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The road from Orel to Dzhubga.
On Tuesday evening we decided to leave on Wednesday afternoon. We collected our things and food for the journey and went to bed.
Among the gadgets useful on the road, I had the following:
Car DVR, star X-61 radar detector (borrowed from a friend) and an Android with maps installed in it.
It’s better not to take a new radar detector on such a trip, in case it’s defective. I bought it from a friend who often and quickly travels to Moscow and back. He says no fines came. Of the maps I have Navitel and Yandex maps. I didn’t use Navitel because... I know the way, but Yandex maps came in handy near Voronezh.
We left at 13:30 and went straight to Rosneft. I filled up with 20 liters of AI-92. I didn't bother refueling anymore. It's enough to get to the M4, but gas stations there are a dime a dozen. We got to Liven quickly, the road was normal, there were a lot of “irons” this time, but we were in no hurry. The on-board computer showed me a consumption of 5.4 liters per 100 km, an average speed of 92 km/h. From Liven to the borders of the Oryol and Lipetsk regions, the road is under repair, you can drive, but be careful. There are potholes on the side of the road. The average speed on the Livny-border section is 72 km/h. In the Lipetsk region the road surface is ideal. I was already in Yelets at 17-10. I was pleasantly surprised that we crossed the Yeletsky Bridge without traffic jams or difficulties. The bypass in Yelets was almost empty, but at every traffic light and overpass the radar beeped like crazy. At the toll section I already paid 60 rubles and now Voronezh is close. I drove onto the Voronezh bypass, drove across the bridge of the Voronezh River and got stuck in a traffic jam. Repair of the bridge to Borovoye. The length of the traffic jam according to Yandex maps is about 12 km. Locals and the Moscow region were all rushing to the dirt road. I didn't take any risks with my basin. Many tried to get around the traffic jam on the newly constructed road, but valiant traffic police inspectors were waiting for them at the exit. With a smile on their teeth and their staffs raised high, they rejoiced at their approach. I stood there for 2 hours, it turned out that 2 trucks collided under the newly built junction and blocked the entire road. If it weren’t for the accident, I would have passed this section without any traffic jams. There is also construction going on at the exit from the district road. The markings there were worn out, so by intuition I drove out correctly and without any congestion. In Rogachevka we stopped to eat. Dinner time is around 9 pm. The cafe was chosen based on the number of truck drivers. The more truckers, the tastier and larger portions. Dinner for 4 persons cost 550 rubles. There I stopped at a Lukoil gas station and filled up my car for 600 rubles. Bodyaga AI-92 ECTO+. Onboard mileage is 480 km, fuel consumed is 29 liters. At first my “TazikV” refused to eat this ecological fuel. According to the principle “Give me some meat, fuck the greens for me.” It’s good that the on-board computer has the “Fast and Furious” function, which resets something in the brain and they reconfigure to the fuel that is in the tank. After using this function, the machine came to life and even became faster. In Rogachevka I met the StrelkaV device, which I was familiar with. Be very careful there, my radar detector beeped once and that was it. It’s good that I looked at StrelkaV from afar. I slowed down before the radar detector beeped. The road to Pavlovsk has 4 lanes. From Yelets to Pavlovsk I moved in the right lane, there were rarely potholes, and even then it’s hard to call them potholes after the Oryol roads. Afterwards the road became two-lane. The quality of the coating is mediocre, you can drive. At night it started to rain, the markings are barely visible, in the oncoming lane there are “masters of life” in jeeps and expensive cars made crazy overtakes. The headlights caught sight of cars that had left the road; one jeep was lying with its wheels up. I caught the “Iron” and held on to it. The truck turned out to be fast and moved at a speed of 80-90 km/h. Even if dirt flew from under it, I was calm about the oncoming traffic. They will not trample against overtaking trucks. And I kept my distance and drove to Mllerovo. There the road again turned into 4 lanes. There was a slight traffic jam in Tarasovsky, it was stronger there during the day, but we got through it at night. In Kamensk-Shakhtensky I stopped to drink coffee and replace the gasoline in the tank. This time I filled it with 92 without any nanotechnology additives. At 4:30 I passed Aksai. There are a lot of radars, be careful there. The post on the Golden Bridge was closed, the lights were turned off. Probably the traffic police were asleep or the post was actually closed, and I also didn’t meet any traffic police at the Bataisky post. There, carefully, I drive past the turn to Krasnodar for the second time. There is a ring and the turn is not very clear. In short, I cut an extra circle and moved on. There is a weight control point in Samara. The post was working, but the inspectors were busy with a truck that tore down the fence of the post. Oil and diesel fuel spilled all over the road. There is a strict checkpoint at Tsukerovaya Balka (Border of Rostov - Krasnodar Territory), I passed it at 6 am without any problems and there was no slowdown. Seeing my Basin from afar, they turned towards the Polish driver in an expensive foreign car. Next is the road to Krasnodar region Everything is under repair and there is no way to overtake along the entire route. At 8 am I drove up to Krasnodar. There, following the signs for Novorosiysk, I took the Dzhubga highway. There was another traffic jam on the Krasnodar-Adygea border for about 40 minutes. Road repair on platinum. I don’t recommend refueling in Adygea. There, in every garden there is a mini fuel production plant. Gas stations with the name Lukoil or Gazprime, RosTneft, are very doubtful. I got to Goryachiy Klyuch and at the very exit of the LUKOIL gas station, there is also a small hotel on 2 floors with parking. Usually here I sleep right in the car for about 40 minutes so that I can safely continue driving through the mountains. But I overcame sleep while approaching Krasnodar. Then my wife woke up and the road became more fun. I decided to carefully drive through the mountains without rest. Ahead lay only one dangerous section with a steep climb and a very steep descent of 3 km in length and turns of 120 degrees. 80 km to the sea. We arrived in Dzhubga at 10:30. There is a lot of tourist traffic in the village, so you have to be careful. Tourists break the rules and throw themselves under cars.
Mileage 1380 km, AI-92 fuel 68 liters, travel time (from home) 19 hours. We spent 3,000 rubles on the trip, including fuel, snacks and coffee. 85% of the road has 4 lanes, the rest is under repair or 2 lanes. Average speed is 80-90 km/hour. The last time I came to Dzhubga, the journey took 25 hours. The cost of AI-92 on the M4 highway is 28-29 rubles per liter.

