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It is now known that the race through the Kazan airport was organized by a 40-year-old resident of Naberezhnye Chelny. In a state of drug intoxication, he rode around runway and the waiting room for almost 10 minutes, and no one could leave him.

How the driver destroyed the airport

On December 21, at approximately 10:20 p.m., a driver driving a VAZ-2115, trying to evade pursuit by traffic police officers on the street. Ershov, arrived at the Kazan airport.

By the way, the State Traffic Inspectorate officers were unable to catch up with the driver during the 25 km chase. In the territory air harbor He first pulled into the parking lot near the waiting room, and not even a barrier stopped him. After that, he crashed into a fence and drove onto the runway. Then the reckless driver started racing around the premises of Terminal A. Breaking through the glass shutters, he drove into the airport building, passed the baggage claim point (fortunately, there were no people in the small room) and crossed the waiting room. Passengers, seeing the half-broken car, ran around, grabbing their suitcases. The traffic police officers and security guards ran after the car all this time in vain.

Then the driver drove onto the station square from the airport building, breaking the glass wall of the terminal. The only thing that was able to stop the reckless driver was a “no entry” road sign - the police detained the hooligan near it. According to the Volga Transport Prosecutor's Office, at the time of his arrest the man was under the influence of drugs. Five grams of marijuana were found in his car.

Who was driving the VAZ?

The driver's identity has been established - he is a 40-year-old resident of Naberezhnye Chelny, Ruslan Nurtdinov. As the Kazan Reporter writes, he previously worked in the Special Operations Brigade of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Tatarstan. The man is the general director of the private detective company "Sova", located in Naberezhnye Chelny. There is also information that Nurutdinov led the security companies “Grad” and “Grad-1”. Obviously, this fact explains the silence of the traffic police and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Tatarstan.

Currently, investigators have opened criminal cases under Art. 318 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (use of violence not dangerous to life or health, or threat of use of violence against a government official in connection with the execution of his duties) job responsibilities) and Art. 167 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (intentional destruction or damage to someone else’s property).

By the decision of the Laishevsky District Court, Ruslan Nurtdinov is serving an administrative arrest - 15 days for drug possession and being under the influence of drugs while driving. Investigators are deciding whether to choose a preventive measure against him in the form of detention.

According to preliminary estimates, the damage caused to the airport amounted to more than 6 million rubles.

Why weren't the driver's tires shot out?

Now the video taken by airport surveillance cameras is being actively sent to each other by social network users. Many people joke by suggesting that music from the pun “Village of Fools” be inserted into the background melody.

And many are outraged by the actions (or rather, inaction) of the police, who could not stop the driver either on the way to the airport, or in the parking lot, or in the terminal itself. After all, law enforcement officers are not given weapons for beauty.

From the Police Act

A police officer also has the right to use a firearm to stop vehicle by damaging it, if the person operating it refuses to comply with the repeated demands of a police officer to stop and tries to escape, creating a threat to the life and health of citizens (Article 23, paragraph 3)

“Shoot during a chase when the car was on the street. Ershov, it was dangerous. There is always a large flow of cars on this road; a bullet could hit other people. And outside the city, I think they could have shot out his tires. It is amazing that they did not do this even when the driver burst into the airport premises! There was a real threat to people there. Suddenly there was a bomb in the car, suddenly this man is a terrorist. In this situation, I would not even shoot at the wheels, but at the driver himself. The law would justify the actions of the policeman,” says Alexander Avvakumov.

Another policeman familiar with the situation explained to an AiF-Kazan correspondent that the car’s windows were tinted, so the law enforcement officers were afraid to shoot in case there were passengers inside the car.

Meanwhile, police in Tatarstan have indeed more than once exercised the right to shoot at the wheels of a car if this poses a threat to traffic rules. So, in June of this year on the Atnya - Kazan highway. They pursued the driver, fired a warning shot into the air, and then were forced to shoot at the tires. As a result, the fugitive was stopped. Three passengers in the car were drunk, but the driver was sober. He explained that his behavior was due to the fear of being fined, since he did not have a compulsory motor liability insurance policy.

