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The game is very simple, but here is a walkthrough just in case.

After the introduction, our parrot ends up on the beach. We take the bag and take out the hammer from it. We go left (at the same location), take the oar. Now turn right (towards the swamp). You need to fly to the other side (jumping over three periodically plunging hippos). Having flown over, we take the board and go to the right (to the river). We use the board on the destroyed bridge. To the right (to the entrance to the cave). We take rags and poles. We go into the cave and take the ladder (behind the statue). Turn left (into the jungle). We use rags on the bush (under the birds). We fly onto the vine (move the cursor over the vine until the words “fly” and “wings” appear) and take bananas. We head to the cave, there we use bananas on the ancient idol. Let's go to underground passage, and then into a labyrinth (very simple), after passing through which our parrot will end up in the bay. We use the ladder on the hole in the ship. We open the chest, after reading the letter, pick up the matches from the floor and leave (exit from the location at the bottom of the screen). We use matches on the fire. Use the hammer on the hut. We go into the underground passage again (this time there is no need to go through the labyrinth). We leave the cave (to the left, and then down), and cut down the bamboo with an ax. We take the raft and go ashore (to the location where the game started). We use the raft on the bay, then click on the raft and use the oar on it.

Alas, Kesha is unable to swim far, because... he was captured by pirates. We talk to Johnny. We give him a banana. We take a bottle of rum, get out and go to the galley. We fly onto the box and pour the rum into the pan. We leave, go to the upper deck, click on the pirate. Let's go down and press the button. We go into the cabin and then go out onto the deck. The pirates are sleeping, which means the way is clear! Take the knife and click on the island. Trouble again, now our parrot is captured by savages! To get out of the island, you need to put one stick on any corner of the pond (the other shore), and the other - perpendicular to the first (you get a cross). We go left (to the village of savages). We go into the hut and click on the sharp spear. We go outside. A motor ship is visible in the distance, click on it. Kesha ends up in the city.

After talking with the port worker, go left (to the street), and then to the shop, where you need to talk with the shopkeeper. This time Kesha is locked in a cage. Take the pin and use it on the cage. We fly up onto the table and talk to the hooligans (standing on the street). We go to the right (to the office). The vile merchant sits tied up. We use the pin on the table and take the money. We leave and go to the market (at the very top of the location). We talk to the fisherman, give him money. We go right and get into the boat. Click on the rope and select the bottle. Again, our parrot once again finds himself on an island (and on a different one). We talk to the thoughtful monkey. Take a tin can. We go into the jungle (to the right). We take a shovel (it sticks out from behind a bush on the left). Right again, use the knife on the snake, and then fly up onto the vine and take the leaf. We return back (to where we took the shovel). In the middle of the location there is “loose soil”. Dig here. They will ask you to solve a problem, choose a length of 9 points (i.e. 3rd line from the left). Cover the hole with leaves. That's it, the poacher is trapped! We return to the monkey and talk to it. We go to the bay, upon arrival we push away the seaweed. Again the problem: you need to dig in accordance with the map, i.e. third row, fifth column. We get into the boat. Oh, it's flooded with water, you'll have to pump the water out with a tin can. And again Kesha arrives in another city.

We talk to the man who is reading the newspaper. We go downstairs and go into the antique shop. We sell coins and take money. We go to the competition site (behind the bookstore). We talk to the registrar. We go to the bookstore and buy a map. Now you can show the card to the registrar and make a deposit. We speak with the manager; a radiotelephone is required. Well, let's go to the radio store and buy what we need. Now we talk to the registrar and climb into the balloon basket. Light the burner and cut the rope with a knife. We use the compass on the atlas. We will be asked to indicate the way home (the options differ with each attempt). When a thunderstorm arrives, we dump the ballast. We speak with a bird of prey, which will ask a riddle: you need to make up the name of the species of bird of prey from words (for example, “Falcon”). We also talk to the bird. Answer the phone, you'll have to turn off the burner. We go to the border unit and talk to the major. Now you can fly, but the burner has run out of gas. We talk to the soldier, go around the corner and take the canister, with which we refuel the burner. Let's get into balloon. That's it, we've arrived! We use an anchor. We give the hat to the crow. We go to the balcony and talk to the cat. We go into Vovka’s room and turn on the TV. That's all!

The game is very simple, but here is a walkthrough just in case.