Every time I return from traveling to the sea, I write about what the road was like, what condition the route is in this moment time, what has changed since the last time. I pay attention to gas stations, places to rest and have a snack, and hotels for an overnight stay. I will not change this tradition even now. Before moving on to the story about our vacation, I’ll show you how we drove along the M4 Don highway to the sea, and I’ll briefly tell you about the most important thing.
Our trip south by car took place in June 2016. All the way I collected receipts from gas stations, toll booths, cafes, etc. How much something costs, payment time... Such things are quickly forgotten. You won’t have time to get to your destination, you’ve already forgotten everything. After all, the main thing in a trip is not numbers, but emotions.
In this article I will show you M4 highway, I'll do it emphasis on toll sections (number, fare, location), I’ll tell you where we refueled, where we ate, where we spent the night. People ask me about this all the time. So it's relevant.

I’ll end the article with a story about hotels on the Don highway, where you can stay overnight on the way to the south. It is based on statistics of the most popular hotels among travelers, which I have as a Booking partner.
Here's the plan. So, let's go!
First, I will show our path in photographs. So I will introduce you to the track and its condition. You'll know what to expect. :)

Moscow. MKAD

The M4 highway appears on the signs

We change lanes and turn

M4 is not a road, but runway:)

In the Tula region, the M4 is somewhat ornate...

Tula gingerbreads are sold along the road in the Tula region

Toll roads are good because they have emergency commissioners and motorist assistants.

At toll sections there are electronic announcement boards (including with the telephone number of the emergency commissioner, information about speed and air temperature).

Highway M4 in Lipetsk region

Stele "Lipetsk region"

We are entering the Voronezh region

The weather turned bad before our eyes, it started to rain...

and then it poured out like a bucket...

Tollbooth near Voronezh

We go around Voronezh

M4 is not yet finished. Some areas are being renovated...

Another area under renovation

Chalk mountains of the Voronezh region

820th kilometer of the Don highway

One of the hotels on the M4 highway - "Bike" in Kamensk-Shakhtinsky

Hotel "Pharaoh" at 937 km.

