moved on. We listened to his retreating footsteps until they disappeared completely. And then they sat under the stone for a long time, not saying a word to each other and listening to the rustling sounds.

Then the voices of Boloshkin’s father and our grandmother were heard. They've been looking for us for an hour. Hearing our native voices, we jumped out of the cave and crawled towards them. Frightened, but happy that we were saved, we got some more from our grandmother during our long hike. Oh, we only told grandma about this creepy man when we returned home. Grandmother said that there were hunters walking there and they could scare us, and in general small children should not climb so far into the mountains, you never know what could happen there.

The story happened to my friend many years ago when he was a student. In the summer, during the holidays, he and three of his friends decided to go hiking in Western Ukraine. Moreover, it was supposed to travel some distance by train (to a certain settlement), walk part of it, and sail part of the river on an inflatable boat. We planned it and did it.
We reached the village, stocked up on provisions, and walked through the forest to the river. They had a map with them, oh, probably not of very high quality, because they walked for a long time, evening was approaching, the river near which they planned to stop was not at the indicated place. And suddenly, on the path along which they were walking, a grandmother appeared, warmly dressed in a precocious manner. The tired guys asked her how far it was to the river. Grandmother looked at them carefully and said: “There is no river here.” It would be better if you guys returned home. Because there's a black cat walking around here. She will eat you and drink you” (grandmother’s spelling). Deciding that the old woman had lost her mind, the guys, laughing, walked on and very soon came to the river that was on the map. Here they pitched a tent, inflated the boat, prepared dinner, and, on the occasion of the long-awaited rest, drank a bottle of Port wine.
Yes, skeptics, four healthy, athletic guys drank a bottle of wine, and most of the bottle came from Genka Y. (I’ll call him that!). As you understand, there was no total intoxication. The guys sat near the fire, sang songs with a guitar, and began to go to bed. They had a two-person tent, and Genka volunteered to spend the night in the open air in an inflatable boat, so that (in his words) “no one would snore in your ear!” We fell asleep quickly, the physical activity during the day had an effect. Next, according to my friend, this is what happened: in the middle of the night, three friends in a tent were awakened by loud meowing. Even this was not a meow, but rather a howl. Moreover, the sound was increasing, with modulation that gave goosebumps. There was a full moon in the sky, and the shadow of a large cat was moving across the tent. The cat not only walked around the tent, but also tried to tear through the fabric with its claws. The guys clearly saw claws from inside the tent when the cat, growling and howling, tried to get inside. My friend said that the only thought of those in the tent was the thought of Genk, who was sleeping outside.
The horror they experienced (I remembered the words of the strange grandmother) made them unable to do anything. The cat howled and scratched into the tent almost until dawn, fortunately the summer nights were short. Even after everything calmed down, the guys did not immediately crawl out of the tent. And what did they see? Genka was lying on the grass, completely naked (his things were piled up next to him), and the inflatable boat was missing. When everyone woke him up, it turned out that he had heard nothing and absolutely did not understand what had happened.
The boat was found half an hour later: it was hanging high on a tree. With great difficulty we managed to remove it. That's all. There are no explanations.
R.S: Genka died of leukemia that same year.

Like all children, we loved to go on summer hikes with our friends. We’ll go to the sea, then to the forest or to the river. Sometimes we went for a night or two. And this time we went into the forest for two days. And here I would like to move away from the topic of the hike, because this is quite important, and talk about the area where I live. We have a sea that surrounds our island, huge forests, rivers and mountains, and this is Russia. If anyone hasn’t guessed, then I’m talking about Sakhalin Island (find it on the map, please). And on our island there was once penal servitude. That’s why we have many legends about convicts. And this story is partly about them.

So, let's continue about the hike. We gathered for the night. We took tents, pots and other camping supplies. And then the day of the hike arrived. At 7.30 we stood at the bus stop and waited for the bus. I think there were about nine of us then. I won’t mention their names, because I might confuse something and it won’t be true. But it is not important. Let's continue. After the bus arrived, we got in and drove to one stop. From there we could get into the forest to our place. We walked for about three hours and when we arrived, we were already exhausted and quickly laid out our tents in order to rest. After resting, it was necessary to prepare a place for a fire, bring firewood, and do some work, such as fetch water from a makeshift well.

And so, by the end of the day everything was ready. The fire was burning, the porridge was cooking, birds were singing and all sorts of insects were buzzing. Grace! And it began to approach evening and everyone became bored and someone suggested the idea of ​​​​playing hide and seek, traffic lights, cards, etc. After several hours of “unbridled” fun, everyone got bored again. And the idea came to my mind to retell horror stories to each other. We sat for about 15 minutes and each remembered several horror stories. You should have seen us sitting around a smoldering fire in the darkness of the night and telling each other some nonsense. From the outside it seemed that these were not tourists telling horror stories, but rather Satanists plotting something evil. In general, by 1.30 we were all tired and decided to tell the last story and go to bed. And the last story said that at night in our forests you can see convicts cutting down trees. At night. With lanterns. Brad I thought. But in vain.

After an hour of my insomnia and two awakened comrades, I was “thrown out” from the tent outside. There was nothing to do and I decided to sit by the almost extinguished fire. True, after I put a stick there, it flared up and it became quite light. But the light came not only from the fire. It came from the lanterns. Just not ordinary ones, but old ones, oil or kerosene. At first, I thought that these were other tourists on motorcycles (they used to stop by to visit us). But these were not tourists, but those same convicts in robes with chains. They felled trees. Something unusual happened before my eyes. Trees fell and immediately appeared in the same place. I hastened to wake up my friends. After a couple unsuccessful attempts I still lifted several people out of their sleeping bags and showed them this miracle. And to say that they were surprised would be an understatement. And when they realized what was what, they simply began to look at the convicts. After some time, the convicts disappeared into thin air, and we went to bed.

Well, that's all I wanted to tell you.


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