After the introduction, our parrot ends up on the beach. We take the bag and take out the hammer from it. We go left (at the same location), take the oar. Now turn right (towards the swamp). You need to fly to the other side (jumping over three periodically plunging hippos). Having flown over, we take the board and go to the right (to the river). We use the board on the destroyed bridge. To the right (to the entrance to the cave). We take rags and poles. We go into the cave and take the ladder (behind the statue). Turn left (into the jungle). We use rags on the bush (under the birds). We fly onto the vine (move the cursor over the vine until the words “fly” and “wings” appear) and take bananas. We head to the cave, there we use bananas on the ancient idol. We go into an underground passage, and then into a labyrinth (very simple), after passing through which our parrot will end up in the bay. We use the ladder on the hole in the ship. We open the chest, after reading the letter, pick up the matches from the floor and leave (exit from the location at the bottom of the screen). We use matches on the fire. Use the hammer on the hut. We go into the underground passage again (this time there is no need to go through the labyrinth). We leave the cave (to the left, and then down), and cut down the bamboo with an ax. We take the raft and go ashore (to the location where the game started). We use the raft on the bay, then click on the raft and use the oar on it.

Alas, Kesha is unable to swim far, because... he was captured by pirates. We talk to Johnny. We give him a banana. We take a bottle of rum, get out and go to the galley. We fly onto the box and pour the rum into the pan. We leave, go to the upper deck, click on the pirate. Let's go down and press the button. We go into the cabin and then go out onto the deck. The pirates are sleeping, which means the way is clear! Take the knife and click on the island. Trouble again, now our parrot is captured by savages! To get out of the island, you need to put one stick on any corner of the pond (the other shore), and the other - perpendicular to the first (you get a cross). We go left (to the village of savages). We go into the hut and click on the sharp spear. We go outside. A motor ship is visible in the distance, click on it. Kesha ends up in the city.

After talking with the port worker, go left (to the street), and then to the shop, where you need to talk with the shopkeeper. This time Kesha is locked in a cage. Take the pin and use it on the cage. We fly up onto the table and talk to the hooligans (standing on the street). We go to the right (to the office). The vile merchant sits tied up. We use the pin on the table and take the money. We leave and go to the market (at the very top of the location). We talk to the fisherman, give him money. We go right and get into the boat. Click on the rope and select the bottle. Again, our parrot once again finds himself on an island (and on a different one). We talk to the thoughtful monkey. Take a tin can. We go into the jungle (to the right). We take a shovel (it sticks out from behind a bush on the left). Right again, use the knife on the snake, and then fly up onto the vine and take the leaf. We return back (to where we took the shovel). In the middle of the location there is “loose soil”. Dig here. They will ask you to solve a problem, choose a length of 9 points (i.e. 3rd line from the left). Cover the hole with leaves. That's it, the poacher is trapped! We return to the monkey and talk to it. We go to the bay, upon arrival we push away the seaweed. Again the problem: you need to dig in accordance with the map, i.e. third row, fifth column. We get into the boat. Oh, it's flooded with water, you'll have to pump the water out with a tin can. And again Kesha arrives in another city.

We talk to the man who is reading the newspaper. We go downstairs and go into the antique shop. We sell coins and take money. We go to the competition site (behind the bookstore). We talk to the registrar. We go to the bookstore and buy a map. Now you can show the card to the registrar and make a deposit. We speak with the manager; a radiotelephone is required. Well, let's go to the radio store and buy what we need. Now we talk to the registrar and climb into the balloon basket. Light the burner and cut the rope with a knife. We use the compass on the atlas. We will be asked to indicate the way home (the options differ with each attempt). When a thunderstorm arrives, we dump the ballast. We speak with a bird of prey, which will ask a riddle: you need to make up the name of the species of bird of prey from words (for example, “Falcon”). We also talk to the bird. Answer the phone, you'll have to turn off the burner. We go to the border unit and talk to the major. Now you can fly, but the burner has run out of gas. We talk to the soldier, go around the corner and take the canister, with which we refuel the burner. We climb into the balloon. That's it, we've arrived! We use an anchor. We give the hat to the crow. We go to the balcony and talk to the cat. We go into Vovka’s room and turn on the TV. That's all!

Grace went to Europe for the holidays, but instead of relaxing she will have to look for the La Gioconda - swindlers stole Leonardo's masterpiece straight from the Louvre. Take part in the investigation, expose the mysterious gang of “painting hunters” and return the stolen paintings to the museums.

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Tear of the Mona Lisa

The main character of this game could not even imagine how her trip to Europe would end. Instead of summer holiday Grace had to start searching for “La Gioconda” - a gang of “painting hunters” stole da Vinci’s masterpiece right from the Louvre.

The brazen scammers are not going to stop there. The main European museums - the Prado, the Dresden Gallery and the Hermitage - are in danger. Now it depends only on Grace whether the robbers will be able to carry out their plans, or whether they will go to the dock. Find the necessary evidence, solve a chain of daring crimes and return stolen masterpieces!