We pass the Meridian-South hotel in Krasny Kolos (1040 km M4)

Motel "Eurasia" in Aksai


Entry to the Krasnodar region

Hospitable Kuban greeted us with rain and greyness

Chapel, monument, museum in honor of the Kushchev attack (events of August 2, 1942)

At this turn we turned off the Don highway and drove along the villages to Anapa.

Toll sections of the road on the M4 highway

I heard on TV that in August 2016, the next, eighth, toll section of the M4 highway opened. Judging by our experience, as of June 2016 there were already nine of them. In my “piggy bank” there are 7 checks + 1 check we forgot to take + 1 section we drove on a free road.
Yes, Kostya decided to be a researcher and find out what these free bypass roads are. Alternative, as they are called. I was categorically against it - there are a thousand kilometers ahead, I have no time for experiments. As a result, we only drove around the first toll section from Moscow. The detour is quite good. Although it is two-strip, the fabric is normal.

The quality of the road on this bypass section is normal

The next time we left the road following the “free travel” sign, we immediately returned - the normal road ended... Kostya didn’t want to experiment anymore, fortunately...

Exit to the free road around Efremov

Toll sections of M4

Moscow region.
1/ The first toll section we drove around: 21 - 93 km. Cost: 50 rub. at night (on the way back)

Sign to the free bypass of the toll section

2/ 93 - 211 km. Put into effect later than we were driving. We passed it without paying.

Toll booths before they open

Tula region.
4/ M4 "Don" bypass of Bogoroditsk. 225.6 - 260 km. Toll booth at km 228. passed at 8.56. Fare: 60 rub.

5/ M4 bypass of the city of Efremov. 287.8 - 323.3 km. Toll point at 322 km. passed at 10.29. Cost: 60 rub.

Lipetsk region.
6/ M4 bypass of Yelets. 330.8 - 414.7 km. Toll point at 339 km. passed at 10.43. Cost: 120 rub.

7/ M4 bypass of Zadonsk and village. Hlevnoe. 414 - 464 km. We passed the toll booth at km 416 at 11.40. Cost: 80 rub.

Voronezh region.
8/ M4 bypass of Voronezh. 492.7 - 517 km. Toll booth at km 515. passed at 12.54. Cost: 35 rub.

9/ M4 PVP-545 km. 544 - 588.7 km. 545 km passed at 13.18. Cost: 70 rub.

10/ M4 PVP-620 km. 588.7 - 633 km. 620 km. passed at 14.12. Cost: 60 rub.

Total: at this point in time there are 10 toll sections on the M4. We passed at eight. We paid about 550 rubles.

Gas station on the M4

Still in Moscow We refueled at a Shell gas station (41 liters for 1,680 rubles). Gasoline turned out to be bad. The car constantly stalled. There was one more time during the entire 3.5 week trip when we refueled at Shell, and the problem was the same. Here's your favorite dressing...
The rest of the time on the way south we refueled at Lukoil, and everything was fine:

  • Gas station "Lukoil" at 720 km. in the Voronezh region 38 l. - 1,437 rub.
  • Gas station "Lukoil" in st. Kushchevskaya 28 l. - 1,119 rub.

The new Lukoil complex in Kushchevskaya (1145 km, on the right) consists of a hotel, shopping center, restaurant, service station and gas station.

In total, on the way to the south we refueled for 4,240 rubles. (I'm rounding). This gasoline was enough for us to get from Moscow to Anapa, drive there for a week and then get to Gelendzhik.
In Gelendzhik we refueled again at Lukoil (43 liters for 1,705 rubles). And the next time was in Sochi a week later...

Toilets on the M4

Along the route there are often brick toilets of the “hole in the floor” type - and free-standing ones, most often near bus stops public transport and on large venues for relax.

These toilets are mostly dirty. In order not to drag all this into the car later, I recommend choosing gas stations for sanitary stops. In any case, the toilets there are much cleaner, and you can wash your hands and drink coffee in a cafe.
If you are coming from Moscow, stop somewhere at a large gas station in the Moscow region (Shell, Gazpromneft, etc.). In the Tula region there is a huge problem with gas stations where there are toilets, and in the Lipetsk region, in general, too. Skip the Moscow region, then wait for the Voronezh region. By the way, the same applies to the return journey. Don’t count too much on the Tula and Lipetsk regions! On the forest too. This is not the right track.

