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Historical series

According to project 305

At one time, Hungarian enterprises built several wheeled passenger ships for the Soviet Union. These ships sailed along rivers, where the water was always smooth, but on lakes and reservoirs, due to strong winds and waves, they became difficult to control. Therefore, Hungarian shipbuilders order.™ screw weights passenger ships. The designers of the Obuda plant developed Project 305 motor ships and on December 4, 1957 it was approved by the Ministry river fleet and in 1959 they handed over to us the lead ship “Danube”. Then they built about two dozen more ships of the same type, which were given names of rivers, for example, “Bug”, “Daugava”, and later some were renamed. In particular, “Dvestr”, which I commanded starting in 1976, became “Pavel Yudin” for 8 years in honor of the former head of the Moscow River Shipping Company.

In its two-tier superstructure there were cabins with sleeping places for passengers - 49 soft, 136 hard and, on the main deck, 96 seats. Below them, in the hull, there were 6- and 8-berth cabins. They were all ventilated and heated in cold weather. Initially, all the cabins were going to be equipped with separate sanitary facilities, but then someone decided to save money and arranged shared floor-to-floor showers and toilets, as in some hotels, which, of course, was not very convenient.

On the main deck there was a restaurant designed for 58 visitors, and on the middle deck there was another, smaller one, for 36 people. Both had storage facilities for food and drinks, including in refrigerators. There was also a cinema hall.

The captain, navigator and watchmen had at their disposal the Ocean radio station, the B2E-1/9 radar and the Reka echo sounder. Not much in modern times, but 50 years ago this was considered sufficient.

Project 305 vessels were equipped with two 8NVD-36 engines with a power of 400 hp each, equipped

controlled by a remote hydraulic control system from the wheelhouse. They were launched by compressed air supplied by a compressor or from cylinders, and drove two steel 4-bladed propellers that rotated in opposite directions.

Like other ships, the Paata Yudin had auxiliary units - two 4DV224 diesel engines with DGB-17/8 generators, which generated 220 V electric current, and a spare - emergency unit, which turned on automatically when the main ones stopped for some reason.

A supply of liquid fuel and engine oil was provided for all power plants. The tanks for them were located between the engine room and the cargo hold with a volume of 300 cubic meters with two hatches and a pair of elevators, designed for a load of 1 ton each.

My ship, like other ships of this type, was equipped with bow and stern ballast tanks with a capacity of 8 and 25 cubic meters, respectively, with their own drainage pumps.

Hungarian shipbuilders installed two semi-balanced outboard rudders on Project 305 ships, which were shifted using an electric machine. There was also an auxiliary manual steering wheel.

The anchor device consisted of two bow, Hall system, weighing 700 and 500 kg with a windlass and a 250-kg stern with a capstan.

To rescue passengers and crew in the event of an accident, a motorboat and a boat of the SShP-3 type were intended, each containing 16 people, eight ten-seater rafts, 12 lifebuoys and 366 bibs. In general, there was enough for everyone on board. In addition, there was also an aluminum work boat intended for service trips.

Project 305 motor ships were successfully operated on the rivers, Kana

lahs and reservoirs, transported passengers and small consignments of cargo. But there were few of the first, and the ships began to be transferred to tourist flights, for example, from Moscow to Rostov-on-Don and back for 21 days.

My "Pavel Yudin" was a good ship, although not without its shortcomings. In particular, in strong crosswinds it behaved like a feather. - the large windage affected, because with a hull length of almost 80 m and a draft of one and a half meters, its height from the waterline reaches 13 m.

In the 90s Many ships of this type were transferred to other pools and private entrepreneurs who formed, and they converted them into “three-star” floating hotels: 2-3 cabins were combined into one top-class cabin, bathrooms were installed in them, restaurants and bars were decorated in a modern style.

It is clear that private owners acquired not only ships, but also captains, navigators, mechanics and maintenance personnel. In recent years, many experienced navigators have left shipping companies; the remaining ones are on the verge of retirement age, and no replacement is in sight. It is no secret that to train a qualified specialist, a course in industry educational institutions is not enough; to become a professional, you will need years of work on ships, and there are fewer and fewer of them in state shipping companies.

True, the ships of private reinforcement contractors are far from the first youth, but the crews are paid much more. And, as you know, if not everything, then a lot depends on personnel, which determines the efficiency of the domestic economy. Including water transport.

Georgy SHTEK, Deputy Head of the Directorate for Shipping Safety and Personnel Policy, Moscow River Shipping Company

Rice. Mikhail SHMITOV

Project 305

Motor ship "Bashkortostan" project 305 on the Volga in Sosenki

"Danube"(project 305) - a series of medium-sized river cargo-passenger ships designed to operate on tourist and transport lines. They were built in Hungary at the Obuda Hajogyar Budapest plant by order of the USSR in 1959-1967. A total of 49 Project 305 vessels were built. Vessels of this type were named after the rivers of the USSR, but later some of them were renamed.