Also in June of this year, in Zelenodolsk, traffic police inspectors staged a race around the city. It turned out that he had been deprived of his license for drug use. When he drove out of the city, the police opened fire, hit the rear wheel and stopped the car. The driver's two-year-old son was inside. Fortunately, he was not injured.

In Kazan, details of the incident at the local airport are being clarified. There, a man in a car rammed the passenger terminal. He was detained only when he drove out from the opposite side of the building and crashed into a pole. As it turned out later, before this, the offender managed to come to the attention of the police in the city center, where the chase began.

Kazan. Passenger terminal of one of largest airports Russia. A car flies into the glass part of the wall at high speed. He continues to move, with difficulty maneuvering between check-in counters, baggage checkpoints, shop windows and cafes. Security guards and police are running after the car. Shots are heard.

It's almost midnight. There are few people in the building. Those who are in the way run away. Then the VAZ-2115, in front of the shocked passengers, drives through the doors onto the station square. And it is not the police who stop the reckless driver, but a pillar. By the way, with a “No Trespassing” sign.

“During the arrest, this citizen tried to resist using an object similar to a knife. When stopping the car and detaining this citizen, law enforcement officers were injured,” said senior assistant to the Tatar transport prosecutor Evgeniy Dikarev.

It wasn't just the police that surrounded him. The video footage shows men in traffic police uniforms. It turns out that this race began much earlier - in the center of Kazan. Traffic police officers stopped the car; it seemed to them that the driver was drunk. They asked for documents, and he stepped on the gas. They chased him for 20 kilometers along the Kazan-Orenburg highway. Then the car turned towards the airport.

Picture from traffic cameras at the barriers at the entrance to the airport. A VAZ-2115 enters the territory and only after almost two minutes a traffic police car appears. At the same time, the rider was allowed into the parking lot freely. For some reason, the airport did not know about the chase. The Interception plan may not have been announced.

“This is certainly a signal, a wake-up call, that the police still need to work on how to properly detain in such cases. After all, it is possible that it could be a terrorist,” notes Evgeniy Chernousov, candidate of legal sciences and security expert.

There is a pogrom in the terminal building. Showcases and doors were broken. The drain pipe is torn off. Several cafes on the premises will undergo serious renovations. And if there were people sitting at the bar, we would already be talking about victims. This is what passengers on morning flights saw at Kazan International Airport.

“Very good, we were lucky that we were not in the airport building at that moment. We got our tickets a little later,” says the passenger.

“I was surprised that no one was hurt. Probably because it was night, it saved me,” adds another.

At the airport they agree: the day's drive could have ended sadder. On average, fifty flights are served here per day. So there could very well be many more people in the rowdy’s path. It is already known: the driver is 40 years old. He is a former employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He got behind the wheel while under the influence of drugs. A package containing a drug-like substance was found in the glove compartment of the car. A criminal case should be opened under two articles related to damage to property and attempt on the life of a police officer.

The investigation will also find out whose fault it was that the reckless driver so easily entered the airport. And why the police could not immediately stop the man who was actually ramming the terminal of a strategically important facility.

On the evening of December 21st at the terminal building international airport"Kazan", having broken the glass opening, a VAZ-2115 car drove in at speed. At the wheel, as local journalists found out, was a former employee of the Special Rapid Reaction Unit (SOBR) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Tatarstan, Ruslan Nurtdinov. He was drunk during the check-in. As a result of the incident, stated at the airport, no one was injured. The damage from Nurtdinov’s actions, according to preliminary data, amounted to about six million rubles.

Now Nurtdinov is the general director and co-owner of the private detective enterprise "Sova", located in Naberezhnye Chelny; previously he also led the security companies "Grad" and "Grad-1".

The press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Tatarstan told the Kazan Reporter that this moment do not have information about the service of the instigator of the chase in the internal affairs bodies. The press service of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee for the Republic of Tatarstan refused to comment on the incident.

Let us remind you that tonight Nurtdinov drove a VAZ-2115 car into the Kazan airport terminal, ramming the glass wall of the building. It traveled throughout the terminal, causing widespread damage and damaging a water supply pipe, causing the terminal to flood. After he left the terminal, law enforcement officers managed to detain the offender.