Where to eat on the M4

We have a tradition - we always stop at the new generation Lukoil gas station in the Voronezh region at 720 km. (there are gas stations on both sides of the highway!). These are not just gas stations - these are modern complexes with cafes, toilets, a store, children's playgrounds(both indoors and outdoors) and so on.

Cafe "Meridian"

Hotels on the M4 highway

There are plenty of hotels on the M4 highway. These are simple motels for truckers, and more or less decent hotels. What can you advise those who haven’t thought about where to spend the night on the way to the sea? It's best to avoid cheap motels right next to the road. Choose hotels that are at least a little far from the highway and have a closed area. An example of such a hotel remote from the territory is the “Rose of the Winds” (almost on the border of the Voronezh and Rostov regions).

If you are not an extreme sports enthusiast by nature, book your hotel room in advance. Don't know what time you will arrive at your hotel? This doesn't matter at all. You know the day. Check-in - at any time of the day.

Analyzed booking statistics by city and hotel. Most often, the following cities and towns are chosen for an overnight stop on the way south (M4 highway):

  • Voronezh,
  • Millerovo,
  • Mines,
  • Red ear,
  • Kovalevka,
  • Aksai,
  • Rostov-on-Don,
  • Mayakovsky,
  • Kushchevskaya.

The choice depends on where people started from. It is more convenient for Muscovites to stay in Rostov and its neighborhood. For St. Petersburg residents - in Voronezh. Tula - in Krasnodar region. There are, of course, personal preferences, but everything is individual.
Now the most popular hotels based on the results of May, June and July 2016. The list is very different from what I would recommend to you. I suspect that the majority of hotels are popular due to economic preferences (the same "Alfa" in Rostov) and a smaller part - due to comfort and coziness (for example, the Rodina Hotel in Mayakovsky). What to choose - decide for yourself.

We always stop overnight. We don’t take risks, we don’t strain ourselves. Driving without rest is not about us. It’s not about us to go into the unknown, looking for where to stop for the night along the way. We spend the night in pre-booked, verified hotels where relaxing holiday and good food.
We never force ourselves. We get up at a comfortable time and drive at a calm speed. And we enjoy the driving process. Yes, it's a long way. About 1,600 kilometers. But on a highway like the M4, it’s not scary at all. Great track, God grant there are more like this!

Traffic jams on the M4 Don are now displayed on the online map and show the situation on the road today in real time. This function becomes especially useful with the start of summer holidays, when tens of thousands of tourists from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine flock by car towards the south and the Black Sea.

The Don highway will be in a state of local permanent road construction work for several more years, incl. I strongly recommend that you monitor the situation on the road, otherwise there is a high probability of spending from 5 to 20 hours during the entire trip on useless idle time in traffic jams, especially in Rostov region and Krasnodar region.

The data collected in the article is relevant for 2020, and as it becomes available new information The article will be supplemented and corrected.

Traffic jams on the M4 Don highway are now on the online map

An online map of traffic jams on the Don highway allows you to assess the scale of the traffic jam, see the current speed of traffic in a particular place and understand where exactly you should turn off the road in order to avoid a large accumulation of cars and not stand idle under the scorching sun, practically without traffic, for several grueling hours.

The maps are interactive and allow you to navigate around the entire area, as well as zoom in and out using mouse scrolling or the "+" and "-" buttons on the left side.

Yandex traffic

The Yandex map with traffic jams online shows the operational situation on the roads today and over the next week. The information is updated every 4 minutes and is automatically adjusted on the diagram without requiring any action from you.

Above the problem area in the upper right corner the degree of its load in points and the time of the last check are displayed.

If you click on the gear, a window with a slider will appear, with which you can predict the likelihood of an increase traffic flow for the next hour. Under the slider, you can check the “Road events” checkbox - in this case, the map will immediately display all the places where repair work is taking place, an accident has occurred, or the passage is closed.

The "Statistics" tab accumulates information about traffic jams by day of the week over the past 2 months. By selecting the desired day and moving the slider to the desired time of day, we will see the traffic situation simulated with a high degree of probability, which should be expected in the near future.

By clicking on the black arrow button in the upper left corner, you will move to your current location.