Together with Grace and her partner, Inspector Lucien, you will go on an unforgettable journey through Europe, visit the world's art treasures and experience the latest advances in forensic science in practice. You will learn how to take fingerprints, open locks using a regular paperclip and learn a lot useful information in art history!

Game: Platform: PC Genre: adventure, for kids Release date: October 2005 Developer: Parus Studio Publisher in Russia: Akella / Track The game is very ordinary, but here’s a walkthrough just in case.

After the introduction, our parrot ends up on the beach. We take the bag and take out the hammer from it. We go to the left (at the same location), pick up the oar. Now turn right (towards the swamp). You need to fly to another shore (jumping over three occasionally submerging hippos). Having flown over, we take the board and go to the right (to the river). We use the board on the destroyed bridge. To the right (to the entrance to the cave). We take rags and poles. We go into the cave and take the ladder (behind the sculpture). To the left (into tropical thickets). We use rags on the bush (under the birds). We fly onto the vine (move the cursor over the vine until the words “fly” and “wings” appear) and take bananas. We head to the cave, there we use bananas on the old idol. We go into an underground passage, and then into a labyrinth (very ordinary), after passing through which our parrot will end up in the bay. We use the ladder on the hole in the ship. We open the chest, after reading the letter, pick up the matches from the floor and exit (exit from the location at the bottom of the screen). We use matches on the fire. Use the hammer on the hut. We go into the underground passage again (there is no need to go through the labyrinth now). We leave the cave (to the left, and later down), and cut down the reeds with an ax. We take the raft and go to the shore (to the location where the game began). We use the raft on the bay, then click on the raft and use the oar on it.

As annoying as it may sound, Kesha is unable to swim far, because... he was captured by pirates. We talk to Johnny. We give him a banana. We take a bottle of rum, get out and go to the galley. We fly onto the box and pour the rum into the pan. We leave, go to the upper deck, click on the pirate. Let's go down and press the button. We go into the cabin and later go out onto the deck. Pirates are dozing, which means the way is clear! Take a knife and click on the peninsula. Problems again, now our parrot is being captured by savages! To get out of the island, you need to put one stick on any corner of the pond (the other one was saved), and the other - perpendicular to the first (you get a cross). We go left (to the village of savages). We go into the hut and click on the sharp spear. We go outside. A motor ship appears in the distance, click on it. Kesha finds herself in town.

After talking with the port worker, go left (to the street), and then to the shop, where you need to talk with the shopkeeper. Now Kesha is locked in a cage. Take a pin and use it on the square. We fly up onto the table and talk to the hooligans (standing on the street). We go to the right (to the office). The sneaky merchant sits tied up. We use the pin on the table and take the funds. We leave and go to the market (at the very top of the location). We talk to the fisherman, give him funds. We go to the right and get into the boat. Click on the rope and select the bottle. Once again, our parrot once again finds himself on a peninsula (and on a different one). We talk to the thoughtful monkey. Take a tin can. We go into the tropical thickets (to the right). Take the shovel (it sticks out from behind the bush on the left). To the right again, use the knife on the snake, and then fly up onto the vine and take the leaf. We go back (to where we took the shovel). In the center of the location there is “loose soil”. Dig here. They will offer to solve the problem, choose a length of 9 pt (i.e. 3rd line from the left). Cover the hole with leaves. That's it, the poacher is trapped! We return to the monkey and talk to it. We go to the bay, upon arrival we move away the aquatic plants. Again the task: you need to dig in accordance with the map, i.e. 3rd line, 5th column. We get into the boat. Oh, it's flooded with water, you'll have to pump the water out with a tin can. And again Kesha arrives in another city.

We talk to the man who is reading the newspaper. We go downstairs and go into the antique shop. We sell coins and take funds. We go to the competition site (behind the bookstore). We talk to the registrar. We go to the bookstore and buy a map. Now you can show the card to the registrar and make a deposit. We speak with the manager; a radiotelephone is required. Well, let's go to the radio store and buy what we need. Now we talk to the registrar and climb into the basket of the balloon. Light the burner and cut the rope with a knife. We use the compass on the atlas. We will be asked to indicate the way home (the options differ with each attempt). When a thunderstorm arrives, we dump the ballast. We speak with a carnivorous bird, which will ask a riddle: it is necessary to make up the name of the type of carnivorous bird from words (for example, “Falcon”). We also talk to the bird. Answer the phone, you'll have to turn off the burner. We go to the border unit and talk to the major. Now you can fly, but the burner has run out of gas. We talk to the fighter, go around the corner and take the canister, with which we refuel the burner. We climb into the balloon. That's it, we've arrived! We use an anchor. We give the hat to the crow. We go to the balcony and talk to the cat. We go into Vovka’s room and turn on the TV. That's all!


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