Traffic police officers began pursuing Nurtdinov from Ershova Street in Kazan, where he ignored the inspectors’ demands to stop. The reckless driver caused damage to the airport amounting to over 6 million rubles, and more than a dozen administrative protocols were drawn up against him.

"Kazan Reporter"

The driver, hiding from the traffic police, entered the building through the entrance of terminal 1 and drove to exit 1A. However, he realized that he would not be able to get through and decided to return. But traffic police officers were already waiting for him there. Then the driver began to circle around the hall: there were tire tracks on the floor.

While circling the hall, the driver smashed detectors and other screening equipment at the entrance to the terminal. As a result, he rushed to the Cava coffee shop and tried to break through the window. Now there are people in the coffee shop, apparently, the damage is being calculated. The owner of the coffee shop, Adel Yagudin, told an Inkazan correspondent by phone that he could not talk yet.

The line department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan for transport told the Inkazan journalist that the detained driver is now being interrogated.


December 23, 16:17 The Laishevsky District Court of Tatarstan arrested the driver for 15 days.
“Late last night the court chose a punishment – ​​15 days of administrative arrest,” the press service of the transport department of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for Privolzhsky told Interfax. federal district on Friday.

According to the agency's interlocutor, twenty protocols on administrative offenses related to traffic rules and two administrative protocols related to drug trafficking were drawn up against the violator. The department's press service clarified that marijuana weighing 3.9 grams was found on the detained man.


According to Lenar Davletshin, deputy head of the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Tatarstan, passers-by could have been injured when weapons were used.

“In accordance with Part 6 of Article 23 of the Federal Law on Police, traffic police officers did not use weapons due to the fact that random people could have been injured. And he was detained already on the territory of the airport, because there is a busy road everywhere, cars are driving,” – Davletshin said.

According to him, initially the police noticed the driver of the car on one of the streets of Kazan. The car was parked across the road. Traffic police officers asked the man to drive to the edge of the road and present documents. However, the driver tried to escape.

“A chase began after him. He was warned to stop, but he did not stop, maneuvered, violated traffic rules. Information about this was transmitted to the duty station, additional crews were sent,” the radio station’s interlocutor added.

He also noted that the transport prosecutor's office is checking the actions of the police. It was established that the car was driven by a former police department investigator from Naberezhnye Chelny, who was under the influence of drugs.

"Moscow speaking"

A criminal case was also opened against Nurtdinov under Article 318 (use of violence against a government official) and Article 167 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (deliberate destruction or damage to someone else’s property). Due to the actions of the driver, one of the police officers received a cut wound to his hand when he tried to hold the car.

January 7, 16:33 After the incident with a drunk driver at the Kazan airport, protective measures were taken:

“After a familiar incident with a driver who drove through the airport in Kazan, the administration installed restrictive hemispheres ... on top of tactile tiles (installed for the visually impaired).”

Pikabu user under the nickname AvGav

After the December incident with police chasing a Lada model 15, additional briefings were conducted with employees of the Kazan International Airport on the procedure to follow in the event of a threat of committing acts of unlawful interference. Joint exercises were also held with the LU Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to practice the procedure.

To increase the level of technical strength of the airport terminal complex, which consists in placing engineering means along the front part of the terminals that prevent the free passage of vehicles, anti-ram devices were installed. In addition, concrete barriers are installed on the sidewalks bordering the terminal buildings.


March 13, 18:15 Deputy head of the traffic police department for Tatarstan, Rustam Ibragimov, said at a meeting of the State Council (local parliament) that Ruslan Nurtdinov, who drove a car through the airport terminal, escaped criminal punishment. “The driver was deprived of the right to drive. He was brought to administrative responsibility for possession and transportation of narcotic drugs - 15 days and 12 days of administrative arrest. Unfortunately, the weight was not enough for a criminal charge,” Business Online quotes Ibragimov.

Information about the initiation of a criminal case against Nurtdinov under Article 318 (use of violence against a government official) and Article 167 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (deliberate destruction or damage to someone else’s property) appeared at the end of December. News about the criminal case is still published on the website of the Volga Transport Prosecutor's Office. How this happened (either the criminal case was closed, or the prosecutor’s office published the news by mistake, etc.) is still unclear.