Scheme for avoiding traffic jams on the highway

Below we will look at the most problematic sections of the M4 highway, where prolonged traffic jams occur during the holiday season. In addition to traffic congestion avoidance routes, online maps with the current situation on the roads today.

The village of Losevo is located on the M4 Don in the Pavlovsky district of the Voronezh region. Below we describe in detail how to avoid traffic jams in Losevo from and to Moscow.

Method 1 - any direction

Residents of Voronezh and the region have studied the bypass routes best of all and, in their opinion and experience, today the undisputed leader is the route Sredniy Ikorets - Liski - an urban-type settlement (not to be confused with the neighboring village) Kamenka - Pavlovsk. The bypass road is good, takes 1 hour and adds an extra 90 km.

If you are driving in the direction of Moscow, then, before reaching Verkhniy Mamon, you can leave the toll highway a little earlier and adhere to the following settlements: Derezovka - Novaya Kalitva - Rossosh - Liski.

Vladimirovka - Gran - Pokrovka - Losevo - frankly not the best best route, passing through villages with rather poor asphalt coverage and through fields with forests on a compacted dirt road (10-12 km) with deep puddles. But despite this, vacationers come here and do it often. In dry weather, pussers of the Astra, Mazda 5 and 2110 level pass without problems. Total 50 km, detour 25 km, time - 1 hour.

M4 - Berezki - Poddubny - Losevo - the road is generally tolerable, without gravel and forced marches across the field. In Poddubny the asphalt is good, but outside it, as usual in the village.

Video with alternative routes

Under the video player there is a playlist where you can choose the appropriate detour method.

Avoiding traffic jams in the Kamensk-Shakhtinsky (Kalinovka) area

The city of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky and the Kalinovka farm in the Rostov region in the summer become another obstacle for tourists trying to quickly get to warm regions or return to their favorite job.

But it doesn’t matter, I’ll tell you how to safely get around the traffic jam in the Kamensk-Shakhtinsk area.

Option 1 - to the South

In Kamensk-Shakhtinsk itself, we turn off right before the interchange from the M4 highway onto the street. Heroes of the Pioneers, after about 3 km we come to another junction, where you need to enter it from reverse side To go left across the railway tracks, immediately turn right and go around the park along the street. Likhovskaya, at the roundabout we keep to the main one (straight) along the street. Profilnaya, we pass the next circle, turn right onto the A-250 highway, soon it will sharply bend by ~45 degrees, leading to the street. Marine.

After about 5 km, don’t miss the turn to the Volchinsky farm, behind it is Svetly, past the Uglerodovsky urban settlement, through the railway tracks, we pass through the Likhovskaya microdistrict on the street. Pushkin, at the end to the right and, slightly twisting, this road will lead you back to the Don highway after ~8.5 km. Total mileage 55 km, time - 1 hour.

In the village of Molodezhny we turn off the M4 and stay along the railway tracks, pass the Bozhkovka railway station, after 1 km turn left, past the village of Topolevy, through the village of Bozhkovka and x. Volodarsky. The detour is 40 km, will take ~40-50 minutes, the coverage is ok, with a few exceptions, but nothing to worry about.

Avoiding traffic jams in Rostov-on-Don

In the Rostov region, toll sections of the M4 Don highway will be under construction for a long time, so there is no full-fledged ring road yet, and in the summer the entrance to Rostov is catastrophically overloaded with transit tourists’ cars. In order not to waste precious vacation time, breathing the exhaust fumes of hundreds of smoking cars, use the recommendations provided.

Traffic jams in Rostov now on the Yandex map

We leave the M4 for Novocherkassk-Bolshoi Log-Aksai.

Direction to Moscow - we leave the Don highway at Vodyana Balka.

Moving towards the capital, if you have passed the stationary traffic police checkpoint and entered Tsukerova Balka, you will have to drive onto a well-trodden field road. Local “entrepreneurs” offer uninformed travelers escort for 500 rubles.

If the final (intermediate) point of the trip is planned in the Anapa area, i.e. this could be the Kerch crossing and Gelendzhik, then the traffic jams of Rostov-on-Don can be bypassed from the other side of the city and head to the sea along the Azov highway.