At the beginning of the 21st century, some of the ships continue to operate, while others have already been written off. Some ships have been converted for use as hotels.

Motor ships of Project 305 are almost identical to ships of Project 860 (Erofey Khabarov type).

Conditions for passenger accommodation

Initially, the ships of this project had one-, two-, four-, as well as six- and eight-berth cabins, including those equipped with washbasins, two restaurants, two salons and a room with seating for passengers (which was most often used as a cinema hall). During the subsequent modernization of these ships, large-capacity cabins were eliminated, and instead they were equipped with rooms for bars, etc. Since the 90s, work has been carried out on most ships of this type to increase the level of comfort, for example, individual cabins were equipped with individual bathrooms.


Motor ships of the "Danube" type were used on the Volga, Kama, Belaya, Don, Oka, Moscow River, Northern Dvina, Ob, Irtysh. These ships served the routes Moscow - Oka - Nizhny Novgorod - Volga - Moscow, Moscow - Ufa, Moscow - Perm and others in the Volga basin; Arkhangelsk - Kotlas; Novosibirsk - Omsk, Novosibirsk - Barnaul.

Initially, the following shipping companies were the operators of Project 305 vessels: Volzhskoe, Kamskoe, Belskoe, Moscow, Severnoe, Volga-Donskoe, West Siberian, Ob-Irtyshskoe. Since the 1990s, some vessels of this type have been sold to various private tourism companies.

Two ships of this type were built for Eastern European countries: one for Hungary (SZOCIALISTA FORRADALOM) and one for Slovakia (DRUŽBA). Originally built for the USSR, the Don was later sold to Hungary and renamed Europa.


  • River register class: O
  • Design/overall length: 74.6 m / 77.91 m
  • Design/overall width: 10.5 m / 15.2 m
  • Height from the main line: 12.25 m
  • Average draft: 1.36 m
  • Displacement with cargo, passengers and full stores: 800 tons
  • Dock weight 620 tons
  • Total passenger capacity: 311 people, of which
    • 79 in cabins of the first and second categories
    • 136 in third category cabins
    • 96 seats of the fourth category
  • The restaurant could accommodate 94 people
  • Crew seats: 55
  • Load capacity: 80 tons
  • Engines: diesel four-stroke compressorless reversible 8NVD36 or 6NVD36, two pieces with a power of 400 hp each. (294 kW)
  • Speed ​​in deep water: 20 km/h


  • Project 305 vessels on the Russian River Passenger Fleet website

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Project 301
  • Project 588

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Project 305 motor ships have many fans. And because of the ability to exercise on them interesting routes, inaccessible to other types of ships, and due to their small size and cozy “homey” environment on board.
However, although this has already been said more than once, it must be said again: in today’s difficult conditions, aggravated by last year’s “Bulgaria” disaster, they are falling most deeply into the “economic hole.”
There are several reasons for this, I will list the main ones:
- Economic indicators, which were more or less tolerable according to the original project, sharply deteriorate with an increase in the comfort of the cabins and a decrease in passenger capacity. But it is impossible not to do this, since “native” cabins in the 21st century can be considered suitable for human habitation with great difficulty.
- Low speed compared to other projects. In order to meet a certain number of flight days, stops have to be reduced in the schedule. Or increase the duration in days, which leads to an increase in the cost of the voyage in comparison with similar routes of a faster ship. And the longer the voyage, the greater the competitive gap with ships of other projects becomes. That is, if on the sections Moscow - Uglich, Myshkin, Tver, even Yaroslavl - it is still possible to somehow compete, then on long flights a reduction in excursion stops or an increase in duration (cost) is inevitable.
- Oka. Everyone says, and this is correct, that the 305s can go where others cannot go - Oka, Belaya and other similar rivers or sections of rivers. But Oka is navigable very conditionally. Even in this, relative to the previous two, rainier summers, the limiting depth at the lower threshold of the Kuzminsky lock does not allow passage of the Oka. There is no water on Belaya either.
- In terms of layout, the project cannot be called successful either. It is also sometimes called “floating engine room” behind the scenes, since the large-volume MKO is located in the middle of the hull and is a noticeable factor of discomfort in the passenger area almost along its entire length (unlike other projects, vibration is felt even in the bow cabin).
- It has 2 decks, and this has turned out to be a significant point on the market in our time, again because of the Bulgaria. The consumer reasons something like this: “The car that got into the accident had 4 wheels. This one also has 4, so I won’t drive it.” How many decks? Two? That is, like “Bulgaria”? Goodbye!
And it is impossible to convince the client, since in the overwhelming majority of cases he does not even enter into a dialogue with the seller, but simply ignores offers that are dubious from his point of view.