March 13, 19:15 Senior assistant to the head of the Privolzhsky Investigation Department for Transport of the Investigative Committee, Dmitry Zakharov, told the radio station "Moscow Speaks" that the police were mistaken and a criminal case is now being investigated against Nurtdinov. “There are no grounds to terminate the investigation. There is a mistake on the part of the police. There are several articles, while Article 318 has been brought,” said a representative of the Investigative Committee.

Avoiding a police chase ended with “drifting” inside Terminal 1 of the Kazan airport

A fairly trashed passenger terminal was the result of an emergency caused by an unknown driver at Kazan airport yesterday around midnight. There are no comments from the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Tatarstan yet. At the airport they say that the police were pursuing the car almost from Kazan. The BUSINESS Online correspondent learned the versions of how the mysterious car ended up inside one of the international airport terminals.


An information bomb was detonated late yesterday evening by social media users who reported an emergency at Kazan airport. It was alleged that a car flew into the landing terminal of the Kazan airport at high speed. Video recordings also appeared. Thus, one of them shows how a car (it is difficult to recognize its make and model in the footage) drives around one of the airport terminals, police officers are running towards it, and passengers, discouraged by what they see, pretend to be mannequins. A little later - also from users social networks- it becomes known that the unknown driver - and now the hero of crime reports - has been detained.

Information about the “route” of the intruder on the airport premises is contradictory. According to eyewitnesses, he somehow went to the airfield, “rode” there, and decided to return... through Terminal 1. That is, he simply rammed the room, breaking the panoramic windows, as well as almost all the objects that were there. The airport press service denies entering the airfield, pointing out that the car also entered the terminal through a window on the station side. Airport Spokesperson Adel Gataullin explained to BUSINESS Online that the offender was in a public area: “The car did not ram the gate leading to the runway. He did not enter a controlled (sterile) area. The intruder entered the terminal from the street - from the parking lot, the station square."

“Everything happened at about 11 pm,” one of the terminal employees tells BUSINESS Online. “We didn’t even immediately understand what happened.” It seemed like he flew by in a second!” Another interlocutor, a salesperson at a sports paraphernalia store, describes the incident a little differently. He claims that the car (VAZ-2115 brand) was driving slowly, almost avoiding the seats for passengers and the escalator.


Naturally, against the backdrop of recent world events - the terrorist attack at the Christmas market in Berlin and the murder of the Russian ambassador Andrey Karlov in Turkey, the incident can be viewed through a counter-terrorism lens. So far, there is no evidence that the detainee holds radical views or tried to take revenge on Russia for any foreign policy actions. “Drunk, probably. Or a drug addict,” says a local taxi driver by name confidently Batyr, confirming the “diagnosis” that the airport staff made in a conversation with a BUSINESS Online correspondent. The taxi driver shows where the ill-fated “tag” ended its journey: “Flew right through the glass. But I couldn’t get further than the stop.”

There are about a dozen policemen at the stop. The hole in the “showcase” of the terminal has been sealed with fabric, and repairmen are working inside. “The airport continues to operate as normal,” the official Twitter account of Kazan Airport comments on the situation. Passengers from the halls adjacent to the scene of the emergency, who were not able to watch the “show,” look around with interest closed area premises, and the airport employees tell them: “Yes, he’s some kind of drunk...” Social media users reported that at least one person was injured. BUSINESS Online's interlocutors from among airport employees denied this information.


The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan confirmed the fact of the incident and the detention of the driver, but At the time of writing, we were unable to comment on this strange story, citing the fact that the data had not yet been received by the duty department.

The airport community puts forward several theories about what could have pushed the man (according to some sources, he is between 35 and 40 years old) to do such an act. The most plausible story is that he tried to evade pursuit by traffic police (and the chase lasted almost from Kazan), but, finding himself in a dead end (in the airport parking lot), he decided on a desperate act. This version is indirectly confirmed by the fact that the arrest was carried out by traffic police officers. It is believed that the man stole the car, possibly at gunpoint. They also say that there was more than one car - the Niva also escaped pursuit. True, BUSINESS Online’s interlocutors could not explain where she is.


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