It will look like this: on the M-4 Don, after Krasny Kolos, before reaching the village of Rassvet, we turn right to Krasny Krym, through the village of Leninavan past Koisug we get to the village of Novoaleksandrovka. We continue to drive past the dacha non-profit partnership (DNT) Michurinets-3, through Peshkovo to the villages of Starominskaya and Staroderevyankovskaya (Kanevskaya). The further path to the South is described below under the spoiler "Scheme 2".

How to get around traffic jams in Timashevsk?

Through Timashevsk, a dense flow of vacationers’ cars travels towards the Kerch crossing, but the city greets guests with serious congestion due to the railway tracks passing there.

Current state of affairs on the roads

To avoid getting into a traffic jam on the way to the sea, use the proposed detour route diagram.

Moving from Bryukhovetskaya on the roundabout in front of Timashevsky, we ignore the right turn and continue moving straight (towards Krasnodar). We are looking for a turn into the city on the street. 50 years of October, we drive to the street. Shevchenko, where we go right again until the intersection with the street. Brothers Stepanov, at this intersection we turn left towards the street. Profile. We cross the railway crossing and go left onto the street. Pobeda or Voroshilov.

The described option, although it eliminates certain troubles, is still not without some disadvantages due to driving around the city.

This route involves completely excluding Timashevsk and driving past it: the Don highway - the village of Kanevskaya - Bryukhovetskaya - Novodzherelievskaya - Grechanaya Balka - Slavyansk in the Kuban.

We leave Kanevskaya behind and in Pereyaslavskaya we go to Bryukhovetskaya, through the Pody farm we reach the village of Novodzherelievskaya and through Rogovskaya we get to Grechanaya Balka. Next will be the villages of Novonikolayevskaya, after it Starodzherelievskaya, Poltavskaya and at the end Slavyansk-on-Kuban. Please note that transit transport is prohibited from passing through it, so we use the ring road. The detour is only 15 km, but there are no unnecessary unplanned long stops.

Video of the Timashevsk bypass according to scheme 2

Dzhubga - traffic jams and their detours

During the holiday season, the Krasnodar region is famous for its epic traffic jam Goryachiy Klyuch - Defanovka - Dzhubga. But tourists travel along this section of the M4 Don highway on vacation to Gelendzhik, Tuapse, Sochi, Adler and Abkhazia. In order not to waste your nerves and irreplaceable hours of your long-awaited vacation, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the alternative route to the sea, passing through the Shaumyan Pass.

Current online congestion level

Let me clarify right away that for the most part there is no asphalt surface, and you have to drive on normal gravel roads with average speed 20-40 km/h, everything takes 25-30 minutes. In rainy weather with low ground clearance, it is better not to go to the pass, but in dry weather, lowered cars with a ground clearance of 10 cm can easily pass.

I describe the direction towards the sea: before reaching Goryachiy Klyuch, we leave the M4 highway to the village of Saratovskaya and Kubanskaya, pass Apsheronsk and Khadyzhensk, fly over Shaumyan and end up in Tuapse.

How to drive along the M4 Don without wasting time?

To minimize the likelihood of getting stuck in traffic jams for a long time, try to follow simple tips based on the experience of tourists who were personally “lucky” to endure all this torment.

  1. The car must have a navigator with up-to-date maps and a speedcam - this way you will avoid confusion when driving over rough terrain, and you will be warned in advance about approaching stationary traffic police posts, video cameras and current speed limits.
  2. Mobile Internet will allow online monitoring of upcoming problem areas and planning workaround maneuvers in advance.
  3. Carry out thorough pre-trip preparation of the car: check the freon level and add if necessary; make sure that the radiator does not leak, otherwise you will very soon be left without air conditioning; change the antifreeze or make sure its quality, otherwise there is a chance of getting up at the wrong time with an open, smoking hood in the heat of the moment; pads and brake discs must withstand the serpentine test many times; before the trip, change the oil and all filters; don't take risks with bald tires; remember if it’s time to change the alternator belt, timing belt and pump; stock up on several spare low and high beam bulbs; make it a rule to refuel when the tank is 40-50% empty at empty branded gas stations or buy a canister, because... There are terrible queues at many gas stations; install an application on your smartphone with Russian traffic rules and current fines for constructive communication with traffic cops; buy caffeine tablets at the pharmacy to increase wakefulness by 2 hours and avoid falling asleep while driving; look at the expiration date of the fire extinguisher and the contents of the first aid kit; Have plenty of water and enough food in the cabin.
  4. will reduce their cost and allow you to pass checkpoints faster.
  5. Plan ahead to be in Losevo at night, approximately between 10 pm and 7 am, or later in the evening if it is a weekday (Monday-Thursday). This recommendation is also relevant for Hot Spring - Dzhubga.
  6. Settle down for the night in well-lit, safe places with large concentrations of cars or in motels - avoid spending the night in a dark, deserted field or on the side of the road, where a busy traffic flow is a meter away.
  7. Initially, remember that you won’t be able to avoid all traffic jams, so add a few hours to your planned travel time and accept the upcoming inconveniences as something inevitable, but by no means fatal.
  8. Help other travelers with your tips 😇 and leave them below in the comments.