Today we are canceling the last four voyages of the Obraztsov, starting from Samara, due to unsatisfactory loading and unnavigability of the Oka. It so happened that the Samara flight was planned as a “round the world” from north to south. Now there are about 35 tourists there, if you remove the Oka, then half of them will remain, since along the Volga to Samara there and back you could choose another ship. And after “Obraztsov” cruises were planned from YRV - Murom, then Around the World...
Customers are already being called, preparations are being made and a release will be published on the website in the coming hours.
And next year, adjustments will be made to the operating mode of motor ships of the 305th MTF project.
"Pirogov" also has a flight on the Oka River, and we are keeping our fingers crossed for it. But he is on his final voyage (around the world), and today the main problem on the Oka is the Kuzminsky lock. As a last resort, the most extreme case, if he fails to pass it, the option of landing in Ryazan will remain, with a bus excursion to Konstantinovo and a transfer to Moscow.
These are sad things.

At one time, Hungarian enterprises built several wheeled passenger ships for the USSR. These walked along rivers, where the water was always smooth, but on lakes and reservoirs, due to strong winds and waves, they became difficult to control. Therefore, screw propellers were ordered from Hungarian shipbuilders cargo-passenger ships.

Designers of the shipbuilding enterprise " Obuda Hajogyar Budapest» developed passenger ships project 305 and on December 4, 1957 it was approved by the Ministry of River Fleet, and in 1959 the head vessel entitled " Danube».

A total of 47 ships of this project were built. Passenger ships gave names to rivers, which were later renamed. In particular, the motor ship " Dniester"since 1976 began to be called " Pavel Yudin».

passenger motor ship "Grigory Pirogov" project 305

River ships project 305 - medium passenger ships designed to operate on river tour lines. Due to their shallow draft, passenger ships are optimally suited for operating on shallow rivers.

In a double deck superstructure motor ships there were cabins with sleeping places for passengers - 49 soft, 136 hard and on the main deck 96 seats. Below them, in the hull there are six and eight-berth cabins. They were all ventilated and heated in cold weather. To save money, the bathrooms were shared on each deck, which was quite inconvenient. There was a restaurant on the main deck, designed for 58 visitors, and on the middle deck - for 36 people. Each had a food storage facility with a refrigeration unit. There was also a cinema hall on one of the decks.

Passenger ships Project 305 were equipped with two diesel engines of the " 8NVD-36» with a power of 400 hp. With. each equipped with a remote hydraulic control system from the wheelhouse. They drove two steel four-blade propellers. Also, all river vessels had auxiliary installations - two diesel engines " 4DV224» with generators « DGB-17/8».

Hungarian shipbuilders installed on passenger ships two semi-balanced suspended rudders, shifted using an electric machine. There was also an auxiliary manual steering wheel. The anchor device consisted of two bow systems, weighing 700 kg and 500 kg with a windlass, and 250 kg with a capstan in the stern.

To rescue passengers and crew members, a motorboat and a boat of the SSHP-3 type, which could accommodate 16 people, were intended. In addition, 8 ten-person rafts, 12 lifebuoys and 366 chest kits were provided. Disadvantage river boats Project 305 had a large windage.

passenger ships of project 305 photos

passenger ship project 305

river motor ship "Salavat Yulaev"

Passenger ships Project 305 were successfully operated on rivers, canals and reservoirs, delivering passengers and small consignments of cargo. Over time, ships were organized and began to be transferred to tourist flights, with duration tour 21 day.

in a luxury cabin

In the 90s many river boats began to transfer them to private enterprises, and they, in turn, converted them into floating hotels. After modernization, the level of comfort on passenger ships of Project 305 has increased significantly. Of the three- and four-berth cabins, one was made into a luxury one. They were equipped with a bathroom, air conditioning system and a bar. The interior decoration and furnishings were decorated in style. Naturally, the new shipowners acquired not only passenger ships, they received captains and the entire crew. The reason is obvious - high wages.

Today river fleet vessels Project 305 are successfully operated, carrying out cruises on the Volga, Kama, Don, Oka, Moscow, Northern Dvina, Ob, Irtysh, Belaya and Danube rivers. Passenger ships Project 305 are considered one of the most successful and massive series river ships, built for the USSR.

Technical data of the cargo-passenger ship of project 305 “Danube”:
Length - 77.9 m;
Width - 15.3 m;
Draft - 1.4 m;
Displacement - 800 tons;
Ship's power point - two diesel engines “8NVD-36”;
Power - 800 l. With.;
Speed ​​- 20 km/h;
Number of decks - 2;
Number of passengers - 311 people;
Crew - 35 people;


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