Federal highway M4 "Don" is a federal highway.

Moscow - Vidnoye - Efremov - Voronezh - Rostov-on-Don - Krasnodar - Novorossiysk. The main part of the route from Moscow to Krasnodar is part of the European route E 115.
The section from Krasnodar to Dzhubga forms route E 592. From Dzhubga to Novorossiysk is part of E 97. Along the M4 road passes a section of the European route E 50 from the intersection with M19 at Novoshakhtinsk to the M29 branch at the village of Pavlovskaya.

In the Moscow region, the road has a motorway mode, in other sections - a regular road mode.

The length of the road is ~ 1544 km.
Number of lanes: from 2 to 6.

It passes through the territory of the Moscow, Tula, Lipetsk, Voronezh and Rostov regions, the Krasnodar Territory and the territory of the Republic of Adygea.

The route has bypass roads around the cities of Voronezh and Rostov-on-Don.

The road has access roads to: Yelets (12 km), Lipetsk (65 km), Novocherkassk (5 km)

On a toll section in the Lipetsk region there are road signs limiting the speed to 110 km/h, although this section is not a highway.

A number of sections of the road are dangerous for driving and require special driver attention:
- with steep descents and ascents (60 km, 98 km, 109 km, 116 km, 298 km, 347 km, 356 km, 386 km);
- with sharp turns and areas with limited visibility (26 km, 49 km, 95 km, 364 km).

The road crosses significant rivers: Oka (near the town of Kashira), Krasivaya Mecha (near the town of Efremov), Sosna (near the town of Yelets), Don (near the town of Zadonsk), Voronezh Reservoir, Seversky Donets (near the town of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky ).
Bridges longer than 50 m have a load capacity of 60-80 tons.


The M4 road begins at the intersection of the Moscow Ring Road and Lipetskaya Street (direction to Lipetsk), then passes through the territory of the Moscow region in south direction in the form of a modern highway with interchanges and dividing strips, it goes west of the city of Vidnoye, east of the city of Domodedovo (between the city and the airport), passes west of the cities of Kashira and Stupina, and approximately there the M6 ​​highway branches off from it, going to the southeast.

Then the road follows the territory of the Voronezh region, to Voronezh, bypasses Voronezh along a bypass road passing along the northeastern outskirts, passes by the cities of Pavlovsk and Boguchar, through the villages of Losevo and Verkhniy Mamon.

Further, the road goes through the territory of the Rostov region, crossing the E 40 Volgograd - Chisinau highway in the city of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, leaving the cities of Millerovo (to the west), Krasny Sulin (to the west), Shakhty (to the east), approaches the city of Rostov-on-Don . Further, after the bypass road around Rostov-on-Don and the bridge over the Don River, it follows to the south through Bataysk and Samara.

Through the territory of the Krasnodar Territory, the road passes the villages of Kushchevskaya, Pavlovskaya (the beginning of the M29 "Caucasus" highway), the city of Korenovsk and reaches Krasnodar. Here the direct road to Novorossiysk A146 E 115 departs, and the M4 continues south to the resort village of Dzhubga. From here the M27 road goes east, and the M4 follows the Black Sea coast to the west, passes Gelendzhik and ends in the city of Novorossiysk. At the same time, for movement towards Novorossiysk, Anapa and Gelendzhik there is a shorter and more convenient road through Timashevsk and Slavyansk-on-Kuban.

The most dangerous section for traffic is the section from the entrance stele to the Rostov region from the Voronezh region to the entrance to the city of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky (~140 km). Here the road, when heavily congested, has 1 lane in each direction with large differences in elevation. Massive road works are being carried out and this is the cause of frequent accidents.

(100 km)
(209 km)
(390 km)
(420 km)
(470 km)
(680 km)
(873 km)
(1020 km)
(1079 km)
(1160 km)
(1280 km)
(1340 km)
(1352 km)
(1392 km)
Hot key
(1432 km)
(1487 km)
(1514 km)
(1544 km)

The M4 - Don highway has a length of 1543.7 km and connects Moscow and Novorossiysk. Initially, the road had only two lanes for vehicle traffic, and the lanes were not separated from each other by protective barriers, which led to a large number of accidents, most often fatal. As a result, the route was called the road of death.

The construction time of the route is not precisely recorded, because... it was built from existing sites, but the date 1957-1961 is more common than others, and it is taken as the time of creation of the road.

In 1984, construction began on a traffic-light-free road backup in the Moscow region. By 1990, two launch complexes were built and put into operation in the Domodedovo district of the Moscow region with a length of 18.4 km.

After the collapse of the USSR in December 1991, the highway was included by the Russian government in the list of federal roads, receiving its modern name. At the same time, it was extended by almost 500 km by adding a section to it former route Rostov-on-Don - Beslan - Baku from Rostov-on-Don to Pavlovskaya, Pavlovskaya - Krasnodar, Krasnodar - Dzhubga roads, as well as a section of the former Sukhumi highway from Novorossiysk to Dzhubga.

In 1997, active construction of a road backup in the Moscow region was resumed, which made it possible to commission 72 km of road with 4 to 8 lanes in 1999, and another 63 km in the Moscow and Tula regions in 2000. As a result, the current route of the Don highway is a continuation of Lipetskaya Street in Moscow. The former route - the old Kashirskoye Highway has lost its former significance and serves mainly for regional transportation, as well as to bypass traffic jams that appear on the Don highway due to repairs or accidents.

In the 2000s, the reconstruction of the highway along its entire length continued, as a result of which most of The roads received separate carriageways and multi-level intersections with other roads, and the length of sections with artificial lighting increased. Bypasses of Bogoroditsk (2009), Verkhniy Mamon (including a new bridge over the Don, 2009), Boguchar (2009), Efremov (2010), Yelets (including a new bridge over Bystraya Sosna, 2011), Yarkin (2011), Tarasovsky (2013) were built ) and other settlements, the Voronezh bypass was reconstructed (2013).

IN summer time the road is often overloaded due to the large number of vacationers traveling in cars with families from Moscow and other major cities on Black Sea coast Caucasus, to other favorable recreation areas of the Rostov region, Stavropol and Krasnodar territories, Crimea, as well as because of trucks exporting agricultural products from southern regions Russia to Moscow, St. Petersburg and other regions for implementation. Significant traffic jams occur during repair work in the Voronezh and Rostov regions, as well as on a two-lane section of the road in the south of the Voronezh region.

Traffic jams also periodically occur in front of toll booths on the toll section in the Moscow region (48-71st km).

IN winter time During bad weather, problems with driving along the mountainous section of the road in the Krasnodar Territory are possible. But sometimes, due to snowfalls and ice, problems arise in flat areas: for example, at the end of 2009, traffic was paralyzed for several days on an unreconstructed section of the road in the Rostov region due to heavy snowfalls.

The main traffic jam-forming places are narrowings from 2+2 to 1+1, for example, at the beginning of the narrow Losevo-Pavlovsk section. There is also a traffic jam around the village of Loseva, where the 1+1 road is slowed down by a zebra crossing in the center of the village. There are similar places in the area of ​​Rostov-on-Don (narrow bridges and exits near the Mega shopping center and the city of Bataysk) and in the area of ​​Krasnodar (narrow bridge and exit at the junction of the Rostov highway).

In general, the M4 highway today has the largest number of toll points and their number will grow in the near future.

When leaving Moscow towards Novorossiysk, do not forget to stop at our technical station. service and check the car. Confidence in the health of your car is the key to the health of you and your passengers.

Due to the high traffic on the route in the summer, we ask you to sign up for maintenance in advance. inspection and repair.


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